ited Wanted at; Once , 4-- ,--w. `e3 use are in the J ere you can only on the Box. I have -me a man {carry an Ind - with him and I _ __ ,. .. ..,.,.J.'_1. nOt' say /gvjewnare .' close on landing. in to be very popular: alf hour, or. so 21 visitors comes round Ln ..;--'-'1 ` ' ,,` l`%HE* NORTHERN ADVANCE * FAN;Y .T,WEE:D_S- F R AI1.A~'])II:3~S S.UIVTIN.GS .TTT-.__ MLEN -S SUITS-- zes 34 to 44. Suits, that were $1 . Sale [Price .. $7.90 Suits that were 5.00- Sale Price $11.95 Suits that were 18.00.f- Sale Price $14.90 Suits that were` M'EN S I OVER BOYS "SUITS. ND OVERCOATS AI.-L MEiN :S 00:01) P=A0NT:S--Dark stripe work pants at `were sold for {$1.50 V and $1.75. Sale. Price . .. .. . .. . $1.25 0 UNTEARABLE _TWE!ED A- A 20.00." Sale price, $16.75. ATS--ALL REDUCED" OHLLDRIEN S Li 51:_to 10. ' Ribbed `Black. izes 8 to 10. e Price . . . . . . LADIES PlainL or ` Cashmere Hose.- Were 25c pair. LADIES Black ' Plain or. Ribbed. Sale Price ` Hose, ' Were} 40c pair. PLAIN PVE-NETIAN and I Broadcloth have been very popular this seaso -`We have still a good assortment 7 shades. P Values up to 75c audb` P yd. Sale Price .. `Values up to $1.25 yd. .Sale Price .. 87c Values up to $1.50 yd;. Sale Price `. 99c Fancy Stripe Velours in Amethys, Rose and Green. _Value' _ - A _ $1.50. Sale Price . .' $1.19 -SI',Pv'(lrES-Extra heavy Valle`. ool lSerges in[Navy, _Green and "V trawberry. Values up to $1.00. `S ' PIECE-S` DRESS Goo --Assorted colors; Values up to $ Price . . . . LADII-SS sumucs men ' on half of them. Owing to a Dissolution} a Partnership, we are obliged to raise a 0 large amount f money. 0 Our entire stock amounting to $35,000 I be marked at CLEARING PRICES and in 0 sdme ses less than Manufacturers NCY ` ` DS--Nice Patterns. Were 85 ydi. Sale Price . . . . . . MEN S (ILOTHING .n.4.A4` -4 rez ; ..|J4.L.l./.I..La`LJ L) U .I. 1. LL` ~\J c*:vyd. Sale Price . . . .1. ALL.` L KL} 7' Sale Pric CASHMEHE. HOSE for UV .LVu Price . DRESS Goonsl XI AD Ouija: 1. . . 1.. .. . ..'. V$2.25 69c 250,- 10 " WHITE WOOL CANADIAN. BLAN- . KzETS--Mediu'm sizes.` Were Sale Price . . . . . .. . . .. . $2.85 WHITE ADL WOOL BLAN'KETS-- Were $5.00 pa-ir.' Sale Price . $3.98 % F:LA1_\TNtELETT-E% .BLA_N=KET ` - A11 SP(2_'O I;-TS--A good s~fron g thread, 3 for 10c T _INS---Were 5c paper _ . . . . . . . . . . -3 for 5c TIES`-s'Men s and Boys "Ties. Regu- ,TA?'E--eLarge. bunches, assorted widths `_Per vbunch . . . . . . . . .. 5c- HANDKEROHIEFS %- Hemstitch-ed- Regular 5c each. 10 folf . .. .. . .- 25c OKII .Qn`,1. 1)-.:.-..-' n- FOR LADIES AND `CHILDREN, MEN . . AND :BOY=S, ALL REDUCED L ` " IN PRICE. j A large variety of Brussels", Wiltons. Velvets ands, Tapestry -Squares, all at reduced prices. ' WHITE FLANN-ELETTE-31 wide. Was 12%; yd. Sale EXTRA HEAVY ENGLISH FLAN- NELETTES in nice neat stripes, good shadesj._ Were 150 yd. Sa1e Prie .. . PRE`SrS=ED CURL COATINGS`.- .|13'r\rv-`I-,- ~--1-- AA A PLAID CHIN-CHILLA in fa11c_\-"Bro\'v11s pand Navys only. `Were $2.90 yd. S210 -pr;no - "> PLAIN CAHIX-CHILLA COATINGS in Brown, Tan, Grey and Regal. Was $2.25 yd, Sale Price` . .. . . . . . $i SPORT GOATINGS--All Colors. `Were $2.90 yd. `Sale Price, . . . . . .. .. . $i REVERSIBLE COATIl\ G'S' in good shades. Were $1.50 yd. Sale 1 1 Prion CARPET SQUARES .L ICE .4:-.1 u.I.LI.3.u auu. JJUJD Iar 25c. -Sale _Pr1ce" . . . . 