2 5' Si>Ai-ing Suits in `s Brocade} Cloth an sizes .16, I8, 34, _shades of Navy, Fa % Grey. On Sa1eF 1 regardless of cost gas -The St<)1`e- Satnisfaction-f ON ALOT pr `because of the bad roads, `but in} future they "would `be dealt with ac- icording to the law. .9 _ "" *\ ..1 III 1...... 4.,,'|,] +'|.`a+. `UULVLQIIIE LU UAJV As-1 vv u . _A1d. Dyment hzid been _told that! Chief King`was not a,1:ruant ofcer,1 but that Ni-g`ht Constables` Lambie and `- Sweeney were. There were children. not going to school," 4 or 5` -boys on Berczy "St. _and 3 or 4 girls between. 12 and 14 years of age, of whom he knew,> and as the night -On. .d_1ity.* ` policemen were `asleep during school hours, Tthefe was no truant oicer ` ~ -4---1 A1,-lauqsnrxux vuu: u._un.g~. _ The Mayor and several aldermen }"ag'*.ie`ed with .him tha\t~som-3 truant picer should be available during the dayti;_1\1_e.. - . "l] -L: ..... .. e Rus.Ak-iCmp-be11---That the Mark- VSICIJ Nltlovv \ ' `N L Motions A ` ets` and Parks . Committee consider the adyisabili-ty'"Qf wiring the Allan- gla,le:_Gore. and vr_e,p._ort at next meet-Q `dale - ing. Hit.` JHJLl1k,.'\| unL1u-Jus. ` `N-,,. Thc -.\1muu1 meetiuzg of Y..\I.(_`..-\.. B\\'li11g; Club-`Will `, on Tl1m'.~ of this week"at.__8-p'.[ T in the u.~:ci-.1ticn1. .The.._rep01"tS,}~",Of:. th: .~(_-a1w;t,;11"\' and treasurer feml 111141 .1`~<:1'..~' cl-egcted 'f0r:the_f01_'?7 __..'..~.ma6a`:- Jug. . _ _ Thvis .motion is out "of order, _sgid_ th; Reeve,`-but the Mayor ruled jothierwise and it 'ca1f"ried'. A._mOti_0n. was passed gran-ting} 'Ald.`;'Web3B;v who has been away on` {Eccoht of `sickness, leave of absence! I iii_x6*bher- month. a u -- - 1 ,. .1_- n..L-.~- ' nu `. L-1.- ..1)...-...J ..v.wrw- - _L . . `F -Dym_en.t*--Iayl r-~T;hva't[ _/the `Board `of" ,;Wo i-ks"i_`cons_ider 'tIie1 advisability 'ofr: V 'ng '~=Pe .netan_g_,St._ with County, ,gF'1" tI_'1t`. _. .- A ii_'::p1fott-Gra5r+- ;[`1igt; `the Board of i n S_al'e"at the coming V YS MAY 15th and 16th tut in nxt week ; paper /v`vhen we Panar,ha,% in , ahd in n_., Black and day Mo'r'ning rge, Txfveed, I`;1-11 111141 .1111t'1:1`> 1:1-cucu .>w;1 _vy.+_..--1g_ 1U\`.'i11g 3'1-.11. A large. _represe11ta;i;? tion uf 1'11.v:1_* intelfested i11`boWlin"g is 11t4~i1'cIl. . Tilt.` fnHu\\'ill,`: ,' are the eh.-I1:1 Hm1'L`l`: of the B1l_11't_O`n._; E11\\`n'tl1 [.1-:1:.r11c: PreS., ,Mi9B 11111`. l~t \'i1~c-P1`eS., Mr._ r1.-_v.~; 211| \'i<`-1:-'P1'es.,. `Mr, W, (J1'-.u_-c_-_v; :3:-l Vice-Pres.; AMiss`5':.G" Ke-.11-11.~; 4th Vice-Pres., ;Mrs;~` ]L.i'(I11/r; 5'1-1'., DOI'iS` 'J'm-., .\li.~.~: Beatrice _ .Spa!ii'V";fj V1 i:mi-I. .\H~'s B. Brunton. A -vw_--_..