oi2i3n:. before nally it -I worked - aged 7 -mon Thornrton on Au stt 26th ` `MYERS- -In ' Ba ie,~ on August 29th, 1914, Jos h Norome, i in- ' fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Norome `Myers, Cqllir St. _ ` _ N'EILLY--At Gilford, on. August 22nd, 1914, -u-Margaret Kahtleen; . A dearly ibetloved .. daughter `of Mr. -z_mdr*Mrs. Wm. Neilly; aged 11' A yearsi3and_ 1 month. "/ - .PINGLE:-:?In :T_6r'onto, ou August A .26th,*_;1-914', %Margarevt ' S. Pinglle, qdaughtajer. df - the 41-ate_ Henry g 'F:a3er`\_uf Barrie, h`e`r_j71stVy_ar. .; HAMIL 1`ONA--At`. Bell Ewart, ` on Sunday, I August % _30th, 1914, Elizabeth, widow of the- -late ; Wi'l=liam Hamilton, of Allandale, in 'her 74th year. __ , LeQUYERE-In Barrie, on Fri- day, August .28`th, 1914, in:fan-t son of ;Mr. _and Mrs. Gord9n_ LeQuye1 1. I MoF.ADDEN-I_n `Barrie, on Aug; cum. 1111,; 1);.,... 1n.....-:.;. _. D'EV.LIN--tMaCORM-'ICK--At St. 'Mary s Church, Barrie, on Thurs- T day, August 27th; 1914, by.- the Rev. Dean Moyna, Katherine Mc- Cormick to Bernard Devlin, both; of Barrie. 7' .-I, yornet _ao1o--L.'Adiet_1 .... ..Schubert . e SOl0l8t-'-lVil". V.. Simmons "5. Suite;-.lntermezzo Portia and ' Doge s March, from The Mere chant of Venice ................. ..Rosse 6." 'Nlelo`die-Un Peu D Amour...Silesu 7. Selection of Popular Son s by. J.G.Strathdee...Arr. by L. . Addison '8. Waltz-Amoretten Tanze .... ..Gungl 9. Patriotic Selection --4 Sounds - from England ................... ..Langley ` l0. March--Territorial .....Blankenburg' God Save the King _ ` `Many former Barrie people listened with delight to` the excellent perform- ances of our band, and many were heard to. remark that they were pleased to see that Barrie is holding its own as one _of the foremost musical centres of Ontario, I000-AK--MvOORE--At the Methodist 5 Parsonage, ' Calgary, }on Thurs- day, August 20th, 1914,. the mar- -riag'e took place of Mr.` Normani E. Cook, of -C`a'1'gary, Alta., and} Miss F; Mwbel Moore. of `Barrie,; " The Rev. Mr. ` Fa.1Jis_performingl the ceremony. [ . _ 'I'\"`T?"`,W'1T `C-' t\a4\c` -3 ..--- BAI~LEY-In th R.V. Hospital, an .~ Saturday, August .29th, 1914; to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence I Bailey, T 1), mm. ED-UMOND-At Brentwood, on Aug. 21st, to Mr. and;- Mrs`. J. J. 'Du:mond, a, daughter. _M.Y'E'R'S--In Ba-rbrie, ` on Saturday, A August 29th, ~ 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Norome Myem, 'Co1lLier ; St., a son. - ' I 1-Ovvvw -u-q `-WFIIITE-:.Et. the RV. `Hospital, .-wv wv Barrie, on _-Monday, August, 31st, 1914, to. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. White, Burton Ave,` 9. ` `daughter. MARRIED ' `i'0U ml B5rri!t& vpopular _ musi< :al`: organ} 4 - izatvionfthe j1Citizens, Band, played _a`n . _en`gagem.ei1`t15it ._'l'oronto Exhibition, gui- i mg-:_confcerts':.fboth ._m.prning. and after--. -noon.