Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Jul 1914, p. 6

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,-...., .._ vol-I'JU'Ul Orillia Pa-c1;eVt-+The three Rama `IIm'dsian.s .who took.-part in the great, Balvatlon ` Army Congress in Lon`.- don; , Sampson .George,' V Thomas I-Wesley ax:dWJ-ohn . __Bi_Vgw_iz_1d-,/ A- have ` 1uan.nsL ...J _1fAze:_vI{1rdA ? :vyith ,_a. :fu11--not divided- merahnnt who steadfast- -There s advice for y t_Ieb hdmily to azdwel Rgward with 9. full- custom the Iy. solicits your 5 v_ more you I stmngthen Gbnceritration of -appeal wil` work of oonvicition and per: that will surprise you whe Lyal1" s_ returns are totalled up Imnmermittent. or divided hot likely to -be rsultful. powered `blow is `better t` half blotws; '-' -'5 --UH. uac; UL out: NORTHERN ADV=AN~GE-52 mes- It .is be.tter "to advertiseintensively than" extesivly _when the` sum to be devoted . ad'vei`tising is small. This: means the_ regular 1ise'of the '\Tr\'I-\5?l'no-_._ -'_ `aa11a..___ wvrrvwv vv ALI. .911V`1c1txon , and persuasion \.l\l(lv The ._Free Press siays ilvocall Mid-I land sports are infringing the fish- ery laws by `taking `la-rge Iiumbers of bass uwd,e_r the required-_ size`. 1\ {Or you in this lit- .a;(Iv~ertisers;, it is: $311 . -- - `when the up. will d9 9. . effort is One full- Elmvale Village Trustees ewi~l-1 submit a bye-law to the ratepayers for the Ainsrtall-atiox; of `a water- works system. . [ - J The Orillia news-Letter predicts that their tax-rate may be cut down from 32 to 29 or 30 mills. ass; Sir, R. L. and Lady Borden Are to spend three weeks -at the TRoya1A Muskoka, Lake Rosseau. . F103 farmers. report; to The vale Lance that the army ~wormh`as been discovered there. `THE WEEK IN REVIEW] "The Elmvale. `Lance numkvsr of blind pigs steadily increasing. - Mrs. Reid, reli-at of `the late Philip Reid,- died at Beeton on the 19th, aged 66 years. T ` % Ivy ind-ependent ,1;/e1ephone iihe has been . extended up through Utopia. j ' ' `serious a pest in some sections of f farmers --are cutting their crops "green in prder. to save them _for i fojdder before the` grasshovpp-er pest r .0116; farmer has lost` all his grain Land`: root crop, and has nothing. left -potatoes.- --Ilunitisvillie Ij`ore's*te1f._- . . Vt- ' Grasshoppers have become so the; surroundings, A that whole cr(()f)s_ on some `local farms have been strayed. In some instances the deltroysi them. It is stated that far 5. his seaso-'n s work except his I ` (\C]1I Q` I News Notes of lntorist For Busy Radars. A`Iliston s Civic` Holiday is Mon- day next, the`saIp~e day as Torpnto. thep. There is no safer or more convenient method 0- hrrying money` when travelling, A ' i ' - 1 - .v. 3;, ozulual uvuauuaauuu 1.1] all -UIGIIUIIBS DI `U13 U31!!!`- .j' `Easily; negotiated ' anywhere and. self`-identifyin L indispensable to the traveller. The holder is pfotecte loss`.ot'the-cheques_, as a separate letter of'ide nticati {hey e..,a1;.;sc` in the event lot; `is issued with .543 BARR|iE__B_RANC|','| paxgbie at their fa:evs'a'1l't1e i:1:l`1;;)ri::;:;)a:l covu-x'1tr`i';s world, are: sold forgo. small commissionby all branches of the Banlf. " 1 '= hunt: -an;-un.L:..L...-I - -_--..--I__-'.- _ ._ _I , ,Ik' ' I A'l` .\n~ ~ aria -nnmwmb watxzn. c;v.o..' `dc; .-Preoldnt Aumwnnn mun). Jo _ V V.lAIfIt.Genon,_AlMaua_r clPlTA!.,. s15,ooo,ooo% TRAVELI_,ER_Sf_ (_:1\EQUEs fIH1'I.lE l|l'!\ v-- -w-rut TI, 51". $2f6".