Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 3 Sep 1914, p. 8

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(fou`r.age _ Thisaisaa time in Canada when Canadian business men should4ght--`ght to Capture rigw trade andfoa hold -old trade. To stop `orie s advertisingisvto withdraw a powerful .offe_nsiv/,e and def`nsiy'e force,` and to expose one'sJ busin es without a `guard. is%ta'ment `ix A comp] marked off of good Tw "guts and e - Smoke sizes and shown iri demand. THE GIRL 01- MYSTERY Utility Baskets of various jhpcs. V ATkcsearc noveltis not` [rue and for which there is a good fiCCS."....._ ............ .......75C to $[_:n I~o_*vow vov uauubtul QCU VI Ull-I -IJKI-LU; Dunlap St., Barrie. ' ., tf.. `The W.IO.T.U. wilfl `hold their regular monthly meeting on Mon- day aternoon, September 14th, in- stead, of on the first Monday of the month. A large attendance is re- quested. ` ' ,..:*3.;.E.--."`i*."*;*:,v3;=nJ .J9.w1.err :5 new line of Boys Suits has beeh nq: entered into stock They are ds' and serges in .the latest Boysv hasize better values, sizes 22 `9EI\. A--, to 32- Boys, Suits masxze better values, sizes to'32 ..... ....... ..$3.50 to $3.00 Keep Up Your Advertising reai good ow`ers-ewedd`in'g or-taable Bouquets, Funeral Designs, or Floral effects, put V1?) in the most? alztistio manner, see -cc.-M.-__ ___ _ -7 M.-TAYLOIE, T t Pictoral Patterns and I Magazines we vwovvlr U4 Dull}!-llUl' '1&Ul'lJ '})1'U' .;:`;~ty be-tween Bell Ewart and Big Cad-ar Point, V mostly - to Toronto people. The ` `nancial s-tringbncy >Sch_oo*1 there. seems `to -`have had `but. little effect or; the business done. : . --Parsons Fair` for School Sup- plies; r r e 35-36 ` The North Teachers Con- vention ghas _'been arranged for` Haririltpn o_n Ocbdber 22nd and 23rd-', so {as to give the teadhers an 'op'rnortuni~ty to visit the Normal 5 ` I - -~-` ., v yvwd _ ---Going to Athe iIbition_?-- Take a new suite with]; `you Gamay ; hav ' V ones from 950 each up * Barrie Horticultural and Town Im- ` Lively Shoe Sale. provement. Society T will be held in the Agrioul'tura1 Hall on . Friday, Septemlber llxth. "The Citizens Band will furnish music at nigfht. ---'-Last week of -Ca A Real estate men` report a num- ber of sales of` summer resort pro- vinrtv lxahmnnn Do 'E`........a. ..L... .1. `D2.- Tlle annual Flower` Slrowl of lt-la` ..--.. -...,, . V _. _As next Monday` `is Labor.` Day---- `a~ public ho1idJay_--'~wne would`ask `all `- our correspondents and advertisers gxo send in copy as early as` possible. .l1..3...... 1.- 4.- `I`.| I 015.0 A `H it. is ex;>eat"f V -`be_ the Laptract` at: the `Op'era `House ford -Fai.r -vfeelf.` A . ' - 21, 22 an 5 . `Superior atgwyios -are -bein `ranged; for ' 2. ,r_rie s Big. ;Fai _. V-a . L ` . ' 8" 81'.` . `| ` xr. - . H. "H56 F`a1`1 `_ Assiz'69f56pssn .. Jn day, September 15th. 1 , . E 3] iiairnisses Big, .;Fa ir-.-.-Sept, 21%,", 22! .._j.;fW;A_,NTED TO `LEASE or 1e'aa_e. 5 .-jawitlr` option . of -PU-ROHASE Jvith .conv.enienoe8. and "!f:I`519Q= eraibb? with` ;3% to:1Q; `:4 2 *---', '---- 1 VVVV U V VVVV WWW`?! on-imocu ,o.o'ooooo ooooobodoor - V.;.