---q--- Q3fonuoo3,o % T0 CREDITORS Shopping by mail made easy,samples on request of Portage 11:3 leaves to mourn Mrs. Stiver of V with her at` the : .u4..a.-v..vs.: \.l'.I.JJ-J|&V 4! 4:4 .1. VV II]. US: ygvauwu I to do_-Sewing by day. 92 Pne- tang St., Phone 384. 17- 91).! J_DURHA~M- cow FOR Newly calved, about 5 years o1d,`.' in first-class condition. Apply to ~ `Advance Oice, Barrie. V_ . V` '-:Men s Tan or B Blucher Bals, w All Sizes at ` - _` StoreTfor' . 9 a pair.` F NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MISS G-LENNEY` will be; pleased +0. An QnII'1`:r\'1v: `xv: An`: Davin- east.` A;drw `dhoir ` "M-ay_ 12th. Solos, f _ (_3'h_o_ru.sea:s. Silver give. a T %jTu%-Id%ay. airtettes . and action. . . in the church "or Flora1'e`ects,.put up in the most` .DI.ll110p.St., Bgrrie. _ L . I 9'i'F0i` rciz-.1_ good Aowers-.-wddingi or table Bouquets, Funeral Designs, artistic manner, see WM.` TAYLO -11' T7 ' ..rey s Ciit-_Rate . S - ' ing` 2-_in-1- Shoe in and :.bh - mation P lso % size of '1 for 90 a pa `liquid! polish, W to _injure the shoes, fV.--- "ll`..L..1' QL..... n; vvvuuu vu nu. ovspvv a. GU!-IV IJIHG Kill .` Cook tove should make} ` ga poznt to visit` F . R. Ha'm_bly s $to r`e, at. \: rrie,,on 'I-'ue'S- 7 day, May 5th, when a d ' onsttatiomivill ' L be given and.s_ee for them , ves the many? advantages which `this; ` st V q\,f`e`;'_f;h can be .doI"tfe quick; and _ q ll .; as an inn: o:;diar7x;gtg;ye:gr " -A : ` `Pf7:."-550"?` T ;WS-Y3L`' ..A. a=%i!es-n<?~mok-Vi-I1=>%;i:5td -' clie 19%. ` ` " J ii? W115`;-'.K9W 3 ` .I.."L.:."" A ` 2 pa`ikr`, of -.Mis4s_`e I16 .e_1tra.p*Sl?ippers.%L ` ` , 31:h`g$1.50- an - . 1 _ _, __ :aLrey s.-V Out-: S-hog 1' Store wbhls. `Wk,-`0? _ a4-pair-.- '4 1 %,! 1`he% Loyal T'empe,ran~'c'e Legion` `meet ' in` the Salvati-on Army 4IIa1~l on Friday.:.'aftern'oor_1 at 4 ,9?g19ck. A1l~ b_oysi;a,re invitedv. . % I --Oh _ i1dren s 4-Mara`. V ; man Sarida-1s,;th ` ",{2ar.ey .s Cut- _, L 19 a pa' ?.;` U WM 3}` pair.-~ .. , . ent .'Ro-_. 1 kind; at ..Store for . . 2 All Ladierwho:hgi}e__n " ` V `opportunity-to 9;, ` cookin ox) the.'New `P ` ._-_-` .LI.-.'_I'_I _-A:__~,. ("'g.`I.. L00 2: pair. L-Rate Shoe ox Calf la ggir. ih01i7`0n;" 1easte_ R - hecvame _ " -. Apaintm .. L1? A special despatch -to -the '-Toronto iG1otbe from _Harri`s1Jon, dated [April 24th; says: It was ,wi-th sincere re- gret that the Citizens .Balnd'. Com- mittee. last night accepted the re-' signation .- of Mr`. J. Chivers, ~ the iBandm_=ast_e!-. For _ 4:119 :pasj; thi-ee' years Mr. Olrivers has "been ~_iust,r'\A1c-j tor-::ai1& highly-astemads ,1emder" of 7 the town band, `an' that time h:as " sucgedd : V in 1" btinging fthat` ;orgauiz:_.;mon'* to " a hig_hj_ state 39$ -.. .:fE??V%*t*6,..:?-W%9:_3*!+=5::!T v99@3$?P,f.~b.1`.ks:~.and. Abe fy.941ng%:man `.a_nd,_;t_hei~ wheel tu }n . V % %e ja0mp1et' jsoI1iirsau1t;V--o"ver` ` the 'ste1J's,'+'_. _Fortu'n` ate1y~.beyond'a few bruises hees- casped _injTmy,'._eiud the wheel was but s1ig~ht1_;y_` damaged.