Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 Jan 1915, p. 3

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.1 U .lJ'C1'11u.. Lu, . We are still under v canvas.` Enough said. The hunts ' are a ing now until we see the front. I may say we moved-efrom our rst ~en-campment about four weeks ago, -`owintg to the mud. We are now camped half mile away" on__ a grassy slope. The conditions are certainly better now. There is a persistent rumor going round camp that we move to France about the '-15th_o'f failure. . Canvas will be our cover-` -~J'anuary.T All Xmas . and New `Year s leave has been cancelled after `to-day (Jan. 4.) Also the] wet canteens were closed for good \' last night. So you can draw your Mown conclusions. Of course..every- ` forward. thing is `kept as -secret as po=ssiible.| When the Princess Patricias LI. left here we were told they were going to Winchester Barracks, -and they were also u_nder `that `belief themselves: The next we heard of` them` was that they were ' at the front. We have .got all the train- ing it is possible to get. under. the existing conditions-. Our equip- ment and clothing is pretty Well 1 77 ._.._'__1.....,] A... LiA3iLI'i'IEs. AssE`rs. IIIIII'.'I232IIIII'.4o'o'.666I66 1 carried forward 103,019.51 "$1ei,:;;1 40 amt} that much good would come out of. ` the `proposed course of instruction` to be carried! Ibu'tthought that some of the con- sumers had the idea that the pro- du`cer was receiving unduly high re- turns 'for their products- Such was not the case; but, owing to conditions in'the past years, the producer Was never paid for his labor and money invested. He be- lieved in the -course `beinng pursued by the Hon.`Mr. Du to bring, if xpossighle, the consumer and producer in closer touch and - to a certain out among the agricultural classes,` I Association regretted, `the loss sus-[ tained jhy the death of the late Sir. James.I`,1>.,_,Wahitney, _yet, owing to! "the; selection of Hon. Mr, Hearst as `his successor, he had no doulbt the affairs of this -province would be `cal-ried /on in afmanner that "would do credit to the memory of .1 so honest, upright. and eminent af ,statesman as -the late premier of; ?.Ontario. Mr. Hearst had made; good in the department over which! the had control during the` past few: years, and would! continue to make; good in the honorable position he had .been called upon to ll. 1eLg!t_ima.te"pm-poses. During the Dras- ent war conditions our first duty is to _ `Geisha the Empire: "our next to deydtei [$11 our;:n erg%-tto..rplg.cih-3 the vast- ; Ay :1nqreaa',d. -production. `_ix~ ..*9`.`3. .V `tf9.`.F . 4. a.ALr-'gua. ems " Ma.i."u`a i:-. (less '6: . .3 6,382,214.00 . . 17,578,733.38 . . $5,867,181.32 99 mm AK 3 3,503,019 .51 . ' 3,068. 28 _100,000 .00 I\` .{s1,1s1,o52.5s . 5,949,614.00 949,381 .56 - 97,333 .33 `-cannons-on elsewhere rebate 50,000 .00 UI,.I.L)L-Ilhl 028,075.45 90,576.03 .. ...A-gnoq t s20.449,539.s0 O ... 850.866.304.58 Lda. . . . 472,815.40 1; . 1,988,590.91 . . . 105,784.30 . . . 113,409 . 22 . . . 110,531.51 ott 929,080.14 DEA $70,902,919 . 04 ' 1,988,590 .91 14,252 .20 Bustavd Cami) January 4th, 1915 -__L1.._._... A .1.-unoxnrun I '61: ;z;_1,?t:173;: 54 . . .S100,000 .00 . . . 100,000.00 . . . 100,000 .00 . . . 100,000 .00 AC S 7,110,666.58 1,700,000 . 00 V 649,580 .00 2,436,309 . 10 96,561 .62 $5,000,000 . 00 %as1.m849-9! 88,656,087 .79 $3,656,087.79 sso3,oi9.51 s8o3,o1 .31 2,980,292.19 570,707 . so 3,454,799 . 73 3,122,068 . 74 3,908,346 . 51 712,440 . 48 50,000 . 00 215,000 . 00 25,000 . 00 10,000 . 00 103,019 . 51 9 1 I 420,207.63` w...,,...,.....g V..