Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 May 1914, p. 6

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..EN` y'ou sri on your campaign of ,9m.%'.'bB8lltifyil1g this-Sp'ring, 101 ,. for "varnish" --- ask fT' : - {AC-:, and .don't be content with~ -JAAP-A-LAC. Always put ` . :A`i?`Tihs; `bearing the name; "GLID- , .. 3_ibVeau`tiful colors. providing for _ 'i'_e'm ent of.-the `housewife. ]A_P` _i jivondet-working aid in keP"`8 503? o'od_Wjo,rk?"spic and span-" . . _ A IL!'a;LtclLxe-ior'marre<:l a piece of -=;.._..L..- `__J .._.--.l....-. . Beau- 1._ JAP-A-LAC. will make it~l0k % A Note to Merchants r 2 K Jap-a~la '3 said by H M31-Y ln "an-ie. Jvap-a~la` 's.soId by A1~Jyf5P'A'LAC" fjfurniture-Saver because it gives a "nish" to any Household article tat no mere var- nish can'give. :For_ going t11ro_ugh his, ,friend. s `pockets and abstracting therefrom two ve do1lar"bills, D; Sw_ales of Victoria Harbor will spend. some days in Barrie jail, the guest of the County. V ` ` JIM This Store Recommends Schaler Steam Fry it and ,I.{u'ghe'na, "daughter. of "'Du11 cau ` A Thorah tAownsh_ipV _fanner; `vei miles . south - T of Beayiartbzl, 'sl1"6t_ Lean, while shooting` ground hogs; The `bullet enterd thegirls head and she is in a critical" condition. . nus WEEK IN REVIEW; ` The Oril1ia*f Champlain" Tercen tenary Committee hasv drafted a` progranune for _a threeday o'ev1Le;_bra- ti-on o-n Aug`ust17,` 18 and 19, .1915.- Mr. R. A. -Smple, [proprietor of The Tottenham Sentin-el, has pur- chased the `Bradford Witness. Mrs. Neil Bovirsex-, aged 25, died at Vigo an May 18th. Her husband` and four small children survive. -T `, Midland has asked` the Hydro. Commission to 1{eport on a'n'_electri`c road connvecting nearby towns. `. Cldsillg of stores 51; 5 i be- ing -discussed by Orillia. .Board' of Trade. .. A V _ V 301111 M1x1'.ay &. Sons[ of Loxldon, sm `WAL!l:R.,c.1'r.O;.Ll;.D.7, ` LAIR_D.Gei,1oulMqnaer _V_ JOHN A n- An : '7'c3}3&Z:i;T rS&iE{'15$;'%i'C15?$'rI;I'Li13:2'5&1 ques and Lettersof Credit issued and available in` _ Collections e'ect_H promptly at reasonablq rates. 'T`riae11Es? cfhe.-1. 'part'bf'the"wbrl;l2; W8 um, 31 5,ouo;ao`n % aastnve riin, s1j3;`5on,no9L 1914 3Peia1\rgain$ 1914 , ` :`S;.t;c5<:k*` `V `S.creen% D'oO't_S. _Screen_,}L . . I:z;\a%%i;;..-w I FOREIGN BARRIE BRANCH . .- an. 2 :1 _ xilt All Pgt:in\a_; sigesj -_-I IF".-QWTIT H. J. GnAsErT;}gan%afggr.%L' rsooTT ACT EOR GREY AN Bnuomg v 1 _ V A meeting of the - temperance workers of Owen Sound was heldfon May 19th, todiscuss the question of submitting the `Canada Temperance Act `in Grey county, The `report of the delegates who had attended the county convention in Mark-d`a1e was. given, showing that `there. is. a, strong feeling in other `parts of the county . .in`favor of the Canada Temperance Act. It is likely another convention will be held towards the end of-the month to de__n.itely decide the, mat- ter and an eort will "be, made to. {unite Grey and Bruce .cou-nties`in. submitting '-the Act. _ -Q .. ` ~ - | A Midland - Free Pi`ess-}-Accordi11g to the statement given out by the pare favorably with `most towns its size 'for: automobiles. There `are now about fifty owning auto ears _in I. town, and:` the .num,\ber- is "still in- creasing. Just to what extent these lwill he used` for Sunday .p1ea.u'1-e is a matter worthy of some consid- eration and serious thought." Judg- ing from the slim attendance at Motor Car'VCl11J,*'Mid12'1_nd will com-. church services one would "be led to believe the auto c_ar craze had con- sidera-b1e_to do wlth its Robert Atkins, zyretired farmer, died at the Hospital" for