Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 Jan 1915, p. 8

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, y, ,_ puny BHVWW 818118 .01 weaexenmg,` The followmg .15 _a. hat of com- ,Awhi.1e r. the Barrie `youngsters .,werel forts gratefully recelved by 3 just getting - used.` to .t1K_,_ 'i,oe'_'] Stewart and sent to Salisbury, The A play -was ~_.a1l in Ban`-ie s favor,-`Q Plains on -Monday, J anuary 18-th.'.T but". for "10 mint":-teal . but the riod benig the second shlpmenfi 70- P:G}P5,`:th'ey failed: to.fn6`g'(5tia. 6e "`"_th1?e11ets', socks. 70 cholera -'= beits. 40. .P;&1:1`3 z11n-til` after` ti?-n'ie 'bit:1df"-team play mitts and `half mi1:t3,}1o4 mu'le_rav," 1 by` thre; of ` ;f61,wards; a PL L3? ':`i~eek Ye S1 .`f ,45~hP`9 %%izz1er* .:r1am=`ienel .s0c's- - . ; orono. 1s. . ..~n0u's`h Work.Ai:.Wil1. "be idon V and O: ` .~ . `M 4, AT VICKERS "'v'_"`:J in LV Us "1U`U, _L.'U, _1t1'19- (`B-*0.) Colonist `d3t9 Wppears the name 51111 `D TAJJ ` _c_-,,,, 1 Geo. Vickers ;Fir's.t introduced`_or'| the 5th of January, it has already become 'pofpular.e We erfdorse all of the" claims of the makers respect- ing this Corset and recommend it as the best Corset` made to sell at the price . ` ` D ` AA Splendid, Health, Comfort_Givihg, Perfect Figure Producing. Cgfset, V It is at "the head of theclass of `New Spring Models, possess- ~ing allof the,adv'anta g`es and comfort-giving qualities of the more expensive lines and pricedwithin reach of all. It is the latest triumph of the Crompton s Special $ Corset This Is An FL Exact THE w.EATHE1 f ______ `A C-I-n" - Better Buy It Now Than.ToWish You Had"? eWA:N-TED- -Neat tidy girl as` -housevmaid. _App1y Mrs. C alder- wood, 23 Theresa .-St. ` 3-3p. TrED-.--4O`areta1 the Bar- rie Colegiate Inetitume-. Durties -to` commence `Feb. Jlzst, 1915. Applications, stating V a-gve, exper- ience and salary, received `-by the undersigned -up to J anu-ary. 23rd`. Fred_. Mart, -Sec. Barrie Bd. _of `Education. .- . 2-33 The Corset Specialty Store Crompton Corset -Company '0i01`S of ; Union 1 t\1-I Aflln Of good quality :-W.-hite'~Cou_tille Medium low_ bust and long over hip Satin Ribbon and Lace trimming Four Hose Suppoxfters aptached. _~FAIRBANKS#M-ORSE Gas or: T `engine this is your chance to se- or Gasoline Engine for Quick` Sale Cheap. ,If you need an] ' cure a thoroughly-overhauled one, good as new, at a big `bar-, gain. Apply P.O. Box .751,; Barrie. ` V52-tf. SIX YOUNG SHOR'1'-.-IO-RN L BULLS, from to 16 mont1`1_s_ .11.: L_...1 1_..~___ _~_.__--4-; to produce a special Dollar Line Specgial at .00 324 ~ am;_3_:, 8.1805 fOil1' bl`0the1`S --v-av-v,v}\ aaurccb lI.8Ul0(1l$l3 Unurcn. _ in Ireland, Rev; Mr. Pear- ,"304'I1._<. i1,I!`lt_3 {to Canada when `a youth .I!d-- inaed " in laevangelistic ` work %;t'9r"':-sxera1'4`4: ears prior `to becoming tad ,;jQon.ferenc`e. The . ~ - is "l's}1r_v_iv_ed by I, ......u. _ V. 1.), uuur _. OI mam:-aw, [;Minn., and Mrs. H. E. Reid. Miss 3-: Alice f-Lisghtfoot `and Rdbert of Bar- _:rie`;;. V1`-he funeral was held on Sat- .;u'rday 'a:ften'1oon. to the [Union 'l'._.Cem'etery, the ,Rev. P. A. Jourdan l` taking theservices. -The pa11-boar- ` ers were his three sons, and son- in-`law, H: E. Reid, and Messrs. C. 