Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 Jan 1915, p. 1

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en T. SHORT, -% . Muiaggr 25 How To.1mK_J.;_ The `opening. of the A. E. -Oud`- I1oreT Bankrupt Stock 00. Store in _- nA_--__9_ `rT,-;._`I 'DfI._..1.. M. Q..+...., 1..l..lU.L'U. .1) wyu ,L.H.rv\.an vvu b_.JvvLv ALL the: Queen s Hotel Block, on .Satur- day: '1as`t`,.aWas.-~ an event, which will -.10ng-`be `remembered: by ~ hundreds of satised customers, v who availed ~.them's`e1ves` of the unprecedented bargains offered; in their announce- -'ment in last - Week s Advance. ' Mr. Cudmore is a merchant. with wide experience and with his staff trans- formed the vacant store` in a few days into a well-lighted, and most convenient store. He Ibelieves in giving the people such a bargains as `will make them throw the mail order acatal-ogues in. the re, and backs up his guarantee on every article with the principle of `,`Money Refunded " if you are not satised, `a Tprinciple which makes` this firm lasting customers and ` friends`. _ F111 ["4 `I I LL l.I7LI.\.l.0u `more Store ad-vertises another list of sensational` nbarga-in o'erings, |such as the people" of this district have not `heretofore .- been offered. It will pay you to look up their `advrt. in this issue. i In this week s isue The Oud-9 {$1300 Loss I at Tannery Fire l Many citizens looked `across at` the premises of the Barrie Tan- ninzg Co. 011 Thursday evening last and viewed with alarm the large tongue of ame shooting, out from the centre of the buildings. The alarm rang in about 7 p.m., and the '!brigade answered romptly. The re, which apparently originated from overheating in the 'hair drying lmaehine `in the second floor of the vat house, was never dangerous [and was conlned to the one por- lltion Of the building and the cupola above it. The loss will be about $1300, chiey to the hair drying machine and material. It is most for'tun~ate" that this excellent vinsti'- tution did not suffer. any ceaswtiorr of work through the fire; as they are now and have been for some time working at full capacity on war materials. Even during `the progress of the re `the machinery in another building was put in motion and work Went on as be- lfore. r - V `I " `:1 1 ' `I `Saturday evening the brigade was called out to a small house on Col- lier 'S`t., next to` J as. Shr1Lbsole s residienc, occupied `by Mrs. Neil Mc- Lean, Where a chimney was on re. No damage was done. 91`. .1... .__-..........4..1......J 1.`-.. ,1! A.` V \.AIA'lllSb6\.l Iv urn? \.l\lJA To Ibe quarantined for diphtheria and7have a re in their home was ithe untp1easan1: experience of a Mr. [and Mrs. Lorne .S-weeney, on S-un- `day morning. The re did not do {muieh damage," but. the smoke creat- led quite a lot of `ex-ci-tement. For Friday and` Saturday 10 doz. New Spring Soft Hats, reg; $2.00, 2.50, 3.00; not a' Hat in the lot worth less_thafn I E. V. Hanmer died `at thei (residence of .her daughter, Mrs. `Blacknnore, 89 Bernard Avve., To- ronto, on Monday evening, aged 79 years, after a lengthy illness. 1:11-; _._-.. -_.,.. -1: `.1..- ..`I.J..... ....