~No. _ b -No.` No.- No. `No. No. No. No. %No. -vr- No. No. No. No. No. Tm i No; No. & \ IOTORfOUS AM FIREMIEN 2 ` 5 V -.G=Et'1` _R30US`INYG No. No. No. .N'_ ;j_60'-Penetk1ng to B-arzie. arrive 7.47 am. 3.1-Barrie to Pent-ang, leave 4'-_ a.m. 16,2}-Penetang to Barrie, arrive 5.35 p.m. 6.3- -\Barrie to Penetang. leave j 7.50 p.m. A57-Penetang to Barrie. Arrive ._ 9.20 p.m. . "" " 0- V`-.~_41---eTorontovto Muskoka . . . 10.50 a,m_ Nort1;.i3'ay. to To- '.',5..9. -#TOl`0Dt0. to Xorth E584-Madawaska. Algon- L . . . . . . . . . 12.30 pm. .Bay . . . . . . . . .. 12.30 p,m_ Tquin Pk. and Hunts- ville to Toronto .. 2.05 p,m_ `j;57-:--Toronto to Hunts- ; j. Ville, ` Algonquin Pk, .. and Madaxvaska .. - _ronto M 2.20 pm -43---Toronto to North` _`Bay . . . . . . . p,m_ _44---North Bay to To- . . . . . . . . .. 5.15 pm, 45-Toronto to Mid- Vyland .. 8 48--N0rth Bay to To-. ronto .... .. 9.33 pm. .35 pm. .47-`-To1-onto to North Bay . . . . . . . . .. 11.00 pm, . "Hamilton and Meaf-;rd 60--Meaford to Ilamilton, ar- lrive 7.47 a.n1.; leave 7.50 am. "T61.--HamiIton L-:7 '.\eaf.w] ar- ___-__ -on -o -v ["624--M-eaford to Hamilton, ar- ' 5.35 p.m.; leave 5.36 pm. 63--Hami1ton to lleaford, ar- - A rive 7.45 p.m.; leave 7.50 pm. Biirrie to 319..-aford 59--Meaford to Barrie. arrive . 512.30 p.m. "395-'-Barrie to Me-aford, leave 1:55 p.m. _'61-*Barrie to 3Ii Short "Line, arrive 10:20 am. `i_57-Midland to Barrie. Short 7 ._ Line, arrive 9.20 pm. ' . see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or lunruv. D.P.A., c.r.n., ronto - . `Nurse Ru-by Creighton of _S'chdm% berg` has` vulunteenedt for Red Cross` service with the `Canadian over seas 'exped~_itxionary force. % . % %42r_Mma,;a 0 )1-_--namuton .\1C`{1f)r.j,3_1-. rive 10.15 a.m.; leave 10.20 nun ;-Barrie and Penetang MAIN LINE .P.R. to To- . . 5.10 Toron- `APPLE CROP WILI; .313, I Tr 8111 ` Reports from` t:he\West_ ea. `that some former Nottatwasagat -arxi1'ers. -have been [hard `hit -.on, account ' of the. dry, hot weather dry-ingj up, 9 their crops \SO that they are not worth cutting. , * ' % Beeton. Wbr1d-*-Uh-arle Wm. eld, oomrnittecl T-by Reeve 'Staoi"d %of T-iny, and -Clifford -Magee, com- mitted by Mayor Cowan of` Barrie week. 4 ` arrived at the`Hous'e of last` ` A-R-ev.` Father Wedlock was pres-_ ented -with a handsome` c'ha -i_r and an address by his ,Scho1berg`_par- ishioners. - - A ` ~1Tho-s. Knowles of Duntroon had seven 1-itbs -broken, one lung pierced by ' a broken rib and was .1 Tothenwtise. seriously ~injured~~ wlhen hwas struck by Geo. Ju=1Lian s motor`. car`w}1iile` crossing the road. 7 T ` ' V ' .Mr. W. A. Boys, \K.'C`:,;M.P., `has given a. trop7hy.- for Scotch doulbies competitions among \ the * members of the Beeton Bowling Club. ms WEEK IN REVIEW] New: Notes *0! ` Intgrent 1 Busy Raadarg.