` Unstinted praise was accorded their ren_dition- {Of the" va_`ri'ed numbers given, and the! advertising the town` reg- gceives through our excellent band is a; lone worth more than what the town gives,.in annual gra.n_t.to the funds of the band. The; band, 30? strong, u n,de_`r B_andma_st_er Addison, left on the 7.45] train~yes'terday.and returriedon the Buff- ' alo'train this morning, making a stren- uous day s `work for the men. The bm_d s natty uniform, with the word `:8: rrle on the cai, was commented up on as one of the neatest seen on the Ex- hibition grounds. The programmes reh- dered by the band were as follows : _v`.A_fternoon Programme - Rule Britannia ` 1. March`--Gladiator s Farewell I`I1-,_I ,1 HG U `, Wife-A?-W'hich what? ` X. or ~Stout? 9' f~i`;a~ T ?-" T%3_'?.:.f5`,'=-- V\` ".1 ' * w` _ ._. - 7.. . -h . '15..` um; ' `A ~. _ LV ... w .v_.. .~'.: 3': >,:`{ -:1 4lr.' ,`_ H ` _~ _ % A` M ` If E xhibition a.\.~.a.'4sa.I.A.r.I.:4;\%1_Ll. JJKIA1 IO! U. [LUBE 25lth,;_1914, Ross Ernst, son of _Mr. 'and' Mrs. , J. MIaFa_dden,_ Interment at "`L____.L___ ,_- A 1 -r\n;1 vvn IlCL,_\)'UlU nu|arney...._.': .... ..ba1fe l Soloist Mr. V. Simmons . . _ Selection from.Attila ..... ..-..Verdi| March-Wellingtod ........ ..Zeihle Habanera-Chaxjme D Es gne A ......... ......... ., ....... .. ezzacappn Waltz-Casino Tanze ..... ..Gu_ngl Srenade-_Birthday ....... .. Link: March_--Alte Kammeraden .... ..Teike . God Save thc King ` `Evening 1 _ ' 0 Canada . . - Marqh-The Three D. G. S....Bro`phv Overture-Mysora ......... ..Wett'ge Baby. s/Sweetheart Serenade...Corri C_ornet Solo-L Adieu .. Schubert _Qnln:.;.Ax)!- v c:_.... -_ - I.CI',I U_IIO' C U I I I I I IIIUCOIOIOIO Overture-s-Bronze Horse.. .... ..Auber .vInt'ermezzo--Secrets ..`..;..AncIiffe I Comet,SOlo-Kil1arney.....~.-......Balfe Qnlninf Mr \I Q:..........-.- "" V". --UVI-I-Iluvl U A SIILVVCII Blaskenburg Vel'tu!`-s`-`Br('1n'/,9 Hnn A ..k.'.... DIED BORN % i7'i;` eemj 'iK~EE.PiI.NGJ Gamma ;Ar;:v-E4 '1 ,.;Jimmy. 7yer' imised` i.1x~;J`-1t'T de game thisya:fterxioon':3'% L j .The~.;Ioa%".`-vb1;1d;;?1;i;;1t ca .. .. `;`ga_. onj ~ -* ' , Maud--.-Kixttyv married a man ;a good` deal dldei than sh;-, so. I hear. Marie.--01der`!, Why,.. ,he s twice hiar: rgal `age and thre.e times_1` .t'he V_ What; do y;>u consider. the 'ni " 1mportant qu'al-irc-ation for pi beg1n- -ner in V` literatt_1~reL?_ = [ll , II Britishers the world over were cheered `by the news" which reach- ed them. on Saturday last of vhe `splendid victory of the North Sea. eet which engaged Germans in the Bight` of VI-Idiligoland * and sent ve of - their ships to the bot- L 4-'r\vv| W_J2".'I`}1eir__ `trivumph was The German light cruiser Mguinz Britain s Fleetsinks I German Cruisers] Absence of Half-yearly Declaration! ' Causes Speculation ; i _s-London, Aug. 26.