-:.Jn...4-5. l`I7 JUGLD, LUCA a 41.41.15 uug .u.Au.uuu- I `She was one of the older` residents. of Barrie, and is survived by Mr.i A. D. G. Hanmer of Barrie, Mrs. Bl-aokmore of" Toronto, Mrs. J ohn-i ston of Hamilton, and Mrs. Fergus-- son of Winnipeg. The funeral will be held on the arrival of the 10.35, traiin Friday morning. i Avhocilieynleajgiiei has been form-in ied `between -three adiviisional points.. `of the G.T.R.--'Toronto, -Stratford} -and Barrie. It is the intention to'v draxws 111]) a schedule of ga-mes' -,1 tween these three divisions, and to`_. !this end a ne sheet of ice has! been "laid. out on the south side of` the -`bay, opposite the machine shops iof the company, and the `boys of -the local shops am hand` at practice. t From` the most tprromising of the {bunch a -team will be selected to represent this division. The rink is_17O by" 63-. feet,`lighted with 12 ipowepful electfic limrpe from cur-. "rend: supplied by. company s l,-li-ght_ing _plant.. Stratford -has had |fa husky` team for ` some years, {but the local do not. feel that this `will prove. .a' formidable handicap. - I Avila`. W. C. Thompson has dis~. posed of `his large residence on` Collier =St. to `Mrs . 'Isva`be11a Pratt of,.Vesp1-a. "It will Be" used as _ g house. ., ` `Farmers `requiring farm and domestic help should make applica- .1:lionV-`a s_ .~.aoon {as possjlble. Both ex : '_ .a;_&. :`-inwpeltimoed; gh_e1jmi .i`e r]ysiappli_6a1t1on?. G.T.R. H_O=OKEY `LEAGUE dangaign "o$m`in`C.``_`;w:Tnp1oy- % f out 5. DIED AT TORONTO EONEY EA-SILAY `Lilly Ill Ell\r up on: Avv-r canny}- - And every Hat is New and.- strictly Up-to-date. " ` CONSERVATIVES ENDORSE mum POPULAR MEMBER South Simcoe Convention At Beeton Last F riday.- Gave ` V $100 to Belgian Relief Fund '.l`=hat "the vCo'nserva'tives have every condence in the administra- tion--of,Sir R. L. Bord-en and his Government, in the administration of Premier uHearst and the Ontario Government,` and in the popular Federal member for South Simcoe, Mr. VV. -A. Boys, K.C., was set forth in resolutions passed unanimously at the annual meeting of the as- sociation held at Beeton last Fri- day. A special train was run and `a large] number went down from Barrie. A resolution` of condolence was passed on the death of the late Premier Whitney, and an apprecia- tion of the ndble response. of our Canadian vo'1unteers, including the member for North -Sim-ooe, Col. J. A. Currie, was also rpassed. No change in the date of the an- lnual meeting will be made this year, {but a notice of motion was presented to have the date x-ed for the third Friday in January. This will come up at the next annual meeting. .1 V1 0 JJVJU, Al.Lo.A. I, b~V\J so:-A. excellent adddress, and Mr. Alex. Ferguson spoke `briey. An excel- lent musical programme was given, including ` songs by A. P. Potter, Rdbt; Vine, Geo. Monkman, and musical selections by Messm. Mc- Vicar and` Garrett. The U sunplus in about $100, was v< gian Relief Fund; - ofIoe;'s eleted were as fol- lows: President, J. `J. D. Banting; }_s_t Vice, H. 1 G5. Rfrbefwn 5 "2nd '1-v1-1\1 11813 Vice, ti. Ur. twbertson; Znd. Vice-,. W.J. Bell (Beeton), 3rd Vice, J `. Lee; Sec y, D. H. Coleman; VI`___'_ 1'..- 1TT_Z..LA. .lJ\/L47 ~l\J\.-J, AJ Vi`.1~eal_s., Jos. Wright. On" Sale $1.48 Barrie District V , Orange Officers County Master Alderman C. ;Horseld installed the oflcers-elect iat -the annual meeting of, the Bar- rie District. Orange Lodge in Bar- rie on Thursday last, when there` was a good representation of the various primary lodtg-es of the dis- trict present. It was unanimously decided to celebrate` the 12th " of July, 1915, in Barrie, and plans are being made to make the celebration one of the largest and most success- ful- ever `held. V The oicers elected are as follows : ` - .A.