Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 17 Sep 1914, p. 4

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U '5 -l?Al.I.LLJ`\ 7 `F. T. SH V [1 ll] ORT ausuvvvuuu~51,K':awU1'. . ` :" 1,SK oldiers.~V may, if` they ` so`; d9iiete ,Lj %arra1`1ge1 ` to; W1',rans .3. .v'p_o1;,1_;i6'n oft .their1]pay_,.T ' ., ' ' 3 Fund does; not si,d'e_atiOi1 ywh` it. 1,. (`Continued from .P_ 1ge 1) .V , of $1.10. per day. The ,-wife o fjaj married _s_o1dier * will `have ,.`sent__to" her each mon1;h,=. ,by_ "the - Paymaster General of 'the _ -`Mi1i'_tm D'8Piartmetit_.` at; Ottawa , __ V a A '...ch6i1ue ;for;;-i$2Q;O0;` V '1-`he.. ;am01_111t receive}? $1`, % as+;g;enrariir. .L `?81l0Winbe..;1i-%bx-g;%p - ',__rs:v1wi' bef ~ `V IThC3I1iiIIPo `j. * -Specia1,= C-lass A] -Asters-- _.-. T. Ydun-g. Mrs. H. Calderwoodf; * Gladioli--H. ,'R. '1"%q._t-a, Ypun-g; % Table Bou- duet-"-%-Mrsg ` H. faiderwood, , -Mrs'.. "G. W. Hill." Geranium in pot-T.` T. Y0ung,7H, `R. Tate; "V ~ ' -v 0 .n.v. ...uu.;\:nu1, 411.168. 1.11,. 1'4. Campbell. 4 i. ` T Bouquets, Decorations jand,` Desigris Bouquet Swivegt Peas--,G. Vickers, Mrs. .G.- Urry. `Ta.b1e-Deqoration-- Mrs. 1% L'ove, Mrs. D. T: Bees, V.' R. Meqking. T'alb1e -Bou `Patterson, J. H. Bennett,` Mrs. _P. Love..Design--J. H. Bennett, Miss F. -Lang, Mrs'.. W; H: Myers. `Hand ._Bouquet--A,` .-Carson,` Miss.?M. E. O`ampIbe1'1.. Mrs. P, -_ Love. Three button ; hole bouqu,ts"-T. Hz, `Ben- 'ntt.. M'rs._ '_1`,=' T, ,Y_o_u',ng,-` R11 n_7 :...,..,,,., ' M91 I * _ - ____ >-... :1:$$hIII- -` .. .... v., .u., ;;;;;; u ulugav \.l_Ul.lll' Sum in biloom.---Miss F. Lang,` H. R. Tate. Doulbl-e Geranium` in _b1o'om-V. R. Meeking, Miss L. Bidwell. New, odd or rare`plant--, Miss` Creswicke. Mrs. H. Robinson. Canna-G. Vickers,. V.` ` R. Meeking. Rufbber. Plant--D. = C. Campbell, Geo. - Vic'ker's._ . Kochia-`--Mi,ssT T F. . Lang, D.._ G. .C:inp\be1l`.- Araucaria L `T D 'mr'....1-.-.:.;. 11-2- . OOOQOOOQQOQOOOOOIQQVVVRVVV`. scam AND P -3. , a . daaaaaao 6o0`6O3.Ob5C0` I`. < 1r:-_ A...:- .Q..'n1-..1ou`-'0. '.L~.v . v;:i'1"Hna' ..u. w .uV-nu-cu. U; uuvurcu WUUAU utsrc. = Mr. -Tracey of Mdnesing preadhs ed in the Methodist . Church 0 Sunday. ' T ' - `. " "'_3_____ "___g_ 1-"__,,,,I1 n as fa` at; (enaim "and ._LindS_&3Z-I V." , -' T4-sf`.-J 17`.-AA `='.'.Qn'4Ia'| muted _..':/5 .- .`V- I: `* ...-`t }:4:;`_}:~ .' `W: . ' `Miss Anme S-lncla-11": :13 ; _V.l.t1.Il8:I at? U'.9I1a1'1| 11 . Lt.~Col. _ Fred. `f'-'Sn`eath. ` V~a~'lcgrtier Cgmp pver ' Sunday. 13 VLIUJHU VIII. .9 vUr\`~Iy*II.'v-'{0_`. `| }`Mr; Leroy fAI1dX9W3,",`_0f "W3 visited-`his -unc_1e,`=`Mr. iJ- S. .stoii,_ Maple; 18`St 2WekT- . 1r:-~_ TT..........~=wT\nu:_~ tuivo c 1* V`a'lCal'Ul$1' ,_\1lL!J_ . UVUL Uusyuzagn - `- Mass `Moss1e_;.H`y;pso:;1; xpf B1_1`a1'o 1s home on a va,'<:9.t1_<')'I1~-..;. _ .. ` A I A ,_ J..-_.~_ -1.` -`\t`r:.....'.;:`....m`. guyu, .-LucIv1.u.v 4.`, V, ........ .n -..... ` ` .Miss Ve1:na~f`:Dqy-isL gave, an_- e;1_.- - `joyaiblle T-bioxghday giarty .:to 3. fiw hi` yourig `friendbon ASat1u$da d`au`gh`ter'," Elsie,` , of Toronto,` ~- a're" `spending a couple '-'.of- Weeks ~wi t_2h 're`1`t_ives in "Barrie and` Allazidale. [ - A fl __ .._-....a....J 1`U'lul:lVUB, lu .ua1`L'xu auua `. Miss `Marha Lane has` accepted` an bice position withi theXBritish- & Odlonial Press Service; Toronto; Mrs. J times Cameron `Q1213 ,re'turng. ed to Toronrto, after TspenQd*in:g a- few gaysA with Mrs. `W. S. Rfilali of feral lwen, Mrs. H. Robinson. Tuberousl 'Pegonias--`R. Bidwell, Mrs. D. T.; Rees. Fverns--R. Bidwell,- V. R} Meeking. .Amary11is--R. Bidwell., |..1mpatiens--Miss L.