mun`? TO LOIN pwehavea large-amount of money to loan atlqweat cun-ant mte:.relitherf in small ox-in large 0 ,,___` _ was-v CIlI\ " I I-Iavi;1gs- at i years. Post Graduate work in British I-i`<)> and havin served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square . Throat &. Nose Hospital, London` Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Mooreida) t ; or atexm as Residexit urge icH [Bristol Eye Horital. Bristo ;and Birmingham ns Hos ital, rmin ha tiah phthalmol cal Society. OFFIC8_-78 Duxmr s'r1u:n'r. BARBIE. Phone 51. P. O. Box. 96. m ; former Member of . _._- _ __ was cutfli L.R.C.P. 8: s;1iambm~n; M.F.P. 8: s. Glasgow --SURGEON-- Dr. Bosanko DR. TM. H. EM.BREE,PHYSICIAN and Surgeon (successor to Dr. C. .0. .Alexander_.) Ofce and resi- dence Burton Ave., Allandale. Diseases of women and children and nervous disorders a specialty. `Phone 269. i . 22-1y . . a,________________. _ V I !DR. MORTI-MVER MLYOl1\T,_ 31; n....1+.... `om m-_--+- n @1312; H. A. DUGLAY, osmo- PATHIC Physician, Ross Block, Barrie, Ont. Oice Hours--9 to 5; other hours by appointment. , Phone 565. . 45-ly 4;.` vv'.l.L19 .LuU-.[\d.'I.X 6! ' Ontario Land Surveyors, En- gineers, etc. Established ; 185-2. Oice,- Medical Building, S. E. =oorner Richmond and Bay Sts., iToro_nto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions_ left with Strathy & `Eaten, Solicitors, Bank of Toa ronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. ` :An Exchange says`: The Reeve of Stayner, who complained that -this thing, _ meaning the Patriotic- Fund, ' aid _'to_ the Belgians, and other wuar-time demandsf `had al- ready, cost him the enormous sum Of ten dollars and might cost him` v.ten more before the plagued nui- xsarrce was_ over, was re-elected by a lamge majority. The people of Stayner -manizfestlyi admire bene-e volemce, `even when carried to the point of `reckless prodigality, and stand ready to reward it. Stayner ' forever! _. f _(suefu"on up me n. L. nu-wick. ;. G. S-MITH & CO., PHONE 82. Established? 1869. -`Undertakers. Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. - Bar- -rie, Ontano. - {D11 W. A. Boss, PHYSICIAN, * Surgeon, etc., L.R.CJS., Edin., L.R4O.P., London. Oice and residence, Dunlap St., Barrie. j Telephone. 165. I ---u u u\:rnuu-- Eye. Ear, Nose 5 Throat. lnvino nnnnt I .......... n--. aw . ` . DR. W. H. OOHS (S'U0_C*ES=SnOR 4A 11.. 1):-1`:......\ 1)L_..2---__ ORESWICKE & BELL, BAR- risters, Solicitors of the Supreme of vJudicatu_re of Ontario, Proctors, N otaries, Conveyancers, etc. -Money to loan. Oice, Ross T block, Barrie. A. E. H. Cres- _ wicke,` K.G.,- W. A. J. Bell, KC. STRATHY &. ESTEN, BARRlS- tzers, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Con- veya-ncers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to T loan at lowest current rates. G. l H. Esben. COWAN,o- S553- - 4.4- nA_ L- T-__-.a. I1___-__ `DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BAR- rister, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to -loan. . .Z!:._,, t-.s,1:13wA1;z'r &3=STEWAR'1.`; BAR- ," Solicitozs, ` Notaries` . Public, % and Conveyancers, Money . Lto 1oan*in- any sums at 5 per cent. -' Ofce, 13 Owen St., Bar- rie. D. M. Stewart. ` an vv uIuu_ H .gUI(ll_I_l lljll yl under pafn's`__and. 'a c:es.: % are 9f5id7'bW'Wlr . A I -"n' ~ Hospital, will be at 67 Ovaen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Dis- eases-_---Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consu-ltation hours, ' 11 a.m; to 5 p.m., .