|ro.uu. No. 452. ` guano mi.).D.M.-R. Stephenson, Tdry Hill, No. 888. up. n -gr 73$." SeIc.---Ed. _Wyi1es, L'o_v3_el1_ (n)..Y.-B.T No. 269; ` JJUWULI. \.l.L.1.). LIV. uvu. Fin." Sec.--Jno. Appleby, Barrie, [Nag 452. > (1 1`? 1'1` -4 1'\_,__.!. RT. I J.` Uo IVE: } Treas.-S. N. Hurst, Barrie, No. ;|.45?\. ' n A 111 111;- '|l'2_--_E___. I 100. I,` The next meeting of the District {will be at New Lowell on May -T00: D. .of C.--E. A1-lsuopp, Minesing, ENG. 731. -r . I`! 1-v` n .11 1-\`,,,,,-. x1 . Remember our Annual Clearance a1e of Furs is on. All Furs at cost or below. LVO. (OJ.- ~Lect.-'C. Hbrsdld, Ba-rrie, No.` 45%. In .1 _ 1\,'_L-.3-A. Chap.-.-"-A. Dixon, Minesing, No. Bryson $ Store Grape %Luddin [$1.00 PER ANNUM VN ADVANCI UIUOLC COPIII 1'vh'4I"II GENT. `Is the name of our New Ice ACrea.r_n Biick. Made specially for Afternoon Teas, Parties, "`etc; 25:} pint; 13 b1it fou;ziz}.'in. Served in on:-. parlour. gqry it. 'r .-.."i - --~.._--3.3 Ciream Cakes. .~ . . . . . . . .30ceach Raised Doughnuts. . . -.- . .106 dloz. The OLYMPIA Lnncheonetie Service with Bak- - ery Lnnqh in` Connection. `Phone _ 26 in the `voted to Partridge, Barrie, treasury, the Bel- gave an I',, A 1-.. Tri%nity,C-hutch TEA ROOM Candy Work: have started in connection with their Ice Cream and Candy Parlors an Afternoon and Evening LIGHT LUNCI-IE8 can be:::t an! ns: nf thn than at Inn? 1) Ill|il'I'.l' IJUIVUIIEB VIII Dc III! at nu; mm of the day at. low 11 cos. llam sandwiches 2 for 5c.col!ee Tea and allhot drinks Sc. 1 cup Ice Cream and Drinks will-be served all winter. Uurome-made Ctndy in 31 way: wholesome and the war inn : at- _ectod our prices yet. ' V . When you ship y-our fruits, grain, !ivesrtoo'k or any other A prodiice, gen- % `-sure prompt payment by .pu~tin'g'; `through 2. '~ U-NI-ON BIANK OF` CANADA Draft on the Consignee. "This is the !bu/siness-like way, and will save you delayeds ' payments and sometimes loss. The cost is` triing" -see the` Manager about it. mm; cm)? `%vg;inx_J 80'Dunlop St. sairrniirisiriiatrf J. FRANK JACKSON In umnxi [MAKER or PORTRAITS Barrie Branch. | `phone so: -`"1 l\\vIl9 \ll InlI\v In Input ulosu oqgyugxuga g_u- = y1.I_'V . ` .4 _ :95; 3-y.,`4./,, ' ` ' ` been.` a. W1%1`9n"Vt`.b at poi-edJ `Fr-an-k Jaii-ksbn ws aw` - and call of avers V-person -*:-`*b`%`- `oihtzad: the vacancyvon -th`{%%%La;<* T 1 An inetgresting `die if day` 3: 1"`-1`;-`-'1it~ .3hiFkI: haYe 1;f1f .`:raryV`I`B6a1?d`V fscausd :the,_ ~;r`:t'ire.~;.' "the late John McN_'ic6l, Says `:i_hh;f v_e.'TT .eTl'Y-."_f.,j 959,91? ' TM!" "T W` 'Q":7"" Oreemore -Stxitt. It` _- is` -pages V9119` _ two of ` he Barrie V He}'83d_ 9 -August -_2nd. 1854- V_1t.-<,>9I3+t8.t193 .=-_`ec1arat1on by Shem . J % remit of the`) pa; %% Megan-3. M. , "AaMES ARN'0LD ' RF-APPoIt`FD \ 1 AS lassasson Street Oiling Arrearg Be Collected..