` Bidwel, V. R;;' Mgekixlg. Cactus-`-D.` C._ Camp- bell, R. rBid'wve11.. -Palm--Miss Am,` L. `Bird, v. R. Meeking. Bos- ton Fqr1_f--Mrs. W; H. Myers, -Mrs.` T. T. 4 Young. `Asparagus j Fern,` Plum%osi e--Mrs. G. Urry, Mrs. R; |Marshall. Asparagus Fern, Sper- lingi-G. Vickers. _Oleander-'S; J. '?isher, R._;Bid*well`.` Single Ger5_lrn- F Invn :n ."I:...- 1.` T __- A- ` ' '"zis1isg% 'Addi'soxi of H d'n1i11ion?;'_ A ,i.,~i spending .a' couple of viweeks. with gher brother, Bandmaster L. F. Ad- 'di_o}1. - dry -1- 1` ' "` r\ Qua u ' Srt. W. Jolixisoni e'x-Quiar_i5e1~ master of the 35th Regt. visited his brothers-in-arms at` Valcairtier last` 7 I W`?1_"i * ms` QUQW- aw- . ` H'0LLY A ~.' T ; J 5 "lSept. 14th.--4Mr.- and `Mrs ; .~ R; %oonogoooooo'o_ooLAV99Aogo_oo%,; I Iiougheed pf Manitoulin Iislan L_vi:-, g ited th-eifr eousin, Mr. H. -M. fIJoug- hoed-,` last - week. . V . i " : Messrs. C. '1`. 'C`amp*b e11 and Roy .JBrown attended the Tordnto :.Ex-. `h-i:bi=tion _ last week. b ` _ < Mrs. W. Leece of. Barrie, visited her cousin Miss _M. Reynolds, over `Sunday. ` . V ' ' .11-.. ....x 1:... 11-.-... Q....:.d.. -3" `ST. JOHN, AMIB-UL-A l . ANOE `AISSOIOI-Ai'I`-IION ' NURSING DIViIS'IO.N `Another class` in tra-in-ing in` lFirst Aid to the Injured is being`; forrned . Dr.` W. A. Lewis has kind-i ly consen-terlt to give the course of lectures free of charge. A meeting will be held in Trinity eParish Hall on` Tuesday night next, \Ihen' the olbjeets of the Association will }he,exn-laii,1ed and names -enr6.lled.l Five =lec'tures` in all will the given, oom_me11cing- on Tuesday, Sent. 29. in:f.'a`bove hall. Thme wishing to. join will please send their -names and addresses, to ,Mrs. A. E. H. Cresvwicke. The minimum age has been red'uced- to 16 years. `Chief .King and _Mr. . B. fK1'ng were in Belleville on Thu_rsd'ay of 'last week a_1:'tendin`g the funefal of Mrs. Fr-anik King , who died in Toronto on Tuesday.` V ~ . . -g` - A i xoronto on -b1.ues_aay. -Rev. Dean" Moyna` was one of '%he' `pall-4bearers zit -the funeral of Rev. Father Francis F. Rolhleder, rector. of Josephis Parish, Toronto, on Monday. . ' Mr. and Mrs. James Vair` Tan-! nounce the engagement "of their` thiyd d'au~g`~hter, Jessie McLeod, .to -Mr. `W. J." Duane Reed-Lewis, of `Le Pas, Man., son of Mr. and.Mrs.V Wliam Reed-Lev'vis, of Bexhi11-.on- Sea, Sussex, England. .The mar- riage will take place quietly on IOqtober 7th.. ' ' | `Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams of IN-ovar, Ont, announce Hzhe engage- ment of their second d'augh12er,e, Margaret Laura, t-o Harold J ame-V8,; soxrof Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Short-' :ree`d_ of Hillsdale. The fnarriage Jwill take place on 'Se:pten'rber 30th, in St. Andrew s Presbyteerian iChurch, Novar. . . - v_c a \/IUIll'kl'IJ\IllI' LLLQUUHIIG .Meeki1ig, _ Miss . M. E, Winipeg .J.0.1m`$ | It has been decided to ailiantel with this Canadian Patriotic Fund| land the committee condently ap- peals to the -punblic for its sup-rport.l In - many cases throughout Canada! ' great hardships will ensue during} the coming fall and winter from -the indirectt. effects of the war. While at present there does "a not seem any` proabalbility of Barrie or! its immediate neigfh`oourh-ood suffer- ing-_ to any great extent from this icause, yet no one can eondenrtly `tell what may happen, and so it .has been decided to take up a adouihle purpose` subscription. One half ...