Incura;bles-,e Toronto, on May. 20_th,_in his.Asveven- tieth year after. an illness that had kept -him to his bed for the past ve months. He Was born" in West Gwillimbury, and lived there until his retirement. He had been living with his son; George T. Atkins` of 14 `Sullivan St., for seven years. ,He was a Methodist. He is -surg ivived by two sons, one daughter and a_sis_ter, `Interment took place on .Frid~ay to `Newton Rdbinson cem_e- v terx. . w j Beeton Wor1d--Enq.uiry has been made hene by the authorities `in Barrie regarding a Boy `named Doherty, no-w in jail for hors'e-steal- ing; `A - boy of the same name .was sent from the Home _in :Toronto 1a$t_ Mr, O`. J. `Tracey, "at Bee-ton Junction. H.e did not Apfoxe to be a desirable emp1oye,.andMr. Tracey kept hinf on1y"one month. He afterwards worked`- a_Vshort time for Kr. Robinson, near `the June- ` tion. vv wt-05-_Iov\/A-5, ura-v\-IL VQJVJ _ wsgikl. wvvvutyyvu |to_ run away. :_]_?our ribs. were fractured and a =er1Qus scalp wound sustained`, and the. injugiedv man was ` .in a precarious` condition for-some ` ` " Ont., were ned `$200 and fboSts"3fir "soliciting. orders for. wine, which was -proven? to contain-'12 per cent. -spirit, "by Pol-i-ce Magistrate Hogg of Co1lingw00d;' _Wm.vaMu11r and F,_red, Dunlbar we1fce previously con- `victed of keepinlgvt-he '1i_quo 1f for sale Iin local option territory. M I ISam`u el7 I-Iogg of. {F105 ' fdwnehiy was almost ,trampled- to death *byda team of i horses, which he had driven. into a fenee corner_a_nd commenced to unhitoh, after they had attempted 4... ..u.. ..-.-.-... . 13.... ...SL. _..-_.- V :7 Af]_.`_11\,+3`V_;1.'1ea`x:""'f_LV'1`TW Aront`;\ ` 'Ti;m 1fpeg-Van sgrvice 'sho1' be.Agr:a}tI value. Fa1'~ms '1:1_1_at- wereyj only worth $40` an acre 25 'ear`s`ago heive, in "the f1ast`ffew years, been sold `as high as $8.0,an- aAcr;e- and are- t_eadi1y inc_r_ea.sing;~in;y'a1ue. : The .majority @ of ..fB1`i.IlB1 S~_" %"i_,,1`:'fc`>11'IL 1_`(;1V *B radr . `-iford me: comqrtab1$VA 1:%*w11% off, ar'_id' the tr 113213 11. ` ieairiz up o;%;%them;%:Lga:' ..;_r .' ` '. ' "."-3, , J13-11% . '.(.e:.`t.: ..1`1T1* 5:. `5;15'2:~1s!Ia '10ai 6. rarri.V"2fif;4o11do11 8.10 -_ 91:01.1; p;.m.,-' arri . ;Ieave Toront` " . " `Montreal 92,00- Wrains _7wi`11T lie "bper= V-Miofiigazi 1 Ce1i?I?_a1#,% IMPORTANT AN NOUN OEMEN T REGARD-I G O-ANADIAN . Pacitfic Railway, effective May" 3131;, many improvem ts in train service have been mad notaible among these` being th inauguration "of solid de luxe tra , carrying com- parAt1n_ent.-1i'brary- uservation - car, electric-lighted st nda.r'd- sleepers, to- gether with sta ard _' dining car .ser.vioe` between` " Montrea1-Toronto- De't1~o`it~Chic-ago, a Canadian Paci-1 cand Michigan Central `Railroad, 'commencuing~.-awes` ound May 31st andneastbound Ju e 1st. ` [. .7'l`heso`- palatial trains will be known as No. 19 nd No. 22, the `former leaving. treal 8.45 am.` `arriving. Toron-to .40 ..p.m., `leaving `To'ro`nt6 6110 pm. 79-15 P5111-.'-.1.& Yi11_8: '.?&_1`1`-iVifIIgA _ _ _ .Wihd*?f 12-2 ,'a`rri,ving' London don` 9.23 p.m.,- . `V . A _ > _ ii.`*aJm., " "arriving '1-1.35 p.m'. ; .ind8Qr; a.'m;,, - le av- ` The Couchiching Country Club, Limited, Orillia, purchased the resi-t deuce and land surrounding same from Mr. Henry Madill, and will have house-.. rec-onstructedr immediate- lyifor the use of`the golf club. This will provide _an admirable club the Work, . house,` as it adjoins the grounds re`- cently purchased from the eHay\1.m estate. Extensive improvements are being made to the grounds, a large number, of men being employed in _ ~..'\J3-LI..I.`JL".D.l. 