Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 2 Jul 1914, p. 5

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ine "13 . H._ D. J amieson, one of the" direc- tors of the Sirncoe Navigation` Co., and a friend `of the Barrie Bap- " tigts, that this trip was taken. The concluding session on Thurs`-, day evening was one of the best in`; the history of the Assoiatioh. ot only was itwell attegided; -`lik, e` evening before, but . Iftghe spirit of =brot1he'rl\i11ess. and; syinpathy and eamestuess was `evident _in every word and aet._ Rev. James Currie led in the devotional` exercises, Rev. W. B. Walker read Psalm 31, and Rev. G. A. Wi-lliams held up the people in praper, imploring that _._.. 4...}-.. L-..-I- 4.- LL; A1...-nL.nn 4>Ln ycvplc 1;; Pnwyut, ;x.u,;ua u....... we take back to th churches the` noble zeal, that as` a people we may! `continue in thepresenc-e of God.i `l')___ TT TIT" 'I'_..1-..--- .....--.. - 3-1...- . UVJI1 uxuuv lLl_ I./ll_U . ```All Power. '_Th_e choir from the PM k).I.\2\.;lL\.'U \JI'u\.|o` rt, _ R3 11- W? Ja k9n gave -i 3 501 ipo-The evening meeting opened with -. . . ' ' , 1 d b th h ' . Orilha church,_w1th over 30 mem- Soiissserxllgalfler if rfioranigr Spoke "hers, rendered: Weral i5e19itiinS in the interests of Foreign Mis- RCV. D1`. MCI0d 011 Of the si0ns_ Sghg spent one -year on in Presbyterian. `Church welcomed the the foreign eld and ill that time God` has not _ A53.00i9ti011- H9 during`-~ his 30 had lea-med some of `the `difficulties years P35t1`3t 3 in Barrie, had 31' that confronted the missionaries. .'W9yS '1?-911` 011 the best. terms With In this way we learned of the hard.- the Baptist- cong1feg8.ti0Il-V It WOIIE ships of -those who are giving their be unfortunate, he said, to be all of lives to this great work ' one denomination. -=becAause. by a Miss Nellie Morgan of North diV91'S itY Of Ways G05 shad diVided Bay sang a solo, There is a Green us .and each rejoice in _a delityto Hi1} Far Away) `r,"Su1'P3S3d- `Mrs. Little of Toronto gave a 11,__, -.`I _-,_1.`I \JU'\.l uxau lino LIVJII -uuwu. ouxyuu-.~u-l Hehop`gd_ the blessing of. God would rest on all the endeavors;-_ of the Association. Rev. Mr. `Hipkin car- ried .si_mila`r ' greetings from the Congregational Ciurch. ` ` 11-1 II 1' 11 ;,,J. -__._ \/`\JAAaQ_Vwwvvo-vv- v.....- .,_-- _ Rev. J. B. Webb of Peterborol represented the Grande Ligne Mis- sion Board. He said there was not one French Roman Catholics in `Montreal who has permission of his| }priest to read the New` ` Testament, 1 and there are - thousands` who have never heard-that Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man. He compared Ontario with Quebec, and showed 'tl1at" Quebec .was as fertile as Ontario, with! I larger area, -`but was not advaiicing. Ontario has 5 miles of railway to Que|bec s 3, and 51 daily newspapers f\.-.Jl...-...7n"1K .'I"L.-. nancn mac flu: quuuvuu U, auu u; uu11`y ;u,u.ayuy...u ito Quebec s` 15. The cause was the overshadowing of the province by the hierarchy. This order was mak- ing its last stand; in Spain, Italy and" France it was losing its grip. AAt Montreal, in the reoent Corpus Christ procession, the Protestant denomination won ~ a pp distinct triumph in the fonbidding by the Militia_ Dept. of soldiers appearing} oicially. `They did not appear in uniform or with ries to protect the host, and for the first time in 60 years were not representative of the Canadian` people. Mr. Webb told of the progress at Grande Lignei and particulars showing that a great work was being done. 7 1,3 -.'I wuxn wan |I\M1a.B \.v..v. Rev. R .M. Carkner.._ in his ad- dress as Moderator, whiglh closed the- convention, appealed for a; closer living in God. It is only then. that we have -strength, and i strength is the ideal of nob-lerr ser-I 1136. hin too. .v xnna-3..