-J. B. McPhee. I . Chief Of Fire l, - .L `i. Brfigade L V ' Those in the ``gallery 7 at ` the Town Council} `meeting. `on Monday evening who"exrpec oed to hear some mention` made of the motion made at_,last meeting granting the Town Engineer _.leave of A absence," were disappointed. ` Tahroughout the week, -there had some street talk of a motion` to rescind the motion` granting the leave to the Engineer, and` it was said` that one or two aldermen were ready to `bring the matter up,` but when. .it_-came to the meeting not a wo1~d' was heard in reference to . the matter. Un`-doulbt-' edly the -members who were raising the 'ki~ck, are afraid. of adverse criticism and _a charge of being un-` lpatriotie. ' ' ` ! ` -.- _._._......L All the members were present} and _Mayor -Craig got the meeting `started \sha1'xph `on time. The re-a;p- rpointment of J as. Arnold` as asses- sor was the most impontant `busi- ness put through. ` 7 'I',,`I,L _-;_-._...1 ;rucr-a `bl ug v V... V ....a.,. The mail. bag was? light,? several -unimportant `advertising .ci~rcu1a1's being _taken as read, _ ` 1 (*1 ';A_4!,4___ A__ Uvlub _v---ve- v-~ -----v_ The National . .S`an-itariu-m As-', sociation asked for "a donation of: from $20 to $50. Sanitary Inspec-I tor Hag,-art applied for -an increase of salary, his -letter being- puiblishedu elsgwhgre in# o`his issue.` , ' Bl:SUW11t:1'U 111 1/111a 1o-vuv. - F. Schmidt wrote with reference l d. to an accident which occurred on l H Christmas Day. He said my cut- ,1-(' ter was being driven easterly ,- oniil Dunlop *St.- with two children in it! S( .besides the driver, and when "they I W reached, Sampson St. some bolb-1 H s-leighs loaded with young people `W were coasting down Sampson` .St.}n Twhev made such an Outcry as the in sleighs were 'comi"ng"'.d0'*Wn Sampson} p St. -that they startled` the horse, alg quiet one, and it swerved suddenly` e` ;and ran down Sampson St. towards I. `the :bay. At the railroad track they ` struck` some post or -projection _ which -smashed the cutter-. and, the 0 `horse turned and proceeded along 0 the railway track westerly until it u was captured at the {Barrie R.R. iStatio-n. -But for the presence ofl mind of -the occupants, throwing} 0 lthemselves out :before` the cutter`? Istruck the post, there would most] ` likely have (been a serious accident. i: It is not possrihle to see the sleighsl. , coasting down Sampson St. from! r Dunlap St., and as an accident has almost` occurred,- I think some 3 ` means should be taken to -protect 3 those using the roadway. . I under- 0 stand -other horses have `been `startled in like manner at this`? 1s-pot, .I am not giving this notice} with the object. of endeavoring to! recover from the town the damages}: I `have sustained, but solely with at. view of d-raiwin-g attention to this `~ dangerous practice at a -point where there is considerable traffic. A Not Most Loved Oicial s 2 _. I have been Sanitary Inspector _ of. `Barrie for 3 years and in red` _ ceipt of $450 a year with telephone added -the past year, . for my, sef- 11 vices, my monthly `-cheque ,be'ing-1. $41.61. To" this has been added the-' llast year $50,-as truant oi-cer, marks 1 ing $500 a year. In" addition to o` my ordinary duties as -Sanitary In.-`,_. I . `specter, you\'are_aware 'I` am sup-`W 5 posql to enforce the town by-la:w's,, and `in, doing so I have not eamedg` the reputation" of being the most?` loved man in - ohe,town, -(but `no one can, say I have not done my duty.` I do not want to -make compa`rsi.o_ns [with the salaries of _ the? other oi .