__ _1'9int$l` 98".. V Children's. Wash Dresses` 'Dresseslin all shades in Gingham, Print and Percale, new designs and best colors, at each 75c,'85_,` $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 $9.95 Mtlhat` v\VOl`KS"COI1S1(4'.'el` we uL_1v1=u.um.., U.I. lowermg the sldewalk 1n front of `the proprietos of Mrs. Henry, Mr. I-Iogg and James Cheesman on the west gide `of Bradford St. [Works- consider the advisability LL- -.',J.....-'I1y' ;~r\ fnwnf . Sprott--orse1d-That `the Eu- gineer be instructed to proceed at his earliest convenience with work on roads to be done out of County appropriation. ~ - ..-.n _ J. 14 '~rr- -r--~- ~- sSp'rott-MeLean-That the work designated by the Reeves to be done on roads out of the County grant be done _under the supervision of the `Town Engineer and that. in View of this the Clerk be `instructed to advise the. County Treasurer t`.:wt none -`of the town s representati ~ to the Co. Council are entitled LL any remuneration out of said tap- {propriation ' for su-1ierv.ising said `work. - A Reve .Ca1dwae11-That s- out of 'o`rde1-2 . Thi Council has nothing t,o.._do' with it. It is a rule of the County C;ou11c.i'l" that the Reeve `shall supervise the exvpenditure of such grahts. " I am certamly gohg L 1'- `.1- - < ..t;..`.. -LLZQ 1-nnv-41: DVDTI `g'1`aI1'CS. 1 H111 UClCl.d'.ll11l.`y suxub ito look"af}:e: thas work even If ,there qre twenty engmeers on the 3 job. . Jun. 4 ` Dep, Sprott-:-Funny isn t it, how much_ dierence it makes to the `Reeve; whether the Town money goes to , paying T for (1_m111'rag3 on oil _'or -into the Reev.e s pocket for _Superintendin g some road Work. `--1 LL- ...n4-:n.q :n VbLl`1J|:LLl1|-Uu.u,A115 uvuuv ..,....,. .._-__. A " '_j__T-he Mayor ryyled Qle motion in ! ordr and_ it was carried `without }d,iYisipn.\. A. \ L v . --____.__...._-. here will" justify that 'adxniration in" the eating. Jucier, tenderer, rsvyjeeter `meat never passed your .llps.;' fDor1 t be ssfised with our so. Give .y9nrse1f the pleas- proving _:it for yourself by n ; ;qrder`.' for > \t-J\morrow s meat,` .k?`9Wrh`V. 906 meat. Boys Imported Ame_rican Shirt Waists. See win- dow display. . 50 each B1*1m>.\' .\\ E.V % l`[.`LL_ YE* .30th. xmlx -.1 good" Rf . `L Thw :mnu:1] cong mg ut the .Burton_ C`um'<-`n \\':u.~: held J. R 1-~l|\u.u-.15--/K-'-"" `I`pu]'[~ \\'.'-1'1! given ,:m . lhe ver report $33.53. and expendiizgr ..u..., \\11H :1 ;.,'uu(1 uuwu J; S. l[mnph1'e_Vs_1n'. cut b1`:I11r'ht.e.~? Of .the;`c1 1' , M the solos W611 \'5.x2 the Mi.~.~`t'.~: G1I`1` tt an`; Mrs. W. fl-ark.` V` I.i1gr1xv;3 by Mi-SS'._V ;u ; ` Eh0\Vi1l;.:' tntal- receipt 8110? on lvmld $178 he Mpastox- s Metlmdist will be: :1. Cut-Rate 1 +x'~' (V`zu1tata_, will be given -21' the Burt ('1nn .\I:1y 18th, ' \l4'Y_}lH(1in't `_' ' . .\l:1y 19_, at the*.Q-'..fi%; :l1'1'it..' C1 1(`)l`u'8: ' 1.:p1'epa1'iug.< -this; 311` w .