or}! ea : Winter Overcoats,-.iBlack Bea ver with fur collars, well lined. also Tweeds made by'the best mak- I . ers, were 16.00, 9.00, sa1'c..[.... en s Untarable Tweed Black Mackinaw Pants, well made, egctra 3.50 and 3.00. . `Sale. - n o - u o - o o n - o a o o c n a o u o o o u o o o o u no We give you aim 5ic.% Coupon with every dollar pur- chase, redeemable at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods at small prices. _ nan : Black :Mackinaw Coats, with belt and large collars, well made, ex- tra value at 5.00, sale price... en s Tweed and` Worsted Suits. made by the best makers, best of trimmings, sizes 36 to 46, ex- tra value at I 5.00, sale price oys Tweed Overcots, College cel- lars, well made and best class trim- mings, sizes 25, 26, 28, 29. 30, 32," 33, ._..2 _ _ _ . . . . _.... K l\f\ an,` F (\r\ Quin uuusa, anon: (.3, av, ..u, .3, JV, price` were 6.00 and 5.00. Sale price. ................... ......... . . uen s Fine Light Grey Flannel Shirts, withreversible and separate` collars, coat shirts, sizes I4 to 16%, made by the Rega1.Shirt Co., Limited, I 'extra_ value at 2.00.. Sale price Kill 0 n\|nrIIr\rvu v v __- Drawers, sizcs 34 In.) 4;, e_x't'ra value 75c. Sale` price ............. .. adies Black,` Brown, Grey and Red " Color Coats, this `scason s goods, made by the best makers, now is your time to getsas good coat for little money, 32:: f.`f:`. f . .?:?. ffTf`.f:`?.`? .?."f?`? $4.99 ant acne. whiter-'1am.1eue Night ` Gowns, extra value, 75c, sale... 1 ['er'1\ s Ribbegi i Wool Shirts and _ _ . L- .- --.L..- In (II \n \r\IIl(II -1, I1 \rlI nn;u.o\.ov ounce `V9 `V9 bvv av: J: Jan W .5??? $3.49 Shirtts E ;%:.i%.:%.59 l - Look HERE, NOW! . ' `McKi_nIay--Mah0ny--`That the Glerk `order 6 copes of Municipal Wonld, one `for every member of the Cogncil and the` Clerk. V 7 A 'MIo.Arthur--*Mahoney---That the `Clerk forward statement -of ex- penditure, 01; e Torwniline. Om and Medonte` to the Clerk of Medonte with '1-equest for a settlement of ' A- Q -E`! .- 5- .`v `vthel Rje" '-. =.3t1`id Connui-llor M<;Ki'nlay \b e`~ re F-ra-ser deviation `{'t')v`e1-Wf19om_ last year. 1. 1r err-,"l___ f`l`L..u. 4.14,. B1-igacli-er AdJl'J.V- of? Collier S.t. Thelcommissioning of eighte-911 local ' ofcers. v$il1_ Vtalk, place, which is to he transa.cted4b:y: the Brigadier. He, no =d 0u'-bt; Will; make the meeting a vegy in,t_merres't- I `will ' visit VBla_rrie on - "1st. and \Y1ll_ c(_mduct' `ra ._*spe'ci'8il=.;_ 'puiblic meetmg 1n the-'S._A. _PQull- lU1.b_ UVU1` Luau lacy Jun.-L. I,:."=C1:a-wfoirde--~McKin1aye--That the :a1}{1_j4`D she a. com- .59 Men s- Red Wool Plain `Knit Penman s Shirts and Draw- ers, sizes 34 to 44, extra value 1.00. Sale price: ..... .; ............ .. I Children's Winter Coats, .. this season s up-to-date styles, made by the best makers, good colors, t ages 6, 8, lo, 12, 13, prices were 6.(.O and 5.00, salc price ..... ..; ....... .. I Men s Felt Lace Boots, Dongola Foxed, made by best_ mak- 1 ers, price was 2.25, sa1e.'. ..... .. I Men s Snag Proof, Red Sols, . 