'. d onditions bf sale undersigned or_ -the Agents at Thessalbn, a-riev, Wefbwood gm] RING 2625 f i .sE- ` Ltdlaezinox, Ooivan ' & Brown, 3 ~ 1" ..Bg;`i`Vi-'i:sLtfe1:,-5 Solicitor for obtaining \; 1)rbat,e_bf_, wiils-,fi guardianship and. admi1iitr_a1:ion,* and Gqgeral Soli- `citor,; `Notary, ;Convyancer, "etc; * oices: ;Hinds _ Block, No. 3 ` 79;, Dunlop St. Money.~.to` loan. . $3395 Pub]-i3: `ad .,,:;gongeyaurs. 3 .Mo`1ioy to loan `in en,y:su:n= a_t'5_p9r ssnt.-_ .?-% 13 V as uia.ri11im "un- *-.-There are dangers 'eno1i_ghA [in a fary periIe,- and-~.._so far Jas"inve's-ti ga:~ tion has gone it has`\in'dicated- that, ` prevarl-ing - ideas .-of White :Sla`very is rather a mean, spirited wretchg .;and- greedy girl, and [the arts ,.he ` - used are as `vulgar :_ as they" are -and drink. Whatever may "be: the ' `accomplices m a waiting-Lmotor car, From The -Spriiig'eld~v `Repmhlicdn great city /without. "creating vimagin-` are greatly .. exaggerated.` a 1`he~de- bau-cher is not "adesperate crimiina-1,. warring. on society with subtle de-. vices and-"prepared, like a villain of melodrama. to-. kidnap `heroines, he with "'a vulture s_eye' for a vain, `silly e`icacious-lattery,_ ne promises theoretical po'ssi|bility of drugging aa woman in the theatre -or. in a crowd'- ecl street by a hypodermic injection and -kidnapping her-with ,the aidof it smacks of sensational `fiction. rather than Ff-re'a`.l life. It is not" credible that the depraved men who trade in women would resort to an? expedient so hazardous, while there are foolish girls in plentywho can he debauched with a bottleof _cheap cl111amp~agne,.wit-h 1ittl'ior no risk" at a O yss?`";aie3`sfb"'if `.5 * "-5: . `o-hnm-.r:;:--. nnnn __ G, -.-1.} RADENHURST, -' BAQBIGTEK, T8,oIiV_citor,Notary Public, to. - Oico; " lat " oor `Bank of `Toronto Building. I` Money; to long` at Iowan} rates. ER; 0. 0. ALEXANDER, gradt:;te of Toronto University, Member of theCo1lege of Physicians and S1_1r- liluds ...C ['\_L.-._!_ _ T3- 9 4-%&.x_ BELL, T BAR-l .- xistier, So1ici___tor"e of the, Supreme Couiit) of Jnid__ica_ture "of ::0n1ario, = Procto_'r,` Notaris, Conveyancelfs, `Money to loan. Oice, Ross jblock, Barrie. - A._ E. H. Ores-_ A wicke, K;O., W. A`. J. Bell, K.C. STRATHH & ESTEN, BABBISTERS, g`: -L_-nu " :- 13'}.-I. lnnscb` 1|. 111`:nA ;sn:sng, . Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto !' Building, Barrio. Money to loan. 113., W. A, 3088; PHYSICIAN, sun- `oon, otc., 'L_.B.C.S., Edin., ,L.R.C.P., Ana.`- 034:3 an snninnnn n- DB; '11.? '1 omxcz `AND _, Residence comer` of '1`oro_nto `gndl -Im2;-1_ -LI_ nn._'-: -;._ zn,. ,. , DB. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON t 81;. Toronto late of Brooklyn (N. Y. , Eye an Ear Hospital, will be It. 6 ? Owen St., Harrie," every Sat- urday. I_>iIeasos-Eye, Ear, Nose . and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 N 3.111.. to _5 p.m., and by appointment. A iestrictih Tgf 1. wild du'cks" to -be +{1;o1i'd riyg .S`eas on has` ~'co1ne3` 'nonei too _soon,.;. From- the `tens-nof thosdnds a' uly shot by those . who `cater to. the 1'narket," it is a ;.w.9nderj there` were any _1'eft to legislate] on.'_ ' r` ` " (I. L.3.c.1_>_. at s. Edi1:I;_rgh; 11.1.9. ms. aniagoy - ---SURGEON-- . . gnvinggaenti years Post Graduate work in ritish ospitsls snd hsv servedss Clinical Assistant inolden Square . Th:-os.t&Nose Hospittzll. London Royal London Ophthalmic Hospi (Moorei s}; for stexm as Resident ts.l.Bx-isto; d B1: in In esos ital.-RE-m - m m 8 m 1111! I d hthal i H ital; Eye gs` , n on m c asp lhsm . former Member of tin): , hthslmol cal Society.` . ~ min! l\'l5 83---- 7` ` """` MTJIUIIIII imvs will ([15 QCARTHY` .9 DR; OOHS (SUOOESSOR -4 B. PALLING), Physician, __._ _.._`I A._--___`I_-___ CI__-- IWLA. LEWIS, M.D.C.M., surgery I and Diseases of Women especial- ly.` Oce 58 .0011-ier "St. Phone 61. 35- DR.H. A. DUGLAY% OSTEO-i ` `ID A "I'\`I ;`l"I l`I T}L___: -_'-_ vUNWIN,.MURPHY E ESTEN, ON- . ta-_io Land Sm`-ve ors, Engineers, o`to.l Eatab"lishe 1852. Oce, - [ ollcdihl Buildiixg, 8. E. comer Rich- Jnund and . Bu streets, Toronto. . `telephone, lain,- 1336. `Ixutmctions Strathy & Eaten Solici-4 L ,t6`:i,; moon: - or o trorooto unaiog, ,b9_.p;omptly gttended to, -6; G. SMITH & 00;, PHONE 82. .198- e tablisiail 1869. - Undertaken. Open. day and _night. `Morgue and~ chapel 'g_ .in_ c'onne'cti'9n. `Barrie, Ontario. `-s. A830 Lb Am we `Insurance 1 J ' Estate VA8ency % .\ ` V,` Lmonerto I-can - <`I2`.'9`.`. Bo V - nlbvcnva wv ---- ..._ 1n;yi.' su;ha atfs `per cent. 0'1"e, Gian ;8t., Barrie." "H. ID." Stewart, "`l ET:'1\ `I lrvmnvfz ' \J I.DI1I3\IL` 1? `Eye. Ea: hvlose 6 Tlgroa 'QB`I\lI campus` I is-n-4 __A 15., s '.lJ.DI.'J.l3.lI- W .l..'JL`J.LJ.'JJ.I,. Bolieitorein High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- oea over -the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. Money to loan at lowest cur- rent rates.` 6. H. Eaten. . vv-, _VUVQ, A-l_nl.lo\IohIo, Jlilallo, _dJo&Uo\la3 u, . non; Oce and residence, Dun- lop Itroet, Binnie. V'1',elephone 77. i?`EI _tv1:-e:3.- '"( `"Ji`S"r1'a"a`3` Beth Street Methodist urch), Tele- phone -167. . - - ` goons. of Ontario; Former -Senior House- Surgeon Toledo General Hospital, Toledo, Ohio; Late Res- ident Physician -Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium, Gravenhyrst, Ont. Successor to Dr. J. A. 0. Evans. Oice opp. Presbyterian Church, Allandale, Ont. Tel. 269. 23]y -Stirgoon and Accoucheur. Spec- `ial attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and 4&1 -41.1.1 L4-I-Iunaul-A.I\.l], auangliawnunn, Tlinoat; - Glasses Adiusted. ' Oice, 81:. Phone 95. A 144;; __......;.