IN S. SI.\l(`0E th?-Proclucer .--oosgcapair its, all shades. . . - - - - 50c yd. been able to cure in all its stages; ~ ity.' Cyatarr-h being alconstitustional r 'Ilhe readers of this ' be: pleased to learn -that there is at least i one dreaded disease that science-y has and: that is Catarrh. ___r Hall- s* . Ola-,. tarrh -Cure is the onlypmi2tive cure now known to -the medical fratern- disease, requires a constitutional treatment, H-a`ll s Catarnh >Cnr e is: taken internally -acting directly up i on -the bloodi and mucous 5 surfaces `pf `the. system, _ therebys "ides-troyinig the foundation .of the disease, "and giving the patient `st'rength. by .b1_1ild~ing, up the constitu-tiion `and assisting nature in doing itsnwork. r tllhe proprietors have so mudh faith 14... ..--....4..'_.- _ A.___.-`-.Ll-L I I . constipation. upu xu uUauuuuu:'uu:., Address 1:. J. GHEINEYT & Toledo,*O.v _ .' - ~ - V - Sold by all druggists. 75. I Take Ha,11 s Family Bills j for DEATH or JOHN T; BAITLEY: +uv tJ&LIll'$'JUIvV-I15 JJGVD HU guuuu LWIBIJ in its curative pow_ers`*that " they offer. 2-One V Hundred Dollars tfqg - case that it fails to cur6.. Asendvfbtf list of testimonials.,` Q . A J ,'I__`- _,- lTY1'i\'i'11vv n inn The funeral of Mis.;__S.~;- who died at `Boston,-*t_0,0k' jgoxfx; Friday, April; `I7th`,_ " .tc_>'m~h;F home , to the 'Methoj(I1$t`_o`ejmL8t9Y there. the, Rev.` `H. F. ,Battersbyo~con_-[~ ducting service -at the hdgs and at the grave. Among those_f1`:om Ta" distance who h were upresenth were.:_ `Mrs. `T1105. Cavena, {M-rs. Thos. Burton, Mr. N. hHur st, -Mr.` J. How.- croft, and Mr. and Mrs. G.__ Howe, of Barrie; Mr. and Mrs, J. Brown_,{ of Wyevale;-~M'rs.` `W. Bain _aI 1d'f.two daughters, `Mrs. J .- Faithful Mrs. J. Coffey, Mr. and Mrs. %Rodtien __Mrs. w. Houghton, and Mr. .13.. `mith, of Toronto; .Mr. B. _'Leg'gott, of Peterborough; Mr. .and Mrs. D. McWate1~s,V of -Strotid; Mr. and Mrs. S. Houghton, of A1liston; Mr. -Band Mrs. A. Houghton, of . Newton` Robinson. _` V % T FU-N~ERAi.. 0155 MRS; . _ > . - % ~M%byreav9'3?A`i every Ptfo'viujce- of Canada, with diretjre` r`eIe1_1ta___ti;f San Francisco, Seattle. E0t'tl8nd,Qre.,* e_::ico.`_ap;l,- and Conehpqnglents -in _eve .~pa_u-3; of.the_.wo_rld. is ab to the traveuin' public, an lung` i;tbo,1`n1to"_obtain none int on their `curacy the -\2orld~f9v9r.T Th: ftrave redit issued, ` thin` -Bank` overgqme the 'a.nuo"'iz'if.% %' abroad, especially in places .id.enticati6a a if ' . Cheques sud Dram on ull~the countries,of the won-id... um-ks, lire, krouen, etc., gun bo or-Vpurphated--at." -The Canadian Fl! ` steflig, =:Lond6n, Eu 3.` New Yq;rl;.;` `;117ft;ra'a .% gvi5hf`I\$: .o `unam-pas` g .thet.simples- vay at 3:3; ' 'roURIsT,S % T The Canadian mas: comma-ce,by f%uumber_otb`mchea in $100, REWARD $190? BARR'LE;_ B_RANGiHV Lt: _ 1:11 is a-y,tq1iicL`Aeaay imulntixgsg and and J = . `"35 'ii55"'5`\ *`ms=- it`: `limited. LA!'