Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Mar 1915, p. 6

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There is no knack in securing perfect results; just `pour in all the liquids. then the our and turn the 1mm- dle for three minutes. . Use any yeast, flour or recipe that you are accustomed to and notice how much better the bread` will be than when made by the old- fashioned hand method. The UNIVERSAL way is an easier, quicker and cleaner way of doing the work. Let us demonstrate the simplicity and convenience of the UNIVERSAL Bread Maker Increase Your L we Stock LOOK Fonmxs 'l RADE_M.\RK. II I. iI"z'5 . . .119.4o .-121.81 AT THE 5 POINTS HARDWARE U NEVER SAL `Owen Sou-nld, was nu-u.` A J Bread Maker , ____ ....- UL uucac maple I0O(1S -Hungary as shown by the fo11owing:- CORRESPONDENCE } thpir Old-Fashioned Cm V...b...,.. - The plaintiff bouiglrt 14 lots from the .Boulevard 'I`I0if._l`l1ts '(`n111pa_n3. of 'WhlC`l1 D. S. Mc("11t.(:l1o:m is president, and the court held that lbeeausve t4he.p1an was not rcgri. |_when the lots were isolgl under agreement of sale. plainti-if is en` titled to recover the sum of $4,500 he `had; `paid; on them. 'FL.:,. :1. -.'-, ngv 1nI.I\.L_ 1.115111. L11]. Ulllll. This decision will `be taken ` the Privy Council. Judgment of Impoztance T4 Alluerta I _ Realty -Specu-1Iat.or;< VA _jud=g'1nen.t of ilnportum-o to real es'ta`tze men and sbtxyers of pro- perty in Alberta `on ug'rem1wnt of `saIle a*f'ter February 16. 191; . has ,been given to the supreme vuurt at | C~a1~g'ary. l T`L - ' 1 ' .-nn 1 ll . =Mrr. Darroch. _ president of Co}- Hingvwood Board of Trade: Mr. BL P." iByrns, chairman Tran. rtrion Committee of the Collinrzwoai l'Board of Trade; Mr. Bruce Hamil- ,-ton and `Mr. J. G. Mitcl1o1l, of O1arksburg; Mr. Elias Lvmon. qpresident `Owen Sound Board of Trade, , and Mr. Menzies. Sim-retar: Owen Sound `Board of Trade. Inade |11p. the deputaon. iENTI DLED T-O, MONEY BACKI ---pension LLIVUIIIU U1 \.tLllla-`Ja- fllolzvthe It would be a great service to the Empire, and this isithe year in which to do it. - v--.- nrv Aulovu U] 65" least "Bne-third. That` in itself would add at least $150,000,000 to the annual income of Canada `aws. LL- 2-...-- O cmnL s15,noo,u_uu % nesmve runn, $13,500,000. 'ed should get Vtogevher and try and -work out some scheme `between them -and then` come "back with: gconcrebe proposi-tifon to lay be-`fm-e i t`h I M igister. ` ' _ l""*VIlVAIo L1. 61 canon. .care in the selection of seed, m?'_th0I0ugh cultivation, fer- tmhna better drainage`, the "9330 could be raised by at ]Qf`nn:Ll-lnlgul II\1.-;. 2.. 2.__u: By possible is meant the actual resultswhich have been obtained by our Experimental Farms and byi,-".1'nany farmers. These possibles have been obtained under intensive culti- vation methods and conditions not altogether possible on the average farm, yet they suggest the great possibilities of in- creased production. By greater BQIA 8- 4.1.. ...|_.