Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Mar 1915, p. 3

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:eE ' TARIO ; GRAND 233:: FRlD Y, MAR. 12 IT S A LONG Bigggst I Scemc Production of the ' `IT--_ TIPPERARY SEE. `THE REALISTIC BATTLE. scam: WITH 1 MACHINE GUN m ACTION L -A g:|g:s-rsoc, 15. ;i.`o,T__(:_":aI|eru 25. LIMITED Sat sale at; A. F. A. Ma1comson s Ofce, King Block, WAY TO William Anthpny McGu1re s Best Drama. Barrie. . The Cqloniai Amusement Company present Morjday--THE TURNING POINT Tuesday -THE COMMON LAW Wednsday'--G0lNG SOME Car lead of Scenery and Electrical Effects In a Repertoire of Royalty Plays A MESSAGE OF PEACE A STORY OF WAR Dressmaking Department open and now ready for business. ' . `Miss Gamble has been to the centre of fashion and is pre- `pared to call and discuss the new styles and incidentally re- ceive your order. _'1`he .new Dress Goods have ar- rived. They are a. credit to this store and to the enterprise of the Allies in War time. Inspection 1'... -.:L. ...1 IIIJLVO 1|]. Imfited. Onillnia Council is considering the oiling of their streets on frontage tax plan. They-'have* made an esti- mate -of 2% cents per -foot frontage. Oil !11hat the ale was for his own per- ?sonal use and he was then a'11orWed. j to make it. DRESSMAKING DEPT. ` $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVINCI IIIIOLI COMIC Tlsll CINTI ` Plan at A`; 1?. 1. Mlcom`sgh A few at 50c William A -L`noo {IN al - J1Al,`."rill' ` .LuUU1J'uuu.La vv (.u_uvu, wu ....--g ii.-`h Hume hm-. 16 years of. ag`e;i` `Whu worked for T~h0s. Gruuest-, 1013! 1-'1,"((m. :3. Tiny. colnmitted su1cide' on }[m1d:1y evening of -last week,` by `}12111g7i11_" *hi1nse1f- -in the An i11']1l`t`>'t \\'i1\` held 011 VVednesd'ay,`, but 11.. <-;111~$0 for he. rash act cowldi 1 , 1--.: 1--.... nmlh :---:-:j von... Lxw. No.9 wt-IbLT: No. 4i1a}I THOMPSON CREW. Puausuuu '_ I -. ?__._ _ READ THIS LIST 60F PROP-', ERTIES FORSALEIN ' BARRIE. bu { :_1. '$iI'(3ated. lib Gnu-u---v l 1mvL- for sale le 'p-roperty of` .\I 1: W. C. .Riohasrdsro11, house No.1 /10. ~11 the V South `side Worsley `:\`t.. with large lot and _ Stasble. ';`I>_`.1~`u has all converni-en`ces-.`~ `Stale ING T Jlblsv - 11 :-`w $2400. ._. ,, T .I'1'l('g~ T`Z`i~|_IU. - V ' T 1`n;`n1 brick house and 10$, '93}5_t` . .~'.M<* 01' T M11].ca.S 0.e'1`. (St! Ema-.6 $.)*)' I _v)v - _ , . `x r `L _.f ...'I.. "Lu-u-..nn 1111A qs:;s..u. . ' ';\'-w 8 room brlck house and 1013 wiih *li!g'hfin.g -atl-d I 1'm'b" i11g',. an the south side Of.-M09011` ald St} If you want a me Mme this will suit you. Price $2950- Ea. term-s. - ` . ,. 4-` _, - ____ - ._LL....... .n:h11 n1.onf.r1('. ;rra: wrnls. 6' room cottage,. with`ic ilig11t and town water, Sanford Ste Price $850. V L rv 1 ,,2 -14 1.-..-- (V- Iao1i1ni-hi. 'El;_v':n~ Theopihlilus V'7Zcbsv,'-an Eng" '1 ll 1_.A-- 1R -wvnn-`lie {VF -` 1'I'1(30 asaou. 1 - 7 room brick house, `Ch31'.1.We iSt.,- with -gooti st-a'b1e. Price $1350-.T r- _-,__; L_.I._1_. L..-.......n:+'|n -Fan-nn(aP,.I' nnouncment `O3l..,` \'VlL`U. `_. ,'UULl! Bli'4'l).l.Ua .L I-IUU KW" .""'