1-Jouk_J.I.4J.J puny \,`UA1L.\ h5- Coat lengths only. Wene $3.65 8 ale Prlce ;-a;\; `V G V J3 Sale Price |JA&$I\.I`a\: Price FLANNELETTES every line of goods in SWEATERS any any `nice the 1...... ;. 1114111.` `IL reduced` in price. BLANKETS COATINGS inches Prlce, 19c 352.95 `$1.65 100 {V980 ; aux-JUL -I-nu: .|.u1; .La.L-.:_ vA_JV- (`1`r1] will `exempt A he 1 ba- allr.-e (if her taxes for- this Tyearf? 'Ij}101m1.<' Luck [complained ; ater was being drainedvmig on.h` I ;1r0De1'tb' at `lot 17% con.',," ' --H't.'u11 L`(.'L; Irom d. R. l./'0L>LBI',l_ "Wk `.1 the Peace, acknowledging` T`*Im'r of jurors selected .for. 1915 Porrr-r-I mud. in order; from James. P~0;~<. we-xetary S.'S. 17, stating that '11-I`~`~' of said section wou1dpay_ 5DC`<'i;x} we-11001 rate for 1914 `for AIH1I'<'\'c Kissock, owing to his. long N ~<-rim.~: illness, and asking the". C_o1m-E1 to- exempt the balance: of 111.31.-x.\:r-.~ for 1914`, and. on'motion ('1 .\I-Kinlay and `McArthur this '8-'~' _;-1-;mted;v-from W, W. Du-nlop 11-"`IH"I1`. -that Michae.l`;Coste!ll l I-`W'I>I'. -mat Mlcnael Uosteuo had W-11 admitted to theHo.spita1- f0I` ]n~une at Toronto, and it Was 3r.<:r-(1 that he be aeceptedi as = a , /1 r1 I'p:nL....V ,1 n__ p _ A`;.`l_:_. ..fl1t` mm Hall, on Thursday, a_<:il. mjul had requested that a meet- - -v..vw- (.l1'r. 'l`o\\'nsl1ip .Council met at- - ()('Iul't:X` 22nd. with the Reeve` in the clluir and all the members present (`.\'('`}!I (`ounc-illor- Cockburn. ` The .Re:w oxplaiiied that the reason for the -ullillg` of this meeting was that .\I;.~'~r.~. `Bic-knell, Bain, Macdonell & <-rlun, solicitors for the Kem- 1`:<-n1'vllt Land. Co., Limited, had for `s\ z1I`rl+_'_l to the Clerk" a plan -of West .lmlf of lot 24 and broken 25, con. _ ll. Urn. for approval `by the Coun- lllgl 11+--callecl at the earliest pos- sihle lute; the business was ur-.' r`.~"(`Ill.' sun] agreeing` to "pay the ex- ` 1;:-um. of the meeting; The ', plans q `aw-ru a-xun1in'ed`, and on motion of " .llc-(`ulluni and Smith, `Were ap- 1`Jrm ml. and the Revve and Clerk \`.'f.`I`(' l11.~.`tI`11C'tCl; to Sign and attach f}'1 seal to the same. (Mmmunic-ations were read land . of as follows: From Man? 1 3%- f`I` of Union Bank, Barrie,` shO,W- " in_u- in amount to credit _of the .- 1r.u... l n...1 .-- u11JUL|1lU L-U ULUULU `UL |/BU (\\'11~1}1;) on Sept; 30th, which was 01mI,mrrect; from J. R. COt_ter,_ ' ` _ I ,_'I J Ln-L .L `Lr\ T3- _` , , , , , - M3,- -5 V44 ;u-v4LL.u5\Ju ' `V - Apply to - George Rarkes,` on the pre1`1]i>v.-`. or to Barrle P.O.- ' 37-tf.` u..n,;-.11 L\J Gull Te1'm.~`. part. on n1nrt-gage.. \_,.-.'1 A. (`I -well fenced and 111 good state of` the property arerectd Iafgej ham: and basement sta-bles,`in good. rc=1ir. and a` good sized Trought cast! h1_.'f~ C . . " t A The land is a good 7 clay loam} cn1ti_\'.z1tio11. There is a b1ock.'of 1>'a<.-1-c-.5` of hardwood bush. `T I ` The a`uo\'~e farm would be sold en biog. or if preferred would be (h'vi1(-I to suitpurchaser. A ' [ Tmnn. H.-.4. -....L' - " " "' -FARM FOR SALE L X 4 Pan of-ithe East Half of Lots] 1,_-_', :1. in. 1st concession of Town- s11_ip,u1' Oro. 3 `miles from-_Barrie[ on the Ridge Road, contairzfi;_`i'ig_176_ acres. - L`: . On are` erected large stables, in good re` *1i1'. rought cast} 1'): `((3 ' `V I I;1J_,L L \/_;.v v.J4.I.'