0906006000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ or LOCAL mmuasr Aggggagggnagaana555005006" for the ministry, and in" 1871 was ordained `a minister of` the, Preshy.-. tean Church in Canada,. and `be- came pastor of he chu'rc'h_ s,-t- Essa, where he succeeded the Rev. Dr. .Fraser, who was well-known as` one of the. clerks of the General As- sembly for many years. After his aippointznent as inspector for South- ,west Simooe he occasionally preach- `ed gt different places "in this Pres- `hytery and e1eew1hene,as ~h-is ser [vices were. required.` . lege, Kingston- Later he studied` ` In 1863 Mr. McKee was married] to Sarah .Ga1at, daug~h't:e1 : of the late 'James Gaolt Elwood, Olf Brockvilile, Fand she survives," with four sons `and two daughtgrs. .The funeral wdis _lie1d to `North Bay c'emeteryA on Friday.-y. T ~ 6 V i" J% ' Mdtter ordered at 7THevTA&y:a{ne4JB%N%ent, there will be eenthis fittedpwith the best Machine`? for the production of of matter-`--and we guar. antee prompt] delivery. i Llf ouare gf commercial stationery, office supplies, churl'ior,s0ciety printing, a book or a catalogue, we can promptly meet your wants. T0`FARMERS e%WIVES---Printed Butter Wrappers will egisure you a better price for your butter and add prestige to your product. The cost is more made up by the in- creased price you receive. The %Advance Job Department ` _Band concert `at Queen"sT Park to-ni-g'ht. Next week at ` `Queen s Park and on August 2_71$h at Alha- Phone 53. WILL BE shown IN ` Mr. W. C. Thompson has sold a `new brick house adjoining St. Vin- bent Park {:0 ' Mr. T. Connor, Gen- eral Agent, `Prudential Life Insur- ance 4Co., _ formerly of Tho:-'n'bu`ry. also property of ' Mr; G. H. Eaten. house `and -lot No. 50 west side of Iunisl St. to Mr. Lorne Sweeney, `Bettie Carriage employee. V i _RE3_AL[E'rArrE SALES 62 ..49 .59 .'.' 57 .. 65 % 64' 652' '.~H.BUT'1`ERY t a 1 m e nt 5 N0. 3 -Barrie sent two l'iI1_kB.0tf bowlers to Orillia yesterday for a scheduled game. Mlandale played" at Brad- ford; A ` 1.16 3 AAA THE . GIRL 01-` MYSTERY V BRIAYERS FOR PEACE The'~Bishop of T.ront-I has re- _ quested the clergy of the diocese Ho use at the public s`u1'\'?~es of the Churdh any of the full-m-inf: pray- `era "for the rest01';1tinn of peace: I . .4 run ' I _ ..2.. LLA V10 .LUl usc lCoLUn.u1"u "L llkukx. |{ 1. The special pra_x-ex`. "in the of war and tu111u1t~`." ~ 2. The collect for the .'t'u Sun- day after Trillity. ' 3'. The prayer (hefwe -.1 ght 211 - lSOf8.) from the "Forms of Prayer to .-.-av rnsnvun \----.- sea) thev"F01`m.< o`f i r:1;'er used at Sea," and The Prayer for ['nit_v. from file Form `for the Day ;L 6ion. / -:----- F, ._0n `\Vednesda,vs uni Fridays the Litany Wi11"b sail in Trinity .t0hu'rh at 11 a.m.. am-1 cCi211 in- 7eljOeSsiOn.1nade for t n- >~-3 who are ,:engaged in the `war. _4- h, 1914:; ` One rink of. Barrie bowlers `and. one from A41-landwle competd` in the Dcumin-ion BOW-ling tournament at Toronto this week. ` ` J5` ---For real good owers-`-`wedding or table Bouquets, Funeral Designs, or Floral effects, `put up in the most artistic. manner, see W=M.~TAYLOR.` .-D1ln10p'St., Barrie. T V . T--oOarey s Sterpj ' _ y- Shoe Sale is in full All Shoes, Trunlas and -Suit as at Shep Lively Sails- The Central -Methodist Sunday School held their annuwl picnic` at Shanty Bay yestex-day, {going down in Mr. Chomoas? launcyes. ' T The Examiner .is .movirig `into the has-enmenrt of the Ross h1`ook,. and for t1_1e*present Mr. Moacllaren gas` an office next the Express or- The Baruie Oiitizens Band have been engaged to play . at Toronto Exh.irbirti)n on Wednesday, Septem-.