--A considerable amount of speculation has been aroused here over the absence of the: usual, half-yearly `declaration A of ; idividends on Grand Trunk. prefer-| },ence .s-hares, having `regard to the ' fact that the second a week `in! ;_August` is the usual time for such announcements to he made. There; is, however,` no `need for alarm, as; the principal reason for` this/ new, departure is that the company- some time _ago adopted a policy of pub- lishing its accounts annua~_l`lyA in- stead of twice yearly, and that con?` sequently there is no urgency in` ar-; ~riv-ing at the decision, especiaIly`in" view of the abnormal` conditions now prevailing. It is stated that the dividend` question will be the` Irst item to come up at the com- lpany s meeting, _ which has been convene-di `for September '4th.1 . 5",; How 01:! -a IIINC Q` `.40 II .' Sixo, `u A. I 'k)l'\o 'And.-.w hen were iybu ` six? ` ,.;My ':1ast %'bif1fthdat;.: A. 451.1/Ltlubtl-\I 3 v`A;ama1Il~ appetite! . FIRST QgmLI1s7LoA:rIoN `TY! 1 :G1YiNGADE4Its Velvets anld Wool `Much: in Favor G. 1`.%R.- 1 )IVFID-END 5 5 pices Engligfh. white sh r on sale. this`w eek at t'2:}c or 9"` `ydsfor $1.00 ' English S`lia`kLer `Fla"ne'l \' --- "HQ 23;: \ . "Miss .M`G .Uga.n`wh,o _h.a.s. `b en so -Successful in tube management of `this; Departrhent"wil_l be ably assisted by Miss Downs of Peterboro vyhocores to us very` hi ly_ recommended. T h_e1;hevg rang;e';qf rnate'ri.f:a;lAs..;\n?'ith VL-aces and tripe Velvets for trimming ar_ very: a:I_:tract.iv.e" and _fal l `orders. for th Dressma_king% Department which wa`s reopened thi weekare being _ aced prec'y. ' With Miss Gamble and her V ,_.`cient`stVa ofassistantsat your command ~ \ ` o -E " o c you are assured of the hxghest satlsfactr n. The `Depaxjtfnent will, be formallybpened at once and we invite you`, to come "early for est `selection. -. /. I ' < . ' Tf1e_ miI`lirier}7 Department is being reopened this week with all the Palrisiatn novelties on han Vtroub_le{ oc_cur.red.\ . , `- THE 'N EWHAl`l`S ARE HERE W 1_4`.1\-.01; - ;7 y_ou;'f Bg'>pBy;2? v , agg 011 .. .,q---.-.,. vv V. v ynnngnnutgvun .cr11 i~s_ers were en- % _f'.`_):t;_`B2itiSh cruisers.and bat: :u_I'e& ..T'he xrst light cruiser V Ldestfoyei-s` were` Asiil `W wsnx Were.%LTdamage3- vs-vv _ \Ja.la\.A'sIl .l. 1.u:x: .l.ILl-I-Val-I I l .Ear1y_ `t..h_i .:i1'1orni_11g' Q, concertei 'V_t':'1J`e1-ljtiqn V pf` Tqxne`. cj _n_squ <,en'c-e was I attemptdd` against the _Gier`mans in Heligdiangl`fi Bight; A strong force .of"}deS,troy "'rs` `suppbrted, `by light c1-1 1'iers `},aid battle: cruisers and yqprking giii` ~fC0l1J.11n(3t1QI1 `with `sub- jinarines:.fi1i1iei:oepted dttaked destroyers: ~` and cruisers "ix'i" =h'pproa`c-hes to-* Gefman nnkdb ` ;uu .umcm-1_ awry. j F<")Eotwing"is`th-e text isstfed by Oici-air Bureautf The attacking force comprised a! battle cruiser squadron, light cruiser squadrons a_nd- destroyer and sub- marine gotiltlas. .Rear Admiral Beatty`is_ the youngest ag ofcer ..a,o1t.' * ~" ' [i To Sir David Beatty fell the op- {portunity and the honor which will 3? make him and his oicers the envied ;?of the whole eet, for to him fell v; the vcoilduct of the operations, un- 9' der.1:he giirection of Sir John J elli- coe, the commander-in-chief. -_.v ..'