A numhe_r_ atlowest.currentrates.eitherin small or in large amount .. -on the security of good farm mort- gages. cCARTHY. BOYS 8: MURCHISON. union Street Barrie. V ___..., --v-v IIIIUCIQ Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work" in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical ssisyant in Golden Square Bar, Throat 8: Nose ospital, London; Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London Onhthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo : and Birmingham Eye Hosgaital, Birmingham : former Member nt British phthalmological Society. OFFICE--78 DUNLOP STREET. BARRIE. Phone 54. P. O. Box. 96 v_.__ - -.-r-1 GITJJ L.R.c.P. 5:. s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 5; s. Glasgow - ---SURGEON--- B E llr.Bosanko } DR. M. H. EMEREE, PHYSICIKN and Surgeon` (successor to Dr. C. _ C. `A1exander.) Office and resi- dence `Burton Ave., Allandale. Diseases of Women and children . and: nervous disorders_a specialty. Phone 269. - :22-Iy. __________._______________, ,,,__. _-v-- wvv \.\/4J.A'J.LJ.'5 \-ILUUI -W-hiajt` aJtrocioui's stories one does hear!- I have not seen anyvhintg in. he 1113Jt11*1` of an atroci:ty.. A few thiintgs. I T have `heard and can vouch for a.u11he11rtIicitty of same, -but do not `thein-k censor W-011'1d.a'plp1`OVe of ore- ` -ter menJtioned irt. peaming them.. They are all noted in my dairy, so you will see them sometime, nzovhing preventing. - i I knew Alice _MIacLe0d and Dr. Greenway ' were good` friends, A but did not expeot this. Everyone s let- TIT- (Snoceasox-. to `the late R. 1-: VV:LLV9 .LuUIUl. l'11 . Z .ESTEIN,| Ontario Land -Surveyors, En- gineers, etc. Established 185-2. Oice, Medical Building, S. E. corner Richmond and Bay Sts., Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336.` Instructions left with Strathy' & Esten, Solicitors, Bank of To- ronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attended to._ -_ :`r. G. SMITH & 00., PHONE 82. Established= 1869. Undertakers. Open [day and night. Morgue and chapel in. connection. B'ar- trie, Ontario. ---u u .u.u'nU.LV -- Eye. Ear, Nose Thrat. [amino nu .-.4 a ...-_--- "- - I __:. DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSIIC-IAN, S111-o'phn ofn T `D (V .0 17 - L- {DONALD ROSS, LL.B., `BAR- [ rister, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto -Building, Barrie. - Money ` to. loan. 4 STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRI-S- _'ber, vSoli'citors in` High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Con- veyancers. Oices over the Bank e of-- Toronto, harrie. Money to _ loan at lowest current` rates. G. H." Estzen. - VVLJ vuav5uU, 13 1|; l1'Ub`. DUI J. Was '` much m-ore inrberes-ted in_11he way she kept the milk from turning sour, etc. The three ,Red` Cross nurses, Miss Annesley, e oc., get "breakfast, Walsh dishes and dio everything a house maid would d-o- even, we are told, on occasion, scruibbing. So they are not all rhe en-cum bran-ces we have been led to kelxieve. Then {there are nurses frorm India and many Indian oi- I T-cens (English),. so you see whart a' `_cosm0~po1'iita-n di-ning-room, We have. I 'l]`_,_,, f`l., `IA ORESWICKEV & BELL, BAR- rieters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, ` P-roctors, Not'aries,~ Conveyancers, A block, Barrie. etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross A. _E.