`3;&jo"o%%o`ooooo'oA'%o_"oo'_3%o ooouujoo - Band Concrt t;o_-_ni'g'ht. at` Qheiefs` NEW ADVER3T'ISEM`E'NTS- `5`~LT<;5v`fO,oVo`ooo'o;oobod99.' =9` ` IIIVIIIIIII .nmII-Innnmt` :0. --P-arsous . Fair . Afg ' 13-..--- 59hfs -~convent. 94 `gthroughout, cen- ox 421, and yr hound in h~ this this way, " Rp- -nrm mhnu ` Barrie, `Sn- _ ....-- ....-...----, fcofvi` `ways 717trf Ed Mrs; V A were guests bf M`-N. Ker-foot s [fath- wer, Mr. J.* D. 'R` Kerfoot "and `family odgers, _ and` - _.othei_- relatives, ()1; iheir way ,fr_omh Picton to. 1 the h,tewhins gars. an Briz'1dle;_1,~ _' ' apmi tedi.-to a'_.pQ,;, H i _V S W sifuv at North" -_'Buy,..f where Mr. g ` . H` . Jewgler ' obpo _ 8% the IQ\ :JuIy 9t1l1, A Bay," b1a<:kV nd - `white; head and earn, Brixidle` color; The only '4 thin` ' 3 marked `this `ward to anyfpernon. .. '3-ing in-` '_' L zfqrmatioa %that `will his ; _ tcovery, Kindly; notify, 0119.9. 3.` n :.,.y Mconkey, " or % u The aActi-on of 1 n v.;_ "Woods; wkigh swas W . 7 - heard atAtho.I`1e4xt sitting ~o;~:the_ an I %m-f ;LAWg`S_T3iT `av:-mw :-n$-&. `Robt. .S mith,vw1'1 o hga Been living with 'her" daughter. Mrs-. Rev.)_ J. E. Thompson at Wiarton`-.' `Is visiting her dauglater,` lire; 0:- H. Oarrufhers, John St., gndf-her `spa, M : Eli" .,Sm_ith, Br9IGk, St.: ."[l'__ -_, I 11- ._ . Mr. and `Mrs. _Bannerm'anV ` and ffauniclyv have, returned 136 their home` in Olevelau; Ohio, _:after- a ` two lweek s visit with Mrs. Bannerman. s 1Snothver, Mrs. Gec_>.. .We4bb,. Sophia _ Rev. Dr. McLeod rturned last week from a refreshing 'h_o1id`ay fat H-untswiulle. feel-ing `niuch= improved in hewlnth. `He ..oooupi_e pulpit in St. Andrew's on Sunday _ev_en- -vs -r. .... .-' 'Mr. j Edgar Young 1eft;o}nA Monday for=London, Ont., .to< rsume his jdubiesas accountaxit in-the Bank [of LTo;'ontQ, ` after a visit wilth-.his [parents here. V Mrs, T-hos. _ Houlihan hnnou11ces\ `the engw ement of h'r si'ste1~,"Isa- bella O ourke, .'to'M-r. Qligord W. Lingden, the_- rnarriage to take place 'this'mont11._ A % Mr. Wm. "J Reid, formerly turn- ikgey of _the Barrie .jail, was in town on" T-hursday jlast.; - VM1; Reid is now in the `grocery `i"busir'1ess in London, Ont. ' ~ ` % , ,_ ~, ~_-_---~ - .yv-Vw*[a.5U- V . L Miss Mabel A. Ra_i%1;ey,--of Ecoles St., was a passenger ' on .;, t he Str. Haxnonic from _Sa`r`ni`a- to Duluth ,on,Aug.v 27th, ien_ route to Saska- it0,n'. Saak. ' ; V 1 ,- -- -V-o-uv VVQOUIII ,_ uuu|VLlo Miss. Winniired Mart Al`e:ft for North Bay on` Monday, to "assume her` duties as assistant Kindergar- ten Director in the ' Public `there. `A `_ ,p Mr. and` Mrs. Dickieof Boston spent a few. days in town, the _fonm- A er making hisrst visit here since boyhood, some 38 yeaVrs~ago. v 113-5` 'nr-'1;_1 A I _\. .. V... ---v sgufolvvty VV UIWIUJ ` 5.10 K ` V V . Rev. and Mrs. Frank Harper have gone` to Olintdn,` where Mr. Harper has been appointed pastor of the` Prebyberian Church. 11:-.. 117.-.._ 21.-.. 1 ficu1ars' apply Joseph, -S ose`h :s -c_a_ster St. Barrie."_ [ - 36-36 `GOOD P`L0UG N TED ' -"-By the month. ""0 armgnear Barrie ;* must b la td. board - fiiixnselff for . . month; Apply % Thom _ Ward, 99 Duplop - LL. . 