` T ` 7 T-he hydro line is beixis mend- d from Stayner to Orea1r_xore7.f ' I ~ upwards. Careful a't`tentio_=is` ,.t,_Vb. e vW - . `drdwals to be tgade by my on`of`fhtn 6: Interest ' the: rate; ;oh~.a11%}`%idpsit or; ind ' Thcblztztg; Smallmcovmts re wlcomed. Accounts ma_.y'rb}`a`ffiqp en'c$dL `operate"by7`r n,ii; -_._ Accounts may be opetid _i.n t_h-tian1's4`6f .o"or mbre V the stifvivora `" GAPITAL s15,nuu,onoi jut: SAYING3 B % BARR It-tam: 'n;".i. n.a.;.g. uv u.v\-va-=I_uI;y;. I nmm I Miss_ Winnirfred ,Hamme11. ` daugh-. `ter. of M1'._and'. Mrs. W. H} Ham-' me11,_ Ch1;rch.St`.~, `. nra-y,L"?go to, lthe_ b'att1e'e1ds 7- Of Eu-i*op eji 'a5 _n1_11's(a';_ - f says The VBee!;on` World. T Tl;r`e./are `ve hospital}-:n urses; off--~ta`hei perxnan-3' ' eut. ,army medical V G01-ups fin Ib1`bI1_toQ ~an_d Mi&s`?Hnmime1;_l `tie ; faf _ They havieial` ,tv{51,1'1`11te_e`rieil,}V"11:,t >. go: _'~i:E ' their .serv`iv,sJ.+!tr% % A is no. cettaiyitar Mxs:j.t1x be` new 5r %"to `@i."~`>*` 1`'#`l* 7``i . .a........' ":~`m;.u.'..v.;.::.:-* | F.` `J. CHENEY &'00.`To1edo,.O . Sold by Druggists; v " ..'Take TH-a'l`1 _s " Fwmily. 5gPi11.s _fOr; i_co_nstipation;g.. A ` - 6' DEAFNESS GANNUJ.` BE by low] app1ications,. they can; I1u\J- nnnnlx `Jun ' :J:axn1-1.1-At] ~ can-L:A... `- A.` ya ovvvvo ug1.q.ucvv-va.vu.v,. no` vuvg V-an; not reach the di .'d* portioxroi `the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness`; and that dsfby con-" stitutiorfa1_ remedies; Deafness. is V cause by an `inamed _ condition of the mucous lining`. of the -Eustachian_ Tube. Whena this tt1!be"i`E5inamed you have a rumbllin-g`soun:dt; or"im perfect hearing, -and when" it is ;en- gtinely closed, Deafness is the re: -salt, and unless. ` the inamnga-tion` `can be taken out and this" tube re.-. stored ,__to its xiomnml` co_ndui_1:ion,_ `hearing `will. be destroyed forev-e_r;t n'inejcases' out of ten ' caused Iby Catarrh,` `w/high `is naming but `an inamed - condition` of the I mucous-1 surfaces." 1ars.f_or .any case of, Deeihess `(caused-gby ,0at,arr.h) that cannot bet.:cu1.'ed by; He:_11 s C'_&jifca`rrh Cure; . }>Sex`1:`c1"_`1:or.circular.s free. 3, " = .- -r~lM1"r1r'1-nv-1-uuv n-nip`-.3-u'1'u' Ai "We will giveFT0ne Inspector Beckett was at...Mea- fordi ,Friday prosecuting a charge sigatinst` the Reinhardt Brewing Co. of .'1`or.onto,` of j soliciting .or`de_rs hrougvh an agent in a local option mun_ici'pa1:ity.' -Mr. John Birnie of` Coliingwood; 'a.ppeared,'for` the do-. _f-endants, who were found `giii-lty and ordered topay a_ nef of `.$200.00 and.` osts. The case .arose_ `oud1:_o_of the recent `conviction of one GnlUbons,- w=1_m;~ wjson held to` Jaaye acted a_s- an agent for the--Tconipany in ` Meaford. BREWING OOMBANY FINED I -SOLI~.OI'.l`E].) IN ME`AFOiR_'D ._ -Waikrton eHere'lfd-';-_fWea Tare adj` _' that many of .the,;?w11d_1esalers are I tightenill` . mt the. retail merchants. Which" will `mean .th'a~t the merchants ~' in! turn _ jwillili, be. obliged to e_ give less e_1fed:it,to,t'heuir custom-e1_~g,~.`and in. short`~~.-tha__t an `al- most` entire gash bixsineess will have to he done by all hands concerned. People short on_,eo1later-al and uni: able to `get -`credit, `~wir1Jf; thaye. to` rack their brains anId1'_do_some tall scheming to weather the gale.