$s9 or $3 ,1 _i(}01Hi1ig`wood Saturday News--Thel 7'Meaford Express says that the council of that town met in secret session and struck the rate at thirty-one mills. Collinglwood O-pun -' cil went one `better, making` its "thirty-two. with all the lights on. _ During the thunder _ storm that passed over the towii about 9 o vc1o_ck Tuesday morning a tree on John Clark s property, ' .Main St., was struck. _'Mr. `Clark was wa`l.'kin-g inthe direction of the tree but stepped into a pig. pen to wait for the shower to pass over, at t that ` -_.m,o,ment the tree was struck, not more than fifteen. feet` from where he ~`was.--4Stayner Sun. says the. in F103 is rdn `(us Vavumq 0; ng- 4:- A W W`-.U-~U?1 1J``3 - ` Put.a4Way"_ftI1e' pa`n`c9.kef ba`tter,` "7` We want pancakes 'nevei'more;'_.. We `have -g1joevynV so -fat-and` _fa,tter _ . Thba-111 we_;V 3vQr_ .wer_e',o`'y". v * ~ utgway .;the lrdhot ` .bis'cu';t"`_'f ` I ` " A P. an: 'cm;z'rr. u:..... phine vtwhlelts son "Mayday. morning . and ate thm-. When~ 1'twas dis- covered that `the ohikid ill medi-` , cal aid was _`qu'icl:'ly8_3I_i!I.1I!.19`n'ed:A~ and `everything done. to %_`tfyi`1`tQ3'}5&Yg"hiS ;.f , . qife; 1...: 1... .::.a. .-.. I VVULJ ULIQLUS *hfe, but he vd1e_d- >in Tvhe excursions? will "be;-'.run to Ma-nitovba` rst and= ' -late} to points in Saskatchewan, but nope ' will be run west of Moose J and, south of We-tashkiwin on ,the9-:0-:P.R. ..where'" I the cqps are light; _The}go_od` vcrojpsf are `in the. north in. Sask- t atohewan valley. ; ' HARV-E.S_`:T1ER$ HISEIICFO-I_J. hI%S_iiI'0'1.$I-Si ' smmw AU!GU'S 1`~. 7:11. At a ineeting of representatives of the departments of` agriculture of the provinces 6f Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta " with nepresentatives ' of the Can-adi-an Northern; Canadian, Pacic V_ and Grand Trunk -Pacic _Rai1w~ays,. in Winnipeg on Monday, it was decided to hold the first excursions o.f,ar:,n_` lalborers from Ontario `and [5 other. eastaern provinces on Augus1:,{_7 and 13.` ' ` ' " ' vinvvv 4 13.` ---g 7' .ovsuuv I1; '\Jl'lll1uV T801116 tune 111 iseptember. Thls actib,n has been taken owing. to the ifact that this Agvriou-l'tura1* Society -are not having a~fa'11 fair. , I ,I\ `II. - ..... :a\aJu~AlJ .wuJU_ l.U carry out any oblxgations made by lus rm. " Walding, Kinnan & Marvin; .Whol4esale Druggi ; Toledo," 0.` Hall s Gatarrh `Cure is taken in- ternally, acting. directly ,upon the `blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials ? sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. all Drwggists. ~ ` ` i ; Take Hal1 s Familny Pillsi for `con- `stipation. - 1 I We oer R We" the F. J. Chen One Hundred Dlollafs. eward for any case of catarrh that cannot `be Catarrh Cure. F. J. "Cheney & 00., cured by I_fIell s Toledo", 0. undersigned" h A ey for the last 15 years ave known ` ' BARBIE Alliston. . . _. ' .Bea.vez-ton . . `Beeton Braoebridge . Bradford . .. . 'Burk -s Falls ' C'la1'k9buvg .. . Cookstown .- .' Elmvale _ . .. . Lindsay . .. . Meaford . . . . Midland . . . . Schomberg .. . Goldwater . .. Gollingwood . Gravenhurst` . Huntsville . .. Newmarket . . Orillia . .'. . . Oro . . . . . Shelburne. Sutton . . . . . Toronto . . . . '.Woodfbrld_ge . . -to -waste. In fact, the indications twi1'l'-`ba an -aJb1'1ndanc_e of all` kinds 23rd. has the following with _regard to the cherry crap" in that vfilstrlct: Cherries are so plentiful In. this. section of country -that they have actually become` a drug on the market. The offerings are so num- erous that it "is almost impossible to nd: purchasers for the cherries that are Ibrought to town, The -price is too. low to warrant the ex- pense of hiring` help to` do the piekinvg, and as a result the fruit on most of the. trees -will simply go at presentwould seem to -mwke it almbst absolutely certain that there of orchard and garden fruits. 