%`.`5*!L% !tnJ.`.1}7 taka `it for they `do not wish ` Mr. Bell shops would I-hot" inc:-ease; T . _ amount sold by . on; ebottle, ~ ,.the `dq- `maudl .-has Jtao. be. supplied from some > laoe.j`m1',d-'a!2lii's `my v-as.'=w1l- ave-_.1:he1ag1do`gl. :11e`vende.~..; fnqm .;a- %sec-` . 1100139-`.--`_ .`T1)9:.53 `?`.._WAb. _011I i respctj . 1 thought kw? I J I ..- ..-..,.v mg ; 1 . [r] `AI. J} "E911, KQCQ, W. Hunter Kennedy, saiq` that his ~ client had presented a.pet1ti.on sign- . ed by over 60 per cent. . qualied go. sign.`in-`Ward IV., and \ no objection had-'been"tak'en to Mr; Kennedy. ; The only `possible exasp- tion might` be to increasing ? the 3 nu'_m`ber of -lienses, and if the. t.e1`ii- % `penance peo~p1e had-' . wished` `-to "ac- , eomplish `this they `shouldt have gone. to the `Council and asked them, to '- reduce. the,- nu_n;`b'e'r of l.i5c'ns_es?a1low.- % ideimed `T-I. .'...I.. i'~.t.`;;.-...L-A , able. ` now. stands_ the_~Boafd V -' has. th ; Apdwer :-'gi;fant: L three vghop `to llie vw_i.th_-int the; :n_umb,e_rf . lb) :ifow1t%~b*1w-ze 4 One . 511013 1i!5..'I180 V `iI1Ri ;hW"`h9i;~uiQi6rgt-` _ ` E; .o f:?the I:_.` 11 1iLl1~1' `licenses mvliousf gtof the. V `G '4 AL}. 3. reprsent~ing; of; those. vvvv -v v-aux; xgvtuwuvvcxay llllz. HIRE 1tepactmen`t entirely ~-al4ter_s_ the rfsiwag-. .t.xon_. the council has inqt -hm_14t_ed `the: nutnbeii-L-to, gne, we ; +312`: 41-: `Ami .....'...o..A -n..._u-. 4-; _-4:- ; zwaousf ax: ; gottle trade ` from hogs. :0 buztha -?AnI'.|nrnnu"6' -`\`:`1A`CI -11-..- ;_L~_ * _ 3;- uuuup-u an '55::-uuvu uwus,-,1u `W111 .l.1Ula be in accord with that policy.` A . . " Rey. -J; `S. `Husmphreys. took/.11p particularly the L application for fa shop license in Alland-ale. He did not question the.` need for added of the hotels had been burinedi down, _but ` there was no qu`es'tion-` in" his mind- that a liquor store` would be detrimental to the interests . o the - community. : 'The railroad author- ities would be found against it, as their policy is "to preventga "much as possible, drinking ani'ong"-their men, and the.` [1 8rjA!'O_aid7_fIl~I:_r1'l Awho-j drinks is` `l in i -~copnst'ant`"idangerc of. = dismissal. ring is _-strongly a'gai n st .a. `liquor hotel accommodation; now: `that, one I {store license in-.the-`Rail-way Ward, "In spite" of the petition` t.he."feei1-A said Secretary I Clarke of the. Y.M.=C`.A. The, do not Want it,_ and the railway authorities are strongly opposed to it, lb'cause they know that with 'a1iq_uor store so handy," ybottles would he taken out. on the road,` `with a .n'eedlessV,`spacri- ce of safety `for both the men and travelling `p`ub1ic;* -also . that liquor: would be carried into_f:.-cthe homes, and there'cou1d be no more baneful inue-11ce there;....