` At t'h,e present time 'we~{are:_ to`ld.._th_e,re is nrgent' need for; heip on` many of T the .farms. in; this section; -and gents wh are out of work Fintovwn and see cert_a1n- prospect of get--. ting` back to ..-their` accustomed places `for a time, 3 might improve the` ying moments by `turning their attention to agriculture and help to` gather in the sheaves. A man of resonnce `can. a-lwaysi hit something as Bat said when he laowged over a policeman in - the_ ar . . ITsJ%%`A1mr1t;.Hm` G ~ _jwxALKER'1`oN' MAY G) As WA-R " " - I ' -. !-cvvvp ='`,_`-'T"!\"-' . . a 9gm:.t23a25 : 41;.-` '91%2-t % - - '7 - "`-'..`9.9" was I x` AA "puts. 1 I-Ifius claim. which he proved at home and m:'1Jng1and,,was that no protec- tionjto powder magazines 7 existed which -ms` "ring rays couid not pierce. A be_ttl'esh1p off the coast c o_nld-~- be .ea s'i'fy blown up. from the shore. 7 ; His 'ola,test. triumnh, reported from 2 Miian., ::%9.13`3id ff'cn `con- - .=~dlt1ou3".;r;'ang:ed`eby: Adnglral Forn_'ari. 4, gggegg-pqgggua. bag; Lwjas lled" _ with ~_ ggdbQiide1;.then;' oogered ` wlthj bre, . ` 1;; p3.reldl"n,i T and __,'the e en9I99de 1n A`!1?<">ib1eh:i!>== 9! as- - wronghttron a a_"'_4`:l:.`.:~,.` -' - -_ - ,- V--v-..-__.,. T .Vi!!V1 t1e ;AVl"!I1t-'1'ia.l%`l3`orz_`xa;ijiI` S,$nk~ tqixr of ! rheae ;nine,s j1n.. -t1;e.. R_ivei2 Axjnb, the ,1_nven"tbr`, ,t1ond;. ms. Vappgratusv ..`;en them:-.zown, or - V f -A Iet, `%m6vzn%49~ tub % ' "`."" ,*:3`}5`:`1 ?t`.`%.L."`.`?`. %' `3`?`!. ,5,-`;"L1ii['% A a VVAdih**41LFf!1&*1 n9*Wd in%va:u%bus n1arts{%ot%Vth`r1vrV h1iib`s~%whi A%!-ad L`=_ xfI;'T `.re1fTf'*.w11i1s91f,:j1`13;!?'{31 1tays[:earch- i.od;~f:tha? h_3,_ gspicgn omu, Giulio Elfvi, the` Flo?eh_t1ne inventor` who: a year or so ago startld the` I wo_r_ld__by `expe_r_xnent_a 1n.wihich,hVe ex-: ploded deep-sea" .ml`nes= by qlectrlc` ; ultra vio1_et,g rays whim} he called. . -ms, has pe"r.fect_ ed_ ms apparatus --andyaxibmlttegi its po_wers+to the [most ` siti-`e:;3:}`tzi1sAv Apfao{.i_ca1 .test_s_ that could b.9.`:~q9v%!s,9t_1-_ a a - V a E Sqrgkgn 1 `Bbihbsr 'Eplpdd Through 1 ` 2 Mountain _11en.MlIea blatant ` `_ Number; A of weunded: were put `to death` on the field of battle; and many prisoners were killed or abandoned to the tlox-lures, of hunger. . The Bul- garian and Greek armies are `char-ged with the use drexplosive. bullets, `_ I A There were cases In which ags or -truce were" xfed on [and in whldh at- ; tacks we're"mad_a. upon eld ambulah; gees `aiid `hospitals. _` T the forced, conversions of the Bul- `~geri.'an_s of Eastern "Macedonia; and that ot the . Greeks ,ln'the massacres of -Bulgarians` and `the incendsarism during the segondv war; ' ` " Violqted Whole code i .' _A chapteron war and international ' law opens with the sentence: "There `is no "clause in internetionnl law. rela- tive `to war on land and the treatment ;ot the wounded ?.thet_ has not" been vio_1a.ted_,: in j: grenterv or lesser by all __ the be1_li`gerents."" ` i _ 1 A ;"I{he_ Corgmissionv in various cases was obliged` to recognize the respon- sibility of the authorities,` asytor ex- ? a.mple,.that oi the Bulga-ians~ in the g ma3a_a'cre}ot Turks at Serres; that of the Trks in the at'roci.t:_1es.cornn'1itted i at the time oi the victorious return to Adrianople of the Ottoman forces 1nAThrace ;' that at the Servians in v'g_`p--'p-'__ vv WV`. -.