___... I .lJ\J\lLJLL.l._ \JkJ.I...-IJ\J'l "15'A7.Ei11"1:hysician, Ross Block, Barrie, Ont. Office Hours-9 to 5;_ other hours by appointment. . hone 565. V 45-ly --...._ vyu-uupnunvnqsauul county. 'Ol!'FIC A, 78 Duxwr-.s1~nn:n'r. BARBIE. .- Pl_1i_me 51. ` W ' P.0.Box.96. Dr. J. Algfrnygc ROSS urn!-5 - --. . , ,~_,U_v_I'I I I I ` `q;E!l=!O;s,I%r::s'~noss `s1 . 1: numn 6j{ aI!;n:`1'Ax;) = ` J tntnn-uirnna. __ ... .. _.,,.V....,-uuucx nu auusu arm; ,1 _ _ .- . T83 itrqet B3 c - MONEY 'ro LOAN li: I11-an an-uni- .'.m -1 ._._.__ -_.._.____.._...._ OIANS. ;Itis:5at ftimbthhe'*& OI 9`~- 3'.` js.~h9lc%mi A sugvavons. stratcs the nu 4., . h ve any 8. ve - u*`{`h`, ,`;pr hat.res.che8 they ' > w prlce. 1 ed accord ~_ n gg'nt:ono3.!;-3r9ci`u:`r`L`{ ` "13 _'i nc}i.- 11138111011-3 01 50-08! line. ...u ., A _ CONTRACT CIIANGEE, " "eraser: will please bear ' intention to chan m ._- : `he handed into the office ` CHAIGHURST, ONT. LICENSED .yp_1j1oNn:n4 $33 jun; ggg- ull ` ing- .9I--.. - . " ~.. cmrnnxszn ADVERTISIME\'-[3 at? v ti ;;as:~wanu oral] 1i`3fasHa`z"3:3'}o?1r3`w laloorto rent, Specic amc1e3 p"0ert;'3 tmmtbe accompanied witn the 'cash_' *0. e:., "A'..' I 2. . Tm am mums MIN Llmlte d ..,....,.. uuu uxcuseu Lumber "" nqo" 13,80 35. Bllnds.lnterlorFl I Tanks and Water "II:-l:,'u hi Mgzraggt - \ ' _ ran-THE Ecvauilirvvvo-+' SIMCO . Most reasogable terms given on all- . Cal..- ' A for ` adve'tisements must. in _case be qioumed on solid metal 1 . q I `_n___ __--.._ - ---u-uuu |||||_ Limited `* "nfaetnrers of and Dealer: ' 111 Rough and Dressed Lllilrlllbgr nnma- l....._:-,,-- . a Specialty L .' and Building Estimates givm ;.0FF IQ B-lAYFlELD S'l`.. BARRIEONT . _ V, ~` ~_ mum Mouldmei. .Re.s,1n8 ind lfollshlng Hardwood Floon. JOHN ,J1s:NN ISL J_q[{n_ __&_ fcrooker __ _, =.coiaMnc1AL pm, 3'.v3' 0 application, .l'I(\$lnI1 . on-- _, The New F uuq r `NEXT mm: 1-n Tu .- 1-. jN.E-x1"o oon TO TH E TANNI-:n y| I ; _..___ n_, In MAKES YOUR % sxm LIKE? VELVET- Monkmnn's Glycedpnia. _ a marvellous effect on `iOttxh skin. One or two applica- hone`-will remove the rougnness, by its occasional use the Y_8in"jtcquir:s the smoothness and .j6ftn8$ of a baby s. Glycedonia sticky, and gloves may be "la moments after using {Price 15c and 25c. Delight- shaving. "from the Finest A V llops. nale BBMPANY Tana roman 1 Brightest ' ,n_I_xd Bottle ____-_, ....... ! .`B6ii;s; Engines and all ki-ndsof flnand stationary machinery made `repaired on shot test notice and :_npod_e1'ate prices. `I50 ntor allord ' CAST]; - n11REr.uns,ear.-Sc? `G3 fl?-.!f'l.:`.