` ber :2nd V - E --7 5 pairs of Miis Oxfords, worth: : Carey s- Ste y] `S 659 pair, .j -`-A-Open for 18,88S0'n; Lite Lake `Summer Resort;-." Bouts Hire. Board by dajr \ or` week,` K nches ax'1.d' soft (kinks. a`t a lI_' iss Lawrence. ._ _ E ` urane addsterd . claims on? `.8116 ` burtid*5.bl:`o`ol:'- 1-`tgvnv .1- 4 4- - `.2. 1v\_>_-_;.. ` for" his__ safety. Rev. A. R. Sanderson,_ formerly of the I-nnisl .Met:hod=ist .cimui-ti, but now of TBe1l~evi~1l-e, -is on` a trip` to Europe. and fears are .ei1tertained ` LOont1ji5b1_1tion?s are being in town for the fund Joeing. raised by` the LI.O.D.E. for .:1_:h3 `gift a Hospital H Ship. for use at 'tlxe, se9;t- of the war. See noticenin Taxiothel v,c'o'l-umn. V I L-A - . so-uu_ I:-aauua U11 Mu lllllll-WK-I `Q-U'._u j-tlie corner of*M ' ,..' ';,:1j_)p S.t_s. 1alst__w_eek. g1iFIoE `] new frame Bi1rn,. O K/Uu... U, Luuxuuu, V I 1 Elnoaxm. T-here 1s on oor-s;_ good V _rtaJb`le house uuuta; guuu rs. ; ...w....... and small omham an:iW1;x-gve gar-~ den of small `f `t trees; albomt two . _ ~ second-growth h'ard:wo0d an balance all1_ clear- ed and stum ' nd well fenced Good weld le from school \IUUu Um. LU JLIILO Lbvsu uuuvv-.. `and three om [Thornton ':St9.- rbion, and few minutes walk of ;R.M;D. `further particulars apply -to ames Herrelll on Qthe preIInises,_ rThornton P.O. 33-35 `AA:fI}NERAL , VS:ER{ % 4* TO LET `5`!u1? uyj Sale Price is -76 .Mu1- ':"".'f'~ "." * ' `~`[."'v`T _ . T (32,341, graduates neuegxtly a _ ,,.n.jup- ; .t1onj9_: ' -L, -Reynolds, ' 15, River- ed by the dale; Bus., ' _ pronto; F. y .0119 'iv- Towchette, teaqh P6.t.1.'018'8 3118- wi1l _lead College, Petro :' any per- I_-Iu=,ghes, damaging" `rms; P. __-1; - ' on on V 17...... , L, Kissick. . Kendall; Toronto _ d_%r so1_i,; Fergus `- mn; `-..L-'___ 1 !..`LL T\__.`L {I37 rongol-a ` 1.21 . ..,. EC" . goo&' % V ~;`Iha'"vst*iif * 4 the`e%%Ldays.AT :` They % charge "-and frequently ~ get` _ve- .cents__ for the 1ate`r`{ewenAin gv editions.` 1 v-,1 _ I ` L WANTED-476 % ?Mui* ` caster St. L 732`-34p % 0'I361i8:` 2 TSei>t-`V -18*.-T 2 ;'J.`h.er reuegitly `a; j ' .tions:=.I.,. %- ` Bus., _ . Pet;olea W. 1 L. A `W. I-Iu=,ghes,' K.endall;1 Tpronto . d rS0n,.# +nm; y," V ectrrc Light, Derpt., Barr1e' _ ." .Lennox, .Jerie s Hard- .11 T As'a, `token `of 1;`11i'r, gp p'rc'iation ofthe honor doxie itzhe 1:own7in win: _ning rst prize at I the Lindsay tournament on July 30th, .the_ Wes-' ton Council art a spgciial? meeting made a` grant ,of _$60. to th Wertpn Band.` ` me1'.`n'b'er cv>f `tine V lQea1 militia '-was : assessed $5 and costs for en- tering into a scrap with; a `local Russian Jew ww-ho has 7a peanut stand at`the` Five Points. Over- indulagence -in rewater I is said to `have been he cause _of`~t'hue start of the fight. '.[`_he_ companion of the mi-litiaman was let-~o on suspended sentence. P.C. s Sweeney and Rayner arrested the men. I :'/VVVVVVUUVUVVVVVU C........ | g (ml. AND ransom AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A :o9ooo9oooooooooooooooo:3 3oooooooooooooooo09900001 1 A `Mr. arid Mrs. ..ARudtoIlph D1in'bar' were guests of Barbie relatives for eeveral days. _ ` ` . Miss Violet Ming'_ay_ is spending a week at `Lake _of Bays, Muskoka. `Miss Rdbena Wilkinson is visit-' ing _Mrs._ '1`. Crew for a few weeks. Miss M. K- McNeil was up from Toronto for a few days last `week. Rev. I. G. Bow1es_ of North Bay was in town at the beginning of `the week. ' vMrs.