'vE3?a em. sw.5oo.o9o :'HOW S 'l_`HIS? FALL 2. .. . SEPT. 21-22-23 .,.`.'.p Oct. .1-2 . .. . Sept. 28-30 Oct. 5-6 .. .. Sept. 23-25 . .. . . .. . Sept. 23-25 Oct. 1-2 ._ . . . . Sept. 22-23 . . . . .. Sept. 29-30, .. . . . . Sept._ 23-26 .. . . Sept 29-Oct. 1 . . . . . . . .. Oct. .5-7 (1__,L an an . uuvyvu J--I'.l.U| . Sept; 15 %.' Oct. 15-16 . Sept. 29-30 . . . . Sept. 24-25 Aug. 28-`Sept. 12 . . . . . . Oct. 13-14 . -QUUVVV h All .'very %_ lljoz-Z . 'Niiw,_A'Drl :k!n Gun A .. - - _ A spring handl` appears on the._sld :01 1 new collapsible dr1nking_cnp to ";p:ev9nt__%1; ;clodLin}gj unexpectedly `and :ndi16!13onv %1iiie- A % ` % M4wv%riLthe lune! %~w W Austria last 'ye.r- px~oduced~0-n0ea.ifly 49,000,000 short tango! coal. ot_ which about 18,000,000 tons were bipuminqua ' In__I. _'the rest `deal? ` ix " V . Wrpitlero In `Japan { 'Japn;s niost expert wrestlers on, "men who iruiwe _fn!j1e"1_-lted thgjr auuty `tnom ancestors who made wrestling` 5.: ppqfasion tdr *g_nerationa. ` I A _ Warning the Englnoel-[ .. It an engineer passeh a. danger sig- -na; In 9. Vsa.tety'de_ylce adopted _by_.a 1 G9_n_na.n 31-allroo.d' _an Vdlectrlc belt` in in his__ cab until his znjqtake ll keorded by -gm omctal or the ..road;' It, these measures tail`, take _.waxfm tootbath, `and drink._a. glass in hot milk or- water or a cup of weak tea :when going tdbed; Hot water in-- tide _and Vouizside 'v zorks_.a _ miracle in , cases or this kind." _ ` the neck. _ ' ' V I-Iav bedclqthlng as light nlble with `sulcient warmth. Avgld cold reet. Do not bury the head um bla,nketa. L = T . The Orivllia Boafd of 'Trad``e| considering the advisability of "hold"-I ing` a Made _in .Oril1ia exhifbiiciqn I 4 ma 1|: iqnv\.Ln.}...'L-~ ` _ l__ , ___`_.`.__;;_ my v Au 111168;` Keep the window open a oferwise thoroujhly ientllate the room. ; (3; Secure as mu__9_n I`!-9_edpm_as possible Ownn; ..I.I-.. :4..- _. ..7__.- --v yvuwawgv _:f'!`0l!`* barkln? 3333; `railway -noises _`ru_g1b11ng_ ggra. and the like. . Retire nvefther hungry "nor too full.- n_Ot" use `a` pillow that j strains `In: nan!- It you ' to slegp peacefully. lays a; phyiic1an.' aid _to_ avoid horrid dreams, observe th `in rates; ' ' .._---v ----up In: H vvlv IN " cue world, ha'e`;.l'so the worst teeth In the. world. _ T rrom his personal experience was the: given, it being his opinion . that ' the teaching of a right diet would dc much to obviate the great need - oi dental care. The danger from a wrong diet was then reviewed, the speaker remarking on the damage done by giving candy to children, bl? mean: of which the digestion in under. ~ ~ -rntoruiation on this subject cleaned % mined, and then the way is `left: open tor all manner or ills tericome clusion, the speaker point ;qgi EST by 'nT5h'in?'5.`."1'n7`e'a.T'7w:i`f`,trnii instead or a sweet, a now or the alkau line saliva is induced, which will last for hours, and do much _to counteract `the eirects or the lactic `acid bacteria Statistics show, said Dr. Clark, -that the . people I of Great Britain, the L greatest eaters 'ot Jams .and sweets in 'AI... ...-_1.1 L---- What the odi- ".t1{1n"u;_ ;$1_d `Se mucl better with no -care gt 3.1!." declaied 1... nlT.'.u`_ ~ ~ I have frequently had zealpul ymothers. tell me of the spent ckru they take in preparing `their llttk ones-' toad, and I am often convinced `.n.