< under the ~' v.I. 1). Norman, F. 2 ... In; the musical v9'n ~ft 1 ..L-..'l;1 1.`.-run I: I)(_` vllle _1.11l|.a1l:;_&.|v<;v?_vuV;_;` _ n. and Should; M and support Of.` dim ~ 1 .1 ... I I1'lUL VIVUIUOI ;. devc1%o1; ed,u;";su1tingf[ .zu1tuLa, "max L g~1veu A uung ak _I Must I" 3&1 oe. St0_r.e`f". pairing depart- eft? arm 1 e cut_ - % 111.914 he. , ..V%%;,,m1t9rs*%i%%";n % 3 __ L " ` .The".Sn1i$h1_n-`B `is Qerta1n1y. in good wbrking - condi-t ion_.L ' -TL- Q-.... )I-_. C4-L--'| `__-,.L~'.- kall made, ?:~W!M'4\u.yj ` -I.'v1JVo4~ #11. W }nec.:31.. :1913;::.h6Wedamtl}-iome of $31_4;23,, ejxpen&itur.,...$25I;10,fguid balgugdev Qf`~$63`.'13.T fghe`; s`upe`ri`n-T -texxdqnt and >Sec.-'!_.`1~_ea_L;; were :-pre -`` ventedgfrom bing' fp'res e1it`, . a" ffull repdrt could not be given. ` - ""rs> I-`Ln .A...c...'..4....- _,,-." _`>. -1 .svyv.o_v In-.|-'|v-|~`\L <+(b,\_Iu U67 . U '3 , ~Ovw-ing .'itoL theqgogxfer ncej-zvear not` ndnigi I`Ei.1_1A' `Eh:U ohdr .S_i1_-d.a y L`: in` Muy,,the,; `-'dom1rnittee<; aIi_Y `treasurer were, `T unable ` I g'_i-ve".;;a . , o,omp1ete;"report;-:2 bwt. -77Mr. `Gm-rtt_ . assured `-the" congrga;tf1oi1T'that 4thei*e `would be"affu1I`_r`p brt `to ` Disvtrict"Vn`1ee_tiL;;g'. AILA- Ls.-_..... LL- ,'I!.-.A__-1 .-.__A_. ,'A_ A-1 OB Us CV in QJJUU Vflga A2te1` h,8rinVg-f.the ~3.Vi`.<%a1'ex11.-, .'1'p`o1~_'1;;s, the fol-loin'g. - - motions T "were = _ .< Moved by vW_,. D. -.I.iVtVtle [and 'seoVond'-7. ed by A. F. ,(_}ar_!'e.t_t;.that-`on behalf ' of the _cong'reg`a1_:1on, a vote `bf ~ap-" D1`ec1aIt1-on be given the "pastor; orr h-is faithful srvioes during t`he year.` ~ 'lI.~.....J. J...` A ' T.` ('|........J.L .'..---...I-.`I' A-av `+uavu..9--, `-0 V'JV\(l7 uucapaa. vuu JUuo_ Move} F. .Garrett_, secondd by' W. W. v:Humphreys,i--that 9. vote of thanks `be given to Mr; Normaii and the ch`oirL fdr" thir excellenyp. services for :the_ past year, 'I)......-.`l..'..........4r. .......a;.;. a.L...... T.......-.;.`.I `1iZ2seu'f' `I `3e `"1n% seryed by..-t:1_1e ladies. of -the _ congregation. T. NO N-EW %s'I."Ag'1`IO-N YIJA-3% L consideration at. Huntev-i-1-le, ' can-not . e led to infer, `however, that as soon ' as nancial .eonditions improve`, the `Th; M b;t} i7 fs'ays:-`--:i1;1_t;\rfi:lie`-t % wil1.n ot'.have .a'-new.;;-G.T.R. _'dep'ot i in this year of grace,` .1914.` Mayor 3 Rice, who has "been ;in_ eor`rapon- t denee with the"; G.T.R. authorities, , urging that work. on the much need- ` ed ~improvemen`t `be ' undertaken` at once,- has` received from Superinai ` tendent Lynch a letter conveying` the nal. Efecision of the manage-'-V ment, that owing to the nancial depnession, and the general falling off-` in traic which has recently 00: curred, the improvements under be taken in_ hand this year. One? is Huntsville `property of the Gr.T.R. .1`-(u\'\::v IIIDIA ; avvu. ,v_vva .n,l.u. J.