-? Machines and Wringers. d see the latest Water v'e have a compTlete%line `of Screen ,oJorsf and Windows, Refrigera rs; New~Perf%ection Oil Stoves, L wn'. Mowers, `Lawn Hcse, Ra es, Grass and Hedge Shears. es ax'1cl`u3yAou will nd Outs - _ ' s `no waste. `to such choice can be used, `every. particle` eat- en. To -buy here is not alone to get the best,` -'bu,t_A_ to practice meat egonoiy. 3 Iglge, <.-h.vea'pest.' in _ the: end. - Aieats as Tours. Every ouhoev ter- ally mb- _ The vice. When fwe` are in touch with.` Him there ows .a strength to us we;-rare weak, .we, through Him, are- `trong. The Master has need of us, ;;gpdL`though we `tremble, let us place `edflgraelves in His hands, be obedient: .4 will, skillful only for Him.~ Q ' Women s` -Mission Circles. i `-'.Dhe annual meeting of th6'Wo- men s Mission Circles were held on Tuesday, afternoon and evening. Mrs. W. Smith, 2nd Vice-President, was_ i11 the chair. The afternoon `session was devoted to the usual !bns1ness of roll call-, greetings from iC1lr1<;2lest and Bands-, Director's re- po , e e V .. 1111.- -__-_,:__ ., _-_-_;3,,, ,, _,, 1 _!L1_ that meets a1l:our `needs, _won-. der_ful- is divine grace, that when. E _`. againt tha'tF' bf! `~m*i**%AV~ i `A Jftpur m`eT | L411; .1. us ALVVCA _,. of gave a splendid addrss on Home Missions. This address was an inspiration to -all those interested. She gave us a brief outline of the han:l ships of the home life where Christ was not the centre and made all feel they were equally responsible -for `mis- sionary progress. A_........ ALA ;]l\1I\l&f\&I\I\ uwnun -Dnnl-A10 k DIVJLIILI. J 1.1; V6 Among the delegates were Pastor S. G. Cole and James Whan, Belle Ewart; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Birnie, `Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jolblbitt, Miss Elliott, Big Bay Point; Rev. James Cuttle, James Campbell, Miss Camplbell, Blue Mountain; Rev. H. 'W."`Jack-son and" wife, Wm. C. Den- ,niss, Jr., Bracebridge; Rev. James lBroWn, Burk s Falls; Rev. E. E. Shields,. Mrs. Henry Poehlman, Mrs. J. F. Zimmerman. Co1ling- wood; F. C. Judd, Doe Lake; Rev. W. M. Carkner, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tough, Haileybury; Pastor W. H. Howard, Huntsville; A. Camplbell, Maple` Grove; Mrs. E. Wallis, Mrs. In -n-._.1 rxr......1.w.n..+- Doa.+m- W W_ i UIUVC, $1113. .11 utnxu, E. Bard, 'Marchmont; `Pays-tor Lowe, `Mrs. Sibbal-:1`, Midland; Pas-`_ .tor Wardelll, L. Livingstone, Miss M. _ Livingstone, Minesing ; ,APastor W. B. Walker, Mitchell `Square; Mrs. E. Morgan, Miss Nel- 12- -'Il'.A..4-.-n-\ . -`Iva Square; Mrs. 12;. Morgan, A1153 urn- Iie =M'organ,e Mrs. J osenh Silver- 1:horne,. Mrs. D. J. Elliott, Miss Cameron, North Bay; Rev. G. A. Willianns, Miss M. Lee, Mrs. Bas- -kerville, -Miss MeNiven, Mr. and `Mrs. Donald Horne, Oril1ia' Mr. 9 1 11' _ `IRA----. Q4-nvnuomc pqqfnjt `Williams, M155 m. ucc, mm. JJILO Orillia; and Mrs. Evans-, Stayner; Pastor Rutledge, Mrs. John Henry. Mrs. R. H. =McCarten, Sud-bury; Pastor Ba':lett, Widdield. -_L .....-.n4-3-um .