Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Apr 1914, p. 5

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Ul ' yuu av utu 500 ' uugs -Miss M`cLeod'-_-I could have got. all or any of the goods had I want- 2111 U1 lblly U1 U10 guvua uau -.L vvusgu ed. :`The clothes were -in the clothes%` 'closet and; the valuables in the` ca_s;l} 21303: _ .< I 1': _._-_' 1_'-.1 1...-.. you had been` asked for the other things woulcl` you have given them? _ Ans.--Yes. .l'1;.LJ..... TIT}... (Ina! ! _ `.L!g.I. \JUvIoU&" vvfuy uau g-vu -g_--ov your io'nd'ers from Dr. Ross? Miss -Me-Leod--He was the physician in charge of the case. `It is `the. general practice to accept` such orders from the doctor on` the `(B8835 " ' - ` , `T0 - --, _A.-1.1_ ___.___ ;_,` x_:ua_cs Oor_one11--If 9. constable comes to `you and` asks 'y9u for anything you must understand that you must give "it 'up. I don t blame you but itl ?would'. appear. that there. was an] oeort to put. obstruaction in the way! .of _th -court getting these things. A.` tn` Ts__.`-_`I_`I___ ......;.11 ...J .....:.J 41...; UI VLLIU cuuru 56001115 uuc _ W .,.....5-. '. A_;; W. Beardsley, recalled, said the` rst time he asked: Miss McLennan; forjthe things, `Mr. Smith was s_tandi_ngfthe1'-e and witness said he` would like to give the things to Mr.` ,;S mi.teh :as;he wanted to ship with the, b`o.dy" :'t"o ,,Co1lix;gwddd. when he McLenn_an_ on` Friday IIVU STVCLI IIIICLLIX ._Q.uD"'.I.Vu. Mr. Cotter--W-by d.i1 you take 4 ,1--___ 4-_.___ 11.. ``[)..,.,.9 AST YOU ADMIR-.2 Pore o_f_ Sasfaction` Em;Lis1zg Gxoize lsizeg 53/, to 8, in B1jak and Wite, long length` Pct air oniy ............................. ..`..35c j _on Sale this .weeks pecial being, part of a large Jr-ers. ' ' ' ` `M;g.nie_ent, r ge of short or-long Gloves in pure Silk ' o1f_-Lisle, all d endable qualities in all shades, under- ,_,r_.. .` Enn 13}ic'&"t7.'f & I_(ng,_LimitedI I1` OR `v, - .3. (mo COUNCIL.` M `The (Rnmcil met on Aprilikmg pursuant to notice. `All hers were present ex;cep"t:' Reeve, who was absent` _ o at 50c. 75c arid $1.00 pair. `here-swlill justify` that admiratipn % in ftlge eating. Jucier, tenderer, `\ __\\'eeter meat` never passed `your Alips.q t be satised with our " sey.-so. }Give. yourself the p1eas' Of '` prbvihg it -for? yourself _o`rd`er~ fer` to-rn'orrow" s < W howgr " r he told her that she was wanted as aewitness and to bring J as. Wool- ner s effects. She said All Right or something to that effect. The meaninvg that he took from her -answer was that she was: coming. After Dr. Alexander got part of the goodg witness went back for the nest and: was refused by Miss Mc- Leod, who said it was against the rules. -` ' > . T-he -Coro:1;' a,:l"d`1:e;_s`3;l the jury. "at length `and the following `verdict was then given: V L7I'__A. 1 ..- 11'T._..`I....... ...L:`|.` ..-.....-_ ~ VVCG 011011 SIVCLI | That Jas. Woolner, while a` pas- senger from Toronto on the even- ing of Tuesday, April 21st, 1914, on- the G.T.