._v - --unnvuntq Havi;1g spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals ang having: sery_gd as Clinical A 3-3-4--` _'_ tn .I J _ nuvmg spent 4 years Post Graduate in and having served Clinical Assistant in Golden S quare Ear. Throat 8; Nose Hospital, London: Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London Oyhthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hos ital, Bristo ; and Birmingham Eye Hosnital. B rminch `am - fnrfnznu 11-...-- ..a ` --utvvji UV 1 Wehave a large amount of money to loan atlowest current ra.tes.eitherin small or in large lEIp_q1;ntr;_og ;11_e_qgoumity of zood farm mnrt. UNWIN, Ihtmpnr I7 E8'I`EN, ON- *II ;l| 'I .......I --___...___ I uvulwtib I amount 5 P-RIVATE -..._.\'\r HIGH SCHOOL EOR _ Girls, Peel St.', Barrie; Mist , Miss Wakeeld, trained and Cer- `tiroated: University of Cam- bridge. Preparations for Matric- ulation. Physical and Vocal M -Culture. Private Lessons Gi-ven. Children of all ages `taken. P - ' 35-47 'U.l` AJJE SUUIUW, &JJJo_lJo, ,I-lQ..Lv.Lu.nnaa.4n.a.-.v, Soeitor, etc. Ban of Toronto Building, Barrio. Money to loan. and Life Insurance Rml Estate Agency. . AMonoy to Loan JA:%A ARNOLD 1"ng.on`"'.n?1 Ac. W T " "$1322 ial attention to`Eye, Ear, Nose and ';l_`lmoat..__ Glasses Adtiusted. Oioe, -lA1_ The essence of -patriotism is` shown by an Englishwoman `ini London, Ont, with three ' small children, who seorns relief while her` hands can do washing and scrutbbing. i.The Spartan breed of mother is not yet extin-cit. \.aon~n;-ugpgp go 6';;'"st. 1hone9f' WV. VUUI, JJo&U\Io\lo, Jdlllxn Lana-Ho\Io- u onion. Gce and residence, Dun- lop Jtreet, Barrio. Telovhono 77. 'IIe L1: L0 ILLUAIIL-dado \Ia..I..L\JAa AL..v.|J| Residence` corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Street; ( site Eliza- beth Street Methodist ureh), Tele- phone 167. LLJILJJLU J-IA \IL'` 1'.` fll-UJJ L \JLV "t.`m'i`:ronto late of B_rookly`n (N. Yj, Eye anh Ear Hospital, will be a` "7 Q` Danna. Au-an--p Q-` JJJ V Illl\| Lllil I-LVDIILUGL, 11 All :1 : 67 Owen St., Barrie, every sf; urday. Diseases--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 3.111. to 5 p._m., and byvappointmentl }. G. SMITH & 00., PHONE 82. ES- tablished 1869. Undertaken. Open _day and night. Morgue and chapel in cen_nection.' Banrie, Ontario. _ _ __-.. V ,.... v...-nqavnugr, IUGI DUO IV by . FFICE-78 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. Phone 54. _ P. 0. Box. 96. . In 1111.`, .luU.Iin.l`.I U .I5'.l'.E1`I, ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Oce, Medical Building, 8. E. corner Rich- mond and :Bay streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & Eaten Solici- tors, Bank of Toronto Iuildi-ng, Barrie, will be 'prem)tly attended to. Principal Gandier, of Knox `Col- lege, has; no need -to get in a urry over the prospect of Canadians be- coming infected with militarism. Allthe old lion and its cnibs desire is to mind their own business, and to` let other nations mind theirs. ' | noun nyc nus uqx, unstol; and Birmingham '9 H03 ita . B rmm ham zformer Member of 1tish pht almolo cal Society. nu-Inna an -n..... -- .~____/ - - ---- Dr. 1:`. _4R'rHuR Rosfs nu. AuUUA11.'l'11.!. ap Street Barrie. .. VIII . um ruwa.c1lnel' 111 small in large t th uni I cod 1` ` `2`c`m`z T`i`i`%r. s`c n?s mu8Bu`8 . D I-`on T IA RIV-ATE sf0HooL MONEY ro Loan I a `nun; nus.-..._a. -1 ._, , UNDBBTAKEB8. ravsrozaxs. _got cold` feet ? in` 'the_`*1_natter` bf, Page and b.1favt' me iv, " advertisements, .on the` `p.;a'siOn` of hwen atsaud From the `Owen ,{SoV'11'1_1djV :newts- papers -it is quite evident that the merchants of that place Mhavef} not busisess prwpects andj .a'clyerti1Sii1ig";,9 All . the .