Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 2 Jul 1914, p. 6

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...:;.-I|l'c:'|_l"|`I':::'... I I I s un.."'. ml mm . ` nil I'"""' I` tarenot only best at rst but , re;.che%apcr in` the end than any n 1-ikind of Walk. They are clean, ent -and- safe. "There is no. o gto become loose nor are they slip- '~Th"e improve the general ap- grance o on house and are a source of bat Satisfaction to every housewife be- ue they keep children out of the __I 1. f.._.__ _...-L _-A __..A ._.__,_ S3118 of this; those who are us- "1118" our columns week after \\'ouk (10 11` 8.iV you poorer goods or ser- m`7i`?.? bl` 'ha`v.'hig`herj prices. ShP$` hich iare illumined ` by ad- nnn.-pf -xn:l-ls Cu", ,.--_ 7`...-vtyu Iv LLAULI art: vertiiilg court. with full your favor. ' was not content to WAIT to be found out--he DE'DERxMINED T U _`be found out.` In short, he adver- tised.` `He -threw on his busine .smal`_1 gs it was, the light of pub- licity, andthe pmblic of Phi1ado`.- ph_ia- entered the shop- on which the light Shonoff - In-this community the` pwblic is on- tering_'those_shops on twh`i`ch the light. of advertising is falling. `Count Conpany Limited I21` I-ldnld Building `IlQ'_A..--I .Adve_rtisir_xg, backed up by the right `spirit, the right goods and the .1_-i'g*h tTservice, can resuve a sinkin_: -b'1_`1sinAess and will make a prospernu-' ;bus_in,essV more mastetfulyin its mm . V .A Wanamaker, tho Prince _of_ Me1`-chants, - began busi- ne's,s,-Ihe resolved to force matters. A wokn TO THE PUBLIC T AV`sV.:-'-Intiareszt for one yat (365 I ,.d`ays) equals six` one-liundrdd-ivhs x 87,235. No: .of days from Nov. 20] to J 11116 8 equals 200. Therefore` in- terest for 200 days equals two hun- dred three sixty-fths . x six one- hundredths x 87,235 equals $28.68. % Back to vheTLanc%1 V 5. If .375 of a farm is .meadow. land`. .525 `is gra-in, ..02 `is. orchard and buildings, and` the remainder, . whricch measures 40 rods by 32 `rods, is timber land, how many 'acres there of meadow land ? A--- nL..'.zL-_ 1- 4" L. l" '. . 1......-'" .T`x;.fe.....' a;;;.;... i % Concrete walks teed no r\epairs .. 1 I'll ' ' nllllillnnn-_ "',:...".uNI|l|!U|':;}.Io nu-Iunnu:|.\IIv.,uu uuI|HllHN""' " . - ...'u m'_In_--_-_-=;:.t.'.'..`_:,:'.:'.'.`.'-C` Ed ` ad- condence ' '.::W`.`.W 4. Find` the simple interest on $372.35 from Nov. 20th,, 1913, to {Tune-8th, 1914, at 6 per cent. `per annwam. ' V I\\\|u,.. --unull HID o |\I\~ \n`_`.'% ' "HIIIII "||I n nlllll" --~--- , m1V&'ns.`--No, of cubic feet ih awhed equals 16 1-3 x 1121 x 8 _ equal; forty-nine vhirds x 45 fourths x feet. "Therefone,Tif one ton occuIpies~ 86 cubic feet. `no. at tons equal-s forty-nine thirds x 45 foruths `x 8 on`e-thirty-sixth equals` 40 5-6, Coal Bin Question ` . 3.--If a ton of hard coal ooupiese 36Vcul1ic feet of espac-e,e howemany tons may be stored in 9.30031. shed 16 feet `4 inches long. [11 ft. 3 in. wide, and "8 _ft. high (inside meas- unements) ' V of grain seed',. 2 1-4 bush to each of 22 acres, at` 45 cents a bush. equals (22.2 1-4 .