~n1nno far fha ql5art_lett, w1 The next meetmg place for the |_Association, in June, 1915, will, in `all proiba.bi1ity,'be Sault Ste. Marie. The T Hard _ ware F1181). _ 3&3 lly 132; the ely, H? lfe,` rac- but 118` 1", Elab ix} ore"; {is 3735: um ` y` I ve Tb _ 2,424 b2: 16?` :`.d:1i:c1 B, . ` .~\.~{_,",X.` it` tom of 6 39.70 . inee, a therefore have 0 3 he 3 867 3 ~. % 800 of these lb over 2, to ChUl'(_`h& 0 ' " f 0the - r A330 ellC`OllI`agedj b : wg;[ L -Ll..D.. wln said trherue a.w_as~a cry` ~know we.1n1vc the smile_ nd ap-`.7 proval of the Master. . The first .<}wnker on Wednesday, afternoon. after a ea'so11 of prayei` and p1'z1i.~'o. was Rev. W. -T.` for In>tto1' thing's among the Vbhurch-, es of this and other Asgocitions. s For one tnlning. we 11ee(1 :%_V$3..'i__1)<'5i,t,;t1e_1{ 1'IL~`pi1'uti01m] il(_`([1l11il1ta1lCe- "'wvit_'1.1__,tV.1:1e affairs uf thv lcn.m1i11ati0n,' and Nye would be bv.`*ttc1' tted for Christian work if we gut. bv1_1iu(l these ni1ifaIi"ls,` such us our \`m`iUlls l1)iS$iAOl1al"yHOlb-I jects and all unr departmenf}S';"`ofn work. ' 5 Several slnn-t a1;ll1'e~'+e.j wiere given` (leseripti\'e of the work loleingi d0_i1e . in se\'ernl of the conven- tinn. Rev. W. B, Walker of March- munt, Rev. -l:m1e,< 'Brown-of Burk s Falls. Rev. J. B. Kennedy " o,,','.].<)r' rontn, Rev. .l;nne.< (fnrrivu of Blue Monntnin, M1`. 1*`. (l. Judd of` Doe Lake. Rev. ll)`. f.\IeKzly, and `@116 Mutle1'z1tn1' (llev. R. May were znnnng the s1:eake1's, a11d:;ia'll_' in the 1l1u.~`t n]:ti1ni.~ttie terms . refersredl to the ,<.;1'eut and important work} we were -e11g'21,u`e(l in and the Splendid : p1'o;,rre=.< that w:1.~` being made. _ Rev. S.l (i1'ig',<.;` of Toronto in `an ll llmv Does the B.Y.P.U.- Help the (`1nn'(-hf showed the im- portmiee of young people s organiza- ll0II.~'. AS 21 lmtly they` 110911) the] church and .~:tinnIlz1te for nation -"I building`. An zmny of 10,000 young men and \\'nIlJ('ll is senious '~busines;, when workin,_r to one end'.i This is what the Baptists have in Ontario and Que:lM'. Over 6,000 of 121169 are denitely engaged in, study _fO1' self-impnm-nnvnt. Not. dnly -jth`i8,. but tliey help forward_ the young. People of the denomination. . At/th.0' Good Friday convention at London! last year there were over 1000 9233',` . 0 ~ , . x- 0. , Tlxerc is no ~betmi"`d"} _11e church for `. 3D6C1f1c w-ork ' . v, .\ ' V; 2 1(\l.)~\` Rev. W. Danilu Western Missions.` }aarts% oi young. " ` :1:~:ii1n;as ;;:.ns:;E\aiiti_`"` ' e1p1nuv;1!_ileunfi1;_vhox-airee>dawuine r13i_c_ulcatinTg- tha ;epif- and. the book 2 Baptists `should be subscribers to The Bap- tist and Sunday schools should pur-` chase their suppl'es thmugh I the Ibook main- - L.;f5 , % `gcmmplibhuihf ..+..- -r ..- ---- -~ ttth V8P60i 3815- should we not he pi-ayer`. -spe,o_iel_it's?t.'_()ne has said, Prayer, is; the mightiest force in the universe and the` Christian world "is . b1_ind, The time spent in prayer is brief when the value {is reckoned. When our members are absent he patient` with them; Are- l -mind them that the hearts of those present include them and ask the` fthe ehuroh; 'Tr-`day is the iday 0!