7~f'_'_Bar.rie. _ V 1&9 -RENT-aBri;ok mac,` aim ; V '__ `Inn pun.-n .36-'88 % A trgoms.` all Jnodem conveniences, newly decanted "'througho1,itv,. %.%1=ra1. % Apply Bo"; 1191, : '; 35'87P'-3 .g.v4_\.| mu -atgguu acvprui aays mere. Miss Evl-yn Quilter said Miss Hurley oft Svtratford, and M1`. Wm. Quilter of Lindsay have been guests .f Mrs. Qutillter, W01-sley"St.L . 1:- - -- _, .___1 it `In v_- .- - vvov , 4vuaIvv uslvuu ' Jourdan is receiving` .to-day `at `the new -Central nMethod:i-st. C`HurcT1 parsonage, 54 Mary St. Mr. and `Mrs. Ardagh O'und.floe -arle .-guests of the forIner s sister, `Mrs. T._ A. .McCart'hy, 'Bay_-e1d- St. ` Mrs. ' (D2,) `Lewis. afbtended the `marriage of Miss :Seit h ' in Brant-V ford and spent s-evderal `days there. -M-{RR 1V`.vh`].vn u WA- -I-1 " "' % Mr. J. Mcnonara of `Winni- peg. was) .the_ guest I2`_1stw-eek, of Mrs. and Miss 'Dr1u'_y, Keni1wortl1. from a two months ho1id_?ay g_t i'Honey'I-Ia-bor. j,\~ ~` ` V - L E 5Mis-an Blanche Payne of 'T:oronI1;o has assumed charge` o'f;the.mi1linery department ` of Goo. _Yickers., % V ` `Mrs; C. Beatty has.ftmedl V_Mlr.` John Woods of Trbnto _re-_ % newed- _o1d acquaintances in town on %Friday-. last. 1 ' - 4- ` Wil`1` W~riVght- 3 iofi O1,w`venl Sound` is the guest of Mrs. J. M. isvmitth. 7 - L . - -Mrs. 0.1M. G. Smitli vi.;ited_- her `parents wt Duntroon for several `weeks ' - .. [ ` Daisy. Nash has i1:et1'1rned from a. zmon-th s visit in ,M11Skoka. Mrs. Nixon roturnisd? 'to Toronto after ~_a visit with Barrie _ra-latives. `Mrs; `Fred Patterson bf '0-rivlslia was a-weekend visitor in `town.. 9 3oo;6oooo8oooo63 I MAID W?'TED Mrs. Hay ' T .S't -A$ITED4Gi1 ';`).1.'j_$I1.11a;l -0: I . 63 .,\-III-SIP rygoods, bus!- _& M-urohlson, r General. No _ T'\,......-_..a.... _-_ I Ernest KoTntri~gh`t~'-has `been the guest ; of Barrie reilwtives. \ QCOQQCCQQQ QQQQQQQQ QQAAALA A !soc,lAL "ANDV ;PRSORlL' 7 Ito 9,: }1`Bam`rie.; fa: 't11i'6us'h Westrly Gan e 3 U.S;, by `Monday, . to resume her :.- ..:<;in p1 -. theory. - She - also prepared: ' to form `in 'fsigh=t-ingin,g. __ For infor` 109, Phone 424-.- :01; ad- ' 1 dress P.,} ex 405, Barrie. ` 36-36 V -A rrnan from `near Gookstown ap- `peared in" the .`Police Court on. . Tu-esday morzijng charged with be-. ` ing drunk and int-}'ap'afble `on G.T.-R; - property. V];-.In _.nin'g him `$2 and costs _t or 20` dys inf Ajail'~Magitrate < Radenhu-rst warned the bibulous of" adjacent dry' territory that he in- ten-d`ed~ i11'l`]X)Sil1g`a `severe sentences ` on those who come to Barrie to load _uv.. Constable. Rayner ar- rested the man.` V i ` hoooooooooooooooc09099060 I-onmu um nnnnnun - 'if6fIsE 9 During the- past few days a| - charge of about 2 per cent. has been` ' made in some quarters for cashing I American money and it would ap- , pear that the banks are quite justi- s fied in exacting this. charge. Undefi- 'on`dlina`ry circumstances money of , this kind is taken "at par and sent _ by the banks to, say New` York , City,` where Y it is either placed to their credit. in an American Bank ,' or