-plaza no equal 2790), $29.70. Other pens-es at $4.75 an acre for 22- acres "equals $104.-50. Income` from 22 acres of cats, 42 bush. to the acre, oats: selling for 45 cents a bush., equals (22 plus 42 plus 45 equals 41580), -$415.80. Total expen~d`itune,., equal $104.50 plus $29.70, equals $134.20, `Therefore prdt is $415.- 80--$134.20 equials $281.60.?` V : 2. A farmer sowed 22 acres '> of Voats, 2 1-4 bush. to the acre,.ewh-ich yielded a crop averaging 42 bush. per acne. His, seed grain cost 60. cents -a bush .and his other expenses were $4.75 per acre. What was his prot if he sold the oats at 45 gents a bush? ' 3 . `Ans.-By resolving the `dierent den,om,inations of the fractions into their factor, we find the lowest com- mon `denominator to be 720. Reduc- ing each fraction to 7200119, we nd- 13-20 -equal-9 468-72.0; 5-9 equals 400-720; 11-16 equals 495-720; _ 17- 24 .equals 510-720; 29-45 equals 464-720. ' Arranging the original tf-ra-ctions, therefore, in their order of magnitude we get the result: 17-24; 11-16; 13-20; 29-45:35-9. \ V 1. Arrange in order 7 of magni- tude 18-20, 5-9, 11-16, 17-24, 29-45, and show -how you have dbtained your answer. - .A.... .'D_ ....._-`l__:_.__ LL- ',_12m_'-._.,'_; ~ "June 18th. 'The results Hsg1T_;ix3c}i"as},irat 'vr`} ;1`:i.; Entrance ` arithmetic _ exams . judged by a perusal of the` q tions and. the answers, which.-folg, 103$, ` am cmrfcc c ~=-c"-i:.'::.:'.rf`*' China x Italy rottugal Crete Japan . A Roumnh `_ Time drafts can be drawn In ctcrllnlo francs. mu- nch. roublcu. ctc.. according to the money of the con no payable. This enable: the payee tofohtalnthccxccct ____..__a__ ~ a nu _ _ _ :i'.::`:a'.;..... llrc} kt`-cnen. ycu. L In which they `count Intended. .527 . we-xndies.e:c.` , % "T'~"`.`*',**j*"-:..= V9? -;iV%*a.-!~'` D39!!! 00' `I16. nrlnc!vI1.|tl9i"|_ii:iifoIll ~ I . % j _ dI9'II?1.=. Ala... ' "nun. > "in-.3 inn-ior High school Entrance Arithmetic - QITI-W Arabia ' 3 Allltrllln Inna ` A` 'entineR A bll A%enia gm "_l"Il:xid ` _EMRANoE Exams. BARRI E a RKN'Fi' } H. JgGRA`8i&l'1`.T IIUHIIIC Iceland `hull: , ` ,11!.:V3"1'b19$: ` O-RILLIA SHELTER Orillia Packet---The Appellate D'ivis_ionT has found in `favour of Mr. Allbert Cairns, in his appeal against the decision _of- Chancelfor Boyd. at Barrie, granting hfimon1y $80. d-a-mages 'for7a. .cow_ killed, by arsenic from ,t11e`~"smelter,' but re- lrfusing him any property sdama'ge,`. ` 01' an = n`innnHnn nL-.4`-....:.;2..... 4.'L`_'_--" i`-Luuulg uuu any property saam.age,; or an injunction re_strain in-g them `from doing furthver injury.- "'The_ appeal Judges find? that Mr. Cairpsl :C|v nnI':I-`AA 4.. 1a: -1---- - 4-- vI1\_TJUN'CTION Ac +A;f1~I-s_;f1_7 ` `;-;-no--._ 1 `We offer One Hundred` Dollars ' Reward for any case of catarrh , that cannot `be cured by ,Hall e Catarrh Cure. - ~ . F. J. .C`heney.r & Co., Toledo,- 0. , We the undersi-gned have `known F. J. ~~Cheney for; the last 15 years and believe `him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and nancially alble ; to :carry _ out any obligations made by this rm.