__H_: Cres- TIT`:-J5]:-as 17 f`I 1'17 --. COWAN, s1Tg _ . noun:-no -6- . Tan... l`1-_-__ 5 G; ` A. RADE-NHURST, B-ARRIS- ; ter, Solicitor, Notary Public, 820. 1 Ofce, 1st oor Bank of Toronto Bu.i_ldin_g. A Money` to loan at low- Af. `rn +DG - .1.11J.Uil.lu <\,uusu-wauon hours, 11 a.-m, to 5 p.m., and by appoint-` ment. llIIh_Of`_ _0f dead Farms and Town Pro- .IIeI.'Ile3:`fo_t_' saJ o_gn easy` perms. `_ V & :sTEvs}`,A/RT, BAR-J . ;""',7fRI-STERiS,`: -So_1i`citorS," N otaris ._- `Ptrblic, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Oice, 13 Owen St., Bar- rie. D.` M. Stewart. ` u.-. - J.[_L\J.l.\:.LJ..`l1I'4-IT; LXUN, 31 Carlton St.. Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N.Y.)-, Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St.,t Barrie, every Saturday. Dis- eases--%Eye',- ` Ear, ., LNose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 gnrn fn K mm --~-` ` )R. H. A. DUGLAY, OSTEO-% PATHIC Physician, Ross Block,- Barrie, Ont. Oice Hours-9 to 5; other hours by appointment. Phone 565. 45-ly )'R. H. T. ARNA-LL, OFFICE and residence corner of Toronto "and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite AElizabetAh st. Methodist -Church.) Telephone 167. . ] `_ ,,,__ ,.:-__-_-$ -\.'r\/'LLL. VV\J -.lL(|rV\.Ia I F-our C*antad11:an doctors have been told off to our lmspibal. I wonder is i-t true that there are 'bwen-ty-ve more C-anadiuan "nurses comvinng ouut. * `TTL:_u_ . 1 ' - ' ' ,`u. n. .41. .I.v\JaJD, IIl.1`DJ.KJ'.|.11_LV, Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.'S., eEdin., LR.C.P., London. Office and residence, Du-nlosp St., Barrie. Telephone 165. V. A. LEWIS, M.D.G.KM., surgegyl and Diseases of Women. especial- ly. Office 58 Collier St. Phone 61. )R. W. H. OCII-LS (ISUCC`ES-SOfR to- Dr. Palling), Physician, Sur- geon and Accoucheur. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses adjusted. Oice, `Owen St. Phone 95. 14-ly. -7 . -- -_j_ _. -- :9. ` v.-a.n.1J.U \J\.IVV.1..L`, Ncesor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of yvills, guardianship and administration, and General Soli- ,. ____ _A . In. (I nu- .3.-suua o 4I.J.lLL\alD JJIUUIS, JN Dunlop L St; Money to loan. vvscnooal-A_Ol vp scuavu, (A1111 \Xc]J-61:31 cifbr, :Notary, Conveyancer, etc. V hes: Hinds Block, No. 8 nI1h1nn Q4 'II'......._ A 1- uzuu, 1.00 est rates. ron . `Sorry. to say, CI'onsta'.1_1ce is the; four- an inmate -of the sick _i room, . she ..--.. ...-.uu; u.u.U, .yUu-.1sLlU'W; term of - deiwisi-on. ' I am of. oursix _ (zfnom Toronto) -to be Inrliance this morning; she has day your last two ` arrived . Evi- Tden-tly -one` of .my photographs has `strayed into. Oonmis group. Her tonsirtis. I had twelve letters the.` mother has received: them. She ab _wa_ys - sends me her love. A Lady _ I.1esley s djaughter (her brother has ..1heenki{llled' in the War); a vMrs. . London,` and a lra-dy-in-waiting on Hladleld--Ian American, I believe- has opened "a hospital almost across the street from this hotel. Many " of the st-a` have rooms and. take meals here, among them Lord An- Seymour, well-known socilally in Princess `Oh-ristivan. There are also two famous` -surgeons, I am told,- lbu`-t have .-not located them and have forgotten their 113111168. The house- `keeper is Mrs. B. . Her hus- band is ` prominent in milwi-ta-ry circles. She was 'born in Gralton Ontario. I` think she said `her father was sent out over something concerning Red River. It `had! to do with Rie 1 s rebellion, ' I fancy. Very vlague, is it not? But I_ was . rV\11rx1n Ir`/\I\\4rs _ ,4 .1 RING 263 VL. Brwick 'REE;l:.' P. 96. .