! May" Sept :"Nov. .A.r\,\o uu bI\4\.vAl. u LLULK/Lo I `K V, V False A(1`arms _ Feib. 5--|Corne.r --Mulcaast-er and Pendt-ang IS-ts. 22-V1VI-iss C~reswoke s. . 22-Miss_ C-resWic1~:e -s, second 02111., T W % M0h. 1--Oorn-er Mulscastm and ' P-enetang Sts. ' .00. 'IEL.....-L,.19,. CV1..--._`l_L..._.I . -I. '\.JJl\..l4l`v`L6 "28-_-M?arsha1I1 s T House. Mary 1E'>--f-Howcrot is, Victoria St. -1 D T331.` -_ -IL _u.`I, (V L `Slaughter ` The equipment of [the Barrje-l Fire Brigade has {been frequently upon, and Capt. J as. SahruTb'soIle, as Acting` Ghief of nthel -Bnigvarle, ch-as V sent the fcxllowing communication to the Town Chun- cilz . - ' ' 0. av` . . n ` In suibmivting ca` report of I-the Barrie Fvi_re Brigade for rtihe year 1914, the number qof res, etc., I beg tourepolrt as tfollliorwsz h . . -__.-_.__ L'L.. _-.-.... L1_....._ ._-_._ __2__- I-n compsany Vwxth I.-ieuxten-an-t \Va-r.ren Jloshntzson I looked over the? A'lha-nd%al1Ie outt, buIt7didV not` ndl it in very -good conldiirtrion. I took` an inventory od : the equipmenst-!. rthere wihifcih is given ij 'IZ`.--__'.._.-.__.4. ....L `RT- 0 `Di..- G.L...L.!...... 1 1 .....\, ......,.u. 1'0 .5..- .,...w.. ylilquvispmenxt art No. 2 Fire Station, Alllandalez 1050 ft. of those, 1 pair of `boots, 4 hams, 2 gates, '52 branch-E es, 1 axe, 3 long hooks, '2 short. I`hoc-kts, 1 (=x-t~311s=i=0x1 lta-dder. 1 long i`1add'er (0rdx'inna.ry). 1` shout _- ladder i (ordi11ary.) 1 ' 11.11- .1-_-.._-,.`I-.m .....,..._:.._.. ..,wm:...:..n.-. "pr-esent sota ce- and one short hook \\JL `at-111`/l1"I1 ,. ` . _ . . Both `brauc.hes_ requnrre repa1rmg'; ` they are unst 'for use - m t-helr! =veq1uires a, -hand-le. rn1--_- ...... ....'-- 2......-..-..-..-. :.-. A-1].nn-_. 1`OqlllllC`D bl: '1L(l..l1\.l.l.Uo I `There are six. remen in A111:-a11'-g dale and! I would recommend the ipumchaxse of 2 pairs of hip boots `and 3 palirs of short boots ; also some .1'remen .s hams. .. . ...| Let us (Ive you a quotation. on Your Next Job- PAINTING. MALC0MS0%N4`i& MANN PAn~m1:Rs Cari-iagc and Automobile Paint- , ing a specialty AgeA1>1ts.F-o1" Dominiri Cir- `_BaAyt`}ld' S'ire_e _t_,` I uvswn ` '1-1--'Ga.rley s Boad; House. 19--Brewe_ry, Victoria St. V29.--Ho]:t s, barber shop. 30-.-"Laid1atw s, Blake St-... 17--Test, uSq:u-are. 26--Queef1 s- Hotel; 16---~Frisfher s, Wood prile. . H 20--Zeihr, Oolier Srt. 12-4A`grizcu1%tu1wa1 Grounds.` 23-_-Bakogeorge stables. T 20+S;imc0e. Hmel Statblaes. _ 21-~TuIck rs Afllandale. 2-1-Jsliamcoe Hotel *S:taJbles. . 14--~McLc-tan & DeHa1-t,'g 1ar.-` `vi ' Fires ~ 22-`Gi1ks Hotel. _ 31-Gracery -s 'Mil'l. ---Bnaber `Shop. `14--Cia14leyV s Boat House. 15-.-+Htorvv1cr0'f:t s,' Vtictoria Sit. -I n 17`: JL -__7_ _, fgugguggsuuuuggun };xt w`. C. Anh;ew _s Shop _ TH-E WIEA'T~HER Lowest Higvhest Raanim -Snow 34 40% 0.08 -:- '.