- papersh. area `With ; ~]ja1=]j '}_?a"iA1f,7 _j'~`a11.`c1;-. i V Shbws . .. - . me- _., ` BUBYBYOBI. RING 2625 a1i7"Z"g`$ 35-47 ., gnnvvg 14-13 I H, Tat Ahvauc `lax-gent circulation: of mV `" haven,` Tg? 1:; b . F h f any Duper in the noun as also {I'C0i ts. 5' 81` the largest subcption . latter tact demonstr its patrons. If you have anyazgflsvem place it yvith the paper that reaches th not afraad to pay the price_ 5 Deon. Adveigzisleigaents are charged accord. apaco- es- non ar ' 1 inch, , D e `ere makigo TRANHIENWI A111-nu-....'_, 1jHU1=asDAY, 001`. - _-..---an an ; nu V ILKTIBIB (' Legal Notices. Auction b etc.-Fix-st insertion lo . I my uent insertion 5 cents per ine. 6' em` `lag notices, 10 cents . 1 insertion : 5 cents per line fox-per me for each sub , '1 insertion of the same matter. 0bitiuar\(;]o`:. be oer line. IIIBCI IIIUU U]. be Der line. vv yvn nnnnvo ` -nut commmcun D151. Rates will be given on application cox-rrucr CHANG1;s Advertisers isiill lease - notice of intention 1:0 chax13'a3`1. !"d than mustbe handed into the o (33 n0t it`fmentI Saptudny at 10 o'clock, and the co fer tbs! change must be in THE ADVANCE? or such later than 12 o clock noon on Mona 0m not week, otherwise the %.{ivertiser's ann y m J 1 I . Ollnoem not be made pu c until the week f on :1! `. CONDENSED ADVERTIBEMQQTB ' -Condensed advertisem t as wants of all kinds, l08etn8:l3r;0?lx:(`l page "M liar sale or to rent, specic attic 'p""3 rnnnf ho nnnnrnnnnin u_:o.. LL _ 18.8 etc-n Em The Bualo Express prints a let- ter from a Germair resident of Kenmo-re,. in which . it is.-said that recruiting in Canada has been such a failure as to amount to al public scauda'1.' Many other wild s-tat-ements are made; - The style al- most has the Bernsdor touch. . '-U uv. d found. prove I '1 wB`:1l:r renxfiegpwith the cash. or mv j be 11.000 mtlt . r . ts must in every Cuts for advezctlseglilesnolid metal bc1I10`"` ca . bases V we am mums muuii Limited M uf cturers of and Dealer ; `n 11 k` M a Rough and Dressed Lulrnbfclr mas Doors.Sash. Blinds. Interior I -`inl h, columns. Tanks and Water l`f-ouac, M`}iit:J:1}:,i1311g.';t Laying and Polishing Hardwood Floors 1: Specialty ` Contracting and Building Estimates given. OFFlCE-BAYFIELD ST.. BARRIEONT CRAIGHURST, onrr. LICENSED AUCTIONEER i ran THE coun-rv {or SVIM-C-0`!-Z." Most reasonable terms given on al Stock Sales JOHN JENNETT ADVERTISING RATES ` V ' OF. . . TJIB N9 Wvl N 1-nnn -rn -r NEXT coon TO THE TANN:n'y| ]Sl. Jphn & rooke LIIZDIIIDJ jun-an-3 Iv; s 5 noursox anzw. rtnmnnn; MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET-- Monkman s Glycedonia. Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica- tnons will remove the rougnness. and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be wotn a few moments after using `it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight` ful after shaving. Brewed Entirely from the Fines! Malt and Hops. i DUNLOP STREET EAST BARBIE BREWING % UHMPANY Boilrs. Engines and all kinds of I farm and stationary machinery made and repair-e on shoxtest nouce and moderate pnces. M _ r_---- Al work done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed rst class. . , a` General Barzhvzg Oi'f'l(88. . . . . Notes Discoznrlfii T 9! reasonable rates. . . .. Collec-' _i 9/" Notes and Accounts give" Splendid ALE and roman The Best and Brlghtes In Cask and Bottle Telephone wires cannot be strung along power lines, because the in- duction of the power wires creates a roaring sound; Those who want! a provincial telephone system in connection with the Hydro--Electric` distributing system owght to con- sider that fact in their calculation` of " the cost. V T.Beecroft % D"`l/3-9 188ued payable anyuizere. 