-- share in preventing ivann ' ~`1*1=;IItmsDAY, MEAROII of Ayriqulture. Mix and Knead You, Bread in Three Minute`, 5 staple foods from Accounts may beppened at every branch" ofThe Canadian Bank .Com4_merce to be operated by mail, ` and will receive` the same a1;eful' attention as is given to all other` departments of the Bank s lfsiness. Money may be deposited i or withdrawn in this way -as itisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. 524. to H3, E01`: 11334 <*nt_. >ril|}_ 3:: 0R2WN\iLL lilllg-(. * 7.1"! `M :11`? l`1 11'1"! coll goin foun the y It s told b1e' N`| BANKING BY MAIL autk Fe? need yet- well 1:551 BARRIE B_R_ANCH: `, -4-.-avAL5 -(JLLLL 11.1%- making V is 12hej' of `rhe day. around here. . . . . Tlhe friends and` neighbors -of Mr. and Mrs. John` .H-alit and `family agsgrpblled at their V lhujghb 11030:" .Du:.-lg... __`-. -4 - JJCLA J. .[`4_'.I1 , -Feb, 27th.--M'r. Harvy Atohis-on `and -two '1it'2t11e chil1d:ren of Tm-qn17o~ vis/inbed Mr. and -Mrs. John Cun- ning`ham -d'u;ring rthe past week. . Some of our people ` `amended the sale at Mr. Wm. -Sc:hm:irtendlorf s- art . hompson-v.irl;l-e o-n Friduay last, and report a large crowd" -and big! prices. ' . -Mr. Wm. MIcKnig~ht of Barrie` 7.-1'A's`i1:ed `his pm-en)t_s, Mr.` ' an!dJ Mrs, J as`. ZMGK-night, of IBax`ter. .'. Mr. I =uzrohase s -' sa-e," wh.ic:h was to _take_` `place last week, was po's17ponedj to- }Ma,-rdh ;3rd. . . Qu.-iltizig and` r1113,-` T_ ` Airing -- 1-- A special Vestry meeting was held in -St. Th_omas Ohurch, Shanrty Bay, on Wednesday evening, Feb; 24th, at 8 o clock._ Mr. Geo. R.-aikes ~pra9e'11t9d :21 plan of the Glebe lots, which was -appro'\_*AedV, `and: Sign-e d by -the rector, Rev.` C. K. Borume, and warde11's.- Mr. vArhur Pet-r- son was eappoi11rted- R_eot0r ~s `Var- den. ` - " 'vv'L|lL.l. um; -uuusur, '.LY1llb"S 11111116 `UU11:I)`l land, Sith Lli-ne. Miss- Jean Hiclcli-n-g spent the weekend wimh her fnierid, Miss Ervelyn Bret-t,. i-n Barrvi-e. . Mrs. H; PraJt t_ moved her .househo`1d eff-ects last week to Bairrie, * where she purchased ` a house some time 0'.o. . .. . Rlemem-T her `the concent to be held in the. s:dhbo1_ house on !Marc h - 17 11h._ A good jirognamme is being arranged, for. ' " - _......u .4 v .l.JkJ'.L` .I.vA1. 'MarGhV 1st.---sM~aroh came `in more like `a `luamlb `tran a lion tbhis year. VHop=e it goes out in like manner.. . Mr. Halrry C?h'appe1 et a few. days galgjo for a- trip out West. May every good fortune attend Harry while travelii-'ng saver the .rpra:ir1'es._. . Miss F.`e,r from {near Gren- fel, has been tspen-ding seve_r.a'1~ days v1w-ith her uoou_s-in-, Miss Annie `Coup- ' -Mrs. i'Oda.`i=r incl `Miss Darrachv -of Tor.ovn`to .-v4is.?zt'ed friends. here i1~eoernt- (ly. . . _'M-r. and -Miiss Lundy of Newmaket are the guests .of_ their uondle, _'Mr. W. 