Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 7 May 1914, p. 4

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UUILIJL IJUCKJO Communications `were recived` from W; M. - Beebby, The Pedlar People 00., Ontario Bridge Co., H. L. Alibrecht and M. Gavi1ler,.P.~L.`~S`;, also petitions from ratepayers of `S-`.-. N9-%1.:m4.S-SQ?-..11~[ The; funeral took place from hethome at Stroud on Sunday af- ternoon, service being. . `conducted by Revs.` Stotegbury' and Banyon, arid`six`of her` sons acted as pall- -bearers. "Tl`ie funeral was largely` _atnded by relatives and friends. (41. UV: JL\l\lAJ' .L\ } ha.nty '.B_ay. =7 e i -~w IN~IIS1IL~(3()t5`I51*ICeIL April 27th fat Churchill: at the call O.f_`the Reeve, all members being presentand the Reeve in the chair. `The mmutea " of former meeting were read,__ _and,, . on motion, _Awe;g,_e coxirmed; . . V . . .The~Cou_neil _of`.,Innis'Al. Ii1E'f":-0I1 .' . A` U! `J.\I CEJILI klo`9~Ii -LI U0 _.l.J.I "`vVJV'7~arn-ica`-Ll\Iartin-~ThI2tt the sever- al `documents now before the council be referred to their res~pective_c'om- `mittesg-`-Carried. "` ' \,A1lan4M artin+-Thfalt the elerk be instructed to write Mr. P,'. J. Lynch`, _G.-T._R., ' asking` to Ahaye culvert on 9th Cdn. lowered` tacorrespond with the ditches leading to and_ 1 from the esame. -Car1`ied. ' 7` 5-11 3- In! . >7 V '1' -353-llI.K:o _\/ax: ICU. 1er_na.n--A11ai1-;=E. 1A`hvat Jame ;Moir' 7be paid $10.00`for`_wood sup- piied rMa.r-y. Taylor, ` "an! _%.inLd'igent; also.-H. L. A1-brcht be paid $7.06 for g"ood's supplied ' `to-'WIi1. " Mains, i ndigent._~'-~C . . A11___.:t .n-1______ "_.L _. .- ....;._~.:.' V-First. .Se1ia;t_ed` `From. `Him ' _{_1-3 =Yea'r`s, Laid.-_. Chan;g~e. ' * Lacman MEach_m,- of. :Kicke1d,. Y sentenced, on Friday i at Lind"-" `zsag_;tdf~ one - 'yjar~ :s. jir ; athefi .Centfl' Phson, Amuse,` c,harse*<>ff msamx. *wifes manic from 31 13f%A%m=:m but. w.asoni'=y ? .11 4 ~gneen1ng.-.-\;;e_z`1-rL1e<;. ~ A 2 " ".Co_1e1;1a11%--AI1a.n.4+jTha.t this oun- ciijdg niivchadjdurn to meet in Co-ulrt L - ~ fof %1ih;ms?day,`i{ Mag; 23$ i"ix'1',_ Thornton; and 1u.`13efroy`Von.;Mg`y4` ` -ur `:`r.`.hN.t.\.3'n`rI-r"r1'.\-tr `nu ~` `D"DC -1-` U9 .-LLI:"\J(IlJnl\J\Ac A11_zin'---Oo1e man-_--'That two road d-rags be ordered f1!omT the Ontario `Cb,' the -c1erk.-C'arrie`:3.. .4.-.__-..-.. '1.I -..L.`...` "l`1.n4.` .TIT- "If u;'1u5p_ \JU.,_ `HJ HI}? \.J\-`Lu-' \JUnl~J->lB7'l-0 W `-WdTnica7-Martin:rT}1at . `W; M. ._B.g,11byLgbe/Apaid, 9b9fnis_ <'m\21[ rods of Wire-` fe'I1ce; oppbsite"' 11517 14,; Con; ~ 8, I$3~.15~`;'.1-jals-o_ H. C. .`Wi1san- paid 2.00 ffqjr . us;-L _ef` *11eoni'* 'f'or? V`c'oun'-cil `7 f`I19 -V" V A V ' * . Tn;1-_`..._~.-` ` *n1-...-.~ 'l"I;.`-..J.`.'A1.2..' ;~...