` " ' - ~ ' `a_r 12:7 .p11pi1s.fr.o1i1 009 .;0;ouIit3k *`*t,`(.1ing*~ Toronto .Uni- % vers1ty,J the I 'l-ar'gestV number A fret}; any _7- cpugity "in _ the Prov=in.c`e.> : nuv I ulwvsjnu 1 L0o6g9ooooogooooobodqooqpl ` afnnual ;~.1e`a'11'-Elli)" v H_a1th commencd 9:": %Mo_iiday_.% V NEW MEMBERS FOR If:qqQg9o6ooo3999$: J. -.0. Irwin of Toronto, and. W. J. I-Iallett of Haxi-ley`bury,`. were . inv town~this week -for a special meet- ing" of the Lodge ` of Perfection; Sc-otttish Rite Masons. The` marriage took place `in '11:-inity Church on Saturday after- noon last of Mr. A'lfred.P. Wilkes, proprietor `of The vGazett~e,`and `Miss Annie Arthusa, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Wi1vlette,;_.,Eugeni_a 'St,, Barrie, the Rev. `E, R. J. Biggs oiciating. .~Th`ere' were -no attend- ants, the certicate being signedibyv Miss Gertrude Willette,` , sister of the bride,_ `and Master Reginald Pearce SiIbIb9.V'ldr,. nephew - ed? "_:the groom.` Mr.` and Mrs; Wil-kee'~left_ `on the even-ing train . -for a short honeymoon at Montr.eal,_v QqeVbec\-'and` 7 other . eastern qitiee. Addison Has movd from'.'Mr.;_...Cha`s. Dev1in s house on Mu1pg;ster'4 St_., to Baye1dTSt.L north. ~ Dr. ~-`Hiram : Thomson` "of Toronto was I in to:wn'"th'1sV week, . attending the funeral of. his brother, . the late |Geo.,M. `Thomson. 1 A o L `Messrs. Wm. Crossland and AH.` G. Robertson were in Toronto ` yesnday,'~-attending" a meeting of` the drug trade. _ - ~ `Mr; W. F.` omk, B.A., `of `Mid- hurst,` has passed his medical" ex-V _ami11_-ation. ;Cat"' Queen s `University and` obtaied his degree of M.D., O.M. ' E. M. Carefoot of Calling- wood `obtained his degree` of MB. L am-s." T; A". Macamm in T:1:c; `Vronto for a few dax ` T L. `was fii1_town on`\'!,`uesda'y.l --`<-J- '.,__ Mr. W. .P.. Hulibard 6f " Tornto _IF'_0R :S~AL_E E on REN'l.`--`-Black- gjquati-ti'ty of tools. _' ;Apply*) . G. Luck; _11`Frances';S_t;, '_;B`a r-f` new. .App1y Care er for Mrs.` Boyer, Peel St. T 189-18p. ."HoUsE TO LE Aply , as J Sisseons, 104 Mu ster St. 18-181)" GOOD HAPPY f :1.` `UGHTVI RANGE FOR SALE muieauy smith shop at Crown, ,_I-]ill;,` `six miles from Barrie on rural piail `route; convenient to churches and schools; garden, 1arg"`e -.and small` fruits; good `brick "house, hard. and. sbft water; Vwoodshed, ca; :ment stable; large ssh'op'_ rand `.- Mr. Moukznah. " in T6-Ll ronto last week,` Tattengling a, meet- .ing. .of-}_ the Rexall agents. ,. i | In the list `Of s_cho1hrship winners; at .Queen s Uriiverit , Ki_n`gston, the name of S. A. W ite, Barrie, appears as `winner of the William Morriss ($50) andthe Lewas ($20) sc.h-olarships. . _ ., Herb _W.i'lson `was in town` on Tuesday, -arranging for matters in connection wiph the two weeks `drill of ' the -35th Regiimenvtv `Band of" Thornton, of which he has been re- cently appointed -handmaster in succession to Mr. John Mitchell of Orillia. ' ' ` . T Among those who graduated from] Kingston General ' Hospital ~V__'1`rain-` ing School,` appears the -name of Edith Huiberta Coulter-`._of Barrie, `who took honors and won the W. Nickle -gold medal." V ` `Mr. and. Mrs. McLeod; and three {children of Hamilton, and Miss Gertrude %'Wi11ette ;of London, Ont., 'were here `hr the Wi1ke`s;Wil-lette wedding on Saturday, the latter `re- `maining with her? mether" forve -a `V6913: diTiz'I11I_.s `_BAND' I I Z , -- V .V _` .3...