Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Jul 1914, p. 8

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V. -'-For real goo'd owers-:--wedding 1` or table Bouquets; E1`1neralLDesign S , ` or Floral eects, put up in Vthemo8t`7.' D.1mIop St., Barrie, mjxytistic manner, , see 1 ; ;.T}1 Citizens . -Bang _ga`v `:;9;1j}ywb!e co11y.frt_ A'Q1_`;_L_`;_theL -Holeproof Hosiery for Men, Women ` and Children 25c. , {Barrie Bowlers" played; a schedul- ed game at Bradford` yesterday, endf =Orillia played at N market: `-Goto Bryso . gee cooled; Most restf Cream Parlor in Btitter paper-ems per team at The Advance Ooe. - T -7F'l`J I 'IViclf`rs . 1 --Young` andW % by B,ryson a Ice Cream, a does them good. {Cup were emptied into Little Lake on S-aturdiay. - . ` ` . O To9$66oboo6$o6005696009 ' "T; . .3 V` }TUA'rIoN = ..;.'1 __._z .1 '-`W9 A early bird ner+-so. --.~Carey s Step-Lively 00 Sale is in full swing, ' Shoes, Hose, Cases `at ste > ely * prices. The the full course din-` ljvely. * A - I _ Mr}. Harry Watkins, the ` popular vvgine c.!e_rk at the Queen s Hotel, -has decided not to ma-apt his old position on..`t'he re-opeI.1iIigT'Df- the` `remain at the Queen s. jroad House, Allandfle, and -..`:.1_-_`;_ -' r.'_ , padre 31;; ,a"t, " a;c?t?s ` s.tory`,_ -in ar`zsw%9r} t}o fhis wife s charge, was that ,he would not come" to .liV ;,..With `ALhi_z1V1j-ain} country.` He admitted .th.t -193 ,.not send her` any 2rwney..,i1>.ut;he;%.did .f1_ot see` Why tW0`.mn?:hu1d?Sfl1PD0ft % one woman:".' He ~ni;tirI1se` ?;%i`:6i%tVii1? ~,1.1.1)'.. legations _. _ hich` iyi1.l'__ _ 3:. 4iny.s ti._-.A 299 1. the ,Depa`r_tment' 9 V A-fbranches _. dirib} V. ) _'CIJ.l J.l,IUl`W.Ut7 I! ' -`~ *`-~-1 *"`I`m.~ -+1.3. .1:-..1.1 ... . ` jig 1913.4 159 -feogieajtiea nqiHuhn '3 uuuuva vvxrruv u;;!vr;g{1ru,hvl1`: ..l)|li`;'yBU`,`!f.; iror we e1<}i"0.if'5P}`5fGI11 --Have you seen the Oilclot-he ~and Lino W , .- . Smith & C'o. s b` . rniture house, Cor. Collier g. Clapperton Sts. Co11ing'-wood has set August 10th- as their civic rholiday--the same. day as Barrie, and,'f doubtless, there will` `be a big crowd come".d`o!wn' from there for the` Band ~s- big "cele- Pnration here. _ ` 2 3 ` i on-enavcygfu >>y_y5;,>.\,;5 \ . ! *ga;ted ~ Vto-Vmqifroyv,` 1% I*orNLrs`% ,;. 0Fv`~HON..; ;J; A ` it 1 A fJ,`ARID. %mN1swmR?;_}o3 . LE ~~ `.. nun. V V vulus HJD o When Geonge J. "S`cbt*t, .`a mid`-.' -dle-aged: man, appeared in the. the charge preferred}. agaiinst was the non-osupportv "of his wife. He was brought from Barrie to Toronto yesterday by : Detective Tupper. It appears that he left the city about four Amonths ago, ,and with his} rten`-year-old, L daughter, }got woji-kv on a farm."`nea_i*~'A1Ianda_l9; Here thefi girl ,was ` _a1s_o' 9vmplo_y~e'd.. as a Someftic. r George J. .Scott_ of `Toronto was arrested on ` Monday by RC, _S'weeney . and Constaible ~.Rayner7`at the request of :the' :'.[_`oront_o' police. The Toronto - ATe1eg'x_'am of -V TT'ues;, day evening says ` . . I '- - :': \ TITL-.. n.._._...- 1' -be - }Arrested for I ' Mr, J.aug'h]and is very favorably ]impressed" with -the interest taken win the Children s P1-ot `competition: throughout " the County. The de- deparrntental instructions are being` carried out well and the plots he has inspected are a great .