-;._ WU`-FUJI EU .& VI U11 IJU U13 -L UUQLI I `Mr. `and Mrs. J .' Smith Sf. Fox-n mead were theguests of Mr. Geo. -Dstrander 'on` -Thursday. V 1:. 'r.... n-..;..._ -__.1 'u`__ n1:11:__.. M1-`cs. J_o,$E1>_H PAOKARD_ ` \.r,.u-g.3p)-\u_\ny : few Suggestiens_ Given ` by the L `--Poultry Divi1tm," Experimental ' Farm, _ Ottawa. ' l DO NOT FEED T00 S00-N.-I When the chick is'_ hatched it has a sufcient.supp1y.~ `of nourishment in the yolk of the egg to last ` it; for several days. What the chick` requires for the erst. t feyv days -is not feed Tbutm watmtl} `and: rest. _ T A LITTLE. "SAND `OR GRIT FIR-ST--W'hen the chicks are re-I mpved to their .brooding quarters there Should be, -some coarse sand or ne chick g'1'3t scattered where they can have free access to_ it. They should then be left until they show positive signs of hunger which would be-between the 2nd and 3rd day after hatching. They `may their be iven some bread crumbs that` have been wgery slightly moistened with .milk; V, this may be ,scattered . o" n.cIea n `sand `or chick tg"rit.; . If the- ing_brbd'ded by. a `hen sh-etwill see `that no ejfoodj is" allowezlj to lie around, but if` in.a= broader" - that. pa-"rt 50f the `foOd7 that the ehicksv dd` "n.0t- '1ek9,i1p A,-ink a fewf miriutes shOuId,be removed as: nothing in feeding`? much '~'trou0b1e ,as- laVi118."feod 0&9,-th1t".11ati1_re _a;'ou1_1c1~ iltiitiiiit;--T-is 801115;; v ..____.._ __`.._ :_.___", -*7 "T-`VI IIJLVJVTOIU Mr. and Mrs; Mibllerv of Utopia spent over Sunday` with Mrs. R. McQuay.- ' ' " ' ' "II- A '|r-r'n-'_...__.L -9 /1,11,-',__`.-.1 ` ';_f .. V `l`.'`?"', ""9 ,. 'V"""`?`._ ~'-lV"".-7- `uny be fgllawad; Tiie` ix;-fertile eggs may. `be '. boiled and` mixed` '1w_ith_ ngasha. ind; .*"h " " milk "5di8.f{% .i9i!1u9dj`-zv -H9R?'8 1 L7 1 fx'ut.,. .orac1f.d_V-f;g`:xg1 .*.u`.11 ..J3i`31.4.;`.*=;.4 y~uI.( u'Lagn}:_u 5,1'a`.Vl.l..Vl`V, ,u_zbm_.' oz," fr,.ol1g_3d"fA.oatAs__g " ;ch:1g`: ks L~c{i.n v 2917 17: ,3 flitb i()7Iii`HE AF1RST' 10 OR '12 DA YoS_e---The folldw-ing ` daiy1y._:;.133.: tion of five feeds given` about ' twdx and a half` hours apart, "V8i.__I_'ld~_`_(30'l'l-Z tinued from the timeftheiichicks am` .tWo or "three `days ' out. 0f7!7th" 71'-'h_11 : f.ti0i1.5, .= unt`_i`l . 10 oi-.:'12 `Ldfaj -`ocE~_-5a'g f-may. be ._a1te1jed.-"_or,. ad16R1:9;d__-_toV` . 'A3`1'1 .r,i~(t:'__4..`~v~.:)I1(1li -7\ . A" 1- -F 71"` -< --* uulunw u; uuuu guzmu .I.UUu BUULI ---V ..9 ` as grass, glettuc, .spro'11 t'ed,.oats, etc; Do not havethe moigtened-' V bread sloppy `Ibut in 3 `crnmblyx state and ' during `_th'~`i`s~-L iperipd ~1etf . the chicks.` onto f'r eshj~so}i1 or giraas_ e\"ve1-y`-"day P '_ `.