-.~:. -: The `annual-:fineet1ng,~ arid 1e1ect1on- _;_oi;-..ofoers of the` Wi'C.T`.U.. will be.` held on Monday, March 4th,, at` 3 f-133111.. NA lgrgettendance is ,re- que's a_ed.` 7 ' 1 . 1 IHQST MARRIN F]The'-death $1 Mr. 'J:hos._ Marrin, gjfqrmer _wel.1known. Baxjrxefmagig 4 _suddenly . of heart ? failure ~ -' t~ .Wim'1~1pe'g Frda,_y,V Apri_lV -24th,, and% the" remain; were _bnou;gjht`hre . for int,erment.. ~Mr.'. AM.aLrr1n_1eft`. `Ban-ieL. abgut _tQ :in'_t d'."~' 1785-11.938 "vin1.T- 0* #0930; subsqgiwi `:80i1`8`:t0 7. ;564-_l`Gt1l_0:!"`.. efficiency, so that the services of the: band have been much in` demand. for entertainments and special occasions" `in. surrounding towns. 1 Mr; {0hive`rs `-leaves for` Barrie `Von ' Saturday, where he has secured a more lucrative position`, and will ;be connected with the band: of that town as ea, trombone player and solo- _ist, on which instrument he is con-. sidered 9. player of considerable . V, v_1.`.l'1e~:?oi-tizense generally .re- "g, _.t. the departure" of. Mr. and Mrs. ,Ghieve1's Ha.rriston. . The ~I'B.zil`1"1 -li1_xii'1:g 1iiiiW has `been `awarded: the .co'nt2-act for the rebuilding bf` -tH'e band _sta.nd whigh. recently collapsed in Q-ueen s Park. `The. Paik; Commission at a meeting .011 'Mdnday_ `night also decided. "to build; a; cemept cunb on the `West and north sides, of, Queq,n .s Park: and to fleavve =_t_he i_L south ; e'1i_d~ ji1htil`;._the `?13mbur1es,`;1s built.-T Mareepark `seats 1? ?hi`*`9-`Li. w williflieiitprdcuxed "a_1ic1*g `hggse NEYVPA~1Y*D smn. OBITUARLYT May 4, to Along this time of the year when gr een-,_ growing things-.- aives, buds, and owers-begin to appear and Nature seems to to .wtke up and the birds begin their nesting, usecleaning and house hunting begins with tn:my beople and this iswhere this reliable store serves you well. In -eeping with the brightness of Spring outside you n1~a'y" "require" Dragpings and . Curteinings for indoor adornngent - place in Barrie to make your selections; unhesitatingly 'we._say `an, an-r'ay' of beautiful Drapings--Curtain" N ets and Curtains. ipartment by $I,.ooo.bo tomeet the growing demand for the` j d`y'ou.wiJl perhapswonderjust where is the best ER?E`-at this st0re-for never have we shown such goods of the bet'ter kind. . Jd `his season we have increased"`th'e stock of this de- % A _'th`e'N.emq-" `V I . `Monday, May 4th. is the '|3egihnihg of Andyou are invited to call and get better acquainted w sets. Miss-E 1 T MOWEEK ` s `these high grade reliable: cor- rly _wi}l demonstrate to you the many adv tages of the latest models in . g . v I Shopping by mail made easy, send for % catalogue; I in; {re Vciliaiiv-tm'ca;1V1;mv;7&' givei1` 'j.a'_`run to MaKn1ght s barbr shop in },.the "Bank of Commerce Q about 10 ' o clock on Friday; night. Some Vkindling in the basement ~ became ignited," but little damage` was"done. `x Am-ANCE V Beautiful Art Cretotmes, 'I'apestry/`and `hintzes eo fail to. se Cushions and Upholsteringe purpo s.V. . . . . Lovely Silkoline for Draperies; Screens We are. showing some "you wished t.o pay and you were given a corset selling at t .