200 Men s Fine Hats, in an -1at;.est 4,.-1... shapes. Regular $1.30 to $3.00. Your _ choice during the re sale . .. . . . 1 Men s Hats. Regular $1.50 and, $2.(m_ for.... . . . . .. Men s. Caps. Regular $1.00 and; $1.23. _ choice _ during the Fire Sale for a`1ot' of Boys Overcoats, `all s~iz Price $3.50. Fire Sale Price .. .1. VVIELI I uPrice $3.50. ye}?! Laces and Embroideries Raincoats will go for Men s Clothing Hats and gaps Suits, sizes '3 to . \ Fire `Sale Price- Men s Pnts? _ -_..-- -.....-... vg. ..n.uvc.uuu.lU 1'3 Wlllxll this bratiher, `Mr. `Tchos. V_ Hikl, who has been `seriously ill]-, bufc,V we are pl-eassed} to `report, is -now oonval- scenrt. Chefvband -sren`-aki`ed Mr. T. 0. Craig on Tuiesday even- ing and` spent a` very "enjoyable `bime. . Mr. Henry Wulsej of St. Owthamines was in -this villiage -al few ' antuxir V I 1`-~ T` MA-ROH Euits with Sailor Col-1211-.~. nicely trimmed. Reg'11]:11' fanlg Price . . . new and up to d-an-. in arge, all sxzes. Regular .00. Fire Sa'1e ifor. Raincoats 300oooooooouooouooooou: ` (-See also Page 6)` '0RA1I'G1HUR1sf1` % "\r and $1.00 , all 5 zes. t11i~ Regal :1 r ,Reg`ul:11' Q51 IN) .25 Regu I 21 1' %.1o 1.".)'$ T95 2.19 1.19 ~Mar. 'H(A)Idlgso'n i-s viisi-ting`. Inel`aJtives. in Toronto. A. . . . Mr. John Hill of ~. Peteboro i-s with 11.3.. I,,,,n'l "`S6 3:95 9.9S 4th .1 um M CORRESPONDENCE LEF-RJOY `$1, .9f1e I|'~"-"" - \ -In entering upon ._bh,e. .campaign _ in which -it `is ,norw. engaged, {the i Department of .`Agricu`rl-t1_1r.e of the `Dominion has enitered upon a task that. eshou'1@.' g", `untold . 03} ' `C '. ' 'Eth8lh5 ~"_ =` e DE-AL FOR 'BIEE~'.DO/N ` -HJomEL FELL THROUGH The Beebon .WOI`1lds says :---W7h~at ,!has been an eyesore to many people in Beet`/on almost since the "adoption A of local option here was partially remedied this week. '[ The Queen s Hotel property changed hands for one clay. The purehas-er was Mr. Joe. Gignac, 9. man `of oonsideralble hotel experience in British Colum- b!i'a, who has recently been -liv- ` `ing tin: ";l~`6r0nto.' -W. W.1:;]llis|_. _ 10 f1_u'.......... -u----- 5- ~A 9 when men in millions have -been summoned from the paths of .in- ' dustry to -the i-rrferno- of destruc- tion; now, when :Br.ita:in is ghting for Be1!gium s right to live; now, [ when 'the ~world1 s1i'berties are at t stake; now, when Germany seeks , to prostrate 'Bri-bairn, even as she L has parostra-tecl Belgium; now, when - any 1:hneatens- `the -forty mil- , lion people of England, -Scotland, . Irele-nd and Wales with star-vatin; now, when he enemy is !bombard- _ ing peaeetfu.-I towns` and villages, slaughteri_ V innocent :and_ harmless ; women an_ ch-i1_d=ren; snow; _ when ; fertile, elds and fruitful} gardens ; of ot`he_'r -l'and"s are lying -in waste. ; and _sw.olle_n- with death; now, :-is the 4 . time yvhenf.e'Oanada` is called V upon to `put forth her mightiest eort to "help _ stem .-the , tide of `destruetion, to l;Pi o11l1e'_.-Etnp_i1~e and` to `prot 1her- s -........e.s U1. aupply are e1osed- n'0w,] -,l Patnrioti-sm withvont pj1~od.Iuc-tion is an empty sound. 'If ever there was a time `w-hey :by your deeds you are requuired to . 'be `known, it, is now. Now, -when the Empire `is at War; now, when `many of ttihe regular channels. of supply are closed; n'ow, - _ 11 : - - Inkoh 1-ntvn ---- -I 3 3 A Pm1`iRIOT.LSM ' % TION END` PRK)'DUC- -..b...,uu.u_;au xouc-why. ` V ISmxi1:h--A11s-l'ey.'---O:rdered that the- meeting nadciouurn -to meet at Eln- va*le on March 27th, at 10 o clock I.'lT| ' _ ___._ ...v .