~ ,_ A - ~ g In answer `to. -.Ohair1`nnn Little," R-ev._ J. S. Humphreys said he thought there was now need nfor"Vin~ creased. hotel. `accommodationt sincfen the 3burn~in`g of. the Rai1r*oadH_ouse, `and Mr. tC1ark substaAntiate'd` 'thi3,_ stating that notwithstanding thv ` slacknessv of; wcprk on the G.'PrR_.\the `. rooming ' ,la~ceo1n`rVnodai1`tion ,t of ;-the ` LY.M'._C.'.A. ..was,inagg1_,1ate.t ~_. 1 . T `I uvut -hm v"(C_:ontinued" `from tPa;g.e ,'_14`h1:eo)` V I granting of__a - further "iicense would be goi-ngecontrary to Itlie `will of the people. The Gove1?mment`11fad ut the bottle trade o hotels to. pre- vent the hotels becoining distjribut`- ing centres for the '1ocal_` option .-territory`* surrou-nding `them. The ` greater, ease with which it may` be `obtained, the more will be sold; The` G;>vern1i1ent s_ policy `has been one of --curtailment and `if another license is granted here, fzit -will not km`? 3 .-.........J ..~.`.!LL A.L-L _.-1- O {has `1it"ed" for `rsom`e`5rears,T was `one of .thef`pre_ttis_t_ homes in town, neat-i ly. - kept garden, ..bright~` with owers, ` reectivng 9.! happy radiance on the naighabourhoods V.-like ]t11a_t shed a1broad..-by `Mr, Bailey` himseIf.-- Orillia; `Packet, `T ` ` FOR Anornlm 4 LIQUOR ~sIoRE gnu-Lav Jug . ~ V - ' ` ` f: Maledmson-.-The V document ;here' is sinjply fullling `the law that` ` 50.pp'er*cen-_t. of the .>p_eop1e` will t'`1erate:it. ' - J :7 f "Mr; V W. 'rSarJea11t.-j-_The question .is ~`m..W.&rde- < g A f?EI_h[r:`_ Greawike--when ,6ve`i`ybotl*y- La; counter -pebitiqngj _ ghppldi ' " A uucuuxsev nquor came Irom mere. . Mr. Malcomson -here tobk oc- _ casion to state vhat _he, as secretary of. the G-itizens League of B-arrie, -represented the` local association, `and that he ,canie with rfull author- iity: from '.both""Oounty. an-d local or- ghntizat-ions. ' ' ` V " ` % 'Litj;A_:1e-_-+T-he` , jcouuter should-i Tcgver. the sb.m_e'_`_ grolidas -gthet petit1on ifor at liefnse. If ;aL..1arne`.miia5ov.ity. isay=.75 Deiffoent: : of Ward` IV. Taskffor. is: why *`shm:Td We.'~`not vu guguuaom . J:1lILl_Ul{-lU.) ~ uuu uruuu-111' are not` parqlel cases, and Mr. Mal- cbmsoni may still go to the-H6n._W. J`."_iHanna, whq has the poyger t> ire- fuse if he wishes. -Most,peop1e. ?;re. of the opinion that; there` "should 7 be two shbpf licenses or `none, ' and if thepe were norge; the "peopl Avg-ho wa-nt;1iquor wall it at ' Toronto, anyway. ._ It wold -be just as logical. A `then to go to the Toronto"'Board'_fand. aSk,.themtC1:o` cut `off `their lice_nsi_es because. 1-iquor `came from th1te_.1 `-11- --Il"..1~.l.....`..'.'.._ L--- . ;.;`_ 1, Mr.]A.. F. A.v_, Malcormson '-`noted that `the Centre Simcoe. License Board is part of the great licnse system of the ~Province of Ontario. He `pointed out -that `the Hon. W. J. `Hanna.