'A Thompson and Wm. Freek. -"'nI"' -I-*\-`Vs .LlLa!L.l11l1uI.lKU IJ. .['C}`U'SUIlu Jia retired Methodist minister, am `h1't15 before 1- o clock this morn- }118.f8t his S0n s residence, 6 Burl- .`_n3'tn `Crescent. Rev. Mr. Pearson -:was; taken suddenly ill about thirty ` minutes before the end came. He aue`re&, a'- .paz*a1yt_ic strok two [ yea;-5; ago, ~ . . -`"1 `Ml . `Pearson, who was one e9f:e ,theVo1d school of the Method- efesninistry. had preached for { ,V1f, j years, `retiring from an- ` `7VV1'l f0\_1r years ago, when he .`kd5 _1}0.._f1i9rfQ1ieve& of his charge " H6 was a member of T9l`ntq --;C0n!fe!,e`nce, gnd his ` ( was at ~ o1'6!j~ thodiet Church. W1:-am -"'.}I .E.._ 11'. 1)---- `sV -1 bl-IU UBHJSII at LOTUIILO of Rev. -M, L. Pearson, who was P881301` of the Collier St. Methodist Chumh from 1897.110 1901. and who Went from Barrie to Collin-gwood. The Toronto Globe of Saturday .3339: Rev. Marmaduke L Pearson. 33 1.-_LL - J, 1 -AREV; M. L. PEARSON D~EA 1) ` WQPG was received in town on ':&t111)1`l<`i_f1y of the death at '_I`oront `I5, ,- .ALJ-UJIL \J.Lv IsIL.L.IJ.lJ" .VVa.L-I-3` JJUU 0, C017. 6, Oro, 100 acres, clay and sandy loam; 15 acre of hard`- wood bush, balance" under culti-I vation; 15 acres of fall seeding done now, and `fall plowing chief- ly done; good large barn on ce- ment foundation, and _~o'11tbuild- ings; frame -house; 11} miles from Edgar, and 14 miles from Barrie., Possession `in. spring, 1915. Ap- :' ply on premmses or to Georgel Wynes, Edgar P.O._- , : 45-j;f! sumo .A4L5I5.I.v1.uUI: `WES ll. SLHUIICH HIGH!` 6f the Met_hodist Ohurch, and :was a Conservative; He is survived iby three sons and three daughters - 0561311 Vagd Charles Of Toronto, i.Mha Q A 13--.. {DEATH 01? ALFRED LIGHT- -w;\:._- -+uv___};uuuu U1. .J.l.I.'_l.7. 11-111`U(1 1;1gm- foOt~c')ccurred at his` residence, Duekgworth St., last Thursday moriiing in his 87th` year. The late 'M1"'.7 Lighbfooty was born in Yorkshire, Eng., in 1828, and came to` Canada in 1870, iesidzing at Bar- rie eve: since. He was a success- ful farmer `on the northern out- hskir-ts* town until he retirad -1-adv.-' -onn$_n -,_.- ~ '9. few4`v3re2'1;'- Hg}; Z33" IEISVQFIWEK ..Duck4`wo`rI:h ' '-St. About -18 months ~T3~ N- 219% 1915 -_The.,_death- of .Mr. Alfred Light xnf` `L-.. ' -rsrutuss-sncu-I n4 ` ' ._--3.]_,,._ "5-l\`~ \.ll-IIIIIICD Lu _]_ L)f()[ll.lI, "B-_ Door _,.of Mankato, J ]l'_L. 13!" T.` 11--1 1r'__ Reproduction E): W FARM ,F_0R VSALE` AParE t`he_ Eastjilialf `ofml Lotsi .19 `I-ll-I 41: _ J. ILL Y ID, Phone in_ !house. .I_.r U .I..l.a.0J, ..|.U 1u.'U11ll-I-l_'D 5 'd, bred mugorted stock for sale on reasonable terms, LAp- `ply A. Purvis, Craigvale. L.D.' .m\l\`nI\ -3... `LI\`1.I\l\ ' AA A. `AT SARJEANT, ' ..'i.1` 3.. NEW ADvER'DI.s*EMJ3fNT%s FIELD OOMFORTS *1`-I 5l.V\JLL Uloln _ .Ll.Ll._D KIUIFUII, `Ill 1). ,M. 80.. jSophia' ;, M7 3% .3i8h.J 1!; Beautiful New Embgoidexjies Vavnd A W}.1ite U-nde"rwear. ~.Fine C15t tO;l lS,V Beddings and Linens, alllatv ,Bargain'[Ifrices.= We` never had bettr. values. for this great "Annual Event. and expect gr_eat crowds. In the face of advancing,.pr.ces, .particnlarly. in `linens, it `will pay you to.SPEND TO SAVE. SARJEANT & KING, LIMITED In iavr,j.