'O3.I'I'1JJthI'S. . VMT. Carl '_I`hovmpson -of Tmonto is -home] on the sick list. . .. . M-iss Perkins of Sutayner spen-t Sunday at Mr. Burrows. . ..; [M12 J. A ; Mbir dis ` spending -a couple` -of weeks -among` fnienclis -at Bla-ckwafoer -and Sund'er-. [1-aznd. . . .. "Dhe Bible {Class inrtend thol-ding a soci'al evening aft rtzho Vho-me of Mr. P. -Giffens on Thurs- tlav *r\.;rd1'I+ uvu 1.1.1`; UL AU day night." -L: Manager. eWe o -er T :On-e ' Hundred D01-larsj _ Rewarci for any case `of ' 'Ca/carrh that cann-ot be "cured by H-al'1 s -Ca: tarrh _ Cure. T F. J . Cheney & Clo, Toledo, 0. :We the "undersi~g'.ned have known` F. J. Cheney for the last 15. years, ` {and "believe him per`ect1y' V honorable in all business` 17aAnsac,t1i:o11s and '.hnanci`a1_1y able to carry out any Obligations made [by his rm. A ' T N ati-onacl Bank of Commerce, 4 . _ .T-oled-0, O. Ha1 l s `Cata_rrh Cure is taken in- System. 'T.estim-oniau1s sent free. Price 75 eents per `bottle. Sold by * all 'Dru-ggists. ` ' 1'1-l'_A 1'1-_-'1, 1-1 -1 -`--no 77T1e Hall -s Family Pills for eonstipa-ti-on. --- vL4\/ W... 1109. ..... uurc xrusu Oi-ce has been closed in rtzhis pilwce and is a big loss to many. . . Mjiss Vera -Baldlw-`in is spendn-gt a few H `days? with Mrs. J-olhn nS.pence._ far as the programm `was -concern-` ed, lbtrt the crowd! wvas'.sma1l. . .0111- skaxti-ng nihxk is about closed` T for this year. ~A `large , cmwd spent- Monday evening skating in. Mr._ ;Wm. C`0.ulter rs elds, and report :9. {good time. . . Mrs. mas. White is on the [sick Fist. Post 4.1510 --jDeaa' { CANADIANBANK OF COMMERCE :SUNNID~ALE CORNERS 7-th LI-NE VrESPRA Ts.1~1`A;Nf1Y J BAY H0`W*.s Ti_TI-HS? BAX I:r1:1.:I{ _, v-v .vv-A-I-.9 . D}! `I Q m we ramnr We ;he%@1ea%r'tfe1t srm- wem % W % ;.vI-yalbhy of `the c`ommun_1ty.. A. ._; . '1 1he!V,7?1(tliOud;V `sxn1e ?;_ -g1ven the "Busy Young `5p96t;'%'f;nd`;.g ' ;1ye;hc:das%tv 4&xe1r1 4: ,-_u. Form IV; Sr.--Greta.v .-Snider, Oarrie aCh1'.ktie, fM}inn'ie Ellsmere, A Ernest XV*Ia&a111s, . Jim Fraser, Laura Christie, -Elsie Christie, Rdbertt Greaves, . Arthur Javry, *La.v=i'Ia. `Spence. ` For-me IV., J.r.--I-1`er1,e.r(`Jhristie,e P-earl .Wfhaicte. Eddie eE1=1s:ier.r ma:n,. *7A!I1daers9ii` - .| - % L GRMGHURST -Sch-ool -repont fo the ': Feb'rua:ry :" - `Emu-nu ' 1 - 'lS.u5ncIay, 71th sing, 11' am. Vespra, 7 ,S`tro-ther, Reoto. 0 9 uva.LLv ` I regwlnarly cfor -pra-etioe, and albh-ougih .thvee of the members are at the :front, severagl ohers have joined* to take their pl-aces. The assistance clarinet, is mu-c;:_h ap:p=reci.atedJ.; I `*`*`* Themhchoir of -St. P~au1 s meets` of Mr. `Ernest Oarr, who plays 11he- qly scanned `by people -0f_I1i:s .nei,g1h- ....\. ;.uu\.u.u lb U0 '08 (01.9. `and when rbhese. young men go mm] action tlhe despaxtc-hes will be eager- borhood.` % _ l.L\ . tended service here in -the past, are ` in trainIi-ng or. have gone to the o _ the 2nd Contingent A I I.A\I.IJ.\l1LbIrJ: 15.111 Ullcult 4 `Perhaps no congregat1on of the: size in either urban or "rural com- - mnnities has such a direct inter- est in the War as has St. P~au'1 s-, Pa1insnwick.- Nine of her members who have been b1`011'g`hst up or at- I I front. - Geo. Richardson, Harry Webb and` Geo.. `Montgomery and reeently .Harold` Knowles are `With b at Toronto; Robert W?h.itew`ood`, wth-o serveda in South Africa, is ;vviith the Light Horse in Africa; Harry `and Dal- ton Lemrox are with the Ligih-t_ .Horse .a:t Cwalgatry; S. L. H-arching` is with the R-0rya'1 Fusiliers in Fra.nce_ and W_i?l?fri-dr Johnston in France with the 1s andf Arthur Yates .o;f. .S.1;_ P31-,er s Church is with the 3rd Contingent. The record is one to the proud `of, N. 111{] T`lY}I.l1n rlnagm -`.