-R., either fell from or was_ thrown iron) said train in the yards A1Iarida1e' and received such in- [Juries that he` died on Wednesday {morning at the RV. Hospital. TL d .......n....n :..un`L1\u- `Jun 4\uuv:_ pv--_.__-.- `.,`It appears -further from the evi- dence placed before ' us that the parties who are responsibel for the government and managements of the said , R. V. Hospital committed a grave error by the refusal to give up the effects of the said deceased,. J as. Woolner, when a proper de-' mand was made for the same (for the purpose of identnication). by the oicer sent especially for that purpose, and we cannot too strong- -ly condemn" this refusal when a Hegel demand was made (necessita- { ting a `further adjourximent of the -Gou-rt)". and would request that said management in future do not ig- nore the proper order of the Court. ;We', the ._sai_d- jurors, cannot imagine ftfivial articles` of much minor `importance were handed: over, while the} watch, money,` clothing `and fqther articles `of thepdeceased were ` UIUI 111115 GD U110 LI V . LLUUHLVQA. and .-not handed over at lsariy-'v`t1me. 7.. , A i i i`-. .` The Ye:-dict` The `popular store. for Gloves. Cor- sets and Stocking: * V VVIGI .`vol`1'r_1.c` <)r"Eoc1'{b: P S.~I.\'ATIONn V I1)! FEE { J - % wbl went~r::h `* .. ; w . . * ..,th`s thIngs;: .11'nj`i.i'f` A ` ` _ as `-V"-"0. uh! CQVJVUOIII-Oli pqvwvo J. Sim_peon-- aslged ' for" order for`: 'tile `for -culvert `where croseiroad joins line at lot 1, range 1 " and I2. This matter` was left wit'h the Reeve to arrange; ~ _ v . A number of communications were read from `Provincial Hydro- electric Radial Union and Great `Waterways Union, but.. 11o action. was taken on any of. them -, 4_.I _.-A.!.lf 9-1'1 - 1' _.._ .__ D`QQUYV`It.O . V -Deputyslteeve MbAtthuf :r;eported,. that "he '.`h`a.l ipterviwgd `M:.;IIar+ ker and ,had' `arra._ng?e d: with him` to out-cedar. 1';nderbrus_h,?lavi_ng% a. row:`alo1_1g his `fence; jand had ' givef en him permissiohto .re"u`1`oLve the` Clerk % that u... cor- lecto-r had` sinde- la,s.t_ meqting...1:ee turned -`his i:e*i`J=i11913~j`L withM $150.84 unoolldjgd;'f$16,V12"bf`fthis amount `being! aii T exemption, "and, the requiit 1nen;'1:Ls}*:`of4 the A_t1in such cases nd been co1np1i`dwit-h and V the `fofegoing reports" were adopted. V ' ' " / - - -- >` --.-7-_-b.-a ..-gyw -guvvs. ;I-.!I_*-9` _jI__!4~8gVl.1.E`1V`-`.+ `en per1i1is:1on 10 `-_x`61iA1o_v 9 Qhef elm treejs ;;faJsk`edL?r.vfqr,- ~&s tghey..;wfre-T very close` *to 7 wZheel vitiack; , G-ouncil-lot - Smith Arep_or"ted_; j;1Wtha.t in/th'e matter of trees mi road. line, con.._9. and .10, opposite`. Iiot 14," -he had askd foi: tendrs"7and had 1sold .same to ;J." [A,, Craw_fbord. for.$5.Q0.[ " ' Echased 1 ~ n101'11i11g', am Mr. A111:-ert F-leethanf H Ir. W11iteIb1"ead g -? and takes possession 6111 The past0r s gu.1)jec`tS` :_ H H Ave. Metlxodist Cllurch "1 be as follows: " of the Christian ChurQh:2g~,-mg A 1, V 1 "The Q1'0ss."*of, ---. \ to the Ch1`lStian`<] ;-`afeg the evening". A Fello-wg'hi=..-.