- ...,.,..w Wu. Q to He hoped that when the Domin- .i_`on Government again met that the glegisation in aid of the good roads movement would not be again de- feated by the Senate, and believed that good would come of the ~Work_ done `by the Legislature. Mr. Fer- Iguson then showed `a blue print, masking clear the grants proposed -in. aid of the different highways. 1'-J - .J....`l-..`....] LL- .._1.-L._ -1` _n:_,-__ ,this must be looked for. A splendid ibeginning has been made` in an in- ;crease of about 20 per cent in the land ready for next year's crop. Hard work, couragegand intelligent economy will undoubtedly bring us safely through the present ordeal. We have a. fertile land with a hardy, vigorous and industrious population, and though for the time being, our pro- gress may be checked, nothing- can stop Canada from becoming a great and prosperous-c'ountry. 7 Tn nlzxntlv-La kn nvnrnuun fhn 'l`DQ'I`Af [extent eliminate the middleman. , `So far as the policy of the two {political parties in -Ontario is con~ eerned there is very little differs emce. .The main issue at the last, general election, as well as the bye~ eledtions, has been the temperance question, %both parties being in ,.sympathy with "the movement, but {differing as to the -best Way of ac~ gcompl-ishing the desired end. I `U. L-_._J A."I--A. _L -,, JLL- El-l\.I. `IL III-4I\.l ulLL\./L K/ll. LIIDEIN `V (`J QC He deplored the state of affairs in Europe and said` We should ex- erc1se patience, as he believed the Allies would nally trium-ph.-.-Bee~ ` ton` World. ' ' When the summer plagueof ies is upon the lander, directly they appear ' the -cook should sponge the panes of glass with a very Weak solution of canbolic acid and water. JANUARY 6TH, 1915. 'd.11U. pI'U:|[JBl`ULl5'UULlllLl'_Y. _ In closing he expressed the regret. `which he knew would be felt by all the Shareholders, at the unavoidable_ absence of Mr. G. H. Balfour, the Gen- eral Manager, on account of his ser- ious illnese, and requested Mr. H. B. Shaw, the Assistant General Manager, to read the report. General Manager : Address. The General Manager referred to the unsettled nancial conditions which are gradually righting themselves, but it would be necessary to continue a. policy of, extreme caution, and main- tain a. strong nancial position. 7'I"\-en nrvlnvn ref Pkg Irinann \/Hniefntr tan 8. SLICUH5 uuuutzxcu puauuuu. The action of the Finance Minister in making Bank Notes legal tender and in promising financial assistance to the Banks (if required). had been of great assistance in steadying the nan- cial situation and in avoiding anything in the nature of a panic. . T4 an n Inn.-.n`I ado-n +1-not H-so nnnnu- i 111 L115 llduluult UL a. yalnnu. It is a. hopeful Sign that the neces- sity for economy has been universally recognized, and that efforts have been put forth generally to develop our natural resources along lines that will give the best results. VIVI-an nu-nfc 1-nnnn of fhn rah: nf KIVQ Le UBSL YBSUILS. ' ' The prots were at the rate of ` 14.26 per cent on the Paid-up Capital, land were slightly less than last year. Securities have been written down by the sum of $215,000, which is merely a. reasonable precaution in view of the present . unsettled condvitions; $25.000 has been [donated to the Canadian Patriotic Fund. flit... ....I.l.-cu Al c-u'n{nAnhnlnnr a aft-nntl ' SHOW &Il IIIUIVUGEU UL f0OU,'xV0.| Amount due `by Banks and Banking correspondents, elsewhere than in Can- ada, shows an increase of $2,363,261.11. which is immediaxtely available. `IDA-...ln hghnnqsnna on:-1 Qfnnltta ahnrlll 1 I.l`1ULLU 1` uuu. The policy of maintaining a. strong position has been continued and our Liquid Assets are 34.90 per cent of our Liabilities to the` Public with other sources of strengthening our position i available. `I'1_..