~_,L,`-`: eeks old Ul\7lJ\J'-0 First feed-_+-1"`);-y % %zma.L ci'uniIb;' slightly moigtgnd_fLv'ithF%mi1k, ;} ajtn T'a(1dit io m T;V%Vi1;ie`% f % ` Fm; u>..a.;-5..., ..|..|.\.I1ouL|.U\.| 'wJ.uu 111.1115; v ,_-Secpnd fee _ v-;--'-F~_ine1'y c_rack`egd 1 `mix; ed -g'rain#s,, or jcommercial . c'l'1ick5 "feed.- Thi1`d_`feed~+-Rnl1ed`.Ioa;ts. f ~ i;; T ` Fo1'1rtth -`fee.d~-Dry v'c!iumb s, .moist_ened Awith__ milk._ 5- ` " `_ V -, F_if- h. P feed`-rEin1. '01'30k<}}.f! 1iX9 8l,'.8'm8-I ~ " ' Tchicks A;.1it,t1~ e m1\i`a`a&"` Jkassno ... .'...';.} .'.*:L;. .l..Y-.'.`.-I... :;.:' I J:EE]_J:Il_\TG~' YOQANVG ' CHICKS % AEv_*.ent ever arranged for the ` tO",!gnAOf,.B55531a%nlf.'y;fniy;Vw;1}.Ibg Bargaixj Days to be held on Friday and ;`.5.;h7';5;j1}:ifli,"Hnthelfollowlnglfmelrchante having agreed to make it an 7`f;,nP_g,-gl_ud lwhatetlgis means--`That the buying pubuc willggt"g1?bnAg{.fP}-i5 a'|1{e1in of goods which will -mean many dollars saved_ this l_is1; "Qvegf,':arid-vfatchfforlthee. merchants announcements in me local. paperg SEE _ `of F.a`re 2;nd _O ne'-Third may be obtained on the railwav by any party of ten or over; % _ ` T - j ` `A ` LLM-ayv 8th.---Mrs. Besse is visiting- in London. % .- =Mrs. F. Palk has returned from To`r9_nto. ~ A 11-0110 71- . `.. 0 1. V `TOWNSPEOPLE`_Db your shopping on Friday as there is'sure- to. be an im` mense~`crqwc1bnwsatgrday. . p I - . , ` Two DAYS OF GENUINE BARGAINS % '~ CDME AND 1- WITH TH 1* % caowp: ;%sATUfRDAYyVA I ' Sarjeant. Alex. Milne & Son A Po=w_e11 & Co, Moore & Armstrong Carey Shoe Co. V H. J. Buchanan Parson s "Fair _ `Hinds: BIOS. T A. Rayner ' ' 111 A T_L_- B. ]zu[;';;s Hunter Bros; Jas. -Vair & 00. ~ Geo. Vickers % A W. L. `Reeve Barrie Fair _ Geo. Monkman (`I1 'I"l\TY 3r'."i:f'i`1'2.`3{i.?1} and the hand bills}. f Tell your Neighbors and` F riends; :5 V5 U64 UV. Miss Millie Hart speiit 1 few days vwijtlrm frirgnds .in Toro`r`1't.o. .. ' ` . I `I The Dis`pla'y Winows-Th iatmouncements in the local papers `continued. If i the chicks are on! range it will be found that after a' ` time _they will "get- careless about coming when called, at which time ~ the mash may be dropped and de- lpendence placed A entirely op - the ]hopper feeding. ` 1 131-..- ;._:;. .._J '_._.L._ _1`._ -` 1- 1 I Alvkltlvl. w___5_ . L Place grit and water, also a dish of sour.-milk if possible, where the Tchiks will have free access to them. Nothing provides animal food in better form`-than does milk, the chicks` like it and` thrive on `it. I` The -Canadian Magazine for May contains a. noteworthy historical ar- Vticle by A. Gordon Dewey, entitled '.Dhe Beginnings of Bfitish Com- merce at .Montreal. -The article bginewith the occupation of Mon- treal on -September 8, 1760, which `_`m~aa-ked: an epoch in the develop- `men-t_,o~f its .