'UUo,- S:I.:l"by all Drixggists, 75c.` `Take Ha11 s` Family Pills for con- stipation. ` j ` AV IIUOILJ J. IAIIJII-L` L_ Ha1l Ts~()atarrh Cure is taken `in- terna.1~ly', and acts directly on the blood land mucous surfaces of the. `system. Send for -testimonials free. `I3 '1' rwrv-:1-av-no. .. -. A.` __ wv--one \J blswo FRANK `J. CHENEY, ' -Sworn to `before me and sub- scribed `in - my presence, -this 6th day _of December, A.D. 1886. (Seal) V A. W. GLEASON, - Notary Public T_T'..`l1).. .1-L_, 1 re L\}$JlJ~'-`\Jl;l. VI-l\-all` >u|-\lL _LI'uV\JL I4} J \a|I&nJC One hundred thousands envelopes: twill be mailed by North Bay mer- c1ga11ts -to advertise the summer `camixvnl there ibegi.11ning July 201:1) ill_1'd,':~.1~Stil1g' a week- -Besxidespmany. other .attra0tio11's, Leon TW. [Wash- bu'1*n s `Midway Shows will`_ give 7 daily e:~:1`1izbi_tions. - ' State of Ohio, City of. Toledo; > C I I V Lucas County a _ _ ss. Frank `J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the rm of F. J. Cheney & -Co; doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State -aforesaid, and that said rm will pay the sum of ONE HUN-. DRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be `cured -by the use of Ha11 s ~Ca-,- tarrh Cure; V . ' 111-; 1 -av-- -- -.------f ,uIJwu1 uycxy ~wz. yuu uh Iuuuuunlu-11. for market` are recommended to kill off or dispose of 1 the male birds ;.Fa_riners and o_thers..sel1ing'x eggs after the breeding season. .As a result of their remaining with the ock after June 1st, Canadian farm- ers lose each year at least amillion it dollars,` through the presence of partially -incurbated eggs in -the pro- duce which is `marketed.~ The fact thatthe best trade in many cities .i1'1 Canada now offers ` a premium of from one to ve -cents per dozen, for non-fertilized` eggs, suggests an adlditional ..nan~oial consideration which but few can afford to over- look. i \ \JUUV_IJUL(lDU -U1 1Uu,DlJu ` V ` `Few farmers ; realize these `_ fact_s, and consequently. very .few make any ;eo_rt~ to insure infertili-ty. The` impression prevails among 1n any,othat`the presence of the;.ma1e "bird in4 tho `ock is ~e'ssen~tia1 to the production of a.;%._maximum`_. number `of eggs. {Ibis ; assumption. has * been ,proven, time and time again, to be Iabsolutely without foundation. t1__f_______ ___ 1 AL1, A , 11- ooncvvvuv, 1JIul.Ub v.:.uv UJUAL - uu U , _ UUIJB :in _ ndthei egg }bcOIf1e7;s 1-` On, ' vthefjother hand infertil _e'g`g`i>vhichj age freeTfroLm the active gexfm `cell, do not; ;under ordinary conditions, deteriorate .js'erio1_1Asly. _ '..T.`:'.... .l.'............ ..-__;- L- _._-'L- -1 %%.c`ons{t%it;ute4,*`the greatest .pro12 of : th.6 _`il1f9'TiO1fiSt99k-:? whzc, Wh9*1 eX' X axizined, 'ifoves_v.`unt'.o17 fo6d It` 3.: ....;. ....;.`.;._......_. ;L~.q. V j_L;'.;'_' V_1:L,11 . ugpnsa-a_\4\.I,e Esi nbt.-_.;ijE$s"a that nu rwuv, -...|.V'ln' .` "'5.-VV ` .hae.%'.reihizied 0?! lti1;fe`?i::idr V a, brody% h9h% a AF%hii39fat11`?9; 9f` ..Ven` ty. bein g,;*in` itself, `g'_1j_f__([;ient' to cause `the germ to commhcc t-o grow. `the. heat _iS` the difvelopmnt pf -the `chick f will fh Q-on-L tinue; but if it ceases ,fm- is"7Inter- mittent, putrefaction ._at _oFncf._ sets 1.. '.L_:I 11.- -.. 3 . ,S`EA`S015TiZ:;4T :*=%, I:.3....'O"Z'Ei.E.3`i\I]:3vS`I i5"`.:f3feo,Q_: Sold by all Druggists. 75c. ' `"" BOUGHT CLUB HOUSE Orillia Conservatives have elected the f0110Wi_ng oicersi for thekyeai`: President, Mr. William Oarss; `Vice Pr'esident, Mr. _-Chas. B. Janes; Treasurer, Mr. F. G. Evans, and Mr. H, L. Kearns-, Secretary. East Simcoe Conservatives are holding their convention at, Orillia to-day toselect a candidate for the Provincial elections. It is not prdbwble that Mr.