`v 37 in an exzxmllriatioixeotitlietcausess or "these:` _atr`qcities Rue renort.{"nnas that" th_.ey w`e re,: fer` the most p,rt. rebrlsals _lon_=g l._val`n'_l__ heavy_ op_pre's'slon;, The Ascotes and hatxeds; arstBallta`.n' War reversed. the posi- tions of 'masters `ahd-s_ert`s,"and humer- ousjocal bands-'-tha1t.tol1owe'(l the vic- t"5I`10l18 _a.!'m1es e;venged;`personal and national injuries and wiped but old . All Participants at Fa_uit- " Q _ In,, the iMa`cedoiiian ivillages; follow- ing` the :various military successes, it was fond that the `Bulgarian in- habitants massacred or expelled` the l'Muss_ulmaxis, Mussulmans in turn came ;b&Oks1a.t8P\ to exterminate the Bul-' xarians: `Later on the armies of all the b_el_lig'i-ents became infected with the coi1tagio.n`- .ot_ violence. and the regulaitorces were guilty of violations `orvithe rule: or war. - aiescl ? i - ; was` 3!ii`l8t.s1;;~}`i:ifiiia'?.fli!5`istect at. in the *'3!Ra.5}7; 1'45 W67 3ri5.1`*' M/1` nthe : Endowment : lsl ' at ' Iebbndon-a - in me _ repo':t11:i ls fs ffted "that the `Bal- wan tielxiwg-l the age _whe__n~*con- stant_ nghung; Kvtzlth` F ;1ts.,. tnegltame m'ue,ltlee,-"was followed by abotnlnable oxcelsee which .clj7rillzed peoples have axcludledv from the province of war tor ncenturles --syste'xnatlc massacres, 111- treatinent of prisoners, pl1lage,"_and` I !ncen`diarlsm,' and V innninerable cases 0! lnjury to women and girls. . ,___..___ _A A?"'| q---4c-tn ,` V a x . AV {%`9f :.;'.' 3 7.} = ` ' . %.connmcp:on2a-4 negate ';Bl_gi_is _~ Equally I ; AH Lth}: B!I*u6rht6-W;9hd~d .Rx;.'hIgagy. Iaug htg3eg L I % New Liskeard went ivild_o'n" `thqa_'; j , argiivalihome of th8.Vi0t0ri0l1Bw"F)T9`f::1_A _ ` "men. who won the Ibimner`= ;a.t ;_12h6".IB`f L.` `-Lilxday Frireniens V toumdment ; _ We 'N0rtT1em""`Vo1u.ntb1:, F u`9!i191i *7 '.,.,j;As9oci&tion.%` .-`Mayor -:1`? , ` T. q?u`estaed- the whole tgo. ~, v`vtraizx voni%whioh % % ` ` :: .anc1n.a 5:in0I13?5f!1"fe:1ir0;5*fl;&1 K111!-it? ; '- i'?I3I;f01imd. % ` .B.'1d* `8Iidf A15h9V;*E{t1T'93_V:`WW,'3? e. .Spe;fe:_'<}11eg :wforei d_611ive}`~ed" V %d 1y ~wfimeT ;%`if011W'9d-v*A` ~ wonntnrut WIRELESS "Mr. crcpkettfi ch96in1aAi..t__9i',.,_T 6:-. L`; 'rhere. A 4 . use. t+ Eb#%bn;&'"V 9111 Al r f?n%9nt# *?!*9?