rem-ittedi for in gold. The banks ' are out a small - amount` for ex- ` pressage, but -as a rule ' suffer this- loss themselves. '.I`hen,, why should a charge of of 2 cents on each $100 of ,A'Inerican money be made now? The reason advanced is the im- possibility of obtaining gold in New York - in -exchange for `this money. True,_ the banks could send itlthere and have it placed to their . credit in a New_York bank, but it would have to remain there idle un- til jsuch time as the "New York banks are in a position to remit gold, or until the blank here could .7 sell adraft .against it. -Banks pay- inginterestc o-n their deposits must. in turn, keep their `money. work- ing, and it can readily be under-_ * stood" that to have their funds ac- cumlatingf in New York and l,vin_sr l idle,-'mu'st. mean as distincitvploss of 1 revenue. `even though the money is 1 wllsolutetly safe. `. For.` this , reason" .5 V The only decided increase` is in! "bottled 9.-1es,.lag`e,r and port-er, the! `pint bottles being _.-raised from 10' -to 15 cents, or two -for 25 cents..] The liquor stores have` arranged: a new price list, with a slight gen-i eral . increase in all; their `goods. The impp/rtred` goods," naturally, have -he-e`n' increased in price more than `domestic liquors, on ac_eount' of the heavier. .increase" in duties and heavy war insurance. Atozethem the cost of drinking, aswell as of eating, is going up. WHY sow: BANKS % - `DISC1()`UN'1` -U.S. MONEY V. i)1:z:uqg'Tli'_i:"`;v;vh`iskey _is 10 cents" straight. _ A K ' ~- :-- - % 1 `Case .Whiskey Jemains at 15 cents per glass, ` but the price is now 15 cents straight, and not twp `for a quarter. - ` - BOYS WtAN-'.[`EaD---* work -on! 7_.Saburdays._. Appl own s Farm. opaposite C`u11 School. 36:. WtA`N\TED--~Soun'd.- heavv and.-' .=a driving horspe; second- - hand .bug`g5"." ` N siciered. _ 'pp1y*P,.9. Box 26, Bax`-I 1'10. _[ ,_ \ `V 36-38' ,.W AN TED ` -"-4: Good ` T iniIl'~_g"R,00.1T! ' G/i1'1 at q11c.e`_ " "1y Mrs. Cul-J ham` V `.3; . ;__l_` "J 36; _ . ..-v ..`_v..- -avv . Q`-I TMJIIIRUI `V ARefreshmexi1;s*. over `tli liar h aw:> not been. increasyed much on account of `the `increase {in the` duties, the puioprietoms deciding to bear their share of the war tax ` along with their patrons. The Clarkson, Wllington, Sim- coe andi Vepm have raised to $1.50 -per day. '1`-he_ meals at these hous _ yary_from .309 to 40 cents. f , ww Il\( vyaouv, Wlou LIIUOIB {I'D Ui) CUIIES. The Barrie Ho ravbe gobs frb_m Yq-wv gents. ; gja.` rsultfof recent increases in the Of `foodstuffs `and a` genezihl` `in `the e nse _o;E opera- tioi1`;`l't.h`e Barrie Igfel 'Kee'pez-s As- -.sociat.i6n -j'1aast_ `rweek " dAec'ided- on a general inorealse in` rates. ` ` `The Queen s_ Hotel, which has lgeen Ta $2.00--per day house, -goes m) to $2.50", with meals at 65 cgnts. rm... -n......:- 'El'--I ___- _. .HO1`EL Rm`-Es H:A.VE y .` %, ABEEN ADVANCED I %*"$&*;?:rumton took A.po;ssssio'n*' of `the; p1:0pG .rty'.la8t< Friday. { ; V * Wa.d;?% ad .% ier who: .{old.`7 ` it Mt." _;Cruu'n'pt'o n.' About the same. -tim_e Mr . .Woo'cls - sold the p toperty to` `another purchaser. be?! ;-Lfqre Vnorbj;yij11g" Mr.