~%J~ Sale C`c;n1thencas.Monday and will Cbntiizue -for 2 QeeKs. For fuller particulars ; see large bins and shw windowsa IL \I VV LLLVJU Secretary. V L2-3, coMMENEs NEXT MON- DAY MORNING, EBTCM`. #7 balance wtagxl T-hex beginning `of _the thi_nd.per-I . . ' ,iod was one. of tense excltememt. =1-"-S. The Mea-ford rooters implored their V . boys to" walk in and score one, but'y showed signs of ~ weakening,` com- "were , M18-ijust gettingusecr to,the.soc1 E io;a.! 1851117: play -'w_as_-aljl .{ -:Ea'vor,"` _: hilt for "10; min11~t_e.8_;; they-pe'rio'd' P;}1`5,,` they nfai_l;d_. ggto ; ; n"gbtia.1f9 the -` nets, ' .P;1:1`3 ! until ' after diinice 1bit'.,-()'f_ -_"tea`m era`; luv N-FD-.12n'ipn:.3g -V4)....'u ......1-.*'1=-:_ . ; 011 m01"-7:8a.8 e- ' . {W 21:6.` "Period.--idBarr(ie V Qnle rVah-avtzh ` `Apply to George .1-Ialkes, on the: full of vigor `and from the face`-off I Or t0 Bal`rl6_ I ' o . Meaford fboys all the time. `Mes.-I 1 . `R 5 . ' 3 I ford-'3 defence proved` good, and ANNUAL "MEE.TING lAthoug`.h the Barrie [forwards worked The` "Annual Meetlne of. the} like heroes. they failed to ring in 9.! Shareholders .; of The V Barrie Q`ll1'_1s counter. Then 5 ue big crowd that-' ing and Atbhletic Club, _,Lim1-ted,%i thronged thegrin-k began _to 1-wk` will be held `in Rink premises, `curious and wonder -how -it was go- G 1-arpperton Street," on -.Wedneeday~ ing\tO end. `.~Eveni `MeaIord s sup- Evening, J'&I1- 274711. 1915; at ' 3 F porters` were astounded that their o. c1oek, _for the"pu11p0Se_ Of r60e1V-Itam.was,.a:h1e- to hold the" fast} ing the report of the. D1reotors_for':Barrieiteam-doIwn_ to._a'-scorele;es* i_sx' -the past year. electing--. a Of! s'ue`. at the."6i1d.. of the second period, Directors for the ensuimg.'ye31` nd 7 and they .aga.ins_t tall prob- A. E. Statpleton, ` A. Brownleeg-' 4_ in} 't)......:.J....:. ' Q-......L__.. General Business. ~ V V: al5.ili'ty_-_` that their` team * would" elip *7".-;-'5 mu-_~ uuu uvgxuu, ,vuu1r==~.I)a1"`F-16 " 81" J-'.w=ga,ys_`;'+4nredominant._ With about 8- ;min1ites` .toL%`m1ayJ-.%am>ftherA ms; }n'p .3-for arrie 1,. ' " \ I I "The` rst period was twenty-min-` -utes of `even1\3"-matched play, in-V ldividual "rushes being the feature. Somerv'il'1e, the Barrie goal `tender _had a numher of shots to stoi), and Iwas. always on the j` . r Me '-| ford s net tender also had some hot: _ones to look 'a-fter .-but `got away with] lthem nicely. Neither team scored- ;and both seemed relieved when the; lgong sounded the rst rest period.` I f\ 1. -1: u 1' 1\ n ' ' . . 'su(:K-naI1_(m1I1*g' , or: wmcn may -are carpafblle. VMeavford made it a `special _.-point to single out `Dot. _ Meeking {for attack and for some time this" brillilant` youngster g`armely' put ' up} with consideralble . --albuse whichi went _ unc'hallnged by Referee Bernhardt. .