ieak it will ete- . Mr. Lem." Little fieftk :1 Monday }for' a short _visit in Toronto. ' V V _Mr.- Walden" Lawr Toronto. `vivvain hqme for the` holiday, ' I3990969999o6o0oooo6:V Mr; Jnib-. Han`-ley is having a few holidays. `Mr. J no. '` iittle was in Toronto Ithis W-eek-. ` 39999900909900090909590900` _ V A 4 A._ 4 ..._. __..._._._ `BURI}33}D % AnTHMIIm():_N ACROSS nu; BAY ' Torsonto cottage - and children -after a week s- spent down `bull, "Red Start (Imp.) 69744,. Vv-ale. I..D. Phone in \Av\-- ~r . _..-.__ , A11g'11.<. ~ ' "41-43 FOR S A LE _O-R EX;C7H*AN'G1E` FOR A, Gem{x-al Purpose. P Horse--Bay`. pony. 8 years, ou-nd= and in good condition, used-_ to the saddle. Drive single ;.or double. Apply` mo Advallce Oice. 41-4.2;)! PRIVATE BO" AND Rooms _..` Jly 77 MCDO d lS=t. 42-44 ]UR;\' 1 . and T Unfurnished. R0om.<--Cen location. Apply A(1_\'a11c~e `Office. _ 42-. APPI.I(`AT-_ Nas will be received" up till Fri: y, .Oct._ 16th,j_'4 p.m.,' Childrens She . For terms; xwefm-o11ce should b `made, to the Secretary. Rev. An Smith, Box -141, Barrie. 42- -Six youn_ -Shorthorn B-uls,. from 8 to 16 nths old, for sale on 1'e21s011wb1e ter 5; also Vmy`stock- Vol. .3412`. Apply A. ur-vis, Craigr . ' 42-tf - - . DIELD 2 BAN`'I`I'N1G`-"--At Ivy, on" Saturday, Oct. 10th, 1914, Thomas R. Bant- : ing, agedj 57 years and 11 months. `M_ -AN,--In Barrive;- on Friday, ` _9 th,` 1914, Neil A-McLean, -in . &, `year. Interment was` .: mad Knox, on Monday. ' Z} his 'l_a1we- re_si&ence;_ , f.""'ft.,J;:;Bai'i-ie,.'9nV,Thu1;g+. I .of ,J,-11Stic~V T: 5`-. . V1. 1 BORN , | AaMBRO.SE-In B.a'rrie,- on Thurs- day, Oct. 8th, `1914, to Mr." and Mrs. Isaac Ambrose, Burtonl _ Ave., a son. T ` ARN*O:LD---4At Ivy, on October 7 th,l 1914, to Mr. and: Mrs. Thomas Arnod, a daughter. : EBEJA-TT,`Y--In` -Barrie, on October .1st, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. ` Beatty, Collier St., a son. BIRJCHAIR-D-In `Barrie, on Octo-` iber 3rd, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs.n Chas. Birchard, Charlotte St., a} ' J.LJ..LV kl ix/'.LJ...L1'.L'Jk.Ju.IL:4.A..' , 4.1. v Bay, .011 Tuesday, October 13th, 1914, by the-Rev. I. G. Bowles, Rdbert King, Chief of Police, Barrie, to Mrs. John Oheesman, , of Barrie; ` "REID-LEVVI'S--V!AIR--In Barrie, `on Octdber 7th, 1914, by Rev. Dr. MOLe0d, Jessie McLeod, ` third, daughter of `Mr. and Mrs`. Jae. Vair of Barrie, to Mr. W. `J. Duane Reed-Lewis, of Le Pas, Manitdba, son of" Mr. and Mrs. William Reed-Lewis of Bexhi]1- on-Sea, "Sussex, England. _ va-A\4-I\I u.u.'\.4L.lJ,L53 r1.1.v1.u uuc pU11l.l. `shipment, without cost to thel onors; ,,It is- hoped that Munici- al `authorities will organize and: upervize the collection of` these atl -V on_venient,"point_s_ `of railway ship- , ent,,and. see that all are properly` acked and loaded... These shoulid e. directed plainly ang shipped to, he `Department of _Trade, and Com-p| erce, ; Montreal. Oats; beans, otatoes, apples, cheese and--=butter dequately (boxed, apples boxed or arreled, and potatoes abarreled for cean . transportation shipments! hould. he made before. the end of ! tolier. " ` ' ` . ` Municipalities to Organize _ Almost immediately on receipt of f his ~communication the Wardexil nstructed Clerk Fletcher to writei he representative of each munici-i jpality "as" follows: `As the Warden of the County of _..Simcoe I have considerede the re-. quest contained in the foregoingl `telegram and have concluded