--x....1..I Iinuonunnnnnndr 1 \o.~ru-xain LIVU gauicu U111: Vuxuruu. _, ' g, Mr. Short gave a recitati-on, Messrs. J. E.` M. Leeds and Frank- lin s , singing was enj-oyed by every person present, and Master `R; Vine sang very adceptalbly, :and was the star of the evening. . Mr. A. Monk-v cmau contributed: a excellent g`ramo- -phone` selections and Messrs.` Mc- lVicar -and Keen-an gave most enjoy- alble mus'ica1_ nufmfbers. ' At the close _of the program, Presi-dent E. J. `Byrne, who occupied the ch-air, moved a vote of th-anksj to, the gen-tiemen who -kind-lyb assisted` to `make mthe evening` such a pro- `nourrced success. ` ' V I n`.1 1n 1 H V IIIIIQUIU. * Provincial Government Deposits show a. decrease, but Public Deposits , show an inoroase of $386,409.75. 1..----` .1..- 1...: `DA.-Jpn and `Donlrinm [[18 recent. .D1 1'uuu vv cu L:uau. Call and Short Loans, elsewhere than in Canada, show a decrease of $4,700,- 409.65. Other current Loans and Dis- counts. elsewhere than in Canada, show a. decrease of $1,167,657.35. Cur-. rent Loans in Canada show an in. crease of over 84,000.00-0.00. Total Assets amount to 881.561.849.94. showxz an increase of approximwtely oonn' Ann ` wuwu la luuuvuuztscxy ava.-ucvunc. Bonds, Debentures and Stocks show jan increase of $1,242,528.57. ff?` Laura; nuns`-\n(\I~IG\1na for O A an lncnsaae UL QL,A-:a,uao.u|. > TWe have subscribed for 350,000 of the recent British War Loan. r`1..II .-.-.I Eh;-uni T.n4)n.n A5`.QA1'lY,\LFA fHQI\ Vto. hattuo aft!` years has in wstofo for us. 1 ` ` ' ' Auditors. __ ..--g- AnA-fRX $% 9.'0g- . . . . r. . T. Riley. the Vnco-PI-student. `in aecondhl the motion for the adop- itioh of t V_ Report. referred to the [fact that tbr fty years the Union 1:..- 5-.. .5.-uul Mu- can-t nf H1-no Ant] LIIU1 `I155 LUI IILB J was a J suv V.--v.- Bttnk < thc teat f time 9. d. i;w`tm A .UsU3u." for o?n~ ....u.. .5. 1~.Ic.cns-.5-2|` inuh `cnndenoa I N M . `r. . `M... . C.A.: - vflzvwl-Iegun. iiero" to-`appointed Auditors of ::...h. . V CV! W ` % Bant- A,na U.[ I'uL'un1ucuu. . . . Messrs. S; MeAda='m it-and E. L. Higigs supported` the T airmative, with Messrs. .. J.. E. M. Leeds and G. Rolbertson supporting the negative. Mr. W. A. Boys, ;K.C., {M.P.,- Mr. D. ._ Quinxl-an and Mr. Oampbell kindly consented to act as - ju%dlg-"es. \ Splendid speeches ~ were :the order` of the evening, end after considerable summing up, "the nega- tive gained the verdict. ' CIL -._L .-......'.. f\ -Iur:I5:+o1'+':.t\1"I the _Vsu1n "IICIYI nu` vvuxuun flluv, Moan Jo g; Gilt.` R, 8`. Geo. ; I-VI. Thomson. E." L. Dfyw . F. V. Ken- :I~utog,- W121. Shaw, W. Align. M. 3Bull. I-Ion. Shriml Barker, P.C.. M.P.: * _. l)uVo`rnet-. }('1'._:- Sta hen . _ `:9 4-C:`nl.``Jb_hn Carsoh. . S. %!_ouih.j- .. C-2. 3. B. Cronin. Mgetlpg. t1_Ign adjourned. HLUDLAII UL 1.51:: nun - ly giected; hoard,` Sir `V5; liam Price `?1Wl.s__elect8d.HQhorIrV Pr den-t: Mr. 3.'0hn.Gdt. President; Mr. R. '1`. Riley ;`ghqj=Mggf`Ge, .H;_1'uomgon. vx_co-P:-eax. 534l nnl` " ' .1. ` :- i 132' u nt_- of the new- lllinm [C1 .00/PER ANNUH ll! ADVANCI. Oil.` GONZO `I -hill! OIITI 133 IOI U16 Uu-ma p{vt5gvaa;vu~ usu_uu\u....-_, yet given, and` speaks we1l;for its future. -The. feature of the evening! `was the debate; Resolved that it would be. in the interests of the Dominion of Oanada that an elec- `tionwbe held `after the next session of Parliament. `ll ., -n. 11', A J--_._ ' ,___,J 1']! T I \.`U.ll.1U LLJUALIUULD `GLU Utr\.a\.aAUI.L1J lJV JIJ\/ to be present, and will be mad; we}-come; "Keep the date open-`- (Thursday, Jan. 28th. L , ` "3i`:ii2 nlltwwiheeting of the club will be?