` absent Kones. to lift their hearts in prayer for the assembled: ones. Too many` of us are in the` judging business and toofew of us are in love with the prayerless ones. We should he possessed more largely` with our sense of sin `and then our mid--week n1eetii1gs.,'-would -be more largely arttended. Prayer is` not dead. In t prayer the glorious . o-Id chariot of g the Lord will go forward and win victori-es; 11$` 1"! vv ' <- I - -- Rev. W. H. Howard of `Hunts- ville in a practaical -[way spoke on Special `Evangelistic Services. These are for the quickening, into life of those who are `in:->'sii1,. the awakening of those` who tare` in the Lord,` the satisfying of our demands "by award of souls. A church mem- b`er~shou~l-d maintain a high tone of "Christian experience; All channels _of life should bedirected to a high- }er `courses. The pastor should he (the leader in,a.1l. `work, and in special eorts pastors should unirte. Prefessional ` "evangelists hften im- pair work. The church suffers" a re-action when he leaves. A pro- fessional fcannot .,make a revival. Revivals come . when Christians earnestly unite anci prayerfully de-I I Rev. R.sR'. McKay, B. A. , . I Feild Sec. Foreign Missions," Toronto sire them. A We_ cannot expecrt~1aS't.' ,,-n--1A. ;. nut-\wv\l\"`\:i`\lC' }Sll'B uncut. VVU Uuuuvu cn1u.u., ......, ling permanent ` results,. something" lthat lives, unless we are Christ- centred. Drifting, Ibackward cur- rents, wearing out of pastor and people, can be avoided if we are proper living. Christians. We can- Inot help the convert unless we are |CIhrist s children. We must have 3 our. lives on a lofty pinnacle. Fault ;` was `not found;.`_ with `evangelists, but the crying need was that in- dividual pastors, individual people, should hear the call of God, and- should create in_ their souls such a passion" that nothing but souls will .. lsatisfy. `When pastor and conse- lcratedq people get in touch .with `God there mill be asteadysanid sure harvesting of precious souls. -We. cannot de evangelistic `work unless we have _evangeltistic- souls. We must have a recognition that our work " is great, and a prayer". that God will send us reward, and `a burn- ing passi-on for` additions _to` ` His Kingdom, then will -We 38 1' D9013 ? have arich harvestp . . t --_-.. :-'. .. `Dnnlndanr nave u T 1`u."u wOn Wednesday ev i Thomas Trotter of varsity, Toront, expository` address, A _`I_____ u...:+In Ilclnl V vuvu ening Professor. Mc:Ma:'s oer Uni- ` gav a short Bible T rm n.f.n1-I of CV ~51. und ent. ._ 1.1"! =*6*89.`it1l95`*l`hB. not ` the _m6ne`y. ' :8!18.d&*w1ll..aoon have awo~ fronts; }-`when. ..V`5l. it1.i`l"&t5(l`(le_ ` rtation f8`i~lVi` '08,. trade- routes will chaxlg and _owns grow` up where now is nobhxng but wilderness. - In` these places churches -must be planted. -A3 D60p1es are given to us men to. lead will`. rise, aml gnoney. will be .f,"*hm1_l18- W9. face the future W1th " b}`18'1It`_;*fhqes_..anIQ. chrf11l ` >A;.`.'mr\."2;"" A,:i..3.l_ Tzi "it; 99 3 1:- ` .been ` "oonsi:dera _L giglg ?.`?hth,61'p i1`-`W011}d be wise to separ- `. `.`A m....'.`.'*.'.a.:.-.._` - _- `ftide Wi:1iMe."-by Mr. s ` `Barajie__ivas_`_ap "iated. 7` Vi Y; .0.T~'Es Sudzburys the Anmial Sermon. He took h-1sr_text `from 1 Cor. 3; 9, For -WW9 i Are _.God s Fellow-wotrkei-s. One. V.` is indispensable" to the other. Ev_eryone of us" who have - `named . .H1s_Na1ne have a'partin the `Tex-' `t6nS10n.of the gospel of `Christ. The one_.and rst `requirement `before en- ~f78l'lI1g`_ service is' -to be acquainted '-with God, to have _`knowledge of ~Him',V to be symp'a'theti<`:,- to have His 1)les'sing`,- to have felt thetpower of His life, to. be attracted to Him, and to have the revelation of God s npresence. Then he as to spread the word of that kingdom, ` to bring others-_ under the "gospel, that they may have an -experience o-f God s love. But our power is limited. There isn t `enough power in our dhurches, in our lives, in our earth- ly power, to save one soul. All is- in God. Let us recognize our in- ability, our limitations, throwing ourselves on God; and then we have our rewa-rd' by seeing eect in het- ter lives and in the joy of helping otl'1_e`rs to `C`hr`ist.m . . 