\`\'.llU.I.l auuyx-7--_ 1 The report carrigd wv`v`it11`ou'tA di_z'-- id3i.g% the` C<'i\'_inc"x~l.v .l._-`I._.:.'_1` _~........:...-x.+ ..~.'\+..~n.=the luxng. uuu uuguuu. V technical` gversight ,V;:s_`\%_:to puiiliation -,of a. by-lggwj 1ffexjriug' *0 m9~%%l~f3>fT the 9i;tstF~enc1_;13Y?K*i I. ._ % '-rv- an r 1,3, _ -_:_-..*=;'...'*n..+>= ..`n. W35` '_9QI1}190- _ M _ . ' I_LIiVsA Wo"rsh`ip gxplained .that," A31} A .'tl;I;6th et' s_wer wor1` nis1.1d, aI;d_ ..th9.. Enginer would` : fs`taI_:f_ the '_{east at_ once;' 7-" ,The. . ,opf`a;$$ions' vvx-*e_A\p_r'og1`efssing ._.f_a;v- ., .01` 1y -}` "and? 'is`._the. `-pres'ei1fff"rat`_ ' "CQ, InaLnRixit"'tV:iIi3z1,;T".-tih_e `systetir on m` _'fvvo111d"be:,codplted;-thig` ` _ esv Lsh`oVu1k1 B,e; in} i I371 122 -'.Ral Property Q OOH `on: ll navy or_ itv:';1.i. ght costwva: vlitwtwl. 12 11 2,0 39 35, - JAJIIBL ~ . Taxwble""Exmpti.on8M 8 371,175 .. $18,700 656,385 76,100 380,100,, ; 80,000 724,090 193,300 8423200 ~ 77,400 389,700 39,700 V23 A 3,148,250 ,. 3,071,140 259 2_Bit IST; GEORGES nu I VCELEBRATED BY | LOCAL socnmr Patriotism `was -the keynote of all -`the. speeches at the 89th annual dinner of St. George s Society of Barrie, held at the Queen s Hotel last. Thursday evening , when about 80 sat down to} an `excellent dinner and listened with unabated pleasure to the recounting of the glorious achievements of Old England and the` British Empire. The celebra- tion was unique in one respect, at least. It was the -7 9th anniversary of the founding of the order `and the 350th `-anniversary of the birth of Engl_ai:1d s immortal bard, Wm. Shakespeare. Another feature of -interest was the presence .of one of the two surviving charter members of; the ,Barrie society, `Mr. G. G. Smith, who sang with a __spirit and vigor -that betokens a y91.1.l18 heart,- his favorite ballad," Bah "B01-t.. The other charter member is Judge `_B`oys, who was unable" .'_to be present; Mr." Alfred _P. Wilkes, the presi- A dent, expressed the oicers apprecia- tion at the large number in attend- ance. Briey he referred to the work being done for the poor by the society, ` and stated that no appeal had ever been -made in vain and never would. . ` a.vu\~.s 1-B us`ines`s'= Income Assessment $ ' ~ 6,200 $ 800 $ 394,875 77,675 ' ' 15,900 826,060 96,406 15,766 ," 712,272. 56,479 ' 1,500" , 975,969 6 44,620` ' , ----. . 512,570 - 12,784 ' ` --- 442,184 .. ..,_.. .. 35,650 LICV Cl ` W Ulllklo Telegrams of greetings` were `read by , Secretary Knight from the Royal St. Gedrge s {Society of London, England-, from sister 30'.- Eieties in Torbnrto,_ Ottawa, `Hamil- ton .-and St. Johnfs. `Mr. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P., -being unable to leave .Ottawa, sent his regrets and 100 cigars to help` the members ens joy -themselves. ` ` -IN J-LJ\I aangntropv Mr. A- B. Thompson, -M.P.P., in replying to the toast of The Em- pire, recounted some of `the great deeds of Britons,_ and said he could wish for no prowder title than a were necessary` for the success of a caused the fall. of nations such as the great Roman Empire. May Great -`Britain ever be` inspired by noble` `ambitions, that its Qcay `ma]y'.neVer.'come.' ` I Mr; `Geo. Raikes, 1st .Vice-Presi- dent, in -proposing ..The Day and ..'I,`h`oe Who Honor It, it drew at- -Ltnti'on_.;to the fa:ct.tI1a-t this was :__aIst_3r the`f3 50th anniversary:-._ of the i . Shakespeare.