-mun`. ;The :Sunday,[ ?3 c` o; ~T"ifpo'i*t %` Mzn`-a `R1 .1'O1Q .`.aL.-`('..'..-..`l. .4. .A.;.`.L.-.~'l` _'_*-'-_____ .lJvuuWB`V13uV~']._1sUy\:Lv.y UL uuu. \Ja.l.I.LIn will assume an air of vJ';,g11ity mom in keevpi13g`with `the - reqtiirements of a. town like Huntsvi-ll-3. . ` H-isgh ".Entf1-ance -Wednesday} a Thursday and "Friday, June _ 171311, 18th and _19th. ` V Dates have been ,_announced .;b$' the Minigterwof Education .for the various departmental examinations to He held at the completion of the. cuirent school year: - % - 1 4 7l`.1._ _'__..':.... an1\nn1 A11: C111`-I'e1u; suuuux your. 1. The .jun'ior high school en- trances examination for "1`914 will be `held at the usu9;1\centreS;1:h1j1Q;.1g11+ out the Province` on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, V June '17th; 18th. a'1'1`1 19;t'h. _ ' ' -------- '......\]:n an`1'nn1 ltstno and into. N . 2. The junior dpulblic school graduation examination will be held during the same `week, [beginning Monday, June 15th. ,. .. - A` ,3. The senior putblivc school gradu- ation, the' senior high school en-` trance and the Model examinations and the lower school examinations for entrance into the` Normal schools and faculties ' of` education will. be -held during. the week com- mencing Monday, , J une. 8,th. ML- ...-.u.`.:.....1.a+-hm am-ivninntion. men-cmg M0naay,,, d uuve 0.14:. 4. The matrlculation examination, honor and pass, and ' the upper school -examination for entrance in- . to the faculty of education beg`-in 1 on Thursday, J une 11th, and the middle school examinatione for en'- trance into the Normal 'eohoo1sVbe- gin -on Mon-day, f`June..22nd.' . " 5. _The Model `schools `this year V will open -on -Tuesday, August 38th; and the Norma`-1schools-_'on,TueSday,' September `_1st. Attention `is; d:i`re'ct- ed particularly to _the_, latter` date, vghieh_js~4~al3out' thre 7 weeks, earher '__....; .`-`cw - '_ " - : B11` r ., - - A Jnap issued by: the U,n~i vers_ity, of .Tor.ont_-o *show's: th'_e .;nu~mber `of ' .tudents" in aj:ten danc` at that`-seat of learning from th_e]daierent`;'o7oun-J ties of the . proviiice. .;I`t `%;w-_1-11f`9_-`be satisfactory; to knowthatg. Simcoe .c.ou'nt'y L stands, seooirclr ;_~ with _12.7_, .TWe`ntw_0rth ` with 11{11.`V"ti1dsaI_1ts;~bfef_ing gt. After s%ixti9ez;. crimes ~ -.:M;'1 c1;H ; asst w&imu,1. %;Hu_:mn w%ith%,:1Q6.%% aw *"--1- =-.:a-kt lvvelii-m`zton-` ; WIllL'll _)bf~utqu u v than formerly. A ticutions and`: V torrq of icontraot forms of tender obtained at `. . Thug. Hastings. Clerk vof~ = itation "..`F`f.'-Toronto. Ont- v't,~ the Ca.r_etakor. of thQ;P9Bt" < 1115., and at this De&x;tment.