- credit- to the _choo1 gyildren. ` . ' .'If._. ;uu uuv au_u}.rU1 U1uI.ul.Uu- V _. ,T Mr. J. M. Vaney, assistant to! 1Mr.'Laug1hland, will be in Barrie- for several weeks. ~` ` Mr. J. Laughland, the distriet representative of the Ontario Dept. of Agricu"lture,' with headquarters at Coll-in-g-wood, `was in town on" Monday, and stated that he thinks Simcoe County has come o _com- parati-vnely lucky so far` in refer-. ence to the ravages of the army worm in ' comparison with other. counties.. The worst is now over and next week will likely see the la:-_/`tiaf-_the1I`:.` _ ~ - Idvvool-B vu u }u.u5ut3' U1. 31'`&'.llUp" ,1 it is reported that some `form- jajga`-:Y'*in the `neighborhood of Craig- `7h1'1rstA have out their oas green,.so as to sae them for fodder. `Children : Plots L We I The r --0penL for the, season; Little Lake Summer Resort. Boa~ts for Hire. Board by day or" week, and lunches and soft drinks at all hours. Miss Lawrence. - _ 20tf' V v'1`he,Lawn Tennis Tournament, announced to take place in Barrie on Satu1'day_a_nd Monday, has been indenitely postponed, owing. to Toronto competitors being unable to come on that date. ' I ' ' command-_tep lively . mu uuu uv res-ponsmme, In any way." Such a warning is ; applicable in every. town where electric light is usne. ' In (Mes-ford nthlis` `1iot'i;:e' is kept fstandihg . in the. papers: Consum- .ers' `of electric gm:-rent, must` not handle ' lamps in cellars at all; Have -switch at top of cellar stairs` to control same. The Power Co. will not be responsible, in way. Such a .wm-nimp in ........I-:....!I.1.. 2.. ..anoj * -Storg. Shoes?` -Naw-is Friday mo ' chance for; a t in'_ eaflyf ozi (H11? in ` Ipair V ' Ibo ` Mo_ore s V Shoe, 6f 'A.I'he. - a1'V.e-5! due Mr; Frank Heard, an `old Bar- rie fboy, nd now` secretary of the V`Weyl_>um; '.,Ag ric11itu_1'a1 society. for` jpn -invitationL_to attend the sixth . annual exhibition of that ,societ;f_ on August 4th, 5th and} 6th. __ '_In\ta,jons-elatqgt styles In type, at The Advance Ooo. ` % Hvfixctnmas at ."1`hve army worm destroyed: a field' of . grain on the farm` of Mr. I.- Sharpe, Thornton, also ruined parts of e]-ds on other farms in the district. V - ' ' bu a. Q" fwasf ` gnren o1 1" 7 AS\s{i t . av. ':Yi.51r8. to Thursdx % } \ 1 I V _ V ` ;Tim .:;t i !.auguirate<./T year to. shdw the?) possifbilities of oultjvatlon from Va hancial stand-point. . `- .1:-rs -r 3 I >- `'%2:s;;.7.,n;;;;;io;1:';n . rum Mai spray1n_g ha..ve_ uwakegv * a deep in= terast 11; frmt growmg, notably _ in V Clearance of Ladies . `Whit-,ewea;r, all Gowns; Corset Cbv'ers,`1 rinfoes8, Dralwers, etc., ar at :rduc6d" prices. There `is va.`rvie"ty- to` suit many t_astes., ' They Vfnust all be sold; I Baskets Piqnic Hampers The World s Greatl -pile-driver will .be put to >w'orkt}_1is Two carloads of pilee have ar- rived for the Bunker s Greek bridge work, and it is expected that the week or r early `next week. -Your' dolilars are Carey s Step-live Many lines of. less than hal rice. K Local butchers Vpredict stead :., increasing prices. for meat-` cannot - prophecy" when the`? ' will be reached. ` -E. H .Wi11iams, t Jeweler, has removed to dir opposite the Queen s Ho carriage licenses issued. 