- and by appoint- ment. ' uu. mun.11'MrJn. VLIUN, 31 Carlto "St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N.Y.), Eye and Ear 67` Owen S_t., `D- ..... .. -_---- Dr. J. Annjgxgnoss nn -_1- una- >R. -H. T. ARNALL, OFFIOEI and residence corner of `Toronto and Elizabeth -Streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. i T . J-Lo` \./\/u..uLJ \IJU'\J'\J .llAJ`|D \J1.\v '13 r. Palling), Physician, Sur- geon and-` Accoucheur. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and `Throat. Glasses adjusted. Oice, `Owen S_t. Phone 95. ' 14-ly. V. A. LEWIS, M.D.O.M., ASurge17'y anc Diseases of Women especial- 1y.. Oice 58 Collier St. Phone 61. T ` V 35- to Lennox, u.-_a;4a.v~ \J\.l vI4.JI.V LJlJ\./' Cowan & Brown, ,Ba1-rister`, "Solicitor for pbtaining -probatenof wills, guardianship and administration; and General Soli- citor, Notary, Conveyaner, etc. Oioee: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlap St. .Money to loan. ` u 4;. _.I-UL.L.L.l`.I.ZJ.` L..l`l_V LIA) .l. , JJQJ.I_I.l.Ir.l.tZ)' !ter, Solicitor, Notary Pub1ic,o&c.~ Oice, lot oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- est rates. . T V "W 'Ma:p`1e s-yrruzp that is compounded, `mixed or adultterated in any way Inns: not be sold after `this date. YI11 other 'woi'ds,- the name -map1e _ giziliwl not be" . allowed on any-. syrup that is not pure. maple syrup in `ac-'cord'ance with food standards for) fthat article. V ' _` ' UNDHBTAKIII. RING 263 0 _P. v was I \/IDUIIC .S;:ock Sales _____- _-c&u ll`Ii.I-'.aI'\ FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Most reasonable terms given 021 I CRAIGHURST, ONT`. [LICENSED AUCTIONEER BAD TLIE t\o\nnA.-.. A- - - Jo}_1N JENNET? Ins ` Blll Pumm; mulco Limited lfnnulaeturers of and Dealer; in all kinds Rough and Dressed Lumber Doors.8as Blinds. lnterlou-PI I ha columns. anus and water "`l`i -ouglfg Planing; Mtit::)`i1.l1g[r;ti1ll](;in iin.Re-Smvlng Lanln and Polishing Hardwood Floor; 1! Specialty Contracting and Building Estimates given. 0FFlCE-BAYl lELD 8'l`.. BARR! E.0 N `r id]'a'odV Lo1'n"` . -1-23 -f" the C3unty?:t.&mgo:.nbl::PtQ- " `-` 1 vinoe of Ontario Gq.nada .}eve`r: ' - Thursday Morning . by CONTRACT CHANG E8. ' Advertisers will please bear in notice of intention to cha!`1e adn mrmthn `I-mu-mm! inn. 91.... .. _-. n;tli`l::' inrtaenvtgolxlx `t):>e.:l1ea1l1)e:'ra "W mnstbe handed into the oce not Iai?" ` Saturday auo. o'clock, and the copy ' W` change mustbe in THE ADVANCI; arm 8": later thnn12o clock` noon on Mona-mCe.0* week, otherwise the edvertisefs announ(-in, "'3 . m . all? not be made public until the week `W52. iih A futrncsa--an- -__ , coxbnmsnn Anvnrrrxsnmnxfs. Condensed advertisements on first page sum as wants otall kinds, lost and fpund, p; for sale orto rent, speqic amcles, etc__ etc- mnst be accompanied mm the cash. Cuts for adve'tiscments_ must In eve`-, case bemomned on sand metal basg, Brewed Eniielu from the Finest ' MI" CI!` "098. . . 1-gn-w aznvuwx as lqgrceoc -cirqulation - f anygfxfei-nixxt `:11: ?'v,;: Wu`; .1 j , . gt by fax the largest eubscn-I .dI.v nu ma Largest Bubgcmior latter fact demonstrates Lb i'tI.<ili' u'oii1.t'h hy 6u`h~aV 311! adverscgmmny ' F as th t 8 '0 d` not straw to payptgenog. '-h -` Deonf. Advertisements are charged accmdin ' :12 ha I! 8 tr. U 88 0l_1D8l`ell measure make on Aftll. A 1; nnnnnn - _ . ' .'*":"l-av A auv nit l'lBH\ U Legal Notices; Auctx 1 .;etc.--II`-int insertion 1`:,nce:x'11:ae8'e`:-W1]i`,`lf mem1 an uent insantlon 5 cents per ine - em, ~ mg no 008. 10 to " g ttlalegta per u(1:le8nf0l'pee8rC1l)Sl: him` _ , a gun, I11. name matter. Obltuarv 1.0% nllilnnt AI nu-.7 . .. -~v.- un aw-vv IHUIIICDIS 3 it. Price 15c and 25. vful after shaving.