Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Nov 1914, p. 6

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\,.Ll\.AI. \AAL\/0' UU vv VA 1115 U V DJ. all. The last eighteen miles before reaching the historic -and military city of Quebec are run close -to the! mighty. St. Lawrence River. -The] scene is beautiful . The Canadian Northern authorities have, had an eye for the scenic effect in building their lines in On-tario and Quebec."- `In the *Muskokas their, line runs right through the far-famed lake section; their Tloronto-Ottawa line passes through the heart. of the Rideau chain` of lakes-; and the line` `to Quebec City is marvellous for river beauty along the St. "Lawrence. TL .:n .-L n._AL_- 1.41-- _f..,_J___-- .3; there -is no cessation` .in the `build- Luuau giubiiy Lug. ` `Passing on,dowh1 through Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesabury into the. pnovince of Quebec, we see a coun- try that is at the zenith gin produc- tion. `The Q lumber -and V kindred trades. have brought -great Wealth. -to, -the people. At {Ottawa and Hull ing lines, -and there are no smoke- less chimneys. Some factories that were running slmrt handed are now running day and night" and full` handed. At such places as -Rawdon, J oliet-te, ' St. Jerome, Glenada, -Shawinigan, V Grand Mere, right down` -to Quebec `City the -same is true. There are four large "pulp mills in that region and they are show.in_g no signs `of decreasing staffs. The country is wonderfully fertile, and, while -the` French of Quebec manage their farms in ways that are not Ontario Ways, still, they make` money, have comfortable homes, large and contented and happy `families. Their farms are long and narrow like the surveys on_ Penetang Road through Oro, thus `bringing -the homes cl-oser to - getlier, and the lm from the car window shows a continuous picture of homes, farm ;buildings, .scho,ols,I with churches towering over all. FD]... 41-..; ...:...L;....._. __-:1_- 1, -1-_- -Besides this, cement plants, ima-AI chine shops, plants of all kinds arei far from idle. L In war `time this is} most gratifying. " ' l .T)---:_.-- ___ _1.-'__L .n.__-_;._1_ f\1.1..._... I of ~ci'ea`m-i i je_z'-ies. "Cheese froxfn _'coun_- ,t'y' competw ` _favorably _with;- the world. `It .is i-owing` to this vast wea1th--the~tow11ship` of Rawdo1_1,.' north of "Be1levi11e,, for instance, as one of the richest 511 Ontario-'-that there are many railroads, three run- ning within a few _miles of each other. _In- the L vicinity of Port Hebe" there are three railways .in one township, wand. a ` number. of towns are served by three. What a difference it would make to Bar- rie s manufacturers 'if they had three railroads for shipping. The; farms down there are most fertile,` about 85 per cent. of V the- etui grown being, fed on the farm. The` people have, `learned "to -`produce, they are co-operating in -their work, and every pound -of produce . they; can nd -a market for is created. .1/l.II\|".`.T - .Y.Y. Egan, Spe ']ist'of '%lE:'t1to. \Al_..u-..:..n an -4..- n--_ , UUUa A ' . L Wh-at -Iias.been.s'-aidgoyf Queoer: is F `also-`true of Mont_r,ea'I,v.W-here a n:1m~ : ber: of stupendous "undertakings are -e in progress, not. the least _-being the l` tunnelling of Mount Royal by the H C.'N.R`., bringing them right into . } the centre of 'Canada s v commercial E1 city, where they will build a mag- -` nicent station. It all. goes to show ; P .lIt;wil1 not be long before We will be '. enjoying one of; the; greatest eras . of prosperity that has ever been the .. fortune of -any country to enjoy. .i This is tall independent of the war. ;} Canada is blessed with peace, prac- -tically speaking. But her factories ` will -be kept busy providing for ,! those that `are at war. - The shirt that