`- 19-.. 1'\.1-v_-_;:_-.m.` .. -JA-I :..\'a`I.i:.; British Citizen. Hih. ideals` nation,; and the lack of lofty ideals - uu'u;_ U1 ouapnca ;c_. _ .. _ Bejr. Edgar; Taylor. Aadded..1n`h1 replytthat this occasion for mm was _;i-t iigvas his; `own birthday. 'Dhi-s `was ;th'esigina,1- fo; three cheers from the Vgests and.- they `broke into ;`For H9}; a~'JQl1'y `Good - `Fellorwf _'ErA1g_la11`d s.V._,sons,_f tbyft eeuiulating the noblei`depd s_;?of~T-~St. George, of "whose life: -Mr."1=~Tay_lor- Agagve some interest- jwere: actuated by the s'ane,hig h ideals. of`devot_ion. to and :horQi_sm-for .the>f..Greatest Empire in Ln--.A___1.;n ;._ ~,_1.-_-_._1z__:`_-.1 A... .`I:.. jialso anffimportant anniversary, as - "by czu'ryiug: mail. - Just :01` your ch withdraw 1 TKIUTQIBIII JUL IIUU .. VILUQUUG phat wprld, as - ohgracteri;eJ 3 i;e`Vli`1e; of `-En.gv1and. s`r saintk ` A `".'II ._' `II 1) ` `FI". ..J'I..;.....v. A :3 ['11. U1. .l:lI.I5'.l cuxuu. ws.ys .ag'we1eome Jtddition ` to the list. of _ at _,any social gather- ing,` .a`]so_7made an `eloqudnt reply to t_h`is, ; St. Ge'o`rge vs Day, he :said, 3.tandsffor" soxnetzh-i-ng. .i`%t:ls .,of St. George W01 37 would nevgr have , .. _, _V ugh his 1600 -,-`Mr. Tudhope,. who is a1-T yugvyavuauuu vuxvugu. The reason. whv St. George .Ji': 39: dear to the of English-_ f!!":1;en is-. `because-`kg! stood` for some- ULAL4) .l.\l\lVJ Ff1?8in+f%FtrPbhW0? th_in`grvihich `a "very root of: V 483,260 288,084 7Z`7zE 913,406 .. 56,47 9 44,620 Empire 294,164 . 57,672 . Total business" v'Wl11 be `g of our 9: 3,958,580 3,871,096 `$87,484 fm c1eepT`s R; v. HOSPITAL Mamons SCORED] BY conom-zx The adjourned inquest touching the death of James` Wodlner, a marine engineer of Coll-in-gwood, who_ was found in a dying condition with severe injuries to his head, in the `Allandale yards on Tuesday `night Of last week, was resumed on Friday. afternoon. Coroner Dr. Wallwin presided, and Crown At- torey Cotter conducted the investi- `gation. "[7'.....:.__-_. '1r-__1._11 -12 LL- -__.._.- I, 5' UIVLLC Engineer `Marshall of the extra north-bound freight, which came in-,` to All-andale yards on Tuesday night about 35 minutes ' after "the Cobalt arrived was the rst witness. He was positive his train had not etruek the man, While they were runningelowly he observed the man lying. beside the track, near the ducket. He_ stopped his train and went back? to see who it was. He described the injuries to the man s head,.and though he felt` warmth in the body, `thought the man was dead, until he shuddered. He des- pa-tehed `his mate to phone, and af- ter Dr. Alexander arrived the in- jured; man was brought to Barrie, ._ .... -_...L_._ `L--- ...... TL--- -....._.- ..... JLll.\,.\g ALAUBLL VVBMD 'LIL\IU|a.Av UV J-IA&LA Av` -in an enpty box car. There were-no marks of blood on his engine or cars; On the track, there was blood on the side of the north rail. One patch of blood was on the rail about four feet _`north of the -body, which was lying clear of `the track, and another `patch of blood was eight feet farther north. Shunting en- gines may have been going south. 1 J ....