0 *9_`8 on outside banks cadlai be/`ewclnange. %N.o"m Cached or Oollecbd erma. - -- MONKMAISL MANUFACTURERS. TRANSIENT AnvER'r1s'm G Tatiana. Anon..- -_.u- _ BANKERS Hours-10 to 4 /Expert Machinists` B ABA_RT_lAE - -Toronto _Te 1~egram -- Conictingl stories come from `Berlin, Germany.T| Some say there are fbread ' linesl there which extend `almost from Unter den Linden to Donlandi, while` others declare the corn bins are as" full as_th-oSe' in -E"gyvp't Awhile Joseph was Premier." Who is` at poor Wayfaring man to flbelieve? ` . ' . . ' VP !-|7OVN7E 1 36 5. Co. Manager Barrie. 1914 will go ~dow11 in historv as! the year __of `traugi-c ,-events of world- wide -si-gnicance. The sinking of the: Einp-resis of Ireland, the New`- of the:"'Crorwn Prince of _A1itria .an his wife, the European war, the opening of theiPanama Canal," the death of Pope,_,Pius .X., are a few of the zoutstandfingr fea- tures, _ ` "V ' `L f<)_}1r11"c1i12,1T,1-ii 'ea1i1rg`-' disaster, - the as-l .NO-TE AND COMMENT` in: s'l|| Pr lie i T11 "twang or isunsoan-non. ?`"*hvrn@.'i*!3*1 . Ag can I\_.._ .i8J NEI Ai iind;'~,S_o muS hit "h at_fhe` has` `stopped advertising. _ Let V your light so shine that others, seeing ydur condence `in your business may `be inspireni to Ibelie*e you have hconidenvce in,` your own -business. . -a 1-ilotiofialble -bodai " 'loa:ng `around the _streets` in iWalka.' .erton_were. in an ' English town. they. ' would:_- be presented H-vwith I a white feather, "as an emblem of cowardice; by the` young` ladies` of _England,.* who are -forming themselves` vinto lbands and` taking this means of lshaming these habitual idilers into enlisting in the army, ` H says , -The Bruce Herald "and ,-Times.`_` While: others are throwing up good jdB` and_ making great sacrices to go to the front the sight of a 'bunch of idlers loang on the streets `and ig- noring the Empire s call for men, is certainly disgusting _ enough to. move the good. ladies _to some ac- tion that will. shame the delin- quents and `induce them to heed. their `count'i'y s call. The fact that only 15 per cent. of the `Canadian contingent that is now crossing to the front are Canadian born (the lremainin-g 985 -per cent. being of British or foreign Ibir-th)' is a mat-I ter for grave reection, - and` it is certainly to be hoped that the tee- ond contin-gent which is now being formed will he more representative` of the Land of the Maple Leaf than that which" is now on the ocean. Is the rubbish heap lled. with ;its unsightly tin `cans doomed? :The following despatch A would in- `dicate that such a desirable g end may .. be accomplished: A process for converting waste "tin cans into high-grade steels has attracted the` attention of the engineers of the `Ontario `Hydro-Electric Commis- ision, and it is highly probable that a thorough-test willwbe made of the scheme in the Toronto" University d.uring thei,co~mi1_1g `season. If its present `claims are maintained, it] _will prove a great agency for thei reduction of taxation in the var-! ious municipalities, ' for it will place a good valueon the waste tins and facilitate .