`.n......_ .._-. i I is_ t V `C-`0nting*ent; V a |A?'.te '?w2{s" s1a EiTme$Eing `closed with prayer, followed by the National Anthem. - A_ '7 _ ] _- uuuuuuu usunsxpxoa - .L`JJ.U .lJ'U'].'[:ur5` 9 Dept. had sent an `outfit for a `boy 3 at the Indian School at Le Pays, , Man, besidles sending a omisce1Lan- ' eons bae of second-hand clothing. A The Treasurer reported $63 .-as the proceeds of the year. A pleasing feature of the meeting was . the recognition of -the valwahles services of Rdbert Carr, who had` lbeen treasurer for `a "number. of years. Mr. A and -Mrs. Cnarr `ave , removing` to Barrie,` and the Rector voiced the reg'rebS_ of the society and the! congregaltieon at large on their de-II partu re," but was glad to be assured lthm they would [still make 4- St.` Pnau1 s their church home." Officers .e'lec.ted f-or the ensuing. year were: Pres., M-rs. J. W. Perr .; 1st Vice,5 Mrs. W. J . Leonard}; 2nd Vice, j Mrs. John Lennox; Rec. Sec., Miss ~ Ea-nny Q =Sm'ith; Cor. Sec;, Miss` .j Ross; Tpeas., Mrs. `Caslder; Dorcas ] Sec-.,-A Mrs.` Frank Rxiclh; .Sec. Balby -s 4 Branch, Mrs. L-. -Guest; Delegates .1 to `Annual Diocesan Meeting, Mrs. Perry, -Mrs. W-m`. Nigihtingvale and Mrs. F J'0!bbit7ts;` substitutes, -Mrs. Albert `R Pturviisr -sand` M}iss Ross.` 'AL4.-_. ;__;` DADSTON Mar. 2nd.--T-he mild ,_wea:t-helf of last week :has let /dhe -ro~adIs'Vtin a very dangerous ootndfiition. . .. . Our telaeph-on-e men have abouit _ com- pleted their `wOrk- on the line. _:. Mrs. D.ay.`msan of _'Dorqnto is vis- 1tiI1fg,` at the Parsonage. f7SIa_n/derson `is _vwis`ith;g otliher; _ Mrs . R_.- Toye,AV-at.;;presen;` The` funeral. Of" ..t he " Wm. Neve ';.51 ~1a-tegaly - 4' . V-Montdtay. 2 ' `Ptj g1`Ve ' t ;The4;Vfamy%.heana1t% sym'- * The `annual meeting` of the of M.=S.C.!C. of Set. Piau`l s Church,- `Innisl, was `held! at the rectory on _Fbru=a'-ry 174th. {The Rector, `Rev. J. W. Perrv; condiueoted devotional services Aand -afterwards presided. There `was _a good` attendance, abowt 25 ibillg present. The secre- rtary s report showed that there were 48 `members on Ith-e roll; (that 44: letter leaets had been taken, and t\ha.t the following nsupsplies had been maadie for the Red `Cross: 101 shirts, 10 pairs m.i'ttens, 24 pairs socks, 5 ' sca.rfS, 2 clhsolera belts, and 24 *hand=kercheiefs. -The Dorcas 1\......L L .. J. .._-_- L , -, cuuueotea wuvn um, camel gwe ask you, Miss Eva `Ho-1c, to V accept *t1hi_s Biube,, tr1rst'ing you Twi`1|1 study it well. We also ask you, Melcvimle, to accept this B.i1b1-e, hoping you will read it oten and o\bey its laws. Sgnedi on behalf of you-r` .f1*i`ends- and neighbors, W. J. Glauley, Ormie 'AIV`u:x-nlbul-1. I ' M %SToci!a{ted"ivvioh:7us as'f;`aa.Ghi.'1d 38 "3103, _' and" a` ,m a`n-. ` Your 'fa:t1`e1;,y who was 9:: fhig'=h1y citizen,` was `one of the _`Ioyanl_[ pioneers of this 511306,: vatnid you have ever ;,p.1-oved yourself a} neiiglhlbor and!" '3.