-. had cut off the Atherley "license _. on representations being made by the .people' of Orillia and adjacent territory. . The people in a hgreaft p'art of `Simcoe County [are _inte.i'ested' in and directly aegted T *by.' T1;he"iel3icenei;j`. issued in ',;Ba1;11e. `It-iris" on'ly`neG:esIasry~ to 'g'o"tQ.13he `railway station to vseenthiat ...0rliia is aected, that Belle Ewart s drink- ing and revelry are caused by Bar- rie{s licenses, and that Collingwood and all other dry territory -is vitally. interested in the abolition of shop `licenses here, 'One man 'c-.`ount.e`d 20 eases-'of,f liquor being * shipped out lonone day. There is a oodfof Jsrhiskey going out from Barrie; -a%nd' `we. representing the Simcoe County All'ianc,e,*g would, Say `5Don t make .21 Milwaukee ._out' of} Barrie. but rather . curtail . -the retail 4- sale;of liquor. "M-i_ A. `E. H._` Ores-wicke, K.C., who `represented `~ some of the- peti- ` tioners `for licenses, pointed out that tloca1."opti_l_)n `had. been voted: upon -and the people had` 1 "pronounced `in -favor` of` the license ~ system. Now it is for { the commissioners `and. i.ot[` Wthepeople_,_t'o say wh`o_-`shlall be giant- ed lflC9IlSOS_a. xA`tl1'erle y\ land; Breeh-in n3nA .4}1|`n\n| ;.._'I 1"-` 'I-l'_1 l T Chairman. Lit`rt1e--`We have 430 names on the `me pe1ai-tionspreSent- ed from two wards , and on the counter petition 4- from .311 over the -town there are 169 signatures. "ll"- I`1...........1-.. f\.. LL- 1_'LL.... dre3I_r- attention "to-` the -fact; that only -persons marked- on" Parts 1 and 3 of the voters list (persons entitled _to-vot_ at elect-ions to the Legislative? Assembly) were e.ni_t1ed'_.to_ sign. such 7 pet-itions. In the _.discusio`n.. of the granting` of local licenses,_ it -is scarcely _wi-thin the province of the Simcoe County Alliance to dictate our -policy`; he said, and deputations coming here should represent people living in `Barrie who are directly interested. If. the Brewers Association came here -we would i not: tolerate , their . interfer- ence. We have always tried to deal fairly and squarely With both '.`the liquor and the temper_ance interests, a.Ill1;_Wil`l continue to do so. `Ir! . 1 I V; n 4, npoHcy.*oo$h o mom V " 1 :anye~4nhusine.; ; : f.I`n.Iien::;nae.:mu:+ oosmms e:who : Tiicense Jose L . ,fo1ce7;;:wh'en,:bI'1ey` allow ;-onej to` `exist, - `aI1&` win power; of I the V ,.no17 e_t:11e'Cou13<:i1+ "to. "create a -monopoly;-vin;apy" line ; of, `t1~ad_`e.; I. gin not -oonversant_'-o-_"withj the extent nofi the - 1iq _u,o1`- store trade, " but ` by what it must be" enormous. Why one fema-n nshou-Id reap, the bene- "t A. of Vithis, monopoly when `the . .peo`pl_e by their p"eti.tion adesire otherwi_se,n is more' than I can, see. Th1fee"petit,io'ns for *shop`..11'enses have been cincuil-kated. "Frank Oar- penter ..:had over 100 signatures on higffor W-and II,* Hunter` Kennedy has over 60. per cent. in Ward IV, and W. J. Gilks has a majority in his Ward, so that ' we have [three `wards in favor, of more shop `li- , ` " K. `I'.;'.1 .YT, I Af\l\ UV VVI-L .I.