`work done by expert machin. -and-guaranteed first class. _go; _MbNKMAIf{._ % is; U'1Ei AND Expert Machinists EEANCE 18 tion of an; fl;-Home ias "5. co. provenl 5' paper in an unldl 8 measure Ila-va0' raj flfnizus or 3 . A ----g--- -n: A '1`: ball) sgvsduu VVLII U13 PLVUUUIDE. ! , Nowa.days iiearly eyerything the farmer uses" is `made in;"g'reat . ffvac-. stories. Instead _ Bf. industries, ' the of _ workshops, , showrooms. .Bin{dser~s, smal1~vill_zage has agencies`; instead- manure-spireagieys, cre_a`m "separators, ` even milking doing 'reapers, mowers, 1 5siAtea1'An.-threshsrs, I _WOI'k that: men, .womn and hi.Id_i'n i used to do. The ; v.il_1ag .-,. 132:3 t\nnuu`u..'s~&.:`... ---.r.4- -..-JH 1 `L ' ~"'- maker, Ilikefthe. htage i' ,ft>11nd ` -West wou .3.` ie .4 otiid.?.:.aOIvi=V a `of%1that~sLtin "-`It':d:;woi11d`='I'nf.3dii1'.l V l or : ~a1;d; a. mrketjor` the` :wef9f.B1'!1' : 'fantrl?- 7. lslliftlll, -id11`Vg*."" v.}`d<>"1"i~dItl;L.please._*:t1i6 .' +peop1. ~: a *-C.a-nada ii--.mbre. . Mni `tdiiopmnt if` mixa?* turing -` _,injduStr_ies`..:-Zind - the` fi `west; If -for no~'c>.t1gr.--(1-easond ,- than that th > T _ ._hgye'~.a interestlrf `in the maintenance of-...ithQ `National V Po1ic`y.f ZAS" 1tVl1e'-`: 511si1til_~ tend'enS* '_i1i `M maufacturing 33 ?-to get as--pear Vasi [possible 6- the som-ce;.' "of'tl1e: raw material, the rst V application A. 0,f_'4the iwaterpowers _ of 7 `the . W_e_$t: would probably be` in the .convei~sion.. of the 'wheat_,i{I1T12o;ou1`. `,T_-his would A pun: an end to the cry ` for` free . wheat and'our, mid; would 1 mean the production of a lmfg-e quantity of offal, -which; would be "of great use; in mixed farming.` , `which? men: 1a.bored,%TwithHaziditqolg utuxer, nxe ule stage an~ver,1 ; ,'_t'_'01,1_11d ' has oocupa`tion~ gqne, Vandj had fa fplldv Tat. Q :Wor:k'm'_n' `Oc1;d ..to t.0wr'ns and cities __ "when the l`ce1_itra1. factory, ,` with j its t~ intricate . 1nacl_1_i_11F V ery, proved j,it's_ . efcieny . 8'r0,9J78I than fty scattered ` Vworkshops fin, "DA-..L.'....=.. 4.1.4.`-. '-...;:'.`..:..-;...--..-`._...-1`: :91`;-. It 'is curious that-~--in: a new. country like this population should be less, along that stage route,` than`) it was-` fty years ago. 'I,`,lte,.`Wall-er? ton paper attriibutes -' this -rto' the `trend of A the "people citywards. _f But why this trend! "It is not due to, an aimless .kind of.-popul'arTinclina3e tion, Laws areat work that pro": duce it. It isithe habit. to Speak"fo'f'- the shift of population as if" the. cities were to blame for it, or as if` the people who went to the cities ought to -be rebuked" for it, `and if not forced: `induced, to return. a, Forty or fty years ago there -were" not o'nly.stage linesrbut thir- teen taverns on a. ~streteh " of_ `road where there is now but one. At that time hay was raked, bit hand and grain was cradled. The spinning wheel was in every ,farm, house. They made their "own soap, sugar, dried apples, andsmoked= meat. The - fai'mer s plow,- his e harrow, this sleigh, -his wagon, his `logging chain, his furniture, his `boots, his harness, `hi-s cradle and coin_-iw_ere all made in the - nearby--`village. ~ On his farm -he needed help -and. had` -it. He kept the village busyn and! paid_ for - his needs with his ,pro,d'u`c,ts.