` kind: friend. assured that ourr wanmest "sym- - 'Da'h.y' and fk-inndest wiilshes go r you wherever you go, - and we all h join in Wish.'i-n-g. you many "happy years "f h'ea1rt.h and - prosperity `in your new home. Your framicl-y are now. widely searttered, some in this province, some in the West. You wre `rtlhe last -170` eave rthe _-scenes of your and now, wirhhourt saying anything` further cin mere rwuords, weyawoud -end-eswor 170 show our feeling towards you by asking Mrs, H011: to accept from us this `silver sugar "bOiWi]. spoons, hop- ng fhaat lirt may be- an embem of ` our Warmest friendship nbowvardks her.- We also ask you, '.M-r. Hollt. to" aoceplt this gold watch dhasin and locket as -a rfurther token of -our 3 esteem, -ho'p`i'ng harl: pleasant mem- i ories and Ia'ssocia'tions will ever be 3 connected with tilt, and: we ask ` -linn -D--- .TT-1.L L , ' , A --1 ' PA} PARISH OF IN-NTES-EIL `Mtaurah, 1915.---Mine- . Midhulrst, 3 :p.m.; p.m.--'Rev. . A1-thulj OF VE:SPRA`_ AMIJIJJ V _ lie Hart, Olxanenoe ,1HE .N7bRT;H"ERN ADVANCE u; u.u.U uuvuuvuuubu '\/luuluu. wuu ll'U.I!Ll a parilorw socibgl at r_t_h'e home -of Fned Wice on Friday-. evening` next. A rpleasant ev'enzi-nxg; expected`. Ad- m'issi=on 15 and: 10 cents; Proceeds in atid of S-und-ay Schotol. . . 'M1's. Peanoook land bmoxbher, -Mr. A. Hick- ling, visited . Jfriends at` Mianesinge `last week. '. . . . Mr. Richardson .EIdIenva]:e preachezi [in the Methodist Church on Sunciay afternoon. . . . . Mr. E. C. Drru-ry and` Mr. Flielding were in Toronibo last Iwe_e`k., . . The Worm_a)n s_Ine`mixt11:'te_wi]s1 meet. at the home Mrs. Fieldpg on Tuesday, Maren 79th. Mme. W. E. Pgtlvidgve. a:1sb give -a paper; `the `month 4 of jo o =SiH`A1N-TY B-A-Y ` (Too 1va.1;e, for. {last Week) `A {V Feb. 23rd5.--4M-iss Moore of Toron- to -is visiting l\I'rs; E. V; VVi~1s`0n. . . `Miss -Caonstvable of Ban-ie_ is visit- ing her aunt, `Mrs. J. vSan-derson.. . pro-g;-ressing. very rapidly. . . . . The Tipperary 'C1uJb had .a very enjoy.- vable time at Itheir last meeting` at Glad to report Mrs. A. Hwbbert is" their 0'0-usin, Mi.ss_ Dean. . .. . Mrs. Cole `of North Bay was the guest of `hr friend, -Miss N. Shanahan, reoe_nty. . .. . Mr. and Mrs. I. Mc- {Master of Grenfel spen-t the of the Week with the former s cousin, Mr. V-`V. R. Best. _------ -vvuuu:,_y mu." u.UUUU_I1l3 OI Enel dea`bl1- of his father, returned: to: -the ~West this Week. . .. . "Misses El and O. P-atterson were in. Toronto `last. week a'ttendJing- the funeral of Miss ma- -,.c v 1\r-..m- n: . EDGAR ' (Toowilate for `last `W-euek) A Feb. 2211-d-. --~'Mr. and! "Mrs. J 03. Hewitt returned this week from a visit with iriends at Blyth. . .. -Mr. A. 'Add4'ison,`-wIh'ov was called home recentlry on- account of the` Hmmh. M` 11;: can.-- 1 - . I I I ! 1 . v I 3 with friends _ V ~ Bruce of Torontio `is v1s1'ting' ya..