-_ g cials, *but everyone must? admit that 7 the `pay I am receiving.` is pnot .,at`\' all in -keeping with. the wank. I am`. doing: and is not the wages'=1eeeive"d -` Hy the o ordinary workman -if}-he -was `* working th'e..'who1eJ year round l,.fand_| as a- matter of fact I `ameirnot; able- f ;;1:o; save a .sin_g1e:`=cent,.=~1et 'f_'lQIl__iOj_-_ "'='1.!l' . 11-u:. -mrI':n`e s1-'3" [13ARR11E; COUNTY 0F"S~1McoE.F 0N`I`AR1o.: JANUARY 2:. 19:5 pr 'an I_r:. ._THg.<:o_uII1}v%_ cr smcosj AND THE`, common or cannot put: cnrramon. that" the t;'aihSient],- traders _71io_e`nse fee be ,raised. $50 to '-$209; The V petition -s*tatec_l`fth9. t the fee -here is much. 1o_ewer- than in other tovms. It was signed {by Parsons Fair, Wm. tMoore, Hunter Bros.,' Sarjeant & King, .:B. `Devlin, Geo. Livingstone, `J; ' `R. -Hamiblr, Wm. -Crossland`, Geo. Viekers, H. ;B... Myers, Moore 8_z Armstrong, sutcliffe & Son. 7 "-Finace V-C-hzuiiirxnafx R_obertson s second -report -of the year was pre- sented, recommending thee appoint- ment of Jas. `A-`rno__1d` as assessor at 1 - .1 .1 ` ' . I 1 II Run -In '.l.llCL.|.U '\J.L U CUB: .L.lL _ CIODUDKIVL 4: tion that if the roll is not `return- ed by` May` 1st, 1915, . he will Ibel paid but~$30_0., .. _ . - Ald. AHorse1d rwantecl to know if the applicants knew of the con- ditions and was told that these! `are statutory, and all applicants ,should apply to the Clerk for `con -| !diliOI1S.` _ _ ' a salary -of $450,j'twith_v he Stipula: -f1;I~'iV's.'s`-:i[vz1,1"gV';:1ie71f .s1iubA1d,T% who` looks `after the re `hall rooms, asked for |ai';' increase of $2 per _mo1;th. I I an n....\,._..., \I.l. ..,.. rvt _....,.,.._, "Alderman Lang .pie_se ned "a peti- tion from nuL.O.L.' l\,To:_T,452,. Barrie, asking `the -Qouncil tfoi` it grant of $200 and free use` of the Town -Band fof itheir celebration on J u-1y 12th next, and ;..iMessrs. S. N. Hurst, W. Partridge, John Smith and W. A. Boys appeared as a de- put-ation urging the council. to grant the money. " 1*; 1 . I _Raeeve Bennett dbjected .to' the. Clerk being the judge as to whether- the roll was returned in proper shape. or not, and on his suggestion the report was amended to read that the` Council "be {the judge of whether _the roll is acceptable. SECURE momrr RETURNS mnoucn UNION BANK OF CANADA DRAFTS 1 Later. when the by-l'a:w was read` mpspointing the assessor; A1d._ Hors-' `eld discovered that the conditions as; set "forth were not included and on _ his sutggestiovn t-he -by-law was `so amended. | | Under the head of `inquiries some discussion took -place as to the best method` of furnishingg employment 1- for t'h0S( Who` are out of work an-d| A 1 1 in need ff help, C:h-airman Rolbert-! lson intimating that his committee lwas quite willing to `furnish th-ei :money if the -Indivgent committee: awoul-d point out the ways and] `means, The matter`.-will be taikeni g up_ {by a special committee Loco-n1-:" posed of Reevesv '-Bennett, Robert- son, and Soules, who were appoint-3 ed by motion to confer with the` Indigent -Committee. ~ T 3 _A Grist of -Motions f nW`e'J})'b`-~Sou1es Thnt t-he _ Board '1 of -Works consider the advisability` of s-tarting some work. to help the unemployed. V 'TTH2'I'l___ T__._ "ITl_..1. LL- T)--_.J | lulLl.\; 111 `J; U`, \,I\Ag W|i1kes--Lang--T~hat the Boa rd : of Works. consider the gadvisafbility {of improving Rodnet |St.