-. away`; up vs 1 ZI;1"ga' to not losing a single Shin, the `British - loss of life was 'not' heavy. _ _ | III` N7ot-'-<`)IiIAy`were two of their num-l "her sunk, but not a few others were 5 damaged by _the British re. ` .` ;_ -nu-. xu. vau. VV\lI.lA\.l.'.`-1.lClvVC yxuuucu 10, .ito -begm 111 the dark and reach Its _.dec1s-we -pomt `at dawn. I I run nu i ' What is to be especially noted is! the high efficiency of the British gunnery. Not . a German cruiser _escaped, and the torvpedmboat de- stnoyer ed" wildly in search of she'Ite1f.t - f . f:;`was the victory, the British suered little, all} their ships Ibeing -aoat and in good or- der. - `A . ' ! Sir David Beatty is one of the `most brilliant of the navy s oicers. With.-him were .Rear-Admiral} A. "G. W. Moore, Rear-Admiral A. H.` Christian, Commodore R. J. B. ~K`f:yes,A Commodore Reginald C. iTyrwritt and . `Commodore William |E. Gpodenough. [eind another of the Koen class and- a third, whose name is unknown, ,were destroyed, as well as; two tor- peo'-Iboat destroyers. , .'``T'hef-ta_le,, is probably not com- plete. Ev`i-dently a. concerted `at- gtack was -planned, just as the sea- ,men of old would-. have planned `.it,i :+t\ J-`an .15-`- A...` ---- -1 -4- The Oicia-1_ Story `Spencial showing of boys; School "Suits and 50 prs. of, boys Navy Knickers on sale this week at 50c Boys School Suits the` battle cruiser squadron were the agship Lion, the New izealrand, the Queen Mary and the [Princess Royal, commanded by [Rear Admiral Beatty, while Rear. Admiral Moore, ' Rear Admiral Christian, -Commodore Goodenough and Commodore Tyrwritt had charge of other contingents. H Rear Admiral Sir David Bezgtty commanded the British forces and [with a strong array of torpedo boat gdestroyers, fbatle cruisers and ~1ight `cruisers and sutbmarines attacked the Germans in Heligolaridv Bight early Saturday .- morning. - Thev speedy `protected cruiser Mainz was. one of the four of her class. Her complement `was 380 oicers and men. In_ her armament she carried 12 four-inch guns. -r` `1 o 1 two 0. `*1 ` Th:s_ change has _. necessary owing to 1 --.`a. -1` l_-.1. -The importance of this daring raidi is the fact that the -British eet passed nbehind Germany s heavily` armed out-post on He1igo- land Island and engaged the Ger- man mosquito eet guarding the mouth of the E1>be. and the entrance Ito the Kidl Canal; L Chil e %-.25c Adults\- '35c L45 Auuaua - however, . I The otilla cruise_r Ainethyst and `destroyer Laertes are damaged. The British loss` of life is "re- ported as not` heavy. [Coming N in August 24th ietl\e~pri.:'_eV f Meals will be A : `ax llows:--I The' b-atle _cruise1; squad`ron, al- though attacked by sutbmarines and oating mines, Successfully evaded these and is undamaged. A (K'fI"1 - 1' `I - ` The {lghfcruiser squadron suf- fered no casualties. T lcrulsers engaged were thus d1sposed of. - ` ' ClaN(son Hotel (ovim o vans) eh. found uy'owipg t increased cost-of food ffs. " I . 