3 lace holes, first qualnty, extra vafue 2.50, sale price .......... .. I99 Mews Felt Lace Boots with leather toe cap, . extra value b 1.73. Salt; prite ................ .. | news High Top Shag Proof Rubbers, 3' holes, rst quality, rolled edge, extra value 3.00. sale price; ........................ .. adies Natural Wool Vests " and Drawers, nice soft goods, ex- tra value 7c each. sale price .... .. IIIIKII `II '7 G35? `snows jg `nu: ~ " natural color, extra value 25c, sale price ..................... NOTICE TO CREDITORSE V l6D \pu.o\a\ I on Slippers, with bla`<:kf;:.r a`E':E1;g. sizes I I to 2, prices were 7 5c and 45c. Sale price ...................... .. I jhil_dre`n s Vest LsA fmd Drawezsg -_-`.-_ An- [er"s lTBl1ck1e Rpbbers, extra r` 1, ,,,.-- AA r [isses Check Felt and Suede 1-\dO .L`. 1.1. -1- l'.-._ -5. ,_,J,.,,\ Ell 5 aausvunw -uun'- value, 1.75. Sale price. mi:t/oee to Iinterview G.T.R. -C`-o. re settIem'en-t of Rai-kes overhead- `brridgve acct, and have the same settled. . Maihoney-~McArthur--`T~hat Coun- cillor MoKin1ay confer with O1`i'11id. .T'p. Council and endeavor to ob- tain a grant from the Provincial Government for bridge over .`iBrc_>ugh. s Greek, Town-line 01-0 and 3" -'`A~-4-J-- Lo. V Juuv. nvinvturnf (1? U.1-1111a. _. `ll- to -the_ -amount of $195.00 were ordered paid. __.-...L A.` wv0v<)-:1;1cii ;3:d-J. `to meet on _F2eb. 10th next, at` 10 am. A J; 1'rwDHoEPE clerk. Hing one.` NO'TI1CE is hereby `given pur-i Esuant to the Trustee` Act --that all Fcreditors or others having claims . against the estate of the said S:imon| 1()h-amiell, who died on or about the thirteenth day of December; . 31914,` are required on or before the thivr-`[ teenth day of Ebruary, 1915," to send hy post or deliver to the_ un-' dersigned, -Solicitor -for - the Execu- tors of the said deceased, their names and addresses and full par`-" ticulars of their claims and _the_ nature of the security (if any) held. by them. ' AND `TAKE N -O-TI|C4E that after such -last mentioned date the execu-' tors will xproceed to distribute the` assets of the said deaceased among- rthe parties en-titled thereto, having` regard only to the claimsof `twhiolifij they shall then have~hadf`notice and that they will not the liable for the said assets or any -part: thereof, :_to. .any person or =pers-o11s ._of_ w,hoSe`_ claims notice shall A not"h'ave receiver] atithe -time ocf such (he- trisbution. '1\f\`\'Y A 'r1'\ -11I\(`ICV IN THE ESTATE of Simon 01.; 11 1.1.. .1: .L7.... I1`|..-.......l...'... -1 . St. Paul s `at 11 `am. 'a1}d D;Lu1u.aJ , ' U (lg-I-|`\`lI4l:;J >- .:`..":"`v-V", _ Rev. Blshop Slweney, . of T the ' r1-te_.T_, Zpf cpn-;j=~ 0. will administer` rmation as follows`; 'Y`I._J_.~_ ~ AL 9- usuvn NOTICE TO. CREDlTORS vugang Dated Ja11Vuary 1`9th:J191{::' V` colt-hf lasts_..f sco-4-`ff PURSUANT `to the nrovisions of |( the Revised Stastutes 1 of --Ontario, 5 1914, Chapter 121, Section 56, no- 1 tice is hereby given that all 7credi- , tors and persons having anycltaims 5 agaiiist the estate of Thomas A'lex- ~( under ,_Fo.