-4. uh-LO \/IUD` T. Bell, K.C`. CRAIGHUFIST, oN'r. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Most reasonable terms given on a. Stock Sales %j` Druggist. THE am PLANING mu co Llmlte (I Manufacturers of and Dealer? in all kinds ' Rough and Dressed Lumber .Doors.SaslI. Blinds. Interior Finish, Etg Columns, Tanks and Water Troughs, Planing, Matching, Mouldiy. R8-Sbwlng Hot Blast Drying iln. _. .,..,m ._y-uu .u-1 our reverent service `of a few Sundiays ago, and don rt feel '1i'k'e repeazbing the experience. .'1f`he. clergytmen is known as a Ger- man sp'y--nIot a-rea-1 one, you know ; fhlt 9. ~f131-111 A4-' .J..~_:-:.... T - - '--,-.,un:g Matching, Mouldin .1 Drying Laying and Polishing Hardwood Floors a Specialty Contracting and Building. Estimates givr-n OFFICE--BAYFlBLD S'l`.. BARR! E.O N 1` Brewed Entirely from the Fmest Mal! and Hops. A_dvertisers will please bear in mind Um; notlce of intention to charge advertiseme-,n:,4, must be handed into theo ce not later um Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the co for suun chunge must be in THE ADVANC ofce not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday m mg" week, otherwise the advertiser's announcemem gnay not be made public until the week fonev. mg. ' CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. Coniensed ac. vertisements on x-st page sum as wants of all `kinds, lost and found, propem. for sale or to rent, specic artlcles, etc., etc: must be accompanied witn the cash. Cuts for adve-tiscment must in every case bcmoumed on sohd metal base; Has a marvellous effect on :rough skin. One or two applica- tions will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby s. Glycedonia is not sticky, and glovesmay be Awornona few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25C. Delight- ful after shaving. . DUNLOP STREET EAST .apecal: _attention.v Transgot a. General Banking Business. . . . . Notes Discounted (gt rgasonable rates, . .. . Collec- tion 9/` Nots and Accounts given MAKES Your: SKIN LIKE VELVET- `uni ADVANCE ' 13 proven `to have n,,, A A est circulation of any paper in the l`our,; Towllo )1 "-It has also by far the" largest subscripuo, recei ts. ' - Th 3 latter pfact demonstrates the qllallty 0; ts patrons. If, you have any advertising to (1 . place it with the paper that each th - - c` not afraid to pay the price. r es C mom Advertisements are charged according to` spae-12 lines nonpareil measure make one no . V TRANSIENT ADVERTIBIR G, \ Legal Notices. Auction males, Amusement; e .---F1rst1_nsertion 10 cents per line, can), su uentmsertlon cents per ine. mg notices, 10 cents per line for "a insertion : 5 cents per line for each subsemmn insertion of the same matter. Obituarv Poem; 5c Der line. COMMERCIAL DISLAY Rates will be given on application. CONTRACT CHANG EB. Advertisers mind Of infentinn fn r-I-Ionnvn ncu-.-6-------- }St. Jo_l1! __&Groo|(e ADM/`ts Issued payable anywhere. Cheques (in outside bcmlcs cashed 3- _laweat'r'ztes'Q/` acchange. . . . . ;.__:Salhe'V1Vo_tes`C'asIed or Oollected :W- ' T111: ADVANOE' xs proven_ tn have: Vllgrgeat any m Pom UWAD [It_ . recei ts. Th fact demons its patrons. If have ax nlnnn it nun. n... ......-._ n.