au_u- u an 1. o j'F-i,~Ve Points}! I 1.0- _a 01111 .l'l'Kt9,' ferry DE. 3 g "Ne.w_ bri % house and lot, owned I [f~byf W. C, * hompson,` on_ Pe1'ry.St., ,'to'5'_Mr; :C1el;md, Vblacksmith, 9 '_. " 11'._.!-/ (-5. , brick house. _and lot, west1 aside of-L-Sanford St., owned by W. [;C. Tiiompson, sold to Mr. 'Hutto_n, {_ _;(,}1;a1+nd , '1`:-u_n,'k -" C011-d3:-cater,-r_ `- 1`? .s K `a`;1`i`c`11o\;:W.f;1;1:`!S`tl' North, : Mrs. T. A. Bishop, sold : fto. j.lI'r.= _J0hn Pike," Perry` St. 1 ` . --_"l 1.; __.__.,A. - -17-1.. L__:lL 1 .... -_ vs 41 srvv Auusnnvvo - Refreshments were served` by thei local club, and the` tournamentwas _Va-Wbig `success. ANext year ; tourna- ':ment_ will ?be `held at Newmarket. . I ';sALEs MADE BY `W.c; TH-O-M`-P-: % % AS/ON` \ .` mu ; nn xr-.r1Jv;;vAc vu I A. Boys . rink` won the con-.1 Isolati-on`, defeating C`. Potiolxer, of A11andale. and then. C A. Binns [of__Nf~.w'r`r1arket,- . V V - . -n` q .1 ,1"j! While "working in Orillia, after` leaving Barrie. Beaufort was said to have claimed that heIwas_. the son of Lord `Beaufort of Ireland. '.l`l1er'e he `hired a horse bifggy at 'Anderson s livery. and gave a cheque for $19, ~receiving_$8,5O in lchange. - The -cheque was. admitted to b a` `forgery, but after arrest Beaufort `restored; the $10 and Magistatet Olark gavg. him the len- ient. sentence ofltwo months. At Oril-lia. CPQWII Attorney Cott?r,.l commenting _on the workmanesliip lof thev forged chequ is " report-ed ; to have said: It was neatly don -3. nso-as*to escape detection; even. the [series ' Illlmber f-be-'ins.z" inserted in ribs) upirer left hand corner." _._-_ __ '1`,,'-_J- L-1_-,., N yAA\./ uxzi-u.` .L\.A.v Altlxlu LUrll\.Lc } -Beaufort was on Tuesday taken ibacfk to jail to ni-sh hls sentence. %B,0"WLI1\*~G TOURNEY V A WAS. BIG SUCC`-`E88; young ,'man named Beaufort, who formerly Twas employed at =McLeal1 1-` & DeHart s garagc,.- cancll i gvho is -now serving a two`-`months sentence for alleged forgery at} eOri'll`ia, Was` brought up` in the. Police n-Court one 'I`/ue:sd`a,y `gchargedl with a similar offence here. Beau-l fort, While` working in town, bought some jewelry at Williams Jewelry lstore, presenting a cheque and re- ceiving vzvbout $24 in . change. The cheque after, beingsent to Suclbury, Where Beaufort said he got `it from a man for whom he worked, was returned as being worthless. Beau-' fort alleges he, got the cheque in [the rg,u-lar Way and ' cannot now ndthe man. who save. it to him. Mr. Williams `could not swear` l EL -,,,' it `was a forgery. p missed.` ' ' 1-1v1 :1 , n .. _-`--,;-'->-; .- . WUUCUKUIUSICUI 1 t-Oce. ._ reports -. at` none occurred. CE1hergW%S`a,_$light Wind and al- V `on; at e mercury " `registered be- Agthe frost -line` there was none C~'i.sisble -except in? _a` `few spots not aected by the breeze.` On: Sept. [_2nd the hlowet lgregiistered was 65, and out e 9t __ t e owest was3S, a remarkable drop of 27 degrees. The leaves on the trees will soon 'begin to turn if this low mornimr tem- perature continues. . The recgrd for the week, as kept by Mr. W. H; .Bu'1Itery, is as fo11ows:_ ' lowest 1 highest rain] Sept. 2 . 