(Mo`ntreal s)i commercial ` life, and} the succeeding .period was one of change and growth. 3 There is also another ne *h.iSt01`iCa1! ,that of John Gk-alt: Founder I of, Cities, lby J, E.` Wetherell, which is well -i1lus_tra c There is. `a * `1i-ter'ary1 appreciation by }Pr0feS'$9rx W ; `0r aw:ford. of `Ten- n,r3onfe.~ M-gtud,- 3 a V carefully con- _s;de1ved_ eiftlle-`on `work of ' the} A-N IN-'1`-];_)R.aES"DIN_G NUMBER Maggie, Tumiia.` VV ovu .I.l. l\?AI\9 _Jll. J-ULUILVUO ' v Mrs. Goss spent. `the `Week-end. with her parents at East] Oro.- _ I .1`- .-....J 11'...` A.1.......... ....-..J.Q-.'... 2 1 .' -`. ., . . u'.~ Ju -1.: uun -A. H.wF:I7: _Def'v1'i_n .& V `Murchison _ ;1iI0o}'e .s:_.Sh1o Store ,`Ed-a_ Armstrong H. H. Qtton & Son D.` H; -M_ac,Laren " & `Son. V571 `J `U KJIIUC DJ E A. Stephens Thos. Bolger I; G; Eeenw `D v:Waisberg `Johnston & Wa-rren -Simmons & Co. 'Douga1l Bros. V J` .O1urc1`1Ti1l \J X11 $8` gwspapers :' C`ana:(1'iaI`1 4 Duncan (`!1111;>beH `by Bernard \[11(Hi11l:l1l. am appareiltly Vuinanswerafble L *f(`I1('0 of 1he Senate by (marge .01-arke _H`(`>11and-, an in.~i_-.~ht into in British (`o1un1T>i:1. il- 7by"Noz'man Rankin. be~ sid9s . severa1 "ne C`a11adi:1n .<'u0rt Lgtorieyapd reproductions uf paint- sq...-.n\' .._;a`n, azmendment to the Post provision is nmdo to system providing: for in- against loss of nmilable `for an i11sumn-0 foe 0!` .,.:..i..8'1e`7Of insurance fees In 110 I-W` .r`.jid::n.`i:f8pet of 511011 1x1z1i1:1l_1c: ; -LA Araiilway mail ;1*1'k W111 $1500 Salary for the first` :yar;e`1gd-=g11 annual ixxa-xm.-0 01 -', _~ thereafter fmtil I110 I V is I`U:14`}1<-.1. .\') eligible fur the :11)` to the ])`1`l11i1HCHI Staff clerk 111111-~ < ht` 1135 ;;;;-2x~.1A~;-:`n_-_. LL- n.-__:r .\....:...x urn- uwJ vvovu .I.&&\a`lJ\b4J All J-.l.uVVl\VDlJU&lUo Mrs. Grey, Guthrie, spent a few days w1th~ Mrs. A. Patterson. " -11. `r 'D......,.9- 1.-..-_.. ..-.. .. _`_...-`.` llLl\ V. _1v` ` _V_ 4 ` ~ the Civil s\`U1'\'i-0 pre- ' `b1f5__qu9,1ifyi11g` L`X':U11il]:1fi0Xl, * "dngte qf the 1:.-;u1 Mili- U . `01' of-a u11i\`v1'.~'it_\' ii! 0;` person over thirty- L `is lelig-il*1u fur 113` .)I8lI_Way mail \']L`I`k. IN POSTAL .-\(`T wriu THE icnowps VV I ULJ' $3.5 I wr. J. Bee `*7 ve s `L0 vl-"CI!-IU\4& DUI`! horse after becomin'g frightened by an auto on Monday `morning. Reeve was badl ran away`-A M1`-. _ y shaken up and` his cart broken. ' ' A in store, carryi reult glass game are I 01 tel `CO6 If V -IJU II-I V 5~5\J VI` `.v"`V I`\-CCU. Jla"CUO Roland Craig-`ls vis1`t1ng%re1a- "tives iat Elmvale. - __V A `I ? 