--each gure has a contour-all its own and there-.are% as ma this service you get, expert advice as to the style sui these days is the corset tent wefhave built up a sa matter of V what price `price and of which all t now it is quite different models were alike", the quality of material alone differing. ' grades as well as models from which to make a choice. ` e . ~ _ Our. Corset Deparment is now atits` best . Our Service is s ond to none. And combined le to your gure. V L` On 's;Ju'ra3 y'. ';`;1.f2Etn;` 1914,` Mr. Geo. M. `Thoansoxgeldestttson of the late; A_rhi_.ba-ld _ 0.. Thoms_on_," lmxrbrman, pf `Ba1:rie,- passed awaxj at ,his Ih _ Me in `Toro1;to,ate_r _a brief , He was fty-ve years` V of ge,*an1d.' is ' surv.ived`~ ,by_ "his. .{wi;1_osw, and,~ twg_r`s`dns`.* The, remains`. `V.-wet'e_ bmfugjht here {on the 710.50 agm. t`;-asi-n on-r'Mi5`nda`y-, " an'd.; the.. 'unera1; was held on. _'.I`uesc1ay_.-g at -2 . p:..m.~',.. from the -vs. residence" = of` lib-s_. B!1'r'59{I.1. .;4.T6r9i1flio. St: 1 :V:-_~;; - L - ~` = Re a.j..- % 7 LuvvuvL- ' .. __ ` ' ` ` `The funeral will "take place to`- ' 1. morning \(Epiday)_ j ingtime. "for the'__,.Tmornx.mg- t31;a; in_ . to` Ori-1;1ia-," where 1_n-te1~_men-1v:jbiw}1l:lV_)e_z1.1ad;Ve.;_. - "" ' . I I ~ r RICHARD L0_NGMA-N ` The home of Mr. E. Long-man; `Pulblic School Inspector '.for South 1 Si-mcoe, was saddened` on Tuesday May `the `death of his" eldest `son, Richard Shaddock Long in _-his 21st year. He was born in_ Tren- ton, and' since `coming to Ba-rrie had completed his Collegiate course and entered the Bank _of Toronto as-ja clerk, a -position he --11-`ad `to resign.- Some time `ago on account of kill health; , He was; [a popular xyoung than `in -town. loved` an' respeetl by" all who-`fkneyv.-hi-m,_ and .,took_. 11 active interest in `sports,. especial y, hockey-s _01.1e"SiStei_' apd `two...,brotl1ers_v aurv.~ive,;. `besides ; :hi3* fatjiez-3.` an`d_ .'199.ti1e1`af_" _ ' [Martin of. Roche_ster',. all of whom -ware here for the fun1era1,`ancI Ed- ward. Marri_n of Berlin. and Joseph Martin" of Barrie, are brothers, and Mrs. King`of Tqr-onto` is a sister. i 'It.al_ia1_1 .wHo` got `off the Tues-V day--morning train at the depot, hadi to run nearly to the Barrie Brewing * Co. befere `it stopped to take him aboard. He was one of a gang of 4.la`bor ers going north for construe.- etion work. _ . {A `Aha- 111. . `ll .~ CORSETS "ARE OUR sh-:c1ALTY AT VICKEF _, _. ..