[ 7 room brick house =Wit1i furnaoer town water, and: stable, .'0d 191 cation. Price $17-50. .41A.`L J;.1sM A canon. rnce usuou. 6 room house w1thL_.d01-1)ble~10t- `Town water and --e1ectric=, .1i8%1.l1'g5 "Florence St. Pifie % $1'10O- ' b - 1 `I -1. U L UUJLL LIV I.AU\.- --St. Price $625; I? `L -,,_,_ VS-t. $625. not, John 81:. Price $1050. `A On fa-rm 7 room house a'n(1 ' lot,` D11I11*0P. - W9._h9 eW'1th.. P113593" ~ 3 polrtlfa 1. St, with heating, lighting "3T1d_of 31-,he_ noted} Aauthomi-Bar9?T plumzbing. Price $1750. ' ? L. \rv(`m..Vf_-a._;!1A-1"? 6 room wood cottage ,W1th 1l1'g3A _; .H_'-`:1-, New 8 room bungalow" ,Wiith ~everything up-to-date. Priee';Ij.'_16Q0- a [ "'13 L` 5 room house and; 51 1arge } 10 0-1593*-, ier Donald -St. Price `$750.. _ .- ` ' 8 room ho11s_a,e,T Berczy `good gaxjdsen. _Pr1cQ I have fax-m,s Lf<')'r.~1 ~of- the Count y,i-also puuwu111g. _L'I'lCB .l6'dU. _ with 13135. Price-$1050. Prie';i}$_.159Q- . A and1a_l`8'9'} `$750; J 8 housje.t.Be1-hay.` Si' -99!. gandsen. _ ".Eric',e"`$35 T `L.__-'. 1--_.____ -1....` 1 IUl' T116. l'il>.1l uuu puuuu` `m't-.1ix_10d, as he had -been well 1 . A . 96 Collier $2., Barrie 513. I I'.lce .uuu. house and >1Qt,' awn... THE A. E. OUDMORE ==ANI{- RUPT STOCK .00., which `rm did such -a suecessiua Aibusiness in {Barrie since the A first of the? year, wisth to a=n-no-u-nee rtihe form-a,ti0`n._df. a Limited sltodk scsompany I110 "fbe k110fVV1,1-8.8 THE `A. E. CUDMORE SAJLVAG-E -040., LIMITED,` j and thzuiz they have. leasedi the -Sevigney Store, 96 `Collier St., whidh h-ey: are tting up with'evry- conven? iehc ' for hnandiing : `bankrupt 91:06 '3. THEY WOULD FU`R'T`I-IEIRT AN- N-'OU=1\`?CiE _;thaxt they &raJveyth.i;s week purchased tthe -genenal stock of D. MoNau-gwhiton, .ins_o]1ven`t, -of oSeobie Mines, --c.onsis,ting _of a3bo1`m;.$8()/O0 `womb of `Groceries, , Hardrwvare, Clothg, Dry Goods, Boots ` and; ~S(h-oes, Srta1;i_o~nery, Druigs, Jewelry, Tolbaccos etc., cast the rid}icu`1'ou-S. price of 30 cents on the Do'1ar._. THIS .S`T1O`CK aiwi-'11 be marked at sudh p`h-enomena1*1y low prices as" to ' clear it all ~out- in two days com- mencing :S'atu!r;d'a'y, March 13th, and continuing` on Monday, March 15th. .=WA'DC+I~I FOR OUR FULL PAGE. ANNOUNOEMENT IN ALL THE LOCAL PA- PE-R38 NEXT WEEK. % IFINIED* FOB TBREAKING WIN- ! DOWS a -' sequel to the {hockey excur- ' sion to B'a'rrie two Weeks _ago Rwy-mond was uned $2 damages and i _A i$1.85 costs for darmages to windows ' !in -a Ga.T.uR.e coach, says The CD1- tlingvwdod Messenger. -It was only I towing . to the excellent Work of -Police Constalble Bende, who -ac- comrpcanied; the excursion that the crowd was kept as Well in hami as- Eitwas. There are always .a few row-dies on these =oooasions who .brin'g their. home town into dais`- ,l`g~vaee and We are glaad: to see one, -`of them mwdie an example of. ,- 0115 svury V - .."-f"-`' U `f -$8.51 Iurwyv In uuv .LH J'\.oUIv.L_u own. \I Nobel Peace - r`Priz`e. Thls`. mag'I141' months he "was with U e .rm. gem: my has` been secured! ` ;by Tnwvice ewdh Week he made a trip of A` In "_a`ib1e; eX1> 9'nS; fend/.'3 l1.eAr' as V Hawke.stone_ `trip bf 38 miles; ' ' .11 efzhei ' 12 % J 4 r:12;1-ysonI%VrJ3ros;- ' '1es.'W :I% mar, 2111 'rI-I : Iurranesrs limited {oE_ BARRIE. COUNTY OF SIMCOE. ONTARIO. `MARCH 4. 