`$1.00 PER ANNE IN ADV:N(;I/ nnnllr calm: innit nun-up FAMILY RE-UXION_ uv ruin F-IIIIIJIII II` lIlIVH`I`\ `WOOL! GOPIII Thai ! CINTI ,-side; San: A; in but The Nattiest Styles and Men's Suits for , S.e3SOD; a fi`l,'l"1'l4 who have a reputation for failornngx % % Q1 , qgcvv J)U) D .."lHL.'LU LVUIIUIK uuu. VVII-ll 7`. WM ' Gmys and Browns,_ gqod tweeds, S!Z3 -'+ ,3t-_2 8__"W:,_' . . . . . . . . .... . ; . . . . .. . A.>._ ;$2;9o.__ $3.25 `and I, % Sizes 29 to Boys 2-piece D. B. Suits, with bI'oomer pa_5s' 5iZ_5__, 23.... .. 000000 cocoonoooicopa$3oSog..`$4QL)_and $ Si7.CS to n 1 n n o 0 0 0 0 .$4.0C, $ Boys` .\':1vy Blue Scrge'Suits; extra opd-. wearing qugh gtlmantccd real Irish Serge and as: colorso - -`gs-`*"~. - - I I - - o ootioacotloiuotlu;.O0_lO0Vf00'v$9IoF _`an Boys'T`2-1)iccc Norfolk Suit wi`th b1 )cmA1_er . -1 I)_A--..... -on...` C-nuanval - :UA` `?':*d`"`R`-:.` J: WHOLE lid. 'u'oo}' Jununuln . _ cF.'1`.< .;-1_-_.... mm: 1)IS.0~11IARGsE 1%,. % V_.~'IIL{EXiB PEAL In the" Court. of Appeal on Mon- day of last week, the casdof Chad :- `wick vs. Tudhope-Anderson Co. was argued, M. .- Godfrey for jdefendant, S. S. Sharpe, Uxbfidge, for plain- ti; Appeal by defendants? from judgment "at Barrie of Latchford_, J ., 30th March, ' 1914, `Action by` Tholnasw Chadwick to neqoveri $50001 d`amages`_ for loss of his `rig\ht hand in ad join.te.r in defendants ~fa ctory while in {hair emp1oymen`t,. alleged" to be due to negligence of` def8h-dT- ants. "-But jtriva1- judgment `was en-` DAMAGES RED'UvC'E'D ON Ar-t tred for $2000 a_n_d~j.<:osts. , Appeal argued; and .cou_!i_e1 consent-in. there*6o ddamag-e'sf ;"edi'1fced;_ dtpda12f5oj. No costsjdfid a'I1P9i1-; -d I . ` `V Vs`, ~ ` mg . x * Men s Plain `Navy Blue 0 fan cy LWorsted Suit, made in 3:-button Sack style ................ ._ .............. ....... .f....`..$l5.00 Men's Twed or Worste good Tweds' and n_ea' Men .9 Odd Suits, bnl `r'1`eA .or two to' a. line.-,1 sizs 34 to 44, were` ~ 9 09 ` ' 0 `V9 to o o 0 o i $4.50 /T110 l-l'-mlgmt \v:1.~j. t11e'Ca-ridd, .-Xllismn xm .\\\'u1' 1c}1 Dz1inags_. S1111 .\'.`;nin~t Ni.-x Former l`:Ill]nln'\'(`1`S'. > V ` . l ('['l':1't` H:l1'}lil1.~tm, W110 VV'Bn/t -,;tC) `U. '101`0nt< t'1`1n .\lli.~tm 111S_t summ9r. = '*i1W:H'-In-I $1.-N damages `fof `mluxflrl Ii~mi-.-ml in 'I`orOX1t0a9$Vi2W:" on l*'riln_v 'a.:~."~1u (i 11u11r:e1lor- Boyd` \\')r I.(*Il' mu! H:I`.:('l'1:h.1l(`.ry m1"""`T"|f" vi (L*ul';,_-u;~'F1BtChe. '.[`]1"'. llmc-h11x~u11 was eng o.II\' 0.. -1 . `- A___';.'__._- it M en's Odd Pants, Twe Worsteds, neat patter `I PA A... A6` FA ___ Overalls--We are sole for -Barrie for the Gale Fast Mall Overalls; are" Union-made and are anteed to be equal, 1 better than -tiny others W--- ,.... `..___-_- V 1.5()"0`:$33.5Q_pr- pal TI-ll ,.IN1-gnnfrs or ents ated hese ua.r- nob ade uI`I`L|H_'.', "I "rt1101'~'. llnlwh July to IllJlHil_`..` diia'1nis:~:m1 in -11, - - ~ s or ,T at mall `Check Suit; .made in Same style as .... .; .... ..'. ........ .; ........ ..$19_.00 `IE ;%Co UNTvT OF SIMCOE. ON'I`ARIQ MAY_28 1914 L V Co11i11g'wood News--`ALbertd Wana-I maker, the blind man, who has on` different occasions seated himself` on the street corner in Co11ing'wood- `with `his gramophone and received 'do_nati0,ns` from the sympathetic. who `passed by, proved himself a very ,ba`di man while. in Creemore, and for the nextsix months, at least, will not have to depend ondpu-blic sympathy for his support. On `Sat- urday last `he was _in `C0}1ing'W00d and'-go`t drunk. He hired a `livery to` take him to -Glen Hron, and there _;commenced'to a'buse everybody. he met. 1-At the station he made_`him~ self ` `obnoxious .._ an~d- broke a `window 1 9119:- -_'.. rd-._.