Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 Jan 1915, p. 4

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Regular u to 25.00 WE, BUY AND SELL BANKRUPT `STOCK Regular j$41-9. Tweed `V buits, a splendid vassoftment, "$i:._oo l `Wu -.,..,.- v4-I\J vacxuulb ucba -were never in very `great danger. ' After the ' face-o the Minesing seven started 130- bombard.- the enemies `goal,- `but only one shot -by L. Adams suc- ceeded in passing the Elmvale net guardian. The first period ended with the score a tie 1-1-. In the second period Minesrimg had the better of__ the_ play, keeping fu-p an almost continual stream of shots nn +1.3 11134-ci` n...+ n.-_ -~-- - H "$16.00 "$i`..5o '$i`.oo article` fa Abe; Texnactly` b` Tgquallyfjas goo_cl.T Come in and `get aqua :, 2 in 1, DUEBIN, ETC. $5?-95 24. to 33, 30 suits" $7.95 $1.95 $1.95 jttended in; T the Churchill last the, meat supper _ ... . -Mr. and Mrs. _ drove across: the lake Friday. ,. There will _1be, no ser* I resbyteriand 'Chu:fch at `Sunday, and` on Monday night.` Isaac `Morton to Keswick on vice in; we Methodist Church.` next `; owing to the -annivepsary Eervilces at N-an-tyr.` . .. ., Mrs. "IS. Marshal went to Toronto last` Sat- urday to attend the funeral of -her brother-in-1a:w, Mr. J. Greeneld." . . Miss rSusie King of -Barrie visit`- ed Miss Mildred Todd over the week-end. Mr. W. Reid spent a couple of days in` Barrie last week. ' the ' anniversai'y- services` A I $4.75 $7.75 $4.95 iompany l'lll.1.ld|.`edT8 of other Bargains in ` % "L'ittle _G`1;'rls bu`tton`.o}f.`la1ce, 1 f Misses sizes I I `to 2, ne] clqth trips or gun metal pants to choose from. -11-" I Women's vici kid, gun" metal 1eat_h_er (up-to-date styles. Al: cushion slolevsfor comfort. 2 - Jan. 18th.-The `Minesing branch.` "of "the Women s. Institute -held a. knitting? {bee at the home of their president, Mrs. G. Johnson, `to make quilts for` their eot in . the Child-. ren s. S-helter, Barrie.` The` Predbyterians have given iRev. Mr. Thomas- of Hawk-esbury a call. . .. Miss -B.'j-Russell has been appointed organist in ~ the Presbyterian Church. . . . . The L}?!byterians have organized a V-|bi`ble class with` .Mr. Ed. Allsoapp for` teacher. The class "meets at__ 2 p.m. every Sunday . Miss Beatrice Davis is spend- a few day with` her brother, A nm a rim T-A--J Women's? `High Class V Shoes, Goodyear- welted, high or medium heels, patent leather, gun metal calf,'l or tan calf, all sizes to choose from. Boy_s_ School `Shoes in a variety of styles, good strong soles, box calfggrain or boxkip, sizes I to 5 L Mn "s Box Calfor Kip boots, Goodyear welted. machine siewn or rivited soles. ' Splendid every day Shoes at a very low ptfice. Rg"lfEP:sl1.?oo $2.45 l\/l'en s Long Rubber Boots; also high laced rubbers, snag proof. rolled edge and solidrubber heels. Boots you;.