1 1 9 IIIITLI VYLIVLL IlI5IIl6 GIIIVI BIUIJVIEI Thiureday morn"ing s meeting ..was open-ecl with devotional exercises led '-by Prof. Thomas Trotter. His "Bi|b1e exposition, The Laodecean Chureh (Rev. III.), was a master- piece. - I 'L`-11.....'3...... 4.143.. n .J:annaa:nv| oi-nan ` V U15`/I 9 UV \./Ill IE III This ., closed Wednesday s`~ meet- ings. Pastor Smith made announce-T ment regarding billets, etc., and. the Moderator regarding next day s program, and the meeting was dis- mired with singipg and plfgyer. '__-_`__'I__; ...-.....-._...,_ -..AAL..... wuv yxuuu. _ . Following this a discussion arose, W5 in reports of committees, as to .the ` wisdom of a memorial from Oxford- Brant Association deiplorin-g the continuance of `certain churches 81 `that are a "~coiistaiit drain on the 3'91 iiaiices g of ' the "Home ' Mission W `Board. - _The mvemorial.~ was not favorably entertained. A number of J3 the brethren spoke in opposition to the closing of any mission. church. `It was then moved by Rev. E. E. H ne Shields, seconded by Rev. H. W. Jackson, and iinanrimously carried: R; .'I.`hatwe have had beforeus an-zl` 115 have serioiisly considered the .55 memorial of the. `Oxford-Brant As- sociation, and Dr. Nortoifs letter . that accompanied it, and `declare Tl ourselves in favor of the ` policy ` of '8-1 the Home Mission Board with re- `_ ference to the support of rural A cliu-relies. The letter, of Dr. Nor- C ton ,}'eferred - to was addressed to. the -Association` asking for a pro- : -nouncement, the memorial in ques- . ; ' tion Ibeing at variance - `with the J4 `Board's policy. V . ' -`i Rev. W. B. Walker of March- `N _ mont and _M|itchell Square churches .. presented a request from West Oro 11* ', Church for re-instatement. This ' was received favoralbly, and, on It_ motion of Rev. James Currie and , Rev. G.` Ac Williams, was formally S ` received as one of the churches of F the Association: In. the same mo- tion the chiirdh at Charlton was a1- S so v recognized `and received. _ ' ,-Rev. S. E. Grigg, superintendent 13 of Social Service, gave an address " ' People generally Sp do not `look upon- thereliurches with `V. the" same` reverence as at one time e and more easily break a._way from . a_ restraint. `New methods. in appeal- a ing..:or C'hmist' are necessary that we I may permeate the whole_ structure n with-Jesus fC1hrist and win men for W! the kingdom in greater_ -numbers. 1` who were promoting social a servicewere in full accqad with the I teaching of the indiv.idua1 putting `13 1 on of Ohrist; with change of heart. ( _ .witli'-the new birth. But being born" 43 .again ,;deos not ,-mean that his rela`-, A1. . tioii shall he in` accord with hisj.fel- I .1owmen- -9fteni01witian% we I! r` `;i:_1.{'Cl,iristian ; relationship` ' i_>v..1tl1 i 1 fathers." " ~Slav.e~owiiers .. and slaves of .~.O1dv.gmight_. .be, Christians, _ but their re1aons1vipi.wa9-. not proper: nn'i . {and Lemigloree mayy..;be-`Ghgr1S` '. L'tf`g,;1 but their `attitude .0 e *1 tof nether-, is, nt`* 011r`it1an- " Out-_ a,` i .. sure spoi1ns:vh.