65 77 0.06 , 0 _3 . . 53` 70 0.12, it "4 . . 51 00 0.030 1 5 . 44 70 - 6 . 55 67 0.15 7 . 51 55 0.03 AOQUITTE-D ON ` `1'\."aTv;<," ]_?e_a_cV-av. and War. Althoug Tugsclay -and Wedns-3 day' morning felt -cold `enough for` `frost,'. the Barrie '_ Meteoro1ogi<'2al_ No FROST YET. JQROM _~E_NGLAND iF_O'1iGERY CHARGE. B-UIT Bier =.DR013 1 LUV uvvyuk the; `case was dis- i 3:; rain I 0.06 0.12 1 I E BE.`--`.'.'.il VI YsoN's - Mr. Boys explained that all funds had 'to be sent to the head office` of the Society in Toronto and some dierence? of opinion arose as to Whether the" local branch 'wishe.:1 `to follow tl1a_t-course. Mr. Raikaes ap- A .proved of" _forwardi11ghtl1e funds to the head oice. as it was all. to be applied for the benet of the Can- V ' adian _so1diers._ l' Tiie (`Cry name `llulock has been a ihousn:-lmld- word` in Canada for half a century, said Mr. Boya ivhen int.1'oducing Sir \Vm. 'Mulock. That gentleman had provbably taken a; more` active part than any one else in Red Cross work. referring [to the 4$1OO0 Apaid `by him for a 5 `rcent railway ticket. ' - woo -no 1 - `Sir Wm. modestly diselaimed. special thanks for his work 111 The Executive was e1i1po\vervecl_ to elect representatives froni {ch-e Bur- ton Ave. Methodist Church and the ;C1}_11rch1_`of the"B_1-et1`13r111. ' 11 n 1 .sxn.Avo .5./1.14; .lJB4Ll.1\a * .|. L\,ou`y LUL lull, J 7 7Mr_s_. Moody; -Central Methodist, Mrs'..Ngb1e`; Allandale Presbyterian, AMrs. B2u`be1-*,- ....Tri11'ity, 3[1{s.`Cr_es- wicke; Allatidale Church, of Eng` Vla`nd,r Mrs. `Wm, `Little; Baptist, Mrs. W. C. .\Ic_Lea1r; C_ongregrition- al-, b Llrs. Alex. Scott; Reformed }E'piscopa1, Mrs. Geo. C/`." Coles, Sal-` vati0n Army, 1\Irs. Miles, St. 1 Mary s `Mrs. Touchette. Vice Lady Patron-Mrs. (Canon) Murphy. . . `Sec.-Treas.---L. J. Salter. Executiv`-e--CoI1ier St- Methodist, Mrs. Drury; V Barrie Prsbyte1'ian, "`I,l'.... 1"!-A...J--. I~1-_.L_.-1 `I'-A_L_]? L E Lady Patro1G-Mrs. Plummer. L. L Mr. Short stated that the Red Cross Society had alreadv sent 143 pillows ` lled with feathers, 50 ll- ed with cotton, 30:? cotton pillow slips, 113 annel pillow slips, 600 llandkerchiefs, 17 annel shirts,` 3 pairs socks and 3 muiflers. ' I011 4 ` -__ 7'7I'1*1e '_fol1`ox;;in,_>,' '0-figers wexf `elect. I edizj A '- - Mr. T. H.` Redditfotltlined what Work-had_-been done since the Red Cross branch was` organized, when $16107 had been `su2bseribed` and `all paid` out except $46,9-1,whichl1ad [been deposited in the Savings- De- partment of te Bank of Toronto, Land now amounted to about $60. ,_ _. . . ,The' local branch_ . of the. Red` J Oros- `Society was _re-o.rgan'ized on lSziti}rday afternoon, in the Police .Court Chambers, -when Mr. Boys _. occupiedthe c-hair ohj the invitation of Mrs. Percival Brown, the retir- ing president. ' A hundred or more- prominent `people -of the town were present, -a. great many being ladies.-" Mr. Boys explained that` the Red Cross worlg would in no _way conict_ with the Patriotic; `Society '-formed a ' few evenings --hpreviously, -but there would be plenty of work '_for both. Barrie Red truss Socity Re-F organized Eon Shturday Last ' ` at Well {Attended Meet- ` -ing.