` ' Nnmonun 'v-tang`-p ...........JLL..._ 1.1.` .:JL\tVlIJ` I-lul/Ul`_\Jl1 axvuv. _ > i tye years `ago, stage on its_ daily `trip between? Kineardine and Wa1kerton"~` used to pass; or stop`-..at,V thirteen `taverns on the; way. ,'But.t now the-Bruce ' Herald and Times says there is `but one bar 011 that gt-1-etch. of `road. There is also, ac- cording. to the `same ; authority, `a sn'1aJler population along ' the reute than there WaSf_ fty.`--years ago. ' mlunmn nun ` AL... -____- - 4`----A-- The old stage line between Kin- c_a.rdine and _Wa1kert0n* will `be dis- continued after. ~th9_ rs: of.. `July The stage has been-going'. over `that ground for more that ` -fty "years. At` Oii._'time.; it wa.s`but"on'e' of many lines" that `crossed? `or connected with each other, but of -late .it" has," been pretty much alone. ' ' . I.`.:.cA._ ._-__- _..- AIL - " .,L>_ ,_ uasuua. vsgcsv "GD. IJLVJ ".yUGl.' qgv. These ` are ' striki1`1gj ,ehanges. Liquor is not now icons 1-a`th universal -neessity it was "once 'th0ug'ht.`to' be." The `railways have 'drav_vn- much- travel A away 1"r_om` the main` highways, and many waysid tayerxlzs, from that caus,e,'_fell_.ii1to _ disusg. . `-`ain , }helH: ' recenily; * i `E _o1lbwii1g. Y sfllras-. %`Wive.; % - - `1s.1.!38`V.1X-4 ' I; A159 5 me;e:tbi11 iihe abbV:assoi-` oaaoessdwere. :T%rHm,,;Pres;., `Inspector. .L.d_ng,1na;n;-- ,1?1-e.;if'.f %`W'j I1f.win`;4%Vic+P.;7"Ben.7Wbh;"Se~5 MY}: : :25 an%i9%~ % '2: 'f1r.-I.-;`:._a9. * vvudlul ; uuu W1 my Perhaps the? ~_-'coim`t_1y A"f`v~*vv"l1._-fzilfl-` up- -agam` when farmer ;;_*a"pec1al1ze; ._ on Smaller? ,farms~in: hlosss or: h.efi's; ; at least, fbeahs,` or celr or `apples -mar `:5 under way ,; A1_;1 _ zpayyz d1;j9e_b;;9gg;L % . 5+`.- a"\*%uu,' 4_I,-_1-`-#\lV|I|'--\ ix _v_~,;~;7 *'..;:11\Totip9` - %se1morIaT% gin Innisl? ;j:f.? 611ow;ingi* `qaesti6xte%v'L~V*%::aimwere bnswerds.b1W;Tby* % A "1vl;'II~-'*\~ In -.-.V `A-- th ' .`c';1-_;.; :13. :Fijr's?5i AN OLD STAGE" ENE QULTS of t'Ml'. A. `C. Ross, who.= was the The desertion frorn the Liberal- ` party of -Senator Melvin Jones, .._of Toronto, has been followed by that federal representat-ife for `one ..of -the Cape Breton seats on the Liber- al side or an `entire parliament during the Lau-rier regime. Mr. [Ross has been a Liberal protectiorv _ ist,and is one of the captains of in-. dustry identied with the formation. `and rst development of the*Domin- ion Steel Corporation. With` the present-day tendency of the : Liberal party` tovward free trade he is de cidedly out of sympathy, and he -has now denitely joined the