._1JJ..`l",`-VV. . (gm, 5. Oro, 100 acr . ._; 2 of hard- samly _10am; 1:) a - . -W} bush. 'ba1an under cu1t_i-` \~3_f'j;1;; 15 acres _dum~ now, and: f plowing chief- Iy M19; good Age barn once- n1 foundati ,. and outbuild- jn__~_<: frame 1 ; 1%-cmilesvfrom Iid5:;o:1'. and miles fron_1;Barr1e. ` Pn<~u~iSiO11 " ' ' W,\'1w..~`. Edgar R0. A T '45-ti A PRIVATE, C.OMFOR .DABLE homz`-. with all conveniences for; 1z1dies before and during conne- mem: strictlyconidential. Ladies Hair Goods for sale. Mrs. _L. _ Stephells, -18 James St. 38-V50 ` F['R.\'ISHED~ and Unfurnished` H<>L'1115-`CE11t1'a1 location. Apply . .-H\';111 Ofce. V _ 4:2-,2 FARM FOR SALE--~W} %Lc,t%-% (`On 1;. ()?`0_ guru-a L... -__ SH "YOUNG A SI H ; ORTH0 % `*1 J J i3[*LLs { [ old. bI` d filftilrln to 116 In0n$h mported. _ s. for sale on Qmasmlable plv A. Purvh C 5 " . . ralg-Vale . M .f .`L.I)`_ P110119 ' 111 `hon Se LOST--On Co or Bradford _ .` black beaver on 0 side mottled" 9 .: .a I10- credi- laims - lham nnis- who 5' ` of uired F. M. No. 1. FURNISHED H0 in. than 'mi11f1:vr- + .'_I`_l;AYED on. to age A `.1... anadnrsinnmi I` ' :L.`_1\,,\ q_-_J.I..|...a.:..._, for the wlnter; . water heating OR-O - COUNCIL - \44|,&w\/L . 1 and the balance] ?. 5t_h,; 7 rfie, ors. y-- .1JI._ru 0, Clay and; *har(}- Whn lchopiung .s1iet,' if .i.tV is` sprinkled a f1i t_1:e,_ groundqice ` t` 1',o_:~f_=:hher:knife and Luv.)-gw `'`"' '`""" ` _ _ The g-re._atest.sympa1;hy is felt for` the unfortunate .man s Widow and: cl:1ildre.p"`p and__ for ;h1s~ raged mothe;-3: Dub 15 JJUW Lcucvvu um. u The funeral was held6 _`5re:1;e1-day afternoon to the Union cemetery, a -lhrge number` of_ his fellow em-' ployeei attending. ` T La; .__.__...m._. z.` 1.1; 1:-.. Moore, who was '9.` married! man , with two children, lived on Burton Ave.. and was about .30 years of -age. His family ciame from Eng- land, am! his widowed mother lives .in Allandale. He. was a. membei; of L the B. of. RT. LA younger brother, Edwand.` Moore, - had enlisted with 1 the` 351711 `for V the second contingent; but is now relieved` of going. -~-1 -.--.. -o.snJ-tvunrlnvv H Moore, `who was the reman on ,the train, was engaged= in shunting cars on the _-bridge. For some un- known reason he a-lighted Irom the engine on the west side, and _run- ,ning ahead, starteds to cross the tracks. Apparently his foot caught `in the rail, for he was `suddenly seen to trip and tumble head fore- most. ; - . . V I Despite the efforts `of the en-V .gineer to stop, the locomotive was upon the unfortunate reman be- fore he had time to `rise `and get gine passedi across the` middle` of ghisfb0d,y, cutting it in half. An in- `quest was opened.{ V After viewing the remains, Coroner J. W. .Wes-ley ' clear; ` The heavy wheels of the en-_ - `adjourned the. 