` heli` in le C;1u1) Rooms, -|rr\ VVIIJ. l.lCL\.l 111 ~ ULJLI \JlloI.IJ LVVVLJALJ, ` *0C~arthy 'B1ock, Dunl St., _ on Thursday, Jan. 28th. `A111 members and Conservatives are cordially in- vited. .Any persons desiring to be- come members are specially invited IL : ____-__.L -___1 i__:n 1.- ...-.1..| EBARRIE BOYS ARE L 1-`manna FINE AT SALISBURY mm Cqnserva_tives Ar "9 Against Election A .AV `meeting t.};e Young Con- se1`va`,tive_ Club was held` in the'Clu`b Rooms on ' T-hurso&ay, Nov.` 14th. _ All . present spent 5 an enjoyable evening. The` programme 'Was one of thg best this progress-ive clufb has -...1- ........l.. "mu 4:m. Ha. IORILLIA OR-AN`-G+EgM`E`N ' _ WILL 'CE'L`E`.BRA TE I-IIEIRE` -The -Orillia Packet . says:---Tihe , annual meeting of" Orill-ia fDi`stric.t' Orange` Lodge `was held on Tues- day; `The officers` for 1915 are: Jno. ' Young, of Uhthoff, deputy; Thom- as 'Joslin, of Hawkestone, chap- lain; Wm. Teskey, of Orillia, re- ifcord-invg. secretary; John 8. Arm- -strong, 01`) Orillia, -treasurer; Wil- liam -Reid, of Wvanminster, director 50f` ceremonies; J Os. _ Kennedy, of Orillia, and Henry Elli-ott, ofi ll ghth-off, J lecturers; _ William -' Hus-l 7 celebrate the icorming ` 12th `at Bar- n; of 'Warminsnter,' - ins-ide guard; James Martin, -of Orillia, .ou`ts~ide[ guard. The _ District decided -tol rie. Messrs; S. N. Hurst and J. `S. Smith, of the county town, were iipr-esent, and were evridenitly much `pleased withf this decision. The `County Lodge Ouf East Sirncoe will -meet in -Orillia on Tuesday, Febru- my 2nd, and there will be -a pub - ilic entertainment at -th-e close. ` t Before washing white linen han_d-' kerchiefsf alloyv them to soak for V a lfew hburs in cold water, to which j-hiagbeen '_@ded a handful `of 1sz}1t. [LOOK `Arr THIS L151 or-`j . NEWPROPERTIES FOR V ! 5A'+5"`? 1:"-"RNR`5 .L LIEU q.v.LIuv._-;_. ,5 room and lot, Frederick St., good _w9,,tver. Price $625; 5 room hc4_>;iseLand large lot, .Don- .'a1d= =Sxt[, 'WateTi;,\.in house. Priot $750. ' A {Baair:`ofV itores with ~ residence over, with" all` eonven`ienoes. Price $1850. Easy terrms. ' _-._... L_.:..1_ 1.----- -r..n.... Ad; 1' L4|_'(AD lJ\4'LJ1L Io\.lJ\.l\4L.l. I-0 LIAr11\.A.l. LIA \IJ. Uta; U: i T` If something ,you are `cooking hantpens to scorch, `set the kettle in cold water immediiately, anzl there will he no scoched rtaste. IJ'L'l\/It Alvuauv, 091511 KJUI, I :le1'c>t;v,.w`1A;_1:ioe $1250. $100 dqwn. '. \T___ o` ._-__._ `L-__......-'l..;_'- ._..L'L .. New h0.;and lot, Dun1`op S:t}`,! `heating, lighting` and._- plumbing. P"i9`~" L _.- -___1 1-; 1:w_`__1-_:V_1- .,'lnterestin'g Letter `From I _ Sergeant Robb of the` First Contingelyt, I ;!p;a_'uu- fawn; _..v'\7L Du % 10 room ?l>dard+in.g'l1ou!s7e., Sophia _S;t_., now in use as boarding house .Wi'*?11.8 9,f % Price 1 7oo. Easy ` ` - v ~ 0 uruuxu or-1_1;n uvunv, V Price $700. $50 down; )1. 4.----- .'I,._..2.:`I- 1.----- `,._l}JlBo lP}L'EUVJo yI.|.vy utpwdt _. I 8_ room ~bunga'lo w nice .1ot', fenced and water. 1-P1-`ice $1-5,50. `Easy jzerms. _ V % .10 1-nun:-n" -u-boI\rn.n- '}|nn|an .Qnnn1'|;n "'f``siT'f'3irei>7T fo" po?: 1"tr3v .fa'rm, good orahard, ihouse, ' `twble, T` 'd'i`viv'e'sh"ec,' ` ` and %.;au11mgf5juilO}];`;?;:)t;-8~al;i\7d.70`si10f1\:1#gs iii ,i3ii_fck. :Pric 1$1so`o;oo._ M X r - In..- ........`= ==k..":..1. L.'...`......=.` ` `T fquucn. .1 l.`{`_lJt.7 quouvnlv. _ . ` _ {Two new brick houses, '~ %sz.,~V a_1l"c0nmni9noeg. % mine $1350. ' 3 new `bx-iok `houses,--Bb1a,ke St., .'_1i`a heatine.% ana ~| % :. " Wynn. ' .;wee9v A _ _ Il;ha`ve` Aarmfsifor saleqn. all 3 ;m?`?5 % *9 ' U5]? <\J\-(`F-l!'.7]' fa, .. U LL7UUn .l.`JwU.`y UUJ uzauo ; room brick `house, John ml-vnn (syn J -_.__ IVS V I UV. Iyvv \.