` V -` =Waldin8`. Kinnan & Marvin, -W=ho'lesale Druggists, Toledo, 0'. . Hall s Csatarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, actin-gy directly V upon the . 'll>loodj and mucous surfaces of the j system. Testimonials sent 1 free; 4 [Price 75 cents per bottle- Soldlby ' iall Drwggists. . A . ' I'l`n'I-- 127-11)- 'I'H-_,_!1 15011 A ;`?1`T Family` Pills for con; stipation. ' . - . iomt jfail 6 %.t_:fy_ : his_..`fx_\ni1s edy .f9rv`1a;;y7=1:ind; sk.iV(1`1A; ,t 1'c'n.1`Vl_;'),ei` F rcru `V ..},_._Phlllp ue"3IIlan ' ` Pol: _ / I , Pox-tail! Oi III-IEILIQ I I` _ Ans. : $1,205.52. 10. (No marks to be given rmless the result is correct.) Find,` the_ totalcost of sixteen pieces of print, measuring respectively, 68}, 69, 65;, 72%, 67%, 68, 70%, ' 61%, 84:}, 63%, 58; 67:}, 66;, 68, 798/4, 65 yards, at 12 cents a yard.- ` ..Ans.: 3;`161.~ . ` V . The marks are apportioned toe:aoh* question .as.fol1ows: 9,__ 11, 11, 11," 11, 11, 11, *9, .s_, and 8, mpectively. `vAns.--(a) Tax .on - -% of $1800 3: $4200 'at21 mills, '21-1000 x 3/; x $6,000, $99.50. (`b) %Rental brought him in; 52 tax, 12 dollars. $624. Total ex~.pend'-ntures, $99.50 5: $16.80 x 332.70, $149,'00. `Therefore, his net income, -$624-$149, $475. (c) Gain per cent. on investment ?for year, ;_475-6000 x 100, 7 11-12 per cent. 8. (No marksto be given unless the result is correct.) From, 61,140,- 000 take` 43,090,826 and divide the remainder by 3,679. Ans. : 4,906. 9. (No marks to be tgivgn unless`_ `the resu`1t5is correct.) Find the total cost of : 49% bush. clover "seed at $9.60a bush.;. 387$ bush. wheat `at 980 a bush.; 260 `bush,`bar1ey'at 74% a bush.; 189 bush. peas at 830-. Va bush. ` 0 ` I ,-end` fvshuiltt a .. 13:, 5} 81300;: 5_ho`use_ on` it for $4200. J hH"* .pe`idt&'ix"es`. a.t,_ 'f*the_ 2 . rate of `21 mi1`l8,;6iii`*the"id`dllar on an assessment of 9%; his outlay, and his other expenses fcir the` year. were, insur- ance $16;80, ,and'repairs, $32.70. He rented the house at $52 per month `Find (a) the amount of his taxes, (ub) his net income for the year, and (0). the gain; per cent. on his` investment for. the year. I \ III xO 1?y2 xf_ 4-V230 x,1-14_4 x '1-H1000, 3247:-* WCKICU new Zealun: Z. 3 Norway T 7 if ..v - . Macedonia Malta ; - Ilnru-Inn-In .o &;1:a ::g I-IOW S _'._rH1#2 kounti-loo [squad k 48w en B0!!! QIIIE siaiin- ` V . ' 8 rules semgtnento `8 ' tux-land A ,, : Rubin `Smith Afcl nnln - S _,-_._- -5... ..u;. u-uauzuu, WUUSE3 3. age Was 78 years, .Was porn } in West Gnwillinbury, a short dis- ` tance north * of {Bradford-. -on the _ farm where` his grandrfath-er, Mark 5- Scanlon, settled "about [ 1822 and 5 which -has been occupied byhis. de- _ spendants up to the .;re sent time. . _`Mr. `Sca~n1on settled `in Bradford, "I where. he was for alboutthirty years ; Athe."-recognized head offthei legal; ; `fraternity. He _the'rA1.-`moved."toeTo- ' Jronte, where =hee.o`pie'ned an -5 office, " butt__his_'_=_-health -gave out-and-.hee re? tired r[o1_n't;the pract~ic;e,: the To- ront` 1ee ;~`lieing-` `closed--. ma the `2 F *Beeton World---There died `in To- ronto on June 22nd, one of Brad-_ ford- s best kriown men, Mr. Mark.