'v 1' * Q `. _. % (wk of the S" d 5 Dam rhii.-. 29th da fof . . f A1lg.".. 191-1. ,` " s H1111` at 1\ nicipal I _ . Lu.-anus "sf "" 1`{ \'i.~`-1] ;\.~`.~'ess111 t R0 1'- of - e Mn11i<'i;m]ity to eflntled in the aid mun 'iP`3'11tY fur 11n~rnl<*1-.~`. of heALeg1s1at1V-As" and that H10 `said 1' t W.a3'~r (*1 up at my Of at I 11:9 ml. lay of ugt,1st`,%19,;1,j4,"`["`.;. M r0nmin,.~ there `for i1SP30t19n?*?a9- l1e1' -21,1} upon` V in1nw proceed ` e-r1-`~1-s 111' mlissim -... . - oordi 1 1 _ \! *` l\"()'l`I(`IC i hereby givllath- a_t IL have t1':1u.~1uit d or d-e'l?i.vered. to the` -P61`-`H11~ mt-nti ed in 4Sectiqns8'andJ. 9m` the 011m '0` Voters L:iStS'f-15%. the mpius reqgmred by said sec,-t1onS. tlo `m> Sn trans 'tted or,de1i,v6r,ed"; of? fin _..1, ` - 4 " "" y\J I , the ' I" I|`, 1'~9\'1.~'(- ;\,v M.., - v 1. Mumc ALITY or 'r'uIi: rownsm - or % INNISI-`II. v] ~;. uuum u.t:u UI',l.ll$11YUl'Ul.1|I_Ul_.A' .t.)`e us! made rsuant of 3111 yu-1'.~`m1s p-earinglby the 1'91`).-ml ....-- ; 'D-:m -1 1.1.... -;.:.j. Rent of Halls .............. .......$90-4_$ Printing, etc T ............ ...V.-....;.93-I5 Telephone d Telegraph,-... 10.50 -Auto and ivery ............ ..'.25!.6O Personal Postage xpensgs .......... 40.75 . . . . . . . .57, Election V n- ' ,. A ses of . E. Joryf CENTRE SIMCOE! Dated the 2!; ber. 1914. .1914, at the T the day of S}1Ch meeting. Duu AG * '"" Boot Maker, made an ment under R. . 19:14., ' 011392;. of all his esta credivts, angli to Oliver H. L 11 of [the sa1d..T0wn of Barrie for `e genve-raili V the `Creditols Oice `of 'O|livel.`- own of Barrie ajfor? th day of Sep't emfb'er,-= our of two o c1o:ck;i1n- the afternoon to receive a.` state- ment of a s, to appoint` Inepgq-_i tors and for giving di.rect`ionsg.wit]1 nefI`I1C9 t thedisposa-1 the estate. Cre `tors are request'ed."t9 file their 01 ms with the Aesignebi with proofs nd par1;icu1a.rs thqyedf, required by aid Act, on or before A meeting L be he].1 at '6 Lyon at the said 011 the AND N t1ce `is ifu-r,t,her' given e 30th day of SeptEm`-- e assignee wilil proceed -to distri-but the assets of the`.d?elbIt4o1`, parties entitled ,th`ere-`1 T regard only _to-; ,'the_ hi_ch notice i shall .t'h`eIi3 iven and that he` -_$vil'If_ . for the "assets-or any; part thereo so distriibilted, to'_a,ny nerson or irsons ` of whose_;*cl`aim' 'he .=ha }] no then have had novticeg; NOTICE is eby .giv_en_' Jonathan Churc 1 of the ;TOWg1_{(`)j'{ Tgarrje in the nty of Ma} an" anas?ignf..:i 0 -In-1,4 Tn1........ ah i` IN THE MAT: ~R.o Churc'hi1'1 of th Town" .1. nmmm 4? Szimmus`-4" ara of ht E` fter o VOTE! in the County f S` _ Maker, Insolve , u'no9e UnUI'Cu1u U`.L 0;] _l_ v vvg; _` a._ ``'u` - nu. .,~`- . I. couul s1;m co &"s Ofce, Barri `1st, suxyivmav t with N YOFSI it due .ti _L_.4,' 1914. X ;v;.;.:.;. \la ;J'\JJ..|J.1g_ r His VSo1icitors`. ` (1 day of, ' ' cmnm '.'"L`6'Ni""Tw" - ~ Ba-rtie fRATHY & ES"1`EN';j 'EI'2.. G ..`l!-!1.-....` pr or swoop % W. R. KING,` ' ` Financigl A`gen`t 5' LIST, 19144 L66UIr\-l\.I I055 $9155!- 1914,`Chap2 134,} credits and eect_s' ; of `the said Town` e genera-1 benet of` U vuw Enythin L .. Lnrvt $487.13 `36-37 3_6-37 . ICICIHIIWJ IJOQC WV \JL JLIIJL \4IUUJ at DH-`z;l`1ll`,`says that owing "1235 (1 8`uar_- in the _sc:hed=u13- agreement `he~ companies :.c'rai1no+t- very well- take the ' dvesired sitep without modsify--' 'ing the ag1'eemer1;_tg` by an arrange-` meht with` thy general committees. _He hopes that` ' those general. com-' Imitteeg wi'1l'fbe~ca1_1e`d* togvsther; at ong," W " T T ~ A 1 "n1. 7 11;-1.,;,';" r4--.'~- ', BI IJVV. I C4VIIIl\Jl VIIIIIU `III '1`;`;-:.f;1:1?shou]d be -rque9tedt<;cEl5;;; Fo one day per week in order that` % spare men make three. or four, days. ';'If._ "[1...-.1`A.~....`...-u'J.1.I. .L ......3.,... A.x- - .....--.. Toronto Tel eg'-ram---Emp-loye-s in train and yard service have request- " ed Mr Harvey Hall, representing the Order of Railway Conductors |JJJ\l Una. to ask the Minister`of._Lahor to urge, [the railway, comp-anies not to" dis- `charge their men owing-_.torlack of business,-,bu4t.. rather that the regu- 1.-..." ......-.-- .-.L....'I,J"` L- .L'.....-a....u..._`l 4.- 1....` After winning the _,Nopthpm Bowling `League cup for the past `two yeam, Allandale `bowlers lost to New-market on Wednesday I at Barrie. T-he Aliandale tea-m de- feated Barrie on Wednesday after- noon and Newmarket lost to Ori1- lia, thus makming Newmarket and ` A]l7a-n daI1e_ all tie with ve wins each. .The- tie was played `oif at Barrie; commencing -wbout` p.m_. on Wed-_ nfsday, N_ewma.rket Winni1_1g by 3 s ots-. ' - " ` 2 III I '9` u Employes of the T. &' N.-O. at North Bay are being asked to each` cotntri-`bute a ' d-ay _s may to the Patriotic Fund being raised there. `A similar schemethas been `launched 3' employees of the .C.P.B.' tand ."'i`.'R`. iat North Bay. ` _ . . The Grand Trunk 3 auditors. in their reports centinuet to show a decrease in the earnings. The de.- crease for the week ending August 21st was $47,940. The gures com- pared with last year areas f_ovl1ovws:' 1914, $1,096,476; 1913, $1,1 ,4-16; A mnunmln 1-]naunnL..L -.._- L]. _.L P ,l ...u4;., my-.;,vvv,'xuU, .1010, P1,.l.`I`!,$J.Uo .A Toronto despatch says that af- ter the Exhilbiwion twenty pa.=seu.-V ger trains will be_ taken off, 1hrcw'-_ img 100' Toronto trainmeri out of anblgymerit. A number of these trains, however, will be summer trains which are always taken off at` -this time of year. .A AA... , -`v u V `The loci b ranch of the Bank: of 'To.ron.to n'dtied- all its customers on Monday that they -would charge I2} cents `exchange; on `every d d1lar [of American money. V ` """"`." VNU It ran hort dis- \ n.n....