-`--Will"Rais F unds For Allviation of _ `The Sdffering V llilmlig- sm wm. MUl.0CK S 1 ADDRESS 0N THE , CAUSES OF WAR aluakery , 0!: drink or 19 ozf * You can get}. substva. Lunclrwrth a pipin {area diahof ice org.-. This service is s ially adapted to the needsof tn shoppers _or thoaawho desire light a.ppet1z- ing lunch. Sonwne-thi Nw In Dainty ndwiches `. and all: SAT. $P1.12u.@ l..un`heoi1e tte Our . _Ht (Contined on Page 4) BRY$Q1\ S {-8300 Pan Aimuzu IN Anwmc-II.` (HI-GI-C COMIC 'l'~I\'tlII CENTS *1-*1?` 32735 E7is#ei'83 `ct LL osu ich in Are ' F _Barrie BraI%h. A v I $5 1, SHORT. - I Mar'nzer% V Remittances-m `_dz'r2c! to ofcers nd men %% the Camp through my br;anch* jofthis Bank. - ` Rmnex1)l)(->1`, you can a.1'wagysA' depend u1)on tl1.e q1iality.OI any- < thing,' you buy l1e'1'e,.a11d\to.Vone- 1l`3<[LI:iiIlIl`(l w.i t11 fur values; '-Our 1_>ric are 1'0ad`il_'\' a.ppre'cia,ted as being (u\'ceptip1xall,y reasonable. ; 4iTriniAty A Branchdof tih Bank" jVAlCARTlE MIL!-W for $3.00 reprasent 1no1je _"sty1`e and qU:1Ht_\' .than you c8,`njg\ep* elsexvlmu under $2.50'0r3._00; full page ad. wouldn't: malce `tI1IS" t'aCt_:1ny 'o1'L1e1't1x:u1'1t3,iS. , ~ T ` s:Mm0Ns JFURs SIMMONS HATTS 37" N0` ` 4 ON 055 . ,2.. M Agricuitur Don't F0! vu gu ., I 8.00 to 9.3 (Vmc at-tlor. MAKER OF % PORTRAITS J.FRANK* JACKSON: iset It [533-_ re asVkc`cl_ .to the:-A citizens , F Bmlding Pt. 11 c.-, 2 fox` 25c. ` 'wHoL: No. "4 aL4"'a*} Puuunpnu .! -KROW3 11 i_1._a,gB1` was numu ,.,_,_ .,..\, `adcident?-og r11dt. pcersonftjold thin` `Yam `was deadmllld th : ? l>0dy: ` was twp;-or.A;-.t.1izjee;;fgpt 3 from;;;.t11eLV`car; -JA_tk;nso: 1,:L_' `aid, .>,had haul two " T " ' LA Lsufppoged % do .m-e Cxelmrwuuu up nu nu... . Just. Ma`rt`yn-,b one ;of the` thre. oocAup`a11ts'o;-the fatal 0131', was the first witness V ' and: he , gav s i_m`iIsu-. evidenca_. tgrgwhatg T he 1gave},,at:.tl1e in quest% the ~90-tiher` +1? Adam .a %H%i<;didh %*% V T ki;1Al`ed the: . 4- ".~..~:.a- ' `-nhiann ~g+.n1A"` '1- 51111.] Jl0l'>'.'!, >`-&U I4-vvovvx~-wan Cpo-wn Attorney ' Cotter. 393:1 7 tghis Wags` merely an invea`tigat;ion .to see whether there was; evldence to ,a%e`n 7 .th_v;9T d`efei1d,-a:j`tf up for tgial '. ..a. " . ` 3' 1 'll'_'~_.L'-;. . Ann -1` I155.` fhnnn Mr. Boys agreed that whven `death c-nsues_ it must either `be ta" case of. 1mm-slaughter . or `murder, but argued Lt tl1a't`,.w11-ere the. ` stances pointed` to acrci;dent without I culpwbility, -a `judge hasA bee1;-:.knoawn to ca1.1_the -attention of _thef"juryj.'to bring in any ,vevdi`et down to `com-, mon_ assault . ThseSn,1`ifth pase in` Flowas inStanced.v `Mr. `Boys, con- ten-ded that Atkinsbil ._'wa`;s bhargecl with something, of V which.` he was - j not guilty` and tbat`Ah]%sho111d _o_n1y _. be " tried Von`. thbglsser ,;'o'ance. `_If L thel ~;_Hig'l1ei" court has..* power` to` ; tr}? for . lejser` ofe1ifce..i.,euvI&r ```7;0uk` _' _%W`c)r~ 9 Iship:;'Vha.s,?{_ c.di1Ql_I;dd;' .' `L ` `- " ...._"_1.v:\'.|.L'.'