` Scan'Ion', who' moved. there seventeem years` ago. `Mr. Scanloh, w`hosel S! o@ `I700 vvnnunn ---- - DEMH or MRI MARK ASCPAN-% -.--- -3- u - asnuaau VIUIAVIJIOO LL16 ., F . .7 . ` ` th'`' .removes a man of,f stro11g hi lc;haract113r, muchhxhellovedl `by all who 1 new -im. T e ate Robert De- ' Hart was in his 79th year, and was. , horn inGhWhidby, being a son. of the ate Ni olas DeHart. H ed t a farm in Medonte in 18`(l4l,mal 1d ll? 3 December, 1866, he married Marion 1 Bell; daughter of the late `John 3 Bell, of Medonte. The `marriage was performed -by the late Dr; Grays - at the Manse, Orillia. Mr. DeHart I lived on the farm in Medonte un- ` til two years "ago, when .-he` retired ' from active life and came_to Oril-l l 1%). He is -Islurv-ixied `by his widow,lj t ree sons: icho son, J att; A1-. bert, Barrie; and Edwin`,a1t. Thom- as; and one daughter,` Mrs. Chas. f Deith, of Edgar. 5 There are also : four sisters: Mrs._ Arthur Richard-,1 .son," .W~hitby;' Mrs. Edgar Stevens, Fresno County, .C`a1.-; .`Mrs. J ohnll Gale and Miss "Sarah DeHart, .5 Whitby. The funeral was held on 2 Tuesilay aftIe.Erx1oo1(1)hto ] .ceme ery. ev. as. .- rs r c'ondu`cted the service -and the) pall- c `bearers were Messrs. Nicholson, A1- .5 -bert and . 'DeHart. Rovbt; .1 Hlpwell, Orxllla, Thos. Hipwell, Bass Lake, and `John Graham,- >Fairval1ey. p . . . _ .- !!'.I`HE_ LATE ROBE-RT -DeHA-RT Orillia Times--A highly respected: citizen, Mr. Rolbert DeHart, ,died on Sunday at his residence, Harvey Stg, after "an -illness of only two days. Mr. DeH`art` had. not been in good health since coming to Orillia, but was` able to be about until last Friday, when he was conned `..*to his with kidney troulblet His? mo:-nnuno. n -u...-. -1 ii.`-A----~- - i Vvvanvll \/Uuuu`y \JlU"l L;l:uU.I'l..IUJ \.IUlalMl.' was. here to prosecute. One of the boys, who appeared to be much the least culpable, was allowed out on sugpendxed - sentence for three` months, -his sentence` to depend on his conduct in. the meantime. The other two boys were remanded to the custody of the County Gaolerl for a for-tniught, the chances being that at the end of that time they' will be sent. to the Industrial -School. These two lads have been guilty" of at least several `other thefts, and_ have more than once: before been in the police court; One of them is only ten years of age. ` l i; - e :P.wdre Z e14;the E.. Ag `W063 a A ' redo tefrom: the." , :esr, .l_11t7`-`::t11_e, fhu C , V A 8.ecf\l[l!9d n;;iy.:s1;5o: in S 1n%.n 3`=3h&i.1,8..`33_n do ' . .-11'.aiii3ar. 1130 j .-take;i*n?:48nthins S else. t-Ongasendarigi?eeVnins"e. the it1;i5${~r-.ffid;;~fth9`a -11i33'`} -3191? "?!i.N1"`="g0t ,7 iiitd%~ my We7ti=1irevv ax s._l;.?Stre7 with ihettizt.