-. uonmm ADVANCE Barrie, Ont. _ [Beecroft Splendid ALE and PORTER The Best and Brlghtes in Gas]; and Bottle` JAN. 14th, fmm Bou1og';1e,V France, mijder dame` bf Dec. 1412h," the fol- lowing in:t_eresvti1_1g- letterz. - V '-:'Dhris is Sunday, but. one would (ff Q `#0117 .q11-In;-Ila-w -u --A- BANKERS Is 0 en for all orders in CASTING S. MI L REPAIRS, 8:9. Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machinery mm d <- and repairegi on shoxtest notlce and moderate prxces. AI - -uvup Al work done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed rst class. ;`A1_)VERTlSING RATES` .-(`)c.e H_61_1rs`-t-10 to 4 MANUFACTURERS. Worlds--M-iss , .Winnifred n1-'w:d-on in 1--~-- ' -_- Expert Machinists VP'H_ONE 136 6:. CO. V...oF... _v Barrie. 1915. germs only Ekn `truer: "Hamml Beetoli` rites from France, and A Willard Touchette from . Salisbury. . T V l J -...- . .. .;uu., .I.J.J.1J J,1.*1JJ From The Chesley Enrte1~prise':-- In the l'as`tbhree _verses>of the 121; . Ch/pter of St.` Mark, [the Masrtner commendth the pbor widow for her mmch givinag`. '_.In Qhesley. in the last week of 1914 'a little six-year -old `boy, whQ_ h`ad&$5 Vin the-savings" *b'ank.gave* 'al1-th at'=he had to buy Ivbartrelf of -our .-fo_1:1heV__Belgiv ;1 s n I a" `barrel will :1m.s...;+..-.;~,. ......._~: , ___.._t,- ` I was on fatigue duty and .was running over an imi'ta`:tion side-l I` walk when I slipped", and k-er whop! --went -right into muzdl at least .3 ' footdeep. I laughed or a moment ' then scraped the mud ' Ohristmas that we would leave for__ the front on or before January 15th, so I..guess your ansiwverewill .reach me in Frvan-ce `somewliere. Mac a chum, just looked out, and By` Gosh, it is Vsnowing! Some` "country this! It" will ` rain in _an- other half hour.` `Mac. Was, tickled to see1ihe snow and Sherwood: too-R" 'a_take on his h.and;.to s_ee_if_it`wa's the same bnand of sI_1_0w'_weA.g'et__in ,1Ce!nadva. L No! It 'mel`ts,.too" quick- ; VVVe were V T we bed I. guess you: reach me -Fryan'ce :.M-a- '25 ch,um,_just lo is dead; They sent me a, parcel `containing four packets of cigar- ettes frronn the girls, and` ,a big cake and pudding and four individual mince piesvfrounthe mother, for Christmas, `but they just arrived l.D._..,_.,.u, auu we manner; `IatherI this -morning. 0 ' 1 A T Ytvn rt. A n- L 1 ~_\,V~,,\, vvJl.L\,|_ Luow In I1uI'I'lC`-E1116 all bl-of .a, sudden, 'and`_ the * rain just _ pounded in throuag'h the canvas` 1` and everything else; I threw the. I pad to the dry side, and started to -lead the water down the side of the tent. `My bed is just soaked, worse' [ luc-uk.) . Well back to the place _'where I was rudely interrupted. In the marquee on Gl1_ri-sbn1a's- Niugfht were music. free cider,- cigars, pipes and tobacco, etc.,~ and lights! [out did not sound until about ;midnight. `Next day .fatig'u~e duty `and Sunday a holiday. ' I met a fine family `in London` i when there last, `and: have been ' corre sppnding'* . with them since. I I en`cl-ose -a letter or two I have had`? [from them. Two ' dzaughters about --1 '12 and 15,. anda brother about my 4 gown age at the front; two ,-sisters, ] fquziteold, and the mother; `father c is ". cigar-In and mince pies V frounthe J Chrlstma I]"n1i' fine:-1 --'--~1- - ` w__,y_U_ . I I, Now for `something (lighter and more frivolous.` .I suppose, you! "wonder how we spent our Ghri_st- mas under canvas; Very well con-; sidering. We had roast" beef and mashed potatoes, plenticfully .mixed . with parsni-ps, for which vegetable, 1 you may remem'ber, I hold a very I decided aibhorrence, li.ke unto my I attitude towards olives, .sh_ and w` other such edilbles. Cmisequ-ently 3 `the `potatoes were of little value to - me. But wait, we had--plum. - pudding with brandy sauce! Some ' people, .we are, eh, what! 