<..ter of the Totjwnshi-p` of._ ( Essa, in the County of ' Simcoe, ] who died on or about the 6th day _ of, June A.D..: 1914, are `required-ii on or before the 10th day of Felbruv _, ary, A.D., 1915, to send by post, ,1. prepaid, or otherwise deliver tot, (`reswic'l_ & Bell, of the Town` of Barrie. in the County of Simcoe, and Province of Ontario, sol-igitors for Marvgaret \Voolsey, the ad.minis- tratrix of the estate of. the said Thomas Alexander Foster," "their." (_-hristian and surnames, addresses and descrixptions, and the full par- ti(-ulars of their claims respectively,` properly veried, and of the securid ties. if any, held`~ hy them and that after the said date the said. ad-1' ministratrix will proeeedto distri-~ bute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled" theret-0,: having regard only ,to~thos.e claims of which she shall then have notice and that she, the said administra- trix, will not then be liable for the a.<=e t.<. or any-part thereof, so dis`-, tributed to any person of whose claims notice shall not have been received at the time of such dis-_ I tri'bution.' DATED the 7th day of January, 1 A.D.. 191 eRE.sWI,oKE & BELL, Of the Town of Barrie, Solicitors 2-5. For the said Administratrix. [V .L.L.l..lJ .lJIu.l.4L.L1J U Jul/uvviu ,\/uvur p_ell, late of the ,To1wnsh'p, sf" Ora, m the County of S imcoe,' Farmer, Deceased. ' V `D L. .l.- cuu a St. Peter s "~'~* . .*:r'-9- 100 acres of rst-class land with good buildings. price about $8000. Will give $5500 worth of real estate (r. property in Bar- rie) and $2500 cash as payment.- Apply W. C. Thompson, .15 Owen 0;. 1)......:,. `D1- --- - noo ` F(`2_+ `;EruJ v v . _|_J.J\.IA1.I.1Ju\.IL&, S1:., Barrie.MPhone 288. [coon FARM WANTED SALVATI-ON igh and sure k._. _- _ 81ea_;sop {rickets maygrb ya r . T` =procur'ed from Mguiake ' ,: 1' Alt. Hamlinyat. the R.;nk.. .~. _ .`Of~ from Ambrose H'am- 310. Dymentsicg, Rqsqloqk, '5$t.. VDO-NALD ROs.:s, Solicitor for Executors,_ Barrie, Q1113. -nu, -tn-15' o :5 s K ATI N e. uonaaymghtanu Every % Afternoon 1ussuAv A nwnsw ; snunw EVEIIIIIG `3':3,-% ' % otis [1 I6 ! M-i'ss Eva Bl1'11I1t0I1,_ who` was inel ,_' jured V in an aaccident. on `Chris-tmas, s-has so far recovered - as 120- be `azblia Hto leave the Hloepita.=l. ' .` The games between the S,O.E'. of : Asllandale and Barrie, on Friday Jresul-ted in a win for Barrie by 85 A'I`I -......`.....\J- I "vOO,Q,OOlgO,jOQj.OOOOQQOOOOOOVOO%`;' 1 ' `i *'.*.5'=.` . ' ` Mi`. .T`xio. Webb. `was m Toronto`-' last-wee`k. T ' -' . `l Bills are. `out announcing T _the ' annual` carniygl of `-Burton Ave. Ep-" 'lwor.th League at the Mammoth _; Rink? on January .25th,` Good. ',prizes are Ibeing oered, and, as 'usuaJ, the affair promises to be one .'..orf the 'best held, T p , i d,i1ach eag-Lreeme_1:1t (T1). s112_v1').,_ -$15-00; 6 Il'l)t\('(l-`"I`l'lI! -hilt` 4-. A; G- `Andazh; ditch insnectlon un- 'L.O.L.V No. hold "8. 'ial meeting '0-n" Monday evening to confer .deg.r`ees. _ ' _ ' E _ .Mis Ahni Murray of Tor6ntd IS visiting relatives? in_ Town. ~ I V Mr. ifohn%A%oa.u1in in1':end;.-erctinga ' a house on William'- St. on a, lot he iii;-as .just purchased. ' - ` 5 gm. G. H. Esteii'pent'0vr SuVn9% `day in `Toronto. -- ` l ' . I` _' '_Dhe `heavy Snow .Vfa11-of Monday. ni:g h1_: did not delay the tra_ins any, I ..,.. ,-_._.._. 