\III 'g`a'II-C-UIIIWCI Mr. m61:es.v:;i;k the latter e_1;e . 9.` number _of womenn~ who were not entitled to sign. - . f`1L..'_....... 'I'!A.L'I- ,'I_.-__. _A.L-__L!-_. urge 1naj6rity,Iof the`-pe_QpIfQ ..h_ad, 'idea:;~ that ~- a;ny*`4_ _u;~th`e1t Llicenses !=i't?Ii%'.1"&" have `pgainst _i'd'dl;*:}:; 11%;} ai I`eIieraI?` 9X'< woinllfdj Be ..g1antd`,j!`or :a_. m'or'1; sfter peti`-. ` ;I *9o0nsidered* "only:-:a formai. `expressibn, ` H I ;,;hO118`1'1:` fit 1- <'xvo`1'1\l(3` ~w_l}e' *`_"1`_1 nfair to. re- " .thre'e to~1L`idbiiild,5` and work ., ..w-mu auu u; 1u_ uI_l_(19f3tQ0d that` this. Ais the_i cause of this _s'.ct1on*.. . _ The ;_'Ra1-lroad ~ Housd - was `given. is now. izfgfprogress Tfor ya rgt-class . hotel to n9place%. the ; one jreqently -burned.dow_n;.1 ` - 11ie;1ieehe g: L i ; ~ A Th;-V`(ssvhoi)'. li-;e.Iy1ts'e:V of .. Gaug- han was renewed but the applricar .tion of W. J. Gilks for_ 9. shop lvi-L cense was__ nit_gra.nted.' Three Months .~Extensi_ox'1 . * "1`he_r was somewhat of a_s\'1r- _pri_se When, it was *announG`6dh that the `Que_en s wand the` Barrie .. `were; each` to the given 1:hreewm_onths_ h ex- tension only, 1 allow _1_;_hem._. to ma`ki repairs, hfandh ; 'improveu:_;ents " f recom- mendqd gbyg h . gmbinsh of ch?! .H;,_, A uva this. is In` ` '-' Imus: uu uuc gxauuug U1; HUUHGUS. "After several hours deliberation` `the Board gxgn-ted the applicatio of W. Hunter Kennedy .for' a shop Iicense,- some of the..`re_asons for _-their decision `being: _-That_ the petition of Hunter Kennedy was signer} by 233 out of '- the 343 electors of Ward IV who were qt_1a.l;iiied'.' to, ' signgy the counter petition had but 169. names from all over the town, with pos-L si'b1y~_'_ha1-f of -th-is` `number women who . are not eligible to_sig`r_1'; that the ' counter pet1-tion_ was; not.` :le':l- - `in 1;`ime;_, }11h?9.t no`oppos'i`ng petition came. from Ward IY ; 1;1is,~t' -there was a.trnora1objecti,on -to A allowing. [Ha- monopoly to exist; ` .. - HUVIJLV U1-L `lJ.`f |ll-I 11001 IRIULLDQ Mr; ];_L{alcomson--You can - get twelve men to` hang a man rind same men will -Sign `a petition for commubabion 9:` .'se1;tene. :1`... .1` ELL`- `I 1 ` Eug- gestg that -we coiisider neither pet}- tiog 3` ' ' V " ' V people on petition. ll - ' 'l.l'-`l.........-....... V-.. IJIULI 3 ' - The deputa_tion' then__.'1eft and the Board`?-went' mto fsessioni - to delriber.-` ate on the grantmg `of licenses. I-A:n|n .........-.;;1. L...'-..;. .`I-1:L;__-;2_,_- across the Pond % late in arriving... . Consequently clear . them out. AExt1i'aValus in; Me_l 1's and Boy s R.eaA.d-y\[o-Wear Suits A large Floor 0 ilcloth Linoleums and . l} on ban .Linen sh.de_4erx1brbide1 ed with;Si!}< 6f d.i';i1_colors,`V some are; M ed and some are not, an ready .. O 3-. 0 c 0 0 010.0 0 g", 0 0 0 0 0 u o . '. , o o o u o o TWEAED in nice patty-rns_and` ni,ce` weight of V` spcial-1.'