Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Jul 1914, p. 5

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` ection. dressed ` avked D`ON.I_.3; THE .T~REN"I-.` CAN-AL l The Torbnto Globe` has somewhat altered ifs view on `the Trent Can- `al, and editorially says: ` r Peteilboijough is discussing` a_ t- `tings celebration for, -the opening of 'thve `Trent Valley C-anal. This work has lingered __ long. It has iheengon; occasion the toy of poli- ticians, and its many opportunities _forJ temporary employment have inot been without value in the stress iof election campaigns. Both the Dominion and Provincial Govern- ments have been interest-_ed,. for the: look at Rosedalg holding up the; waters of Balsam Lake has been, `under Provincial jurisdic`ion. The] work on the Scu-gog and Lindsay] Rivers feeding into Sturgeon Lake was also controlled by the prov - ince. 'But' as a system of _ inland navigation the work naturally falls under Dominion control. All the contracts are now let and there will Soon be a xvatenxvay from Lake; Ontario at the Bay of Quinte tol Georgian Bay at the mouth of. the Severn River. I Wate,e.wa'yV Lake ~ a Yaluahle link in local tr:-111spor- _OntariOe at the to 'tat1on. For many nnportant lines _ - _of manufacture the avlt-ernativ~e of jGeo1g1an _Bay the mouth of water transportation will be decid- Severn $ : \JULI.lI&|:\.'rI4B `GIG .l.lU'\V,, LUV bJ1\.l. lul1\/LU \V A1: I JL\4V\.L `up l;umoA~vA\.., uuu unt; n nu; uu ` . 1 T. A ed'ly advantageous, even if never Away back ill` the eighteen-thin , used. As a holiday route for canoe- ties the _<-`31191iW3S Pmlected 33 9-ists it is unsurpassed. and the im- military "hilghmvaya and 8 10-k Wasiproved means of access to its miles _rbuilt' on_ the lower Trent _River. 9 of inviting shores and many islands `But the difculties of the rapids will "open new on-portunities for 9 and 70e10W, he 11P'Dl` Dine summer residents. Those who have 'miles and the lower nine mi'1'S, "fought it" out in the silence with discouraged further efforts, and the the lunge in the lower Trent. the gates succumbed to the slow pro- 9 pike in the upper Kawartha Lakes, C9-5Si0f'd9C3Y- They Were 1`St01`8d.i or the bass in the Severn may la- `by Sir C`ha'1`16S `Hiibbert T119131`. ment the invasion of ~ the noisy who was evidently` enamored . of the steamer and i,czasol:ine launch, but `idea of an inacess-ifole lock restored the Trent Valley waters cannot_ and in good repair. The locks at l escape either the impromements or 'Boibcaygeon,__ made -"f.am011S. by` the defaeements of progress. OWELL S MEAT R. ' ` `ye Points. Barrie Phone 24 OF MEAT , den Parties, per gallon `P-er Qtiart ._ . . . . . .. Per Pint Quart Bricks . . _ Pint Briks ., . . . . . . .Per Gallon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $` To Retailers, Picnics and Gar- `Can- of the ) Trent 4 OUR W~A*TCiH'WO'RD in our Candy Making _Dept. is Quality. This. Watchword is` given to our _-p_oop'1e in -`serving the public with the; of V, dierent -drinks . e ave _ca1'l:edi unon to prepare ery_.d'g.y. We -know that Qu-a*1ity T every - cus- Wholesale Ice A % Cream PINT BRICKS` ALWAYS ON [AND AT mm. Eai.IveERED TO ALL PARTS x urn you-1-7-r`i lI\)\~i"IT.'lT %) yd, Vin '3v6ur._A.mou,th_ wil1pi-ove - iitexxidrn and delicious if it comes` V`f1'(_)In-thi'SJ market. It will be a- 1fey'e'1.a,tion 1:9 ypu in the Way of. .i1e eating without any extra ex- pense. Ha_v.ef1_1s send you