`-=.;_,;M,F will be ma after we m0?r n3nt,xage vice and the Quarterly after the eve11ing .service.~ Th mull congl g:-.1tio11a1 meetihg. ` '\ , I held on 'I`11111's`c1zi ` -' ,, - ~ 3 even .~ o0th, at 8 p.111. 1_ng : .1 st` ` ' ""'.`~` `*9 .. 98"` W ! ` 9.: "'.`- :3` >W=`. .n3'="- ` .W90idrbw::A`wi*T:ed to';'purc11ase,}-and; `A that 7 reason ` ha; ;'~ no_t` ._t. a.kf-`I1 any action in , the.[,n1a`tt;;,\ \L .sit_e lots 16 and 17, be rem_ove`d ` T119 0:40 rI;pr.o,;e'oo.,ao1;ghi Council-lor _Sf1iith, asked that elm trees `on line con. -6`and 7, oppo- ] I as" they wre a{hin'TdranceT tovtlll erectfdn of `phone line, I-`__ pg o.1 - -__-.|.2-_, 9 r1": -----v-`-;q \.lo raausgu JILIUQ On 1not,i,on of Smith "and. Cck-' burn, Depu_ty-Reeve? McArthu1_- wag appoint to `inspect iahd` tak `action `as he Vthinlts best._ ' I \ ` Presentsed petition "of? H; VJ Packard and '27 {others reques.ting,, that. Ridge ~ Road be7~made full width (50 feet) at Watt s cros's- ing. Laid over until ne'xt meet-. ing. Accounts to the amo`i1'nt. of ` $90.64 were paid . ' n ,1 .1 A, '.......A. -5. Igyvv-v-5 vvuuv rug. . C_}o1'mcil adjourned to 'meet at .- the call of the -Reeve. . H. J; -TUDHOAPE, C..1erk:.' I .lJ'\J.l.U.LV V >1-' C-RzAsWFORD At the RN. H<$spi~ _ tal, ' on Wednesday, April 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crawford, -;~1tn1 _St., `a._ son. ' , T J'0IHNS'T0'N. `In `Barrie; /on Sun- day, April .26th, to` Mr. and Mrs. ....Ra1ph B. Johnston, a ..Idaughter.y McQU-AY---Ix_1 Barrie, on Saturd a_y, April 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McQuay, Essa Sn`... a son. _4 - % . "'1! A 'DDT'DT\ A7 A50 }fIX1%vI`tI'I.`D V mung ua,y MWILKEAS-W~IVLLETTE--I.1i V,'b1`1-in -V 1 - LA: V 'vAN-.--In. Barrie."' on Mon-` ity Qvhurch, _ Barr-ie`, on '.Saturday, April 25th, .1914, by the Rev. E. M R. J. Biggs, B.A., Alf-`red ,Wil~kes I and Annie Atthusa, daugh-V `ter of Mrs. Elizsi`bebh `W-iIl'1`ette,A _` all of Barrie. = ~ ., DIED ; - `- HUN-TER--M-Azt _ Barrie, *Thursd'ay, . April 23rd," 1914, Mary A. Sander- son, widow of the . late Willsiam Hunter, Paingwick, _In`-nisl, ~ in V` her 75th.year. 1 ' . : day, April .2"(t.h;g 7 John . -A1Jan _ Dampmah, agedo70 years. Fune :1 on `Monday afternoon to G.T.'R. statioxn, for interment iftx Swon} I_{0SS-5-Art Maplo _m_a-.1," Barxie. : on _-Thursday, Apnl j _23rd;: Mary ` `='1`2=,* `f o"ho;1at V "'l`l1e pasto Method will of Chri mo1'11i11g',- an ---A Key to will tlu after ev co~ng'reg held on T 11' Rn n/u L ` (Cotinued . r,'o'm:l Page nu % that-_ when " a cons~tab`le demand things for a11L,_inque~s-qt; -they must be given ~ % ~ - ` ` is some qi1estion,.of- fees. ; -Dr." `lied On `them; mt ittistnot_ therugetot the hospital to fgi,-v_e 1ip f1)Vifl_83%V;.`.11-:.`?<;`.1c_1`se of thi's;ki-n`d..;-- 1* . T ~ : I ` ` 1` "~,`-.'.. u_ A-.544.` " `.'I"l?2$.+.?}{ .-~u&hre..`:i-.~L'ihe v Mr. V otters.--VI.. yunde_rsg1nd t_hre_` [of tms K1-na_.; _ H I ` A. L Mr... Cotter.~e'1`Iiat s L vwhere tlge `rules of this hospital` V.and. : ns: inquest clash, =`IAf ,,riei1dsAA.%had.3!