Canada" is not at a standstill. ' o`n;V "Vane. b_eing:i' {spent 1in"*'!L'arbor_ improve- ments; ` and} equipping the port of `Quebec with wharves, _ `and dredging the St. Charles `River for lake and {river ' craft. _' A one million `bushel grain elevator in concrete has al- ready Pbeen !bui1t,.and others to be built in the next -three years alwisng the river front will. cost over 00, l\I\l\ Tile Penslar Remedies 3. munity, selected fo sign is known ever_ Ours is the Penslar And itnenables us to te Slar Remedy isisuited to y .Supt. J. J. Kelso, `has been appoint- Misvs Lead'1ey.of Vespra, who has -for several years `been engaged in Ohi1dren s` Aid work under Prov. I ed matron of the -new Barriq shelei On the label of every 1-? formula or prescription fro English. ; 1 One Thing That We gpecially Like About The This simply means tha.` know exactly what you are, ingredient. - What I10 You Kliow About The Medicine Y0 U Talia? ' Penslar White Pine Spruce Balsam Mentholated) Here is a. Cough Remed acts on the urinciple of H the iname lining of the a 3112-en- the ma] mnen nF fkn n Robertsol um uunuuwu umng or me es, the real cause of the e W ice Pine Bark. Red S Gum. Tamarac Bark and remedies of special worth bine to give its. extraor value, in - tight; tx-ou'b1 coughs. 25 cents a. bottle. An etfervescing salt W when dissolved, affords an mineral water for regulatin liver and kidneys. Its ta agreeable, its action 'is pr and thorough, but not dr `Each package containsasa aluminum cup for mcas the exact dose. These four are among Uhose that every family should have. Collingw-ooii 85` air clijetorafe started 1914 with a decit of $824.15, which they hav-e reduced by "$470 since this year s. fair,` which was one of the best on record. Penslar Liver Salitj 25c and` 50c. One_Dobr `East of Barri: Hotel The` W Your Choice of A Monument _ .. "Remedies Is Thai T ey Are Not Secret V" 5 [[8 not limited to A few varieties eirhen you come here. If you do not care for any of the stones we ave already made up , you can .00Ie any of the thousand de- `V __ 8- we are `prepared to show that - ling rm Q- sold only by one` drug store in om.-h cam` its high standing. Thus the 1 -n~1:H' here a;stheTs ign of a good drug .~1<>1'v. ug Store of this town. pus- gh. uce ther nvn `One [hundred and. eleven `persons were `inea.rc-erabed in -Owen ` `Sound jail during the .vear en-ding Sept. 30, 1914. The cost of feeding them was 13;} cents eac-h per day. F5? 01118 tic. FY ing [,5 D_l`l1_g Q Store I when you take a Penslar Remedy you aking, the name and am0u_nt of each I you whetheror not any prticular Pen- 1r needs. nslar Remedy you will nd the exact Lwhichit is prepared, printed in plain 'T1IRSDAY, Nov. (enjoying unusual `nd . underwear " P1'0Sperity, ijciltting off of 'Canada s `seems to point to future `these products, formerly bljplg from`-Europe, is laregly r9,p0I:]:-E for this unusual activity, 51 and canning factories have Ord for `more, than they can Sllpl`. 1` some` are Working on Slllltlzltb,` ` lot of this activity was s(1o11'})\: . writer. To `give aclderl c-liver the` ports fwm the ~\Vest imlir.-ate 1;} the crops are much l)i,<:_v_-or -M,` generally supposed. l`l\'0r_y[,},'l ])l'U.\'I){rI\ -of_ great proportions. With (`am ians Ibuying Made-i11-(`amm goods, encouraging hmna 1n;umf; .tures, and being loyal to hm 0. institutions, they will .avp mgm, .2), year -to 1JhemSelve`~', and (~m~z1to industrial country of their own . surpassed in the world- f_1'i\'i11g- W, to all at highest wag(=.~'. Several cars of "potatoes {have been shipped from Beeton,` _Where The World-. ports a good crop. Prices range from 45- to 50 cents per bag. I ICZC&ID Here is a laxative for gemml family use, suitable alike for chil_dre`n.and adults. It is put up in chocolate l07.