% 32 30 0.02 0.2` ,riage$'_ and Wagdns 1W. 11.. BUTTERY} 55 11 21 1'7 .31 A30} 8-I1 - -Qqrrie 0.2 1.0 0.3 0.4,_ `F. T. SHORT, . {Manager _. The, -Sl1e1'bu-rne -Flee "Press says: There -is` quite `a stir in checker c circles `in c `Shel'busrne A just now. Vance. of` Barrie was in town "recently and: promised when the roads. get for motoring that he would -bring` Simcoe7s champion checker .pnl~ayer,` School Insrpector -Garvin, `over to take a lround out of the boys here. Mr. |GaTvin will play the whole outt -at one -time. W. -0. `Richardson is looking after the players to meet Mr. Garvii-n. He has already round- ed` up Fran=k` Therault -of Mono,` Joshua "Reid, T. F. Reid, I-I-arry .White, T. F. Brown, S. H. Rut- ledge, John Cameron, D. F. Smith, A. W. Watson, Huvgh Fergu-son, Ohas. Mag-.u:ire, of Shellburne; Dr. T. J. ' Gowan, Hornings Mill's; Archy Ferris, 'Mulmur; Albert Looby, and` John H. Hicks, Amar- anth, fand` Duerinfs. -ex-champcion, M. '0. -Loree of Toronto. It will lze, a {big time. T.he play is expect- ed; to take place in either the town hall or the ,Carnegie ~li brary build- LOCAL ASPECTS} g OF WAR 1 A ! ,T=wo privIa*tes' were struck off the [mill on Satuuwd-ay as me_:dsi.ca1- 1.. .....t2u. Q -.11 1:t. A ing- E This is the 212th day War ; A number of rhhe men ahzwe been in the h0Spi:t'al1 W;i;t.h mumps. Monday `manning he Sick parade ivn'e1uded some 25 cases, but a num- ber of these We1fe.'minor aeetrions.| IOHEOKER OHAMPJSON | To i LA'Y -AT SIQJLBUR-NE I ~ Bt. Ed. Lynnih: who is recover- -rin-g from a ,_dan-gerous afcta-ck of pn'eumnon_i-a, wzi soon be able to leave the Hosapli val, it is hoped, bust it 4 is unlikely that he Wil be alhle to` ~rejoin the company, ' ' ' 4cm~5om1 Frankaliiiig-ht who Went to Toronto with the 2nd C'ontifn~ -genrt, has -'been promoted} to Ser~T lgeant. Two of the -men of his co I pany.had sp.in.a-I Tmeningwiutis and all were in quarantine until last Fri- day. ' [UNION BANKOF CANADA` ; The new unilforms for the `Third -Contin-gen-t, inwcludring un'der~ '_c1ot_Jhing, socks, boosts, etc., were ex- lpeotedv to arrive yesterday, and in ;a few days we may expect. to see `the `boys appear in them. | Lieut..Col.. R. H. L_a.b com- `lmanding the 41th Batu, 1st. `Infan- try Bri7ga=de, lsrt Can-adisan C'011ti11- gent, is g`-a.zette__d! -on Friday as hav- (ing rsigned owing Ito poor health. `This is the Battalion in which the '35th` R|8'{,"-t..,q110t2l were `as'sig11ec1. I ., I `Six days. -311 the `cells, with an` howr s pack drill ea-ch -d`aay on the ,Market Square, was the _ punish- 'me11t'Inete-d out `-to a Driwafe, who refused to heed sxevenasl warx1i11g`s an1c0;1tin11ed -to break the rules. {T The s'c`arcity of ries is ha.rnper- ing the rofoers `in rthe drill. There are butt 40 rxes here, and over half the cmn.pan.1y are wivthou`t ries for [drill an the .time. { -Li/eut. Billy IM7 last :year s Iliteireoegiaite `Boxing -C`l1am- ipion iil the 125-lib. class, was in Toronto -on Fridlay at `the -annuzal intreroollegi-ante atJh1'etic. `tournament. He ;aga.in demonstmted `his super- giority, a-I'1d~` as Vsarsi13y s representa- i'tiv'e ,.in the 135-lib. class, Won from Falls -of 'McIG.i']Il. Lieu-t. M'dClin~ o0n s'.houJ1d> the vaiblve to 'h:ancf1e any dbstreperous privaste if Occasion ever required. . The -boys of the "lihird Oontingenti ame proud` of `their senior `lieutenant. ` ` Sazturrdiay was pay day, land the men Wene -lmppy on the receipt `of their Feibru!ary s cpay dheques. The pay _ roll for the 100 men and three oicers totals `T $340", -and su`beis- tence (including meals at restaur- `eamt and other expenses) means an- 'mnn-an -f`l'\L__._ _ J...J._.1 -1 uh`?! uh .