." I The 1\;{agistrate. lmxvver, \ still contended that section 285 L1_ieferred onlv 'to_cases where human life had not lb-can lost, and .i11tinj;1tec1 that after .the .C'ro~\,v11A had p1',ese11ted. its (am he would nbt -hear `the -dc rfmrce .the'11,, 'b'ut .wou1d 'ad%j7ourn the case for is-exzeral days .an,d_ get ,a- rulinig. ,_'.I,`_he onlycase, he` asiaid, -~ is _wI1ethei' dfendazit `i_s.. cu1_'p;'1'a1=e`- or not. ' - " L - " .... ~1 .1 . 1' 1 .1 . ' fox; defE11da11t.} contend-edv that .the magi.str`a:te' had, power and shouldztry. the `case un- der time lbsser 'charge, as the evi- dence and: nding> of "the inquesti did not warrantia charge of man?" 's`1aug'hter. ' M1`@] 3oys* said "he was ready td proceed .with the `trial be- .fore the TMagi'stra.te Don the lesser [charge; 7 L ` ' '- Int 1 T ---~--- ~-; +-- .v--~'--A - g The 1'.-3t`chzrgve laid. was that`? James Atkison on August 28th did! "Wi_1f1 1lvl,ir and= 11nl'avv:ully'~ run "over rad kill A9116 Amos `W. Yager. `LII . Boys, counsel "for At3ki11'son,T plead- '.ed not guilty ,_to "this -_charge. . { Another vcha_rge_ was afterwards ;3`re.'s` the" C_!1"OW11",'"``tl1'at"`"Jas. - Atkinson did. cause ..'l_iodi1,v, harm _b_v wanton and furious driving, etc.,_ aeco1'clh)g.' _to S`ection: 9285 of the Crimixlal. Code- B-efore calling; 't11"e. first _\vitt'1e.=s Magistrate Rade11'-L hufst said that __the ev_iwdci1ce he w-o uld~ then `hear Wou-Id be in .V the" i1 1v~estigati0n _on ;1 charge of man- slaughter. unless it could -be` `shorwn that evidence `should {be ta1 for t_1 lesser `crime. ` - . ,.' _ -9 ` u,._...-vu u_m:a .uc~ DLIUULLI. uup 116211` `evidence if the.de1t11_r_es111ted ..from `negligence , under a. less charge` `than manslaughter; wh _en_-`he would `simply have to..11d out if there was.a prima facier case of negli- gnoe, "and culpafbiljty on, the part` of the defendant when he_ would.` Tsen_-(1 him.` up for `trial. L T '. - ; m1.; n - ' ` ..-.--`, ....v~..v-J -:41-94.515 nu (lug. pUl.'3U1.l. As='th accident" -resulted in a sfzytality "the _Magistrate expressed opinion t-hap'_he should not hear (317-`:r]an`nA :4 {Jan ';J}~.A4-"I-. ..-...`l;-_`l .L`_.-,,, 0%} 4 I " ~Sectio.u 285 reads: `,`Ev_ry "one is `guiltylof an indictable o`ence and liable` '60 two years ignprisollnleilt who, having the cha-rge of any-_car- rings or vel1i~cl7e, `by \'va11t0i1 or fui'io us d 1'_ijving:. -or racing o-r other wilful -'1ni.sconld1`1ct; 'jor by` wilful neglect, does or causes to be. done `any bocli'ly~-Llmrnl to7any_ pefs0n. I A_,`,__ _N,, , .. . . MamlaughferEViicfenceTaken A in. P`olice Court .Inve`stiga- tionf.--. Attorney-General ._ ' to be Consnlted`Before ~ qase: `is Resumedu `The -Attorney-.G-ene`ral s Depart- ment wi-ll~ be~asked 1.for, `a ruling \_vhet;her J ames` Atkinson, the driver of `the, car` _.vvhic:11 ovd-'ertur11ed" near Crown-: I'I`i`l-1 on Friday; Aug. 28th, resulting in - the death of Amos W. Yager, of Midland, should he tried before`5 `Police Magistrate` Rad-ear hurst'_ under Section 285 of the Crinjrirlal `Code, `and. the case was on Tuesday again adjox_u'n-ed` until ;Fridy; - after `hearing -a number of 1wit11esees, most of \_\*hom gave sim- ilar evidence at the inqi1-est -last ,week. . . ` ~ THE A. INTERESTS O`!