- J. I.;Hart, the present member will have any 0p- - position. - ' 1_ leav`e.,.Ohicag`o_ 19'?) &_1-r1,fLiy.e De- -4/\u oacv I-I.a.4.A\'U .l.JC` De_troit 5.05 dsor 5.25 p.m.-,` ?;;m., lecme Lon- 'L;},.ToVronto 11.20 .1 rt`; ' 0 y o . `E=arr1ve W 111ds.or p.n1`., .a;r- A `cTh6`u1if` tl1-84 1'1nn;e1_ `A between ` ,---.,,%----,, V. u..5 _h.u,_ 1;L\.{.`a*_ q_1;uLtuu uruu-7 -ford -are` }0mf9rt%b1* ?i%`JW11 01? arid game of_ _them , .~f;rich=1i and : ride` in Vthjeir d autos=*~ to - gfmaarlift` gagtid ta .._-V- y._n;;a.u.L=nL.|Ju)J.b.l. I Twenty-ve years ago farming; in `West Gwillimbury was all done by raising fall wheat and money was made on the farm in. that way, says The Bradford Witness. The wheat was all sold? a'I1AdAs'hipp'ed out of the country, `but farming to_-day is done in` `a d;iffere;.1At Vmanner.,' the ._ grain is ;nearly` all fed'on' Vthe.~fa_r`m:to hogs, ._ca*tt1`e -and po1i1t1iy-'..\an_d.{v j in -. ~ c9nSe_- -quenoe- of __ that the; farme1A~_V g'et_s:-f3a1.1' the" afeftilizer` ';*1>81':.;ndjVitni: `up _the. Mnjd `?`%iatV:*graiiIs as. 1 ?=9at.s,. ibarlgy -: jgfnd- i;wf;eei1;_. ~ rare: ~ I"'n`ow% % ;:7prbdi:ced: `_ Lmre;:i;w12ii:ida%:;t1y; V3196-. Fa.*ms:%%% h mf ..u,u vnnu. wuu. Lu: guuua. . ' Usinggthe local "newspaper. does `not consist in running standing ad-V vertisements, but i't fdoe\=: consist in supplying the. -edit-orslwith the :best copy that can 'be_ procured, in ',1i ber- 'a1 quantity and a change of copy` ` for -every issue; The man who does not change his. copy hurts himself and ;11urts"the pa-per.` His` trade `wants a. new message, and the man who puts upJ.his I'1ewtm_essa`ge_` in! the most attra=ctive;ma11'ner is the man who the business; ` FARMING -IN` "TV'I'i_fu I ll\JI- UL LAID. 1lUuDCll'UlUo The local newspaper stands by the local merchant through thick and thin. Likethe trade-paper, it works when it -gets-paid and when it doesn t. . The merchant who does not use -his local paper liberally is paying for- it just. the same. He may not think so, !but he is. The local paper is the `backbone of good government. It is the most potent force in molding ,pulblic opinion, and to the credit of local editors, be it said`, that as a class the local newspaper . -is the -most incorruptible institution of the present day, If there is a single retailer inlthe country who does not use his local newspaper liberally and intelligently _ he `is making the greatest mistake of his business career`, for the local newspaper` will furnish the demand ` which will sell his goods. 3 TYCJ.-.... 4.1.... l......1` `_.-..-4 ` " THE LOOAL'NEWS1 APER l The local newspaper is the best friend that a retailer can h-ope to have. It` is the means by whichhe is enabled to carry his business messages right into the very" heart of the homes, where they wiil be read and listenled towby every mem- ber of the. household. ' rm.- 1---1 M - `Orillia Board of Trade are ask-' ing their council to oil a number. of .stivets. The Board will send Geo: H. Clarke and C. H, Hale to Mon- treal to ask `the G.T.R. authorities for a new station, which has been promised them .for_9evera1 years. (L... 1....` .