__will be sure to need before Spring. -u--" Meri s Goodyear welted tan calf, patent colt, or Gun Metal calf"in all the up-to-date lasts, every style fr'om heavy storm calf with visor lized water-proof soles to ne dress shoes. Bargainsln SHOES Regular ug Reg*ul .r upmtg ne yici kid,`;_bJut_to1f1`:or% Regular up 132 `rm: l._ATES51` MARKETSA Regular to V $5.00 Reghlar uto 4 - $3.00 Reg ulieti% up to A H` Regular up to $3.50 On Sale Saturday Nlorning, JAN. 23 Every artile in Our Store is marked down far below the Manufacturer s % : Cost. {s ;_or"; B.oys *,`sizes 8 to 10%. 5.3 paen`t.. or box calf. 11 `O. 2._`ne patent leather with -'4-van`: ........_1 It` 2`1_st, 1915- lg to ~ "" % $1.45 'U_\I $2.00 '$7.5o I; calf or patent Also some ne _ AA. 1' _ 1 Do9rFEast of Queen s Hotel cl/f:._V'l-1;}-1-n:e.d's' `Iii lae. Insoles \%7c`a PAI-`R $1.19 $1.45 $2.95 $1.95 $1.95 $3.45 011 % N01 MINIESING .1 2'5 1- 355 70 90 an Kn.` 13" `.nJuU._lf, -Ll.LI.l\.l` IIILGIIIUL` * { fore ._.quarter.-_._._;f. . .'g`o f'o;o ..o o. '?E 30 an h, 1915.` __ -_.' \4\n.Ih&'\JLL, `UL `-12 00 1133 been a'tr13itBe for a number `of +10 00 yearsye The%m.I*1 *`9ds- 4:%am1*:%- ' was off M188} `B10xham..~Pref _i...Vsent':i3.A'11;ie_z%- with an ebony` toilet dresses were--.rread* 3 _ 16 14 00 12 00 31-0 00. f .*'A `A . ,130' 65 I. `150` .75 "95 {2oii0o 6 so AAA 2 $3 V1,g vv_ 60 .11`'.S' ?] IR13.n' n.`+.1vi1s'l-AcirI)-u;.~.. .. _ :- Jun. 19th,--A` very large number of friendp and acquaintances ` met together at the home`of Mr. Leon-A =a1~d_B1oxh'a`m on `Monday evening to: .fbid- fa;rew_el5l to V Mr. ]3uloxhamV and -fami-ly,x prior to `their departure to Ala-ndaie. The n1'a*in'.`fea1:u;e Tozf the the" o}`1i:111ch`,; _` f 'yvhieh- "V -_.._- ............u., uy_u-A vuu ucau. U1. one ta-`ble ` at `tea, V`..`the floving cup V is his `favorite brantn ' . - J. uunuuc, nu]; sung Dy the load Apples, No. 1, winter Apples, second _quahty ;. .Eggs, per dozen .. Buttter, lb. . . . . . Butter, .by `the basket-A Chickens, dress_e'd,.~Ib. _ Drucks,.... 3 " Turkeys` V. ;. Ann; ' aim-"nu'u-L.-q. '- 1 , V- vuv a.v'vvL1IU1l1y U1, JIJGBE1 W215 101'!!!- ' ed -to mtervlew the -Council and to 1 endeavor to raise more funds -for - this worthy cause. Mr. W. J. F Lennox made a business t,rl-irp to V -Ori-llia last week. . .. . The oicers el-and members of L.`O.'L. .~ No. 450, Ivy, purpose holding their annual at home -in: the Orange Hall -on Friday evening, Jan. 22nd. . . Mr. J. `T. Jennett spent a ew days in Toronto last .Wee'k.. .. The`, ladies fWoman?s_..j Auxiliary of the Anglican ` `Church met at the of Mrs. T. of the Ivy-Thorpton- brai1ch'~of the - Fletcher on. ,'1`uesda7y last. Mr. i` A; W: `Fletcher, -as .usual,_- in his . jovial -manner, took `the head of the adv 2 `ban ((1.1..- ".1 _'___'-- 9 V-v\.t\uo\l LJl\I uu to nar1,v.$90.00. _At the close of th`e meeting a committee` of re- .-presentatives `from different parts of the Township of Essa wias fgrm- QA +f\ `LA. n-~-- - I ,-___-o.. ..-.,... uuLuuIU1U ocxcuuuus. The most '-important "part, 01f the evening was the lecture on the war given by Mr. Farrar Davidson, IK.C.`, of Toronto. `Mr. Davidson has a Wonduerful ` aw of `beautiful English "and! has studied` the war question from beginning to end andl his lecture on {Friday evening was well worth -hearing. " Quite" Ia num-' her of 1nterested'pe_op1e, from Bar- rie drove out -and: enjoyed the evening. The proceeds amounted At. close ` +.A A - -A.