`of the amount received will be remitted -to the general fund, and the balance retained to, _if neces-l sary.` relieve cases of s'u' ering-' re-l sulting` indirectly from the war. .The ordinary `cases `of poverty or distness' can still be looked after and cared for -by the religious and other aszencies and it is not in- tended that anypart of this fund -shal1 he_ used for such purnose. The town and neighbourhood have ;b_e9_11 mapped outtand. collectors as- sumed to each district, who will on ` l Friday. of this week (-Sept. 1.8tJ1\ ;make `a thorough anvass. Should i.-18115`_ oyerlooked`. his or her Sllbscription will he thankfully .re- . CROWN` HILL` ` Sept. 14th.----Nure Mabel Pant- 'ridg:e has returned to Toronto, af- ter a holiday of several `weeks here. __},f_ .rp_,-,,_,... ,..c '\n.._...._ _-----n7 As most of our readers are awarel `a Patridtic `Society has been Iform-l ed- in Barrie, during the last few (days, the Committee in -charge be- ]ing Mrs. Shanacy, Miss G. Raikes, `Mrs. W. T M. Harvey, Mrs. Drury, I Mrs. Alex. Sinclair, Mrs. T. Young, Mrs. Coles, Mrs. E. B. Tay-V lor, Mrs Richardson, Messrs. M.` J ._ Frawley, " .F. T. Short, Byron. King, T. Beecroft, E. Armstrong, C. Faux, R. I. Gallagher, T. C.` Fisher, E. `A. Little, Ed. Shear, Ed. Morrison and Capt. Richard-' son. The Executive appointed con-I ,sists of six members: President, `T. Short; -`Vice-Presiident, M. J .1 Frawley; Sec.~Treas., C. Faux;l Committee, Mrs. W. M. Harveyi and Miss G. Raikes. _ lowance, `what the former employer of her husband grants her during his ?absence, what she or other members of `the family do or can earn and what other sources of in- come are available. The total from these sources is deducted from the. standard of living previously` agreed upon, and the dzierence is paid semi-monthly to the soldier si family. _ ' ` {receives by way of separation al- I the many points A ted` booldet `con-V V I5` qmuu ARE FOR SAL:-. "J|5\.V.'I."S'roVzs' DI f\'Ii Amen! _Mi4n. F1.oralU d Maanion %%b0gghi 3?` greatly 810W P1Snt per cent ' for cash. 'v'~ - 2,! -"' ".*" .7`! D n,IQ_ 95 OIIILJI V`-I F\Iw LIA son SALE A _ ,,, Wall Fapelrs Acru o av R. .. NU!` ~46` .ln'II :9!-0 r: I III J"`-V `JV `I J.'L\`\I|\\l \'l`l' Fm-st er -m1rtiou]:1r.<-E txon of sale will ho` it the time of the 9:1 meantime may he lea .-...-.... . ...-.--7 nl \\ll\ Dated -the 10th J21)` -.tember, 1914. ya-\.a\.uAL\.1. I The property will ` ject to a reserved lwiuh ' T3,- 41 , A` V --- .4 \.Aa\aAA TERMS OF sALF.J1n }\( _I` wt. `of purchase xnoney atjtho tune f sale and the bzllzlxwo \\Vrhin 3" <]f1."`3 thggeafter. ` 11 ...L I Mortgage Sale [of Valuable 2 E F.` Town Propqhy ii . g O O M L | I I I O W M lI\-| V\Jv3 VI -Ill`-III IWIU3. V Addresakr. J; CHENEY &%c0.,r '10. _ -'Told0, 0 Sold by Druggvists, 75c. - A _i Take Hw'll Family Pills for con- stipation. . . -~ I Underiand by virtue thc Pow- `-er of Sale contained i u (majll Mortgage which will .9 prndllml lat the time of the .~'z1_ there will `be oered for .