|vv vv :1- +7: room `bx-viok house, J ohn S*t., bv/0 11-5-- m-nan -dnnn .L....... L)lltJC1'lLUDD, wucu: .uU vvua auuuxuuvutlc in the Garrison "Artillery. 'IIhel" Dragoon Guardsman V told_ me how | .p he was wounded. The French, who`? were Sl1*]')If)lyl11lg' outposts for his Bx-isratle. wwithdrew in the morning, before other outposts ha-d been - stationed. It was fdgwgy. The fog lifted, and` then it was Hell. There were thirteen German heavy guns within 400 yards of their lines. Then the slaughter started; Such _`l')lu1 l(ll`S as these will happen, but we don t nd `them inthe papers. `The Hartleapool couple also gave me news, which, no doubt, was "censor: 'ed. The patrol boat," whose duty it was to patrol the vicinity, was ly- ing in harbour with no steam up and had to be towed out with a tug. The German eet got in by strategy. When challenged 'l)y- the fort at Hartlepool (there is a small ' battery there) the Germans gave.` the necessary countersign. How, fl did they get it? More treachery, ] The man of 53 years of age vinrthe v Garrison Artillery was a ne speci- Alf men of British doggedness, .He had; V5 1. -n a l: 1 been granted three days leave.` {On `arriving home all were, -gone,` ex- . cept his old woman, as lfe styled, `_< his wife. That day` he` lrecive__d_. word that one son was `killed fund, `another -wounded` in 3the saute" .702.` L; gagement, while his youngest1"1 ' A 3 enlisted` and gone to Q What must have 'been yt_l1e"`1:l_'1"('y>\1 5g` of that- "wife. and another. e"=`iSh'e`}h driven her .a:1l-vher hudbh three sons. There rare` hu ; cases such as hers in Gfli `*0-dam You - cannot G s G ` Canada what wa'if"i'e'all"" - ' .yo'u. trainloads golf . , _'in_g to hospitals `daily V, " bear 9. tenth t .~1:ha't the mother? fbearinxz, .wh_ena `you he ~."2e`1swar i G in; .'a ' father for _ ,s on,1 :;`ti95mC niweit 530`? "iii: .1 THE I`N:r:R:`s-I's jar LBARRIE. %C( )UNT`L OF s1Mco.:. ON'I`ARIO,JAI\/I UA RY 21,. 1915 The -li`be1 charged is .a reference, to an oer of ' Lord =Stra.thcona"s' Horse, who was a guestat the ban- quet tendered in honor-of the corps by Lord Sttrathconac upon its return to England from. South Africa. The V nbook descrilbes the dinner and tells of theeofvcer in question caus- ing consternation -by rising to` re-l spond to the toast of the regiment and utterin-g such remarks as thel following: We are the boys, We :can-lick anythin-g in sight, One of us is `worth any ve French- men, and_ We can lick . out of the Germans. ' (N11 1'. T`, W-innipelg, Jan. -`1'5th`.-The Free Press to-day says :'-Major-Gene:-ail Steele, as- well `as V other former _of- ncers of Lord S~trathcona Horse. `will, it ` is said, institute proceed- ings for_ 1-ilbel qgainst W. T, R; Preston, author -of The Life and Times of Lord :S`trathcona. The Toropto pulbilishers .will also *be suec1- for the publication of the W3.1$--;. 11 1 1 - _p7_ __l `GENERAL STEELE I or WINNIPEG sues l-`0R LIBEL 'Fbg'mer. _3_5th Officr Resnts I Calumny in Preston ; Book _ | on Life ofstrathcona U.|. DUKE \AC1`u..Lu.u.oo Calls It a Lie The bodk then goes on the coiisternation that among the ~ distinguished at this wild western .or: says efforts were made to ofcer to take his seat`, am conduct broke, up the din n-..-;_..1 cu.'..,.`l... 1....`-.. #1.: \/Cll-I-D .L'Il G 1110 j book to tell of ithe reigned audience at oratory ' and force the take and that-his conduct dinner. .. `General Steele -has this to say: The whole story is an unqualied We---that is myself and the other oi`c-ers who were present at the . Ibanquet---as _Well as _other members of `Lord Strathcona s Horse are suing the author for libel. `The matter is now in the hands of a lawyer and not only -will We sue the author `but We will also sue; the ?pu~ blishers. _ _ _ . __-1 C11.