-1,;,ck,* iiding-_-betwyeen $22 and >323, It1`1opke'd,`as ,thouh7`this amount , served thf3ir :%;turn;,for.. aawhile,` as _ _th`e next attempt -was not "made till Friday night. That evening, as 4 "well -as in the interval, Mr. `Weath- ,_1erwa:; was keeping his weather eye . open, and shad-aibout made up his ,-mind that three 'boys{ who were loitering about.f-Mississalga. street were." the- enterprising burglars. . Events speedily justied his supic- V ion. After some soldiering the "boys dodged "into a lane leading to ,:the rear of the Northway Com- pany s -. store.. Mr. Weather-wax I slipped in after them, and heard them at `work on the back door _` leading to`the cellar. A _eloser`view - lrevealed the fact that the youths 9 were -making good progress in their ` enterprise. . While . ~Mr.. Weatherwax was securing one of them, the other two took to their heels . and got away. Constable Wright and Chief ' Reid: were soon on the job, and the other two boys, brothers, were 9 1 : l 1 4 foundtat the" home of their parents, f 1 1 f and all three were lodged in the ` lock-up. Next morning they _were brought -before Police Magistrate Clark, and remanded till Monday, ` when County Crown Attorney Cotter Quinn `anun &n .g nnnnn --J..\ t\__ , A P ;,1_` . ; 'i7ii;st "iaA:'"fmi.,';-drap_s._A;Edi that gab, t1ie,.Iah %m:m:qonrm+uLBuRems1 \ 5 Country fhomves fin isummer" 7 fcr~. ._ ity - P8013219 %,m'd:Q increaselti-*4 `auft }bil."to1rriVstV =,,tra,ic,T_ .*bhu's V ::T&mm'e%:`.%%demand . ` ..u-we vvuou. auu. laUl' on D/arlless and _wagons. . ` ` ' Greater feasibility for gasole_ne- traction_ . ' V 1 V ` , Lawer prices for the city [consum- er, because produce can be `deliver- -ef1 a:.t 1e:svs cost. for shaulfagte. main lines o{ t'1'ave l. 13-` n A =F1'e'ee-de1iveryT;_ of p._ .rc1s_.=a11d 1,znsii.1..f to % irigiiers? : Li V V .%%Btfr`t *8cho61atszdance T1ie= %_Lpra*@?ionL%:of% A L:co 11 r'.&a ;;amns-.-.5523-;;. * .~:-.-..~;.11;:.; " H T;IV`v(1iT;1'ti-v`ah-take to the. fame: of Ibeing able to sell at moetxcon-T venient timexinstead of `waiting for good weather Qonciitions. ` - - . --- -__'- vvAA\.|a_vAU'L|I3'u _ .'1`i1e'ma~rketinIg of perishable {in fresher condition. % [ ' V an inxpvovgnien-t -fertility due _ `to -better mehotds. . 1, lialff airi 12?i~1#ImuwE-but in 5 Secxids-#`:' - A mot; extnsive xigricul-ture,> owe. ing to the fact that a much greater variety` of ; crops can be proftaibly ! marketed-. IA land` rangi I391` 30193 ' Tihos-e desiring copies of ` the Cir- cu1ar~ should address Mr.E. H. -Sbammell, T Organizing Secretary, Hope Chambrs, Ott_av_wa.' '4 ' ' ' ' Llrvll uavnxuu n The President [of the Canadian Peace _ vCe_ntnary Association A is 'Sir Edmund." Walker of Toronto, and the- Honorary Secretary Major THa_ipi1ton.. _ _ a wI;vA\aAtIIlUl\JlI. van. usual: 1uBI':L1o -V'.l`he list of `members is a _most representative one and contains the inames of .-all the Lt. Governors, all I the Ministers of Education and nearly an the Premiere in Canada, Among those prominent in this Province who have identied them- selves with this movement may be mentioned: V '- I P!!! 1" I 1 - ` - ' uu... 4.;L.