thatl :the `best method of complying with` the request contained therein would: be for the head of each municipal-l ity to arrange to have the com-I moditiesand articles mentioned inl the telegram delivered-at a central! -point in each `Municipality on a; fixed date," to be there and then( carefully done up and forwarded. asi "instructed in the telegram. I am, therefore writing you to bring this imatter to your attention, trustingl j that youwill organizeyour munici-I fpality. to the end that as large 21` ilocal `contribution "as possible may; "be made and the dierent com_-E vmodities and articles carefully :packed and shipped in order that they may reach their destinationf 'in good; condition and in such sea-' isonalble` time as will show that the- County of iSim_coe is anxious and I willing to respond to the aid of the-I Empire in this present time ofl need, and I am condent that the response wiil `be a credit to this!` County. %This matter should foe, taken up locally at once so that no unnecessary delay may take placei in having the commodities prompt-I ly `delivered and shipped. `This; iwill of course :be only a local con- vtribution and will have- nothing 7whatever to do with any grant the {County Council as a Whole may fzfeelfdisposed to make at its Novem- iber sittings. I I 5 The` Crusaders Bible Class of {Central Methodist Church [was or-I lganized at the parsonage on Tues. iday, Oct. 6th. Revs. P. A. Jourdan! `is the teacher, and the following `oicers were elected: Pres, A. nCaton. Jourdan; Vice Pres;, Frank rManue1; Secretary, C. Henderson; Treasurer, Oscar Deegan. ' ` NVVJLLI VD}`iSJ-1_&~RDINrE- I'n Barrie, , nu- -1n-11 L- 1r__ v.I.IA.LL4u.I : KING-CH1313MAN-eA~t Northi ,___`I-__ f\_L_lL _,_ 101.1,. . '|sJ In, our uv;Aa FI}\T.LA-`S{`SxO-1\T`--At .l.'.l.L\'JJ.L.LJ. k)'\.I~.L A-LU u.L.n. 4:.Av Ave., Toronto, on October 3rd,] 1,914, to the wife of Mr. F. D.l Finlayson '_ (nee Mc:Cosh) a` daughter.- ` _ I ! M-Y"ERS--=At . e . RV. Hospital,` .The farmers of Ontario haying expressed a desire to` show their loyal co-operation in the present great struggle imposed on the Em- *'pire .-by making a free oeriirg to the British Gover11ment_ of the -".fruits of their vlaibor, ' the British ovrnment -have. gratefully accept- d the proffered gift, and arrange- ents have beenmade for transport f these o'-erin-gs from the point 4' m:+Ln.. ....4. AA . a111vv\vn nn4- `-1- ~ ' I ' St, T own water ,j i-ience, 8T .rooms.~ electric lighted, 86-d rooms, bath, V woods he den. Apply F T- ?"G1'3ft0n,w 56* Maple Ave. Oice _ 8 Owen St Telephone 266 L _ W ': = 41. IA PRIVATE: C`OM'FO_`IR-TlA`BLE' home, with all conveniences for- ment; strictly co-n:dentia1;lh }Lqi1- TGoods for sale. M3rs. Stephells, 48 James /St. "' -- 38-50 Sow AE.HTRAY--A `sow Straydi . on'to the premises of the. under- ' Oc-tuI.u~. O-wner may have same| `ladies before and dliring _conne-I sigma]. _w.h. lot _27, Con. 4,_. Esxsav Tox\'11.~11m,. about the.rst day. of. by ]n1__\'i_11g ,da_mages, `qare and| ad\'c1't1.L-`lllg. T. A.- [W-111oughsby,I A1 161' The Hon. Sir Geo. E. ' Fosteng `Minister of Trade and Commerce, has -written'Warden Wm. Wood`, on _Oc_to!ber 3rd,. as follows: Awarden Appeals L To Farmers IJJIKJU '.L.L.l.vJ.I'.L.L\ '.J,.4 L45 .|.Ju.:. 1. JV, \.I;:. October 7th, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Desjardine, `Sanford! St., a` son. ' vr\`r1' A` 1'rcI.r\\T A 1. (H 1 11 1.'11 ..-..