11 II I\ 011! I ary the \ % are; spe -'1 1 bme wer near Ilt W | 0\Vl will VV AA- ALLISTON BALL TEAM . - - ORGANIZES, _ - . Alliston Herald--A'g. [the Maple Leaf Baseball "Clwb was. held in the Windsor House Friday night, for the-fpurpose of organiz-1 :Ai1_1`g~V and forming fa '-town league, and "with a View to putting `a team Lin ~-`the South Simc_oe _-'League'; The .following officers were ~elected-: Pat,-.%. 11-`mus, J as. Moore, Thos. `Hayes; J,`.` M-itchell, Dr. Cuuni-11gham", *;.F.`K11igl1t; Hon. 1 -res.,` T. J.'Da"u1t ; ,;:.=;`.jIIon. Vi~ce-Pres.,i- F. N. 'IjIurs_t';. .fPre_s.,- J. E. Pa_ddiscm;I" Vice=i ro.=ss,, ;B. Elliott; Sec.-Treas'.,'_v**_A_f,<*'Bi` `:5E`iIl~; ' M ana`1ge1f,: L M. Edmonds; too hon Brt su two Bri fat "Jun .5101. IJCIIUILUD an .l.'JllDD_ \lJ{U` Mr. and Mrs. Adams epentjsun- day with friends in Hawkestone, ."ll'_.. l`1__-_ (71--A.L__!- __.__, L _c_A_. My 4th.----Mr. Hill (5: Niagara Falls is visiting his daughter,-TMrs. W. -Cfhristie, at the station: ' A -1r;'.--...- 'D__-1_'1-_. -_.1 nn.-7-211 V31 V \JDlJL C-UIJLIIJJ UCL '-I-LJDIL QVICIJ O Mr. Jas. Gaston and Mr. William Hodgson attended a Masonic yneet ing at Ehnvale on 1_\lon_da5: mght. 1 .11.. 'I3..'I-...] I-`(_...'..'-.. __-..- -.... `....'I.. x_u 5. ire, _.zMiss Snider of Elinvalev is iyisiting friends in this `vicinity. Orillia is p:1tting`. in t.he ;nil1 machinery for Mr. T_'ho,s.' `[1: I1 . I ' . - . - t - ~1 om. ueanizi iii!stke*;i-Sgiecting ;Lb;y thd:-tiof _ V LARRETT 5 MUSIQSIORE1 ...,._., ....... .,..,_...... . ..., 3:: v`_`; ;c_>re ~quu1_'ter`."... .- fifutton s `bs, each .T._.; ..--;-_`..: Jaamb. perxlb-` L Hogs; liy, gel-get _. -. 035 J.-1-i"A. if" ." L `I -;"5 .I.&......-_ .'I `WOO HI. 0 Mr. Dan. -Shaw Totdntb f is 1 spnding a few "days with hi,sister, ~Mi's. Brown. `I f I -It `unit 4 -'-v. 0 .0 g_ yo !n_ 0;`; ' C1nck_11s;` yo1.1_A1`1jg-.3, .. . THELATEST MARKETS Logs, live,` gelect ; . . K 9 I 0 lo 0 `av: '1 _t`-' IO n 606:! > Iurkeys .`;;g ' `.` .{ -lo `cxoxu, SU'NNID:ALE oc_m1_~I_E1z%s% "S-AHANTY A BAY cmmntinsr Bmie, my em, ] 11914;` n I(w`3"'"oo 4.3,.` 5 0 0 -:3 3 __ `o 0 I I 0 . ` '2'- : o o 0 A ~ `O 7c 0 Vi`. A, Ican%maka:no:4 rT$DCQfTC TCITTT .` . - O 7 000009000OOQOQOOOOOQQOOOO taxi I __i} VU -,14* oo % v 5ia1b ...6_.i50, 11 oo * .13 `A 3'.` sex. 1373 f 3 1.5 ~ 112 an T12` 99` O \.{JJL'Jl3Ul\a, (LU UIIVJ QUCVUILVJI-I "Messrs. Buckley and O Neill .Vo'f Phelpston Ship-ped two 'carloads of -stock to Toronto on Tuesday}. `'11 . -.....J 1] ..- 1" c1....u.L `-2 1 :I....o 1{oQ;2~ .65 .. . 45. W95; .4 -- v-( 1 % 001 18 n -in EB .;18 15 LV22; A181- inn` ` i::P1s;~;`:`:e3:;-.Bx.,; la: _ Pm, Remy G...TIo. G`1'ay; V j Dudgeon, W} Pea- burn; _C.apt3in, % `OlslieIrw_ia`1;" iF-i- nance Committee,/.. Ollie ;I`r,win, -`S; V Gallauglbierf and S. McKlvey. . % V _ _ Sec.Treas1,*' "D1;'.I-_Ia`nnah .; f anagement {Commit-` -tee.` `Rev. _ . . cock,` ` Silas,` McKelvey,* I-Ienb .