-- ' ILL ..... v\J\.A uuc Uabvlutillb IFUII1 0 E0 8 o clock. During the evening Miss Henry sang Mr. Morgan s song, I-For King and Country, and Mr. [Frank ustenwart pleased the audience `by singing Rule Britannia. The good reputation by enlivening the 'rproce'd'in:gs with suitable selections. "'I`J'|n .- .~..n....+ ' .'.~..'-..~-A---A ' -~- " -` popular Ivy orchestra,kept up their .LU1 we eusumg year are: Bresident, .T~hos. B*a,ntin;g; Secretary, W. J. "McC-lean; .Trea.s.,_ R. Arr'1e1d;' `O'o'm- mittee--Rev. Thos. J. Dew, W. J. lLennox, Esten Davis; Instructor, '-"W. J. `Lennox. - Arfter the L meeting those present enjoyed the anunal supper. . .. . A very. successful tea and concert in aid of the Red Cross `Society was held in the Or- ange Hall on Friday evening, -J an. ,15th. _An excellent tea, for which the Ladies rAid are "noted; was served in the `basement from 5 to Q ,~.7,.1.-..;l- h--..:.._ nu - ' V`-" _Jan. 18th.--~Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fletcher visited friends in Thom- ton on Sunday.` . . . . Mr. and `Mrs. Geo. Davis, S,r., andi Mr. `Geo. L. Davis spent the Week-end with D-r. -Davis at v Shelfburne. . . Rev." Thos. J. Dew. Was. in -Toronto, ..1a,t Week. at 'the `bed-side of his brother, who underwent an operation in the General Hospital. . . .~ ._ The annual lmeertingnf. .-the Ivy. Brass Band was held in the Orange Hall on Mon- day evening. T-he meeting -was well attended` and `the treasurer s books showed `the nanlcial standing to be in fairly good `sharp-e. T-he *o`icer' for the `ensuing year are: President, ' n....v.-+:.-.,.. o---.-L--. v v I `__.-_.. wvu-yd uuL\.I ' V.l.D.l.II1LI.5 .I)u2'lA'J1' friends. .' . .We are pleased to` ne- port that Mrs. J as. Warsnop 18! re- vcoveri-n;g' from her recent il1ness.. . eMiss 'O."A1exander has retumed= to her home` in Baxter. oTMrs.' v`Pea'coIek Zn9"Mon1. '. . . . Mr. J. G-auley, the popular `cattle buyer at Angus, bought some 1_1e `fat cattle here last week.. .Mr. 'Leo;1a_rd=; -Rowe is spending a month with friends in and `mound-` Toron- to. . I Mr. `and Mrs. Fred Warsnop and `baby are visiting Baxter `friend-. .. are pleased to J'-an.`19th.--Mrs. R. H. Parr and- 'Mrs. Juas; -Cook are spending .a week with .f1jiend;s at Stayner,'-hampr ton and -Dundial'k.. _. . Mr. and A Mrs; "R. Hobsvon of New Lowell spent a short _time here on Saturday. . -.. . Miss ISpe'-ers of Ivy was` the guest of Mm flan `Dm....,...,.1- ....v1r---J-- % E219, i,;e,';;,;1 '5.-'.% " I lour," ' per 'bb1. (-S`t`ar )' Pastry -Flour, per blbl Potatoes, pe'r{ . Pcaiatozas,-Aher bag`, by" 1'. n .An' - ` LS eH1A`N TYL 3.23 I . Hv0'I?LY o:oLWcELL an ebony toilet set! After use. ajlul pudding cloths-' and! addrwses were Vread?.{.;5>1ly jibajgs-Vshou1dLbe%washed. ixyveryv Y- and ; 4 ~ F16 V H1<;>.ti vwater; and::i; W11e,n 31-.t11<>5'<'have} F I ,_,.,....__, ...yu vvaucr, auu wnenjney were; [ .-4v;;.u11u:u1ULl ' A `by-Iarw following 1-"... ...c 41.