~l J.' L .l.'4.LIJI~.l 4.3 U IJ,LaI\J .n.uu an.-.-, , Barrie, on `Octdbe;.w5'ti1,' i914?` to! Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Myers, Victoria| St., a daughter. . , rfI`};1e H.o1i; `Geo g11_ ` Willowt I The Workn Workmen s Compensation Act V V Notice to ployers I Employers throu out the Prov-~ lince are hereby tied that 1st January, 1915, hi `been xed by oicial proclamati as the date on and after which orkmen will be entitled to com ation under the new 'Workmen s _ ompensation "Act (Chap. 25, 1914,` ntario) and that under section 7 [every employer the industries [included in Se duler 1 or mention- !ed in section _of_the Act is re- `quired (with-ou notice and subject to penalty in ase of default) to transmit to V . e Workmen s Com- -pens z_1tion Bo , not later than 31st October,` 914, a `statement of `his pay-r011" r the. ,year ending September 3 . 1914, and an estie mate -of his .....1_:__ ,, .` A1, , 0 I of _ the 'said Act vay-roll for the calen-_ making V the required report and- frculars showing what em-plbyrer-s me under the Act, or copies` of t e Act itself, Will be supplied 0 application to 1 _ Parlia i.Octdber 15 nuRxsDAY; :Like1y to he Made Up of A11 Arms I of Service. Ottawa, Oct. 8.--The appoint- lment of the second expeditionary force as between units and prov- -inces will be determined only when `advices are received from the War -Oice, `but it is intimated that the l22,000 may be made up of 2.000 reserves, 3,000 `line of communica- ition, 2,000 artillery, 3,000 mounted Iries, and 12,000 infantry. The `mounted troops would be furnished ion the Ibas-is of 500 from British lCo1um'bia,_ 1,000 from Alberta, 11,000 from Saskatchewan and Mani- itob`a,. and 500 from_ 9ntpario.1 `- `A-ITKEN-~S: C`.OT'T--At Dunn Ave. Presbyterian Church, Toronto, on Wednesday, October 7, 1914, `by Rev. A. L. Geggie, Toronto, .-Kate `May, daughter of Mrs. TA. Scott, 122 Ron`cesva11es Ave., Toronto, formerly of Beeton, to `Mr. Henry Mun-djell Aitken, of Virginia, Minn., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Aitken, =Beeton. ` `A tentative propsz for -the div- Iision of the infantry among the military districts is 1,000 from British Columibia, 2,000 from the Prairie `Provinces, 3,000 from On- tario, 4,000 from Quebec "(includ- ling the French brigade), 1.000 "from New Brunswick and Prince ,EdWard Island, and? 1,000 from jNova Scotia. These proposals, of rcourse, are subject to the Wishes of [the Imperial authorities. ' I Sylvander Favorite was brel and reared at New Lowell, and [sold to Mr. McIntyre last July by }J. Blair Ketchen. -The .sire of this `colt was Mr. A. Buie s- horse. .the- |late Sylvander, well knowa around [the district of New Lowell, and the fdam is 'Mr. Ketchen s mare, iDarIin-go Bess. This collt was {shown at the National Stock Show, lToronto, last November, and took 15th place, under very adverse con- ditlons. L - ! Won Highest Award At Mich- igan State F ai_r.-Bred by J. B. Ketchen ;y..-u;.u.5 uuuuxuu l.:U U116 CUILU. 3 Mr- McIntyre has refused a big {price_ for th champiomhofferecll by -promment orsemen w o wis1 to iexhi`-bit him at the `Panama-Pacic jExposition next year, ?be1i-eving he {can there win high honors-. Mr. McIntyre may himself make that } exhi-bit. -- uuuuso 111. 