-;n_- _..e u -- - Dr. `Clark quoted the words of Sir `V `_:Williarn Osler uttered recently that ';the next great thing in the `matter [of public health coming from the `dentist. and declared that he. would try to prove that physical degeneracy with -_its consequences, mental and moral degeneracy, is due `very largely to simple causes which can be easily remedied. The use of coarse toode further. was shown to bring a proper development oi. the Jaw of the child thus" allowing` plenty of room torfthe teeth. Dr. Clark here declared thai he feared it would be necessary to takea tall out at the average phy slcian oi. to-day, who 1I_`B0 much can oerned with giving most easily digest ed foods -to -the child that he doe: * not consider the teeth or mouth and their development. _;_ 'lsg;T; .m.h;;.;nt; and gm subject oi ` eltoothv _ deceygiwhich wanna seems tc w_1ip"set the rec_eived,A idfas as to` this jliction of Lcivilized,` yvas bro- fduced-` by Dr. Harold Clark of Toronto. i_'l'he--dtheory he developed] gave as the `cause of tooth decay not mereiy- the presence .01. acidggormjng `be.ct"eria. in the mouths-.-theenemiy against which dentists have ibeeh ghting for many years past--butewro`ngdiet, resulting ;in the formation of a perfect culture medium which is poufed into A the month by the salivary glands and makes the best of all conditions to: gthe bacteria to develop in. The (Sure jtor bad teeth` then does not lie in the `-use of antiseptic dentifrices, but is more radical and lies in a correct diet. - . The "Ori'1lia Packet complains that there are continued "and? in- creasing `complaints of reckless, in some cases furious, autqmdbile, dri-vinvg`. Surely this is _.a matter which might receive some attention from "the police. V `CM-I; .-W_Va:ri'ts;_ I `rbpevh _ Dovblopnfngnt of the" Jaw to_ ' 8aiv e V1'et,h ' ON Iootnotcm Avoln umub nnzms notx under." the AI-an ' j_4N_g.17`H_qiukirht.V Coal V - Food must auingngge ; as . wen. as Iga!ges1_:._.1t .3 person . ; in * bx;vgnt_..V-V by '. what_ lie `_eata._ sogng Vumjqmry nun nfeonle` 9m_18r:9 } V f Mr". Hilton Shields Aof Beml Iwhlle .engaged`_ in building .opera-- 'tions at the [mill there`, fell from a seaifold and sustained` a j frac- ture of -the_ leg. f . Wing Output - The wine prdductlon or the Unitedf States last 189.!` has been` oclany ggtimsted _`a.t 4s.5oo.ooo_ (gallons: * Dr. J. W. Robertson, `head of the Royal Commission on Industrial Edn- cation, is telling Canadians in very ' forcible addresses in various. places that this Dominion cuts a pretty poor gure in the educational line. Our ' industrial or vocational schools are a `education throughout Europe and people. `Mostly we are -hugely ?s'at_iIM _ed `with ourselves. This` is not gs plant by what he nds out andr tells ' The :99?" ot`Dr.. Robertson on [vocational and industrial -education `should have very -earnest 'consider,- V __ation.-Ottaya Journal... _ " - joke, so tarlas quantity is concerned; in general education, he dares to say. we are, forty years behind Scotland. for ingt;ance. Dr. Robertson ought to know. He . was investigating North America for three. years; and the was pretty well posted before that. We in this country are a pretty con- lntelligence is .la the ftrcixbie` is. ignorance.` A good thing is to there observers like Dr. 