` with the `least possible delay. Alzd. _Lang "ex- i-plained that cutting down of this ghil-1 would help the 'ur_1emp1oyed, and -;'Wou`l-d "be a great improvement. C! ._.`I __. .C|A.-_.1-A._._. + I Vl`L..L` LL- 131-- ' 'wuuL'u W .. ssuuu ....,. { Soules'---Sta;pe hat the Fin-' 'ance Committee take such steps as are necessary to collect arrearagesv lof street oi-ling. _ v T ; A`IJ *r1'-___c-1..1 -..1_-,1. L__ ;1...... 1. v v uuxunz u. p UL ouxuuu .,.....g,. _ ._ A=ld. Horseld asked` how they could collect taxes separately, when!` it was not all` put on the tax bills. [1 ;'gDgputy A 'IS.`<`>u1es-There are `a M KN \`. '\g\ILl\J\/-U IlIvUl`I\IL7 N- \J'tlS`L `V AIVJLL ' `It b11_ls.[ 'i'gDe:puty IS`ou1es-There 'a_ -E number of "oil arre'arages'- not on: gthe tax bills. What albout Bayeld; *1 St}. 15 1 r1!` . .1 -I-Irv . Bennett--Ru.s'k-That the Water` and Light -Committee have a pro-l per agreement or contract with the Water and 1 Light, Ooummission gov- erning the terms under ~which 'hy,-. 'dro +and street lights are `supplied? itonthe _t'o3vn..n` _. . ' II`! 1 ~ /VA` `I- 1' I }to the town-` . I i Gray-Sitap`le1Jon---That T 001: J. lg IB. McPhee `be appointed Chief of` `the Fire `Brigade _ at_ the usual uuagasiy 0 I A_previous motion -had -been put! ?in Ib~y~A1ermen Wilkes and Lang! Ithat the Fii~e`and Police Committee. {consider the apcpointment of a re` ich.isf"and_rep9rt.j V ` -.-_... _.--_-...._ LL- -_._` -..'.._.`A:..L:L..n.I SUNDAY`, JANUARY 2411:. ms ` ` nu. suNnAv_ AFTER EPIPIIANY `$.30 .a.m.-Ho1y Communion. ' 11.0 a.m.-~Ma,.tins and Sermon. 3.0 p.m.---Sunday School and Bible Class. 7.0 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. REV. E. R. J. BIGGS, B.D., Vicar .Be'fore passing the one[asppointi'n-g "O01 M-oPhee, `Aldermen Lang said: If we are going to ha_ve__"an En- gineer across the ocean and a Fire} Chief dear rknoyws yvhere, we had !.betbe'1`.dispen'e with. `both . orf them. A1_`I. (1.... mL_ .1;-._-_-.-__ ..__".. -11 ` `IJUIIUUL K11!`-7}:J'U1LUC VV 1 D11 '|JlIIIl U'.I. Dublin! |* Ald-`. -Gray---The T~tremen_ _ are all ;in favoi of, 'oerixi.g "Col. vMoP'_hee {the position in recognition of his l27` `years faithful serfvivce" on Ahe Brigade. The md'ti_o1'1' carried , with- out` .9. V division; j - . - ` ' % '.Mmnrs_T' '.T_ .11." HamHv_ Ball` Ullb -ll ulvxaxuuo Mess1fs." J. R; Hamiy, Geo. Balf` and '_1`. Bevecroft, were appointed l;InI_I_1.`be'rs of_ thg-VBoard*of1H1a1t1:.V. { Messrs. A. Carson ran _F. _Nor- man, -the retirimg."meI11jbers of `the; Parks ; Com missiofn, gwsare -re-`ap: 4 pointed. ; . 1 (in; 'r .1:......1- T.-...1-........- ......'- n`... F , ! | ,,.,._....,... A. ., l TM1 : J. Frank Jackson. was. ap_-! ;cpointed"1j,o the vacancy\` `on ` th~e;"Li -'* abra-ry Board, "caused why` the ret i17e~.-`l % mentk `. of 5-Mi`, S. ' _.M*.3.*Ada;I1]. who_?%> 59 I` now-' a .Amembe_r_` of [the_%Board fbf 1: 7.!` ',`1 "Sgme Two Rinks _.As Lastl Yearowill Go Afton` - " T Big Trophy at Toronto | "Tube T.enkzircl-e.Curling games were played -on Tuesday and Wednesday, ve teams` competing. The results were-as follows: ' 1 _ Tuesday Afternoon Barrie T . 