1113 `C1115?! uh we ivucm-gan State Fair an-c1'1ater' -was awarded ithe '_champions-hipe over all Clydes iranglng from sucklings up to four year old and over. -His competi- tors were many and came from the best breeding establishments and `farms from several -States. VVhen the judge tied the purple ri!b`b0n [on the young aristocrat, indicating lrst prize at the greatest fair ever he1dI in Michigan, an immense E throng cheered to` the eeho. `V K`]l'_, `If T A NEW LOWELL Pam HORSE Fox A PANAMA FAIR Lig uor Store x I Proprietor Opp. Jelllnton I-lotel, , ,_;_v 1iFTi0CfAI 'INTEI'iEfS'f` SECOND C`-`ONT-IN'GE'NT w. H_. KENNEDY `en : Compensation Board nent Buildings, Tom-hto. 1914. ` ,42-42 _~ Bag-rle. .. mt Grand Opera House Thursday, Rriday, Sat y.` ', 00:*1`.%:1:%fth, THE FAMOUS 5: Oct. 15, --Dr. Richardson _ moving his dental parlors. this eek from the Bothwelil Block _t ' ' over the new corner of` O : Entrance on [there ready r business on Satur- lday. V T 42- i--Iron Bed, M rf 5 and Springs complete for . $7. at Dougall `_Bros.m " _ T J 41-1;f |` The annual meeting of = the Thistle Curling 'C1uJb: will `be A held `at the rink on Thursday evening, and that of .the Barrie Curling Qlufo will `be held - on Friday even- ``= ~,,,_ . , 117! xg. n.." no-5: ' -125_'pair-s of W m Felt, Slippers, Fur a" `Brown, , _ regular $1.35 a pair, r 9 c a pair, at C'arey s Cut,-Rate ' , Store. ` ` iThe- Prince of To-_Night,. the attraction at the. Grand last Wed- nesday evening, was well received iiby a fair-sized` audience. `The show, `although in its fth season, was s , `Fancy imm di, colors new _to many Bar`rieites, `and throughout, it Was most pleasing, and entertainng. Not the least en- joy-able feature was the music of the orchestra of local musicians, assisted by a pianist and drummer of the show company.. The attrac- tion for the balance .of`this week Lis the famous Alaska-Sifberia Mo- } tion Pictures. ' 1 l ..c. .A - _- PHm.`WUi`1`1Via1u1`1`s`,m'-the J` elr, has removed to directly 0 lte the Queen's Hotel. Marr` issued. T . . A Th-(2 Criminal `Audit Board for the County, composed Tof Judge \'am-v. Ex-Warden Simpson and Ex-H(*o\ C Bennett, met on Friday 1d.~T to pass the quarterly accounts. s _ Bros. --The great photo play A' Mil- lion Bid, in ve parts, which wast shown lately at the Strand, Toron- to, and leading picture, theatres in Canada, will be seen at the Grand Opera House, "Barrie, on Monday and Tuesday evenings, Oct. ~19th and: 20th. This is. the most stupen- dous photo play ever offered an `Ontario audience, and it. features Miss Hazel Down, late star of , -The Pink Ladyf It comes here with the endorsation of the (Press! all over the Province. .'Two shows only ea-ch night, at usual prices, 5c and -100. ' -Next `month Barri-e will have the opportunity of seeing the Dickens Fellowship Players of IToronto in !their own adaption of `the great I Victorian -author s` . Cricket on the 'H-earth. Not only has this com- ipany gained an excellent reputation in the competitions for the Earl Grey medal, but it also Won high praise from Mr . Terris, the well- known English actor. On the occas- _ion of his last visit. .to Toronto, this famous impersonator of Dick- ens. characters expressed his great -admiration of the Toronto company s performances and` emphasized his appreciation by giving them `boxes to view his . own production` of the ll.f`l1 ,'_L,-,-__ I`I-_._1 99 I ...z4.n.;.v4.v4..I.J .l.V.l.JLJ \JJ.V\/`K3133 |J\l\J'J..lJJ. .L \/ILLJCULLICLD \.JIlIL VA The T entertaininent `Will take place on November 14th, in the -Opera House (`by kind permission` of Mr. 