-..`l- LL-.. T3..--L.....-...J- U U-.|l.|.l&LJ .L|u.A, .n.v`.a _'To the Editor Northern A-dvan`ce_:. D LIU IALAL4 yuutnuuvs us General Steele, then -Lieutenant-., Colonel Steele, was the ofcer who responded to the toast drunk to the regiment, and he received the con- -gatulations of many . distinguished guests for his soldierly reply. V" Other Denials Major -Jarvis, now Provost Mar- shal of` the district, with headquar- `ters at Wi`nn=ivpeg, also "spoke very. strongly in "co-ndetrmiation of the story. l`.`It is a lie from start -to 4nis`h,. is the manner in "Wl1i'Cl1 the Major `put lit. Other oiicers of qirominen-ce have `denied it. Lieut.-'Co1one`liH. D. B. Ketchene, who was also present, stated no such episode occurred. `1- -L---- AL--- ...-....... _.-_ILl2..-L_. 2.. Bl.-GDUU. Ill) ULl`\.'LL \.3lJ1D\I\,|.\;} \J\,\,llLL'\4l.Ao Thestory thus given pulblicity in uPreston s book, rst `became current some time ago before Lord Strath- cona s death. Genera1',"Steel-e, hear: ing of these reports, `secured State-. ments from Londl Strathcona and distinguished `guests at the dinner in which they denied that any such l episode" occurred. . The Fisher. Motor 00. < of Orillia has received an? order for` 20,000 shells, amounting -to $75,000, Which] will mean the employment orfgfty e'xtra men. I K V . A _ V, I To remove hot water marks on pblished .ta:bfles and trays," make a `thin paste of salad oil` and salt, 1`ea'veV-it on ~the marks-for'an_hour, `then polish with `a dry cloth._ ' A-'PP1R_EOIAT'ES*,KINDNAES.S j % 503' 35th_ `REGrI'M-ENT` `T~he _fo1lor'win-g is a copy of a let- ter `131? Tlar-.3`. E. O Brien to -I-9 DUI LL IILLL JILLVJO Lieut;-O01. F, .snuh?3- FITL . The Hill, , Barrie, Jan. 15th, 1915. Dear Col. Sneath--I have delay-' ed -too long letting you know how, grateful I am to yourself and the} ocers and men of the Barrie com-] .pany- of the 35't;h.'for the assistance` `given on ,_ the oocsion of the funer-' *a_1 of Col. ~O"Brien and all their ivarm-heartecl rfeeling jreganling him who once vcommanded the regiment` .IJlcl1lJo-\/'\lLc .l.' 1 'k.)'Ll.\Jl|lL.I. u'" ` and who was indeed their friend. ` .1 , -O ..._ ..'. .. .1 . 1. `I. ,. _.1 _,, ,1 _ 1_A# ` ClI.I.\-I. VVLIV VV GD IILLVAL .I. I. A\.1AJ.\.I> I regre ted to learn that the low` temperature _on _, the -26th December. ._ caused much suering to some.` As my, hea r t has always beer. in -the! regiment, I - was greatly pleased] that my husband should have -u a; dinitary L `It Vwa- beautifu1- ; ly - ep`nduote_d;' .; its gplmnity uhelqged .4.` FL.` "ca-- inn.-dnauivd ' T` ` ly- conducted; ..1_ts sovlemmty -neltpetx me 'to beat my sorrbrw. It r'e'x_nfains. `$9 9% piqture upon my Inind? with `a: 'e1}1'se of. duty done and` the halo_ of` -I = soltliers. grgve. 1 *1"--1-'*! .`|....L'- - ..._ 1..:.._.: `:1.-...1 Dear sir-F-Sr 5 start I ?- must wish Barrie` a new A year full of. ` prosperity and a hope? for tidings of I _-3 ...4..-...:'n..n An-nn T Q";"1.fiQj|A`l`] u auxuxurb grave. ; Roberts, my friend. died the day after my husband was taken__i1'l. The `of our. country` Tbq"th_ /at jazitlygfb-ul fgoldigrs. 4 *Jina1s =1.1 r:oiii;tents 0_f;1'hisj "fdll, THE GOUHFY Of Sl AND THE DO$lION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. T--- A Your-5' ainiC re1.Y;-: Q?BB,I]:JN ucuzxaul. 'Auditors--A.' P. Potter, Totten'- ham, and Cyrus Dunham, Beeton, CL____'L-..: __.-__ _;.....1.. L_ 4.1.... ........._ U110, UVV11115 DU IJl._lDJ.LL\.a0a uLJ.' vMr. Ferguson said that although` he regretted, as he believed every member of the ' Liiberal-Conservative `South Simcde % 'CoIisrveitives ucuu, uuu \JJLuD Lluxxpuxu, .LJvvvv Speeches` -were made by the new- ly-elected Aoicers and the local member of the ` Legislature. Mr. ~A. Boys was .una!b1e to be pres- ent, o!win`:g to `business engagements. 