41.2.... _..... ......\.. ...... LL-l'6'Jl III \JJ\L 14l\JU \].\J1C]:J IlJ~I\/ TILKOLLLNJ as every thing .was moving time on Tuesday. A to 5; Allandaile scored at `carpet ball and` eucshre, 'but, Barrie won at checkers` and wrhist. `About _:fort5g* members were out to enjoy the fun. The return games will be played in iBarrie on the 27th inst. . -Agdes-patcli from Ottawa on Sat- urday says: The "Railway Commis- sion has issued a ruling that `in _.future when companies intend to_ `make any change in passenger htyaivn service announcement _of such inrtiention must be -posted in ticket iofvees; stations and other pulblic vffilaces ten days in advance. This is ...J.]:J.:;.... -I-A J-Ian n1-\~r\t\11r|raAYV'|1)`I"I+Q .;}r1ar\,Ua IJU11 uudu Al_L \4II\AVD'vQA.\4\4v _---.., -... in addition to the announcements made and advertising now done by g the comp-anies-.V uCoinciden~t with. the posting of this notice a circular f_.';}3d` to agents. and others con- "cerned, giving a skeletone outline of gthechangres, shall be placed in` the hands of `all agents, and by -them the in-formation shall `be given to the public. l The daily eye bath is an ex-t ce'l.lent means of preserving _the sight and'..beau1ty of the eyes and is` parti~cu1~ar1y vaiuaalble _for persons, who motor a good deal, for" nothing is more injurious to eyes than fre- quent eontaaot with dust. Dissolve ` one;--_ .teaspoonfu1 of cboracic -; - powder in one pint of rosewater. Every night; pour Jsome Of the 51-otion into 21 glass eye Fbasth,' add enough hot Water to render it tepid and btarthe each eye in turn Yby `opening and shwtting it in the ` lotion. F los C`ou:nci1_'. mt at E1mva1e,'[ January 11th, 1915, as napred by lstatute. - , "*1 ll , 1--L __'._J- ,.__j. ,.-..,_ 5 Lu 1. u w. The - memlbers-el-ect, made and su|b- is-crifbed the deycla.ratio1}s 'a_s required 1 by law. _ . A .....;..-. rl`..h:u Dunno! 7' `:'Y\. A Dy .l'd'W. Amos Train, Reeve;_' Philip A. tCough1in, Deputy-Reeve; , J osph Drysdaale, '-Williafm Ansley, vThos. E. v_~Smith, 'C0ungi-1'1or;' VITLA .`.'..11A.-..v...-.4 nnur;r\1~|v|+n #1110105 .1"\QQ- k)1l.l1 U11, \J\JbIAA' nnnn v- , _ The following accounts wvere--pass- ` ed for payment: Wm. Berry, dig- ging ditch on 11th line, .$40,00;' `J no. Kenney, `building culvert on 5th line, $120.00; ~Geo.E.. Roe, ma- terial for 5th line" fbridtge, opqp. lot `6, $8.45; Gr. '-Copeland"-T`_andi -Sons, balance for sa:cks~ used_.for s-hiuppinngi war Sulprplies to Montreal," $1.15; And. Lawson, commuted? statute labour; $4.00; E. Uorlett, -attending Div_.'Court, E1mva~1e,XNov. 4;, $2.00; `Robt.'Streatho1'-n, work under Snider I IN THE MATTER or ISRAEL` KALEGOWSKY, INSOLVENT Notice is` hereby given . that Israel Kalegows-ky, of the Village of Goldwater, V in" the ' County of -S-imcoe, carrying on |business as General -.Merchant,- in the Village -of Coldlwater, has made an _ A.ssi'g'n- ment under ancl '-pursuant -to the .Provisions of the" Assignments and Preferences" Act, V 10 - -Edrward. VII.,i 1 C-h-a-p. 64, and ` amendments thereto. A .