'Powell) and the entire p1`0r ceeds will go to the funds of the Barrie Bed `Cross Society, as the players are generously giving their services for the cause. E In the '-bowilers competition for! 1 the.shie1d offered by Mr. A. J..~Sar- ijeant for singles, `R. A. Stephens won out on the` holiday, defeating,` !Messrs. W. A. Turnef, `Ax Brown-i lee and Dalton. Milne. In the "dou'bles,; "Messrs, Brownlee and Rafienhurst were the yvinners; B1:.TRRIE RED 0~R_s0s_is(_>c-IE-t_LjY Vluvv .uAv vvva.|. til t `tzbhristmas Carpl. 1 `Collingwood -Sat1&i{y News--On Frlday * `evening next the, compan- ions of` Manitou Chapter, R.'A.-M., are-to havethe pleasure of welcome ing the [a_.cting' Grand =Superi-men-`. dent; _R. Ex. -.g:Cone1-panion .A1}x. Cowan; of -`Barrie. j_-Mr. Cowan "is taking the work of R--Ex. Comp. Raikes, who has gone to the front. .--One thhtg ' people are thankful for 'is- ~ arey s Cut- Rate Shoe -Store sav them at 1east.50c to 75c f av y - pair of. shoes they buy fo, th family dur- ing the year." . `V 'r.. 1.1.- .1--41-_.-9 mm A : sM;-.W. -E. {],`oddjim_s reli/oecl the! "old --Exa_m`i n'er' ofce building `from `Mr. *8. Caldwell, and` will `open .Qgt" Ian, -_in_1p1ement warehouse, A. .rl2h""- Jhn `Deere . and other "mid- I1-..-..... .._..1_-- away. `Take them "to, Repairing Dpar lthem made like ; [modest cost. UIul\J KI VIJJLI. J.JG E kown. makes. I _ - '- u: L um l\_ 1lla11.l1Ul , ECG Dunlap St, Barrie." A'|,f 11' ,1 `hm pail: of Bdots I(V I 11- . I -f\l \l UN I Boot have very .Lu-I.I11_\;L, -LA. U0 \/lLlAL\aJLl-A-L, vvuu Au Alla a (Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Metcalfe, of -Oro Station, announce the engage-, ment of their` eldest, * daughter, -Laura E., to 'Mr. Herbert J L Craw ford: of O-ro a. Station. The mar -riage_wi11 take place the latter par of this month. 7 ""VIrs. N. B. J ohnston delivere addresses ubefor-e the convention o the Provincial Women s Christianf I,- I`emperance Unio-n and` the Ontario Women s' Suffrage Association in Toronto last week, ` 1, - ,.-1--- -_-.1 __.1_ -1! 1...... .-.....,]..i Mis-s Bessie Sargent have rent their furnished house _on Jarvis for the Northwest,` V` to spend t t winter, Among other pikaces th ; will visit friends at Bawlf Edmonton.` ' - 1' ,A',_ TT--_..L-__ TA- .I.'.l`\.I..ll..lU1.lUUllo \ Hon. Mr. Justice Haugton nox_ has join_ed the _Osgoode' Hal". Rie Association. Oswald E. Lexi- nox, the judge s youngest son, agr undergraduate of Toronto Univer- sity, and formerly of Upper Cam- ada College, is with the first conti1i- gent in England`. 1 _October,, at 8 p.m. A committ of ladies T-has charge of the enbe wel patronized. A L UL U11 UVJ ALIIOJV VVV\./\/.l.\ At euehre and sale of home mad dainties' in aid of the Cros Fund will be -held in the TOWI `Hall to-night-Thursday, 2211' ` vtainment and hopes that it will I r\'-11- `Is .1, .'ll':- `C`.._.,_..__L ..._- 5611!: 111 .I.'.lu51:au.u. Mr. Roibt. Cook and three chil ren,_ accompanied by his mother a her -three sons,of Bedford Park, T ronto, were the guests of Mr. `a (1 Mrs. John Smith, Collier St., 11 `Thanksgivin-g Day.` Miss Maggxe -Smith of `Toronto was also home `for the holiday. Messrs. E.` J. Byrne, H. G. Robertson, sStan Hinds and -,D. . MacLaren were in Toronto -11 Saturday attending the funeral f t `the late Fred. W. J arman, _son- n- law of Mr.` A. C. Gardenythe for n- er Atwo acting as pa1`1 bearers- ~ ' " ' --~---'-'-- - T\_ TI A TX...