().2f1`a:2617_ _`;I.~alz1:1.;_%`)l ..u`dh 9 `"`*Mo in mgfs conzgiir egghtoml ;;f Ito be-.i.n.g ' times -aable month !110v?ay th made it ~Ar1`-`Into B34`: . 5* the menT111s Mfiallch W:ed'e1-stood _.,. "_'be.akfhcun> Dpmgiarted 1 - ~~: - .~ 3 iA:ooo1-diing to Sa:turrday s M,=ai:1_` {am Empire, sau-It Ste. Mme has` se'1e:~!t;e.i as headquaarters for the 37t{hT Battalion`, o the 3rd Ex: 0 n pIedn.ti=:rna.rv Force, commanded by L_ieutt..'-Col. Bipk. The 100 Lmen: '| now? training here wil `be one com-1 many of. mhis ' `bamtalipn, . but 1he' {..;om;'aers -here no nozbieaqtriom .3.` > when their amt tohe. .\> t ` __ -.`. \f. LL1..l.;' n.`.....~ .... ...~........-.-... L `D0 when tney `WELL-De S1.-X136 U0"`l:I1C nor iif` mhlis xa.-nn-ou-ncermeniz is Oicvi:ai1.. It was quite gienem-1*y Isutpposed that the men here would_ 1.39 ;Niae,1ama_ Camp or to V-as1car- `er .fu.rther' mnainijmz. and ibis. of the `;'`ii'ii iwiiawiiriirrsiiif FINE IMPRESSION .VA'|' TORONTO BY BARRIE smcm -.Toronto Mail and Empire-4A,` large audience a-ttended a concert of unusual {merit `held under the auspices of the Young People s .-Society of St. John s Presbyterian .C1hurch in the Oddfell-owe `Hall, -Broadview A-venue, Thu-rsdiay nig`_-ht- The proceeds will be used for char- itable purposes. The programme consisted of a. number of. vocal and instmmental fseleotions, and many of the eity s' most prominent -artists took -part. An outstanding feature of the programme was the render- ing of three solos by Miss Ada. Methodist 'C1h1i'rch,. -Peterboro. It was Miss Bait-tl1ardso1i s rst appear- ance on `a concert platform in To- ronto, but the reception given "her efforts last night -assures her of a. Welcome in any "future visits to the city. Miss Richardson is -possessed of a. ubeautilful lyric soprano voice of great possibilities, to -which is added a pleasing personality. Her to, -Pio, was sung with a great Richardson, soloi-st, of" -C`harles_':St.` dea-l of dramatiyc force and earned, her much applause. 'wahi!le her sec- ondr number. Thou Art Too Sweet, and the Valley of Laugh- ter, demonstrated the lighter qualities and exibi-litis of her voice. Her accompanist was D. D. Slater,` R.`C.M. Others V who took part in the` programme were: Miss Gertrude. Finlayson, 'l\is'S Vida. -Coatsworthr, Miss Maud Relyea, Miss Jean Hunter, Miss George Counter and `Mr. Albert E. David. first nu~m`l)er, Piano, Piano, Can- On" Sundsay next -the parishioners of St. -M-ary s Cihu-re-h will be pres- ented \vi't*h a complete statement of the cost of the new organ, recently .insItal`1ed, vtogether witlh a list of the oon;tri~hurtors to the `organ fund. The statem-ent :is 21 most gratifying: one, -and one that reecrts much credxiut on the covmmizttee, Messrs. M. J. F rmvley and \Vm. Crosslvand and V`. Rev. De-an Moyna. After all expenses of the new organ and instalaut-i011 -had been paid, there was. a ba'1an'ce of $431.10. to place to credirt. of capitaul -account. The IC arneg~ie 'C`.crp0rat1i-011 ;contri1bu:tedI `$1250 of the cost of the organ, twihieh an10u.n.ted to $2785.25. and the c!011g'reg:aIt-ion con-t1vi'buted over $2300. ,1` n o 1 0`: n Miss Ric~Il1arfci&s\`01: [M12 J. M01-.g1an of Barrie. jsr. 3nmR1* s HA.