1r,, 11 .... ..-.. -..:.1 A.L..4. ..u1..,\..,..1. `There . was in good "attendance at the annual `meeting of` South" Sim- coe Liberal-`Conservative Associa- tion (for Provincial npu'1~poses) he1d' at` Beeton on Friday, Jan. > 8th. The election of oicers for 1915 resulted as follows: v _President-F. Wilcox, ,'_I`ecutmseth; ; First Vice-Pres.-'---H. B. J es, West Gwwillimbury. -up -u-v v\1 uuu u .LU& l.Il\.A.l..Llbo.7 LI-A a victorious peace. I sllroerelyi: hope it wll be-1815, Wlatexfloo`-5 ' 1915, Berlin. 117. ....A .-.4-:1 c1'r|lJ(\'l| nonvo` . _B1ack,| Innisl. ' ' ' `Third _Vi-ce-?Pres.-.-J'~as._ Watson, Adjala. ' V 1Serretary-W. J. Bell, Beeton. - '1:reasurer-D. M. Williams, Tot- I ten}_I_." Balance at credit of account", 29th` November, 1913 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Net Profits for the year, after deducting expenses of management, interest due depositors, reserving for interest and exchange, and making provision for bad and doubtful debts, and for rebate on bills under discount-, have amounted to . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Which has been applied as follows: V . Dividend No. 108, 2 per cent, paid 2nd March, 1914 . . . . . . . . . . . . Dividend No. 109, 29 per cent-, paid 131: June, 1914 . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . Dividend No. 110. 2 per cent, pahi 1st -September, 1914 . . . . . . . . . Dividend No. 111, 2 per cent, payable 1st December, 1914 . . . . . . Bonus of 1 per cent, payable '1st March, 1915, to shareholders ...-..-nun: nu no: 1951-: -nl\ \$IIlIV$1f 101: Capital Stock Rest Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Balance `of Profit and Loss . Unclaimed _ Dividends . . . . Dividend.No. 111 .` . . . . . . .. Bonus payable 1st March, IIl\l!t\01l` nu l\'\ 190`: DA`! Notes of the Bankvin circulation 1 Deposits not bearing interest . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 1` Deposits bearing interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4! Balances due to other banks in Canada . . . . .` . . . . . Balances due to Banks and Banking Correspondents. -I-.__.I__..- 51..-... .1... t`I......A.-. JJG-AGLIUUD uuc LU .I.lanLIlID_ a.AA\L \ _ elsewhere than in Canada 0-oooonolaOIOUIVOIOOIHDOIOO Acceptances under Lettersiof Credit . . . . . Liabilities not included in the foregoing . Gold and SilverCoin Dominion Government Notes 1Ul`V\'?11`Uu I Six days `leave was granted to our battalion, 20 per cent. going -each six days. Free` transportation was granted on the ra'il:wavs-' to any part of Great Britain b" the Gov- Ne-wVYear s day in Glasgow, but what a dierenee from any other New Year s. Everywhere you could see k-haki- clad gures. , Glasgow has given her sons in albundan-ce for vernmeiit. I spent H-olgmanayf and` the -cause of liberty i There is scarcely a home you enter but what` i has giveii a father and son. `We can `scarcely wonder that there was a suubdued air in ~Gr.lasgow `at this; festive season. . While travelling' from_ Glasgow to London, I got in- to a carriage with a sergeant of the I 5th . Dragoon Guards, a gentleman .an-rl his wife who -werefin Hartlepool during the liomlbardment, and `a man of 53 years of age, going to` Sheerness, where he was stationed * .1 , r1,,,,.:_-__ . A..;.:11....-- '1"L.-pi Deposit in `the Central Gold Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; Notes of other Banks . . . . . . Cheques on other Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balances due by other Banks in Canada . . . . . . . . . . . .. Balances due by Banks and Banking "Correspondents LL-.. 