-;-R-oIbt. Groves ` of Markham, ishvdsiting her sister, Mrs. R. `F; Garrett. Mrs. Cg-wand and Miss % crew left. on` Tuesday for . a trip tohe Pacic Coast. i Miss A`n1meida'Le_wis' }friends' at Anten Mills. .L__A REWARD is offered -`Barrie Golf Club to any :one"_Viv.-,..' ring information which will to 116, appivenvhensipn of any `per-V eon tfespgssig . _.;pn or Adamg`g_i;ng< the prop;`;l;y?*`of:=,t_11 .32-33 ~--Q. ,1.` . . , `, . ` mma E61: SALE--N Wai % Lot 19, (}on;"`11, ,Innis_1;T 50 acres, - well fenced and watered. _`-Apply Thos. ` Fagan; Painewick, 90-94 T Mrs..Wcin. J. W'i11is.ocE`Regina-is {holidaying . with Barrie. and Mid- ;hurst- relatives A Q . L Mr; Hugh Finmayson of .Wo6d~,` stock spent several days with his family in town. ' Mrs. -Cav'l'daerwo6,d,L'M1s.. and the Misses Wismer will be hostesses at the Go1'f_01uu!b tea this Tweek. V ed the Ontario Hortic.ul1:tu'ral` Con- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. TayIo`ra'ttend-" igvention` at Tqrontti last Twgek. I 1 Mrs. V1`)ayvs_0n4 and .`hWo -daughters {of _Tbronto` `are visiting Mr. Arandv `Mrs. Miller, Mary St. V < A T Miss Viola Wi11ersfvisited' 'her' aunt on Charlotte St.,"`- On ._her ree turn` from Orillia to Torontzo. Dr. Dug`l'ay . attended the eight- teeuth atiiuical convention of the American Osteopathic Association at Prh-ilad-elpihia. *dur.in\g the `first wegk in" August ' % V V ._` ` -`Mr .and Mrs. Carter of` Sunder- land and; Mrs. Jennings of ~ Onillia were weekend '1 [ guests ;ofgMrs_; E._ [Beatty. T * _, ` Misses Bessie Hodgins an leen Wallace of 3TOrO11to have" `been holidaying` with `their aunt, Mrs;... A-lex. -Milne. A ' ' I Mrs. C. `C-'ar1~e, has been vis- iting ._BraceIbridge '1-e1`ativ,`es. \ Mi-s. Spry left % to-day for a wjvh relativgs -in Winnipeg. - . 1 A =v1s1t FARM FOR ScAi.E OR ITO BN1" , -i--50_}acres__, N_W; Q}1_a_ of { Miss Hazel Crew ofTEr`i.e," Pa.._ 3is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. Crew and Miss Crew. % , Mrs,` Silbald, who "=lias_,bieen visit-A ring relatives in town .for~ eseveral months, left last .week for Midland; swhere - she will visit her "d augh_ters4.v 3{.?er7% f1z"~6'Li{sr,""Fff1`"and"E "Eif. _..Redqitt. J % M13. anti M1-s.`N. B. `Johnston. re? turned to town on Friday. - 1 \ i Mrs.` _Gray, and her daughter, Miss Susie Gr!-av of Bualo, were guests of the for'mer'?s`_ai_s_ter;` `A. McNe&.l, for -a.`f_w'd8'.Y3s _ 7 A . Mr; and _Mrs. W..~S."Li_tt'1e', 617T 'E1e_v_enth. _: Ave. W L Calgary, '- an-g. gonnoe; engagement. pf` their Au1i1y:.-`-*.,d`w;ghter, .. ` ;Mg;-garet? J;*-It9_r; , Hale 430: M 1'-" .91aren9e%4 % A?1exaas1er%` .6 .Vi<:tovia4T=13.? 0? i Wm -.7` - 0': , p Miss B; s; Reidditt Ldf m. ylrving of Toronto, are; apendiirxgma *!'k i.n . *?..8"4 of We *1 `II II\ , _J. L. Co.-sld of the Post Oice }D,epartment- in the `Federal 1bu*iid.- ;ingS_, Buffalo, .- I ., T spent his . holi-* "days with grandfather,;.*Mr. I :99oooo9ooooo3T33';;;o003'| .is visiting- Tsai-let} ion `t.9.me1' Amhveuia`, Aug. __.1st,. for; _ Scotland -"_. J. , - . `r oavvoau ; and . :::;.!1`11ie 5 p.tor" wil1 ' pneatglf morning e(ve1_1i'ng~ next. Sunday; Sush- .J'ect. = night : v`Ignominim1s" Peace E vs. Hoxiorable War. Visitors "and: strangers invited to attend.- V ` T j % f?a. i .._"_:f_71_~ *_-.3:-..`:-..'......L.'