'Robert- D son at work: the next thing. is to Thereis a possibility that the oldest Bible in Canada still lies perdu in some seldom visited attic... The first! Bible--the Mazarin-was printed about a century before any oi. those recorded above, and there were many editions of the Bible in English and German before the middle `oi. the six- teenth century. It is not` without in- ; terest, however, that there are in Canada several copies of the Scrip $o$`t;g. 3rs-t issue at the! T-.4-yr -`my: King James an Ll VVo J . G. Johnston "l`he Brldgeburgl Review says his mother has in her possession a Bible of date 1682, with records of the Oliphant' family of Toronto, of which she is a member. dating back to 1779. ' This Bible was printed` at Edinburgh, and contains "the Psalms of David in Meeter newly translated." V ` _._ -v---v-- V A Rhemes, or, as it. is more often called, a Douay, Bible otithe fourth edition, dated 1633, is in the posses- sion of Mr. H. F. Mackintosh; V It originally belonged to a Catholic family in Stattordshire, England. 117 n <|:.n--u- v A - ___- .___ .-vv- .guwacwuvIla- Ill; Geneva. Bible was rst published in 1667 by English Adivines exiled from their homeland because of persecu- tion. It was given its better isnowu name because in translating the word in Genesis III. VII. which in the King James Bible is rendered aprons appeared as breaches. ., . V . _ _v__ v 0.51:` ... ...,.....-Ajn}-Vcn. . """' .22` 1 James B1ble\had be"`n `publxshe. "1"`1Te_ 4 11______ I\oI u . Of the reign of J;:nes I. that-most! high and mighty Prince" to whom we owe the standard form of the Eng- lish Bible printed rst in 1611, there seems to be at least one relic in the Bible of Mr. W. `Manning of Clinton, printed AD. 1615. It, like the Eliza- bethan copies; tells how our rs: parents provided themselves with breeches "when they found them- selves naked` in Eden. ,It is rather surprising to note the persistence oi? the Geneva version after the King` T--.-- I-nLe- 1- n - _Another copy qt what is almost certainly the Breeches" Bi_ble is-re- ported by Rev. Jesse Arnup of this city to` be in his possession. It has on its title page the words: Im- printed at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker; Printer to the Queen's] most excellent Majestie. Anno, 1595. Qiurn Privilegio. . ed in Mu-lmur Vfo r many `years died'[a,t Everett on `July 15th, 7 7 years. j 3 luu: uuuuvu VUFBIOII RIle1'.[ne ggjng ' 0-v--9-"KI}","~CIC-$3.. .. James mm; 1...: 1...... ""....:." n. .... .1 "`-m... \ jestie. The U. LUUDLU5 Ial V_ ,'DLAA.a-II The second-oldest Bible eeeme 1:9 be one of which the presyeiit _w_hei`e- 'a,bout , unknown. Mr. W. Mae-` diarmideof Lucan writes that in $911 he saw in that town`. a copy `or the Breeches" Bible in `English, black letter, printed in 1589. On the title page ,were the words Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker; Print: to the Queexys Ma-g ible was in excellent ` preservation. , I The o1d-est Bible `in, Canada is re}! ported by R. Mcclelland at Srathroy. It was printed `in 1580,, when..gre.t Elizabeth's sailors were engaged in the.p1easurab1e task of hurrying Spain and looting her treasure `slga. Cu`! O _ _ A_ __'., o-av, CJUIIUVIIIU, Wu! m`m;` Jig: wafs_"1)1ibiIsT1:~1Mi~1i 17166. f (`I Y-I.._-L - NEARIHED INCGANADAI 2`. Mubueua-nu, tratpuroy, Has oni,` V That was Printed [ll-1530-4-f _ Others of Good Ag: ``_;\ - ------ v, -ooanu-nu. 3 Mikel.` K-C.. Bellevllle, own: I` 5L-L _-_.. 4`-0 . T . version." . -Beeton School Board .re_-engaged their teachers . for another year," while Miss Ella. Williams is given: chavgwe. of_ the .pr_imary depa-rtment. T f`

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