- garbage, disposal. Un`iike other electric furnaces which have been tried , the new scheme does not depend on a' pow-6 erful electric -arc to melt` the cans, for just suicient current is need- ed to keep a slag of molten lime and-' other swbstances in a liquid` form. The tins fall `through this slag and are melted, the slag oat- ing on -the `iron and twithdravwing tin and. other impurities `from it. 'VVhen the iron is in a high state` of purity, -the slag is withdrawn and the necessary steel-making in- gredients added and the steel pour- ed into castings or [drawn o fori other purposes. The construction and operation cost of the furnace `are saidto {be very low. i i i As a special correspondent of thel [London Daily Mail rst recorded, British troops arrived in France singing`, It s a Long, Long iWay to Tipperary. t The history of this now- famous -song was related by Bert I-Feldman, of B. Feldman and com- lpany, the pubsl ishers. of the song. The `song was taken to "Messrs, |Feldman in-, September, .1912, by Jack Judge, the author, who. is a vaudeville lsin-gerf and sonug-writer, He _ told Mr. Feldman that although. he fv,v`a_s.singin'g. theisong with much `success, he `npcouldl: not`. nd a null)- returned the song `with, the opinion that itwas `worthless. ' Mr; "Field.- man, after making a few alter-. ations in the son-g,V, puiblished -it. At rst it did not do well... I ultimately ._ induced ~_ Elm-rriel Forde` to produIc e:[ Tippera'ry'.[_ the Isle of iMan la_st summer. This,i to -my mind, was 2 the `I ."psychol`o'g'ical* _moment in -ifs'pca:ree1_'i,o for itsv.-_. ~`Lps_uj-.: css was.` el_gect_rieaI," and the 'itl1io1_1s`-ii ands of v.isiftorsf_ toigkpi` ;it_ and 7made: it theii Own: `.F-r.OIi.Q.:f',thi$.5 snfuli nights `ms ; =Ji_;ul$'.;f,..2.1:.i 3.`1:9f]-3!`: :5 1rity;ii;o9f ii"th_Pi +1i3"; 58910 V i it o .3. p . lisher for? it. -One` publishing, house` NEWS OF, C=0N:TIN_GENT y The conicti'ntg_.'- reports concern- ll ling the" wherealbouts_ of the Canad- _* lion '.conting`ent, says The Toronto;1 .Mail and Empire, serve as a re- 1 fminder that we need expect very ` "little real news of it. ,The silence '3 "regarding the troops that has fallen J like a pal] over `England and` Scotch 4 and Irish `homes must fall, `also over 7 many - Canadian _fami1l-ies . C When` troops leave their -home station ` in Britain they" disa-ppear to pufb-` ' lie and iprivate knowledge as ` into i the `blank night._ `Post-cards and letters fbear ~no place-mark. They can at ':best convey `brief and very` general- information. From time to time, of course, correspondents of Canadian newspapers with the contingent will be able to forward approved destpatches. . The` Mail` and Empire -s` special representative with the troops will do vwhat is humanly -possible to give the people - at home all the available informa- tion. But the newspapers in Eng- land, which are most powerfully in- terested` in getting _complete newsl from the `front, are subjected to a? severely restraining cenlzrorship. |_When once the Canadian `contin- lgent gets to the front it will be. !along with hundreds of thousands: of other units, of whom nothing is heard save in fragrnentaiy items We can scarcely expect clicrentiall treatment. vNewspaper correspon-I dents are not, for the present, al- lowed on the front. `They hover ` in the rear of the actual ghting! areas, and get` what they can.| Though we shall i all he anxiously Iimpatient for real news, we must restrain ourselves with the self-I control so characteristically. ex- . philbited lbythe people of `the British] Isles, who have so much more at; stake than we have. h i l 5 The British Board of Agricul-.: lture has advised the householdvers `Of Great Britain td utilize every foot of spare land in the planting of gardens for next year, to sfipvpily as" _far as possible their own garden produce. In this way they can_as- sist in relieving any shortage which may develop on acc0'unt of war eonditione; ' I i ' ` ' yportance to JC`anadians. Attached to nearly every home are pieces of ground` which at `present are mere- ly wasted land.