..". TV ....;a&;x`-m_! CARD OE *'fHANms ` 3 '-The" Ivelatives; of 1;he_14ate "Mrs. E. Lam o'ieV wish"to thank their` many` friends` for ifh 7sympathy `and many (if `li_1V14i1;`as'B'-"`t<* ~ "the ~fa.I"ni.ly; , `1 I _.._`__-___-_,>L (IV./l U1. II'lll|'\.l1\Ji Univ 4 that during their i-scent berav-ement. BAAK0G-E0RG~`E---Ih Barrie; M mi 3" __*Sa-turday,` 'Ju-ly_ 27i.7 "1914, to K and Mrs. A.; Bakog_eorge.. 1 133 - Colflier _St.-, [9, son. __ Oro, bn Au; LS1: and A L 1!.` ____'I II ..- "SJJJISU -I. '&UL-tl-L .I.1.I.' Lsuauuv I . `4th, 1914, to MI7.m:11dwi[rs. John ` . Bertram, a daughter. ` ' 5 (}AI1._.A*I?.K--`A't the RV. Hopita - `Il'___J..._ A--....-..L 1l\LL 00000000 O00000000000000000 A A A1 I 331' Xjm \I'JJQ'LU.lL ' `LU ` Barrie, on M .1914, gt`o Mr ' QO1ark,_a,s'on. CRaA:W*F'rO`RD--In Auandaae, - August 11t_h, ` `Mrs. W. Crawford, St., a daugh If 3}`{aa," M'A'ugEE`ib"i{I 1914, " to Mr. and Gunxberland ter. 1 - and`. Mrs. "Albert V on" - Rev,` Thomas McKee, formerly Public School Inspector for South- west SAimooe,. and a resident of Barrie for a nu-mlber of years, died at his home in North Bay On Wed- nesday evening of last week, after a lingering- illness. L "l'\-...---_-J _...... 1...... 3-- 'll'.....n...Ln.. ,M1LNEe-;At.t1ie .R.V.'_ Hospim1,i , rI'V_---.I'.._ A--..;-..4. -1-u.'L (I llllacl I316 ` 1llJJU"c `Deceased was born in Monaghan, Ireland`, February 6th-, 1831. He was a graduate of , Knox College and! the University of Toronto and Queen s: University, Kingston. He was for many years a minister of the Presbyterian Church "in Ciau-; 1881, which , position he held until ada, and J, was appointed inspector` of Publiic Schools for Southwest` Si.mcoe;.by'. th` County Council in two years ago, when he. retired, and goved to" North Bay with his fam- IHL -` 1.1.. -u-.. -mi-._`17..- ....-...n.4.i A RX-_~At"`Bee; foLd.` Farm, Da1`s- 1 .-Il\-IA 4, `I13. I I.Iu\JJ_.J ' ' vv V-Isl. Iv \zuu.sQ.r\.nu`,u, - vAu~g'..'5th, by Rev. A._ Imrie,! B.Th., the Revr Harrison Roe,3 B.A. (grandson of late, Ch-ief ; Justice Harrison), to rSte1a,' only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Downey,_ Minesing-, Ont. R DIED` ' lMcKE-E--0n Wednesday,` the 5th` 1 dns't., at the family `residence, 1 mock avenue, North Bay, Rev. Thomas MeKee,~ formerly, Eurblic School Inspector Southwest Sim-, coe, at the age of 83 years. 7 'Inarmen_ Friday, 27th, at North Yo . .. ` . W'..l`he' late Mr. ' McKee taug`hf school for eighteen years after he `came ` to Canada, A and `afterwards `studied med:icine. at ;Queen s Col- A MARRIED i RqE- -DoWN;1Y-1-9n ~VYedn%day,! .' `HAL `l`______'_ 1 l.I.-ldLV'&.'J-V 4.5:: v .l>J~\.Ixa1)a.vIA-'% "'BarriA, on 'Tu1:e_:sd$;",. V`A'ugust 11th 1914, .toMr.Tan'd Mrs. 'J.fDa1ton Milne, a1 3011, V , ~ JJ\a13\aJCVV\ \I"\.l .1. LIBJII, .L.J(.ll\..` | 73535 August 5th, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rix, twins `(son and daughter) .' iA omfortalble house .Awi.thT_garagVe )with cement oor and 2- acres of ? qland, large -orchard and shade trees, situate at Kemrpenfelclt H*i'1I, .3 most desirable residenoe. -Apply Box 366, Barrie. - 33-34 REV.` 7:t{11`E-At the` RV. Hospital.` :Bar 1-ie, on August 4th, 1914, `to and Mrs. H. White, a son. ]3K{1"'I4L`I:S'_1f_'T cnmon %W.orld %s Gteatest J Serial Picture BORN DEAD? issued. ---E. H .Vi1iiams{, th has removed to direc Queen s Hotel. `V ewelef, opposite the an-iagve licenses: e mi Mr. S. Oa.1d.wel-1 has :from Mrs. Lount vhe paratiall-y. burned building occupied by` The - Examiner.