- 1 'oice"rsj: expenses, . `Y and V as V gi` `I -\ _ _Barrie, ,, J an. ' 20th: 'W=hea'.t,' ievholesale . .' "25 ._B9Lr1'ey; Wholesale; . . .. 6C Peas, 'who1e"s-ale . . A .'Q 35 Buckwht . .; V .' _?(_J 'I)__ --..-., l..'V11u'D, zp-1.UU; M, Uoug road re Maml Creek, $2.50; Watson, V undexibrus-hing s.r.' 30 31,` Can, 1, $2.55; A. B. 00` nomination expenses, `1'nr-]nn-:1 11-Inn ----" ..~..uu, vvxuu uuc LLUUYB III [4118 C-naslr. "Communications were read from R. J. Fletcher`, County Clerk, ask- ing for "information `as to vo`Iun- teers and reservists who have gone to the front "from Vespra. A A - - ~ -- ` ' I VESPRA .CO=U'N'C~I-L3 `The rCou_ncil met on the Jllth tins-t., according to statute, whenjf all the members were present. After the clerk -had ad:ministered- thelqath required by law, -they took their ,seats, with the Reeve in the chair. L were from R." J; Fletcher; 'aek- inn ~fln~'l' "ln"`Fnr'rn-nn-n `an. L. ..--f-;-i nea-1m umcer; Jno. :Uoxvwoi1'-th, The following "bills were paitdwl T-hos. Dunn, use of roadway, $10;- Geo. Dungey, use of roadway, $10 S.` Gilroy, caretaker` of '1ockuap,l Cookstovwn, $5.00; .W. A. Murghy,` I fence viewer, -$4.00; `J no. Alderson, fence viewer, $4.00; _R. Bell, error re` telephone tax. $5.00; Sick . Child- cren s Hospital, Toronfoo, $10.00 ; nomination expenses, $9.00. ; I .(`!m....,..'1 ...J_---....;.1 . .50`. unomma-non $9.00. :. ' Council adjourned .to meet in` Angus on Monday, Fefb. 15th. T, \ T J. GOXWO-RTH; GT9:-k. AMf\I,loa.1rciU~ , ' Dundas, Roibt. J ennett, Dr. S. West, Medical Health Ofcer; J no.- :C`oxvwoT1`-th, .'I`.1-an -`n1`l.L....:..... :'L.:'l1- _i , - .;By,-_]a;Vv`s_. _were , v,a1.>gpoint auu paurie. Dy- was -passed. ' Lowrie---Asap=h-Th-at ' W. H.` Hatton and` Jas. A. Miller be :_1p-i pointed Auditors `to audit the jec-{ counts of the Toawnship. of 135521,} 1914. the several officers for the town 'ip of Essa .for the year 1915, naameyz. Assessor, C-h-as. Denney, R.M.D., Egbert; Fen-ce Viewers", northern di_visi9on, Geo. Davis, J -as-. Sproule, D.a.vid MfcCann. ' Southern division, [Geog Cunn'in`g~ha~m, W. T. M'c-Mas- ter, Ernest Mo.-rrison. Western div~ ision, Jno. A:1de1-son; W. A. Mur- -phy, ` Wm. Blanchard. = Pound` Keepers: No.1, Gieo._. Dunn; No.12, Div., L. `Ghaspman; No. 3 'v., Geo. Bantin'g;. No. 4 Div .-, -m. McKinn0n; No. 5 Div., Wm. Spin- loe; No. 6 Div., Alex. Stewart; No. '7 .Div., Jno. WaI*kom. I "DA.-...,] -3 'T,T--1;_`L 1-. h - [read and adopted. _ _ { `Banting--Adams--T~ha`t leave -Wbe granted to introduce a `by-law `to permit certain persons to erect and operate a telephone line re Angus and Barrie. By-lavw -passed." Tzxitn-n~:n:x_, Axwru-calm]-\ TLAL `T7 77 I mum. .. 8;: -716i1g'7 ~wls1f deservedlyss N j9"_j1iere.~..fyO11?:;NW6), ? 8`i'l.I1d7 held` Ou1';! "76S8lh; 3.11551. 3 . "th6ught'i1.,.*2 - _f0H<?'W5 :w5u=1d1 5Hfonor to {vvhom_, honor is due? -V As We have " "always; found you` an ob1ig'ing'"eI1j.eighlbor the Iwillingness with which you have _re-' SPnd9d' $0 4111 `Work, _._gi..vm_ -y0.1`i..1` svtime . .9316 talents `has, Well` as. 1-ifberally church with your imeaiis, has i; not only awakens ed. our -appreciation .'but "also in- ' spired us to greater devotion. We` ask'you `to kindly accept this watch as. a slight token of our regard.