-u-_ 'i\Ll.lSSUuI'1. hunts.) p}aL:c an _uuuu nun. on -Thursday. D1`. Dug1ay"1eft for Missouri yesterday, ibeing accom-.' ipanied? as far as Detroit_ by his mother, who has been visiting him for several weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Duglay have taken Mr.- F. -T." Grafton s hous on `Maple Ave. 5.} LI, J.lCIrJ.Ll\/I '- ""\\`7I'i; on the 1>.o. clock tow'e `has l>('(`11 stopped for some days, a\\':1iti11, the arrival of the I`ne,I1"t0 out (an the copper covering. It Wi'l1 be 1'u.' ahead as soon as that \\' is: completed. T unvaun ' . ' , AMiss `Cruickshank of Toronto` `was the guest of the -Misss Dou- gall, Worsley St., over the hjol-iday. I - My 0111` Man - A D Q`Au-A` A..- _. Mr. Coles, of the repertorial staff? of the House of -Commons, was the' guest of Mr. Frank' Rogers over the -holiday. , * `:'lI2._,_..._ vT.`.`I'Z1.L ._-_ 1 M'|S_- .f`L--..__-_' _'l-- V"w'iIJ-;'s. N. B. Johnston was re-o1et [ edi to `the. office of Provincial Supt .of_ Evangelistic. `Work at the` con vntion of the Women s Cihristian Temperance -Union in Toronto last week. . rm 1 I v \.a\/nu _andv Mrs. A. J. Sarjant and fami`1y were in Orillia for` Thanks-9 giving, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ` .S, Sarj-eant. T_f /`1.`L,_,, _`l__`1`l _ __`L,'-}, __E. > `L1; kltwb J'\4|AJLUo * Mr. Joff.h'C:hurchi11, cashier of {the *C.P.R.v at Tacoma,` Wash., is ispending ;a few days with his \fa:c`h_er, Mr. J. Churchill, who is ill. ___ ,1. 1]`..- 1-`! TT 'll'.. J......1.l.'.. -13 U]. U apuxxxs us [Jul-A tlulaaunuu ; 11%; marriage. of Dr. H. A. Dug- lay to `Miss 'Brashear,Vof Kirksvile, ~Missouri. takes place at that `town T\.; riu MAJ--- T\.-...1..`....1.\-L'4- 41,... D :3:;&u ;s`."1 \1`x\i 1pV"o Toronto were holiday guests of Mr. and |Mrs. 'F. J. Lower, Sophia `St. .'II'.`__ T TIT` 'I5_1_`L-__-_ -1` C|'A.__.,,-,_ - ghlbb U0 0 .|.4v vv VJL Ix.I\It1J..L.|I.v .'MrsT `J W." Be17,hune of Usuiayner was the -guest of her sister, Mrs. -T. Rogers, for a _few_ days. last __- -1- I ...., ....--....,,. 7 A Misses Edi;-h and Alice Creswicke Miss T_-homasene -Sp-roule and Miss `May Livingstone, who are at schook [in Toronto, -were -Thanksgiving vis Viitors. T '\"V"I`\ -r1 . 1'.` .-issm ':"I`{:1th1 MoNei/'1 of ' Toronto was home for a short vaca- tion. A ' ' g Cr` C c 39 ooooo$oo33_o:3:;o3oo: .n.4UuAAJ ..:. )JI.tI&'\.l VJ. VVVUAS. ! ~ Mrs. "_vs1y; gave a dance .on 'Mond_-ay evening `in honor of her guest, Miss Gertrude Gray. 1] . ...._`l `ll ..- 1')I_I'L. -1 I'H-_,_,L_: .lX'.I.'.L` Kl j_`-\J`L4L'-I-VJLI-'JlkJ`J-I-LILLA. I - I A Wedding of considera-`ble inter-' est` to `Barrie people was solemnizvedl at North Bay on Tuesday evening,` the contracting parties `being Mr; Robert King, Chief of Police, of Barrie, -to Mrs. - John -Ch-eesman of nBarrie. Rgv. I. Gn.` 4Bow1e's, formen pastor of the Oo11ier?ISt. Methodi (Ch'unch , oiciated. _`Mr.` and Mrs. Kinvg wi'1li spend a ,few days in" Ottawg, and eastern points, ` before returnlng 1:0 `Barrie at the end of '-the_ "week- \J\/.I.1..|4-L.-LV\II' IV '\I \I.LI `Th-e Colliggzvood Messenger says: If present aitrangementse -are car- ` Bonspiel of the Nogth that Vfas to havf~.`been held -here last. "Janu- ary, ` will lbe held I the .- week. com- -mencing. on ; Tuesday, Jan. 12th, 1915; Three .d1i_s1;'inct I competitiogs. aI}1, ried out, as is most likely, the; ..v-`svv_ vvuw a.u.r UUW.+L.UVU1' uuu-.n`U11ua,)% Ernest Bolton, who has `been -in the .AWest for several yeags, is home on 8; visgrijz. 