-D ` T BiA'L.T ox ORGAN FUND `|"""" ' - To-day Ithe 11anc1ial position of St.` Mary s Cahm-.c1h is -in excellent condition, due -largvenly to heanty co- operation of the C'O1l'gI`v9g,"a!ti Oll with Dean M-oyna. . q. Axutsnn. .glA\J"'LLl| The new organ is gwi-wing excellent satiafaoion and is .21 great help in the SE`I'V.l'CeS of the church. 'r\ 0 'r . 1 -.1 -r u -I` .... .-....W., \I'j_ ULAL ......-..... -I)ur-ing Lent dai`1y Mass is held: at_ 7.30 a.-m., :an_d eventing devotion- al sevrvic-es are held on Wednesdlay yand Friday evening's at 7.30 o e1ock, iand these Servipes are being well } 21-tbenjd-ed_, 7 A~_r,rp1ic.a:tions will be received by the 11'Ild'eI`Si&gneC1 up till noon Marc 1n+.L 1n1r:' .L'.\.. `.1..- ___._:u:_,, _p uLLLuv;uA`3LLL\A I ilh. 1915. for Auldi- tor for the for 1915. +:r`< ~1' f~z11m'Iy funds. It may open. '~:`d with the 9-9 BRYSON S ~H*0T cuocomn AUDITOR WANTED K .1 .00 PER ANNUM NI ADVANaI nrnlr enact: vs;-Ann nnnrrn BRYSON S 1c1-: cam Bmcxs HOT AND couniiialnxs V sunngssw _ When the winds of March. chill and numb you, re- memberthatBryson sserve the best Hot Chocolate with whipped cream and Tipperary Biscuits. $9 TETI FIVIIUIC III EXIT`. IYCOLI COCIII 'l I\5II 0170 32-38 Elizabeth Street DONNIELL, L111 VAL: _.LLv\I.u. .u.I.u/L\J.l..l ~t1he posrxon of Town of Barrie` VLJAJJJ Town Clerk ` . 'L ML 1 LI] v v L&'\lLjA V-.-.-;; ;a;u-nu 1 .\_, trxnqu. us my. wi.thdnaw money when in town -2:1- \x"he1'1 passing; the bank. I-t" is wf`.~.peCia:1]`y 'c4onven"i-em; if -the hue~ .E):111d freqtlelltly awtay (j1'1:1-,1-11.33, 4< it enables the wife to procure _="21.11d-s for expen-see on her own .-ig11z1'tu1'e `alone. T - ' I7Llll\.l!cl'), .L'.L'LllLLl_ u-uu, ;.u;.u. _ : 1.11 . S-UNDIAY IN 8.30 a.m.+Ho1y Communion; ; ` 11.0 a.m.--`Mxaxtvins -and Holy Com-'! _ . . A _ _, I,.__ ' ' in the, na-m_es 4-of _ ~two- persons, it her of whom can make deposits SL1- J .... --- wan`- rsvv ...JI.. A... --- .l.....~_..._ MEN S SPRING HATS` that welhave ever, had-Fitwell, l King. Battersby,"'Christy, all the bust English, Canadian and Amer - ican Makers. rina] Clearance Sale of High Cmsys`-4 Furs at.c0st3 amdlss. T- DOYOU KNOW?i J J u` 7 (lollluj$Vl.'Ll U1.ll~`3 WCLLLL -I-&\lJ>J \JV5ll . - mu-nlon. V 25.H p.m.-Clh:i1-cl-ren .s "Service. 4.0 p.m.--~Ho1y Bapmism. 7.00 n.m.--Evens0n:: and -Sermon. ".'\I\1'v '1-\ -rs-r/Nrwru 1'11 \ 173.... '.`'`?..1 .\' . E. And letnus Show you the finest! range of T" V piano depend almosit enrbirely up- Thast the musical qualities of the on the accuracy and exceence of the tuning and the ptmper condi- tion of its action; A very mon in-strumenrt w1hevn~pu't_ in_ condrition by an `expert tun_er_is 1` more `va-luable as a` musicaib instruf , ment than the ,empens iv~e. _p`ian.o when omt of `tune in. of repauin _ - ; - NEIL McVl%CA%R: 1(EENAN S MUSIC so 12% ?f+rocery , ifin`/a chance fouz. -- "-->_` r VOL. LXIV. No.9 VII-IOLE . - ' * THOMPSON cnsw. Punuspa no "7-3} ___.:p.