a` roast, Ta; steak or some chops. No mat- - ter which you choose you are in for nefmeat than you ever put your teeth into before. among` the earlier constructions. . of 3 the Independent, were`- '1lheyi contr_ol Sturgeon Lake an.d! up to Fenelon Falls, and= connect ' them with P_igeon and Chemong at Burleigh and Lovesick came later, and they brought the Kawar- tha Lakes into a continuous navig- alble stretch to Young s Point, where an old lock made the water navigable to Lakeeld. The Peter- 'borough lift lock, a new record in height, cut out the rapids from Lakeeld,- connecting with Little Lake and the Otonabee down ,thnough Rice Lake and the Has- ltings lock on the Trent River to Healey s Falls. The canal works on the lower Trent and the cut lfrom Balsam Lake to Lake Simone unite the northern and southern slopes, and the locks and cuttings at Raggecl Rapids and other points of the Severn will render all navvig-' ablfif, _ H7 `Lakes and Bridgenorth. The locks j `While the capacity essential for- an_ important grain route may never {be possible, the canal will be . ___.1,,_`I_`l_ `L'.,1, _' 1--_'I L_.-_..___-_. '5" $1.00 . 80c . . . . .40 . . . . .20 . . .50 . .30 \\ \\ \ \\ aitibns {requir- phedule by . the i which Mr. 1". lmucette, Districfil .W-i rAe' (`hit-f Hall Tel. 00., `North Bay, and Mr. W. Doueette of Sauslt 'Ste.. Marie lmve been the guests of .Mrs,. John ]}u;_:`1lt} for the past Week. Walker. 1mtl1er of the bfide, `the n1-.11'1'ia;_~o xvns su1e11111izedV ,-of `Miss Dcdly \\'n1kor and =Mr. ' R. Hnd;rki11.<, the Rev. Mr. Taylor ni<~iuti11;2`. The bride WaS . most. ~be<-mnin2'1_v grnwxled in cream broa- mded silk and was attendedvby "her! si.~'t<-1'. .\li.~'.< Eva Walker. Wh0 `W01`e1 pink })l'0("zlt]('(] sk. The-b`95st_m`a"`n_.` was M1`. G, Hodgrkills, brother of the >,r.~'rm11\. of Midland . Mr. and, At the xwsidellc of MI'._ Bert` n I .M1'~'. ]TmT<,"1'.i11.= left on the evening" Sec1'etu1'y (71n1'ke of the ` jg spellding a couple of Weeks t the "Y" training camp at Lake"? Coucllivllilngr. - T _' T . }.' `.11. 0-.11`11i11gS, overjthe whole K system. f1'um>Ju~1y 15 to. Ju1y 2'1,4 were $1,u1u_,ss)5, a ~1decreo`._se- V.<~`of; .$15:;,:m. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Jeffries of Tdronyg to Inmored up {to spend jthe.week-..' end with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Mo1'rnn. "l"11e.v were JacLoompan1ed.: back hi .\lr.s'. and 4 , Penetans` 1'11 9 Harry Hawker. . Police Force. A - . if Vickers .* 9 - ` ,..-Spike Lawson `is in the ,Mr5_T11os. Doibson and Area have returned? from _8.9 Hamilton.` V V T - Mr, Harvey 1' ad'dison, jjSt':".: has to wnuupeg wao1nt% i 1 . '11` Mrs. .\'1. brown 1`cw1'u'uu ouA.|.u- ronto \\~1t1'1 her daughter, Mrs- of Moseley, 101' a visit. . 'f "_ Mr. and Mrs. T110S.A Redferh %ha;v; returned from a couple V of W `visit in Stay11e1'. St. Mr. ' .is0n, 0 bear Iot 136 _.u_;a, vvu --vg-'.` '.'is,, are 31193? 9f ; M1'3' I9, Cumberland P )1, Brown returned` to .1.-.-.4nd1n&nqn (`IL *3i"ms, unless ` sxgna-< ppation ` -each Piahl e;jg,_` 1;" 4`-V; ` J`< Delicious` Speciwk Small De1icious-',Egg`:=i-Q | I.emona_._lies: .T . Hot drinks? OUR 1034 DY IS; JJ 3.0 SR1`. cacao.