> Ward . Messrs. :Oerwicke,A_:andA agitodi for ` p1 ain- ti_"x Donald Ross,-for de- fex`1<}antt._ A ` T. ' -. l H0 ME szi THE 4 NORT H ans: VA'DVANC..E"_ upn Sundz 1y.>-`-4C-hri-stian Register. Pm afraid, said Mrs, Twickem-1 bury, that the young people of. the present day, are too much ...inclined to indulge in sectarian amusements NI`-VUDIIIJ U I Kit'ty--+Be"caus2e my ance is in- terested in \8, p`1=ant of '-some kind and` I want to be asb1e .to con'\re_rse~ intelligently with him _a bout his busingss.` T - .- ..-...... .n...-V1\J\J'.l-JLV`I. o VAl1ce---Why are you taking botap_y?- . M `Wif;-:3?V'e11.l,' Vt1V1{1,' Ii 31;: `buy `what I want and have the, I--bills sent to ymi. % . ' U__I_ v___ 1,; 1: .1 `- " FORTUNE HUNT-ELR `T`So Jack s married?` Did _'he marry for beauty? T . ' `_`No, lgooty. \ ' !""ii7`Fe1Lcenain1y A _not! C'ombin_a- tions in restraint of trade are_ 11`- llegal. % -% COCO fvvlav uu Jxlu. . `- | _ HuPo-Y-es; but` o}1g1.1tn_ t' we to agree_t,;6__0 gsorpe 11-m1t_ as to the. amoun . An _ n c yo-uav L \JDlC"II\-7 VV UL _--Open for t1;e easdn. Little Lake Summer Resgrt. Boats` for F 1 V.._. .____.y V... ..aa.oua I Sometimes; a poor `excuse is bet - jter than a dozen goo& onus. y W. - they would seem to be justified in exacting a charge on al1_'Ame_1-ican money cashed, although some of the `local banks, for the present at least, " are ` continuing to take these notes at par, as formerly. T ALSO _C(_)NVEII}LENT s%WEET INNOOEN15 vvvs Nemo atrid A La Gface Corsets We've an. xceptional a.S.5a EtTl.el`ltv of Ladi Ramco3ts'th'at_ are stylish,7f2eful and'reliable. 7 Cloths are guaranteed and _inlude_;thef pOpuI_ar shephard s check now so scarceff Prices .... ..$6.5o. 7. 5o,8.oo, 9.09," 9..5o;to 12.00 Many of the `F511 Coats are Satin Lined, .ma'de of Tweeds and Plaids, very attractive styles and colorings; . "PricesVrange from - $950 to $28.00 ; a featute of which is that no two styles are alike. . See the New Cpats. THE LAUGH LINE The New ar E/leganf % ; suspected; Vshortagk , J g L"1pervisiSo Qf Miss Payne. Owin ad-'IQ`)pOV d`Shapes we advise ear 3 t0 the ein Iy Ch-005` plgced on display tagB1erseCelgd whxch case advanced pr ` d :ingr:yox:r mt %[AT5n% held, L ge shipments b and'%*tl1esiitrfrnmed. ,A he-135 M" , are p_rice'*-W_iil irevaiI;withj~:eScw:eption T_d_f: cqifsg, of all rgpeat ogdefs, 1 hopeai`Iy`aiid save. ' _ . , A . ices Wm ` alble resume work. -v yo V T-hos. Andrews, the V-pppulor BB}: `bass player of the `Oi-tizens ,. Band, was` struck by a heavy timber while at work on the new -Simcoe Hotel stalbles. His bak was in- jured, but fortunately not serious- ly. and in a few days he will be I %!`ainn*% P'n? .w1u_ BE SHOWN IN mm Geo. Vick] up MANY a man in Canada, willing to go a-warring across the seas, is un- J willingato fight atythome---againgt [the ghfadoxyy foes of times or of bus- depression. v ----u. u. .w uuuuwg aeweler, has removed to di ` opposite Queen s .Hota1 a-triage. ,license.s issued. ` . 20+tf `II 1111- A `I -V

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