--_ x JOINT ACCOUNT IS E A GREAT CONVENIENCE - Triniy _(2-glyugcih Music Furnished for all ?Oc_(:t_I Vs:loIi:3-_A Sunday, 1\iarc*11_7-th, 1915. -1 :1 nrrvrw A T7 T1\`r T 1:`,1\T'T\ J. FRANK. JACKSON %MAKER or PORTRAITS PIANO TUNER an nuns Barrie Branch. II. .l`1VUll-V\J11:; uuxu k)\.LALAv ILD R. JT._BIGGS, B.D_._, Vicar more_ or less.` Paym-enst to be mgde as" fol'lorw9-:3 On acoegtanoe of. T911: % der, $1000; s-uicient fbo"equ.1l 5-) per cent. of Tender.~_wi'l:hin 30 d`-Iys, and balance `may ne1nain- oIf1'mnr- . tgage for a -period not eezgceeri-iag three yealfsg AM .11-npai-dd `amounts . bear` interest `at the 2-. rate. {of-;s1ixt. $.41 . r was-"5anumf ` ` `Z-`.'~:'=ts'. '1 Jr? 7 " IIHUIU U1` `I658, U) K uvyuan uu. uvu ;.\.avv ' 51*`) `L1 `s J-J1-CW1 U1-LICK) \J\lJ-ll-U-I-l{lUD \-"L4 of Ontar.i'o, wrolte ag1azi.n in refer-V, ence to mhe ` aapapoinmment - of an eleotrilc _ inspector v for the . -envtire Td`i'strirct, inn-cud`in-g. ~a'l1~ mumi ' `i- `ti_ess from T\Smay.ner ` rto Midilamd, whose sa-1-ary ' and expenses would be vp'a.i~d fby . the C'6Immissi=oui_ and rassesscmenats made `On lhe crn1m1=is .paiI*i't\i.;e~s -`in aoocmdiane rwlith rthe He xtargei ctfhe `Passage of -a `by-lsaw at once, 1~eavi.ng tthe name of lth`e Inspecst-or |ba11k. 1 .1` ! |couNcn. wms The communications were as fol- ,*lows: - V J. A. Ma-cLaren submitted the -annu`a1_ 'sIt1a:tem*er11t Ioif dihe Bamie` Parks 'C ommi;3sfi'0u11.~ The receipts tobaililed $2037 .09, made up as fol- l1_,4-. &L`1i:N A representativrev of an I2'nc-ac-id'er mt , insuranvce eompa-ny_ cmm `Torornlto, wmte, pointing oust rhe town?-s; 1i-albiq1i.ty~ "f-or aciclidsengts Ito ctotwn em- ployees, dmrespsecmiv "(if whether or gnoit th-ere . eis` .=_a-ny neg`1'igen0e,I 'un'd*er. `the WIorkmen s Oompexrsaxtion for `lnju1".ies A`ct. V T 'll ` V ,1` L1__ Barrie Town tCdunvci1. following the lead of several oitaher munici- pealiizties, now nwanrts to have the surplus of $5000 from the flbcal Hydmo Elneertnic Depvartmenrt turned over to -them. Tvhtis matbter; as W-dll as the question of appointigtig an inscpeobori -for this distr-i-dt, will be discussed ila.te.r, and utihe Ontario Hydro Commission Wrllll be asked to send Ha repressendaastive up to give a full expla-nuation, F. A. `Gabry, Chief Engineer -of the Hydro Eliectnio - 'cqnmzissio11 ...E f\._.L.._.Z... _...,..L... .. ,...:_'- .._ ..,../.... , i "H. -A. Sisms, - Mtarntavger of the {Bank of 'Dor~on13o, Wrote" d1-axwinzg" :t.h.e .abentio11 0f_ "dhe `Board of, Works #90 ,the fact rth-art `t-he s1i:d~ewIa11`k . 011' west side of `Owen Srb., north from Dru`-n1o!p `S1t., rslloupses rt70w'a`1~dsA11he' bui1d'$in~gs'*in-steasdi of tonwar-dis ` vtfhe roadway. ` `As a -collsequenxcve dur- "ing 17'he recent 'heanviy Twins the cel- '1ar umder rbhe Bank ofces Iben fl-oodedi, some `d1amage" was` done Ibo contents, and greart *inconven'ienuce' I 1 -was caused in operating _-their heat- ing rplanlt. ' ' ` `rs 11 `I ` 1 1_,,_.J._'__- J . L.:r1 |1u5 .,,...._... M. ,J; B. Edwards oen'dAered*. h:is}; rvesi-g!nvazim1 was -`r/own" zaudiirtor, as `he !11d'S !the extra djuties oonneated `therewith too mulch for his `h-eaIl't`h.' ' _E1ec. Liglht Mia-de Prot [ ` J. J. _-B1~orw1_1, 'I_C`hadnman of me! Electric -Light `C10mIIIi1S`S:ijOn, wroebef -' l'-1.