` With` little effort these may be converted into produc- tive gardens. It requires" `very littlespace for a garden` that,-with ordinary. care, will supp'ly_ an aver- age househdld with _vegeta;b1`es. By cultivating the available ground many Canadian families can reduce `their living expenses, and, _at the same ltime, secure vegetaJbles. which are absolutely. fresh. `V ' ' ._VThis suggestion is of equal im-, . ` ` '- A `To -otbtainvbhe` best" results, W the ground should be dug up this fall and left` `ldose. Sock `should .be turined . under `co a depth of about -four` inqhes to permit f of V its rot- ;ting_'.. :' z ' or M T L-a`te_st _M;a g azi-n es- the "land has ,' partiaflyly ' - IIGISBB U!` -Duunauarulung . ' ~s1.oo rm ~ E IN ADVANCE UNITED STATES SUB$RIBlS _ L- nag nu-I Alnnlf For the Latqst Novel or any%Standa,rd% Work go to THE HOME GARDEN BARRIF. AND ALLANDALE BRANCHES ' H. A. SIMS, Manager` Caiaital aizd Regem Funds. . . .31 1,3o7,oooT *V Total Assets Over. . . . . . . . . . . . .$60,925,000 SAv11Is _A_(3COU_N'[S inyited. = Iritercst is pan- v -o-`an oourwnvmr \.o gv Q- v--v-. ----v- --~ -~ `paid Sn balances hall!-:72;-Iy. MONEY ORDERS and Drafts solci. - DEPOSITS OF $1.06 and upwafds received GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS conducted.` THE ADVANCE; `There shOu`1d `be a plane in C'an; ada. s second contingent of 22,000 for all who failed to get into` the first, for other than ,physf`ca de- V .. .| '( |,ncoIu=-onA1`an um) exhausted,- the addition -of inanure is advisable and this should be Well dug in; The ground should not be 1` raked 'afer digging, but. any grow- `th.appe_arin:g this autumn should be- cut down. Vegetalble refuse, : in nature of vines, weeds or dead leaves, should the burned and the` ashes spread. This bumimg also Ihelps . to desjtroy weed seeds. In the epfin, the i niet sea- son -is past and "the ground has `bd- Wcome warm and". fairly dry, che {garden shoulcl be raked over "cere- flly until the soil is broken up l ne, when it may -be nlanted as de- isined. `T f ' uuuu uuu ;uw\.11 Au.uv pa uu Oh, iaiifluez -Why, it h;sn"t been` idark `m0re n half. an ~hour.+Li_fe. ,They ay 'it takes more than a` million years for the light from that star to reach the earth. ((A1, I \ Mrs; =Wh`i.tt1er--W~h-a't de1aghtfu1! I jmanners your daughter has. \ "I"..- 1):]-.. ' I ____ __ .'I1.._\ A TT--v T7 King` David` truthfully said that all men are liars, and if he didn t specialize On purveyors `of War news, it was because they. did` not exist in his day. ' mu-aa;.av;g Jvu; \_.u.A.u5.1.Iuv1. Lzuoa Mrs. IBi=1er roudly --Yes . You % A p Y see, she` has `been away from home 380 much.--Smart Set. A REVERSE I hear that AR0gers has met withA reverses since -his marriage. E IN... .............. -._'.:.__ TT`- L I MA vupacrunm or Buggies, Carriages. Wagons Sleighs and Cuttegs. iunucn 'l)n-nan. . . on -' "gnu. ;.uv\,;,-auo IaA1Luu `JJJD Juouxxaggco -One reverse, anyway. He mar- ried his stenographer and now in- dictates to - him. stead of his dicta~t"in_g to her, she < C. Andrew ,3`.`.;.`..?J. .1`, ,';`= :`]. .`."-,. Horaeshoeinz 5`Goin ashore for yer _ leave! s e_venmg, mate ? uYu,s_ - A _ Woifer? You re a bloomin tee- totler, ain t` yer?