~.~.+:...... -All +1-an nnnrlifnrn nrF "then ihoe Un-ap. Ot, uuu l:uucu.uJ.uI::u.ua iuuxuuunv ; A meeting `of the creditors. Of the {said Insolvent will be `held at the |'oiIce of Messrs.` Morris & Roach, _10 L-Terauley Street, Tdronto, on `Friday, ` the 22nd- day of January, A.D. 1915, at three o clook p.m.,` for the pu-rp0se'Tof .r:eeeivin-g a state- ment of his aairs; for_ the ap- :-pointing A of Inspectors, and ;_xiImg their remuneratidn and 0; the ` er- d`e1'-ing of "the aairsa ofthe` Estate, generally. ` 7 `V ~ rm... .r*'.-e.,.`.:':`+";\..a A-F 4"-`Ha '53 . 'Rht9'\.}.H' gelleruixy. _ . I . 4, -, 9. The `Creditors of the Qsaid Estate < are herdby required to. fyle"w~ibh-me . on or -before the rst day, fofTFebru- ary, A,D.\Ai1915;;?particulars `(If their g c1a`ims,1_;'di11yh ,pr ov'ed '- by. affidavit,-~i' with 'si_1ch.i`.v,o15ich1fsA as the_..\1V_i?t_11:1ij1 -`1,_' , of__ the,_ca'sei may admit, afteii which ` .Vda,J5e,_"_!. will proceed to _.d*is,t1'-ibut.e A thy airidiil 1 V `*0.i'i`.i='1i0Se `A > `T iiv1mhi M +~hen;;` BATHINT-G `THE EYES FLOS _% `C-OU-N-OIL F der ' M111 r.. r: L -__Carnen, . I` _ .\;.I.'-11-. `.ua-aN`_I-`:3-I/`.9. ,;vv'_V V) G. =*Ardagh, ditch `1,nSp.ct-Ion un- rdy gward. $1.50; M16` siding two'` `'br1;dgs 0:1 'b" .13 . . -an __.J.;-I1 ,......-. .\4- ml-Awnnnfunn ,_'._,\/a.I.`uvu., uuuwug ~ uuv ;,.g.. .\.~_... T 7.r.` 10__ and;11;_ one at Intisction Piaf 5th. -line` yizh said s.r.'; the "other `Au,-_~_1,, 43..-... ..'..:.1 :..'+.-..._ UIa.|.l.- --.l1.|.lU ncuu. ,u..n. , B0 frods L,f_'x1br`1ihr1y from Ti;1`v1;a;-Z V seotionj,.. $15.00; Dan B`ru1ok1ey,inspec-.' tion "and valuation od:' shep killed by -dogs`, .1914; V$1'2;5_0;' `Robt. tile,` bonus wire fence and -Work on ._road, $23.20; Grant Hospital `for l'\|1 .1 1 ma n An , T1__1 1.7.`..- ,r.oad,. ;Ho's`pita-I for Sick Children, $10.00; Kerr, bonus 4~5 !r'ods-~<*wire Ifenbe .EL"1ot 21, ,Con.. 9, $4.50; Tyson Rowat, --rep. roadway $5.00," burying sheep 50c, caretaking :g'ravel~ 'pit-'$2_.O0, $7 .50; Fred `Richa-nd .son,. 0 .-hau1_ing- '~ gravel from ._ Scott s hi11,"$1 .25.- .1 'r\_,__:l...~'l.. .f\....-`.|..-....-..3l +1..-.+ II'UIIl- DCUDDB ulu, tp..L.uu.' _ ~Smith--Drysd-aile :-sOrdered, that! the oer of `Brent, Noxon ,and `Co. fqr telephone debentures` `be accept-` ea. . ' . I. aSmith--Drysd-ai1e--3QsrderedM I thati the account of .sRdbt. Hiseyj for "work Eon Marlv Lailte drainage on job twken `by him from ' Donald _ Mc- Arthur at that time ' Inspector of. (Drains, T $13.50, be ` paid. . A -- -1 --- nn-1 ! '..IJI'alllS, 517,10-UU, `U5 'ya1u. V ns-1ey+Cou.ghlin-0rder'egd._ that S. French `be appointed caretaker `of: gravel pit -. on lot 77 of Tay Townshiap west, uf . tPenevtan~g Road, but that no payment be made by; the fcotwnship for such work of care- |ta5kinig. n--_..1..1:... n..;.,..:|-..1.L_n..A-m..3A +1m+_: |ta!K1nIg. . , =C'0u-.gh1in--JDrysd'ale--Ondered - that the Clerk be instructed to` -give no- tice as to the opening up of a road- - way across `1ot's24 and 25, Con. 8, Ta). of Flos, also that ' a by-law to "close up and sell the 'roadaa1-1ow- ance south along lot 25, - and that partwest of said -lot 25 from the lsaia. 