~:a1e" by Public` `Auction at the Queen IIMN in I the Town of Barrie. 1 .\';1turd;1_v, . 1914. alt the 3rd day of ()<-tab {'2 o?c1oc'k p.m.; the f0_o\\'in_r \'a1n- able town pmperty`in he Tmv11 of Barrie in `the C0un;`t_\' of Silllwr, ana vbeing coxnposed u Lnt .\'u;n- lber Four and the snut1' half nf Lat E Number. Three on the ,\'v~*t side of Sanford S_treet in th .-aid Tmm Nof Barrie, according t Registeroz} `Plain Number 245 (sav and exwpt -'the7._Westerl_v 84 feet oflmth of .~'ai1 Slots) together `with :1 "gllt Hf WA. overaa lane 10 foot WM am] 2% fwt deep `between the NWT 211141 301ITh parts*of said Lot Nu Hm 'l'lm*-P in common wgh the ' U\\'llt`I' and loocupant `of . lot. :_. flV`I_-_,_ , L . ..1 \I\J\4lIl-IIAJLU UL |`(ll\l l`Vl- - There is said to 120] ;_the said property 2 roughcast dwllilm \\'; -kitchen and '00:! she `TERMS SALE- `ceived by the S94,-mtu I He that, leaving .1 ru'u..1-A..-.I.. `LU uuqu,-, 1Uavlll,{. ,' ('llll(] and .it In o1'1r`keepin,<.r; unafr-.1i<'l, Goes to dane the (1(,~21(y strife l -Shall he see his trust be'tray `Shall be come agai11 and nd I`. Hollow cheeks and e5'e1i.L M Guard them as your kith -.u1l.kj R Pay your debt! Sits, `we '.'~;}_10uld be .*- ]lzil]l'.,`(]' ind; If the` bltter cry fur bread. Ch-ildren s cries in cruel need | _1)___,_ _ 1 4- `I1 - ,\,; uuqs 111 (,`l'LlCl need [_ . Rose and fell 11l1c01nf0I`tI`.1. but SiIlC the; ])21t1`i:')I glo Burns in Bri-t.i.`~th l)0.~`n1n_`- yet Twice and thrim ye will I k E "Pay your debt. y /T`,, T `s+fi2'.:xT`_'1`_n{ \/ulo (From London Pun<~h)_ 'x'foIu1.] `ullild zlntl wjfe unafraid, loudly 1.~' betrayed? )".l;n .n..1 1:. 1 There is more Oratlarrh in this section of they o'ount_ry, than; all other diseases out together} a1i to `be incurarble. For "a great many `years; doctors pronounced it a local til the past few` yeafrs was supposed d'is`eaee and presenilbed loca reme-l dies-, and by constantly fa_11ing' to cure with local treatment, pro- nounced it 'incura'lb~le. Science has proven Ceatarrh to be a constitution-. :1} disease `and therefore requires - eve-nstitutiona-1 treatment. Ha`ll s (Tram-_rrhy Cure, m'anu;factu4ned by Fr J . Cheney & C0,, Toledo, Oh=io, is the. onlyeonstitut-ional cnre; on the ma"r`ket. It is taken ' internally; It acts directly on the blood and mucous suriiaeee of the system. They oer one hun'd'red: dollars for any case it fails to .c?'-ure._Send fol.` eiroulars and testimonials`. A.1.Yl_....__- 7.1 'r- ru4'r'v1'.1\'r1-arr n an E: Points H `dW,Il .<]1a111cl' i;ul C atAz11'y- I'reasurer. 1 ;vet? -unel -kind! Tf; Rop- 1 311.1 W11. 11121419 k11o\v11- and in the nod from - nu n11'V'\V ETC `S Snlioit-01". frea-ted upon ? cmnfurtuble Fth summer Wgul| )\\' g yet. I kH0W, exchanged pulpits on Sunday. - TF1. .1. .... .. | \.1gu-nu pquuouvao mlev. J. J. Preston o-f Elmvalel and` Rev. A. Stroither of ,this place ...... .1`-.. `L_.!.'l-._ ___J znld sub- wax-uauaoguu yusyzva `U11 uuuuny. `Three . showers for brides and brides-to-fbe in asbiouwti three weeks is certainly going some for one small place. Best wishes and con- g'rau'l`a3tions to the prospective heads:_:of families gnd home-makers. OD lo|L|'\-I'll] I Mr. and Mrs.Cym'1si of.` Bo%he`sd'a visited am Mr. =W. J. An- drew's on Sunday. ` ' 1 T 1:.-__ 'r2__:.. 'n-I1:_..`i..._ ._....- 4.