|1\.1l\.6lll '\/U.l.uul1I;l)CU. " -The Dominion Government has arranged for an appropriation to meet the I preliminary organization expenses. In annoucini this the Rt; Hon. R. L. Borden, said: The [cause which the " Canadian Peace Centenary Association and the cor- responding bodies in the United States and sthe United Kingdom have set (before them is one with which we are warmly sympathetic. It is a triumph of humanity that during alcentury, of rapid develop-i cment, despite the existence_ of seri- ous international diiferences 'and problems; the British Empire and the United. States have found wiser and more humane methods of ad- justing pdieren-ces thantlzve arbitra- ment of `war. We` welcome the achievement of a`- `century of peace, and hope that it will .prove_._to~be but the first century . of peace, the" forerunner `of a 1oIrg~~serie si stretch- ! ing into the future as far as human l anticipation can" trust -itself. VHL- 13-1. -0 Hr- ` - " sauw V; I II. V ; IJtl\)GCo Iprogress made in ' Great Britain and the U_nitede.States and contains replies received last Ohristmasfrom World Rulers to ;a message sent in :connection with the celdbration by i the. Americqn. Comyxittee. VIVL; 1\, t'1':he `circular also reports the *A3out 100 centres have been chosen for special celebrations in Canada and strong local Commit- tew have `been arranged fo`r in a lmajority pf these. ' ' ' r[11__ . ____ __1A__ A1`; . , . .1` Aayuulvu VJ. uuvy '.'I.LVlll. vu. vluvzun ' I The education _ propaganda in: cludes-severa1- important features, among which -maybe` mentioned `the ` preparation of a `series of - 'pam_-- phlets dealing with the various ' trea- ties which -have made the long peace possible, which it is intended? to` send i to all schools in -Canada. Tableaux and masques are in `- course of pre- naration which will also be sent to the schools` for production` upon a date to be hereafter arranged. A somewhat -unique proposal is. that schools in Canada and thse'fUnited States in places bearing the same name should be invited to exchange .shie1ds. It is intended to `arrange for the writing of competitive essays on Anglo-American relations and provision is being made -for Provin- : cial and Dominion nrizes. . .A :1. _ , _ . - I -II\I\ ` IIIIV lJlllUUU- L7IIIjn-_ . ' " The 'f genexjal 'proposa}s;- oontairi. L four main `features;.,(1)4:`Monumnts ' and other ;mem_oriaIs', J-(2_=) 'Th"anks~ giving. ,S_ ices the Churches,` (3); ioni1l?.'fPr3gaga11dg,` (4). ' Feigivitieg. ' ? ' =* 1 _ , _._-,,-LA__ .,_..--__.. `mm wmtN_,u_, ham, u_,,,uw,.w mm], :1-ppc'u1.dllU`g'(?S nnd that Mr. U_a1rns which is .375 of farm, ' composes .18 elltltled `*0 land d'&m98'8S. 13119` three- seventy-ve ninety-eighths x_ mount "139 xed" by ,the e,Ma5te1' 1,280 rods equals three seventy-ve They also grant an mxuuctlon me- e_ .ninety-eight-hs x 1,280 1: one one. straining` the Company from secon- Sixtieth acreg equa1S 30,61 acres,` ductxng smelterxng opera.t1qns_ as to . V _ allow arsemc to escape mto. the _ 6. Twenty gas. -burners, each con- atmosphere under` such i m1;m- ` v 811103118` 4 cubic 11101193 _ Of 8&9 13!