('ng(`.~`. vt-r_\' _ agreeable to the taste. Its :t'- tion is positive. yet free fl-um griping. Far superior to piH.~' and more convenient than liquid cathartics, it is an ideal l)l'0lll1(`[. 10c and 250 boxes.- For kidney and blmlder affec- tions. cystitis. caturrh an the bladder. etc. This coxnl)imxLinn of time-tested rcmcdic.< is. we believe. without an equal. Its action is goothing and antiscapt i_-. o.ve1-commg the inamed mm}:- tlons of these organs. The u.~'l,- uf `Liver Saline in cnmbinatinn makes an ideal tratmcnt. 50c and $1.00. Penslar Buchu and Pal- metto Composition Regulax 5 `nu-nfvn Fm Most Family Remedies Are 'Wm; Ross -of Grr~enfe1' was taken to the R.: V. Hospital, Barrie, last Wednesday, suering wih "a broken leg sustained xin a ruanway the pre- V -viouss day. j mg walk RUHTURE `Lm~ T. H. Dyre, a prominent Thorn- bury lawyer, has 'been. appointed Crown Attorney for Grey County, and'.Wi11 mo-ve to Owen Sound. ' Peel `County will `insure the `lives of all their soldiers` in active ser- vice, the policies `to be made pay- able to: the Patriotic Committee. A Rev. F. A. Lawson, who is con? nected with the Dominion Alliance, %1as removed from Bradford to` Wel- . and. " Wm. Hen-sonlof Nottawasaga, resident of the `I-Iou-se of Rfuge since Thanksgiving Day, died there on Oct. 22nd. - . The -Collingwood Patriotic Com- mittee has requested their town council to take over the Weekly dis- tribution of the funds. AFrif.ty C~anadian. Metho di.stTn 1inis- tens offered their, Services as chap- lains for the second contingent. Bradford and` `Holland `Landing will both -have local option Noam- paigns -at the J anu-ary elections. `News Notes of Interest For ' Busy Reader; T LAllis1;on will hav_ a new (re-pnropf ' lock-up to replace the one destroy-, ed .'byVre on Sunday, -Oct. V 25th. nus wmsx IN REVIEW] Twenty Bradfgord- ` hunters are af- .ter deer in the northern woods. Ori11=i:a s new post oice will not %`be nished unti-1 sometime in March next. _. - .' - `Sahan.-ty Bay will have a new. wharf. ` - At Orillia voters 'li-st cou-rt 134 names were added, . V Geo. R. W ilson, merchant tailor of Midland, has assigned.- . 'to=iFarmersi every siness,oincIudin1'g The Canadian Bank of Commerce exten V facility for the transactip on of their banking. the discount -and collection of sales notes. are supplied free of charge on application. CANADI NBANK OF COMM RCE % .8APlTAi.. s15.unn,unn RESERVE r\un.813.5nu.oun Q FARMERS BUSI\\TESS (SEE DATE AT BOTTOM) ,,___ __ - V- vnauv Retains Rupture anger or Pain. no longer necessary. barbarous method s or with by the wonder- ist who has devoted d e We -instant re- ` thout _opcration. ' It s rupture to natural e thrown away. . ' women and c-mldren `here others fail. 4 . nafn__-In`u+ a. nu ...'...I K. The marvelous % tog BARBIE BRANCH % H. J. GRASETT. T anagera \ uew umers Ian. pg,{n-just a natural. 0 . . . nfbcl. No `foreign - tronize a Canadian .a_r olf coupon now, 1 J .._ntz'.tion ta J. Y; 1ngSt.,*Toronto,. ` I helm`.-y entitles} Vnd 'c~xaI`.1 i11a.tIo_ " ice. 2 Note da'es-.`f Wen, o er One Hnndrd~ Dollars Reward for any case of Cjatarnh that cannot be cured by Ha_1l s Cata-h F. J Cheeny & 00.,` `,.To1ed'(_),; f0. HTW-e, the undersigned, -have known CE`. J ; Oheney for 5 last 15 yea-1_'sV, and, believe ,him. _-perfectly n ihongr- a'ble- ingaall b;;sginess,~;trga,AnsactionsLiindn~ nancially ...'