-` ~` BA[ COUNTY V ,(_5N'IL'A'RI!O. to. 1914 On Satundnay dour `large cases provided-by `the Worfnverfs Auxiliary of'jT1"'inity Church , of `which' `Mrs. "'Ra-drmz` iris"-preaderfrt, the Hospi- ]t3.1~01wb,} 1h',3- fM'-"="v`$rt8Wart' 1>r`8S-i-* `dent;--'and .a% ;nu~m'b er of friends, 4;3y_7ez~eTV.:se1; .th_e~2 Provin eia1:~Brand1_i_ rof he Sock: to `to heyV.%"';g)nthi `, `- I L at lilearn that n cbnsiderabie ambunt of wonk[`h9;s' been 'clone in . Bari`ife. for; the Vfbenset _v of js_o1dier;s~o`n ,a-ctxv A%ery~ice;_. -; ' L f: 4 .L\-gt LA lJl_6,L' l\.4L.l_LlDLl._|JI . Others Who- gave` evidence gt the ( inquest ,we1'\e.-.-a1s0_hea1-cl, theirf testi- mony beingy-prgact-xcally the same as repwrtaed in``1a-a-t_'week s issue . . 1 m1.-'1--__,__A . . v 1-.: V . 1 1 [_o.oM7FoRTs E0-R THE V, H V MEN AT THE FRONT gvyx-x I.-uu A4_A Awwu I H _U\.:n cl {0BuC'- - 1 . The hearlwg Wm _ VadJ our11-ecl- -. .un- i txl .Fr1d_ay; ~ V .Boys-`-?I`hy:.V howeverl, V-went`, .so.m1 distance past the Aculvveftg be-J jfqre vthie acci_de_11t.- ,\. ,1` . - 1 ' . ma .l\Ir. Dan l, Quinlan, the County! Treasure'r, was coming south in an -auto wv-i`th County Engineer Free- iman Cainpthell. They. pasIs.ed~ the Atkinson auto o:pposibe_LPa1'tridge s -mill, and it` was g`-oing at such a speed that ithey stonped and looked _ ba M1`. C-a`1npbe1'1 d1{_ew out and there, was plenty of- room" to ps1'ss.l The _'auto anight hm -e been g6-`ihg. `at from 30 to 40 iniles an` hour. There wereetwo in the`b.,ac1~: and one in front. I-Ie` was :1 {little alarmed ` at` the swaying" of the car and one o man had -a bottle_ to his mouth." V _e `Mr; Bo,vs---.-Wou1d- you say a car eo111idt driiveel 0%? this culvert at 30. miles an 11durJn1'd not "throw, some of the oocu1'3a-ht-so out. ".|.l".. r\_-.'__1--- 117-, 11` .1 n 1- v ' vvv u [J51-AI. uo >UL|lUo Quin-Ian-V--Would` `be foolish- 'n`@S3 Io: try. ' `A '* v V ' ` ~ M` V t I i. `A. E. Bell, `W110 was-_a1so drrvmg `north on Penetang,Road, was aisol gsure "there were two men in the if-back seat and only- the. driver ' in -front. ' `The car was traVel1i11!.z` L at imtea fair rate in front of D. Ja1nieso s, T nfe.a1; AM cI.vean s_ turn. The two men in the babk`-i`seat were drink`ing from w-ha't. looked ;like. hr-int lager `bottles. They vshouted. }`i`..S`ome Noise md AHe1-e._.Goes.i - .F:arthe'r `on one held the bottle over _ lthe other s T}1eadm,a1`if he were hO11T7`_ in; it" on him. " The driver of the` (tar woe. payine: n_o~ attention to [them and . `ivitriesa saw nothing wron;,r with Way he.Wastdi`i\'-i11_s: the 021.12, . When witness "drove un to where aecidcent occumzed Mart_vn' seemed to he ravingfas, if in pain! from an i1 l.i111`]'. .~To` Mr. `Bovs-. wit-ii` fness s'aid the road was good and a [`r*.ar-c-on-1d_ drive -ranidiy {there as ithere` is at-slight down grade. % AMI`; tDau Count,v' cormlng in auto w1't11_oC.o11nty F1~ee- In ' nu - s - ...-..