` Has a- marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica- tions Will remove the rougnness, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the `smoothness and softness of a baby _s. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after usin it. Prion IE1! ---I --- "" " "`Hel'1o,` Bl-an-k!" Where are going in such a hurry Z `post ofce to complain .to' Postmas} `bet Paton'u-t the wretched? de-` livery. What s the trouble ? Why, tliast cheque ycu promised to send me ten days ago 1_rasn t reach- ed me yet. ' V ` ' ` MAKES YOUR sxm LIKE VELVET- Monkman s Glycedonia. '_l__ _ .- St. L J_g]|_q __&_ Erooke 1' ramod a General Bankizzg lfiuqineaa. NotecDiscomzel 3'60-sortable rates. . . . . Collec- ` lf Note) and Accounts given % special ~ I anyzere. , bank: mm or Collected 3!` `E -Bacngurr. Mum:/er BARBIE BREWING IIUMPANY `naxrooon TO THE` qt; mmfdvorabl; `-Every -dollarj .Vspen*iV:_", -in Barrie. `helps your owh town; helps to make V your `m'ar`ketA town worth while. '1!/H95 A5390 _ coumizncur. DIBLAY Rates will begiven on application. Splendld ALE and PORTER . The Best and Brlnhtes In Cask and Bottle Tnuv 'AnvA1cl: Ans rov mt u0n ' f.IVphnhner-niw-.tr3L ,,, _--- ....--n-rg `pv- Boilers. Engines and all kind: of farm and stationary machinery ma d e and repaireci on shontest notice and Al work done b expert machin- ist. and guarantee rst class. Is 0 n for all orders i1 M131? REPAIRS, &c. n_:u_,, - EXTDOOR THE TANNER'Yl nfor in CASTINGS. I Mll REPAIRS- &.o.. Occ Ham-410 to 4 7`ifIIo urIo)t onsw .` _ __---, u-van MANUFACTURERS. i'nusmN1- Anvmz-rxsns c '4L.I4|An- A.'...L-__ . u M Expert Machinists `Pi!-IVONE sac Barrie, Ont. n`.1g1;;'i Barrie. Tye mm innovation at the-'-Oril1`ia Can- INTI! NOTE ' _...-_._ vu -avuwvltlt lI_U_A1 .%vnx~rnu mt-res A ~:. 5 $1.59 In ADVARCE 9 A _Q.Ofl])IJO List until the moneyin ` . ubacribera iibw Inna": % 1-: for an-e'e months ; and over will be cha'rge!:%1.50 per annum. ` `urnognan name will he addecno the hub` V hams or snsonm-rt" on A :3 - ...__`ir )MMENT L I2 9? -= ` , -..-., v- uuv `uxyguue 'yvill_. 'compar most `-any in Gan -. a;dta'.f ,:Tlhe '%dpinic_>n' var V businels ,,_ .._ _....-..., yum-xv`; -avt7.u- yum remen as 4; 'duak`has`_ "for van* um-, or.efl-la.j' "I?11_'e.r`ec6rds" show that our. .-bri ga'de` has IB ee'n. Aas rompt Q in ` that - certain deicinwcies reportd in` - heV_wants _sevn.,paid mgr; on `duty V at _the hall .al1I the tim, kicking "alarm was sent "in, _ .`but, said. the report, a d`eplora:ble -feature was 1912 were" s.`t;ill"iri Tex-i'stence`._ Now their heels-as waiting for .214 r_e,V He @150 ` "wa;11'7s" ou_i- horses pawnd `1-am` an" e....~s;'};I;-.".L~t-.: . L5; :h' town; and. j he has? a few % oVth<:-:vr 1_*e_c'6mmnd'atibns,. ' W_e_ `ghxiv `about as ..'-;fo;f:4-Asgven ` i J ust _why inspectors for Fire]. Underwriters Associations (which . are `merely. combinations of re ine lsurance companies) should be al- lowed to drop into a town,` ring in a re alarm and summon the re do.-puiment to make. a test of`-the eicieney of the remen. and re- ght1ng- aspvpliances, is incompre- herniakle. And when these perio'd-i- < cal visits hares followed up. by .al-` most peremptory -orders to make certain. `iniprovements;` the wonder < grcws* that`: municipalities I stand` I for the barevfaced hold-up. A few ` -weeks'4ago_'onel'of these inspectors rang in_- an . ala 1_wm'~ in. _ Barrie and this is followed `by a report present- ' ed to the ' `Council last week. The bi-ilgade vth1~ew: water `with 250 feet` ;; of hosl-[fin 2: minuItes.