{me. (fawn _in_ *;:_time~ to`: '.:fiZie`; itiy m- .....-._J._..X7\'r:}..:.n-:.1d:%-'i:cf>i1`_-' r.-'*_"?'. 1?. :.1`.:, :1Q1a; ,` .1iiQht~,`-`yardmasteri >'~said_i __t1_1e;"e' Was. 116? '*yaf-d engine 5 min- *~_nip"g_ on .th*a,t__$r ack. There~ were no .-1_11aI`k`s on.the"grm1'nd as if the_ body hadllbeen Jdresed - or V-"ptmhed by 84 D .Bax'rie Bz1.w|1)a11 Chub held 181317 mud `;\I1'. Rickwby; Manager, BA1z1:11: (`LUB OR.GA1\`TI"ZES The1`c' \\'a.< .11 good` Qttndanqe the o1'g`:111i'/.at.101`1 meetulg Of."-'-jifthe day Ilight, wllen the f01`1QWing`i ],(L5-9 mars were elected: H011. P1'e.=.. J udge Vance; Pr3p.*,-5!` Jas. McMz11`ti11; Hon.-Vice "I 1".LS .V',h' Dr. E. L. Beroton; 1st Vioe~Pr'_s.;f H. E. Jtmv; 211d Vice-PresV.,l Smith; Seu'_\', W. `R. Beelby; Oliver Cameron; Managaing Com-1;` mittee, Rubt. Malcomson, Rowe, I*l?;11'1'y Arrnstrong, R. Ma1c0n1. Captain, `Si!b.V Mascot, R. Mit-chell. ~,: '- . 1 4. .-.1--2l-..;..... " `!-thjbehehee.-.1fWa1iwins-It.- wnas V Well ,.aware`5that thebedy was id be" s`hi-P" pad-, hut. ..ex-pe"cT,_ted that the articles taken the body wou/151 be pro~ dpced h_ere.- *If this` man '-had been struck 1bfy'a train V the blood.` would "have been "on the train, but if he w,vas.`niding on a train and found out that he_,was.g' the wrong way and jumped. o, _it might be found on the mi-1.v -` ` v G..'G. ?S:i1`ri'-:th'.t'o1`Ei `of shfppigigr the body` -to H. Trdt-t,4` '-undertaker, `Col -A `ting'W.Qod,` on .-the _3,30~` {t1'%*i Il` on v I Afhatfls "btfe1{` Va c.1>- ioufn'...and;'~86,'tO the -Hospital, 1 my ._ one%i1[ around "yards. V =J:Ie ; -:=_fe1:t= i;sui'b : the} -extra. gfreight had not. .sti:1,1cl;.Lfh}i~in,_.'- and had. ` heard of no ~._Ir1afk,1.offLbIood 011. "any. gJQf_ ` ..t_he 1$i':i:IiS _ He: s_aw_ `the b1o od on the` irail, th1`?ee7plzL1Aces' in'__ nine feet. ' , ,,,_r.__#- . Gollingwood V way 1 _."".l?.t Clark, recalled, said it was on `thef.;no1*th~rail_ of the main Toronto line Where the blood was found, _ and the man (if he fell o -a train at all). must have fallen? from another track: The 1 only train. `on this other " track that night " was the freight com- ing into Allandya-1e.~ There is ten feet; between these '=tracks. The speed` of~_train_s going south would not` be "ever 1 _miles an hour. " `I1 `I L- Dr. A1exan.de1"',. who was called to the scenieiof the` accident about .11.15, _.found the man. -with his head re$ting on his anm, face downward; head nearer` tho '_ track and. feet pointing. north. He, was bleeding freely from several deep. cuts in back .. of head, and left ear V was al- most seyered. " He `did not think he died from loss of blood only, but from` hock . and: concussion 'also. At the `Hospital he took the man s Watdh. o, and gave it to the matron anc} had `not seqp it since. " 11-. L1-_ ' uuu uuu uub_ av.-.u._u u. mum-3.. ~- T ` Answering ha juryman, Dr..A1ex- ader Said he did not think `the wounds could` have been made by - a knife, ae they were too irregular, `ut frqm the cinders and coal dust -which was ground into rbheiface and head -and; the nature of` the wound, it was evident that he. had been pitched headforemos-t onto something and struck with `considerable force. A TIP 1-5, 1 1, , 1' ;_'l__.1.