`- uuol Pt is understood "that - A all "tho iW:o-men's Societies in Minesing are afliwted with the International Red: Cross Society. ' TD-.. 1 T 'n_..._4___ _n 1'51. -1- VCGCIVV 9, VI` KJI-$6C\-030. ! Miss Lizzie _Pa~l1in % 11as gvon:e' *t:o Eady mo attend `the .a1ker-Duniop. Awedd-ing which will take place .on Wednesday. . T ` ` Mr. H. Moore has returned from 'I'\'- I I ll~, In`. `"izB""keroot . of, Lindsay spehf the week-end with -Mr. ` and, T Mrs. W. H. Kgrfgot. ` A ` ' ._ 11'- , 1`-vo vv. `+4.. .a\.u.a.uVvI ' George Stokes -o`f .Winnipeg is" 1'9- newing `old acquaintances in thas 'bur9:. T ' ,.. ,,, ]_,__.L., `I . .1 1 II '-I 5 V----..-w--gnu-wu.--.-vs -`v-rv-v-u--v-w -Spt. 14thif--t'1`he*Miss"s- Hood of Stayner spent over; Sunday with `Miss Elva Grien. ~ , 112-- a___:- 0..-1_-'II"I_`1L'l_-;. .__-_1_ JILIBB .lIJ'1'Vr \JlllU I Miss ;Susie s h11% %1eft last week -for Sand Hill, where she" has Se? cured? a `position. It... (1 11 u'..:_ 3.. _:..:.a.;';... \l`-VJOICJB VV VU\-O VOILLO \.Il~JaD`!aO UQII Mr. `W. Wi son of `Toronto motbr- .ed`o Mrs. J. `BrgWn s `last vgee}. ' 'Il'-_ Sept. 15uth.--Mr. and Mrs. `Ron: ald of Barrie and Mrs. Ronald, Sn, of Minesing, spent the weekend` in Tojxlonto; % - - ' A 7 N . n 11.0` I la`-NON?`-I3 WI! HVWCVCVIII _ . 1 Mrs. G. M. 4 Mair is. visiting friends in Stayner.' V ,v .- Miss... A.. McLean has returned home, after spending some time in VC`ol\1ing-wood and Craigleith. 1l'_- .1`? 'II7! l........ -'YI";.._-..J.- ...-J. L_ ""iszIfiix?i"1`1"f"12"os'"Gss?tT1'friends in Cookstown, Allis-ton *and `Toronto recently. - Wow V V V539! Mr. T_~hos-2 __ Risebrogh attended th last. x.vee`k. E . 117311 `TI - `I, 0 ma LATEST MARKETS f.`3'?6o o"oo6oo'ooo_ooooo: ` sUNNIm `V CORNER` a'..,; -;4n_';. m1_~. 1n_';_ -n-*__` Barrie, _MI}\I_E%s11~Ig3~ .Log V 1b.. Sept. -16,_'1914__ `IV %700 II n'n E5 95 A); .LIu.'JI-L - ` 'J..LV'.LVA .IJD'.l2 J-.l.J, ' will} be iagl-an ;r8t;PBtar ;a. %0humh+, V 9 ..":'.>.;1.:=....`.-.=.-.:..I`. '.~;u." -`om.-- yvs qo;5`F uuuuva U4. `lial!!! ` +Nvex~t Sunday` will be the 'a _iver-. saty`. ~ge1:avi-c_es_ in the .;Me odist -Chu_rch.' Rev. Marshall: of` Otilliai '_wi'1l ~fp_rakf:h__`~mQrning iand` . s}_'__efr1>ifxb1j`g.r_.Vi" :.'I".hievesv ar making ieir 'r6u%n'dsA~ again * this fall, _ Severa.-1=~ `frmers .re- - porting losses ofsrrain, ` - .`\1'.-..a. a-;._.1-_. _ '1! L- n. , L 0 VII iam _ B, .Tr;tcy Wofu?DBv1;:asi;:if`3praclied: in 'the ,`Metho(I!i_st; pp gguday `uni " ; 4`\ an ,._uU U \ CIl\-I . ("I1 !l`\`Ju V0 . ` I V` ` ` - ' - ` The . Henry -.fam1ly, aref` movmg * Hi`lla ' e ,u 0 ; frfgh _ here to Crown rn_'__ ' ,3 -ur- $54 u\-16, UIOVCL DJ`/lIll\iKg _ '. 1 Mrs. and Miss "Toy- arefinv tro- " ronto at preset; 4* ml...` 1:r...._..~ .c-....:1._ __.`_._ k__"_`-;9j, __- ~ : .a.u;uuuv zany VV_UUBy- ,K ""7v3vlre pleased ;to learn` 'that'< H. Bertram, and family arg out agdin after their` sickn_s_s.. `._ 1:, '|]'l . '1. --I` ILL UCIIU` :t III\l\V}.I G93. and` 'gan'g' {of 1.11611` are busy pgttillg up .`si10s in` thse . putts. T . A. . " __'--.L_ ,n__ I Q,-.-` "... -' V.-n irwxmilumber `f1\OmA thgvfair in Toronto last welgk T ___ __1_;_-,1:. 1 , -r-r _ Sm. 13a.::.:*T`r,:;si.'i;;,,, is `the. 0,, yder of the day in this.p1o:ce.. L ` nan` .1} rauninn -J-giving` I KJUUIC.