`: from _t`i1n 1 "_'1'-`_,_, --__.a. vv not duly thse;feIw' Wit; can `through a ` ne , mesh Screenjaa. ada Wants to send as many men to help ght the. Empire s batt1es_ as ar_e`wi]:1ing' and t to go, and _,_,.4. -__'I_, 3[too*tah or two, or. for some other I sma_l-l- defect, it is very discourag- .' ing? not only to them, `but to others who are ready to serve King. and country, and is calculated to- make , the task of recruiting exceed-ingly ydifcult.` Canada Wants to send to dythe front men who will be equal 3 to the heavy strain of campaigning, ' but there is no doubt that there` . are many recruits in whom doctors s can pick physical` arws who would still make excellent` soldiers. T-he regulation that any army physiciii-an lwho passes a `recruit who is after- * wards rejected` by _some other med- ical examiner shall be required to pay all expenses connected with j his journey -to headquarters, is u-cal-' ~` -culagted to aggravzate the -trouble, and yisbestides most. unfair. Can- ada send ' i The following anent the medical exam-ination - . of volunteers r from The Ori-Ilia `Packet, is ' timely, {and We fully endorse the opinion of our` -contem1porary:--`At this we hesitate to criticise those in places of authoriity and respbnsiibil-. 'ity,`. but it is itmpossibie to avoid `the. feeling that in some cases the medical -exa-mination . of `recruits is almost, whimsioally exacting. `When men of va=lzmo`st `perfect physique are, _ rejected because of the lack of a tooth q.-.... .....A. -__`L, L- A 1 i . . .'I juncture ariuni` of "$500 - to Reeie _MeLeod, the . chairman" of the.` we1*ks- com- mittee, ~Up here, give `the chairman `of the works committee nothing but aibulse, ' until the; best [men are loath to Age into the Conn-.i cil. -The Ori-1-Iia Paeket adds: VBu!t the Star must not run a:wa_y lwith the V. idea that public .servants_ in Orillia escape abuse. Sometimes their experience goes fanher. Reeve McLeod was voted $500, and then turned` out of eiee, `because he .ac- cepted` it. ` it-fis hard to ibema Eciyii hig holder and please the ckl elector- ate. Along` this` same line The Parry Sound North Star .4 says: O_rili1ia Council `voted an honor- ..-- `av...- Deppy-12}; um d_efea;<:i `at 1':he' po1ls,_it is-`said; not so much for the sins of oamsm-ission, as_ for` those of . omission, it being` argued that he left everyt-hinfg pretty much to` the. Tawn Engineer withouit look- ing after" the work him-self.` Well,` `. W). . , ~ w. . .', . Vx and 1'-'_`the'. hut Touch _i._1;fif you Dar] by Police - Magistrate` Clark. A And?` sh" ron throughout the season. V ` ~in... 5 the I Bar:-fe V last year s Chairman of 'Pu`_b1l`i'c -Works in the Oo1unci1,- mesh` ,;;a;;;i; qt: cpo.L,pO1,&H.UU. s . `A A The shrinkage in tatafl deposits` is not` to -be wondered at in view of wourld-wide conditions. In` this -5..- .,u.u.uAu Jqaua are Wi, greater than they" were t'h< year and now amount .$50,800,000.00,_ while total so show can increase`--and 1 81,.561,849.00.. J $ TL, .1. _.S, ..'l ..,.._..,,.., 10';-x,,'bllU Dam; earned net iprots of $712,000.00, :1` gure which is but $38,000.00 less than * the. record` showing made in 1913. - With the $90,000.00 "brought for- . rward from the previous year, the Bank had` '$803,000;00 available for distribution. Dividend require- ments atbsorlbed "$450,000.00, the sum of $215,000.00 was set aside for depreciation in securities, the Patriotic Fund and Pension Fund took $35,000.00, leaving ' $103,000.00 to be carried forward. , .