--T'he 'Ta:`t1er.A EW07;'I*_39YfJELQ Sf? own vouk own nouns Ceas wasting your m_>ney rent._v b ~ . A Having seen a submtrine for the_ first time, Thomas Edisoh an- nounced that it would be `easy to provide it with gills so that it cou`1d breathe` under Water like a sh. ` I I have $200,000.00 worth of houses and property `in Barrie ang A1lar_1d`ale, ~ 9 Inn-up L anlznauulw. ' Small c'as-h paymen_ts. Balance as rent. Farms for Sgle. _ . Real Estate End I-p:surance Phone 530. Bosanko Block. Barrie THE BRAACTICAL `FELLOW G. S. RANKIN Repairs of all kinds Residence. I64 Bayeld Street Phong H - , 164: AWAY FROM HOME o|3I5osn?:' '6sf's.T.` mm mnns ow stump 'r_Hp_MX WXEB WASTE OF TIME -Referring to the war The T0- ronto Saturday Night says: After all "Providence -wilili decide, and Providence is hollding in reserve the greatest strategist of al1--=Gen- eral Winter.` ' ' A Contractor & Builder V."L"-|"l.? -`;-`:1""'.'7 ' 3?, toms. 00 K 0. of loci farms-and Town Pro- B00 KSTOVRE ALEXANDER COWAN, SUC- cessor to Lennox, Cowan & `Brown, Barrister, :Solicito"r. for obtaining ` probate of. wills," guardianship and admhistration, _ and General Soli- citor,` `Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Ofoes: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlap St. Money to loan. ORESVEVIOKE & BELL, BAR rister, Solicitors. of the Supreme ` Court of Judicature of .Ontario, V Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, . etc. Money to `loan. ~Ofce, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Cres- wicke, K.C., W. A. "J. Bell, _..__. _. ._..... STBATHY & ESTEN BABRIBTERS, V Solicitors in High _6ourt of Justice, Notaries Public, Cdnveyancera. Of- ces over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. Money to loan at lowest cur- ` rent rntes. G. H. Eaton. DONALD ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER, 45.1: _:L.. -9- `Ron. 4:! 'I"nI-nntn IILZIDILI I314: sun wvuaugau-.-:--- , $1.-so m'ADvANcI: C -No new nE1e`%vil.l_ be dad to thesub aipanuatnn the money spud.- Bircribers now in II'l.'B81'8 for threemontxhu I over will beeharavedslo par snmnn. _-I DR. W. H. ooHs (SUOOESSOR $0 DR. G), Physician, --4 _'L..__. CL.-- `W. A. LEWIS, M.D.C.M., Surgery and Diseases of Women especial- ly. Ofce 8 Colflier St. Phone 61. .35- `DR. W. .A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, BUR-I } `eon, otc., L.B.C.S., Edin., L.R.o.1>.,I -...J.._ (1%... an} -Anhlonnn nan- D15: 1;. '1`. ARNALL. omen ANDI __.-..;.- __:|I DR. MORTIMER LYoN,'31 CARLTON Eli "`lI`Dl\OI`l\ 1n`1n A` `Du;-u.\`o1-o' /`T DR. H. A. DUGLAY, OSTEO-I _ PATHIC Physician, Ross Block, Barrie, Ont. Ofce, Hours-9 to 5; other hours by appointment. 1 Phone 565. > 45-13 -- }.l A. RADENHURBT, 1sA1z31n'1'Eu,. Solicitor, Notary Public, to. Ou, lot oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at lowest rates. . :g.-. if . ui'r,- %%mn1:1s"i t du,- eitors, Notaries Public, and conveyapcm. ' Money to loan `in any iuma at 45 per cent. Oco, 13 "Owen 817., Barrio. H. D. Stewart, 1-? tn `n It RI-,nurn DR. M. H. EMBREE, PHYSICIAN and ..Surgeon (successor. to Dr. C. 0. Alexander.) Oice and resi- ` dence Burton. 'Ave., Allandale. {Diseases of women and children * and nervous disorders a specialty. Phone 269. r ` ' 22-ly. 1.R.c.P. 3:. s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. an s. Glasgow --SURGEON-- Eye. Ear, Nose 8 Throat.~ T `nuv.-........-_4. I ______ TI - Toronto Telegram "-9 Britannia!` rules the waves, ubut. Germanyt waives the rules when it comes to` white ags, the `Red -Cross, dum- dum 'bu.'l-lets and _the (butchery of ilomcomfbatants; _ T '