`-`IN. -I I * The ~E:pIworth League will. hold _a debate on Sept. 23rd. t T`he Women s Institute met at the home of, Mrs. John Pratt on Tuesday aterno-on, _ Sept. 8th. Nine ladies were present and the subject f&Jl-"d~i.S('1lSSiOn was -The Sociability of Yesterday and To- day. A paper . given by Mrs. Dxfury' was excellent and Miss Chap`- 'p.el1 also gave a reading` on Social Unrest. The I11~sti1tute vdectild'ed"to fonward $10 to the Red Cross ciety.' Our next meeting will, be? `on the second Tuesday ,in October at the hgme o`f'Mrs_. _ 4.Dr1iry`t. L o o o6vf3f O M1s=:- Minnxe; wt? aunt ~'1x_1,`1 arlad`ale;-~ 1"T_ _.I_. `I1. 1x'Nf.`v.V u +V`Vhgat'./... 11 and 7 o clook.' Rev. J. Bonxiill of Gri_llia will preach. :4 I\1tw1|.rAn\ 3` LL 1` 1"-` v'The service in yti:emi'[ethod*ist r -I4\l"'\-U \-1-L `I6OIIU VV COO C'hurdh will be wi-thdrawn next _ -Sunday. rm._ 1.1_'____-_n_ 1- ..- .r_.. ___211 1- ,1 1 ""IYrsT 4\i1*3`h 35:2" .fri`e;'nds in ton. V .-v\ 1.,` I17-1_1,.'.,' vuuy "ul.` IIVUJV _u J.')I':\:'llj\O'\J(Q ~ ~ Mr; D. J.` McDouga1l`:=? ;pade'_*-a business `trip Vtoj.'..l`oronvto4 "last" week. 1' _ -1- 1T);_~_..].; !}{. E..- -3.3..-- 111.0% ,_.. .g.vavavuv_ aw-u day. _ vu_a__ , 1 on w ` u v-:...v.., _Mr.~ Jae `Bimdym ne `duvet captured rst at `Oro AFa11f on-` .1`ues-A; Mr. Clarence iMitch_e1I ~.rt1;t_nd' on Mo;1d'ay, ater . vis_itiV1_igL in 77-'.l"o-` |.ronIt`o. _ A , ' V--- _ J: J... IL- .'&`};`:l\uA :.~ Jul` CWICC 7'10`, 90 The G.T.R. laid off ltyvq men at the -Sc-alesv Dapit. `on~. Saturday n-igh`t and . it -is rumored intend re_'-`' ducing all `other stas next week as `much as possible, owing to the general dropping off `in business. `The last Muskokaltrain forP tohj,s. year runs north on -Saturday and `-the new wfall time cardvtakes eect on Sunday , " V i ".1?1'`x;* fi`i< i A 15110` [Queen oirty 1 vgeek. L'Ull%J MEI VJVII `avid!-ll 1' '_ Miss A. ` Murrdy -'.`is"1Jje:i`133."`7.0v{.1`. Si1i1"` `day at -her ihome _in -Tedi`< 5nto. ` 11.4 n T . ' .0 IL-I-UKJQ J11 -J.-I,-vl'\/it-I-4 .8. The death occurred at her home, Eugenia St. .on Friday,_'Sentemher 11th, of `Catharine. -ubelov-ed wife 753th year. `Mrs. Hickey, whose maiden name was Cartharine Gib-o bins, . was _born in Ireland`. and _\\;hen she first came to Canada lived marriage `she lived in Ori-llia in West Gwillinrbhry.` After _ ther` Township. for a _num1ber of years, Iof Bartholemew. Hickey, a in her and some nine years ago. the `fam- ily moved to Barrie. , Besides her husband, two daiugihters . and three sons survive---Mrs. _` Robert ~ Moran and Miss Hidkey of Barrie, Wil- liam J ., school teacher at Apto, "Thomas of Barrie, and} "John _in Orilli-a. 'Iwoi sisters also survive, }Miss Gilliliins `off Gilford. and Mrs. Ohamabers ` of Orillia. The funeral 3 was held on Monday * morning` to lSt. Mary s Church, of which "de- `ceased was a devout members.` in- berment being made in St. _Mary s cemetery. Toronto` "on Monday; - 1 ' .1r_. W'Af|.`.'.. 131-..`; .;:_.:;L`..`-.:l`~.; :..' .L'I.v... H-'H`:1'rv:.~';tm1;)me services Awil'l' held in St. ames 'C"hurch._ nexst: giiusllnvv -0-A-----'* - ` : wuucg '-\.'JL'VJ. 15!`? ` 1; -Mr... `A. Fxrmpn 1:3_y;1i.m;g"1n To.- `rontao -and ottheg _po1nts.,-; l 11:-.. A `.'u.....;a.rua..ia-".~;.u [Qm.. ruuwu. _ M v_ The new road .;dihe.A`-station. now completed- and '-is a credit -rn-_L3.Ll2;.:-.._ ;._..m;. ... 