\ T 7 11- v\ (I . I H g i The ice was heavyvslusln and the- ?Barrie forwards could not get their ' owing- conibination working right, to the diiculty in ' passing. _'Barrie played` the same team Tas in their game with Stayner there last Wed- 'nesday,t but Mea`ford had "strength- `ened by the sulbstitution-y of several of their former players with better men, and proved more formidable than when _ they played here a week previous. They attempted little team "-play,` but contented them-. `selves with as-ticking. closely to their checks and blocking their oppon- ents as much as possi/)le.. 1 Natural- ly they are not as speedy skaters as Barrie Juniors -and the soft ice proved rather an advantage to }them, while our juniors were hamp-5 and were not able -to ' Cred 9 ldisplay` the brilliant skating, and stick-handling ocf " which they g IIIALIIJ, uuu, U esp: arej winnim infractions was quick did not sh ever, and T on the par c1'.i't'icise '11 that score.` `The tean Barrie-( Wardiman ; Keely; Icq winlg, Ghee] 'Mea'ford+- Oliver; co Buttchart ; wing, Parst ovnnplin :J- A ..qirP I I I . _ V A V iuouncea on ms About 100 supporters went up on knew it, and} It the_ special train ' to Meaford on handled? a num 'F.riday, evenin'g last. to witness ; Un-d'oulbted1y_ he Barrie s fast Junior 0`.H.A. team , from another 1 ma'ke_ their fourth consecutive win them in the la of the: season. Contrary to expecta- period, tions. the game was the best from` `Only three 1: ijzhe spectators standpoint that has meted out to ] `yet been played in the group` series,` continue to/plal `and -al-`though Barrie won by a 2-0` keep them out `score, they 3 had worthy opponents they are pretty in Meaford , and` the win. was on the nals, Me; the merits of our team alone. .ties, but,` of -C01 BARBIE 2g-`MEAEoRD 0 HOCKEY ___ ____,,' _...,.. [ .._.,._n _ u'w'uU9 1._`UaU`IIla5 In ), min- a`,.-.and"J in Barrie: and one Ljqy|,1i_ dang-htet',' `Mrs. Edward Wal-ton `iiqf ` 1f7t6rS~,:;:33 1=Pi?--` 3'` hQI'.n6I 3110- diet?-` Morxdasi rj, *.; " 3=" *"31 +A`=`9} '_7 3 , _,___ ,.V....;uJ "1011 uuucr uUUU1Ilp1lSIl" - l ed ~artis;ts, will test the possil>il'it'ies ti of _the new instrument which is 1' very highly praised by experts in lithe .musical line. It has `been spec- a,i'a1'ly V` designed for St. Mary s Church and ins:talled> with more than ordinary care.m T-he produc- tion of music and `melody rather `than yoluxne of sound was rigidly. .|kept in VIGW; , - ` [ The Very Rev. Dean Harris, [. LL'.'D.,. the noted lecturer litterateur ,3 and author will be the speaker. ;.I _l\_Tot special invitations have been `I ; ` issued /for the. occasion.` -'S't. Mai-y s . congregation extends a, cordial in- . v-itattion to all, especially to lovers -. oi high .. -class` sacred `music. -SA voluntary collection will ;be_ taken In gr` 6 '4` Jug... , E I I :51-Eni "}Ioc3'$nv:7 Dmhl mi,.e1:;',?;s and b9f mVin8 in` ,-t'o Banri lhakii lived for 53. number of yeans-at ; :._`K Some .eiIght' years jher hqbend w` killed by, a A *"` ~ ~`. sS.in84 . . f.:a`te,- 1-. '39. }';3n:1'*.:..1'h1-5:3:--"+. `D'....;.....3.~ .- --- ,, _ '-,1-'; -.1 . . ' Mrs. Geo. Carhey, . an old rsi- dent of Oro and` Bax-.rie,. died at daug'hter s residence, 111 Maple Ave._, on _EF.1viday -night, _-an i11ness5'af -six _ wa_s] .iHri1-'n sin : (`H-......u._ `n was J UUI 2'11: "e door. ` `His Grace A hbishop MoNei11l will preside. Professor G-uammer of Aurdra, so well and favorably known in _musical. circles of Barrie 'and vicinity with other accomplish-_ lg] .,,,.