-4 ` 1+6 :3.e_notiod*~ b. tenders be o ai er , un1ess;_m1ade` ont,he ; , i . "w1f,h_:=j,hg!1-. - M tions EXAMINATION` DATES RDOW ` Iiuuu _1 t.uu.uuv~_ ads, seoofxd ; with with 1141. 'sti1de}))1;s`: S:ir n{c_:o<.=;-,. aomes ~'A.M,1.dd)1g-*. % `welingtbn : jf'_j:'g'x:_1;:1. |=m=8i%!'$15-0 % 1 '(Qont;1 1'i1Aed"fr{>m P,e 1; % Peter Ke a1.`IIV$s I-I. Broley, Jas._ %Va1gr% 00.,` A.` F1:eeth'afn. ` ` I T._..-L _....-A.- ..- .c.._;...... ...-. I ` V XII `W `JVJI, `L. uli H53`) VLIVILLO ` -` P; J." ynch wrote re former re- nest, and his letter was` later sent` Ito the? c9`mmittee.V T ~ ~ ` -`I5. -'1 1 n "lmnnn J3-.. .~I,l'?;-u".?I."1] :i,`es`tl:::`1;:-cp.asked og%$3od for: -Pulblipc Library purposes, purchase of books and current. xpenditure. :'m._ '1--`I'.'I--_.:-__- :_ - ___.__ -x .. `In;-_ U1. _- UUVLU 1,u1u.', vun;-uauu. UA'yVu.uLuu1uo I - '.'1`he lfofldwing is a `copy of a let- sent; to the: Council by Mr; A. Meeking, Elizixbe'thC.vISt.: On Thurs- `J--- A....:`I .om.1. nm...... 1:I'.....;.m..4-1 .- , V5815 , "-L'Jl-I%-|.fUIlLli~-IL7|Mu M \I1.,| `nu,-g-- ~. . April -T30t1.1,* Qcer - H-aegart ed sat my residence with all the in authority offa; lbrainless. oicial. `and ordered that the ash` pile he removed ' hefolje. 4 'o clock ', on Friday, which ;I removed as -`I did not wish .. to be i brought !before a court. ` Now,` my intentions were, when I had got all- the _ ashes `out on; the roadside, `to get i them hauled. ,away ` at my own ` ex- pense, .but" your over-zealous student - of yourGa1iba_ge University did not I allow me toilnish.` ..Now,pI want to _~ know how .I was singled outfrom > all the rest -who had ` dumped their ruibbish on the streets. I have lived ; in Barrie all my life and paid tax- ' es into the town s. treasury for 25 years, and during all -that time. never have been used in such a. `dirty manner. Now if I am not a desired or respectable citizen, or receive - the respect that I have al- ways enjoyedin Barrie, I can move out -`of it, if that is `the way your use your ratepayers. Now," my premises will not receive any attention this summer `if you do not see t to re- - move the ash pile. from Where it` `has. been put. 7'l`I_'- 'I..J..-... nu-an sulrfnvi-Ar` +5 .DOlll`u' OI. Ixvuauu. _ ` V > l J. ne P_`u~b1ic` \Wo rks~ V. and Sewers Committee reported that petition for_ sewer on James St., from` Mul- casvterd to `Berczy, be granted; also that tender for.... concrete `c`u1v~ert's' across Toronto and Owen` .Sts.' >of / W. D. M-innikenmbe accepted for ; `$775, being lowest. _ . Q Moi ! Light in Ward VI.-. V '1`he_`..,Wat`er and` Light Committee`. ' =reeom"mnded that reqilest of Ward * `.5 and 6' -ratepa.yers;~ for 2 rows of. lights "on" Essa St. from Bradford` to Cumberland, and also for one rowgof alights on Bradford %t., be-' _ tween Essa St. and Gr.T.