20-tf An excellent picture of . the `35th' Regiment at Camp Niagara -has `been on display in Johnst CI Warren s window. j )1 - . f1`hes`e` Baskets -are in Cane and . Willow,` _sma'l1_ sizes for marketing" "and Lunch' Baske tsA,A large izes for P-iccnics, very usef_u1- and hard to v{Prices25c, 35c, 45c, 50c, 65c, 75c,$l .00, $1.10 and $1.25 , Ladies T Whife\Waists, a.V manu-' .facturex-s. balance of stock, high collar, long seeifes, low neck aqd short sleeves, [sizes 34 to` 4.-2,vva1ues up to $2.50. _ Special ,. _ . $1.29 Pictorial Patterns I Nemo and A La Grace Corsets - Ladies {White Waists ladies White --The Big Mids r A Sale which you h been waiting for. starts b this 1day -morning at Moone s Shoe tore. . PAYS '..`.`.-- _-v VIQQQCI V The new dining hall at -the On- tario Agricultural ' College is being constructed of stone, `and _will. be ready for_ occupation next term. apP_1f_ ` ----`~--._--__ .--y ya liaify .p!`0d:1.1ct3`_ are being raised 1 . no -was :uu|nl\J\.l Ida! llJ|.J I-\J ]\J\J pass the experimental stage and `is no a necessityin every home. e VI ROLAS are found in homes of t e cultured affluentraqf e every clas. There is a ViCTROLA prit Ad? to fit every pocket book. " The VICTROLA has I/V` `childref Cotton -35- VI ITI- staoels s pfeme among talking /ma chines. Hear all "the latest pl`O?' dudtio at Vicker's Vidtrola; Hall. Let us uote you prices on one of these Magnificient slnstruments, whic "bring the best efforts` of the worl s most famous artists to your L-.. "I"L- \Ilf'I"l')f'\l A a `Tl.-lEIVl%CTOR %VlC_'_l'_ROLA t us dembnstrate this wonderful nstrument at Vicl Vidtrola Hall I On Tues.d`ay the steam-er Islay took the largest crowd on. her regular trip to Orillia that She `has had out of Barrie this year. ' u ' 139, Pink and Blue- ton Hose, with seamless foot 1x1 rib, sizes 5 to V 1333; QM Ills asters Voice Productions `to 9.` higher * standard through the: it eiforts? of the? thirty-fc_>ur' instructors tr ppointed ' the Department. .{ | "'.'l3_ -1.-_, __ ,,_.._ ,.,_, ....v ....a-uyuxuuvuu. ' 1` __`*Fact0ry inspection is under the ifuriedziction of the Department, and `the_ i-nspectox-s_ last year made 7,348` -"f! "`1-:V8St year 5,800 ixxfm -to-I or dii m:spnn `13*1111d0l` the` eased trees in orcl1an1.< \\'cI` order landd bv inspectn1`.~ of 119 *3 maa 721$ 1\nnn_L......._4. -2" A ____ . ._1.__._ 1118* 31 m "3 t o. } 1 v--gcnnvglvg Gil-lo`-K Wu (1% . '; n`ad 9L 7,348: .;D_epa uruyuu Dy 111SDP\`W1'-` rtment of Agrxc-Illrnrv --`-`Pure .food= make = y childi- ren. B M Pure Cream I . am. ` % - Ladies Lisle Hose Tillcoultry Shirting, the good kind, it does not shrink. it \\'-ars Wire, `the longer you \\'mr it thq. better it looks, it s ahno.~t un- `tehralble. Price 40c, 45c, 50c & 55c. A TXiSt Sh;rtiz1g'. Have you "tried it? con1`binatio11 of Cot- V1'/O!:1_ and str0x1g'1_\' 111ade. shades of`g`rey checks and .=tripe:`, does . not shrink. Price .' and White Lisle How vegetable Silk Ankle. sizes 9, -_9 `and 10. Extra, pair :j Twist Shirt` 5c*`h * ing a(_lOrnine1_1t, pure Silk, 5 to ~e3`wide. These are our -best. V Xmnasome Dresden 1m,1,O,,_.,. `T in '1 45` to 75. ' Early 'bUy`9I'.'\T .~`(`(-.11r9a best; All_ at one prwe. THE. GIRL or MYSTERY Handsome Dresden Ribbons I. ., _ ' _ _ ,, . _, -gamepections, covermg ..0~4Ix1dd' t1__-vies.` ' Mr. Steve Vair will open a gro- cery and fruit "store in the new B-ingham `block, Etlizalbeth St.,T early in August. ' '. V I

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