'We re l the, millionaire soldiers, they say. ' Believe me I went `back with the ,' Dixie (plate of the canteen) for r -a second helping`. And it was a ,generous helping, too.- What did L we care for expense on` Christmas ' Day! We hadhenough for a'full. company and two-thi'nd's of . our` company .w were away on holiday leave, "better luck. We also re- ceived `a box` of maple sugar from; r the Duchess` of C~on11a1tght,. and I`. enclose the card she put in the box.g The officers had a big marquee setji up at night, and provid'ed--`(hereVa%j sudden interruption `apparently oc- . curred! as this letter. was b`ei11-g 'writte11,- and the `following was con- ltained iiipareiithesis.) (Well, say, . if you could! have seen me `j.u~m~p just `now to train the water down the sides of` the tent, _vou._ surely would have laughed. . j T-ake notice . of the blot, ve or six lines. up._l1 l_Tha-ti was `some Water that hit` my` writing -pad before I_ jumped, The 1 blessed wind blew sa hurricane all 1 I-of .a,`sudden, 'and _ the justlt l - l I --.. .,....-..n...u. v4. vuoac yvaua are two means provided. by an all- henicent Providence, i.e.,. Awazter `and re. Water for this purpose, and ,'in su-icient quantities, can" only `be oibtained at rare intervals,- and then being cold, is of little use. `Hence the query Does re cl,,e`anse`? Expecting to be inter- rogaltedi N3 the` said query, I "had xed it in` one orf the recesses of my brain, and the said recess is now empty. .,`T__A_ ,. _. . .. .. -1 xuust strengt11eningfc M It is jtota`r11_v_ free fxqn A LA '.,d.- y_1_bst`iQit9-` I".""" ,:You_ tell sine in your "last letter that, the family were wondering whart I meant by the post 'scri-prt: Does, re purify? As` far as I` can remember, I, had spoken either_ of lack of T Water `for cleaning pur-` -poses, or of `an oil stove. At any rate, I will elucidate. On. the }'backs of every, or nearly every one, in the contingent -'cI a:W1 many weird V I-and` carnivorous insects, known by a name which I from- my inmate .5 sense of cleanliness loath . to use, `and to rid i-"oneself of these pests an-9 tum `rnna-nc ..n...'.Il.,..J 1.-- -.. -11 u `uv UV` 116 uuuuum DHIUUSQ` 'afmy._ `My `l11'-im>bago' . - ahd` rheuT1;1atism> are . gdne `and I `lost no trainmg on account` of them,". as my -casejwas only a s'Iight onw-no-" thing` serious, only slightly incon-? venitent.` These are things one gets while becoming accligmatized, I sup-A rnnqn = - 7 gppse. ` T7- , Davy J_-I-l~\-I * My c($13-u:i1a sL_`4"l`<`Vaf"c`t me .*% sati %he exception. ._of a. .sIi'ght cough, which has got t be _the' custom through-A 'O1'lf"'.. Han '-oi-rnv `[1-r ' .1..'......'|....,.... A--A-1 1 and I would" %iathe;"f;;1dKd` them thanfipa-rade, and they "107 `-not` give me- 'a'n`y`m0re. V_ W ` V ` .11.. --1_11.__ 1;.-. [ --.~ -- GAVE _AA~LL_ `, - .-.. ......... cut: germs only thrive when the system is weakened fromo ` colds or sickness, overwork, conning duties or when general weakness exists. The best physicians point out that during changing seasons the blood should be made rich and 'p'ure,and active by.td1;- . in`g`Scott s_Emulsion*a.termea1`s. The cod-T V _ liver oil in. Sco_tt s AE1i1iilsion.;_ wfvanins 'th_ef_ ; "body by etsri<;hi:_1`g_ the blood `s; "it peculiarlygt : ; : ,.t*111:th1$,the 1ungSfm1id"`throatr' -;3yh'i%s:i!f? . 