.... O0-`Os-Js;O o'.OVOoco`vo`oOHOo.IoO {focus no no on once ioo_ all sin" V for dresse . . . . . .Specia1 30 yd_ JLadies'% KidLGroveLs;R;a11sh_;'des of Tan aqdB1 ack, sizes 5;; to-7. `specia1.. .... .. ;wH1 rEL.AND?BL`AcK? CHECK in medxm yyeight, suitabl After] a.n illness of two weeks,` Mr. John T. IBailey passed away on asaturdvay. He has been in poor health ever since last` June, when he underwent an operation on his ......left eye. Deceased was the second son of the late James Bailey, W-ho` ' -came` from Belfast, Ireland, to..Bar: rie. He was born in the "county `town in 1850, not long after the '- rarrival of his parentsin this_.eoun- *try. Nine years later; the {family ' , removed to Oriollia, where he has . `lived ever ` since.o He was: if I plasterer, having vlearned` that tFi`le~. from the late Henry *Boyes.`[ He built several house on f`G9ldwate_re and Patrick -streets on ~h*i'f'.OWn ac? " j _count. For some year* `he whhsicare-i ` taker of the Prelmerian Church" arid cemetery. In 1870 `he married Miss Jane Armstrong of, Barrie; " w~ho.die,d in 1883. "Something" more _tl_1aI_1 a yeermlater he Vwaemarried. : , :3. A second timep to ..Miss? **Louisa~i ~ ._ Williamson, ' who 'ei1rv!iyea;_;_ 1h;i1'h. -. eThereaiewere no a ohildrem Ofgms .. fgther ai family of? seven?` daughters` and two sens, only ,{two ,:fnow:e :an`r-2 A: * `vitve, the elder -brother, . =wh; igs :; ;li v`.-'. = Jlawdican -of ;~O_ri;l1ia. "i4{*it1dly;o"` ' 'i ' _ e(ie`1l;.and honest, J . T -~ce;ye}y:"mourned~r \a- `_la'r_(oi.';ii'el l -The hamlet at st Gloves at 59c Centre Pieces tomatch above 45c eac` Cushion Cover! The license. of the Queen s in 'E1mva1e*was transferred from P. _in- the Elmvale hetels. F. _M=i.lne, who has bought a hotel in Orillia, to,A[1ex. McLenn-an of ELDIVQIB; and-` the other two hotel licenses were renewed. Inside closets with [sewage or approved _ septic have ` to be installed The Phelp` .sto'n_ hotell license was also e renew- e_d.`r Cltarkson , Simcoe, Vespra, We1;1i-ng- {con and` Arlington Hotels were all renewed, with minor repairs indi- cated.` ` . ` - % The Board "`* . 5? A Peoti. to` lint of %; % .;bu.t" iit"$,_`.a?l8o% :;_`ify0.i1 :~`. 1:. .'I1I'...'.!.. Gray iris " ieaily` .esc1gpq_. -.- MJAP-A-I -Red : me `Lights Tp(`assed . `av `Axfesblu-tion. M . ` I A i on Oil sand It 15` not a"-dye, A `.i1=_J{ ag;gi1ic`f gajay "a:)d_.9_sai:e;to `use,-V-4 V _ A. `Coats. Special. . .5oc yd, for?.Spring Suits, Liense Boarzl t'(-ntre Sim- ;'?1O_T_i$`o0mpOsed of: J. Little. (`hair-* Aillandale; `V. H. .\I;1i~m1.E1m-` and W. H. (`1ut;- Hf Waver-_; ,i better re pr-Jtection, 911.8 '4- ' ' _' all night 1? escapes; .-v-*./' ' _ - _, 3:1' (j,0Inmendatio11 }mi21_v' that real` bedrooms loading toA ';:.* _ Lia-o11~'o Board 3?` ; `~* at the (_)1w21's Hotelig vfon April 17th. renewei` " ';;.hote1 licenses` fur the S931`- cmw.s1s.oou.noo