8.. t'4......\A.. Jauaunnvoa uuu nu; Lzuannnu uognu any-.u.... vv---~,---_----_ --__..___,_ than in Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dominion and Provincial Government Securities not exceeding market value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Canadian.Municipal Securities. and British, Foreign and Colonial Public Securities other than "Canadian . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., V Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks not exceeding. `market value. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call and Short (not exceeding 30 days) Loans in Canada, on Bonds,/Debentures and Stocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . Call and Short (not exceeding 30 days) Loans elsewhere than in l"|.........Jn. ' \Jl-IIIFI. \JuLAuAL~ aavnauanu nanny: azcuuvvunnn interest) ..`. . . . . .. .... ..1272.TTfZi'T..`iiTT..'iTI..I?: Other Current Loans and Discounts elsewhere than in Canada (less rebate of interest) .Liab1li`ties_ot Customers under Letters of Credit, as per contra. Real Estate otherthan Bank Premises Mortgages on Real Estate sold,by the Bank . .'. .. . . . . . . . . . . . Overdue Debts, _. estimated loss provided for . . . .' . . . . . . . . ; ,'. . . . . Bank Premises at not more than cost. less amounts written -Deposit with the Minister of Flnanceltor the purposes or the (`ironic Hnh Wu n Otherycurrenlt Loans `and Discounts in Canada ._L_-._n-b,\ I-JU`|lUBl|c Wlbu MILO -Ava-Annawovo vs asnnnu-nova: ow. uoav ru- ancocoaLocus-'-oou'ouoo5on.ooo3_n Other Assets not included in the. tgregoing . . ... . .4 . JOI:IN GAL'r,Pmadont. ' our Upllllull luuv uaansnyu 9. 0. true and correct view Q! the to the boat off- our information ; shown. by- the _. books of the Bank. = '1`- HARRY `WE ' The President,. Mr. John Galt, in moving the adoption at the Report. greter're'd _to the..strprng posi~tioT wghich j- th_`;_, `Bank' had;m;o.inta.ined_jd. `ng tho; az1n1aI%~}r1a1s,@.aen.#- *het;:. not ' V V %ura1l~1oa.naV ` 9:: for I-JUAIUD UL L `JUL UUAII-, lluugmulu Ann avacasvnn, Luav, av up.--v--'m record as. on 13th February, 1915 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reserved for depreciation in securities owned by the Bank Contribution to Canadian Patriotic Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contribution to Officers Pension Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balance of Profits carried forward `ear, checked tne casn and vermeu Ina Ieuunuan rupregunuuy an! mvuau nents of the,Ba.nk at its chic: ottice `and pri`nciyal' branches andf-lfqdn laoxgtto be in agreement wlgh tha entries in thje book; Q thq.Bgn;t TQ in on o. ` V, , " ' ' ' " In our opinion the Ba`1ance Sheti_s ropgy gt-awn 119. 9 as to` .8 lblt L view. stgte o_tPthe_, girs o_t. nk ccgpxalng o `at our information (and the ei-pl}:-I.t`1Qni` (`van ` `o u . An, nhown. by- _.bOo'ks `Banks! 1 - . L -7 ~. ` ~ . g T, HARRY (WEBB. /READ. C. B. HEGAN. Auditors. t Ar Hi-m~nf `I (lIlJ\l Alqnvnu \AAw Ca.nada.4 1135 `UllU..1VU. 1.1.1. . . . - In oaooooruunoontoooulo s 1915, to Shareholders record as on .13th February, 1916 . . . . . . . . . . . URIIIN AI 50TH `ANNUAL MEETING HELD AT WINNIPEG, PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. you cocoon: 1 Account KT-IE1 YVla'DDo 1. 9. (BEAU, M . {Sc I1`\JI.4Vn UI4ILb_v|no . . , of the nrm at WEBB.~- .REA-`D. HEGAN. `CALLINGHAM ,a.nd' C0.. V , V S` . __ - _Chin`rt9x-ed Qtccoutttantp. A or CANADA voL.LxIv. No./75 ' W.H'OL`V{oi gain-:1 ntounsou clltw. Duuum-nu . .

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