21- Elmvale 11 Barrie 21 Elmvale ' 11 _.Ool1ng~Woo~d V A Relic Past} LILLLLLE Iv vv'\4 Qfilollingwwd Stroud | Stroud' VI vv Barrie A `G. Malcomson "A. E. aSmpleton R. M-aloomsonv A. D. `Simon-18 J. G. Scott H. E. Jory ` TIT T3 7 . ,1 J l Reeve A. P. Potter of 'Totten- ham was in Town this week. He |is a candidate for the Wardenship, `and looks like a winner. vFor nine [years the people of Tottnnham have {had such explicit condence .-in him 7 that V-they have elected him as their "representative by acclamatien each year, and the other representatives ;in the County Council ' couldl in no, `more tting way erecognize hisi i ,fa|ith=fuJ services to the County than `by selecting `him as their Warden at, their opening session next Tues- lday... V \ " I ' f.g.'B:;;ni::.24 |REEv-E POTTER F0-R . E |. _WARDELN O-F `OOEINTY: Barrie will thus have: ti1e- same! ltwo rin-ks in the Tankard Games i-at Toronto as last year. _ _ l -LUV.) J-IIJJ-`LL-L'\J `J &1LLl-JJJ I A sale of new and second-hand clothing will be held on Thursday afternoon this week," in Trinity Pai'ish_ Hall, commencing at 3: }o cloc_k. A-_ft'ernoon tea and cake! `may be. procured; for ten cents, I....._.. .......J.. ._......J.. ....211 L. ._ -41- . uiuy UU~ p1'U'L: Ll:l.'U\.l!` .Lu1' DULI Lvuue, home-made candy will be on sale,{ and a box will be provided for con-' trilbutions to the Sick and Poor} '-F;11d. A gramotphone hprogrammel W" : be given. Many w 0 do not `care to buy clothing could come {and have their afternoon tea. ~C`on-i ,tr.ilbutions of` clothing and money` zrwillv be always gladly received for -the Poor Fun`-d`. Edith C. Biggs, ` May CreIscwicke i VOL`. LXIV. ms. 3 WHOLE I N8; Aw THDMFBON CREW; P|.|I`HSl-`III ` ' ,. ' ; The" subject to be discussed at! {Collier St, Methodist Epworth jLea-gue meeting next Monday even- ing is "I`he Young Canadian Citi- zen. s' Duty at "the Present Time. ,T'his ought to be very interesting "at any time, but at the. present,.it| Ishould. be doubly ' so. Every mem-I ber of the League is requested to, Icome and bringsa friend with them.i {Meeting starts ' at 8 o clock sharp. mu-sic is to .be patriotic. V BAPTIST BIBLE CLASS i At a meeting held at the B-wptist! Parsonage 5` on Jan. 7th,` a Young iMen s .B.i|b1e` Glass was organized,! with the following `ofcers: ~ Pres.-W. A.~` Lamb. V V-ice-Pres.- -John `Dodd. Hurst. - .- Treas.`--Andcrew Cauthers. - Mem-berslhirp Com.- -Harry J ones, George Smith and Walter Pierce-.t Devotional Com.`--Ernie P1-ince,, Andrew Qauther,;.I911_nt -7 ; 1 i "CI`_-_`I -_..`I 3&5: _`f`F9`r ' some time past" a .n_umber of new canvass ' curtainsi ehavej been : missecl. 01$ an-gienesg in , the ~G.'E-IR ' `y.a`rd s, and- as ._a result D,-etctive ,S cx6tt was" detailed to the case i xialily rounded _" u:p.`some of 7he ma- 3Ii81d0WD_ t1.'I..e.{ bay_`Io6v. ii .-lergz in ,. es11Te'shaht;v.% A ~ quanw W `MIIWVV \./I|J|-II-I-V-Ml? `U`/L81-L -I-l\?1h\A0 - ; Social and .Musical ; Com.--E Ra-1:pIheMcLean, J. (3.. _Sin_ air. and; Mr. Williams. ' .' Rev. A. Smith, Teacher. xi The class meets every -Sunday at [3 pm. ` A. cordial - inVita)i on,-is ex- `_te1;decl' to @114 `young ; PATRIOTIC EVIENINGA _RU-}![mMA~G~E `S-ALE Tuesday Et;enin g 18 ' Collingfwood ~ 14: Collin-gwwood 32 . Wednesday 42 35 Men sFelt Hat Special i 14 21 Pnetang Penetang .L!L\4 L V./\.A..L tum. redith --14 W. 11ack_ 1'17 BJlOL\IuI\A _TPea:cock H I Robinson ! McICOnkey ` LeVnnA-ox .---11i Et H. Meredith Stgod 29?

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