-R. station, ' be grgnted, and that said` lights burn nae. nveen pub." . - A . The letter was referred 1:6 the Bo ard% of . Health. A 1-; 1 `I0 _ `I1'1- _L'... -...lI ' Gambia! au mgnt. ~ T , . , ` W=herh the Finance Report, xvhich` included `, the usual number of ac.- counts, was read, Reeve Caldwell ob- jectedcto an account for road oil, -....I -..1.-.: ...1...+1m nil had `been pro- uecteo. to an aw-uuuu JUL .-.... v__, , and asked why the oil had `been pro- tl cured so long ahead of time that it t had to remain at -the station where i: demurrage charges of $10 would be C due. T-he`Reeve` also asked as to ( t 1 e 1 an account of $25 for G. O. Fidler . for draftinlg, and asked if he was an oicial of the town. a ' < ' _ The ` -Mayor referred _ him` to Chairman of Works `Sprott, Who re- , marked -that the oil was procured early to be in readiness to be put f iron, ;the streets as soon as possible", 1 j but owing to the "inc1ement`weather,. . over which his committee. had no 1 control, it was .imposs.ib1_e. to put it `onrdthe `streets. I-Iethought if. the B Reeve in,-terviewed .;tlx`e1 merchants . .. `alongxthe streets he would nd` that ;_they"` would `prefer `to pay ;th_e $10` -` demurragef rather .tha__n. not have the on ' `when: needed, and fconcluded _by _ y-7 saying =th"a't_.--iri _ some _ oa'siesr".it\en1ja.tte_1'.-- f, ed `muchvto";sq1ma~,peoplg?`._how $10 of ti Tthe .peop1e s_., 1non;e`y,A shotdd be spent. L`-_. ]'1`._h"e_v lzI_ayor;_.v"-hens.` J i_nfo'rmed".:_ the unit 0. pQ1'n_1`a'n8I1B, U._ll.lU1u1. . V ` _ The.Mayo`1r_said he was ot now t .in &_the :emp1oy_. of the town,` but that x `jdjred q _vef,cie;1t`ser- yficesf . `;.fT'1j_1e '?(3*oi1nui1 vghould. "'_reme1n+` b'e' A;t13at.A-"I-f-he ;:En8in A V e_er_,nowpays a 1 `og;:g;pher`_ _i_n`- his Loige ?ou1tL-gof His; 1.1 ,r>ocket. %.nnc1;LV`remarked that we 1 at has 5 represntatiiv : Body 1 `of having said etrip of land 0911" verted ir}to a highway ove-Q Which the -&`puabl1`e `can travel and m order L- ..a.'..,.4. 4.1.- onrnn n1-{Tl rannvov his me-'pu:nuc `can. u[u.v'cx auu u. v......... to eect the same W111 convey Ins interest` in `said- strip of 'land- to" the Corporation of Barrie, provided said Corporation` will accept dedication thereof and will make such improve- ments and additions thereto. as will enalble the public to utilize it. as a `L 2 -.L_..._. ' UJJUCIUAU vnav highway. HIEIIVV `Col > County" Road Expenditure . Reeve Caldwell recommended ex-_ `dpenditure of County road` money upon `the following streets: Dunlop 01- ......L`3....n..~ "'f\ Tnrua `Qt- the 1111011 U: LUHUW 1115) Dulvvuu . ...r ...