- W. Logue 0`? A II. Ice Cream_ 5c ;dnd JREAE AND AoAN V E D_AILY` QN gm-E} - uv|AIiI_:~. wALNjU'l? 7`PI~1i3?.: -Of. ` h3.engrf,;3`bg.fre;V: ~b. e . - meweset 7 pmpat91.,eeeand.eib9" L6ent;ete ever! T evv;itheJt11e`*;mennii1z. oi '}their traigns .f in` f..Oan;da. ,;Engi1;'ee_1_'s are urged -`in the 1i1ai1ifeetoi_-_ to. live up to the 1_{u1es_`-<:`;s- eeompany. They are .prqhi~bietede from speeding the train `to-`tr%y`to1.Ck`eepe it up to -time, if fog some natural; cause it" has gone 9. .li.tt1je Ahhind time. En- gineers are also `requested to watch and `report any defectsg they notice in "passing on tracks`, bridges, :or signal appliances. A_ . I The best librarian to-<.1hy'a ie em Igaged, not in .h6a1:'d;in' g bobks, bu't* in -getting` them -circulated` and mad, says The Toroxitd `Star. A library is a V litei'iry' bank, where treasure is depdsited` only that it may" be sent out and: invested. The -promotion- of activity in thought is the test of` a library; just as the stimulation of commerce and A in`- dustry is the 'test_of a bank. thejr ,:-_ret;ur n W111 ;,1f'e\sic'1e.=i_n-. j.Miidand;- It `is inevitable. that the largest i co11ections~ of books should be ac - cumu-lated .in_ the langvest cities. But there " is > in the criticism `that A the city has. more books that it can nd timeto read,` l:whi`1e the countryside has too `few "W" T . .-"I -The fainter and his family and help work hard, but they. have con- siderable leisure, and they have fewer amusements and distractions than the inhafbitants of cities. With . a good supply 'of books, the quiet- ness_ of counry life would be -no disadvantage; The country` boy fed on solid. literature might be more than .a match 'fo-1' the city boy fed on moving p`ic.t'ures. ~' ` ` t r One of `the_ uses of a library is to ifurnih a `testing place .for fbooks.- '.Dhose that fstand the test well` should be bought Aand p`1aced in the family library. -,The greatest -~c1as-I i sics in the English. language can now `be. dbtained fbr- " twenty-ve cents. so that the` poorest `can now. aord a collection` of /dhe immor- ta s. . ~ ' - . n ' u u 1 U0 ygu; p_.l`Up'D1'Iy uuusgsuvuuu up ;ba1-ometer? Many people tap the glass, note a rise or`fa1, say it will therefore be wet or ne, and there lend`. But there s more in barome- 'tri_ca~1 sc_ience'_than tha-t.v. The fol-| % I}'.%i Do you, properly undqrstand' ya. ___-_-_-J.;..0 ' `fa-A`--. -n.nnv\1n +r\ News or A I1'$I-TEREST % EveryAfternoon andEv%ng ENTIRE CHANGE rsvemr wan-:1: SUNDAE. Tsit We o1;}mp;af.s7cgo1 (cg crgam %pa.mgna& Li'sten t9t;he `de1ig`htfu1 music whit; you re_ being A _ A- _r'_----`A _ __ 7` ` I . K nA!_`_- VI `show~`1~2 zthat T fe` F" midi- ..u!i33t;;t1.edi. ~'weather-P V Fine` .wgather_ iF:iijm ediah'e13'ii- 1 ?a.fte;i. 9, rise h . ;{mus_t~.:npt `be fexpectedl to lat. The} "barometer often rises `from a north L war in ;the wind. A fall Ldf ` h-a1f?;a;:t`enth or > more in an hdur` ;.is' av "sure waming of a -storm.- 5:`. - fall with `a low thermometer are- ?te1ls `snow or rain.; `With a rising thermoineter, Wind or rain ffom the sbuth. . ' `VA fall in wintzei: indicates` wa'rx_n-` -e1_- weather ;. in hot: weather, ` thuiid- `ex; 'Fi1ie;. weather may occur with a low glass; but it proceeds wind`fjo_r ,rai-n`.-;_ The rise` or fall". of a_;ba_'fro- `meter rather. than its~ .a,bsoli'1te< height 1 shows an _a;pproachi`ng change, so the usual words, `_`Fa,i_r. Change, e1:c., cannot always _be depended . op. \T-he rise" from a low point indicates the close approach -of gales. V . > VII`-3 |JU'\.l VA It J KO\tL\I~|-JIJI Fogg--Wel1, `I don t know; a ny place ' where it would feel more -`at home;---Boston '1`ranscript.. < "L TO -A-N ARTIST ' j _ Wealthy Visitor--You ard up! ;Wot do you do to make you ard up? I never `ear of a you gettin a. `car for `2,000 as Ifve just done, or buy- in yo'ur"wife__3,000 worth 0 jewel-' ry as I did last week, or sendin? your boy a und_1e& pounds worth 0 mechanical "toys ' as I ave this. morning . You v` . ady bread and cheese` and I ve stood six jolly fell-i era a champagne -'1un'ch- ow can- you be "ardJ'_ u.p?