1. um wwu. T.oro1ito%Exhi`5Ai`tion' traic on the AG.'T.R. was not half as `lar4g'0;:a.as_V .last% year;`;~,=eff_~` . v APolicem},i1.AV Sweenei I _ is on his Poeat ag'ain,f ;acter`_t_wo `Weeks hol-idays. ` ' `~ ' ' Mr. Sidney -Faxhwcett ep'ent` last` wegk .- in *Toron_nto; Lreturilingi on Monday morning. -V - .: - `- 'Lindsay s `G-.T.R._ station-L y. was burned on Monday, only the walls remaining standing. ' ` ruL. m `L1 111.... .....`.1.~:....,.:1.., `days wi`tIh friends. DU .|.'u1.'uuuu Uu .u.vuuuJ Mr. Jos.: `Pullan , `.:for.r nerlvyA `of here, vre-turned on Saturday to Vic- vtorbia, after spending a- couple of ` ...-`4.n Lnpnlunn W I VII -ll OYJIVIDO u'i\Tw rules ` governing baggage- car traic in 'C*anad'a.- `are. under consideration ?'by `the Railway Com- mission. `Ameeting of that body will be he`1d_in -O tit`awa next Fri- day, . -`at which the proposed rules will be taken up with the repres-. entativesi of the diiferent` Canad- ian railways. rm-_`nrn11 1.2.1. ,1: ;.__-. ...-.._ -4. lvuluuxurg cwuuuusgo ~ 1 I,` M5`. ' V A. H. Mara; 'a1id%;"f- closed`: their` cottage A and,Tretu rned to T01`-'on-to` on Monday; `I11. 1'... `1).-II..--` ..P.....J....\.J-. |t\: M?IEITf1; T THIC`-KEY 'I_-A.`L _ ____--_.-.`I .`L `L--. |,I-)Arn];J.Sl"l:"10IN- { 4- N5 v&IL||-Jo . Miiss Gertrude McGregor of T Vvonto has been.__ the guest of E. C. Drury. n-_._._. u.._- - -u` . `is _auu. uucxscomn, uelos-1a--1 . 7 Love,` A. :.S_.A `St; :John.} ` 0.strichr Plume, Gel i"a_-.-"-{M3, Lov_e',f ` S'. i`St, Johzi. '. V Anemgnesg`-'-A`.`_ Bidxwll, :2 .17., >1f2 `va_r_ie`ties of An- `vpy I Oa_rso_n.;. P-. Love. .. Perenniaha-Migsj v E. .1` *-. ~ rv" ' 1. `$3111 1 .aJvwI.uU ut:1'uIull1IlS--`lV11'S., U`. '1`. Rees,` V. ,R. Mee-king`. Single I e_-`I tunia_s--Miss Cneswicke, G. Urry.~ Doulble Petunias---D. '0'. Campbell. Stocksf---A. S. St. John. Zinnias--1 J. H." Bennett, P. Love.. Marigoulds -.~`P. Love, Miss M. E. Oamplbell. . Pansie--.-P. Love, Mrs. G. W. Hi`l1. . Sa1pi:glossis--G. Vickers. ~, Nastur-' L tiums-Mrs. P. Love, Mrs. R. Mar- ,_shal1. Dianthus--Miss` -M. E. .Camp'ubell. .C'a1endu1a--eMiss M. E. L Campbell. Gandytuaft--Mrs. ~P. Love. "J. R. Ha-mfbly. ` Scafbiosa-'- TMrs._- `P-.' yLove', Miss. M. Camp-` bell. VerFben_a--M-rs. . D. T. r Cam-bell. I h`51ox. Drum - .`mondi _--.(A.. .Garso'n, D.- G.` Oampbell. `T Gai1lmc`ia=' .fPere1mia1--_-,4 .- _` Oarson. L`-VGa i'1Iard i'a.V--Anni1al---`D.V "Cami? ` hell. ; .Ba*,sams+-.-1Mrs.T 1, . Love. R- ;,,Bid3v!1s M Snap..'Drasnf-eMr& MH- :Miss.:{ QM.-"~5fi`E`_-"'1 Q1mpbe`11- . :A. "t-Oa'r'_l . ; auiuuumw.--U.` V lCK- P on`, soul ers, R. iiI1we11. Gladioli, one var.- ` iety---W. Patterson, J. H. Bennett .- Gladioli, ten varfeties--J. H. -"Ben-I ' nett, P., Love. Gladioli, ve Varie- `. .,ties--J. H. Bennett, W. Patterson. Asters, p1ink--W. Patterson; J. H. Bennett._ Asters, white'---P. Love, J.` H.` Bennett. Asters, purple-- Mrs. A. Vickers, J. H. Bennett. Asters, crimson-tMiss~ M. -E. Ca-mp-I .bel1,- G. Viokers. Astem, mauve--' W; `Patterson, J; Bennett. As-7! .ters, two shaded---W. Patterson, J . ,1 H. Bennett. _ Asters, rose--J. H. Bennett, .- P. Love. Asters, three varieties-,- J." `H. Bennett, W. Pat- terson. . Phlox, perennia'l-G. Vick-K ers. .Centenurea--iJ. H. Bennett. Da`hIias,gshO-W1-A. ' 'S.. St. John, Mrs. H.,.RoIbinson. Dahlias, d'ecor- < 'ative_-`--`Mrs. H. Robinson. Dahlias, { Cactus-Mrs. H. Robinson. Dahlia.