--.vua.u.vuvu: `NU `U'U' twin 200 copies for distriburtion. `Cough-1in-Ans|ey--Ordered .that a -gra-nt of $50.00 ibe made to Flos Ag`-ric=u'I=tura1 Soc.iety. ' " |.q.rn:11_, ,A--.,..T|..-_ n 1 ` 1 ' ISmi-th--Drrysd.arl!e--4Ordered that ' leave be grant/ed' to -introduce a by- ` law No. 731 to -authorize the pur- and 25, `Con. 8, .Towns`h'ip of 'Flos, for road` allowance. By-law intro- duced and read: a; -first, second and third time and passed. _ . By -laxwe "passed ' -appointing :pa.t h- ma-sbers, fencer viewers and; 3pound - keepers, also re 'by~la:w N 0. 724. A-n's1ey--`G'ou gh'1iin'--40r_dered: that the aud'itors report -be adopted and for lfwn-..n.1.1.'.. -A~--" ` ` ` ' chase of a {portion of lots No. 24. that -the clerk be -in-struete`d' vto -db- I I The foI0wi,ng ~aooou~nt's were pass- ed for payment: Wm. W-icklmn, l1au.'ling' g*r-avve`1,`s-.r. '20 and 21`, C011. 2, $12.00; T=l1os. :S'h'ana han, account for hauling gravel; `s.r. 10 and 11, Con. ,2, contract let 1914, $81.90; Alex. Li-ttle, for _-gravel, 7 0c; Alex.` Srtravh, for drawing 120 yds. gravel, $45.00; -C. E. `Copeland, for gravel, $6;70; Albert Priest, for bonus 40 rd-s. wire fence, $4.00; The Muninci-, pal World`, St. Thomas, for A-sst.~ Rolls, $11.50 ; Jno. Hall, servlices -asp arud'i~tor, $15.00; J 110. 'MoAuley, ser- vices as audIi*tor, ~$15.00; Amos. Train , to pay -Jae. Grifbbin ihausling gradier blade from 'Phelpst`/on rto; Hen-ry ICu1h'-arm, s, $2.00; P. A4; Couzgfhlin. cost sencd.-ing Henry, Wil- 1 mot to House of Refuge, `$1.35; J-oseph Archer, for; gravel, $12.00, 4 days. -work. lling gravel, 5.00, $17.00. V :5 Flos 'Coun:1cg`i`1.j met at Phelpston on. February 20th, -pursuant to ad-_ jourrnment, `A-1'1 members present. Minuvtes of `last meettin-g read and conrmed. ` 'Cu1h'-a:m A ! :.. ' mu 7* audIi`tor, % ` ' Ito {J -I rum` ,__\___ . ---.. . _,- -...., ;.......u`y uuau UVt:l1lI1g'- .111 the meantime Mr. Ellis had som of ` rvhe [el-a-be removed from the wtinrdiows and was having some other work done *before the arrival of Mn. -Gignac and his family, who were- expected he}-eT on Wednesday; '. Muh ' to `Mr. 'El*11e Ucha.'gr.in',~ he received` a. - telephone ' message -` from _ FLO,S CrOU-NCIL C. -S. BURTON,/ Clerk. DEVLIN & MURCHISON We have now in stock a large and varied assortment of all the latest materials in Ladies Suitings and-Dress Fabrics. The nice goods are scarce this year and it will be `wise to buy early as we cannot repeat on sold out lines. DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT Now omen FRlDAY&SATURDAY, MARCH 5-6 Come inand see his models. It, will be time well spent, and if you wish you, can have your measure taken by 3; high class tailor. Satisfaction Guaranteed ~MR. J; H. "`l`HAKAl-2`, a. representative from Coppley, Noyes and Randall,` will be with us showing a. full collection of Springfand Sum- mer Models and` Patterns for Made-to-Meas- ure' Suits and Overcoats, on (Miss Hunt in Charge) ; Apples, No. 1', `iuiiiti r, per `lb. . .` . . Butter, by the basket Oh-i'cken. dressed, U`: u-;uuIuL'L1UIl'_]S l11_ `saving . ' I The wisest can learn something by readeilrg, and in the lbu-lletills and reports prepared and! written 'bye.\'- perts and men of practical ` ' est possble value at this V . season. and s-u0'h as~'wi1l _be to the advan- tage both at their land and them- selves for all time. They `will aailsol aid `them in that duty to the Em- . `V ' _. A _ uch pass1ng_`_ `ande V `Nu-uu.