-:._.L1- f'(r,._.,;,._ [BLIND MAN } TO lltill UU1lUJ8lUu`?'-({lL'u. g.uu1\u u u....uv.. in the building; -Constalble Young of Creemore placed him in the lock-. up them-Eover `Sunday. 011 Monday ,a-.}."I.`-..R. official from Barrie had ,him arraigned before Police MagisV- ti"a;1i(_ .Mackay," `who, after hearing Fthe `evidenc-e, sentenced him to serve ..six ~ monthvvin ` the Central : Prison ~,f_or which . .1>lac heleft. with' the d.'dt_ectiye, _ ,thgQ _ s_a,.m9_ after- . r ~sK`ULx F-AR:A,'C=1?.UR E~1') * -'-9v1\w-uni *. ` I A` Spiers, ..`-the %1,Q-(areold ` son` " of f_Mr.. _ and -Mr. _;1}1gx._ _Spiers,\ A ~of{-N.eW , F103, `died 621"-Mity 11th,. as .- 'V iihe V re?s1111i " Of` viliillrie ~.-s11$*.3f5i1;1`3} Wlieni.-116 .j\`\_u3s* kickkl ."'<:1%.{&___1fo`r"sje ."v 1;~h. ; " " `had v.1-;e_dA ..a V IANNII, THI .O0U.N1"Y DI` BIMODI AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA DUB QRITBRIDN. . - ---w----A`-vu nu-`I Uqtawavy, J'u1.\' tn lIl:ll1:lf.1I` 1114- C()l1(:'(3l'11v:,f: in .\7'nv01nber. "~`.I`~1 that M54 partners .-[emplzyff I111tu11i11. without his . nu-rave, V can win IVJUIUUIQQ .... ..`.'..;.s2o.bo Suit 351? .'HoR.sE s maxi` Voiai\ITRAL PRISON %i-AWN SPRINKUNG ' man ovnknonn ` H SAAYSAN EXPERT 00 Much Water % hr Put on" .~ at Wrong Time of Day.-+- ` ' : Must Have Meters Install- ed Befofe Igsir!g_'I_'?w{1 % Much water is wasted sprinkling i lawns in Barrie, ' , arid` ;the' Water-. works Dept. are issuing the annual -warning` to consumers that water-.' `ing lawns is contrary to the regula- tions if `a. meter has not previously been. installed`- This action is ab. jsolutely necessary on` `account of the Wholesale waste of `water when it is not chafged for thy meter rate,` and? the ever-consequent danger of a `shortage of water for domestic and coinmerci-al_iuses. Another phase of the question is the injury often done to lawns by injudicious watering, and the following extracts from a `pamphlet issued by the Water De- partment of St. Paul, Minn., are reprinted in the belief. that they contain much instructive matter that will -be of interest to our read-` i ers. l \lLL`I The Care of Lawns 7 The most opportune time for the wrenourishing of lawns -is in the fall iduring October and` November ` This can -be accomplished by apply- ing conimercial fertilizer, such as bone meal, etc., or well rotted cow manure or better still, with well prepared compost. This latter is the best` and almost` a neeessity for over watered lawns, where the roots of the grass have- been exposed to. the suniand air bytoo mu ' sprinkling. It-'is__a. great, mistake to `imagine thatfa luxuriant greensward can be `maintainedi by a continued applica- .,tion of water to the grass. If the sod is properly prepared" to grow the -grass, sprinkling. with water week. in `very dry weather. The lawns then should be showered so that the moisture` penetrates one- half inch. These articial showers should be applied during the even- ing after sunset, because no mois~ ture is lost during this time by `rapid evaporation as it; is the case `during the heated part of the day. `A well