__ I"1-L_,_..1 ,`l"l Geo-. S; "Bonn-ey, a ~fa;"1`ner W110 -hves . on t11e_*Penetang` Road, was on has gvay home with his wife. .The,v `were d1'iyi11g' nortlz, when he ' heard .sau|.l& Jucvu- uv1.u.L'.' UUC Va-UL."L`llt.`1H:. ' an auto horn near No.10. sideroad. I-Ie tu_rnecl out, leaving 12 feet. of road and the next tlling: he knew the `car Wl1lZZe(l `past so 01639 that he said he \'vou~ld` not want to have lxisl hand !bet\,v-e-.611 `the. 'lm`bs. The car was [going very fast, l`lmt_co,ulc_1 pleardv .a1'oun1cl~ the cornver over "the, hill almos't"i1n1necliatel,v. This was a"bout one nnle frmn where the ac- cirlent occurrved. There were two in [not dtermine how fast. It disap-g back seat _a11d,clriAx-`er in front. He` saw no liquor or bottles. _\`1llH]:|,\'.` Sept. 13t'h, XIV SI ' x 1 M Y `J\S11'I-`1`E`J -T I i!"T 1 `?5.3.}"J--"lIn1.\' (`jnmi11111io11., A .- .U--.\l;1rin.-. Litmly -and S_3PI.I`1?,_1f5[_7 `3.(}-`h`1uul;I`\' School" alid hour just:-'before5 the -ace-ijd_e~nt. wvv -.u.-av U1. .unu.uu'~4u. but? car. 9' 8 .To `~Magistrate Ra'ien'l1urst, wit- ness' M_ar't_yn' said the. ('m1-__.. was `not gomg more than 12` to 15 miles an f`1_- C1 1"). " i .;'inons;t1jated 1 ;"b_ri`ng ing hi, A . _tl_A1:i.1K1_fg`.`; 11i(1n1 they fMi_d1'an`cl,` : where, `whiskey. _--by :Yager' T before a_sj.m'u ch=to be 11El:(h"l20I drink as in Ba1?rie.= On 'theroad. down theyrhad ' 27' nbottles each and; lgh-e` `threw basket, empty bot't1_es'-a nd all out.` AUkin.-_' son managed carfjust .as.wel1 as~he did A on . trip V down to-d.ay,, He (Martyn) made" no complaint as to the manner of Atk-i'nson s n1anage- ment of `the car and at no `ti-me on j0111'11ey'dom1 or home to where fatality occurred did. he feel at all nervous. `Before leaving` Barrie, the jail was vis-iterl and ,witness explaineed to Mr." Boys how Atkin- son had driven the`car in an awk- ward place and turned it around"on h-ill, which he thought was an evi- dence that Atkinson was perfectly oanavlzle of the car. 7!`- . l\'/f.......4.._..._ `n-.'l--..'L _,.L -...;witl.1 ~ 4v_Atkii1s'011'._.3 .,f0i4 m. 'f',to_ `, Bamfie WitYiO.1f1t;- - Wref comin7g".`i Ie` "-h,ad="been ` .gi"v'ei1~a - drinlsz of Sco. 'r;.'l1';= , _ leavi11g ' he `said, ' there was` 1 1 I .,.......__. ,_ , yvgugcap acuu ms U1bllIIlt`C1 10 _be_ sober, and *he would , cons1der" `-1\Xtk1nso11 sober, ' ' ' ` sdbe.i';I f Lw-itn essL Said he ` 1 ..-.'.1` 1.- 1aimeq;o Aouuw-Y o_s*>s:jMcp[:;. Afgm `(as common or casmm pun can -amen. `A The Captain of the Yacht now. has _ the papers--An Amerrican .C~1ji1~iser starts a chase-`--Wha.t hap,-l pens ?--4S ee'. 1'-11 installmnt -No. - 7-- At Drea'm1and1-Mon.7 and _,Tues,_ . '. . . _. >l I.U7c\IL.LE LOVE AN-D" I;oU BE-i QUE ARE "CAST V A~D-RI\F-"I`,- I "I `K . -LULIV-I-1'.-I` _ ` $..`35th Re5rt._. 4th Batta.1lio11, - ' - . 1841: Brig`ade.~ A T P.S..---"I.`he Barrio `boys would her grateful if a few of ,i;'our `readers would forward on their ,hB2irrie 1p-ap_ers .whe11A1e,v a-re nislhed with the aobb-ve `address..; .We h`m'e not S9911 a Barrio t_)_a-D-81"Si11."` we not Th Advm'1c 01-_1.Barr_ie station am` we 1ef_t..T r _ _ _ ' nesday.. ' Six men of "the 35th " cl, three coming "from Barrie. l They mstly failed on eyesigllt and varicose veins.