-`- (Too late` `fer 1as\t. week) Mliss Ralston "spent the week-and . in Onilliua. Mrs. her ' father, J-os. Orchard, Sr., and other i relatives here. a returned from a `short ~ Mr. Thom, ` mi-nisber, `preaclhed very r ! !vBushe11, whose ather `died recently in Toronto." . . Miss Russell has visit with . Rev. -new Presbyterian accepmably last Sunday. . .. . `Miss Rose Stokes is stayng with friends in Toronto. . _`MiSS Jean Knapp . is wisivbing her Ibrother and family in Allan-' da1e.. .' `Miss `Maggie N ey is spend- ing some mime in Mid-1`and. . .Mudh sympathy is felt for Rev. Mr. Mrs. Graham, Edenvale. the .._uwuu \J'CM|lLl'\-ll-N11: . .. -,'L)1. 1.1.--'_'.I`J135' King, OrvIa`1 Gaillhoun. . . Jr. II.- Pilrilip Hopkins, Alberldieen Todd, Harvey ~Srbew1a;r1t, Loretta Ca1p'is- `W:i=lIie. `Lawson, Miilston Gill, Johnny Tucker," CPI-ara Gail], VBen=n5ie Corn- nors-. . .. Q Primer (a)~+Howard Hopkins`, . Dloyd King, !Ceail. H1m7'ch- :i?n-son, tArnn-'ie Potter, CRix =SteWart, ,Vernve Todd. P-r.imer ' (lb)- |G4areI1d Sa1=1ow:<, . Edna sa.1.1ows,| Mary Potter, J immie ' 7HopkI'in~s, Clarence Tucker, M-arie 'CapIist~ran~d. Peri-mer (at)----Ellen Sa-lows, Bolbliy Po't\ter, -George Danwlson, :M-arven T{'0Ip:k.inS.` . . . . Averavge Iabendanceu for monrth -M. Brooks, 'Tea-oher. A '-trand, Johnny .Larw!son. . . Sr. `I.--' .puu-.v\.-4.- yo ly , JJHIDLU In my; _ .. .. . Jr. `U I leen 'S'tewart, Ellza C'a:Iuh'0un. L` . . I. {`i..:'IL.-..-.. nu uyu, 12.131 U ~_-Ve1ma IC.u rtis -I-lll\I"`]\JA \J'LJ.'L. n 9 o 9 kJl.o _Lj__L.j'_Luu'3HU1 Todid, Gila-dys ` H-opkins, -Malcolm] M`ac-Kay, *EJ:1a *Caa1lhou'n, Elsie Greg-` t`u1Irr- T`. T73 __ TTT 17 .1 _. - Mar. 1531:.-F-'-:Im`-`A:dwpit"1`3`itb1\e Glass of tfhg ;Me111};o:iiist 'C:hu"rc|h W'vi` holldz n 51:- % Swc:}1=oo`1'fw \;'<-a-_1')<`)u.11'1: "i:*or--h:onth of Febrwa:ry:+-iSr. IV.---Erc!iI- `Todd,- |D1:ovyd; ."Sr._ 111.--Rms`se1[ T'.__`I-J rm- 1-. ,. -Ir. `I \l'\J.L.I. '&l-LL1.l'L4I.L\.l1`LJ\.I.lLI % Diev. II.--Miay Sinmmersoh, TomA Hodg~sc'>n,- Glare 'B e1.1e, Urvon Cb-ok. -Div. III.--E12hel. Altkinson, Blanche Morri~son,_ Dorothy Craig, Wafter*_ I:nnis, ,_Grace Hill, AVera Glennie,`o11, Willie G.reaves,. Evnevtt Belle. . `:_ TTT .1311- .11 01:--- _,, - ,...._ ;'I'YT`!1 I . ` Primer T _ ` Div. I.--Be1-.t Ellsmere, ;M-auirioe Readman, Margaret Binnie, Ger`-_. dog _S.immerson. A no .` rn `Jr. U-LID.#J-`-VJV.I{a;tie -Caa; _ves, Berdiectnl 'Da=les. A ` ` j ' . 1\ 0 [wereLa:bIse x1t_-at time -of, examina- tion.) Average -a-ttendla-Vn'ce 24. ` . J uni-or Room ` 1 Jr. II.~-IMa_ry Ellsmere, Violet :Bu:rtch, George Greaves, A-bhur Snider, George` "Hod-g-sop, Do:-is_ Simmerson. 7 -' 3 `1'\ 1' ,1, nu win I \l\J,' .14 V`\.Il.`\.l|ll.l .I-I`JI.L\JO `Div. Ij7.-_-1E1zhd1- =Simmen9on `Wi-1-I . now, in the. _ _ result of the war. Great Britain ' is lookingxto Can da to supply Average Imports Years 1910-1913 Wheat . . . . . . . 28,439,609 bush. Oats... . . . . . . 23,586,304 - Barley.. . . . 15,192,268 Corn. : . . . . . . 7,621,374 Peas . . . . . . . . 703,058 Beans . . . . . . . 689,653 Potatoes. . . . . 4,721,590 0nions..._... 271,669 r Meat. . . .. 