-Bey-~ I L IIIJLLIIIVLL IIV DVIIUVVIO` "The lecti<)vr1":)";'wOicers resulted as - f0ll0 W8 : .Pr,e8},\_W. Ellioft, Ivy;. Vice-Pjres;, L. M.__ Ed-wards,` Allis- ton; '.Sec y-1-`r.a_s.,A W. -0 . Hnyy,` f1`l}_g`rnton`.h " = - 11, o ,. .1`11, '.-_ . .|_. J.lV&L_lUUrL|o_ Thoe"' fo1lQwingV _ `schedule? 'VV$.8 drawn up. and although ,Thornt0n wa._snot- reepresentd it is und,gr<- stood that they fully` intend! tohave a teaih in this year s' league;-' ` Sohedule ,for` 3314 % 11'," nn A`I`I!_L--' _. L- . f} i` A ;. n1_efetingf_d1' the ;treorga;:;zamion giof fthef -+Sf.S'; `'.`;,BasebalL,... lipeague wag` held in *Cookstown `on ; Friday, ,?when -thd following places sent delegates: Alliston, Paddisond-T and . \._Ber*igin'; Cooketown, ; McKnight and ;Couse;; Ivy, " H. Banting -and F. `Elliott; Thornton not `represented. ` ' ' TL- -`l....A.:.... -1! .'..&......... ....-.-1J.-.I May . -LU '\JvvnvUvvvu uvv ,-LOGAUUVLL _0--Th,ornton' at Ivy ._ 26-Ivy at Alliston' 27-ThOrnton at" Cookstow J u]y._ . 3---Alliston? at .;'1`ho_rnton . _8--Ivy at Cookstdwn. 396969bcioodocooooooodozl 4 i ` ' ` . V ` _, ~'_ ,,I ,, June PA.1`N'Y_VI_1S SC'_I`?L_ % E1103? 91`. ` `N-I`! LLO 7 V` I-III -I-II`, `VI, I " lmg, -Lloyd Blackmore, Bruce. Mc_-. G0wa_n.* ; - - NW -LLJ\v`l\- 71' 1'1 T? '1 L1` Form _V IV.-:.]g.a;;i`Kever. Form III;,'_ Sr.--Kenneth Gamer-; on, Gladys `Armstrong, Freeda Fer- ris, Mwbel `Brown. . ._ -Form III., Jr.--Richard Arm; strong, Laura Forbes, Harry Wright. r `Form II.--_Ruth -ForV(bes,_C1`aric e Ferris, Theo Bgown George Wright. "I'P....... T ' _.... a `TI: ____ ._- L `J J`-LIILVJI `J`l_`NL C \olIN7ILI ' .""o'm 1., (a)--ff-Iarr<\>'1d_ `Pear- son; ;E-velyn .-Hun.t;er,. A Ethel W-right, Katie. Armstrong, `Willie Adgison. 13--.. 1' . T_ n....\ I\I_.'. V '?Sr. iv.-Wm`.' '1?.ic'11~; 1:<.1s..<)F1;,_T1 *at1;ie Blackmore, W-m. Carr, . Dorothy` Vaughan, `And_re[w_ McTGoww_-.nv,`_ Roy ('1 ...-.a..L'-"l I ._ Ildlplma, ::;?fe11ow.j TY? APRIL REPORT OF GUNJJLES 001. - `orm_ IV.-- ea.n- TMcKe'ver. -I -u...-, H..- ........., \.avu;e\; _.....3.... Form . I., _Sr.--4FeTrgn `E Wivngto-ve, Frankie` Arrrf;stro11g`, `Norman `Brown, Reta Wingrove, . Cecil . Plowma Georg Miller, -Charls "AddisQ1i. 1:~',....'... r .1.../..\ ".`r_r.......1.: `n...-..._ CORRESPONDENCE Rzgxiozgg 9`-EJ_H0LLY 3sC:_H00,I3` . TT,,11_ __.L `\'M:I';':.'uI.I.--Ha1;Q1d Vauvgfhan,-, Arthur Howell, Ward Goodcfellow. ` Sr; I.-E]eauor Oarr. 1: . 11-./n...:..`;'.. m.......1...... ` 5.)]. I619 L JULUIIVW KWLAELWJ I` Jr. J I V.-',--Arthur Herell, VE1_merL Dyer, Ceneth Giobsong Bert Hubbert,` `John Cqch-rane, Bert -Sxfigley, S`ad_ie Givens. V ~ 1-1-7 1' ..o (1 0 `I , 1-70-1, `I .l.l ULJU .;;uau .u_yuu, Qua. Jggsnu, V . Jr. .II.