-gs: - single-4M_rs., H. Ra0i>in'so11. * `Single < Goeraniums-`--Mrs. D. .T. -Rees, I Dowble Geraniu,ms--4Mrs.; D. T. `R153. vi `D 1\r....1-:;._. as .1 -r\ . at `Flwet the 3 sides. of 9f our .-__str eet_s = is V not credit- t_athe town`,_ and -detracts c{)`n- `.p3d_erab1y= L?'frq}n1-X" 1'.-heirfjg`eI'16,ral ap- " _aran<.` '1:`he"7, `consideration of is is` recommended `.to_1)he Town Council. ` - ' ~ ` -'I'I| " Ir 1 q m7i`n13`u:\*g. ` *9 % n i gvv. ranuersmn, J. 11. t$em1ett,'Miss_ Ms` E._ Ca:mp'be11.~_' .Sc`a,bi<)_sa-} v.$, Love. Miss M. E. Gaxnubell. Ease _`ofCut F]owero.=--J. H. Benntt. -+-Miss L. Bidawe1l`, G. `Vikers. .~Mr87.*'"} P. '- 'iov"`""Vb'eIiii- =rB'.B `G Campbell. 12 -Spikes of Geran.iums_ Best Bouquet put up. `by. gentleman :]1lv--W. Patterson, D. 0. Camp- ~ . . VC-ut Flowers Cazlliopsis Annual--Mrs. H. Rolb.-inson, G. Urry. Mignonette- Miss ,M. E. Camp|beIl,. G. Vic-eets. Hyd~ra11g'ea, Pannicu'lata;-.-_G. - Vick-3 aha D 'l).'.J....n'lI ' 111- J! A '_ .qvuu7_vuIfu , `- {.I. `nisher, T 2 07 cf Hinds, 3 H. ..., %j Boulevards (new. ;.914) % No)*ent`ries. ' -2` ` *` ;. _Th~ `prope1ftis uof nV1any'vof the; 1iich`"they- have been" laid "out and epty V. . Lwwnsfand. Grass P{Io,ts--Pu:blic_j % ` ~ Bui1ding`e * % 4 . 1' Royal" fVict`oria- Hospital, 2 St. Andrew s _ ( Predbyterian Church, 3 Trinity `Church, 4 `Public School, West M %| NIL--. 3 ' A . u - new . _boul.e`vardsV are highly to be` commended - on the'- manner -in ` v,v;v-vv Iv cu-Us v ` W _ '. T(he` janitor of the ' Jall and-; Court House deserves comme11da- tion` for. the cre given to the grounds surrounding " the "builc I-fl I I Tlff %ga_y,n' V3" Geo. Viekers. .pra, Clarkson and Wellington irst named, ` are highly creditable to _the_ respective occupiers. ` -- ~ ' - 3 Windew Boxes .. i 1 \S;;;_J.`--Fish"er, 2 Mrs. John Min- The (boxes in _f_ront of'tI1'e'Ves-1 Houses" and the general appearance of these ' `buildings, especially the Flower Beds` ' 1 Mrs. Caldevwood, 2 Miss` M, E. Camplbell, 3 S. Dyment,` 4 H. M. Dyment. _ . ' " Barrie, September 11th, 1914. .Q:m~....: L... +1.4 :...1.--~ I-.'II|!\|SlJQ` ,' ` ' -V ' V I` M'lSS Annie Partridge '\'of Barrie was _a week-end guest of . Mrs, Roy Partridge. ` ` . "III-.. I`1__1._-___1_ at n A fun +--~- I ' L. 4 -Snpecivals ' `" ~.G1adio1i---P . Love, J. `H. Bennett, G5, Vickers. Asters---P. Love, W.' Patterson, -Miss M. E.- Camplbe1'l. Floral; Lawn Ornament--R. Bid-` well, D;"C. *CampVoel. Six Spikes, Hydrangea ` ` (Pauniculata)-George` Vickers, R. Bidwell, Mrs. M. A. Drury. Perennial Phlox--G. Vick- ers. 'Plants in Pot:s-`-R.- Bidwrcll, h- 1`-`-13- - ` `St; John, Mrs. H. Rolbinson. Hand` ---.. ;auLuD Ill .LUU5'-"I\r.' .Dl(1"JU, D. D. C:1ImpIbell. Dah1ias--A. S. Bouqu'et--Miss M. E. vCamube1l, MFR Tnvn _T TI 'Dn......u. h.._L' uoavv-~11-aid .. -a... u., 1;. `uuxnpneu, Mrs; P.` Love, J. H, Bennett. Best bouquet of. owers oven to mem- bers who have never taken a prize Il_l)qefore--Mm. H. Ctild-erwood. Harry `Tnfn, `Raal.-n+ l'\' nu; 1:`-1...---A__ uuuu nu '4ILl\`|g LL. \J!`lu'\'7I'WUUug `R.` Tate. Basket of Cut Flowers?- W. Pattersp11,' J. H. Be1111ett,WInsq, .uu.a;av,_'ucpu:1ulJ_U1' 1.1611 , .1319. Signed by. the judges, J. R. C`OT~TE-R ,_E:TAr!'1:1IES VAIR QN Tt`\`I \r1-1 PRIZE _% ;.1.s'r mm mA+Nc.a `Boxileviards ` IS,'I ` A Ii` AI` umu Au paw. _u`auu:a uuurcu_11ex|U Sundav mormng and gvevenlng at

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