+_;,4._g n,;'|'|. +394. +1.... .......,.:.1_:1._-A-,-__ sq`. MAR-Y sS NLEW-' PIPE o.RGAN{ loans` _v1.> vuc uvw p-11):: U.l"gH.I1 8.3 we I7 o cl_odk service on Sunday even- `mtg, January 24th, in St. Mary s Church promises to be one of the` .e_vents_ of` the season. .I ma I11|n.rx1\ AQ...LLZ_1-_,_ 11- 11- oil!` 1zi:'.aurII(i--Gf 3&1, Hibblin; .poi_nf; cover, Tomlinson; Z rover, _Bu:tc?hart-; centre, McInnis;. right- iwimz- Pnrnnnq-'1n4-'+ n'v:r\n|I 1xr:u,..; l gputocnarv; centre, Mcmnis; righ iwing,_ Parsons; ' left wing, `Wi1ton Wardima ` cover, Higgs; rover, centre, Meekimg; `right wing, Cheer; left. wing, Harvey. '.'I".....E___J. J1, 'I 1 |In.`lo `f "' "i>"I3{ &`. ' "E Barrie, January 14, `I915. - .. uuu.uuvu.vv.y -.LU1. a. JLULIJIU bU2l.11l I.aU play` -team, especially when the ..visitors `a `rougher game than a visiting winning; Bernhardt `let of the -rules get .by, at. to detect .off-sides. __ e, show any favoritism, h&;{w._- ever, and there .Was no disposition part -of the supporters ,.to .-c1'.i't icise his work very much. `on -firnf emnmn ' cf the penalty 9 X,` pretty sure candidates for nals, Mearford dreiw 6 penal .ties, but,` -course, there is always` a tendency for a home` team to play! 9, 1`n`I'IlI1`|D1' n-n-nno +Lnn .. -3..-'1-3-- J W-6:1`13r V -minor penalties were Barrie, and if - they to.'play hockey that will i Jinan +'11nv\n Ann` ....C LL- ._ A_- -1L - a1b1e' shots that looked like rwinners, but Hibblin, the Meaford net-ten- bder seemed covered With -horseshoes, and luck was all on _his side. They struck him,- the net ` posts, and bounced off his stick before he} and he, also, 2 laiowingly, number in good style. ;Un~d'ou!bted1y_ he saved. his team ,1 -rorn heavy score against- thern in the last portion of the period. ' I .1 ,4. 1,- _ D143-}_AT-Hlf 03: MRS. }C'A1RNE,Y The "dedication `and formal open-I 1g_ of the 'ne_'w pipe organ at thel (unnvvunn A-- C`--;+ -1 - 1 Qcams were: IMONDAYJ JAN. 25th ..7--, - .n-.AllIlI.Iu lull > _ :1 In Burma." and (me s.` Edward Walton-`=:df km: 1-. 3 `A: A` 1034.. LU U1 U5 UL LJGLILVVUUIL |. I.L_Ul..lg ' I "The above farm would be sdld en. bloc, .or if preferred `- would be` divided to suit purchaser. ` . 'l"........... ......A. ......L .......`l L1... 'l...1..---..I women's Fine Qots,_ all `sizes, uvu ll. '1)tl11', Ullly` 8.11 `URPOYS Cut` 4 _ Rate Shoe Store. v ` _ {Bandmaster " Addison is nursing .a baadly-sprained wrist, sustained in "an accident" ' a.t_ Crown Hill on .Tues__day evening. , ,Mr. and Mrs. AddiS0n- were .assis' in the pro-. gramrne at `an er1tertainment_ there, I -_1 590 a. pair, only aft }Carey s. Cut4 --'C`arey. s lSemi-Annual Shoe .'a1e is in full swing. Men s -Waterproof tO1oth Top 1 Buckle .Ove`rsho`es, worth. $1.50 a_ .