`|__.....- TIT. |1..nunnv:+W| .Q11\,yy1:;-f 91"` '4 sta.tvistic-s on the `etatemelmt Awhi-oh .l`JX":,'C l?1'1C _u1gu1~u \J'Ll|l1l.l.l.luc-:u_u'.I.L, V as ..:fo1s1-owe: We *herewih sufbwmiit an} unau`di.ted statement of .the receipts: and eX`p`eI1'dl`;.t11I'eS and eomparauhilve ,13`Z1a111'C`(-3 sheet for the year. -Our g1~oss ea.rn.i-111g1s .tor tth-e year were. -$29,037.49, vh'i1-e the expenses 490' be c1'e:7suzcnted* were ' $23,044.31, louvr `att7e11.t~i 0n is -also directed 4110 the Ish-ogws we {have 1025 Ia.-cvtivse accounts, [also the 'k.W. A ctovn.sumpti4on_ toreuea-cnh `cl-ales 10f cuslttotmensv is gitven; . ` `T`he Waaiterworks Derpmttment -suib- "m1i`bted rbhe _ annu.ax1 reptortv. or 1914, _1 as foLIdws:' * T = A $5900 ELECTRIC L LIGHTSBRPLUS , ~---,-" . i . ._ -O.u.r Xsbearm plant at :the spixmpl house `is .Ii-n 'm't-wdlass `operating Incorudition, as proven art ohe.- reeern-t. lre an: the .Q.upen_ s, '-when Ibottfh fboi1- . __- J . J. '..L1. J __--gunman!-u quuncn .ll1'U `wk ywo 44-upU1L_Io, 'vvu.x\.u.|. vuuuu -uV.- Lens and spumps were working on 7 linesjxof those" and -`good pres-. su:re_1;vas oonehanlbly mai-nta;i:ned.' at VVa\g'es ..$ *1\'Iainit>_e11a.1noe` . . . *. . . . ; . Pemnanent clvlnprovemvems. Ban_k Interest `on IO!ver- .drat.. .. `Electric Light .. Balance `in `-Bank -. . . e'nt.? ' ; TENDERS will be received upl Simooe Hyoitel *Company Limited; fer the purchase of the Realty of said Company, formerly occupied` by the Queen s H6te1,1a:ud situate on the North side of Dunlop Street, Barrie, Ont-ar-i-o. The eaid pro,-` petty has ,a_ rontage of 132 ieet more or less, by a depth of .165. feet -_:1.......~ ' `Du-o-naxicb 4-A; Ln to March 15th,. 1915, b`y_, the Lake ' r:']?r`y:1~aa1ce `fr<.)1I'1T 1913 :. .,':$ 597.-72,5 -I I\K'\l\ I\[\ l4'l.`(M.ll.`\.'C7 a.uu; . . . oxy uu .-.-. 'ILFJ190m Town Iofv`Ealrr.ie . . 1389.00 From OItt'he.r 'zS%o_unces . 50.37 TEND'ERS% WANTED; `Di dbu r.sen1e11'tS THE [N`|'ERESH'S OF BAB.R|`E,"`l'H COUNVY OF` /SIHCDVE ANISATHE DOKKGI OF GINADI OUR ORIJETON. ..$ 767.01 .. 274.75 ts. 678.02] $2037.09 $2037.09 Dam; 2.-41 ` . 9.00] 305.00 I BARRIE; COUNT`1 6F SIM`COE`; ONTARIO, MARCH 4, 19:5 | Engineer Maocionell reported thaxtl `the snow powing, xi-n Ward-s 1. '2, 3 and 4 for J a`nu-ary and February cost $161.19, sin Wards 5. `and 6, $66.4"';` sewer -ma.=in-tenyanee, $50.91; sand. $6.53; vsuprp%Lies,. $8.70. Four p1'um_bi,ng permdit-s _were issued dur- ing February for work to `the value of $356.00; fees to the sborwn, $4.50. Since the rst of othe year 25 per- mits. have `been issued.` for electrical work; fees `to ~tonwn,'- $21.27; 52 in- speobions had been made on th-at lwork. - 1`:-' 1 11 11 1- .'l -4/\ | .L}A1\/ L IJ.1|.(.&1l.\./I2 IAILLLL Q-)\/~J01A1\.a'1.l.u I Committee reoommnended` $1125.00 Hoe granted to ythe -Ba.1-.rie Horiculaturasl Society. The -same committee rte- eotmmemded the -usual grant `of $600 to the GitJizenvs ~ =B'a-nd. Commistteve, `the weekly ooncerlbs to the divided as follows : . 