'i_nqu'eSt_runti1 Mon; dav next." - ! Stumbling _in front of ` a train while endeavoring to cross: the tracks on the Queen St. overhead G.T.R. bridge --at Newmarket `on Monday , afternoon a bou~t 1.30 o c1ock, Willi-am Moore, reman, of- iA1landa;le, was run down and Win- [~stan_tly killed. ' ` A V ` 41 icuun Two By j I Railway Engine} On `Sunday the young son of Mr. Hedger 2 had his hand badly in- jured- by a torpedo exploding on _the railway, tr1ck`near the Essa St. `crossing. The lad s injuries. are painful but he is getting along as Well as can be expected; - I Mr. Frank Knight of the C-anad- ian. Express Co. sta here has en- listed and is leaving with the sec- ond contingent ` this week. Mr. Knight" is a non-commissioned oi- cer in.E Company and isgoi'ng as a Corporal. The -L.A. of the B.o,f R.T."gave a most e11j.oyable` `dance T-in the Orange Hall_ 011 Friday evening. nearly 200 being present. The pro- aeeds Went to the Patriotic Fund. 9 ~ . I The Canadian Express and thei Grand_Trunk are generous to their` [employees who are _` enlisting, . both; companies paying the men s salaries} {during -their absence. A T _ I I of- ;Rev. and Mrs. `Reynolds have re? turned from their Wedding trip i and: the congregation held `a recep- I-tion in the b-asementxof the church I for them. 2 Mr. ,:S-. Lambert, whohise employ4 ed "in the G.T.R. she is leaving with the second contingent. Scotty `has been appointed .a corporal in E. Company. T I ! T Ha11oWe en saw the [usual boyish ipran-ks, -and a- few` citizens are still {looking for lostarticles. This Ward Was_unusua11y` quiet. c u- -- --.,y-.... \.u.| as 21 `oer ,:E Company, `On, Saturday morning a `car became derailed near` `blocking theA_8- a.m. train icouple of hours. ' -r~r 1` : \J\J\u \IL :(E7, dale d ring the latter `part of the Iweek, _turning to Fort `Erie on F Monday. . " j \Mr. -W. E. Scott was in Allan-p ltion,` > Ironto, has a 1 son. ` Ross Kirby? is M:a'SOI'l"S 1-nnrn Lgmltedi, general stores-, -` To- ssigned to G. T. Ola`:-vk-' . I _ _ ` managlng John A __ : _ A 1 "1 - I I I -_._ a_d\AJVl-Ir \)|a. .0` . vcated by "Mr. to fhe house/rcen-tly r- Fran.L Inn M" 5~ R0bt. Wilson. ` YITL -' 005 V .._ -. --Iv .-an-u uuux 1'UL'UIl'U1y ated by Mr, Frank `Hill. T [rs. J." D. Rodgers `and young! have -returned from an extend- Visit wnxh ....L.+;..-... .~-- A, m - visiting hr in Qrillia. V The M013- %1'I1m,ored.` business" ' `I 0 . `freight Gowan fora I The 7Oril1i'ai contingvent were `given a great send-o as they left ijor Barrie on Monday. The Citi- ens, `Band; .th_e_ ;Band' and an -'.ilarge_1"p;Qe8Si0n~.V`L of ._t;_ivic} Oigials. ~`a1'x1'<. .. ` ' de_d.i_fr the;n to,-_th eV j the art- -A `banquet and `mu-sicale in honor! of"-the departure of -eight of Port McNioo1l s: most popular young. men` -as volunteers for the secondi contingent was held: in Tisd~ale sl cafe_ on Monday -`evening, J. L. Simpson `presiding; Miisici-ans from Midland, Pentang and. OrilIia took `part. Gifts . bearing their names. were presented to each of the vol- _unteers. .The eight to deif their services. are: J. Hudson, J. Shay, i -H. W`e]1s'_._J. M. `G98, J. Wilson. J. '_Kil~1ock, H; Smith, R. Vipers- The 7Mi_dila~nTd Daugehtersv of the. Empire gave} each of -the" men,-V as` well as vthosie, .from_ Midland, an envelope oont_;1i_ni_ng. ve, dollarsv - . 1` :11: xrvva-L 4.v\/gxuluuv wuu 10:1 101` Darrle to `join the second contingent. A process-ion was formed ' at the Arm- ories, `headed by the Town ` Band and B. and AD. Companies `of the regiment. The Mayor and corpora- tion` attended.