Gon_Serva- ,ti\>~e party. To a reporter ofThe Montreal Gazette he says: It mat; rters very little who rules Canada` if A the administration of the. Dominion ._ is based on broad and patriotic lines, and in my opinion the Borden eGovernn`ient haswfcxome nearer than \ -since confederaton in its conception of a really national ',.transportation program. This from a man -who ` -`has. been a lifelong personal friend of Premier Murray`, of Nova` Scotia, T and `of the Hon.` W._. S-, tF-ielding---p a man at one timepcontent to-follow. SiriWilfrid Lam-i'eri-3is" oneof the `moat signicant "signs of the times!-, any other . political" `organization ` -It eh-ows how the Borden govern-- 5 is growing inlth and Wiondence of the `makers of VT\l JCGI-3 IUUE Ul.lU' uny. I ilusbaiid and ;wife cannot be ace` "ciIsd"of theft toward each other, but if _ living. apart they becom`e liaible.;_ ,- `No `one 'can1a_wfu11y~enter` P2: the; hr_>,? . A_in_1A:o agreement ,with, a husband or `wne -who` live together to, Kdgfraugi 3 tl\/OIIHIVJ ' I0 l\.4\.Ia \a Among the 1i irent things which `constitute that `broad term vagrancy, there * is ..-this : Who begs for alms without a certicate signed by 9. clezfgyman or two justices` A authoriz- ii1g._him to do -so. ,5 The "maximum penalty for` all ,fo`i'ms of , vagxfancy is two _y31rs less one- day. T .uIiIh1\n.n:J _-._..-L L- _- KLILIO The cheirmen- `of the InspeetOr S `Department of the OL.E,A-.' `i1i7hiS. viiddress last spring is rqorted to have sa1id,_e`-`the fact is 5021- aiuinot get {three `men in any ectinn Wh_Q.. _..- ..__ -1:'...J' L- -.4\"I:t\&1i| J11`-:nn 15. .-WW -w* `+ ,"-7; '.~r_':;"*` "-.' qualied to ..perform the jlutxesl requi1;'d of them. " .. .1Uqu.u,gu .V.l. vuv1.uu ,_`Ndne of_the{-hmembers. 1_1_as seen this statement denied_;" and vwoixld 1`i-kef to `know vif'/it '_-is generally` be- lieved. `Owing to the small attend- ance; it was decided.;to a_Sk all in- teresbed in the welfare of < the schools to sat-tend_ next meeting. ' __1 LL41. 1-- _.____,, 'I__`|2 l`IIIU\I\d\-I (Ill LLIELIIII `f ::`S'ections V. 104 `to 108 prohiabit promoting or adver- tising prize ghts or acting in an advisory o1-"oicial, capacity; For an qrdinary ght or qufarrel where there is 'no - money exchanged the pexialty -is rexiucgd. ' ' ...'.-..... LL- _`l3.&...._;.1. LL':1_.._ _}1__'-`L Kai; Men;ie,ffo3iBe'1:i;i: `C911. `of Ar1z 1`o1i'r .Towr;.`ship, left ~`a WT1:9%iAm`9"1 '1$l.~ace` bf` as at,p`resn't? ' .A.___ m}..; ....aa-am.` nn"nL-3. -14? +1` yplsa-cu 311 utuabcsiu an au,_yu.uu....; Ans. The trustees could if they _'{0w1d: do 111.6 Wpk. better than a [Bogrd of Education. A y i Gap. , _-_L:-_... ....1-_..