` stances as may make it` possible for - second are alight for 5; hours daxly arsenic to fall -upon _the plaeintjk `ed-llrillg` the m11th 0f I `NVmb91'~ house and grounds. -The - plaintiff . Find the 009`? Of th9 3'88 f0! @116 is to be entitled vtpffull costs of the .7. month at 75' cents P81` ?2`h1199l1'd action,` inclucdgin-g` {costs .. odr` appeal j ulbic feet. > _ , and` of jthe {reference to 'the;.M1ste1_j_ 1; .` `Answer: No.__ of seoontis .111 30 `for, ;x7in_g lands damagie. `; :;li-TI he'e 4 days, 5% hours a day, 3600`.x 11-2 Xij-ud@s_,7.W1'iO{e4sat,_~_-the.jjjpea1< jt .3300 ` `Twenty burners. therefore.` 00!!` .w_ere % Chifee eJu$tif9e ;MLi11;.`.`JuItica 3600 x 11-2 1: -30 cubic inches`. 1T0 ;R`j'dde1_l',. jJustie };;;SM1.'I;_t1e1ei'1?aj1f1 :~i;a nClI ` .bye144.e 'TherefOr.9. goat .3`dt`i\s75 eqentse 0.r.3:.'%Ii:g%i`u`"v:`Do';: VW;V,:-Sn s, e`c+`.)ta-in number of ' ewbic. feet. 'div_ide' e Justiee .I4_eit'eI'1;` fgper " 1090 c11bie.'iet,T" 20 4 -x` ` """ _ {February 14, 1915, has been select-` ed for Thanksgiving Serviceszf in` all the `churches of, the British Empire and the United -States. This _date is the nearest Sunday to February 17, 1915,-the centenary of. the rati- cation of the Treaty of Ghent. "FL... `...J.-....L.._-1 __..-._.._.-...J.. 2... -IICUIIVIV LIIQPOI The '-Circular enumerates `various suggestions regard-i_n'g the `erection of monuments, hmd states that the matter has; `been refernedr. `-to an 'In`t:31:n`ational Committee} . 4n.4.o `I I 1 fchmUnited` States. -Th_ -movniezit" for }5e11iai:ig Hundred; Years: V of Peahe V fitwe`en'b the` `British. Empire and the" `United States is, 'judg`ingV by a circlar just issued by the Canadian Peae Centenary Association taking fa-pid hold in Canada, `Great `Britain and -_-`|- -__-A.-.'... r;w;cnv%om:mn% ? ` ARYimss9oIamT1fmI 1 GOOD Rows MEAN: {increase in the valhe of farm ran-gi;1g- from $ $25.00 Dtllli ' in. so.i1V farming 6.. gas .burners, each can'- : cwbic per second are 5} ~dai_ly during the of. _ gas for the _-jmonth at 75' per. : feet. . ` 'Ans:wer:V N00,... Wounds ' in _ hours day," 3600`!x' 11-2Cxt _:.30. thenefore_,' con-* -zjper ctxbiqfjgt, 78600 x: cubic:~.inch_est_;To;`5, '-,t.<.``*`ata-in tjnuxdbr off cwbipV;.V,feet. ; diyiide. ~:_.byt_144-.1 "Th~erefo1`.Z {goat-t;}!t't j<;~7.__~.,3_6:1L).1'v_'.;. ~20 `ix 4r tx;%L3B9b_f `Q `4 `.~.\ rte. .14 ""444-: rvcgp . .-r~ %shop.F Where You Are Invited To Shop How s I Busines ? Medal- '1g:)_ ? atly below 3% x 4. Wt 633:. __.__,, __ ' .~ Ld.; ` reyent cold: from wet feet and prevent din __ inc "tracked, in `on floors and Carpets, J ually-Important it the fact that they never wear t and never need repairs. _-_._!ree book f`What the Farmer can do with Conjcrete tells :all about concrete walks and how to build them,` and I score of other "things needed on'eve'ry' term; Write for it to-day. wXs.:'1?}:1`ia:"1$;-15:" in decimals, is .98 ( Area .-of thisland is 40 x 32 rods equals 1,280 rods. 'Dhe 1-efore,. if .98 of farm composes 1,280 meadow land, which /.375 of composes vthree- seventy-ve x_ rods seven-ty-ve 0-nillety-eighths x 1,280 x one_ one- Vsixtiethncres, acres,` "

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