-P1'mc_h. IA UNEORTUN-ATE ILLUSTRA- ` 3 TION A , V 4 Figg.--Do you` believe in metam- .'psychosis?; - ' " " TFo'gg--Come again, Tpleael ` A` Figg-A--It s -like this. According. to that doctorine, my soul, _after I get through with it, may inhabit the -body"of a jackass.` 'I'.1__.;. 117.11 -1` J-.. J. `L...-nu dlrltv T '.Katha.rine s uncle had come to pay them a visit. After the rst greetings were over and .he was bomfortasbly ` seated .with' little ` 134.31; .1. .L4. 4;. kid-.4'\/c.v--ca. Ka't;herine`_bn"his knee, he asked, % as , uncles often db, if s`he were a good little girl. ' M17-..` n.-.a. ....L...J-. 1....-mm. ~24 9? mam. guuu uh 1U_ 11:. > Yes, `buts nobody knows it, was Katherine .s _ prompt reply.-De1in- ieator. ' ` E`: `gum . en` rGfu11.d. ' A GOOD JUDGE OF WOMEN Mistress.--Would you like to come on_tria1 fqr a week. - ' re, -1 9- i'\-_L_'-_.' , Appli`<:al1:t:V For'm8<.>ok s Position - Sure_`Oi can tell _whether_ . Oiiwi11 |_1pi'ke' ,yez in 24...hours,--Life,A VTHEQOLYMPIA HABIT 11` `xi SEQRET _ `I 4-- . i'4ef;:'e#i';he .w;itl.1;_oA1r 7`QU ALlfY_ ViSiORTHER`N ADVANCE Tonijvelearr the; snow; thn;?se%~&q.e11en.: on . A his `nd .`ne?"tr *j1i10ri1{ eit 8`--': d36jIJet1`-`: =i .1;;;:. than`hefore;~r . ::No' iupon = alcroslsing -:shl1.-V % cracked? .rande. : - `K ?;`-,1 .. .e F pause, . > ~ The while, a _frol1ey?'sweeper sprays` L , S myicl'othie`s -` - l `-And lls with._ mud anti i slush my _ -* V ' r V And necks andjcuffs `and ears and eyes and nose; Nor shall I,` coming weary from .a ` ' show ,_ ~ -_ Or evening function where I ve- been to sup, r " \ Find that.~ the man `has let the ' _ furnace go . _\ - Completely out, and I must build ` it up. . ' ` `For spring is here, with sunshine` and with owers That urse the starting shoot and * opening bud, * And bring the tender grass .andl early owers ~ And miles and` miles and miles and miles of mud. --J. M. Knox, in Jndge. DIVIDED OPINIONS . Are you really going to__ marry Harold? V *I don t know` what to say.` `All the girls in my class .read his let- ters. ` . Wel1.? - 1111- 1 . - 0 41, _,,- L`L_'._1_ "LI... Al ` \J'L' QLJJJ .l.J..l'J.|.l .I.I\I4.\u_...4- ' _ ! ~Skinnem (relasing adv1::nt}1re)t-1-1- Yes death stare me rig t In ve face; and in those few seconds I thought of all I -d ever done. vQ..____L f\..3u-. 4'. 1:"`1.l\ {VF VV U11} Eighteen of them think -him 8 dear, and nineteen say he s 2} dub. .-`-gwashington Herald. ' ~ Cement tile for drainage ' isl ~fou_nd by the` Collgege authorities to` `be durable where` the soils _ are not or alkaline. - . * W U -I-`4`.I`4;\: U1. 1:1.u.uu..u u ~ YO}1.have your fjords, said the :Peruv1an. Queer spelling ; W119; , - . ' '. fh 9 , bald the Nerwegl-an, you 3 _ ave your 11&maS.--Lou1sv11leAC0ur- 31er-Journal. A < }`II1UUg'IlL `U'.l I111 .I.'l1 `CVCI uuguin ' Smart-`-Qulte a little dnectory of names, eh ?-T--Boston Transcmpt. _ OF AI3L1`I_I_E D Icc Chrm or Fomitain Drinks. 5 , . i-annoy OIOO_Ol?iQ0.00Ii'IOIn.IIItactical.`- Iwptiococuaiuco QUEER SPELLING .3.\-.Ia ,3 an

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