*9 _._..v_ or vvun $9 cexffed as the girl's iiance on the supposition that he was heir to a colossal to:-tune. Telling her he was 3 in urgent need of at least $20,000 for i the purchase of a partnership in at Milan jewellers business,. he suggested that she should obtain from her father that sum as part" at her ` dowry, and` nally . persuaded her to , try and break, open the strong room 1 at the family, palace. Falling in that 0 attempt, the girl, at his instigation,` simulated a burglary, stole all her mother : jewellery, and handed it to that sweetheart. together-with her own. ` 0 330300 by Blackmail ` A I Before he decamped. with the gems , `he got the glrlto put her signature to -three blank bills of exchange, `which the family, subsequently "re- ~ deemed for $20,000, in the hope of hushing up the scandal. Hastenlng, to Milan with htexbootg he negotiated ` with a Jeweller named _ Camnasio tor a partnership in his businessand ' in I order to obtain $40;000, the agreed I price.ot the partnership, he sentsa' threatening letter to a_. banker, with? `whom he had` had. earlier transactions, directing him on-` pain ofdeath to_tor- ward that sum at once poste restante. ` This dangerous adventurer turns` out _ to he the son of a poor Customs, House. porter in Romef. ..A cheque bearing lav'1ew"el,ler's- `signature "lled V in for- ,-$125,0(_)0 was found *`l_1iBh pocket-` ' `By ' means-oi matrimonial aid.-` vertisemeuts in the newspapers the `bogus count was in correspondencei with over 500 girls, and the hun_,;,3,;,:' weight Pot love letters of recent date` seized by the ':police "iinelude some` I written--.by a Princess in '_I`u`rin.`. ._vs_uJ\. c H 7 Thfs` . a;i;1nca given when. theznganv, yErnest_ {ox"1es.g 5531',-5 stewards W8s.'betbia gge magt.gt;+a:._; he .'td_rnod, fqut *`hia`- pockets % jeweue;-"y_ worthd J 4700;, jb.91nzins ~ mnoug : % megrzberag, ta; me1-.;amx1y..' . ..:t"T1ncf-Gd; cisratt-: 91l!9i* =h:tIc1as.: dim0i?3 ., `1'1=.IL| 88'.,}.,.-.`. "..i<:eleta`. Wt `.hQ:A 1.8 ' . _ __,1 7 . Aldermanummer. Mayor ot%Rothei-. ham, on going torhig, bgdmom -found 2 a drunken `man under 1118 bed.` theman said he had made a `mistake: .1 and Wanted #1399 8 cm-ate wwxxvea ` `3{ '?.> ~ .M. :' 9?111mer.J`I9t:.h1m"i:o; I-`star some. articles :6: 41e\vauery%LL-are missert. and gthei .jwq5s--`;1ou;id :hy_ ~ Mr. Gum1h13Ys. \q9x}3 cmtqzfepark ~ and b%r.mi`_81t`?T 1bas<:_k to = ,e3:e~ 'hOi_7e:,_ ; -nI _. __-_ _n_ I Mayor` Found Dkcunkenfi Man U ' Hl`n`B.d a`n_dL _Let7*.`-ll.-n go, Milan. amorous correspondence `V with I Signorina. Giuseppine. Mutti, the twen-, `ty-year-old daughter of that _to_1ni1y, ; came to light. After a. month's"I_ecret ` wooing the adventurer had been no- , ff 1 --.v~~~~~~~ -~ -----_v_-,--~ ,v -' ~ _ __1 aCo"nvi_ncedj that her apprehension j was ungungecy the Iady, wnoiuxonzs 7 30. I-:il ul>Di:r-class family; narrateglf to the; `commissioner of` police. how `she -had pbeen . betrayed under. a promise at - marriage and `abandoned `by the , "i:ount.V' Afterwards he was traced ! to * an-`ass, en Lake m_M_a.ggiore,` `where he represented '-`himself as a lineal i descendant of the Borziae. He was endeavoring to. ari-zznge a -marriage with a -pretty y_ouugEnglish coantsa . who `was sojourniag at" the Grand Hotel with her mother; `J t [A .20-year-old Vlctlm ' ` On being arrested a A large number `of pawhtickete `w_ere_'to1 1nd on