8th line northerly to meet" the purchased: road across said 101; 25 `-wilil .Ibe considered at `next meeting `of the -Council to` Ibe held on Satur- day, Feb. 20th next, `at the village of Phelpston. ' . n-__v__1.1:.. `n...-.-.J-.`|..* .f\...Jnn.1 Ha-2+ OI I 11U1'p:suU.u. , _` -Cou'.g'h1in--D~ry:sda:1e`--`Ordered that a grant of $5.00 each be- [made to. residents of the township of F103 who join -and prove qualied mem- |.be1r' of` `the third` continzgent; ' 1\,.__J-1..- ('\...J.....,J 4-`L.-.+ '.DeI'5 OI hut: b.l.l.l.Du.' 'UU.I.l.u11L'5'u11uc 'Cough1in'--+Drys'da1e`-Orde1~ed that John Hall and Jdhn MoAuley be ,a'nrp0in'ted a-uuditors of accounts for the township of FIQS for 1914, andl that the Clerk cprep-are .~a tby-law conrming" the appointment. . - A __ -1".-- .n,..-..;..L;1:.. ,1}...-lmmzl +1na+. l COIH11*uuwg bu-U ayyullluyncuuo . 'Ans1y--4Cou:gh`1in--~Ordere_d that] '_J. F. 'M0O111ng be appointed a mem- `be; of the Board of Health for K1915, and that the Clerfk prepare a Iby-law conrming the appointment. n.. ...-.:-.. A: M. nme.AaTo. gm- Ioy-law, 'CU_lu11`uuug um ayy_uu.u...\....,. On motion of .Mr. Drysdale, sec- onded by `Mr. Smith, ordered that Geonge Stephenson .be appointed` Assessor for the Township of Flos, and that the Clerk prepare a `by-law lcon-1-min-g the appointment. I K h_-1__._ ........,. .-rsnontxrll no-rvnn;n+;11n u ' Auditors, member I Health and , Assesso ' 1` `I 1 _ , -(`I __ _ 3 L1- . CUI].`Il'I'uLllll1`g but`: 'aypUu.|.uuUuu. l By-laaws were passed V apvpointing of Board _ of n_. .1 ...... ,1 4.1. n 4- `zed }r1ea1tn a11u_1:':acaap1. , V -Drysdale-o-44Smi~th--'Ordered that Iowinrgt to the war tax already as- sumed by the Oouhcil of the Conn-` tyeof 'Si'mcoe, _for a portion which the Township of `F105 is ialb1e,'an-d the danger of `a pro- longed `war in Europe, together` with 1`1nsatis'factory n-arrcial, con- ditions generally. "that therefore no `grants for gravelling roads '-be made at -the present time, `and! that -the controllalble expenditure of `the `Township `be limited as far as pos- ! sible. V ' 1'! I I of I s (Ill .l. JA\lLl.JvvvAa Vo ~e1ock am. I` 5lU1Uo . The Council -adjou-rned to -meet _a Phe 1ps/con,` F-elbruary 20th, at 10 ,9.'I_,, A 0R0 OOUN-OIL e ` I Town Hall, `Oro, 11 J an.,` 1915 Oro Council for 1915, - namely: F. H. Ball, Reeve; Alex. McArth- ur,. Dep.-Reeve; Donald McKin- '1ay, :1-8`aIIle'S,. W. `Crawford and Michael Mahoney, -Councillors, met` as required by -S-taxturte at the Town` -on Jan. 11th. -' - L.'-1_ 1.41.`.-u - ,JI.n-3.. ` `than Jan. 1J.uu. . - -` ` The Reeve took the `chair and I addressed the Council, extending to `I the new members the glad hand of ` welcome as the choice of the people and hoped the pleasant re- lations that `had existed in the past` would be continued, and that the `business of the Township would be stransacted with care and` hdespa-toh _consistent with careful. considera- tion. iI-Ie then outlined the busi- . ness, so far as known, to come be- fore the Council during the year. _ 511 -_ -u'..17:...1,.... I\l'\1'| ($110 +11 c IUYU ULIU \J\JLl.l..I.L1L \.IuL1;uB 'uA4\I `]\rv--- `Councillor -Mt-:Kin'1*ay congratu- lated the new members and stated thaat no - one` welcomed an election yvith open arms 'more han he, as .L-J!