----_Sanfo'rd Tyndale, WoiIet- ;a J ago, Mary ~Sprpu1e, `Eya 7-Kell, O1ri`ve'_IL'y1;n1.i` .- V` n -1, , _~, 11-__!l: _-_~ L&KU|l\J` `LL LLIVUULVLLB `V {L6 Form I.,- Jr. qo),--o1i`?e.I`i1?r,.'Brow'n, John Miller. . . ' F. Miller, _T9a` `"r.i'\ ?.--.ldiS`wlibac-e;?{f& Frances Hwblbert (equal), Carmeta Srigley, '* Dalon ~Muirhead,-..Reg1gie 'Sr'ig'1ey,, Florence Srigley.. . _. 1'11 A ..1.L----. 'II.....-1I 'l3'L........ `7 1Vi iT-'Lottie `Srigley, Viola Marl- ing, Ed-gar Wharrm. ' - " .c_; "r1'. nr':11:.. `l`j:.1.....-..-. ' T'.++:.~.. 1115, VVIIIGIICILIII `Sf. II.--WiI1ie Gibson, Lottioe Cochrane, . Alrberta V S1-igley, Lena Minnikin, Dorothy S-rigly, Cecil Lynn, V-Ada.` Lynn, Irne.'Ke11. L * -r.. 11 .a....:......1 rn...`..z..1.. nr.-;;.~+_ uuvx: .u.yuu.T _` - p H _ Sr.` %I._-'--4E1s1e_ 2Gi'bso"n,. . Reuben Bloxham. . . V v ` /.|_-\ `.7.A_ .`,____!`__,_'_ *7` ;`f`.` "i"'(:1$)--Ve7:Ea .Minnikin;: Mipncin, TMil.ton Loug.}1_ee`_@.-_. xhafn M'ar1 ing, Lloyd: Sr1g1ey.' "r '/4'\ Au... `Q.-1-:...'l.....'* `I _Givens. - V- luau .LuI:u'_.IuL5, .uLu.yu;` uu-5u,.;J. - ' V` L. Jr. (a)--Otto-'.~Si`igL1ey,f Marxian Reid, Wilmer" Ctrchrane, _ .Geo1`ge Gisbson, -- Hector , 1\vIar1 ing,,,_-1'Golglie` ,. . No3 on. roll it A, _ ` Averaggattendahpe, 30; -1"HE` ;fEi;PERI~MEN~T ALi._, %r41;Ms%; L % /. _~REPn0R'1` _ . The infqrlmatibn contained in the annual , reports of the E:' Farms` .01? the Dominioii Depart- .- ment of: Agrio1;ltur `.fso._1.2varied and .complete `as; to , render these, ._year1yv` volumgs "alm'ost` fvvorthy the . name` of 4`Encyc1opedia;' fof ' Ag`1`i cu,1v* .t`Lire; i `~ The .,.E`xp_eri=menta1` Fa`rn1 s' % Sytru euubraces ~.the 3-%C.en7m1% ; _{and twei1 t3?'7..fBranc1;j~ Fai-mfg` 5 .:$td-tioma. veateha:.kma ni:ed `byA%?%%atm.'o% . imcialits-\`%% % -th9se?~:%wfde%sntead; T E iivv1;i.:ei1uii2ps:d;.ix1sti%x:1gi ;-p1;;ctia1}y} : ._ _;5;;o_5t f;Ih`e report for 4;he; yeafending 'Ma,mh f;31`t,"`. -1913, _ ;na1;e}sf.~9,.A`- v9 .1um`e~ bf-i:;.neya,`r1yL;-1700images" crqmmje&.;.with" the? "meat; %o.`what was: % xsxsoi > 'n_`d+ : . at _`:Sr. IAI.-Wm. Tylor, Masble Hick- ...... TI..-..1 'D`l....'I-...........' 'D........ 1urf.;_ IUUVJJCJIVWI . Jr. IV.-_b-__-Harold Grey, Gec}. Hoop? 20-ZX`1i}j?E3.Z ";:rnto1i 30-Iv at. Thornton . 5---Al iston. at Ivy ` 8-Odokstown at .Thorn'toi1 12-Tho:-nton_ `at Alliston .'13-Cookstawn at Ivy _ . 19-(23okstown' atTVA11iston 5:: ' u.wUu_uuuyc, uv. V. :. Greenyood; Teqher.% - w an-nvul T Mgy" a1`1 ."Mrs.: J -as.-` Stewart ,..`of Toro1_1 o .visi`t'e:19 -th"e Iatter s sister,,....Mrs`. .'M. ,Moi_r", rye- cen-tly. " ` ' A `II. "n... cn___;_ ,3 m-_;'_,,L, IOIQIV \./'05` I C M."MaA-lp-in', Teacher.` .-Verna . N'o \r- ` 3. '-I1't'\'KT`l" . ,.`*.".'-7' ,-=- a M_rS.f<-: __.ea`._cock s 7 malden ,1na.