made lawn is easily kept and the. less sprinkling is done to the grass duringithe heat of ' the day, the better will be theicolor of the laxwn. Water is no nourishment for the grass and should` only` -be ap- plied as a` necessary stimulant to need only be resorted to twice a balance evaporation. It should be "applied in a wayas near as pos- sible, imitating natural conditions of sunshine and rain. Too much of each at a time is "harmful to all vegetation. ' ' .rnL_,,- _, _12.:__. -4` '1 _..L:..'L . vvgcuauuua ' ` Those qualities of soil which make for excellence of growth of grasses often vary to so_ marked a degree in'the dierent sections of a town that a hard? and? fast rule, ap-1 pl-icwble to all parts of "a town can- ndl: be laid down as a guide for the use ` of` water _ in producing lawns. _ _ 11 1- -_,-_..--_i..`I.-...- ...'.1 A.L-A. \'\l\' UQU GUGL _1AL 1.lLUuuuAu5 I-Utvvaguc. 1- Itughovllld be rememrbered that ha lawns can ` be produced by water _ alone, and if proper, attention has been" paid to placing food for grass in th soil .f`tr41ss'Water is neces- sary for the making-of 9. rich and velvety 1-awn. ' It-s`hou1d.'not. be ek- pected `that; grass, which`is naturaJ- it deep-rodted plant; will thrive .an"d ' grow tluxuriantly _ ,_upon. fwater. r....'J~ _ Lu... .:,...1..;. if: .-.`;-.-H ,.m~+`nnn:r xeast L\ve1_ve 1,I1_c.ut.-.3. . , _ - `_~_L'awns become?-' _Wor;1 :oi1t. in she cburse of time. ;"E_a`c__h cuttin'~g'7 of grass takes from the soil' every atom `.o?`f ;;_e1emerits which `united. in` pr oduc-- 'ing`:_,t11ermoved- 4gA'1'QWth`. Use of .ffert__i1izers-'-~such`,' as ?bon~,-1 nen`1, ; wooc_l :_(t`h'.jseed of weds)', .wi11*s11PP'1Y-.%51,1 :?W51'%}{in .1!-I1- gshf jor V-manure (if ,,-_i't_ is; free. from. ,1aivn~'- with-" plant oor3:"`V?h~ig11}-,$1:1v .th: A Illlnlll l'UVV 1Lu\u.I.Iu.u.utJ ,_|,A1.I\/55 VV&i4\t9n and a few i11che bf soil containing *only a` limited av-mg-u'nt _ of` plant food; -. },In`fthej long `run; the ipropex-'ty owner will . nd zit` cheaper.` tq..pr8P31'e his ground? with a `depth of` sqil jorf_-~ least tw'Ee1fe f V. sT~;.-3...; -_"L'nn`uhLk'h'-.. -$'vr'.1v9s' ' -.A:i4i"..-H1 `the \VuW1' Lu UIKT-H IJLUJI. "\;n.u.uvu vuyygv o Wier for Spriinkling ' .- _uu. A lawn `sprinkled during the morning, or". during the `heat of the day, is but slightly improved,. be- cause the increasing heat of `the sun promotes rapid evaporation to its detriment, and causes waste of -the water and of the time expended in sprinkling. Wheres water is al.- lowed to run for a long time upon the lawn in~one_spot, it naturally tends to soften. the earth and causes it tojbeoome boggy and rough, pro- duging coarse and A uneven grass. ,,.... _ __-A.__.. LL..L .'.~ LA.-. \.l\.I&z1LI. Uvub -cu vvAuL.|., usnv v V... - an-uv. B -This use of Wa_ter---that is, too much in one spot-rea~c.ts and de- feats the consumers Wishes. It also is -apt to Wash the soil from the "roots and expose them to the air. Do not over-water. This process also 5`s~ours an otherwise good soil bed. `When your lawn needs it, give it a good watering, but do not water it again until it needs mois- _ture. If your soil is good `and of proper depth. this will not be with`- in twoor thnee days. `Too much and" too` frequent watering not only weakens the groW'th of grass -but also tends to -form a surface crust of baked soil, on. which no lawn pan _o1.