1915 _OF'BARlE. THE 'COUN:l"Y.Ol-' SIHCDE AND THE DOKPIGI OF CMIADD OUR CRIIEION. `White Plague A x " `Stamped Out `#17 { jphe mt Vof the white Pil~ague_- -t_o [1 T se'enA inside twerrty years In _h1zS `rs C1,,-L ..._....._ 4.1.... Province. Such was the `prediction m/a-Vd'e in the lecture given in the Collier S.treet Metlmodlist Ohu-rc h on *Sun night last `by .Mr. J. -B, Watson, rthe Field Secretary of the It is to !be V regretted that a `larger nwmiber were - not present Ito. -hear,` |lU6 5UU11`u1'a1'uU uvvvu;v_y JUUVJ.-3 an _v.....~. 1 for `those present enjoyed _-an hour of .rapi-d, clear, instructive and en- A` terttaning .d|.iscu-ssilon of ,a transcend- enxtly impontamt smbject. His W0r- s hi.p Mayor ~Cra.`ig occupied the chauir, and Mr.` Parlchoursae handled` the lantern and slides` .used- in i1-\ 1u.st11at-i`on. Cornsurmpvtilon is known by experience rto be like -other dis- eases, cu-raibsle if Vita-ken in time. I-ti is believed now to `be 11everein|.herit- ed, being a germ disease, but con-. tageous and c0neSquently- avoidable arid preventaxbile, _. ` The Mu-skoka Oottag'e~S.a~nitar.ium was the rst eonsurmpative `hoepi-tail, `esta.-l3l`ished by the albove assocination` - ;_--.. 1-om: .T+ ASA worn an-I Natuonal 'San1iltarium Association. S|.'}1;UL'1U1lCu U.y l/LIE? ulUvI'u vu..~..n......-..-._.. in. `the year 1896. ` It did very en- couraging work from its very incep- tion, a 0 , large` number of entire _cures `being `there eiecsted. Many other consurmpmive hospitals have been establisllied; the -most 'impor-. tant of _these being` the Mus-koka [Free Hospital, which at present is giving. cane and utreabment -to 215 pami-ents, 17 2 of whom pay nothiing. Its ' mainta.inen,oe this year will mean :the expenclaidmre of more "oh-an $100,000.00. The "contributions .ma-de are ` i-ts princ-pal sournce of income, and all are -asked to be -helpers; A collection to that end was taken up, and intimation was given that a cnarnvas woifld be made. `here and `in ovtiher places. M-any , A_1_..... 'Dn...'In nun runn- `I `-was canvas here in places. tow-ns slnarler than B-arr;ie are con- rtrilbusting sufe-bent for rth-e endow-` ment of ' a room, v meaning` free, treatment of an i-ndiigent c.o.nxsu'mp- ` .tive for one year. -Su'c:h room en- .~ idrovwment means :$250.00 of cost. ` Wli`11.Bar'rie be'eq1La1 to it? ` ' The vi.tal1 statistics of -the Pro- . v-inice present a rvery eucourag' aspect of 411155 s,a11-a1t;0ria' work in - the inrtere-st of the eonsumptives -Of, ~OntJario. Righut up to V the year! _ 1900-, the death ra_te vfrom con-. suumpmiont was on `the increase.` In " that year -there were 3484 deaxth-s i-from that dd-searse. Tzhe atide then` turned, -and from that Idlate there `have been. fewer deaths each year. The year 1912 rl_-s the l=a'st for`-which _-.-'L..-..\ -....+ nn.-Irn'r\1t:+D -Gr!-111'n-Q 1Vu1'1P.T1 'I1t1lIp(:5l'-S.` A `Ul._M1UUh1U.u. uv . ........, ---_` I 1 1 3 1 1 3 7 E Letters From the_ Front "The "Advance? would; like '-to receive -and publish inter- esting letbers from our sold,-ier `boys `at the front. *A!11 of our readers are` interested -in 1 `I .1,-_- __..J ;L...:_ .1.