` in a body. At the station` Mayor Barr made a speech and " presented each man with a ten- dollar bill` as a gift from the town. The station was crowded to see the boys start, "d" they were given -treriiendous c eers as the train pull- ed` ou.t. Collingwood has now con- 'tributed 54` men `to the two [contin- r8n15- ` ' A i I (Continued `from Page 1) VV . 'sCollingvoocl Honors Volunteers-H Collingwood turned out en masse on Monday afternoon. to bid fare- well tovthe 14 local members of the 35th Regiment `who left for Barrie +l\ "-:r\:vu -L1... .......A_.J {More Recruits V , (,,,_..-- ~..yy-J uunv Luau. Greting~s to the citizens of Bar- rie and also our comrades of the 35th. "`.`Lang may their lum reek. Yours sincerely, ~ ` -, ~ I Itmust thank `Mr. Andrews for hisi two papers. They have been all round the Barrie. boys. They are the only papers from our home town We have -received so far_ since arriving here. -Our supply of papers was splendidly kept up in. Valcartier. Most likely we will get a further supply next mail. l 'l.`_._._L_. . V....,,, UU .uuc-uCL'UII1palllIIlI113 oi British .b1_11lets." ' . V Are We down1iearted? Cer- tainly n01:. f` ` .....u... .vAd\lJ V a. t? WIL11 LCHUH T116111 ar--It s a long way to T1pper- .ary, `to ' the . accompaniment of .R'l";ff;Q'1! ]\1i1]n4-n u" ,_ _ _, -__....,..uJ, anu, uu vuelr snam-e_,| a ew of `our `fellow volunteers. took- " advantage of `this- to make money. W0odybine cigarettes -were` bought; a on shore for 2 cents a package and-` solid; to us for 3 packets for a quar- ter. The Colonel commanding put `a stop to this by `allowing Ser- -geants` to go ashore and ' ! geta sup-` ply for their sections at shore price. The matches We in small boxes Where only] [light the match ll seen many at time carry an empty -box around-with after borrowing a match from the fortunate one, deftly extract a fewi and put into his ownwbox. ?It was sport A to Watch dozen s Waitilig for some one. to strike a match and- then make a -rush on him. Papers, `are also eagerly sought after. I 3 ~__-_______, rn - - l }IQVl3.. R043?) 1'\)Y\.l'\*h:v .ettes', `tobacco xizl matches. U.L L`1.gi11"' I may also. say here that av, few. of `the! shi s company, and, to their shame, w todk-I advan tam: n4? .+`]1':cn +.. --- -1: ~ , __v--, VVLU9 .116 and waving of Nothing else of ,i1 pened, except the v dition -of .runn_i;1g' . Aettes, tobacco and n n1:~A ma 1- "' I _ `,__ ....,...u, unua I the 23rd day, We land to-morrow, . and entrain" for Salisbury `Pla-ins. , We were nearly making history. ; Our orders were -to land/ at South- ampton, bu}: I were "were intercepted by destroyers, and nut into Ply- .mouth,7 as hing trawlers had seen German submarines. Waiting for us Banquet at_ Port MNicol. us) .I. 11l1VC' go pack up [and g`d for land-1 Good! luck to old Barrie.` We do our toe l_:ee}p_` up its regiutation." 2 V - "A . Saturday, ,17t'h '0t.--I -received my last letter, as I found ~ re _ cen`s.o1:ed`.~ rtlie 23rd `day. We land to-mon-Vow, sgd entrain` fol: Pla-ins. J ~ hope `you ` II! .J.\. Wel!, . ,,_,..-_... \_.vLLJ\J J.Uu.Lll.|. with 11119 usual cheering wing of ` handke-rchiefs. importance hap- cept_ very [serious 'con_- short of cigar- a(3(*,0 2113 -rnof-rJ-n.- 1 -~- Wf ,s. ROBB, Staff Sergeant,` ` 4th Battallion. tario,