-__...] uuu _au.'us:n Wrou UU1lBlLlCla'U1t? ;vu.u. A. W. Beards1ey-I telephoned Miss McI.enn_an this; afternoon and she said_that she would come. Later when I; went to the Hospital Miss McLeod saiacl hat Miss Melennan was out. When. I rit -asked for the things taken from the body; they' gefused to give them up, saying 11; was not the mile of the Hospi_ta.1'.1 V TA. ..':!..'LL L... A . ~ . ._ $1. WUS LIUII IIIIU ILIIC U1 IIIJU .l.L\lD1lAuu'|. ? Mr; Cotter-.-It -xinight -be easier to get 1:he,Queen "of - England here` than- the Matron. of this `Royal Yictqria intjtut'i3n. 3 .\ ' T ' `I'T'11 _ _2_;.___ _. " 1{?5f i'iry Ja"m_ Hill, a` sister of deceased -from `Co-llingwood, said James Woolner telegraphed hi___wife `on Tuesday` saying he was In To- ro'n~to at 2.25 pm. '-and would _be hogne at 930 pm. ` . ..'....-..T `ITA.-.\1v.;.u. nnnn (:11 ` An- uuxuc an muu yuan. __ .4 Samuel Woo`1-ner, ; cousm of. de- ceased *from- Collmg-wood, said,'de- ceased was. not a- ,drinking man.. He had Worked in the 'machine shop athe Shipyards for_ two years. _Instru`ctions'-were sent by Under- taker Trott to send the bddy to .'him and Vtzha-the would guarantee all ex- `FL-"u.-"awn-u. TITn1Tny3n__T+ `:5 `run ilutv ;'l3;e`ze"f ""xi1pl_Le`t'e'I i`deI.1_tis[t,_ion,j.`jb.n<% Peuawf . ` . > _ V Coroner. Wa1lwin-It is `my duty as Cox-oner to have all, the be1ong- -` ings_ here and I have not got them. We have been refuse and I eon- sider we have not treated- as fairly `as we should have been, nor in such manner as the authorities of an institution kept 1a'rge_1y by -public funds should have treated `as. To `retain this_ man s watch and `other things -for fees "should not be -tolerated, and. the public should ` know about it. o A carte Ablanehee order was, sent by the C`o11in gwood-- .undertakei*' `to cover all V expenses. j _Sumunonses '-;will be `issued and we` . will 8,66 if they are 'deisdbeyed. If theywjare Wewill issue wa.n"ants; -_It Ai's,,_'not_-air_to askyo tto.`.1:_e`t1_';1~.n a verdict ` *:wi;th,out' jthese thi_'ngs--being. .;.-sh . ;._r_1;:.,_-..-..:`a-'-.3 .z1.;:.. ...',.~.';..... .a. 3 .,.,`,;+' nere _IOl' OUu1pL}':bU.;luc1b111l;l}u1uu,_anu I W111" 'ad~Jou`rTn" thgs 1-mquest unt11 ['1`-uesday- at` 2 pan. _ James 'Woo1ner,` the deceased, `is about, 35 years of age,` .is married and -has th;fe'e{ children. ` TT=hey.-have lived in Cdilingwood for-. a"m`ber `of -years; and the young man bore 9; V. 1`e1>1j_t.aion, T,h'e.1`f greatest, mpagy~`_.r:;_;prevail '1; 0`:-`_:_ a-yoiinlg = the" iknqaet was xeii1;111ed;? on D Tusd'ay, --Chas. M: G. 'S!i1iith_.wa's` the urstg `wit`ness`bca1led {;; ~ He. -"said that the? -bo``r fc9nsi*gned~5b3r' him at :12:;39'%TL iixnder_ instr`utins; from ;;1iI_zis19 p` % k ' .:*Wa6; ..n9thi:ns 3 T se`8..'_7_::-,;~ " dj` `_iibout" - pay-_ 9` kjer . ,.'f51`.1:<>;. .,: ; qf .