__ | ` On `Sunday morning ve cars of grain `became derailed art Brad&'ord' lowing to as broken rail . `It took the auxiliary -a1-1day- Sunday to `dlear the "line. The train was in "-c_h'arge of, Conductor Walker. . dome-J` nauuav U1]. .l..'l1l1l.I. IUD: -;`.1_*i:?1 o1ice'1I1_an\ Sweeney is away for two ` weeks holidays and Po'1~icennan- Larmbie is rel-ieving till he` comes ham]: " ' ' Mrs." "H. Chute `returned to Ham- iltoii on Friday, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Dobson, I W-iliang. - `Owen-s was in Stayner_ To1'1.Tuesday of last week attending [the funeral of Mr.1VEdYga1:d `B1 nA_. vvu, u J.cuu l_.in Toronto. lw:f_:i'i`1I'abeI Ridden `of mm. ham is visiting .-her `brother, -_Mr. Harry Riddell. . ` '1i;_.V"`"B;-1";-iB~21'yliss of tlule '1x`o'ro-11:: to Stlazv is peuding `-his holidays ait, Ija.i_. home "'on T-iin St. ~ I, " Mis.` `Wm. `Early 1~aturx;ed last week, afater a rolonrged visit in- Torpntg, V ` . .L.Lu.|'L',y ,.l\;1uU!711. _._ini A`11is;ton. Mrs. Fra_nk Hill returned aftbr a week s" visit ivirth 'relBJtiTves' ..u_.-.u..--.-.:.au.vva1'u' uuuwu. 1611) 011 .MOI1' F.4`da'y int `-9. trip through Western` 'i-.Ont9.-H9. L ` , and Mrs. Frank Gracejr i of }`Orillia are visiting their parents in VVthi_s_';Wmfd; ' - I R2,`. and ` i.'?;&rstrong of Toronto is visiting he;r son, Wm. Armstrong. Mr.` and" Mrs. .R.-P. McBride re- turned TO11 Montlay from M<>_mtre2ql;' I 'll'_. 'r.1_._=" I H - left oiilg Site- urday to"aooepm a position .in De- troilt. 2 . . j , Mxfs. `H `.1MI.1t~j'and d}1d1dmnV have.'re- ;_ turned -.i'LbI.r; Va mo-nth sv visirt in _TO_- nvon" phi. } usvl-fun 1 %:"""!99vonm6o9< x ACROSS nus aaAAAAAA4Ag;A;4A- ~Rob't: %[ gr - Vx_%nto _ last wegk. ._ Mr. `J ack3 IEI::i_rris_ hasA refugmd 1 from Ohapjleau. _ ` 7...," -- -g--v-war-vv-cute: ' ' _. ' 7. *Miss Eisie. Cocwie has returned: from: 9. `v1s_1t 111 Toronto. . `if , '1' ~ A . J ` goouioo9oia5';L ' I X`LJ1 j-n2 - __ . v --:.-~7u-w "W1n.;7 k`SIt 'Orey' .j_has A retur1{`e3* ` 1_j_om'C0chrgu_;e.g" V * -. 1..- - V: v Skinner spnt Sunda.y*in- .B=racdbriiige. }- - ~ "lr':__ 131-,- }Ie(i "{$ No, 10 , and -it `ts steer-. ayed . the L... -- - fsaavowa u.L L111: VJJUWGLU 1.1: 11" a reatlve who died sud`d'eI_11y xwrun I-A vard Dalton left V03, Mon-_ J....... L1... - , HI. Whit on earth are .y01; `fdo_ i`ng' Vwith; your shoe on the. desk 3" _. . ' A '.1_`H_E 1T615ERN fHE*EL 7 7;-`_`?I; n1` :j_'oi1ly out 8. : v.ve~ :J1o3 V' 1 .i'afserg-+Meggpdor- _`she-four4;%ViV%frien&.L 3:3 21` bit of % an `-`- ' -L. r...;..-n...u" shif APEX, _ -..1:._9..1. _ cook `LQna..s4,fouq j A j ` , . tgugpygu Aid 1 1 _ mm which- is ' [Alnj . fnince `of get-up-anvdf-gt is. thgn a, pound` `of tI_hat1;ired] feling. ' \ 3. LhZ;`."5 $11? bill`