826,509,766 lbs`. Eggs. . . . . .' _. .121,112,916 doz. Butter and ` " ' . Cheese. . . 91,765,233 lbs. , V The above mentioned sources ' of supply of staple foods are ` mam , cut of as " offth shortag, . gveuryg eindiviual.fa1:ner has ea duty; tojrperfortn. ; _- I _i ' Millions of bushels rather than millions of acres should be Canada s aim. -That there is abundant reason to expect larger returns from the same area is conclusively shown . when we 'compare the Ian Wheat... .. 20.43 52. Spring Wheat... 14.84 33. .IBarl_ey . . . . 16.1 69. Oats... . . .. 36. 91. Corn, Grain. . ; . 70. 200. com Ensilage-- - ' _ -(Tons).=`...... 19. " ~19. . Peas, . . . . . . . 15.83 37. Beans. .. . . . . . .. 18.79 50. ` .Potatoe's.... . . I 450. 'l`urnins..-. _ .-421.111 man By poss resul b] vation met]: altogetl fan the great ' creased pr0( .care in more` thorot A , b `average cou least` one-th would a amine from the fa: service _.*S ITURG{E()N BAY yuan`; u.u.' aUUULl_11la UI 3119' to: '1 r. SHIANTY B~AjY Mar._1s _c.--LMr. VV. J. Pue return- ed: after -speendling -21 -short time wiimh friends in 'Pe1terTbm'-ougwh. .. Mr. S. i Hart is vnsijbi-nfg fxiirend-s Aa-rovund here. . -Born-_--To Mr. and; Mrs. "W. Goulter, on Feb. 261311, "a son... The concert` `held in the Sons -of `Temperance Hall `by he VV.I. was qu.i:be a ` success, alxthougih -the wealher was no.t- very fav_ovazb1ve. There are ' a lot of new ' h-ou-ses go-_ ing u-p here this summer. Canadian % Department V of For information aqd bullctihn writeio -MI_N'ESI'NIG` ' .-lIVLL'l\/ LB V15I.L' vSa.n-derson.. is` V .. - hir 190+ Ynnn`-:.a-. a-L PATRIOTISM.rLc1 PRODUCTION u.'u\: uuV.7u.|OC.l.VUb 01 A we `oountgr `roads sysitem, `under which the 'Grove_rnm-ent prays 0ne-third_. It was also suggested that the towns "and townships directly aEecst- , ...... 4AALlo I A large dteputation `from `Owens Sound, `Meaford and `Collingfwood, supported by Hon. I. B. Lucas. Hon. James Duff and Mr. C. S. Cameron, M.-P.P., North Grey, waited on Hvon. Fpinliay `G. Mac-, diarmid`, Min`is' of 'Pul1)'1ic Works,| on `Friday, rto ask for G'0ver1nnent assistance in the construction of a road 45 miles in lengbh, `the three ` toiw-ns and` skirting Georgian `Bay. The A" Wiinister of`; 1:u:b1`ic Work_s suggested that they! - 3.........: M THORNTON . `Much 1st.--Mr. `J. .'LyonisH has sold his. vIii|:1age property here to ' Mrs; J. R. Bqa-nt'i.n'ag of Ivy, and he moves back to his arm this `Week and Mrs. B-anlting moves here in' the near icfurbure. . . . . Allli-oe Bil-aok-stock has rented! her house to a Russian family consisting of a mother, daughter and -son. . . . .. . . "Mr. Her-"b. is lgai,-cl up Wlhi pnetnmonia and Dr. `Li-tle of Bar- . rise is -a'btend*in=g llrim. . . . . The new Waterbury heating system installed: in our school reoenitly is .a great `improvement -over the old method} of heating. . . . . Mr. Sam Ell5iotxt' has purchased!` Mr. Howard B-ant-3 {in-g as farm near Ivy and . Mr. Banring, it is understood, is about to move to the old homestead. M.-rs. .-Coxworth is soon to move into Barrie. . . . . The ' fourqaxot drama Unole J aoshuta, presented {by .