`l J`... `D0310 OI .EJ\.lUl.'l1_|IlUu. ,-"?0ut .of'7fteen sectione asked .130 attend, fcurfresponded, three others intimated that they jcould` not at- -V'- " - n .1, T,L_4J_L-__,_ `ODD CLAUSES-THAT % ~j ~' % AAREF IN SO-GIAL LAW-S3 On the theory that laws can never be observed or-enforced unless they are known and. understood by the `people, `especially by `social \vorke1fs_-gwho are daily confronted with the v_most diicu-lt_ problewe in human relationships, Mr. V J. J. _K_elso',~ Superintendent of Neglected and Dependent `Children: of Ontario, -has issued "9, pocket?` edition of ..the `social laws of Canada and Ontario. Stripped of. legal ver_biage, extracts are given from the Dominion Crimi.naa1`C`ode, ev'vl1icl1~~ deal ,.w$1 e The everything from vagmncy to sections covering the movies.-' . A following are, extracts, not` generally I............ . "`-Section __36 "stites that any , per- `son can. without warrant make an arrest` when an oence is `being commtteed at night. - " ` 1 <(C1....4..`-..... -an; L- -one ,__-`I_:.L:Ll ` -U|(_\?Ll\.| Laval: JJIVJIJ usu It was agreed fhat. tie. many holi-_ 1133533 ; were given in ` summe1`*_t.ime`. " ' 'D1\T ;1tEoo_m`)L BRO_1EN_ % j-~'l`x`-jg"velIx~_s" -Cyhequgd agd Le 1-9 :0: . C:-editare 18I,u,ed1'or:.u8e.on4 econ- Vtugent, grin Mediterranean. African. 2 $15!: or Australian ports; or in . ` uoo ran ,AN_NlIM:. ADVANCE` ` UNITED S'l'A'l`E5_. 5_IT.BSCRIBlB_.8.-`T n T . T M'No name will be`ndded tot.he8ub' hm untu the moneyeid paid, ; . .5.-g-_~-..n_.._. '_ -_. a_* _....-....-.~ 1.... AI...` inn-|I>`Ih nu- r xv.-v V----_ __ _ oII'Ev"fc'an is isu{1n`&} 1... hose . M Crelits and Ceeqnes unneeded. with- 7 qut dela orinconvenience. Cqn~. 7` mlt our anager a.bout.it..- 3 . - - ,"bom: s kc cn:I`n?r`areissniaJ' tor, .tr:_zgyel_._e,rs in `Np:-t.h Aypz-.rica.. Barrie%%andAlladdief Branches -N-:t`-iDrI;-4LCs>< f%ax#tive,I .bg ive':-igiiigle-,=7 %inie'1iy and j-'e'cti.v.8i; .\:Y'it~hOi1t_ gdisbmfoft _ iunctgpgslgecp f 37.`7iA5:FL.`1\`L*l$h;%. ,.i V}. `H " 3e't13s%bi1V ` .Reerrsng to `eaomdjrjigiay, 32113;` Glob sneeri1_1_g]y~ re1p~arks ~_ that ffwhplishing the bar._"one..day a ~yea`r.= fi-s mo slow .a process. `So? `And ~..how many holidays `in a.,_year_did fits friends abolish dpring theizj long term of ofce? T T .r Tray_llrs E T `iEi~i`" `6'cr"i;1a"1`3`j`A . Sec pry t H.` A;s1Ms, Mmger% ',t..s:->iissT -Saturday .last which measured gight inches Tone '1;va'y-b5',.. `seven. xiches the otheif, thus exceeding` in ~siz by half an .inch those left at" this oeey by. `Messrs. `Wm. R. Near` and W. J ._" Hadden.--Bu1-ks Falls Arrow. ` .-the . undrimleds up received by T-EQNDERS-_ will 1 noon ocf % the 6th day. of _J 1 to cu-_t_12hVe Red ah Wliite Pine .tim!ber.on Bertha I , 1 Cfand 1 D; `in , a}_1 -Mississ Forest Reserve area of _36_` sq fth shore of Lake rth containing an vmiles; more or tributary to the Huron, each` less. . 