\.,;Gql1jngw'aod. 4 On Fridaydzfternoon Mr, Beardsley ,' "phoned that she was required. to at- tend-`taud :bring the goods. She did not say whether or not `she would 5",. `.5 _ `y \ VM1-. Cottier?-'-Why d1dn t you go?` _`f.,An'$`.'-4-I -had never been at qn A111,`. r2iet`aI_1d did not know" that It was necessary" for me to be there; ~ *1 'll'._ (`1..A.L.... V7,... v `uv::I]l3i*IWI` {what 3 Mascot, K. .\11t-cne1A1. :7 =3`; It 11:15 nut d-e11ite1y ;bele`1`1 < 1%ecided;{j whether :1 team will be `iei1terec1`f _i'u'j the South Simcoe League this or not, but if not, it is likely th`er,f will be allothcl` league formed; "With? northern teams. Practices , m-enued ml Monday1iig'ht,_and*wLill" held each llonday, Wednes7d'ay,v evenings. As there-'. i s,-Qii" :1`m111 of good material, has fan.~: are assured of some gallles mg:-.1i11 this season.~' ' -V necessary 101' um M) `uc uucu:. Mr. Cotter--You uderstand that `the hospital is subject vtojthe laws` of Miss-?MeLennan--Certainly.` , `Continuing, Miss McIiennan "Said she virent out to"kegp an engagement but blft no. "instructions :regarding thejman s eects. * * /_. -- - 1 `S-he understood. Miss AMcLeod gave cu links and promissory note to Dr. Alexander. She had no `author- ity fromher to do s6. ` Miss Me- Leod --being` assistant-` superintendent is in charge in hern_abeence. 'l'_)-..`l__:_... A. `ll . (`L-.-I-4-an aha undo`! 15 111 cuurge 111. 1161' _nuucu\;v. . ~Reply-ing to Mr. Cotter, she saxd when she] went out that afternoon it was because she -had made ar- r'angements `to do __:so and because she `did not think it: necessary for her to go to the inquest. `There was no desire, to conceal anything (or anything to conceal) or. any in- tent to cast reection on `the court _or_*. its -authority. I -4. `cm- -___.1-: __-.1'...L..; n..'..`7....t'1!`a-1..1tm or IE8 uuI,nur1L,y. She expla-ined-A that, the M - links ;(Ibeing initia1eii),jthe not and `the log wre taken to t-he `telephone zwhn giving `some information to the G.T.R. <$`rcia1s* and; when T re- `turned _to the room were not placed with the other articles bpt left: on 1-,, LL ___- .`..-`l". a.L..&. u1e- mule. M - A - I Mr. C`otter--Is there `.1 rule that effects can he kept until ~expen_ses .Miss Mc:Lenn`an--.-`No. _ .M-r_. Co_tter~-Ae- a _rule you Ihold-? thenw m - J ` .M-iss ~vMcI.enna '-uknow manv comes _ _in.}Twe' keep fhis 7 eects 1111-til w_e; his ;.frierids, but ,j1iey`_.arie'.' not`ke'nt - for`V,vse`ttlgment.._\-<; 'Il"..`7 "`T"h.l-IS-V '_`.'_a'l'1;\nr|" .f}|a..' annH.~.' . r.V`Cotte1-J.-.-aThen the: goodsgrare not`~.kp_t. for qfes? , ' .- _V Mis_s},McLeni1an---No.* 3' y I ` `M_r.~.- Cott I1`_n;very glad to hear _ V _ C6roner-+-?W11"F -". you` not -8-???` \ ...;;;..;;..,...`..?`itA _ HUG` HUD ILUMU LU}. .DUyvLyxasvuu- ` ~ jCorduer-Were% any; vi the ar-`E ':ti013S` hldf for fees? . L ;1"O1'1 l'- -,-*-e~W' J'.91L71n eted ,1}y' tnem E0 13116 L'UyUJ1Ci _ ~- - Miss` 'Mo.Le1i'm1`n-I understood- ~l1:-im" ;say that .thek.coroner~ wantecf thg~z; 1"`5;iv_en to. Mr."Sm`ibh. = ' k 331T~r?Fi;@fV9%A~hs%1nA 11Ii?