-pair, for 990 a pair. M_en s_ `Storm and Plain %Over RuJb- fbers, worth up to $1.25 a -`pair, `for A citizen suggegts that many un-, employed men in town. `missed a good opportunity to pick urp,a "few dollars the other morning shovel- ling snow. The heavy fall on Mon- day night provided an opportunity for any unemployed man to go out with his snow shovel and earn $2 or $3, if he-,-really wanted `w0rk.l Very few citizens . who have snow shovelling to do would refuse -a [man from 25c- to 50c. These op;-" portunities. should not be missed `by the unemployed. . . - ` uuvvt ymuxv wpuproacnea -In liarrie, not only a few lmes, but every shoe in their store is` oerecl at cu-tarate pr-ices } --4Carey s -Semi"-`Annual Shoe Sale seems to be .the centre of attraction in Barrie because `Call-ey s are offer- ing" -Shoes and Ru1Hbers- at prices never bfoiwe approached in Ba:-`tie, nnf ma"... n In... 13.....- .L__L A The local Ibranch of the Red " Cross Society gijatefully ;a:cknow1-"- 'e&ges receipt of $72,75 from the people of Ivy, `being the proceeds: of the tea and` entertainment; held.` in the Orange Ha-ll there on Fri- day, January 15th. To Mr. Da'vidj- son, K.'C., of Toronto, the ~s.pea~ker* of the evening,` who, at his own ex-_ pense, came. from the city `of To- ronto to address the 'meeting, they` also extend -their sincere thanks. ' }seems ube.the centre Iin are oer- ting and -prices never chad-`m-n om.m.m...'l.m.1 :..A D_..'_:- TG. W. Raymes, the plumber, will ,'remove about 1st February from the Ross `Block, opposite Welling- ltoneHotel, to the new "store ` in the ,'Kidd- Block, recently remodelled `by E. T.. Tyner. W. AShouldice, the .1')ainter, will occupy the other half. R. Dvwoirsky, `ladies tailor, will oc-' 'cmpy the" store`1_:'o be vacated by G. I W. Raymes; ' .. ` us 7 auuu vv -au IA: vsauvv Terms, partucagsh and _`t.he mortgage. ` _ A.....J...- A... fV.....`....... 'D-1]-..-. Fax-mers-+Get Iyour butter_ paper printed` at The. Advance. We have a large stock of the finest `parch-` ument paper--clear and white--the, kaind _-`that does not discolor your butter, Send your order in now and we will have it ready for you }_when you call on -Saturday. ' The double header in the S.S. Hockey League "on Monday night! resulted as follows: -Crusaders won} from St._ Andrew s by 4 to 3, and Bara-cas won `from the Y by 7 to 1. Although the play was not pro- fessional hockey, there , was [con- isiderasble, and lots of lamusrement "for the spectators. ' ;:`g'oo'o;do_;o`o6`o'obogg:.v j9$:`._*l -5?-`=1 ? 1;`-3'"' `L 7 ..'.>' Oi _,.o;~9a;oooooppogooonuooo- 4 V` _'.f'H Ldanty CciI{1:i:1hc.i1 mets"Tt 21 .:inc_>_;1l Tuesday, A January 26th. 1 1": frgxhed " t';oVori'1er at 4Deung'a1l`Bros. -1 F 41-tf ` 'Pe1`cy ..Plaiton~hs passed third year_ .1awL fexaminationrs. V l .'_l`he Citizens Band is arranging] fora _popular Skating Night` at the Mammoth" Rink; when the full band will `be in attendance and -cidntinumis music will -be given. Further particulars, will be an- )nounced in a few days; ` I A wild deer ran across the park in Orillia `on Sunday, and disap- peared after running through the centre of the town. It, wpparente ly, came "across the ice from Ohierf s Island, and ;was seen by Ihundreds. of people. I 5,T7fi"ff"`_.;~7`77i:"5T""`7'f* """`"."" 1 ' '7,f_*Cb11,ier ' . 'M_-_etho`di'stV S.S.T ` an-' Zniia-1 V.s1eig~1; 1j41 d,enyiAll `be held 'to-Ii1or- eiftezfpgbii.` " .. - . V ' I .-In the report of the Conservative Association "in last rweek s issue, the name of J.