*.tr1te.1 ; L i 1. ` 7 3. 3. '3 3 r t B. ;.Th "siz- ` nnnu `noun ...-_J.... NLC 99' ,1 W5 .;_?I9t,_o31ly to low `eelries but .;`1';1-`fvation 'iri %1d }8`8k_ed` the people -toesive at.` if y`afly`to` wi`>i-`RT L ' _ _ E .,,....1,etter from Rev. E. Cameron. .1? A tread, expressinghis..p1eas11i~e i_n . th._..f91vl'owsthip `enjoyed {in _ young ' . peop1e s work during the year. A ` The church at-;Sud;bury_ asked for the privilege of` appealing to the churches for money to aid them .in builidinf a church edice. This was granted to the- church through its pastor, Rae\'?. 7E`.; '-- `Rutledge, on motion, of Revs; 1, W_._; Jackson A ad .Andrev`v Sfnith. ` Pf Rev. R. R. 'MeKai,` Field. secre- *ta~ry for Foreign . Missions, address- ed the Association on The Mis- sionary Spirit. The pirit of the 5.`... ....2..a. -.c ` ` 1-At!` :5 ----"-`-" --v----g uyuuu. . `av abuxlu` VJ. _uu\7 Lord is the spirit .of missions. I'1`he`1-e are men who-are ready V to live this spirit.` When one urfravels ithat is this spirit? `It has always -..:..:4. _ ` :`\.\nv\ A ` ------'--`-A-- `V "`V l 933$ WEFLLJII` LII vII9 QIuV'aJ "bee_ .-the spirit of `compassion. C'h1"'i st looked down` and saw the need, laid aside His glory, and stood with us, staying with us as a shepherd with his sheer, When we look at the `people and see their moral axid spiritual needs, we have something of` the feeling` of LHi1{x ... 1.......!._.. 4.- J- ..--J i1T"1B"i`gl"o "ES JJ&i`.`A,`chB`cT1 should be -missiona-ry from its in_- ception. Its meinlzers should be {ready to make 'sac.ri-ce, ready to `use their every ability for he Master. Our lives will then be para-1.le1 with the will of God, will ..-__- _A__.___.-..__A. r- __-__1J L- ..,. .......... ....... ...- ..... UL u._..., run inagreement. We would be re- lieved: of spiritual distress i.f T our wills conformed with `His. .. He shou'ld- nd in each one of us a will- _ing agent ready to carry out His P11-PDOS 85. `-'I'\ -r 1': CTYIII ---`vv~v-- I On motio of `Rev. J. R. Webb, seconded by Rev. H. .W. Jackson, LL- -1 .._`_ .....`.'. Q...`-A:.gLn;J (\ -D...-.5.-.......-.1 d1e~ not owe )ur- B(Z_\.'U1l\.l7.l .l.\!3Vo -1.1.0 . VV 0 uunovxs the clerk was "appointed a bfraternai delegate to visit the sister Associa-. tions next yea'r. _ ' ' _..~--- V `X72112-.. The, nominating `committee, adm- posed IV` A of Rev. James Currie, Rev. T U rn XL TA\TIIII\E\ 1- 11`-'9`5\l `IL LUVV I 0 Jill `-1 VIII` I`-4, J-UV V ' G. A. Williams, J. H. Tough, James Campbell and V Rev. E. E. Shields, presented their report, recommend- ing that the following be the officers for next year, which, upon motion, was .. adopted: ' ` 1r_.1-_.-;.-._ `D-.. fl` `D TJ'..........`L, GUUII UULI 0 . Mgloderator---Rev. H. P. Humph-T rgys, Bruce Mines. ` *n....--.-. *u...J............ TIL... 1:` 1:` A $3 5, .111 gut .LIl.'lLLI.7t3o Deputy Moderator--Rev. E. E. Shields, Collingtwood. , A Preacher ` of Annual Sermon-~Rev. W. -J. Pady; Sault>Ste. Marie. Alternate P-r,eacher---Rev. H. W. J agkson, Bracebridge. ' ' _..-A._-__ 7I"...........-..n.. .'lIl'......-. T :01- bsidge. 11_U1'lIC \I1' I ll l'|o _Auditor,s-J. H. Rdbertson, Ori1- Hit; Wm. C. Denniss, Jr., Brace-. Local Home Mission Board-Re'v.v G.` A."--Wil1_~iams, Orillia,` chairman; Thunder Bay`, Rev. A. P. McDon- 'aId, Rev. T. Luckens; Algonga, gev. TJ. . .....J. -1-nu: . D5" 0 GUAGUII, .lJ1l.