- - An examination of -the report shows that note circulation in-n creased during the year, thart the} proportion of assets kept in'1iquid| orform has remained unusually high, `, `that current `loans are $4,000,000.00 rncnaunl-n- J-L - 5 Fiftieth V Annual Report Shows] Gains in Note Circulation, Cur- ' rent Loans, and Total. Assets. I ' Net Erots $712,000.00. _A The Union Bank of Canada, `zwhtch held its annual` meeting in Winnipeg on Wednesday, the 6th i_nst., has just completed fifty years of progressive business in Canada. During the year ended 30th `No- vember, 1914,['the Bank earned prots $712,000.00, 5: figure lmhinh in I-.4 moo nnn An` ____..-----."-.. uu a.\.11uU1 cl. Vlify UlIe'CEl'Ve% service to the Mother Country dur~ ing the coming year. I I`SAT'I;SEACTORY SHzOWING- . * % BY "UNION BANK, -G.ach`en s regime, which has proved -_-_--- ovv vuu vs uxxa Van` adian under. President - Mac- highly aoceptasble, ' is the "singing of` O, iCanad'a! `as an opening exer- cise; says '_ The `Packet. Without ap- ipx-eciaible loss of time perhaps" the hint might be taken` to `add another feature, in the `iii;-5'1'y` of a vocal Solo. .-Why not, for instance, next Tues-* `day even -ing, ask Mr, T. C; Doidge to favour the Club with I -ne`ve1`, had a Dear Gazelle to Glad line with = her':Mi1` Blue Eye? :SomV !!Ui11b5fT3"`i1:81{t bif l``I."33?Qmt 15 melt in": Maine; xing, Fark, Toronto) ' " 'By-" ;H.: ,......u uuuu, uu umtixurge .0111 autyw to the Empire by providingvamore adequate supply ' ofvTfoo dstu s for, the,-sustenance of its army and its .! e. Famners are urged to be` presenrt in large nu-mlbens to partici- pate at these conferences. It isi their privilege as citizens _of this` Dominion to render a very effective! senvima. +n Hm 1u.,.+1.,.-. n-----A-. 1 nuuuvu. U U W'di1'. J 011 Much- valuable information had, been collected, with the view of -presenting, to farmers and business, men the necessity of extending .our agricultural production, in order, through the development of` our iown resources, to take advantage of [the opportunity of V estalblishin-g an extensive export trade, and, at the same time, to discharge our duty to the 1i`.mm'.m L... ........:.J:..._.. _----* uuvuuvmxv, uuu. V . - The conference was held under the direction of the Dominion De- partment -of eAgniculture`,i in eo- openativon with the` Provincial De-I .pa1-.tme'nt of Agriculture, and` is the` -rst of a series which are being arranged for throughout ' Canada, fbo explain and discuss condlitions in countries where live stock and agricultural "production will be `af- fedted by the war. 'lIl'.-..`L __1___.1.1 - n -- - 5 The conference was presided over[ by Honouvalble Jas. Duff, Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, and `was addressed by -the Honourable Martin Burrell, Minister of Agri- culture for `Canada. The `discus- ainn 1...... 1...] I... `r\_,,,-- I govv `ll \4L\)\4'l\v PATRIOT-IISMV 'AN~D'A PRODUC- , L TION The `duty and ;the opportunity of Canadian farmers was fully `dis- cussed at the rst A-gnicultural Conference held in the lecture room of the Winter Fair "Building, Ot-i taiwa, . yesterday, January 20th, at 1.32` o cloc-If. '. ' ' uuuuu . \l 4 u; uuu aua. 1. LI!) ult5ULl 5" sion was led by Duncan, Anderson, Oriia, :Onrt., ' and Rolbzt. Miller, Stouifvi-Ie, Ont. rm... --....:-..-_--T 2 - I `H - l positions must register` a ` number of Objections. The next time one comes the, Chief of Police should ariest him forebtagmpering with the `re alarm box, ktlie same as would. be done in `any large city. BANK or~'TORONTO ,D..-_._._ -...D~, vuuu, uxau la-3|; U1. elimeemes a dry goods house adver- tising a` sale stuck up around` the Square. Surely th_eP,0. VSequ:1_re `-Laes was left in the fall] by _-thggwfdrlinen making the im- .p:zjov_emen-12s,. is lndeous A enough. VVho_ is 1:es'ponsiIbIe? BTARRIE AND ALLANDALE BRANCI-ll-ZS A ' ` " H. A. SIMS, Manager ` SAFETY maposxr Box:-zsrox RENT .Capitl aim Regen; I1-'unds..