---..,_. ' St., continuing, to Louisa St., `the work done last year; Louise and Duckwprth to Blake; Steel St., from Penetang Road to J ohnsqn St." `(graded grave led and -holes lled up); Elizabet St., Eccles St. to William -St.;?grade to be lowered and that -..sb.m-e be coveredl with clay -and ,g"f:ave_l and made of 8.; perman- F. ent "nature, the sand removed ;E1izalbet.h St. 'to>_be used 'n_e11ing 3`upon.`Bradford..an.dH-igh _Sts. L A 1 1. 1-: '1: AL.'!A_'|g '.;'.- o;1-L`l'|.111a .uwu ...x........ V L Brig'ht`.s di.s0-Ase, fatally. Uy uu. .lJ.I.u\+I.vL\.I.. -o--u -f_--5-~ V~--- _ - Ald.` Rusk?- -I' think .. we - should do something on 3 TiiVn.',;S1_;_. * - _-?_..';;...,1 am- avuauuuug U11 .1. uu`u"~Vv.~-.'.' : `g ` ieeve*We~cou1d 01.iS}!S M 3Pn0dT.th,e_V $2000, 'a many .qre_as1nng, but this is , o_n1yw_fthe~ prbell-mxnayy. 'I`I__-_1._..'.. >` mag` inn 5':2iiL"%%iEz:$z13-}-Penen'gV = was ruined wby"f 81`a"1 f' B. ad', %f1:.21.~ SE-.94; Sh d -" " `d' 1' __.:1l' l.. ..="-".1-..=n`nmn-n-ii- |-IO1'(l.. 517.` 3.110.. suuuau uuw -no an The Mayor-%-I_ will I `be; d1_sappoi1Vi\1;.[v. ed i-f"the gone a` t7`AlIa1id-ale and the _ ,]:;1i2zIa:beth` -St. gore a1:<:__;no1;vinc1uc1.d'. ` Dp1;. MoI,eg` HI ,fav({)red ` bulld- v<%9ntin-11031.8 * .%rJ.ad<{ :thru8h m1- .-'...."lSU.`__`.. V "1.-'hf.(') towns ~.T_1_1e' "Re_ve`-`--We LhaVve"gO1ie into this 1xfratt`er ;pi`ett-y ` .thoro_i1gh1y " ggnd. this.`-_is only 9/ start. ` '0ther thingsv later. ' " - A T . .......``...--v v Aldpbyinent `nqii=iid> if'`qiJ9t3' ` t'ioi1s had'*b99n pr913f<? P'1`9*% "rin-sj than the?-;Do1 n1n_1o1 A `V 0.11 V 00-. 91;-Rn ;_Ioil. 3 _ _; u r_(_)aa_ 0'11. \ V ' , ` "'OhTa`ir?man* Sprbtt--We had quota`: ` tions -but the oil w'e_:.purchase e1 -'is ch,eap9_x-.W.by_`-2c"Vpr}m1Jon; ; __ ` - ., Alt}. L`-Ta yl9r';_ ask-dj if any-thing f1ya,d,7 7 done - iI'1~.< referenc 130:-V " the wa11*,at~5 Mrs L .G`r"asett s. 8!!1%LY!83ft911.by, th s M870: that the; ;T.1?I; -t81e11;u1> .iti`; `. 1.;-A The materials. t13_is season Fancy Kimonas and our- #'Zl\ l\I\ -__ 'U. ll-art, \\'u11i11g~t011 S.t., had" lawn;-. _ A . P-u1'l;u1' Ilurt, ~b1jakem'an V on (i.T.R. and SUI} of Mr. and Mrs; Dr`; fmjut EJ114115 while A` work_infg.: in the y-.m.l.~% on Friday last; He re1xw\w.=.l t. his home,. and.'.'eVgr_y,: eort 11:15 M.-L-11 -put 'f0l'th`_ to; the i11j\m:l mc1n'be1'. -} _ -L_'-_... -- BARRIE BARGAIN D4 Ladies Vests in. good weight,shm_`t V sleeves andsleeve-V less styles`. Rush jprice 2 for 25; Ladies crepe Cloth Kimonas V Readl carefully but Advertiien shall give__ items II\lIlIQhI `nIu\a V--_ $1.50,} $2.00 anii 2.50 TEi1 . `comer to 1i>.n."oi1r' stob on e mm. 1 :>ig./$ .'1`e of rnzbs '-M`isises~'- 5 ; its " _ The for aifroth er'seasi)n and with this` ~ lines at-a. great redu in viejv wepwiil sell `StartA'Fr.iday, morning ith a sac- A rice-4 price on 25. S7 ts. `A If you ' :ason are so suitable fb range as superb a IAA