.' b1e:: imiffy {out -any. n9h1igaonsn;nmadje wby ;h;iis ; T The vacancy the pastorate of the Oro ~C~o1igregati'ona1 `J churches`, caused by the ,resignation of the ]Rev. John Murray, has been tem- porarily rlled by `the engagem-ent _for. six months -of the Rev. George Rix, an evangelist, well known at! Hawkestone "and [throughout the township. Tho-ugh an `Ora boy, Mr. Rix has been working for the most part in the United -`States, and n his desire to spend '_i the winter at .home, with or. `near his mother, af- forded the `church authorities the opportunity: to , make -an arrange- ment .wit-'h him,` mutually eatisfac- ' tory, as they thought` best not to be- - gin the. work of looking for a `set- pastor 1 weather` vcomeei` . again. - ~01-illi.a NeWS~Letter--A des-`patch! from Kingston says that :r'-_a Weal- thy land owner of .Simcoe County has written to Geo. Hunt-er;Aim- migration officer at Kingston, offer- ing 1,000 acres of `his land free to Belgian refugees. The; Newse-Let-__ ter no kn-ow-ledgve of anyone` in Simcoe owning` land of any value "to such an extent, though there 5 are thvousiands. of acres of Waste, lands here. It would -be a crime to wish !t{1is' land on Belgians or anyone" | e se. 1 . . ' F . A on n A Russian Pole employed on the work on` the Trent Canal, 1 at Mac- d-onaLdf s- -Rapids, . on the Severn River, was blown to" atom by la, dynamite explosion at noon on Tuesday of last week. The man was engaged in ring blfastsa during the dinner *hour, and is believedvto -have `been thawing _-out some dynamite. 1 He was blown `into fragments-. He was in the employ of a .sul)-contrac- \+r\vI n A--. _ 4---- A-------A - IV ` ,-Ontario, `according to he estimate of the Minister of `Agriculture, has sowed one million acres of , fall wheat more than she 'has ever sow- ed before, Which is more than double A the last" years acreage of 727,000. The yield of 1914 was estimated -at 15,000,000 -bushels. Ontario, says Hon. ' James Duff; vvi11_ have a wheat crop should the conditions be favorable, the " like of which she` has inever before seen. 0 Mrs. John Waterson d-ied -at T-hornton on October 16th, and was: buried "in Barrie cemetery on Oct. 20th. Rev. Mr`. Horton A conducted the -services, which -were attended by a ` great many friends. Besides her husband, she is survived bywtwo sons+-Ro'bert at -home and Albert of Toronto. Mr. Geo. Clark and Mrs. C. Wice of;katc`hewan are broth: er and sister of the deceased. Capt. f and -Mrs. Het)erd'en,_ an ehrge _0f the S.A. at Orillia for several years, have left there for St. Catharines,. much to the regret of the Orillia people, with. all classes of whom they were deservedly popu- . ' . , s .' , e . 1- FWm. ACMdAr Uhur was entenced iat Coll-ing'wood' to 30 days "in Barrie `J ail for ste`a1i_ng_j-ewelry from J Orr s store Window on " Dec. 23rd last. It is claimed MeArthur broke the Window` with a bottle of beer" and helped himself to the jewelry in `the window. Mrs`. Robt. Armstrong ndi`ed- mi nCo11"ing'wood.~` Hospital, after having lher foot amputated following an attack of gangrene poisoning. The body was taken d;o Bradford- and in- tered at Mt. `Pleasant cemetery. G. H. Keogh, tax collector for Adfiala, '-has ;res'iguecl and G. L. Chapman has been appointed in his stead. T-he Adjala :Goun`~cil- will consolidate all `its by-laws, tar; " the ``A-1'i.oe `May? -0-omr `Home for ~Ohi'1Idiren. She comes- we1_1 re- commended. ' \ "HoW%% THIS? 1.11.1 uLLA1JM.IJ U1. 0|. DuU'UU1.ll4J,"lU' fellow" T countr_yman 11a1I_1ed ` mnnnuunn-wA1;xnn.c`.v.6.r;Li>.. % Pnnldent' , cne:.manage: jzonu, `.As tGen:I'llCanalt \f_nqyLv_a.J.,- {Iv 1,6]/LES]. U'U1u1 ' ' ' ' _p1e'n,ty'. o_f- t1ja'nspOrt,ati-;)n `;fai1ieS`. . Q5 ,pe91?19- have *~sp1end%id .`opprt11i12i$2ST. for-11' ,ship1'>ing-T ~'.Dh.eirL - -of, many ' advances . will 'be "made, (Continued from Page Three) are telephones, sanitary, automobile and other conveniences. {Schools are neat and the `grounds taken care ' with gardens; showing that -the teache'i~s are training `along ag'ric u1tur~al' lines. The indications are that `within a . few _'years great and` this ap- pli-"es -to the whole" province.