3 alt lS't. Vsin?oerrt s, 3 in Ward 6, 3 at `PO. ".Sq-uare and 1153.1-4 ance in Queen :s Park. The band 111-- so -to "furnish -music free of dlmrge for rbh-e 121511 -of July demonstra- tion. . ' - ` -r 1 o -n .~. :11. 1 man A LII VU `K; LIV II\.ILL4l`| zacive `accounts. ' Fvin-anciail_ staxternemt 9110'Wi:11g re- ceipts and.` exopendiltures, `assets. and Dhivalbilinbies. wri_-11 {be presented- ua.s- soon .a)s1-sutdited. ` " r ' 1- 11 . - .1 `Considerable rtnoub`1e `has been experienced. with -our rwest maisn alt -'Bu~nker .s Cmek due $0 1319- Settle- mm; of vhe rfl-Hing `of .11heVroa;d4 way. "300 feet "of 6-irneh pipe Was in- wstazlcled to" replace a secbi-on `Uh-`at was lost. This main is" Inosw connected thr'0ug`h .a.n~d is working. _ :- "Dhirteen -new -exItensi~ons were- .'1a.i-d using 4232 feet of 1i-inc-3h pipe, 93 new wservices were -:i-nstalled, 83 new customers were ~a:d&d5ed _and !9 old _services ,'were- renew-ed. `We. -have 819 meters einsbailed-31-11cl 610 att rate customers, -a total of 14529 .. .'..JJ:-_.'_ _ _ -..__ IlA4l\J Va.` -I-LVJ Irvyun:.vsu Grann- 76'I,00O gaslnlmns waver T ' Vhydrantzs were .:inspecIt.edf ~and tested during `the yeanf,- and were fqlmd to work free and -`closed Dugwingugtilige year two extra _.w.ne (insta:1led,.:_-,_a11d @111 exItsion`of 940 aft of 4 -ihdh gast 'i-ron was -la-id: to connect _u-cw `wt-.711, wua uuiuuu Uu. ~' D.1__u_1IL:uu -`Set. This new T8-I;i-n-oh Well (is the `best Nve We have, and our `-stipgply is ancxwwamplte for any emergency, Whliah ?w;a.vs prorvnen at the recenrt re. IN .11 u thehvpumps `I10 ouzndzs, and I-ILOH Ann ._..a'I.`I....__.. ...-_._ . ..---.......'...:..-':J. I was zfouxidf necessary :to, :in- crease our supply ouf waiter and a new we1=1',Was -on ~ :S.im~eoe (`In A ' 1 TI ' ` :1 -. YIVI ` 1' A~1d. Lang c1~a.imed` the A-lllandule `band was just as Vmurbh enmi-tled to ba T~g*rVa-nit as the Oitzizen-S Band, but {Aug}. `Ru-sk sasd . the Sixth Ward- mtlsiroians were not `applying for any assistance. ` T Vl"`L- I'3__.__Z- V`l\___-_!,- -_ IV- ' 1."..--.2... x J 95 K"'h'V5.I`\-i\IC >7 . I {The Barme 'Da~nn1ng '00., shavlug met all requuurements-, -wi41'1_ be re- funded $219.32 for eleotmic. -1-igih/L.` The _Sa:1vation -Army Rescue VV-ork wza-s -granrbed; $10, and the Pullsic Lifbrary was given $300 -on 1915` rm..- 13---; ._1: nT....1-.. .......,..,......,.,\.,..,1 vl-\l"I] I The -Board of Works recommend- ied -the acceptalloe "of J. {C}. S~00Itt .s| oen-daer for tile, sewer wipe, ju-nc-i 't:_ion~_s, lbends and cement; Sarjearrt & ,Co. s tender for steam -coal or roliler was aoocepated, and that of. VV. JC. And-news for `the +b1a,cks1nithf W?15z' ' % I V l ` . - ` `V Grey -S oommiuttee trecorm- gzremetzzwfiremen Allan"-E Imendedl. the "placing of six more dale amid! I recommend the; Ibells in remen s housves, cost not purc-hatse hip `to exceed $60; wz`nnich rW-as -approved.` and boots; ` - Th\a)t $5000 Sm"-plus . ' .