\.'Uu.I.1u5v. . ` _ Secretary Treasurer---HaArry Lm-L `ny, Bracetbridge. ` A -..:-L..__L Q4-up-n.1\L1Av-I vcnnvdr TI `nqy, . Assistant Secretary--Frank H. Hbrne, Orilliva. I _- .1.'L__.~ T U D4-s|`n.:sn`nr\|-I mu, Iycv. .I.. lalllsnclla, 4u;5vu_5u, ....~.. P. Humphreys.` Rev. Wm. Arthu-rs; Temiskaming`, Rev. H-. B. `Coumans-, Rev.` A. `H. Barker; Southern, Rev. ;T. E. Shields, Rev. `James Brown. , 11 I 1.-oA_3____ '-D42 U dulutks uruwu. . ;Foreig-n Missions;--'-Rev. H. W. A Jackson, _Bracebridge. if`-`Wes1>er11 Missions-Rev. A.` P. |`M(r"Dona:1d` _Port -Arthur. ----- D... 13- `Ml Tn....1,_ duv, The per i11- his 111 61'. Ifcrrv lY1(.'.lJ'Ull.U.1U, .l.U1. u 11. uuun. ='_'Grande L1gne--Rev. R." M. Cark- ner, Harleybury. ` ` T.`-I ,_.'_L:-__..` 1),... 1] . 1) mm Shields, .001-lingwood. V I\ 1? mans, uuum 1.. Olmroh Edice and Ministerial Superannuation Societies--Rev. E. -n 11' -n 1'? `D-.. `D.,4.`|,,,1,,,, H61`, .L.l.a1'u:JuI.u_y. > " Ed'ucat1ona.l-.Rev. H. B. Cou- ` mans, Cobalt. \ '- l`L1___.._L 'I.`.'I!.c.... .-.11 .]`:u\:a4-on-:0` Duuuury. . _ , Sunday -Sch`6ols--Rev. W. V F. Price, LNorth- Bay. - ' VB`. - ..-....1--.L:-~. nI\I YI- ..L.1'1\:C, .LVU1b1l .1101.)- The resolution committee, com-. posed of Revs. W. W. Lowe, W. B. Walker, `and James Currie, present- ed several resolutions,` which were adopted`. One was that we return 'a `hearty `vote of thanks to Mr. H. .1). J amieson, through whose kind- ness we are to enjoy 9, trip on the water this afternoon. Another resolution was in' the shape` of an appeal to Baptists to observe the Lord s Day with `every rigidity, -that it was `a serious concern, to God s children, and that people be discouraged _ engaging. in anything at prevents-` hworship and spiritual `uplift. A strong resolution, un--- ammously carried, asked the Bap- itist people to support Mr. Rowell s -. licies for that abolition on June ldnA.L NVL- manta`: av-A virunvnnmn-Pa (VF -I-I .a.o.LI\. Sud-`bury. CO_;_`. .1... ,pULlC.lU5 111!` mu` wUU.uu.|uu. vu. tlunru `29th. The pastor and members of Barrie cihurclh were heartily thank- ed `b.v resolution for their hospital- ity in so excel-lently entertaining the delegates, and the `Barrie and Orillia choirs for the music fumish- `ed. It was also resolved that in view of the unsatisfactory Mate of 1, the Ministers Superannuation Fund `that we earnestly consider the ad- ivisajbi-lity of putting the whole mat- ! ter on such a footing that `men can filo-ok forward to old age after long service in; -the gospei ministry with-__, --:*.out\.:_ fear of p0sib1e_`. destituti_on. . nu. _' '- .:L:A......... ...\.uni-.n:+h:u:s ` nn.1-n. 'uuu- Lear U1 yUBauuv_ uuau............. y The olbibuary committee, com- .-posedvof. Rev.`H`.gW. Jackson, F, C. 1 Judd and James Campbell, "present- e`d- thel',_;_oHa\ w`igA;, nesolutignz - Dur- _ing `thgyear ther have been 22 :dea,h`s`v "recorded: by our dhurohes and 1. gas. an associati`o'n.we desire to [tender _du_t- hear'tfel_t~ -sympathy; with ;the .='bere_a`\{ed ' At same time - `*___~.L .n..___: -.. ;.1....:`.. ....4::,.:'. .` UX163. [L0 0119 D(<|lJJ\/ vuunv ` `we `= rejoice .-with them in their antici- pation -of joyful reunion with those who have passed into.._the presenbe. `of;~.-Vthe4;>Ldrd. "This waswcarriedja % ' -'I`he`Tjme.eting' ada'ouri1ed.-`IYat"?3.1 Rind` ? the`? i1e1eg`4its~ 'an&~ am, the a. DIIICIUS, . Uvuxugw _I.`Y.P.U.-.-- v. o.""13:'I >-Rutledge,

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