1'i_ :M_res.=v.ti1\re'-*-ifol` Ipulic water supply, and the I `are ]oW--decidedily lo.w when quality is `co-nsidered.` There is immense amount of work in nec1;ion'with this uti1i.ty, and Fyan, along with `the other In lbers, devo.tes- a great deal of t `,u....uuu.u.< __LuU febll `B. Ryan to the B-1 Commissioners `by -ac a tting ,tri=bu'te to ,Mr. Ryan has done i pure Water supply, "|'[I ]l'\'1`l'7__tJr\usa:.J.-'J`1-- 1 Mr. G." B.- Ryan, Of the rm" of Ryan Bros., and a former Barrie merchant, has been returned by aoclamation` j to the .Waterwor'ks -Commission of the city of Guelph, an oice he has 'held ever since Guelph -s new warter works system` ywas installed ve o-r six years ago. ~T.he Guelph Mercury V m-avkes bhis co'mmen*t:--The return of Mr. G.i Ryanr the -Board of Water `Commiss:ione-rs `acclamation was 9. `f`l'`:!1`\11rFn 4:` 515` -` ' '1 ' H `Senior remen s earnings average glfrom` $57 to $85 per month, accord- ;' ing to "the class of train.` `Junior 2 remen, .men who are six months . or less in the service,` earn from ; $48 to $71. Senior men s reduction , would be $51.30 and $76.20. J uniori ;] men would Ibe reduced to $43.20 and] ; $63.90. u . V The Grand Trunk in their agree-; menrt made in Montreal on July ` 31st in the dispute between the company and its employes V` in train and yaml service, reserved the right - Ito change the rates and regulations ' zupon giving` 30 days notice. `The ,- agreement with the engineers ex- ptires on April 1st. The schedule of e the remen expires on June 1; `The track men have `all new agree- l `menit, eiective till July 1. i MR. RYAN WAnS RE--ELECT-ED _.._..r-.vu \.v\:1_y udy. Science proves that the we: colds ,or' sickness, pverwor or , `weal; M1. - 1 - - ` ` =Conductors ....$3.97 Proposed $3.58 Brakemen 2.70 Proposed 2.43 ~,Yard service, rate` per day: _ Foreman . . . .$3.-70 Proposed $3.33 -Helvper 3.40 Proposed 3.06 i_ Night work 20c higher than day I , I rate. V ` - `Engineers in both` passenger and freight service average froan- $110 to $150 pervmonth, according to I their run and.. calibre of train. `- `They would be .red;uIced to $99 to! i$1,5..n - I - The` Rediuotion May Be 10 Perl ll 'Oen?t.,, and? the Average` ' Wage `is $125; With the proposed reduction `in the wage schedule of 14,000 .men in the operating. department of the Grand Trunk System, `announced `to take effect on April 1, the fol-' lowing gures of -rates of pay of train-men and engineers, one of the few services involved in the reduc-I tion, "is interesting. Although not` ocially admitted, it is announced from Montreal that the reduction` {will be" 10 or 12 per cent. The l I 2 effect -of the reduction is compared! , with the present rate of wages, and' the 10-" ,per cent. rate is taken, as it` `is the lowest and more likely to be `adopted if the wages are cut. I Th +1:-in nnnnn nu.-. *G_`.T.R.- 140:0-NDUCiC[`-ORS MIAY` f LOSE ABOUT $12.50 op-TORON`I'O BARRIE AND ALLANDALE BRANCHES ' H. A. SIMS , Manager % " n -\;\._:\/-\.J A - All I.\o\.I llll-CIC3L I3 _. V pa.i'd;nbalances h I+f-:rnar1'};. MONEY ORDERS and Drlaffs sold. . (DEPOSITS OF $1.00 and upwards received SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT __-v : tn -` "I I Hundreds of people` succumb `to, sumption every day. M q(`1.D`h(\n an .... A- LL>- -` . c.;;aun `Reserve Fimds- . . $11,507,000 Total Assets Over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,925,000 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS invited. Interest is r\'| _--___'..