}ish. * ' .1 1'; 1` : gregating -- one-eight of an. ineh in depth four times each `week, `it will be more than ample" to keep the average lawn in the best condition, especially i-f it be properly mowed an-(3. rolled. ` `I1 `I 1. , .1- Capt. Elrick off to S. A. Congress: Do not guage the quantity of water you use by the amount used by. your neighbor. iSt`udy intelli- gentlythe results of your treatment of your lawn. It may have a far different soil from that of your neighlbor; and need less_ Water or morevwater. His may have more fertilizer, `or `greater soil-depth, or richer 'humus-and itmay have far less of each than your own. Use your own judgment. Good lawns are not the result? of haphazard methods": . ` In some sections of a town where theisoil is of a porous character morewat-er is `actually needed for _good- results than in more favored portions, but this may be `largely controlled -by -thetuse -of manures and other plant foods. Some gravvels cannot grow grass even with the assistance of copious- applications of water. On the other ' hand when soil is deep` and rich, too much Wat-`ering will `result in leaching the soil_of.'the' very plant` which should be carefully retained. q The foliowing referencento Capt. Elrick, who -was formerly in. charge "of tlie Barie S.A. Corps, appearezl _.in The 1:Torth. Bay Times: __,--r:--_- _.:'n 1.,` 1.,.1.1 :.. Ju .Luc A.` UL uu- .lJ6~V .a. Lxnnpu . Farewell meetings will be held in the: Salvation Army Barracks. on }.-Smxday` next on account of the de- -parture, of Capt. and Mrs. Elrick, hwho[':have.{be-311. in charge of t.he_`,_1o ca1 'orps for some Atiine; They will sail: sho~rt1y- for` England_ to attend __`the Imernational Congress, of * the -.Sa_1vationA Army, and upon their. re- .atni`1"?'1T'11a-a,\`xri_1I""' be assigped to , ,ano`,`1er ld ~ ' Capt." sE_1je`d?. j Riches, of I_.oi1- dpn `A charge cf the V "`(_>:rk_;oh;.;J11ne 1`th_._T t1._1;e.~ 4 ?;1iz=;antime; bein __ 111 `C22 : L `SH-E I-I-NDLES` Saki bn -of our frighds the fother day: I enjoy my news- paper,. of_ course, but my wife jf-reads- the advertising `news as` iwlla as I, -andi she hamd-`lee the , purse. A Thane ` are many more such women in Canada. Talk them nQw,. Mr. Advertiser! "ueh women `to them` now, Planning their purchases for June weddings and summer fetes they rely_ .eondent1y- on The Ad- vance `to assist them. in economi- cal shopping. >They~ read every line of your Aadvertising--a'nde they h>and1e' the purse. . 3`,'%'j:+;.,v 's"oj 1j"o Mr. j 1< . v. w:'I`HE PURSE" oR1LL|AGE1s ncunnsou OILING mom BARRIE C `At a meeting ofthe 01-uni: Baaraj of `Trade 9. r%o`u1ti'oi1 was ad"i`>`i)'txajd and sent on to the council; 'fa`v5p1`-` ing the oiling of ` a _`numbeif"`(if streets, the expense to `be met [either out of the general rate` or by` -frontage tax. The Packet, `in its port of the meeting,says: an-` A_..1_..L --_.L..-:;.`;.;.1 .....-...` :.`. Women s Institute 1 Series of Meetings Lav ALAVVVAAQD -sauna u - mlgvgug u.|.>v _ V` `R . 