` In- tensive _fa1*min' as in the oId'1andS ~ W_i11v practised. , The V niovernent .f<);- Ascientic I f " i' ' T V ,GO0D[`IfROSPECTS ma A nu; Busmnss ERA. vauu. uvu uuuers II'OII1 our age.` ' ] _ The number of (cases of typhoid fever admitted during the `year (14) was. less than usual -and; all res }'covere_d.m - A - -.u.uu-.4 u; uag-a 11].` ' l A pital . . . . . .. . . .9606 10753 Number of births 39 66 Number of deaths .. 26 20 Number of typhoid fever__ patients . .} . . . . Number of tappendicitis`_ operations . ., . .. . .. .t 41 52 Number of adenoid and` ' ` tonsi1,opveratio1_1s . . 40 32 Number ` of other major operations . . .. . . .1 .. Average number of days . . I`es'idence per patient. . 23 ' 24 The report shows a~.1arger num-. ber ' of patients treated `and! .a vlower death rate than in `previous years; 3 .rpI1"|D1'o n-no-an KC) `av.--.......J.1...'J.:._ 19 s 14 50 45 ,u. ....._u.u.uw.uu.y UJ. avns uuuu I per cent. in this disease;- One -Caesarean sec- tion wasjperformed during the" year With- satisfactory. results. TIP-I...-. .....4.:...._ L_ .11.- .1 :- 11 `UL; 17!-|I.lIUJ.r\5U\lJ.'y. 1 $U1DU'. _ Fme patlents dned of cancer, `and ve others from old` age.- iv 1n11vv\-`nu I\' ..n,..... `._B L__,1 0`! ucavu rune mun 1n prevmus: years. - There were 52 appendicitis oper- ations" with only -one death, giving a mortailityof less than 2 per cent `:11 A-;dnhno' (`ma .(V....~.......-_- A--A vlbatlu J. L U111 Ill-L`/' 'JJU(IrL `-10 i The Treasurer s report "shows a reduced decit, viz: $148.26, which includes $7 2.38 transferred to spec- .ialvele'vator account. The Ibuilding` and equipment have been maintain-`I e in good conditionand the steady] increase in the work done `by `th-e1 -Hospital` `shows `that the service rendered is satisfactory and ap- preciated `by -the public. _ _ V , -1 7Number of patients un- der -Vtreatment . ...- .. Number of days in Hos- .`2a...`l AL I \Il.\I\.l Il\J U116 11. lll DUO. T-he Board,desires to express sin- cere appreoiation of the services rendered by Mr. George Vickers who has occupied rl:he' post of -Secretary for the last five years, -but was com- pel1ed`_ for V -business reasons to re- sign from the 'Board. ' ` | "I'\L_ FI1_____ Univ u:.;.uuu, v\.LJ 'a..I.u.uUuD UULILILI/LULID. Thanks. are due to the members of the Medical sta for-their ser- vices to indigent patients` and the assistance given. to the training school -by the `course of `lectures de-` 'livened to the nurses. fI1'l 1". 1 1 I . uuu .s4uuu.u. U1.I.(AL.l.'n.Ll.l1l`y aUx\11UW1UugU25- 5 `The Superintendent and 1'1l1I`S:iI1'g' staff have d_i-sch'arged their duties with great efficiency (as -in the rp-ast) and cheerfully worked` ` under, at times, very arduous conditions. ; \ T`L......1_ ...... J--- L, A-'1 " The Board has to express great appreciation of the work done by the Women s Auxiliary in connec- tion With the elevator and the pro- vi-sion of furnishings of all kinds also of the 'assistance.o'f the Hospi- tal Club in providing many neces- sary.' articles for the use of the `Hospital. .The reports of these so- cieties show the extent of the help so kindly given. ' rl`- -1] A.1_-A'I_.`If,, `I -vv AIlLL\JA.J 5A_V \lLl.n To all the ladies Who gave their {hep as collectors for the elevator !fund hearty thanks are given._ 1- .A n7.....J .....- --._:~1--J 1 -1 5% )A `Ward Jwas furnis ed `by the [Allan-dale Women s Auxiliary which ithe Board thankfully acknowledges. `I 2Q-rv-nu.-n4-n.sJn...L ...,\.'I __- ,...uu.u. uuouu uuuuno GLU SI`/C113. i Liana-bl-Jud. UVUL ` I This left $750 to `be provided, but `since the close `of the nancial year, the members of .the Women s Aux- iliary decided` to give` to` the Board from their funds on hand the sum of $400 to complete the purchase price of the -elevator. To their energy and generosity the Hospital is indebted for the Whole cost of the `elevator, and the cost of -installation is all that has to be provided by the Board. 