-]..n.] 4-1: Aswan ll. nnvvA1nv\Ais I-IO-W._ To RID THE COUN- s TRY` OF GATE-RPILLARS ` You'~can kill millions of caterpil- lars in an hour by using coal oil-- cold kerosene. Pour two or three ounces into .a wide-mouthed tin, then sally forth` when .the pillars areiat home, either in the morn- ing or `late afternoon. A `dexterous twist of the thumb and nger pulls: the web loose, you drop it into the coal oil, and they are dead, instant- ly, painlessly! Repeat the process on every Weblb you see, `i tell your neighbors, and soon, if all `pull to- gether. the beautiful country will no matches, no torch; no re; just! I -be rid of this loathesome pest. But don t delay, Now is- the time to act! A few warm days and the igrulbs will be too big-_and disgust- ing. This is patriotism, though per- haps not highest form. O1 -`illia Times--The Pnagramme Committee reported to Ohamf plain Tercentenary Exiecutivef at a. meeting `held last Thursday evening. The provisional p'r`ogramme,inc1udes' `land and water sports on -`rs/t-1 day, Tuesday; "August 17; which is to be "known as Old Boys Day; .Wedn`es-- day, Cha'mplain7Day, is to be a half holiday, whenxthe historic pageant will .be put on, with an illuminated 'boat.par-ade in the evening`, Thurs- day Will "be celebration of -the hun- Idred years of peace, with children s parade in afternoon, and reworks and military display in evening. The time for receiving sketch models for the mmument was ex- tended from June 20 to August 20. Mr. J. `P. Downey will go to Ottawa June 3 to invite the -Ontario His- `torical Society to meet. in Orillia in iAug`ust,- 1915. ` - .1?`_rticu1Va:r from _ Canadian ,P8,0ic: ticket nf IIt$.0r M. G. jMurphy,' Distri Passenger Agent, 5.Toront o. f ' ` . 22-23, ORILLIA ,T*ER(`}ENTE-NARY C*ELEaB.,Rz_A-'1`-ION % %%Na-Dr`:-Co Laxatives rI'5c>Lrlt%t%rAsinPg%,1I 1t%1%f1i$1't?a j 9' LL` W{EIST G.WTLLZ__[i1\I]_3URAY MLean 57- Deart News Notes of lnfrst F61`; Busy Readers. ` ~ 1 `1i':m itd:A`number or SECON HAND cmgth :yve,Vwil_l Sell atvfr'om' $100.00 to $ 500.00. at A LVULCAMZE YOURTIR-E witha; ulcanizer. "`_ . . V I . R\\\\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ :Cv_a`rageV, just pull longside. Tr ` I L . V_you ll always do it. ' Bargain -Hunters Come in and -see` us if you want repairs for\ny can Shop Where You Are Invited To Shop FORD CARS Mr. and Mrs. G. D'.._`Stroh11,' re_si-I dents of ' Colliligwood for twenty years, 'on_ L Monday celebrated ' the, ftieth anniversary of -~thei;rv wed- ding which took place at'Borj:.Dover on May` 24th, 1864. ' - -.'~_`.v. . . Stimulate -business -by the offer of some slow-moving. lines at special prices. Brighten up business by -.advertising `some desirwble goods at reduced prices. , Make advertising -banish "dull business. Often you can tempt the buyer who is biding his~o1f her 't1me, to buv from you\_. at -a time` of your nammg. All can be made to buy earlier-by a_dverti_singf. :InrtIl1is community are hundreds of individuals and families on the `watch. for an advertisement which Will" oer them what they want at an `advantageous price. Call them bargain-hunters if you will, but there is nothing wrong in Waiting for a bargain, especially -when -the seller is anxious to sell at a reduced price. One `family wants.` a new carpet-- `the -need is not urgent. Another "family is looking forward to buying 0 my NI.` ,1:..-:........\,..... .c._..--:L---i- One man is thinking of buying him- self _a- watch. ' One woman a shopping bag; an- other an umbrella. ~...-.----adv ;u avvaLaJ.L5 J.U`LVV(4lrL\.l DU L(Ll._\ 1115' a I set of d1n'1ng-room furniture--1t may not be for a tmelve month. wvvuuyvpun 01.119 ulnu urea..- , . U y scritched ormarred Pi_ ` '1AP.A.LAC __`i'rnt_c'hes and produces a befm` . Quickly and easily 8PPI`d` -- _ -.._ . - At` -'-n Patrick Hesliri, `a Rama e township farmer, died in Orillia `Hospital on May 17th,- as the result of injuries received the. previous day when he, was run over by`~a manure spreader.

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