- J; Marks was given as ,Walrd `Chairman in Ward 2, where? ;as the `name should have been J. G. .Guise~Bag1ey.' 9 ' _ -_-For real good `owers--w_ed-I d-ing or table _ -bouquets, Funeral Designs, or "Floral effects, put up in the moist` artistic manner, see WM. TAYLOR, Dunlop s., Bar-I rie.b,v ' A . tf.l ` .5. shall \I'L ULJIJ JJIAIJU JAIILA. I); ` JJUIAI 1, 2, 3, in 1st concession of Town-{ ship of Oro. 3 miles from Barrie on the Ridge Road, containing 176 acres. ` _ f - _ On the property are erected large; barns `and basement stables, in good repair, and a good? sized rought cast hogee. - - - ...i ;_7:f~'Trhe,, funera1?<'of`-{I-the,_ late Mrs. .'_l`imothy1 `Hayes, aged 38 5 !- a31%s, was, heldfat -J-3he1Vps.ton on Tuesday. She *lea\jes_ a` family of 7,'.the youngest` 49 _mo1_1Ath_s o1-dv and the oldest 12 years. A . I ` '2 H; Wi'1l-i.a.ins,'. the Jeweler, [opposite the Queen s Hotel,` for! highest grade jewelry, watches, cloaks, etc. Marriage licenses is- sued. , ' T bt.f.[ iiaaild -~ ae.;:;h. ' Rix 1k--Tu,esday', 3 T:1_1u1_'sdi1y.&`1i1Td+}S`a;ttirday evenings. " REM` . ..', . .-,.`....-_..........;.r.--.--nu, we resmenoe of her! A .mQth'e`r, _ at King Creek, '-King %IL {ToIwns_hip,- _on` ;Ja_m_1 ary 15, 1915,` A T f;TMr. .1113-.: . j ! a BIb`OIW'.N-.-In Bax-ri_a,a gm Friday,` January 15,, 1915, ? Daniel Brown,.| ..,..-...-u.r~ I , -- 75Ly,ea*rs,-710 months and 12! 'dn'ys. . - ~ ' Inq;'he list of oic Court Hanmony, No. in the Yip-toria " (`B.\O.j . uvvu u ua DU, Ba_rrie _ : O1-ganlzer. an . Tod< W88 uvii iand is a good clay. `loam well fenced and ,in good` state bf_ cultivation. -There is . 9. block -01?! 18mcres` of hnardwood `bpgh. ,` _- f ,-__, ,......-_, um, vu. -uauu1'uu.`y.i T-he _ memibers of the Senior. Adult Bible Clas of the Central} Methodist Chureh were -entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Strange on Friday evening. All women interested " ' tal work will kin-d'1y remember the reg-u1a'r ` monthly meeting of the Woman s Auxiliary on. Tuesday,` [J an. 26th, at~the R.V. Hospital for sewing. Business meeting at 3 l.o < lock. A V . ' Mr.tF1~ed S.'.Jamieson,- of the`! Bank of Commerce, Toronto, has` been the guest -of his brothers here!` for a fewwdaysz . A ' Messrs. F; J. Philpot and W. A.!~ Herron Otf Toronto were in torwnl`; on Monday attending the funeraln of the 1a,te*D. Brown, who -died at`?- Miss Be1l s ,Mary St., on Saturday.!3 The the Senior?" Clas Central "Methodist -entertgined at +}InA1\t\vnn -1.` ll`- -__ fl 11- ` '3o_ooooooooo: ' I `to N-ewTYork. . ==* H V _ M-iss Jessie Crompton of Brant- ford is visiting 'Mrs.- W. A. Lewis. o Miss 01a M. Smith has returned Wm, `Fr-eek has, gone to Sau-lt.-Ste." Marie to spend?" a month with `her .d'a'ughte1j-, Mrs. E. T. pnnan : -Mr. - Rdbt.MIEu1;t:-_`of 't'1.1e-A]-3a`1:1;"ou1: Toronto, Toronto, was home for the we_e'}:-end. ' T g} 'zoooooooooooooooooooooooogi ;.n---_ -.___ I zvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvv 99999999 - ,:soc1AL AND ransom 9 -AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A A A ii .15. 16 17 18. .18` Ralin Snow 13..%..11 28} -- @ -- 1.4` nu-~ --" ` ` i -1I;on.e;"iI`1V`.I];<'>;1~`;e. "`'5 24`:-' FARM FOR SALE--.W.H.. Lot 9, (V... D f\..... -It\n _-._-._ -1- , __,J

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