- -Mr. Milligan 'on .1foe_24th -in the . Orange H:a1ll~ was well done consi!d- _" erirng he fact that all those `who .~ took part, with Vrthe exoepthion of `Mr. M|i1li1g1an,Vlbe'lIonged to this vill- " Mr. , Sam Naliglxe on the vio- lin. and accompanied by Mrs. Dick- son. on he organ -certainly %qwi1t- - _ted th-emselves credlitalbtly. Mr. 'Mi1l`lijg3a-n has 7been on the road sinsc-e .` "187 9. . .. . Miss Laura Isioyethes Oif `Toronto visited friends here recent- A ly. . . . . Mr. W. King of Toronto visited his uncle, Mr. J ames Hy- land, {Last Week. . . . . Mrs. Bert `Chlaxplin has returned Ito her home in Ori.lli<.a, arter spsenu-mg -a pleas- ant hol- id%ay with friends here, Her famher, rrr`. `Ailex. Stewa-rt, acc'ocm- rpmried: (her. . .. . Mrs. -S. R. Brown was at. home to a few of her friends last Friday evening. .. . . . -Mrs. Bettrijdlge, we are rpllea.Sed' to report. is . getting `better and we- hope to see her able to T be around again soon. . .. . P1-eased! to see .Mrs. Russel Griffen out agaizn. . . . . Rev. V Mr. Lemon, a student of W,ve{l=ie- -'0-ollllege, --prewdhed in St. J ude s here last Sta-bfbzalbh. `. .. . Mr`. Wm. `Fletcher, Oivil Engineer, is visiting friends here. . . . . The Rev. Mr. Dunlop emohvanged puilip:i`ts rwirth the Rev. Mr. St. John of Bolton `last Saibbath. The Rev. Mr. iSst. Jiahn -was pastor of this place a few years ago. In the evening the text was (taken. from the lxxlili Pstalnne and the 8th verse: He shall] have do- minion all-so from `sea to -sea, and rfrom the river unto the ends of the earth, and as the text suggests was _a missi`r:o11`a.ry sermon. ' .5. guullu I should IPROBOSE A -NEW ROAD l % NDONG GEORGIAN BAY] EDepu`t;'artion _From Owen Sc I Meaford and Col-lingwood f Asks Aid. the home of Mr. A. Peterson. . ...' The S.F.C.,'..Guth'ria`e, was very en- joyably entertained at the home of Mr.` F. Dunsmore last ~Wednesday| ~nig1Lt. . . . . {Mn and Mrs. V-anNor-i man of Keswick called on Mr. andl `Mrs. J. Var11'NorLman. Mrs} Wiillett. of Barrie spent a few days with. Mrs. F1ahe1`ty_ last. week. . . . . Mr`. VV. Patterson is in our neig'11-' borhood again. . .. . The people are! getting their summer supply of ice] in `now. . 1: [ l H; H. OTTON & sow! ' .,..w.u5 awcx areto-day Canada s most a1 .ontstamjin f _L _ _v uable asset. The one % _ ~ g tum of the w"ld S farming as that there will soon be tn `I .5? `SW9 Your l_)reeding stock. Plan --_. _-- v `r I-\I\rl3 . _ . _ V . A Canada most valuable :o1gtsta.nding featuxfe. of: w V A orld is wil qgreat shortage of meat sup lies." Save breeding sto< to mcteasey utope and the United States. 1 Cnnndn_.wil mm 1.a..1.-- -.s-- -e - - Av Fall Wheat. . . . Barley . . '. . . Oats.....`...`... Corn ' (Tons); . . . . .` vcn won |.JALG.l C ALI. .tain from suffering ivafnvt or privation. HON. MARTIN BURRELL, Minister Ag ..m.....u auu htilfhlll -__.- . g u1"Bay. of 1 Works they ' avail themselves of the which vnrn TYIJJYL 4- an -~ - :0 oooboooooogodooooooog

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