1` . ' IPLUUUQ 1 -1 r'i`:he'i_3oard has `great pleasure iii stating. that the suggestion made in the ~ report of last year as to the desira=bliity- of -installing an. im-'_ proved elevator was at once taken up -`by the IWoman s- Auxiliary of `the Hospital,` who,_ assisted by the members of the. Hospital A -Club and other ladies, raised the sum of "$1100 towards: vthehcost of an elec- trically operated elevator` which has been `instaled and ' is found very satisfactory, The total cost was slightly over $1800. ' VFLZ, 14.1 ; dahpvn I` .1 " " ` . xuwuuve memou_an sum! 2 .. Immediatg rchef gua mgmail order hes. Safer to . personally. Do not delay` _ Fl`-ee Ruptup ..Th_islcou on, upon pr _v E an; spec alist, 14 East; -I` W` 0 will visit the . tn_ . bearertn frree`cnnsn1l1;a1;:_o pf samples, , Ask annotcl if; :" ~1s`or*fthg `year. tending Sept. 30, :19gl4,* thef, Board in its seventeenth aetatement has an increase -in themumber of patients admitted the" 'H`ospi,tal77 and ' also in; the of treatment; The patients admitted n_um`bered=' 444, an "increase" of . 26 over` last year, . and `days of treatment amounted to. 10752,. an increase of-1-146, and: an average *of slightly above 24 days: treatment per patient. ._ There were 68 Fbiyrt-has in the Hospital as against 39 last year.` The accommodation of the Hospi- tal has "been kept ' well employedi during the year, but has been sufcient to meet all demands made [upon it. TITLA 15,, 1 1 R.v.nose11~ALRsoARpR PRESENTS REPORT The "Medical Report 104: ' `bf Ibi~hs' '. deaths . typhoid `THE NORTHERN ADVANCE %; 418 * 71-9'13 1914 pualuuu, am: ma 51118888 Multitudes of cured me testifv. Greatest succes , Nothing complicated; retentive method at smal Tmm m-`Hats wslinc nrrnn ,_.,., ._,\,...,..,-J uu.u;5 uuv vpqu. J..4wvv1.<;u.\.(:. . 'It is at Quebec, the fortress city, that big things are being done, and that prompted" the writing of this larticle to help dissipate` the pessim- ` ism that was taking` `hold of the` people. ?We do not hear, much of -the Quebec bridge these days, but work is progressing on .it neverthe- less. It is primarily for the Trans- continental, but all railways will have use of it, and the bridge will `i attract millions from all corners of [the earth when sigh-t-seeing. With (a state of war existing -in Europe the Americans will next summer come to our pl.aces of interest and our lake regions. to enjoyrest `and recreation. The .briscl'ge will `have the longest span -of any bridge in the world, will be built of 'ni,ckle- 0 steel, and will cost over $12,000,000. The workshops _ in 0 connection with the Transcontinental. will be located at :St. Male, . Q_u'eibec s western "suburb, and this decision has clinch- ed the -buckle on the belt of d'es- tiny; Work -is beingrushed on the ' construction of the shops, and when _ mechanics , `which means 10,000` ad- ditional population, . and` homes `for this prospective population in the shape of a good sized-town are now under construction. ` `Another gigar- tic undertaking is the tunnel to he built connecting. the Transcontin- ental Railway `With the "workshops A and station, -' and;_ means an outl-any for , this undertaking of , $5,000,000. The new -terminals and union sta- ` -tion will cost ` $4,000,000. Unlike the Toronto union station; this work` `completed will employ over 2,500 - fifty` years to this one s lief, rest and security ' position, and old trusses --v -c -do-vn- Wt Wonderful Metho Without Knife, 01d style trusstortur Gallipg, slip lug trusse treatmg rup redone 9. ml invention of a spec EGAN "CURA1`RUs isinte stops "all irritation, res Mliltitrinn nf nin-or! rnn

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