--* We were also in- ocuatecl witl1'"ty`phoi=:1 serum at the same time. \We we-re.a' sick regi- V 0`, had medical examination onl la_v;5o for two days. and start duty A` nieht yesterday and to-'davy;` iWe& ~ to-morro-W. Teddy` Walton was very bad after the inoculation. but isl all ri5_>.;l1t again to-day. i.H-e swears the doctor gave him an extra jab _with the needle l3eonuse- he `was _. such 51 Tough O11ld.Be. -The l35th from Barrie `are divided be-I tween three tents. Teddye `Walton and I-are in one tent together. Wel ave; the only two married men left I .with the Barrie. deta-ch ment. +We have a neview of the troops, 30,000 strong. on Sunday a.fte_rnoon_. `be fore the .Duke of Connaught ;a'n7d Sir$g,Rol2ert Borden. 'As far as we _ shli-ix England," on ~;15th Sept.` All th` " are in splendid" `condition an'c'_eag'er` to go to` the.`fl1ont. "A3; "a proof of this. volunteers were` asked to go -to `B-ermuda,, _ and has the_re would`be no chance of seeing fighting` down there, notkone of the 35th volunteered. AWe Went to .e:o to the front. \We. `have `a friendly .contempt for the so-`called crack cit-3' reginxen-ts. - I e.rsonally.`.as - a` .S;cotsman, the 4.:8_th from Toronto; have not got the big men in_it that I.expe_eted .to See `in a Hijzhland Regiment.- With the big percentfl ageoif old `solidvers we have in the` 35th, we cr_tainly. stand second tnl `none in camp. both physically" and: Iifn... .1..3ll I 4 1! ltiielw 12.000 men A sail" '-for Alder. ",SPLENDlD. Asr Aiirb .5U& \|.lJAA. to tlmnk the c-itizensx of: }Bai`ri. on be-11a1f`. of the bc.v.=. for it}:-eir 1na.z11icex1t present. Hoping` you will find r~`oo*m_to_ insert _thi=s` in y`om~,m1mub1e pzmer.; A . ' TTT C1 'I3f'\T')c1) ` I 111.055- T for dri , .1.L . }cRANDoPERA HOUSE.` Eofenln tit" '_e 1'he'atrI_n-I" seu.s9n The Great cw Yorklluilson -_ ` ' Thea e-Success ~_ " 7 Mom ucyu. `run, J.U.l`.ts ` f To the,` `Edito1":--`Perha-ps . it would not befout of placeyto "let the citi" ens j of Barrie know how` the and file of the 35th Regt. are` get ng `on at .Valc_arti-er Camp. We V_._are a-1l- settled down to Camp lizf pljoperly, andafeather `beds wil'1, for quite a while, be -onlyfa fond me Dry. We were moved yesterday -(Tlursday) into our -`nale brigades. Th 35th Regt, was put into the 4th Ba11ta1ion,;1st Brigade,` so we tyil L be the rst to move `to the] lrfyate R&bb*Tei1s% of M.,aa.[ V. ca;l Exgminations. -4- Regt. `l " Iow Placed in 4th Bab V talion, lat Brigade and V A ; Hope` `Soon to Sail \, For the Front L)LZllUUL , UILLL ......uu`v ('1 ' " - \ -; 0| `_ , ? "0`*]`:\'<'nr~-r -11,2` and Sermon; Eaom ms 35.111 : AT VALCARTIER Nlawsv mama I '1-n1fEn snE`so"N axiowney E Sgkndfhfil ABIG P "{V.'{`ffi10BtB C`: . SEPTEMBER 14 % . Sept. 4th,:191~1. % 'Y`l-__L ___ _ ,, sbmgmlmxd; will Show thatf great- ;fest?L.`0f*al l;'wVa;:, pictures .on.. Wed. and z j ;. % % `_*73. v.16th.a;1d ;"1`7th. I ric;eaV.` :i'i.N I4xjiKz1'tinee % for school ,' p_r0- - _ `can. learn . `_"_v;iwi 11g,_ _`theae e `thiu1`7:.- T? ono c `E 3 V L All In it and_als`c5 the members}