-remen hats. - Deputy. Robertson raised the I also -beg you to note that thel Lquesti-on of the Tow-n naxp-p'lyu`;11g or Afllrafndalie equrpment was complete; `the surplus of $5000 fromo the , some two years ago and on accounttl Electric Light Dept, and A {thought 3 -of rt`hIe_ haltl `being not properly ca`-red} the Town should either get extra; for -ve paars of .boots_ were etd1en,`| street light or the czusth. Oo11si*d'- and: I strongly recommend _-that arable d1`iscus~s\io en:si1ed over this, the hall be `securely looked and used but -nothing_ derminte was \arr`h,ved_ at.` for re _ equiipmenrt. only._ All of The M`ay.o-r s suggweestion to` take the A whi1c:h `ins r-e'Speo 0f111`1y `-suibnutted` for: `maatter up_ with the Ontario VI-Iydiro y-our `considerastion;--~J; SHRUB-i Electric C`01mniesri_or1 will be, acted i`vS`O!LE_,' Czawprt. upon. . A A _ .. 1\r....-....;.,;- rn:r'r1 11111 A .rn'r1'1'7I1'\` ' ` uyvu Motions` .l- _ Fisher--Ru-sk----'Tha1: rtahe OhraxI1r- Iman of the Board of Works hire `the uoreman dwring the Ecngineer s absence, said foreman to hire his men under -the supervision of the T?he Engineex- s office to `be he supemi-sion of the Ch-airman of the Board of Works. -Foremanis wages to be. agreed up- on by the Board of Works, -the` jforetma-n to men do a` fair day s work. A` Labor wages from $1.50 to pan nn - _1._ L.` IL- _`-._1.._1. _L_ 2...... l ..IJ6U|I\.r& V7 uavv` _.I.A v-Ag. syautr $2.00 a day, to be gmaldecl by ore-i man. -Teaunsters wages to in $4.50! a day; loads .120 ;equal 1% yards.i lead_ teams to be in Vpirt` mt 6.45,E ;,-L 1.--... -1 _-;:a. 1.- 1-...) > va. LII Band Free -For J-ully 12 'Tl1e. Finance and Assessment 1 1 10.4/\..a' t'\l\ I x`-st teaxm VUCHLLID UU UV 111. lllll uvu vo2.u,| . D some _1;"_ this mo-g ion was carried} on` zi"~diivision, _ A'1d.| Eorrseld "and L - Wilkes voting. .a'gain- ` st. st. V r . V F % nu -- n" A __,_-1 ,-`L'_:.;.2'__,_ ._.. BI: .I.`I1o A .Count of Appeal oonsisbing of ! Reeves Bennebt, A Robertson and Saules, and Ald. Clarke,` Wislikves and Wallace, 5 wi141_ oons.i~d;er the` assessments for the east end sewer-' age and, "hear amyu complaints. What grantozwnilvl bezgjven to the; ie iboys; o_}f `the ;'I`.hird_ "Gontin-; _.wti*1_ 5oon'si;{1Ie`r`e the, y . v J -V .` -- .:. I ._ .2` rm A J! .l1l121Ll!JU Uuuuxytvuucc. . I The Boat-di of ' Works will 1-nvesti-; ga-be rhhe,-Bank of % Dorom oo s com-E Qpliasi-n!tvtii1,.,1V'e1ferer1ceV to Wat ,1"_ 1`iu.r1b-, ;.;.:.:;`-.. .-.;.".'+,;-.'v.'u1. ..:-..`l *vnIan'nn' 4'-mun" Increased - inspection` Wa,s- made of the equp- % `the hose was in use indludrlhg that |of No. 2 .~3taItion,vA*1Jan-d`a1e. ' L . `Oct. 16--_E]:izalbe'th St. Dec. 24-'Char1ootteSt. . ' . Practices ` . I '_J:an.V _8'vh, Mdh. 10th, Dec; 21st. V I also beg `to report =tIha:t iass4is'4t- .AVJ.lp|l`V . J..L'\IVV \,`L\lL I AM bu; Lu Live ` `By Lietilbexi-ant `Wuater Sbott, an mcnt at No. 1 s't.a:tai:on,- `Barr-ie. We found the equtipment in good con` d:itJi1on but would fol-low Chief Mc-| Phee s vrequesit for 500 t.- of new hose, `as at the Queen s ;Hvootel re -alll _-_----__, -_ ___:u.L T :---L..__.___L A1nI- V June I J utl-y Munnm nmas U DURlNG1914 During. the year there were nine-2 cteen caflls-4 for res, eight false` a'1|a.nms and three for practice, as ,f0H`0fW'S :- "` V T " I Ivua v\)' ' '&\/tI\JL\IJ OIL) -.L\ruLv'vv~7 n l -two`