1-.0 4- ,.1A' , -for the might" sole head of (family, or nnymnleovc _-- -----u-w -v&vvw:nCOV&I$ years, old. may homestead a. quarter- aection at nvailabie Dominion land in Manitoba. Saskatchewan or :Alberta.. The Afplicant must appear in-person at. the Dominion orsub-Agency for the district. * Entry bf X1-oxy gen be made at` the oloe of an 1 A giagominion Lands (not sub-agenty. -ggacermix: - eonditions. V V - > Dut1ea.-s{x `man-the ` Feeideuee upon and 1:1 t1 otth landin hnfth '. `;Pho1?'sot:`ador.1ay_.live 35`n:n his h0!.nsatead .on a farm of at least arse;-ea andsAgency ` on certain eongiitioils. , A habitable house in re- A .3: .`3;`~`n3'.?a`a`}. g oje yxoin': i`?"n` ""`?ee'"`?`e *`n * In .ccrta.ln` di'ntrietn,.`A hAm32.`ia..i.;. '1.` pwmrmeu u_x me vlolmty. - V . . . In ccrtgin districts in hbmsteader in ;g`'3n`}}1B 11183! Page-gm tin quartet-'-sections` ,e_A omega- " I` V v` Duties.-`-S1x*mant1i'r x-2% a:?.".pa...r3'; . ALI. 811%? L \I. I I` ul-V-I VII W Lil rN.B;' N 1`1`iu1`s'1 11t$ of this 11 wlkbe paid for; 17-27 .-!*;*;".*.2.*:s'r:%:.?.`:.-..%.:~":`.::i : .%,%:.*.$.:'a.;.I, .-years trogn at ofzhomestead gntri (includin ' ;the"-t.ime req red: to earn homestead patent and 50` acres extra; cultivation . The . area` of cultivation iszsubject to reaction in due at h.] 111 - rsto yjhnd` utter re tb lI'I`)l x`zest:g.d"?I?sype`::tor 0: application torgpgehti "A, homeitadgc w!3_o his xhquatad himhdmo-T" st.ead'r1g`h an can ~ 1;. qggeabtain" 3- pro.-cmxmon * in'o.yT take 3 march homes! f In `oer -: 'tuindlatrmtsi` ` no - 1.,.i..,.....,%..,.:,`..et..':;.. .ru..-.....:**,;*:..; gmgqm fty acres and erect` wan-._.:. [apply -to- t ul. \IL Alastair`: Crown Timb Sault -Ste. 1 S1v1_c libury.T 1 ~Minis-terv `]"'.'e1 .nds,.. Forzasts and`, Mines, -To. nto, April 18th 1914_. CRT "D" "KT .... --J.`L..... _.._'l~ _.__ `I. An`. A... . -LWBBTJLAND nncgvnuroxqs aymszs or `cANA13 I.1kz%;3nrn wharf!!! ;-|_ L`._._s .3 .m-. . V urv.IIl"J VI ill? EJHIIIPI `"N.B.-h-U.nuut-ho! -iaed `pnblioiti"o'n._' or flats ad ._v__e:-oevxpent n9tAbo.!gtd_t9r.-@7995" -- ;l-18 'n6w hi 3 9,v_ur will be ohyrzgd 01.50 perugnmn. ` . V Reai Estate nd1a}$; V Phone 530. III mlnlop 8_t. jlarl-lg own voun own nomad 7 Cease wasting your money rent. -A ,= T A L ` , n mi-_ha;ve $2oo;ooo.oo -worth `of houses and property in Barrie ang Auandgle; ~ ' 7` TI I wSma;i-1uc.\;B.;;ayments. Balance as rent. Farms for Sale. --'---;__-._ _.__- llr."%Bosanko A390 For mom { wgizb I III! `JV-IAl_'|KlrllJ& -`e e Thessalz ' -riev, Webwood g W, 'H. THEARST, Lands, Forests a A L...:1 1 on. ,1 n1`) pf 36_ maps conditions s ` - I t nu _ . . . .- 2 Mr. J. A. jM. `Aiki-113,. K;C.,_q.mern.- -her?` of parliamnt- for.-Brandon,` who .:.recen.tly spoke `at a: 01-itical .g%a.the1`-' ring in the Barrie. pr`9."H0use;gis a cheap power e1_117_ sias t;i and w'o_t"111d' `like to see ~vhe_.._ mini ix,. govern-1