1f. .11 -- -- -- -gun, Iv ULDLUJ woo, UVUI ULIU .|J.U1'1Ll"cl.y- , . % -`Mr. and Mrs.` A. E. Stone` are visiting the .'former s sister at St. Louis.for 21 couple of weeks. ` `II..- T1'T--1,..._ _.-_- - ,1 _ `J. C. Morgaifgf VOakvi11e 2 'sp\entl `th'*-week-end with B_a1-rie friends. 'RM_r. Duncan Curtis of Hailey- Ib'ury' Was, home? for _the ,__ho%l1d-ay. BONISPIEL -CDO BE HELD % g j A-T , p0~LHNGWOOD "Il';_A-_,.,_-_ .---n Iv '1 .': ."_`u.J `Y "',\-_ "" "1"" _"" ;i-U``'`'``J' [ T Mr." Ram; Cruickshank of Ta- ; ronbo was in town over t-heholiday. 'pmnnn.+ 1):;-T4-.-... --L- 1-A`- 1---- ` wvvuuau. sun! I lJII~|l:,V.l.lIIl>Il,: 9$99`%:9$?99 ?"9 "" -Mi4s`l.i* YOungf_ and? Mrs. Edgar Young Were. home `for the holiday. _ `Messrs. `Fred S. and Muir Jamie- son were hdlid-`ay -guests in town. ' IV 1'17 1\-I C. Pis;.1:"t->n of Tor'o117tcj>Was in town on Saturday. ` 1\l -u- - - -*- Corr quilo p1h*l[ In1u`h `. .1.c.u sag v um... 6`? ,_ is a_ssure.d:. :ooo69ooo9oooo00000000:% .9L*!*..`! !.'l.'i":*3.3_*i%\.l; g vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv000999990 THE7 NQR-THE RN ADVANCE? i331 1 \J .L.VA..-IJJJ LL .L .LJ.J..L..LIJ..l...LJ.L'\l.L1 Aunumher . of t-H "tend-ed the funeral` of the late Fred 'Jarman which took -place, from the home of his father-in~law, A. 0. Garden, 150 Herkimer St., Hamil- ton, Satur=day afternoon to Hamil- 'to-n cemetery; `Rev ; Archdeacon -Forneret and. Rev. G. -Goodhand ofciating. The pallbearers were: J. H. Wilkinson, J . M. McFarlane, `W. H. Gayf-er, H. .H. Francis, E. J. Byrne and H. G. Rolbertson, the! latter two" of . Barrie. Besides. his wife, who was formerlv -`Miss Gussie !Garden, "one little daughter sur- ` vives. I VA; vuaggb mu; V J\J\.IQ morning train from Cobalt was making its way towards :AEllandal-e on `Tuesday the `baggage car jump- ed the rails at Hill siding, six miles north of Porwassan. For a few minutes there was c-onsiderralblge Iexcitement among the passengeljs of"the day _coaches,.vvho thought fofr a time that their end had come. The train" crew succeeded in assur- ing them that nothing very serious had happened and` outside of a" few hours i delay everything was all right. The train was due at. T0- ronto at 7.30 but did not arrive there until 11 am. ) `l7Vhile the Grand Trunk earlly -G`i-hevsorrjre~-hJ1ida3ing4inr_DetrQitg_ `Mr. eorge Cummimgs and Mrs-J "Mr. Harry Gartner of North -Bay spent thehoiliday at `his home here.` rill..- 1-..--- .._.J. 1:..- 1'\-1'r`r9u uu; no L1.|\l|fAl\J.l, AVJ..LOn ~k}a U u .LVL'U.L!LUll'Kl11o{` `On Thursday morning the engine of the Meaford passenger train, due ! here at noon, became derailed abourfil i I a mile out" of Meaford, blocking th `line all day. ` _1'!\',`l I`! Q00 60 OOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOO`, A A AI` I l\ I I 'IIiZRflI1 1.! UL All UVJ K) 0* -lJ\ILl.I.l-70' v I Mr. P. J. Lynchhas started the erection of two ne fbrick houses on Bradford 't., near the AB1`an1`- 'dale corner. When nished they will -addi considera'b1y to the appear- ance orfmthis-`end of `the. street. I | A1 \.P.L VA; JJ|JJu Rev. C;. W. Reynolds of t Methodist Church was married la -Wednesday, and has been away his wedding trip. -Mr. A. F. Ga- rett took charge of -the. -morni "services last Sunday, and Mr. J a Carke of the Y.M.-(EA. conduct 3 the evening service. TITL11- LL- f`1..__-J Fl'V_A,,,,1 -_ `I M.-. .