-me was. L*lL6rgaretf:Sori;mer\zi11e. .t.hi1:d :au'gr`i1't'er 75-ofgth-;`i1gt" Piexc Som- .1iie1_Eril16' or the .Township. of Essa. I 1,; 1nAn d-.V.sIaw_vgr.;.'-.5. , ._o. --v --_4.--{ \ n L:I %1i5-.% f.t?1if d8th`f' .9`-' `Mtgfef f :1 *i%9er jcooki` iopf 1S'ti"du~d- ,L._o11. _t1'1e `29t.h`_ 1;1t., `L.ih'?i:10:vv.L"of`f_At'1ie;L late 0.5 R; L_P_ea.c6ck__;, `' ithere pass_ed*~.a"w 9.) not only (one ' oi L`I:t;;;vis:l_ vs`-pid:11eer`s, but also; oh or : t he ,o1dt residenti `df_ th`i s". com- m_u"nity. 5 % \ , |~'-nit-;-_ 11;;-". ".-l-9.. ..,...:.-1.... "nawin - 6IIVI,V 1:90 Va. *9 ixhe 3wa;b';;n::.:;;i;;:i1;t:;_ E15; _;and;,Was, marri'ed to the late C,` R. Peacoqk. of Stroud on Spt. '22, ` `She a.nd hf husband set - tled _ .dn the PVe_ac`/bck home- stead on78th woncession. of Innis-' `1 where` thy .rsided ever since. _ " ` . any as g. . ` `.1 __-. ;~ While quite `your'xg;. she united] with." the". Meth6distf7. ch_'nrch and Vfor`n;ee.rly;-`sixty years was an _ac'- tive.'crmen'1)era - She _w'as '9: woman of Ju1'1tiriAng eort whosefi-deals ~o'i life, was service. ,Slie' was `the mother ' of. elei7en'.'chi1dren, ten "of whom survive:-her:-1-.0; E `of Way- burn, `Sask.; G; H. of Newdale; M-an. ;` ."_Percy_.of the S90, 0nt.; Mrs, Chas.~- Ramsey of Herschel, 'Sask`.`; Mrs.` H. Mooney of Wey- burn,` Ssk.;TRev.V John A.` of Col- lin-gwood; M", B., of Calgary; Mrs. H. McLs:cI3_lan of Herschel, _Sask.;1 Il`.Il8`rlluO_ '\J>GI L I `\r\.CO ` _Allan'-L-`Colemax1--_TI1.9.;t -no 'actid;1` _be. ta`I tb;tlIe -petition. Y`of- 'J1_1o. .Hunter and H."-Wallace to be rr_r;o'v'ed ,fr0rr'i S;S. No. 10 to ~.s;s. No; ;1"1 .-`--()ar1 ~i <'-".-d." - % * % A11" ' /1 1' - !l'11;-; ;_v_',_ __..:I 0 vs:-nag-...-.- _._-..____- `Thgfdeath in the R.v. Hospital_ of `Mrs. Joseph Packard on Sunday, cast a .g1oom'_over' the residents of "Shanty Bay. . `Although i her illness was very serious "for. some time, it was thehope of-iher friends that she .VOUld rally from it, but` this was not the wi1l~ of the Divine Provi- dence, and she passed. away `on Sun- day. Mrs. Packard,` who was before her marriage Miss Ann Scarlet, was i in her 36th year, and was . well u kn0__`W1i ir'1f~Barrie,_.' where -she 'had many __friends. She is survived by her sorrowing... husband,`_ and two sons, aged 12 and 8 years, Inter-` ment took place to aOro Methodist ' Church /and cemetery on .Tuesday-. afternoon, from the familyhome at -,.L,, 'II-_. J_.l.o JlLU_.lJ(bvu:c~la vs .l.l-.\IAI-I\v.IQ\rva ~.,....--.,l F; o Stroud, and Parker .of .T2r.I`t.- ~ % ~ I 1 1 ` I A ; f_-__-_ ".iZ1`."C&' .McTa'gga_-rt of Coll-ijngvvfood `called on friends . here `on his way t_o'Ivy.T "

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