`y Lllilb (, I'IeS T/O trhem. ~',';'. I Departmendif is: not alone "hol'd.i11g confeve11ces"" -atf ; many points `in the counatry, .1313 it! *l is e11g:a,g'ed, as wl be seen 'by.e`tl1eJ ian11ounce1ne-nt- elsewhere in fvhis ': paper, in `d-isntrib-u'ting slarge q(i:a11- tities of `literature .tel1i~n-g how ;;tI1ee `best serve the i11t'e1'{est's[ of the Empire, `display his `grateful g pro-! can `be met. 1, A the -advice is ~g'iven to avoid waste. Everything can .-be, ruti1i`z:ed'. Nothing` need be v11r{)\vn' -away as valueless. rThe economy of'mr:rc'd:uetio11-_ is i1_1, saving`. " still -be "need; for every effort in pro- 1 duc1_:iv-eness, for many years n1us't _'. elapse lbefore the devastation -that` '1 has .`been caused? oan be rem-edict or repaired. Unha.ppi`Iy, the. probabil- ities are that the` giant conflict will continue for many months yet,s' in that will have been done to etiery 3 form of industry. To agricultuuvre '1 in particular, by. the waste of Fife, ' by -the w1'ec~ki11g',of property; and 'e by the 'spread:ing' -of desolation. It ; is in repairing the d7a.m-age others! cause that the farmers" are called upon to ' aid. `It .'is their mother country that cries to them. v FFL.-.` A e *- - . C I o I I O O O THE NORTHERN ADVANCE W. - ..l_1lC UCUIIOITIY in "g L something I n the and] gnu`! .1Inn:l>l-r--~ -1 ,__ VJ u;:\..l 1 velsewhere ?bu*ting q(i:an- ere gjgtlle serve I iisplay 'gratfe'fu'l sm` allldl sbring pro-,' In brief and! * ex- 1;`h~at all who run 1derstand`-, is: `poi-nt-I s of the s-itu~afion,; needs 1'fn~e't., advice to] "V :3. The in_ s.av1ng'. ]"n..`_ .1 n 7`verybhing can ~ g be - . _of __and_ be ot-}d11er! +'a1v-r-n.nu.-.' A--A ---av uuuu 111:` would I101 : come 1 % `too -Bee ton and th_e_1t_ deal ' 'rf0_- .- It .is;'V;repo1!ted3_.`tIi1'ift'>I$200 5;Da1d$,:2n . whim: 1o.5o 1i 53' A` "A- vhef Departmensf is I. [`r\"I:l`IIf\u-\/\.\ ' , A --av.-u:\JA U E25 12 13 ?14 I 515. . ;1s 14% oo '12";'.00 `A . 1.15.`- uiuxc Pnoe . .. .` Trousers. Men.`- s 100 .Men s Fi1;e -Stirts, all si , $1.00 and $1.25. Fire S Men BJ:a<:k__ or_ Blue Sftl die,-y, 1iv'h.e ..the.dea,-I was put through gguhe _sa*ti_sfac'tion of -both Mpantges. Me _ . - ., ..-_`. y... as 110 LJGLIU L`.l'1CU OhivI'dren s Dresses, sizes 6 to 14. Regular ! Price $1.25. `Sale Price P . . . . . . . . . . Little Daisy Hose. Regular ' 25c 23'. pair Sale Price 3 Pairs for Ch-idren s `Underwear. Regular 25c for One lot of Ohildren s Wrapperette Dress- es. Regular Price $1.00. -Sale Price` Nice` White Embroidery Dresses, size 2 -to 6.`Regul~ar. 750- and $1. Fire Salle Purice n1..:1.,:.. ._;- n T Ladies all Wool Shirts and Drawers, Va -11 sizes, Reguil-`a.r $1.00 a -garment. Fire Sale Price . . . . . . ., . . . . . . -_ One 101: of Ladies Blouses, Linens and Lawns, nicely nished `Wi"th Lace or Embroidery, all sizes. Regular Price $1.00 and N$1.25. Fire Sale Price . . . . . . . . .. 0 p . Ladies Sateen Underskirts. Regular $1.25.`_Fire Sale Price 0 Corsets, `Long Hips Regular ' Price. 75c. .2 Fire Sa:leP'-rioe.. 0 Ladies Kimonas. Regula Pr'ce $' .00. _ Fire Sale_Price r....l .. One lot of Ladies Hats. Regular Price - $4.00 to $5.00. Your choice for. 0 _ Ladies F umishig Goods Ladies Vestsnaxid Drawrs, `all sizes. Regular 50c a garmgnt. Fire Sale Price. 