%;'.$T1l307.0.0#0 gTo_tal Assets Over. .. . . . . . . . .s6o,925,ooo SAVINGS ACCOUNIS inyivtegi. Intcrcst_is _-:.| __ L_1g,_ , .. o_n\_J\-r\( `wow 0 lVlIu\-Iuln J||In\ul\uUIu L -11:-a-i` balancesehalf:}'re.:a`rly. _e'_ V MONEY ORDERS and Drafts so'I_d.- ` . ` DEPOSITS OF $1.00 and.upwhrds received TH NORTHERN ADVAN,C'E- the prevxousl at to over] L..`l - ___,-A 9S~:%B0o1 V iv}0P:~`.'. a.`lI"Q,' <'l" n'i11$-..g. A ratepayer wants to know. if adver-ti-sing `signs of all _claSSes- and shapes are to he placed 'ind-iscriniin- atelv along our main "streets. Dur- ing the _past month We have [had] sign Jboards _'an'nQuncingi religious gatherings, hockey matches,` poli- tic gatherings, etc;, arid last of I agetsv -vajll: ! now stand] Or ('mcoIu-onAI'Bnv.' ms) uo. 55 BlY FlELD_ sf bnen 1-: n4\--- -- and 1 U1` LU'1'U.KIl` 0' Buggies, Carriagcs. Wagons 'n:nik- -_ J I`-_-AA -_ ` The dutomobiile ' I-has ' it horse in. one respect. It shed its hair in the spring. The man who measures up to lthese simple and possihlev standards is in my opinion a surecess, even. though at death he `may not leave an `estate. It is qualities` that: imaike genuine` success, not ` goods' and chattels. Honest oi-k is the` V - vjzw-r V1 933. U U live. This is hardly true. Savages do little or no work. Yet they live. It is nrofoundly true, however, that We live to wprk. ' y work we grow, `we evolve, `we become. The noblest! +truh of life is that he who gives] `most. ants Tnncof, I __ ..-- u; --.L\J It? I: ` most, gets most. ..-_.-' y. ya u The reverend Ben. will do well to keep his Shirt on till the V weather moderates. The three-fths - clause has done as much fer the cause of temperance in Onrtari-O as his 1)-rotherl' Frank has done to hinder its pro-i gress, by his politiuca-1' partisanship anti .short-si-ghited abst'inacy-and that is saying a good deal. -_.-.- ---u v--VA-\-511.411., vvuv IJIUVUS 1l`IIll"| [self a goodi citizen, by taking` `an intelligent interest in the aairs of his city, state: and country, and who votes only for honest and able [men for positions of trust in the icammonwealth. T` ' (NFL- ASuccess' is vhe. mosi: interest- ing bhingin the world. It is what ;we are all striving for." And who are the `successful ones? . I ' ``Well I izhzink that man is a susc- [oess who does his own. work wdll, whwtever that work may be; who strives - all the while to do better work; who is honest; who is loyal to his house and his own best standards; who. lives a clean life;' }w*ho'V supports his family and egiu- cates his children; who proves him- R no-nni n;I+.1'nnns I---- 5I-1--'-'--` "" vuuuuuuugx no IE `I!!! we IIOEGO EH85 pufblic deposits actually increased $386,000.00, ' the aggregate being, however, affected 'by wirthd-raxwale of ,pmovincia'1 -. governments "deposits during months of s_peci=a1 stress., Altogether the -Bank has` made a re- mankaiblyv good showing and one which reects onedirt upon the -mnnn.mpmnn+ I management. [connection ' `Repairs of all kinds Residence. 164 Bayeld Street Phone 627. V ' 16-if -l'l'l0'lIl _ The Rev. Ben. Spence `says the three-fths clause is a disgraaceetoi our Province, a- travesty on justice and" a n u211i-cation `of the funda-` mental principles of democracy. VF]... ...........-_..1 11;, '11 HUGH OHM.-Mcenas SAYS: ufn -1! I I353 o3;osnre noss s'1 Jomuunns ow scum '. H. Kennedy on: 933 _ __ nuuuz MA:JUi'AO'l`URI:R `or - , II` ` 9! ?-g 11h? omen . or; the doesn t the: j - Suchwomen need th-gt-bloods-41 vitrongth that comes by sco'r'rs I-zmunsnon. It am 3 nerves. aldI.%-#59