-.4-, __ ubiset UU.'l' ltiwucra amt; 11un7:.uouuu.- ..u. ou1-soldier `boys and `their `let- ters are always -read with in-' terest. Manuscript will be re- turned, Vif desined. " 111$ year 1312 0;: vuu .1.-non Lu; gwuu;-u l; we have yet complete gures when: `there rwene' rony `Z950 dearths, ash-mv- I; ling a Vredu:cvtIi0_I1 of 1234; When a=C`- - count '-is taken of the considerable '7 increase of po.pxu!1:ation during the . same time, it means over forty- ve, (45) per cent. red-uicrtion in tlrrist dealh ' rate. The belief is now conden-tly enrte1"tai11edt, that in less rthaii rtwventty `years-, these c.o_nsuu`n.p-I "ti-ve - hoepitas, cozrxtinuling -_their work, the drreatds white. plague will be -a thing` of the past, only to bei learned of in history. All may be `heilpers `in? this by contributing, to the -on'Iy'HIos.ptirba1 in Canada ' that gives enctiyrel-y free treatment to the poor aiflxicttdz Wlih-1]h:a.tV dtisease. {Motor Delivery i { for Bryson Bros.`| On the rst of May, the enter- 4 mi-sing` rm of ` Bryson Bros. will `. .'naaQu.gurate a new system of bread A delivery in the country districts ' by ptrttiirng. on .a Ibi-g motor truck. This Wil rqplaoe Vchre men and vve. horses Which have been neces- sary `to cover the. scounfbryy districts wihere "they sell` moms .of thread and every week, `and the "one mdoar -truck and V driver will take `- -$11-ake acounittry delivery, . 1- 1.`. _:._' ,. ,]...!......n nmn 10. iE;;~ Tn` fl-5V Years} `Weather Forecast For March Dr. ' Mil-es weamher oa1endlar, which is _'given aswayin a. local drug store, has the folll-owing weather! forecast for ,M'arc-nh. It is given for! what it ,.is' worth, but those who fo'1 -. lowed "his February VA predfictions claim that he came pretty close to the correcrt thing each day of the `month just passed. His forecast ' --L L- ALL .fVu-J11 anaTl' 'F`Mx3_7_.. i IIIOILUI J usb Ipucauu. .l...L1D is :--1st to 4vh--Cold spell; freez- ing tempera`tu~re over. -2111 Western ami rce11.ti~aIl provinces. `Cold? pene- trating wrinds over Great Lakes and nNorIt1h At1m1tic seaboargl. : ` 5th to 9t.h--St0rm period. Squal-a 113' with `high winds in the West, over -the Lakes` and in the easter1_1 . I -provmtces. A . '. -1 nm. + ,. 1 Q4-1: _.T 1onc\-:2 n f. _ I J.\lL\.1\/souv 3 -provmtces. 10th to. 13rth.---P1eas`ant spew} 'Warm Weather over all sections" Iwi-uh cold n,i`gh`ts. -gnu]- > :l`1.1'.-...w3|u 1i1t'\l)+1OY' W 1-U11 C0111 uvlguua. 14th rto 16t`:h.- -4C:1;m1dy weather` over Lake vregwion and` eastern pro-1 Ilvinces. ' L l -._.. . .n.1 n-:_- ,.1....+ .-.'~...,`l V 1'LA\a\.._u 1`7~th ` SIIOIW viuoes. ,,..1 ` v111`ces. 19.1211 .130 . 23rd.--:Windy I. i,SitJo_r1ny weadiher general witih high gales -over Western provinces.` .\Vind and Vblusfter over Lake region] `and eastern provinces. - f\ A 1 1 L , (\F'.'.L1- [1110 ezusueru yruvuuxsc. . 5 24th to 27t11.-Warmer weather` ` gwanerally, changing to . -threatening` `weather in , Westerri provinces; Mild- r rweather over Lake region {and eastern provinces. " non- ;_ 01-; .1-4`n`.