}:%V.L - .i1U_Y1(1le~'l1vh M: .5-gvv. uuvua. uy; V . V Miss iv Mcllennin`-+1` :W.as1 not 00.11% : } % ' ... ,,~ The Gloves For * %spring1914% % are the Best Value ~ ' Ever % 0urj Stockings Mean Satisfaction. Buy Them 0nce And You wan Come Again. At35c A E_)'1:r"po;_>u1'ar v`s't14rr;r;1;;"'l`1;:_)-sieaat. . . . . . . . . . . . Silk Lisle and pure Sil ose A we h.Th e I. arasoIs`.re hereinf cy colors. as wellas black. The Colored Para- so1"1n the Neva`? Bell Shape are t_ winners this season, pgjices range from $1.00 to $4-~ I` 1 V Black 'paraso1's at` $1.00 and $1.4 purchase- direct` from the Manufac Bgardsley _. `l DIED .-\ J.` IIIO`US-E OF %'REFt'Ii} f Be-eton \\'orld--Thomas I; died at the House of Refugee-i?.'JbI_1{. Tl1111'sd-ay. April 16th,. of ~53nilQi?d6`*` C21)`. zlgod 13:2 yea1's~. Deceas_ed,*who., had been an inmate of the tion for about three yea rs,...canfe,: here from Barrie. The funexial Q place ml Sunday to the ,~M_eth9d'itI,' (`e1netcry. the Rev. R. ofciatilxgz`. A daughter`, -raj':ilY-CPAIVI}; Buffalo and :1 daughter -a1_11d- viiip-$511` from Barrie were present. 53;: , . Rwafdliurri 5 1;isle_ I-"I<.3'Vsc`: W cor 3 pairs for $i.oo, in colors and black. A stocking-of superior uality with double `sol: and reinforced Lop- nmer'hos_e at. ... . , . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 prs. for $1.00 At35c At 59 0 . Wear ` ayser G|oves' for best satisfaction. The L. . , -' glove h the double nger tip, guaranteed to wear .gas`1ong as any other part f the "glove, in Black, White, Pongee, Cham- payne and-Grey,` elbow ngths. Per pair .......................... ..`..$I.oo W `At thi price the range isls o'v'aried that we are at loss which 0 describe. Fine Cotton, Sheer Lisle, comfort- new` line Buster Brown Sister, a fine one and able wool sole; `and cm king with Lisle nish in Tan, White and Pink, one Ribbed TCottonS all sizes up toy inc ataooei o u o u - a o o o a u o o o o o - o o o o o c - o o n - o o o o o o . o - . . . . - u . o o o - In Io25cV The _S ;'n(>_; suggestions frbin anyorie not to _attend, or noktq give up`~- the ar- tic.le_s. _ . --.. . _.T`___L| IIl\.`l.\40a ;g Miss. Dorcas M;-Leod, assistant Superintendent, was next `called. Asked, how she came to give up part ofthe eects and not the `whole, she i `said1 Dr. Ross had phoned her what to send, telling her these articles were wanted at the inquest. The` things were Lying` on a table- in Miss McLennan s room. Dr. Ross didn t `ask for anything else, and witness 'wasn t told` that anything .mo1e wanted. ""- 1-"! -TN, 13--.. L...-.... w 411 ucu. `- Conone. How did `Dr; Ross know Vthat these articles were the only things you could get ' 1" -.. 1f.._T ....;J' T 431-\1<|`.(` 1131113 fff .7.` 1. v u;1.uu L.lUlll*|- _- __7-; B1'ig:zuli<-1' Adlby of H`sa,mi1ti<>!_1"?'5Vf!;1;. vzisit Bznwie. on Friday, and will hold a public meempg 8 p.m. Owillg 'to this .annoncmQzt;i; there will.l.u no Ineetfng '01!` (lay lnigllt. " K ' ~ if M

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