-v.. ....,.,....E,. I'1`i\;e Colone is the young people s- secretary, and is interested in all: branches affecting young people`s `work, _ also including candidates for` :*5e-`}.T -no 1 1`. ., . 1 ....e .... ....J. -Tapes'try and Brussels Carpe Squares, splendid ssortment _o ! new designs and (301 .For value! they were never led. , At! Dovuigallv Bros. 41-tf ' Mr. Frank Knight is in charge of the Canadian Express ofce dur- ing the two-weeks ~ holidays `og. Agent A. E. Stone, who his takin , a_ trip to St.. Louis- j | ,1;-__ .`1 .1% *SvA'LV.AIT I-ON A-RMY 1 Lieut.-Colonel Hargrave of To-" ronto Headquarter-s will visit Bar- rie on_Oc1>oPoer_ 17th and 18th, for the purpose of conducting` the fol- lowing services: -Saturday night 'a-t. 7.30, an open air meeting at Five Points ; Sund_a_y, 1.-1 a.m., Holiness =Servi_ce; 7.30 .p.m., a greatl salv tion meeting. ` m - n-1-_.,.n __ LL. _-_____._--__ 1-1_ I \.IJ.Ll\/K10 I `Captain Richardson" is also ` vwery pleasecl to announce that Rev.- C. W. Wallace of -Tqronto, ex-'Presi- dent of the Ministerial Associ_atio_n,4_. an _a former pastor ofi+.(]3e;ver.1g'_yi_ fist. -Baptist `Church, -wi1;I'1?pe}'tk 611 ` Sunday" afte'rnoon,. at ;,3:' V'p;n;., __ in ,-time s.A;.:Ha._11, "C,.f>_l1-.i;ar`.?S;t1`19?1?e'_ \IJA saw, 471. I. o '.LLLJ. 0. LL. DJGLLUULD. Mr. andm1Ers..Fryer` of Toronto spent` over the holiday with the lat- ter s mother, Mrs. S. J '. M-c-Morran. .n--- rm. _ .___,.,J,___ ___A_.__.'_. LL , ` u-u4vv 'u.L uAAAu \JL&\.I. UL lJ1l\.l_ VULVUU. K On Thursday night, Conduct iF1ander.s got his foot caught in - rope`o11 the Barrie station pla- \form, and fell to the 'pavemen ipbadly `bruising his T face. He W s iaxble to continue on No. 47 }North Bay. 1')... n 117 '11- _,,_11.i ,0 .1 I Mr. Pat ].)e`I-ane'y spet. Week- |end and holiday at Pgnetang. L w`i\1I1:<:w.f;>seph Day returned on Monday, visit at Minesing. {\.,. -I[A...J..._A _-:__`_A L.O.L. No. 452 are arranging` for a Patriotic Concert on Guy Fawkc.< Night, NOV. 5th j --Bakery lunch n s. The 211m,_ua1 plowing match" of `the: North Simcoe P1owmen s Asnsocia-I tiun will be held at Minesing dnl Ttzv;-.~:1:1_\', Olgtdber 2'ith. -/.1 vau:u u_u u;aA1vu1u5. V . | I -On Monday night the Hamilton! [train from Meaford was an hour |1ate, owing to a breakdown. ' l ` ` .1Lr_. f`I'_'I .81 131,: 1 1' I n..;5 uu w uxuanuuwll. I mlurf-Cale`b Fletcher is relieving -conduct-or 'Reardon, who Was" in- jured last Week at _Bradford,_ "II... 1.1 ` du|A\.r\A Auvvu Ivuxmx all JJLU.LlLULLl'g _ Mrs. E. "G. Harris and`- children are v1s1t1ng wlth Mrs. Harms par- %ents, Mr. and -Mrs. H. `Sanders. 11"-. , 11' T11 1` 7"` `I - uJIv4&u vsnu uxvssuua 15!: 1110 .I..I.'UJ.l.lG INCLU- V%Mrs. Logue and; Mrs. DeWi'tt are [on _a. visit to Montreal and Ne- Ibraska. /V1 1 . u - --- I Iva |nuAx ` `Mr? Charles Archer is isiting his -parents,,' Mr. and Mrs. J. |Arch er. ' I\l`I ..1, --- - I 4.3:. \.`.|1\J& o - W +-Bargain Sale f V'Tapest1:y and .Lace _ C'urtains, `t `Dougall Bros`. " 41-tf Mr. Wm. Looker is 3 relieving I this Wegk. conductor on the Penetang train` Una av v v \l\JLlO Mr. C. Reeve of. the week-end at` his th ' .. ..\ Mrs. E. Percival` Brown '. Aof To-I yronto spent over Sunday here. `, - __ Mr. Alexader spent the holiday in` Angus. C ' ' v Mr. D. `J. McD-ougall Was" in _Penetang `for the holiday. Z isbstinastr Stan. Hiiifls .Aspze1'1t over Sunday in Hamilton. ' ' +]>111'e. Cream am at VB1'y:`u1x'.< all the ti . " .` 1-rv-110 .1 - -- ` In