`_aLV '1`.he citizens of Barrie. were great- ly surprised to hear that Mrs. Wm. . hunter, 121 Mulcaster St., had passed. away at her home early. Thursday morning, "A.p1"il 23rd. It was not generally `known that Mrs. :Hun1;er had been in poor ' health. For some time she had" been ailing, I l l l is l V 1 but was seldom cdnned" to her bed, 1 and: since the previous Sunday had ,.been` upand! attending to her housei , hold dutie..- On ,Wed fnesday even-_ in`g;.after. tea she was "seiaed with ai fainting. ; spell and although medical -A .gaic_j:. :rya,'s `rat ` `once summoned: and possible was done for her, `passed `(away about . ~_ ' V morning. -. ;. }i:.y_:T-he_i'1aten : Hunter (was a ` ;da... j er `-w:o 1.-th_e.f-" slate, William` _ `.jS_`_j `i ' yanad wasborn at` Button- -.;v_._1.1;ie_..-`.. '_I3p.,'~3(_>n=;::August 2131:, - ;I3.33i_)_;j7:"iS.11.0'.I`v as'- on January -~,26,tI1f;y.".181s:5; to I ;..W.TiIli;am B: B7 %B9i G._ Innisl.: pre- _ ,,;.: .,of_ ..whom , .-Dv.` --4Ca.rey tore is se]-ling` ish for _,7<`3~ `a. tin Zonnbination pack.- War- for Gun Metal" -Shoes, 90 a. size` Tan . L`-A U650: Mr. Ecru . . . hangings. , 1 -: .,,` ; . 3. WM. HUNTER Iurtainings, . .. . . . John Tooney, of Brooklyn-, N.Y.,' who "h'as_ recent-ly been employed `on the farm of ` Mr. Sutton, was, fined. $5 `or thuirty days, f and ondered: to pay $2, -the price of a.. pair of shoes he .took from C'arey s Show Store on Saturday. He` -p 1ea`ded._for ~su9i>_end- ed -sentence, saying that a too inti- mate acquaintance with John` Bar-' leycorn had caused him to forget - what he was doin . ` l'V-_.-_---'_"._5,, ,, 81,."-1 I .1 ,,,- 4 '5 . . as for utnhty boxes, C U I C I U 0.0 I I _-__..., `.4. ya 11:7 auu Lamas of ' Edgar are M1-s.[ Sanderson `of , Mrs. .Moore' of Its. Johnsto of To-. I 15 `to. 733 "yd .. . . . ._ . ; I9c_ yd. . ....;.15c to 45: ..jL....=I5c to65c 1 . 5oc `to "$6.00 V % A pleasure .fQjr us /to.show them, MAY 9th te. of J 01111 Logue, late 0 ..f `Barrie. in the _ .909 Railway Eng'i!1 ` hereby g`ivex1 pur- _.,.T`1.9te Act that all laims John_ ` 5.011, J. Herbert. who 15 _ U-P_3_,,0I1 abusiness trip. The , I" held on S1111d:1_v 1z1st3t ` her late resiql-2110310 P8`_381_VCemetery. Inllistil. both * conducted by Rev.-G. rkr;.`,P5_,t0l" of Collier St. Meth- - & `sl-of which she had _ 1- for over 30 years. ` were her four sons, her V5119` -Texpress iQn.< of sym- by the beautiful oral r.+!.Llt_u ._I.In Q1 - k . or yortnge 18- ie. '-She also to +.he,:V,..1oss- a sister, of `whdwas at the ;.i!:imJ'ef6f: her death, and tw.) brothers. John `and Edmml Sander- ,.- V` Buttonville, agml W and 57 1*p9tiyely,.~al1 of Whom were IW95` A;_,fL;:atL`Vthe funeral." The childyen the funeral. o.\'ceptII1f ioungest J. He1"no1't.. xvhgnli .3-3}-:; lZ`;.m. --.._ - 4- foremost from a .wheel over it-he --- ".7: '.._-...,. . T-Commenc1ng `Apr: will be an auction Jewelry and_ G at Williams? ry Stores every` Tuesday, sday and Saturday evenings ll ehinaware, jewelry, watch , clocks, -.'etc., to be iclearied out. 13-'t'. Rdbert Leece, a young man `who lives on Maple Ave_., "hurt a narrow escape from serious injury on Mon? day evening, when he pitched` `head-,