- %N()R1*H1:RN ADVANCE ovv1uL11KatU1Ul1 was > the wopk that in securing the and the rates I the", ;|_ . VF]. -_. A ' ` u vuuvl. .|uU11J.'v V deal` time `SCOTT : an For OI` % `than among the non--comsv. and the Dearv F.ather,--We1l, I suppose you have it all over me for writing, Ibutereally I can t .help it. Ever since I reverted, I have been kept. on the, hump doing faigues, as, I was more popular among thefm-en non--coms. turn has come. How- ever, I am putting it overea Wee_,On ' (xnconlionhzn I855) "T.f:';1. . p:;;w. Horseshoeing N0. 55 BAYFIELD ST V opposnrr-: Ross s1 ' JOHNVBABRS OLD CVPAN , _. _-----twx 3 V` M1 : VUFACTURER or Buggies, Carriages, Wagons leighs and Cutters. .9-uuc-r PE'RRnn.A|. -I- A - * lm [that she. would like to The less money a woman has the ore things `she can. afford to see 0 buy. grati-sw to this work. It is g ing to. know that ' Waterworks Department are cellent cond ixtion. in ex- The healthy con- dition of `the citizens and the m-ortality razte wbear Wit`ness to the -sbandlardr ocf - Guelph -s Walter sup- ply. I % Of`ce,-15 Owen st. `Phone 288a. Established 10 years] , ...--..u vyguuu uauu. , m_2"'heW brick houses, Sanfbrd. S`t.,` *a1-1- conveniences. Price $1850. I have farms for sale in a.1'l parts of the County, also money to loan on farm lands. w. c. THOMPSON - > - ---~ Y--"V-VV V _ I I Pair of stores wvirth residence" over! I `With all conveniences. Price `$1850. Easy terms. ` ` I The following ietter, written en Decemlber 28th, 1914, was received on Monday by Mr. Alex. Touhette, from his son, Willard Toulchette, who is at Salisbury Plain Camp, with the 51st San-It Marie Ries : I e 5 room brick House, John _Price $700. $50 dawn. ` .New 8 room bung'a1oswV wirth nice lot, fenced, and good water. Price $1550. Eas_y terms. ` A ` ' 3' }iew"1?i with heating, ing. A11. nioel cant. _ Price C) ;. ..._. 1__.: 1 ULII. 1110. k houses,_ Blak lighting, and p11 y $2250 each. ' `Store and residence, corner Col- ,lier and C1'aptper.ton Scbs. This is a isnwp. Price $2250.00 ` LOOK AT THIS us? or NEW PROPERTIES 1-`on . SALE INQARRIE -\~r i New f house. anfi Du.n~1-op St., hearbing, ]'ighvting- and plumbing. Price $17 50. = o 5 room house and lot, Frederick St., -gooudi Water. P-rim $625.00- t 5 room house and lange loat, Don- La-ld St.," Water in` house. Price 3 $750. s u Repairsof all kinds f Residence. I64 Bayeld Street Phone 627. um `Pl.-IOVNE 033 cnrasummou mus f:3??A_3E3 BF PEBPIE '. H; Kennedy ONE has . Bnluun Contractor & Builder op,p.- 1-the_ , Post ' ;;a`;,1u.;i;:,' Blake - St., ......J _1 . We are so" much more like ;.;;u1uuxu11\7u. .l.`b. Frenclh Women th'a.n'- Engli-slh. In one "can `quite imagine she! is in Toro-nrto--I mean, so ar as` dress is `concerned. The We-art`l1erl is much like early November in Cnarrada. Lately there has scarcely .'been a clay Without rla-in. `We are more amlimuatized, but one d!OeS` .octeasibn-aally pine. for a T re. We` have a small coal oil stove in Your -"room. I am perfectly well and`. ha.prpy all the time, so, pray," id'on t T worrv about me. I gleaned from ow` all, the letters that you all tlh-inuk I am killed working. We go to bed early and I am sure are putting on " weight. We may be with our own : hospdital by Christmas. 1