|]\:1'|.('I' +nmnn1-2- l."dUbUl'1L pruvxuxxvo. ` 28th tto.31st.--4Fa`11ing tempera- ture. C-o1& frosty weather general- ly. Kviing frost i11 W-eastern pro- xnirrxges `and; over. Lake eregi~'0n. . _,,'I-J ...... fill 4-1-.n+ n.n-nn:rr]_l V1I1-(395 `allI(JJ U\'t'-l'- JJHAU 1.I.U5AUAL. \ So it w~oL1'1~'d_xa.ppear that aceoird-1 ing to Dr. -Miles calendar, March` `is -130 he .a reazl wirytry month right `to the end . ' . T ` \Tournarpen_t I ard eilln 1. The annual metin-g of the North- ern Volunteer -Firemen and Band ' Asszociati-on was held in _ Huntsville last week, when it was decided to hold the next tournament at Mid? ' landi 0n"_ Thu-nsd=a.y,- August [5th, 1915. The delegates present wenez. Parry -Sound-, Ohief 4-Logan; Burk s| F-allls, Mr; L. E. Gmving; Brace-l bridge, Mr. Eteeleetone; 'Mid L`ansd, M-r. Toole; Penetaang, Mr. Speanin; O1-i'1lia, .Mr.` _Jos. Gibbons; New l Liskeard-, Mr. Lever; Lindsay, Mr. { Bell; Huntsville, Mr.` iO1`aveson. _ _ A; E, Eoclesfone of Bracebridge ' was elected` -president, and `L Major _VGr I_a.n_t of ' Huntsville was 1_~e-elected secretary. T, -Ini .,t-he_ comrpetition Iwemainis Open to secretary. T b In 1913, Bar-rie citizens Band` captured `rst prize ,at rthe, tourna- ment -in Om-illia, and last yeiarv they got second at Lindsay, being ude-1 `feated `by Weston 'Brass_ Band.` If ts*wn Qutside .the.Aass-ooiaatigo-11",. it: is `most likely vBaririe` *Cii1_:izens_"4: Band` tat ;Mid_:.lan_d-. ,'1?A1~I__/_1{'Sb ~y_ggr. ` THE NEW MILLINERY . The New Millinery that is being opened this week _ is Wonderful and` a great tribute to the skill and tenacity of the people of Paris who have persisted in Bus- iness As Usual by leadin the world in fashion, even ami such trying and unusual conditions. There is no dearth of novelties, and with prices much lower we anticipate a great activity in thisdepartment again this sea- son under the capable manage- ment of Miss McGugan. .....q,V.,..- _-,, v I R .'..`GOHingV.`0s0d a re-{ i',Z!1?6'.inar1e by he at%-mug e~m11.. '-T-ei1g_h1;i 15 SP E 1 !i W ARRIVALS FUR =\ am AT G SARJEANT & KINGS LTD. Sarjea.nm<' LIQUQR = to 18t-11.--R.':1vi11, sleet A and`| storms -throughout all pro- 1 :s:n'v| At Midland} ers were suznurnoned to appear in the police court on Thursday to prove ownership of nine cases of VV.hi-te Label Axle sandi ailing to do so the consignrment W-as conscated by -order of rtihe Bolioe Magistrate. Ten cases -were seized} in a]1,- Ibu-t the Iowner of one case appeared on '!Mond*a-y -and signed: an afdsavit ' I Welcome the New Blouses Not for many years has a blouse season opened under better aus- pices than -has the present one. The garments have such a deli- cacy. Lovely Silk'Crepes, Beau- tifully Embroidered _Cotton Voiles and elegant designs of J ap Silk in Military and rever- sible collar eifects are among the favorites. A second shipment of entirelynew designs to arrive 4-L.-In uI'vn(\`7 U1 cuuu us; this week. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THE COLONIAL Stock Company `PRICES--10, 15c, 25c, 35c.

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