the ;-man for jewellery, the proceedseot a V ! recent robbery from` a_ wealthy family : 11-esiding at Fiorenzuola-., `In one ot the several rooms" -rented by the` ` pseudo- count in a different quarter of I . I `Inn-.. ___-.._,_.. -_ ` 1 1 I _ - i;11`stitt1tV't'he-`,Peni1y V systeilif ed at 25 mills, TMewfo,rd--`has 7-aL 315 ' miill rate. ~ * . - " than have been known` for `a num* Oril-1-ia Public sohooi Boarawilxi ,nStayner s tax rate "has been % ,Mon3"we11s are dry in sahonaberg ber of years. . ` e ., . out " thte- 7ejI:+r5j?i V aivtita :fL`531=i'.`*3 9Ai ._-_the i .>t1 -ecl'*- jot` e}'a'if;i:el't`s:t:r_1ed ic_o_nnt_. Wha- neraiaded eh8l1r1.t;.h<>e-o rob: 1m: wrenta` , at their Jwlsw and 8}171'e firnowe h dowry; while;-sill t_he t1me'.- a. nuxjgd-zen-, "we1i11 .t '.ot".l_ove`<`1_a,tte`rg Ftrm 590 way 3 men wexe. mug. 7 1n',...h!s Iapairtmentsg -` {The l a.st'oun,iing" toxjy of ;'ventur`e ` is -`inc1de_nta;lIy' ' manned through 9. young Milanese fIa.d y'a' visit fl to. the `Morgue_,*'f6t Mllan,_ whither she -n -gone; to-`ascertain .wheth_er nan un-| identied nobleman who recentlyshot himself in the Genoa express was her I ,tormer-lover, the bogus Count Lep,anto Battista de Cavicchy-.. ' % :%[nunoRtowEI6tII 7 `).IVg1fI_i_`g'n4 -;-9 !- lai:_!`:SgAg;ur'ed .a For-. A` `V LJt`.'"Vf"p--"_' 9" 0.30. 4 JEWELS |N-~ poems ndo} ! , \l-lulllltl L`llll\,A) `\ll4l -ls'L1Lll\la. g ' !Au1gust~ 6,` the `Water, Light &| :Pdwer Commission made the last '_ payment on the tmt electrical ede- 'Ibentui'e debt " undertaken by, the " Town of Oni1lia; It. was known {among the lialbilities of the town! I8.:S the T Incandescent Debentu'r_e and it-was, to raise `$13,000, `passed in 1894, _the. twenty n- annual` payments _.bein'g _$_1,043.17 each. ;T-he interest; iwfasfpaytble half yearly, so the last` Vp_ayme ntr `made by .the Commission was j $993.48-A ' pnincipal > and $24.84 in_ter_eSt.; will` now. disappear from` the list of 5 Ori?`t1ia s debts. E`s;::it:o1; `ft . ` }`;q;h$ * A `ctorgn :;};1?`*~.., Woa, .ar heedi` the `.~..,` ha 3'19, (ha-9I1otn.8" ._3ex~v`~~. 5bm3reaa8e `Is `f Areagrnms .s `I1gt+ adg ady b'e:11mb1{ l_. 5r avlln thatbe . `an 11' 1,1` Ofatng ~ 113- a"1.e`D8si,},1 9-at-1~ 9`-`Bi ` ` and t. - .11. e yd -Veq W15 .th~.e Far 01; In to ate ,` sho (11. an 961-v_i(:1:1"s` We D:91ls{d:sit `:16. g i11'.t`l`l8'g t of desihilol. tor th 111- :. D131-. 9i!-` 3. Ofga $51011 11? t Oetdze :"!iasl~tio` tri We 945030 869 ture,1()lierIl to Qt `andQ1'l- k Sh [Ire .. .2 thg , pf Sag . Ould on ott D3 L Opw Ola . ` with b`1au:`a,. lgtmv gtaid t`11 :69:-A r981) ii In nt of 1` (3 air ' eet toad W119 Ag'.h.0rI1. ut` 11 all 311 10111 nude ed, blue the Inf abm ` Of bhbe : Vth 1)e`dbSi1~est`I1s 111 *b(1)}n`-D11 Sted 1 aed` Itdis` ~. gppgitatioei a%i0k` R`D011\% Iipligat. is ` Ynis .Va1 11 Shffn as rallhy oflorls I be 3139. 