` We assure you that with it goes our sincerest prayers, together -with all prosperity, in your new home, and We trust that after, a life of l devoted and faithful service in the `church Militant, , you may receive an `abundant `entrance into the. Church Triumphant. .. l\\*\ ..1.`..L,.1r -n ,-- vu vv1u.u.- ` 41101` `DfUEner, I 0PE1o..".T..' fig Ladies - Aide are I holding their regulvar monthly meet-i mg at the home -of Mrs. A. John: son on Wednesday, the 20th inst; . In an exhibition hoekey game - :'1t.'the. Elmva-le .rin-k last . Friday- night, `Minesing V defeated Elmvale ;by the close` "score of ' 3-2; The game sta-rted_,_with a. gush by Elm- vale which carried the puck into" the visitors territory, where they kept it for about the first ten min- utes .0-f p1ay,`when the rst score was made `by `A. Kerr. After this rst rush the visitors nets were never A P. - {Tl TYQFIT C rurnn`n$ AA ---A-- ` The rst meeting of "Council I for 1915 was held in Thornton on Monday, Jan. 11th, with all the _members present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. ` I '.1),...4.:...... A.1-_-- 'm1_e- 1' ....u I.|.,I.o-3` uuucx pxunualul , - p Dear Ethel--We, your . girl friends, were very. sorry to hear of your intended` -dep-arture .from our cimie. `You have a"-lrways been will- ing to help us, and we will miss you vveriy imuch. We "all hope, though m-any mi1~es may sevpar-ate I yonr `Ho1ly_ companions and . the jolly good times which we - have often spent together. As. a slight token of our -esteem for" you, please accept this {toilet set, with our `best Wishes `for long life and happiness wherever yo-u may go. V . ' -Ssilgned on behalf of the gir`1s- Sadie Brown, Flora _Dyer, Meril Reynolds-.. Reta Cazmplbjell. ll`. "D1.-...L. ..... ......`|.' us, that you Will? often think of -'. .n.v\J`].L&\.If\lOg. .LvUva uzuupl 11. ~ ', --Mr. Bloxhtm , replied` very suit- albly, after which the "evening was spent very pleasantly in games` and music. ` ' ` \z;.s\.u.\;_.I..I. .l.1.lu1.l..l`1J`.l..|a.l.lDo -Signed` on `behalf df your many "neighbors -and friend's--J as. Brawn, T-hos. Kell, Alafred Dyer, EGeo. `Brown. `To Miss Ethl Bloxham: I 11....-... `ran, 1 . }LNoRT.H ERN ADVANCE ESSA o0UN[01L cl, appointing 3112119" n 'n7,...,: .2- 'l:1"l'.7 u. 1: oyston; rover, 1-1. Eoyston. "The Fish Clulb" held? Anthem annual oyster supper at the `home of Mr. `A. Orchard on -Wednesday, the 12th in-sort. . . . . `Mr. and Mrs`. Wioe of ,Stroud are staying" with ;Mr. and Mrs. R. -Collins. Miss Ida Lavender of Dalston sis'visi1;ing at `Mr. and Mrs. Thos. :McKinney s. . . . . The Presbyterian . Sunday School socialvat Mr. John Ney s on :'Wed'ne_sday evening was an enjoy- alble affair. The young. people had a very pleasant time, `and every- body a enjoyed every item on thel Jprogramme. . .. . _M~r. '- and Mrs.. George