100 Ladies Skirts, all new and up-to-the-minute .in. styles, all sizes, Black, Blue and Brown -Serge. Regular; Price $4.50 and I 9 s -$5.50. . Fire Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 lot fLadi`Ra' art. R - ne$7.50,0 Fire egaxle . egular Ladies" Heavy `Winter Coats, all new `and wp-to- (later in styles, all sizes, si'lk lined`; Reg'u- "Jar $12.50 and $15.00. Fire Sale A D1: lhI\ One -lnovt of Ladies Suits, all new and u-p-to-the-l minute in style, made of ne Serge, , neatly trrimm-ed, well made, - all sizes. Regular P ' _ $12.50` to $18.00. V F. "S';i 3.? 7.95 One lot of Women s Dresses,` Black, Blue and Brown Serge, in `ail-1 shwdes. Rue,- trular .-Price `$8.50 and $10.50. F-' Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . ff. .4r\/\ 1- g .-..n . . -- lThe Biggest Crowds of Bargain Hunters ever seen in merchandising in the history of Barrie. Come with the crowds and get your share of the Bargains in Clothing, Ladies Readyatoawear Garments. Prices are lower than the cost of raw materials. Come and help to carry the goods away, Come while the assortment is good. Bargains beyond any ever known in Barrieand vicinity. B Come and see for yourself. -.;..uw.;;A.\.|:u .|_11UV1'115` [H113 WXK. a'o Isympalh-y is felt for Mrs. J. Will- son on the d'eaath of her father, Mr Dakar 'Fn<-A-41` ' Ladies Suits and Coats Also Dresses CROWDED, %PAC%KED`%AND JAKMMED AT Children s Dresses Pine Shirts, s . Regula} nd 13:39 (Price .. 059 L: or Srtripedl 'Overaa1:s, Wall Regular `$1.25. -Fire Sale r O O O I O O O O O I I I O O I 0 I O O II garment. Fire {Sale Price ..- awua, s`3e Price u\/LL U115 U110 UUWUH `OI Baker, Toronto. ' ..`7.9 .25 .39 .69 A .25 .15 sizes .... 8.95 and 9.95 Star'Oilcloth,' reg. yd. wide 30c, for ........ ..l8 Father Pillws, each...;... .39, or per pair .75 Bdys T), -vv "(Ma 011011} Boys Suits and Overcoats ' $7.50 One 101:. of Men s Fine -Overcoatsl fall styles, -all pew goods and all . sizes.. Reguular $25. Fire Sale Price Men's R-aincolats, all sizes. Regular $12.50 and: $15.00. Fire Sale Price ` .l -. 3 o o o p u 0 One lot of Men s Raincoats, all sizes. V [Price $9.50; Fine Sale Price Overcoaits 'n I\vI_l $21 L\U5b', c-conga-co-soon - o - o o o o o o o o - ~ o o u o u - o attic-no flqnrlnu l'_..;.- _ *`-"--v l One 101: of Men s Scotch Tweed Suits. all ~i/..-~. Regular Price $15.00` and $12.00. Fire Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Men s Fine Shirts. all late. Black and Blue Serge, sizes. 113$: ?`,8:"`?.'?". i":`."T :...Fi.`?. 10.95 One --lot of .VIen s Fine Suits, the best suit 1n_.-l~ in Canada, all new spring models. \\'.-ii `made, in fact this suit is worth $25.00. Fire Sale Price . .. . - One lot :01 Men s F inel \Vorsted or Fancy Sr1'i;v.V-. all new and up-to-the-minu'te Suits, :11. sizes. Regular Price `$28.00. 13 1 Fire Sale Price . .'.v . One lot of Fine `Lace. Regiar Price 10(- ' 150 per yd. Fire '/Sale Price, 1; yards for .. .Rugs,.Oilc_loI`:l%1s,i Pillows Oe lot of Men s Pants, aJ1;l sizes. Regu- lar -$3.50. Fire Sale Price . .. . ".100 Pairs of Men s Fine Pants, all sizes. Regular $2.25. Fire Sale Price Winter for . vsuvuu1.11{Ud was 111_. |12Illl'S vluiage 1a` few dlaye `last week. Mr. D. Hart of West I`m~on1po is he guest of Mr. Gr. 0. Oaet/on. .. . Mr. Thos. Coward is home from St. Oath- arines, Where the has been for the -past three moruths. . .- M-r. Henbert Jeunett .11-as -returned to -the West, aiiber spendling the Winter at his -home here. . . . . The Lad?ies _ Aid of he Presbyterian 'C`hurc`h met at. Mrs. Geo. MeLearn s on Wedines- day. . The `band played at , the Crystal R`inIk, El1mv1a'1e,e 011 S'aztur- d1ay V` nsi-g'ht. '