0% ,1 be and ` Li Sllbietrdsq that ,nt doelug VB to any `1OtaddPes1i Q the % reQu;`ed to Om` `he the Dost` EHAN-DY . AUVI`OM30BII..E HRES "tires'.on board, 'Whi.1se` the oecu-, `pants werevout of the car for a '- ui onefocf these hires and a. good _brand of whiskey ran out. _The in- ' feiv minutes procuring refreshments someone turneti on the valve stop quisitor took `a good- drink before `he. `closed, _the valve again. ~ ORIGINAL DE13E1ITUiREs PAID- -Mr. W. F. Kydd, of the Fruit`! `Branch ` of the Department Of` Agm'cu1ture, V` was in C-bl1'ing`w"ood for. a `short time on Friday ,.morn-. ing. He came from Meaford where -* he had , lbeen for a _ few `daysn_1ak- ing an inspectzion of the fruit in` " that di-strict. He .has,ia1so gin- ..ot1her parts. of "-the ~prQvince ,' doting V 'sim'i1_'ar jwork.__ In of-- the `pfospects respecting `. -the crop: `of apples be saidL'1vi*_wou1{,1 . be "very, . large and the qualiity .wo1'ild' ex-j ce1s'1'ent. What to "do `with the ggqp _ he said would be. theqlgggtlon ` epecidlly i-f V the; wzir is ptonged.` I-Ie fbe1i'ev.ed-` than market ~-;ar6s"s" %t he__ `seas would be so `greatly int;e1jfered'j with that it would be impossib1e"fto,_L r_.mi; sale for 1a great_. ;paz3t ?T'9f. 12he:{~ 8`PD51s wh=ic_11 are so` .p'letit5ji`-fuvl ia l_1,*` -4 parts~ of the . Pmvih:,sav..-`+4CO1,Jj}1L9';i _ _woo_d'.Sa1turday _NeIws. 7 -- \ '. 9 .' ` - 4, ,1 V . qeulvruuu ynlioa vv.|. uuu uuux-u f;'ii`;'n, now `been completed fo Ethel .currentyear,; it is announced -that4't1:1p""rI.ifize Stocl, of the lFederal_ Departmnt ,of Agriculture? |--will . undertake 9; -further V d.istri:bu-- ,tion of pure rams and boars .dt'n-'.i'.ng" the): months of August, "September am} October next, to ":qo;3iations of farmers ' organized :;.`..:..;- :.. . mkinln -Hm .}:.rvnp_q R` -vi 18 @116 u_1-Old."-nuuuuu U1. yum; nuuul ~sta'1lions`and bus, 125 and 414 of [which respe1obiye1y have been locat- in d-i'erent parts of the Domin- 1 - - _. __. L.-2... ;.Avnu\]AI-41.1. -Fnp 5 The Meaford Monitor advises the the people of Owen ` Sound that an auto -passing through Mea-ford for Owen Sound a few days ago was _1_1_ot2icd to have a-__,4-nuniber of spare RA AND ' 51.; % THE RAID or AGuBICULTURE Orillia Thursday, ...a.....,.a.. e- ,a.'L... '\'rr..4..... 1'.-..1_. (LI -tho` c1;is1;1*J3bi1tibn bf pure bred *:1 1 1.1. an: ___.:I A1,: .3. The Town_ `of Newmarket jfhas Ubeen one of the numerous 'V munictiv -paities to experiehce. _t'he`. war pinch, says The .Era. July 6, the electors carried a money by- ..law for the expendzituret `of `$153300. aon waterworks [improvements.. The -bonds were drnly advertised . for [sale. '|b1_;:t lby last` Satu_rda'y, -the; __c1`osin-g day `or tenders, not 'one single offer had ben rec.gived@.%.}J&%.%] -arr. -, `V-- - s- zv--vi VEQTING. Irfwzstznn . it?i 1mt.? ;;L` ;| g9!!;AT=$ _._g,- - ` wauc ~ . , -3: 1r_\' mustard 111130 the 11-a'11.`1.<. after pre- parm -~ - - 111lons or ten. ml} remove * %'0dr CO'mD1ete.1y. 1: : be In as it xvoro ;.)ap, '-jf`P'leee of art gum v:iH clean -lealtfher girdhn. A grene W111 nenlove all <~pnt.< that *e0mevfr0uIn r11~bIbin_: ;1_.:';1in. objects `-':::. ~ . _ hand 01' on tho mltsxde. No. No. No.