Kesber of Fort iWi-lliamv are -`,'~"`. J and ` THE We uqrantee eveAry art`icI_A% % _- :uv:f& %NUGGET:REQENT, Children s Shoes, sizes 3' tov7.. patent, tan or black, The rA1e'stli~t'tle shoesmade, only. ._ . . . V '1 8 o o o o o o o obg . . `r--`"`'`' T '- ` I Men's Water-proof C0ats,- newest` styles, Blue, Black _or Fawn. ` ' V ' Boys I only. '9 Tweed Suits, sizes Boys Reeferse and_ Overcoats_. colors Red, Blue or Green, sizes 20 to 26. `Don tifail to see them. V ` and CheSterel_d_ styles. _ The greatest value ever offered. ` ' Youths O`vercoatsV sizes` 28 to 3 3. Ulster v\4IaIrJ..ll.-J I Elcmva.1e-- -Shapcoft; defence, LB. Ritchie, McCarth-ur; right wing, `Mclinton; left wing, TO. Kerr; centre, _}3`. Ritchie; rover, A. Kerr -(captain.)_ 'Minesing-Goal, " "Ada-ms ; defence, Crarwfordi and Dovwney; right wing, L. Adam-S;._ left Win , H. Priest (captain) ;- cen- tre. C. Foyston; H. Foyston. 1nt\1..]: .`L;\:L ---_-_--1 Men's ` all sizes. ' I Men's Winter Overcoats in Ulster and land Chestereld, all sizes. yvhile they last. shoe Polish 7;_._1~%i.." 'TT('l(`.l'-a"I` DL`r`:L`vurr _ - , Men's Suits in blue and blacl serge, tweeds ~ and Fancy Worsteds, all sizes in the lot.' 92 only Men's High Class Overcoats, some have Fur collars, Beaver Cloth with quilted Linings. Also Men s Heavy Ulster Coats in a variety of styles and patterns. lCome with the crowgi and geta real bargain. i . . 1" Door East of Queen s V Hotel ` l 5 only MTen- s"Eu'rlinelcl Coa/ts, Muskrat lined, Beaver Shells. If you want a good coat at next to nothing. be on hand at eight o'clock, `Saturday morning. The Public are the best jdges"of Raal Bargains. 'The Crowds .i%n4our store buying` _Shoe$ ` ` and Clothing during thepast week plainlyrahow where the Rgal Bargains are; ' On Sale Saturday ~ Morning, Jan. 25 _...-.uuou 1,-uuuu1u'cu. stream OI Sl1013S -' on the nets, but they were unable to score, owing to the `excellent work of Shaspcott in -goal. This period ended with the score a tie, . 1-1.` `The third period- started with Elmvale tryinwg g to rough things, but the Minesng lads met them. and handed it back. Early in this period the tie was broken -by. E. Cracwford, but was evened up again `by McC'linton, who succeeded. in Jo-' cating the visitors nets with a long g shot. `The score remained a tie a unt'il with only a few seconds to play, L. Adams scored his second` 1 goal` and -the game was won, ' 3-2. Only for the exceptionally` good A` work by Sha-pco-tt the score, would ` have been more one-sided. He was : the star player for the locals. The. I referee, A. Armstro-nzg of -Minesincg, i handled the game well- Few pen-I` a-lties were given, Min-esing getting I three for a total of four minuts,I,1 and Elmvale . drawing four for al] total of six minutes. _ The teams: .; -Shapcott; '5 hgegartli.-ur; right _wing, "'. .'l [..I` :...L.... - R98`ularup to 115115 Bargains In Clothing Regular up to 415115 Regular tip to j $5.50 Regular up to bAn Regular u_>_9_ Regular up to (15:13 Regular up to . % $6.00

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