3 ` -Dr.' Ardagh suibmittedk some` in- formaIti`on which he` 3 halds: 7` obtaihed from the Barrie"To{wn Engi1'1ieer,. as to. oiling the streets of that :'t_o}`vn._ oiled in Barrie; Four applications were required on the main streets," and three -on the others. Main streets were o-iled -.48_ feet wide; others _only 24 feet. " The cost for main streets was 93; cents a foot frontage, and from that it ran down to 5 cents. There is about six miles in the streets suggested in the Orillia Board B report, and the total cost of oiling would be about `Lastyear, eight. miles of. street were _ $1,000 to $1,200. Oil costs 7 cents a gallon. The odour does not last `more than two or three days. The Chairman of the Committee was asked to arrange to have the matter laid before the Council as soon as possible. A `series of Women s Institute` meetings will be addressed by Mrs. T. B. McT.urk of Lucan, as fol- lows; `June 6, at Music Hall, AWau baushene, at 3 p.m.; -June 8, at -Orange Hall, Victoria Harbour, at 8 p.m.; June 24, at Tzemperance Hall, Edgar, at 8; June 25, at Mitchell Square, at 8; June,26, at -Mrs. T. MeCu1loch s, Gnuthrie, at 2.30; June 27, at Police Court Chambers,-Barrie, at 3; June 29th, at.O.ro Station, at 2.30; June 30, at -Shanty Bay, at 2.30; J uly 2, at Mrs. T. J. Dunsmo1ve s-, Crown Hill, at 2.30., 'Mrs. McTurk s subjects will `be: The Care of the Eyesight; Child Training in the Home ; What that other Institute is Do- i_ng; Sewing and Buttonless Gar- ments Demonstx-ated; F or Home and Country. ~rn1 1\- L _,,_____1 __--..LZ.... ......,'lx auu uuuuyxg. The District Tzxnnual meeting an-cl convention "will be held in the 0r11- 'l'ia Public Library on J une 11th, at 52,30 and 8 p.m. lPROPERTlES` FOR SALE re~unim1 of of Hannah The annual family sons and" daughters` -`Baker, formerly of I-Iawkestone, was _' dale, Orillia, May 25. erdaler -welcomed` old acquaintances , : x l x held at the hom-3 of Mr. A. Leather- Mrs. Leath- and of the family from country town. `Brick `house with all conveniences, south side of .\Vor's1ey St., owned; by Mr. T1105. Black. Price $3,100, te1;n_1s arranged. ' __ `I - ___'-__.1 1-4. _;-..1. _!.`I- UUIQLJID al. A LIIJEULLQ _ Six room house" andvlot, west side of Sanford St._ Town water and nigg lot. Price $750. . N; 1,134, L_;... ,,,-1 1-; -__ 1`n-....... uzvv I-Uvo .1.La\.'\.{ qllvvn -New biic house and lot on Perry St., all conveniences. Price $2,300, easy terms. h':...LL ..A.~-- 4n'I\`\n4\v\* 1-.A..-nos ml-n1n`r\ -Dbl A510: ;J1;ightl room lcjement house, stable, and chicken house, and 2 lots, well fenced, with good water, calling dis- 'tri_E-1: of GVrand Trunk. Price $1,500; II11'L" IJ UL KJI-Clllbl .L 1 l.lLLl\o J. 1 LED l{).l.,UVUo New? `room house, 1 acre of '. _r_st-c1ass land,- on Owrv- St. Price $1,650, small payment down. o. [I ` T - M -.. , .........- 1.-...- .....:-m` Q4- UUU, ULIKGLL 103 JIITJIIU \.l\J\\ ll. 9 New 7 r0om`&1ouse, Inmsl St., "corner ,lot, good -water. Prxoe $1,200, easy terms, V111 calhng dxs trjft of Grgand Zfxfunk. T ,'I"`I (`L I11 ll. Id U1 \J L-LIVIJLJ .l. L uLJL\o -'6 room` bungalow- on Innisl St-., g`O,odA 'W81Ibe'1` 8nd nice lot. Price `of;Gre.ns1 . a ` $850.`$:100-down. In calling district `I"_1_-_ 5 CU. U1. U1. c.u_1u .1. .1 u.u.n. 8 rorrh . brick "house; John . St. `west. Price-`$1,100. This is a `map. , 1.-.'1'1'__c'.. :..1_ .`J L__._...-`l,.-.. TA-.. C14. away. 5-l:Unnished. bxtngaloxv, John V St. :__I 1'i-ce $500; $100 down.- ?A:~;,;5;I4E,l_5);_1i*se and lot" with . nice barn ,5;-Lg_g~31i.'ig:1,_ l1ous'e and 45 foot slat St., . south side rx 4-. _v3"-~ `th -2%: `%*~m;:z,`{b:gme,;-=ibg,:rs> Vs11_'aVj`) C?! J. ._ xsnce jlxslmo,` easy .1-er11.;.s.. V, "fg?1.I -13.)17.S7;(?fi;: % ide.. pf. T.oro9m .1`- jg ;_:}bar1i and 9 .stai`o1e.s `_ % Mr aqfi _ 1` ` sight . __ _ V , Q,_.`I. v \