` ...;....;-mg LAns' rI11;+A GI+.;Q'Qd "WITJI open arum LILUIU uuau 116, wu he -had} never been` quite satise with his position `by acclamation. \~ Councillor `Crawford made a few appropriate remarks. He had no `comp1a;ints'to'Ama`-ke and would en- ideavor to do his part to the best of ' -his judgment._ . . .hEhe D-eputy-IRIev:=i also v\3e1con}ed t new men. e id not .ook or any; trouble -from our hew mem- 7T1hart" they would .behav~e ` them-selvei" in a projr mannier. nd `i' not w- y`we W0u'_ compe 17 em `to do so. He.then assucmec1= a more ' 7% serious mood and touched on im- ' matters thatv irequirred set- ` _ tleznnt. `J = .` V - VMcArthuif-'MoI'in:1ay-That- ri.` 0. -Bell Au_d'itor._ ' T, " i JMeK';n1ay-`-;M-ahoney-- T=hat . Gril- asi other ggmr. McaKi:111a3'\--".Cra:w'forde--'I`l1a1T: _ Wm.` M6Ar71'}hur-!be'.-Assessor. T ' " ` .'.I-l ;..'A -51...- ' ]fmV:n1av.?n- D MQT- l LIV -IJ\lV\I -av wt:-----v ` nut "DU -`nzuvaaux. xwc. -`7" . " McArthur--MoKin1aY.-H. P. Mer- rick % _w,a's appointed Collector; . ' " .:. Mc*Ar1t1hur--4C}ra1wford--"I';hat T Mrs. l he T`c'aretaker.,. . A. ,: "1r_'fI`.__..... "FL.-.4. . T, 5 if IPV DUI]: -106 Uulvuannx... 'M<`9Arthu1`--`--M honey---That J. `Roe, `-J.` ` Sanderson, no. . Brandon` ?1?*i51,i5;:`W- 'Tud.`h0P<.3-; be $h.eP.}} 4381? '59-, '-n'i- airy-3 ',-{.31-`A-`V; _;;_1A___} T rnL'__.. , 1 aura. V _ . A V qg4;gKin1ay++:MdAmh1xr-frhat MI ~ `4'~a}71d_i51.f;*Z* "'*-Eniwointel`kargglember of V % ea1?ch+*`for%:1_115g _, 1'0. .. BURT-03N, -Clerk.` ANORTH ELRN ADVANCE The . Reeve is -Chairman of the` Board*_;'_~ Dr. Geo. B. Jwmieson, . Medical Officer. of Health; R, F. "aldwel-1-,A Sanitary Invspector;C and 11he_C1er!k, Sec y. . -r ,,'The Ti` Printing 00., Orillia, oered to do the same contract e printing as last year` -for the ..same .~p'1:ice. I _ : ~ -' ~_ . , V .IC'rawIford--`Me-Kin1a'ye-.- That -{we ' aek for.itnder_s {from the;printi;ng'~,. T . in=h`Barrien anti e0ri11ia.e_ {ore pl _ . . Q _ _ ` '<' 'I\`1r>' `A. . ~. T6 Gieetly `Reduce Our Still. VToo.:V Large Stock a Great Deal-Ai1d- ' ' If~.You Are Determined to make your do1lars countg\'ou ll take guickiadvantage of this money-saving opportunity. Here we say, are the zreatest friend-making, customer-winnmg prices we have ever quoted. They repre- sent emphatically the greatest values you have known. But Come and See for yourself that HERE and NOW is the opportunity to save money in Clothing,`the equal of which seldom occurs. We (`are etermined .I.UJ.Uo .IA.v v.-~c... _-_ ]' 1\Z[a&1one5 'r_- -ac-"_ ;oi=.nt V t`n'eo`e-r of the Times Ptgq M { f j? .._- .____- 77,7, _ Remember, when you read theseiprice redulction-s that our regular prices represent unmatchabic values.` If -you are a wearer of our Satisfaction Clothes you know that. If you are not, now 15 ' ' the best time in the world to nd out. 1 cf)