__._ T\-...'.....JZ....-. ............... A... 4-1..` UGALIU bl a.1u., Eu V O DLLLLALLIL \. v ].\,|\_;LL\_4\g lDr. W. A. Ross, who met the in- jured man at the Barrie Station, described _the efforts put forth _ at the Hospital to save the man s life, where in conjunction with Drs. Alexander and Fred` Ross, he re- ear was almost compel-tely severed, and it had to be taken oil. There were many scalp wounds, and the face and hands were I thor- oughly begrimed with cinders and coal". dust. There were no broken-a bones," and there might have been internal` injuries,_ a.lthough there were no external marks except on -the -head.` The man died of shock and concussionof the brain. In his pockets were found a time sheet of ently, left Collingwood on `April 18th and arrived at Fort Gratiot, near.Windsor, on the 19th; a letter. from Capt. Burke of Midland, offer- ing `employment; an unbroken, un- opened. bottle of whiskey; a gold ' watch and 75 cents in change. His ' wife in Collingwood had asked to _ have the body sent to her. 11..-; A a.L....... .... I11-`l'\Z Tlsn mained until 3.30 a.m. T-he left ` the Steamer Pelee, which, appar- . EILLCQ 7 L11 J Henry Desjardine, reman on the same train, gave similar `evidence. 11.. T A 1)..-- ...L.. .......A. 4.1.... 3.. JJLLVU IJUULL SULLLE vuuuuo C173 JUCIIUILICKI.` - Coroner Wal1win-A-T-he law says the things taken from the body Amust be `placed in the possession of the Coroner.` Where afe they? T .We sent -a. constable after them ~ but `he \'va_s` refused. ' \ ' P111 _ ,_ __fAA___ L_ 11uVt:- LL": L=U'uJ acuu LU 1.161.. , Crown V Attorney -~Cotter-.-The body has been identied in Co11ing- wood, `but not `here. How are we toknow it is_bhe' same body as taken from the Hospital, . if the clothes and other articles are not brought here and identied.` ' rrv n - rni _ 1___ _4_.. \VlI3 1`U1Ll5C\lo Dr. Ross-They were given to the matron of the Hospital, where they now are. `I can -t L see what material evi&ence_ that is in identi- cation. The only reason wh they were not given to the consta.b{e\was because the Matron wished to get in) touch- with _the dead man_ s. friends, _ T __ .Coroner-ItT must be understood K 81 .08 Psnuuuu m Aovmc: Kflj CIIIIII Tlclt QIHTQ V Eontiued ion Page 5) k U`! f Irrl I-Ivlv$III II` rI&V_01I`I UUCQLI QOPIII Th`;-Ill GIIITI fl us-1s . .8pec|cati-ms r-Mi after Saturday. .\Iny I{AMP'I'U.\J : .1on}Y,. -Chairm n Barrfe Plfkt - 3.00 p.m.--Sunday School" 3l':1),d ' 7.00 p.m.--I9IvenS0n0g' and '04 Sllnduy. May 3rd, 19.14L[_. III s10'x1%m' AFTER EAST 8.30 a.m.--U0'1y Commflnioni 11.0--Matin.s and Sermon. ' 17 Bible Class. Rev. 11. J. Biggsg [Store your Furs Protect them against: Mpthhdll Insure them .xgainst' Fire. Storage Rooms are now Storing all kinds of furs. Cha'xfg;eS.-I 3per cent. for Fire and Moth-`Tali? your own valuation of V article !-`- stored. Many dollars worth of `\.'alte\afB1--Q` Furs are destroyed every yeuj'by_`_ Moth. Don t run any rAis'l. Phone us and we \vi!l'sendfo__i1-3; them. , d `f no TAX ,1 All ownere or ' b aremequired to V 18$ May in on year- 'without collar and tag 58. zed an owner AD % 13-19 .3. ll be oerec`. ; e Queen's Hotoiln, A \ -2 n. . to ix. . =9|5_tV Iroelgf tar MI L. LXIII THOMF . NO. 1! son cn:.w,`_: ~2------:j : ` .. H aw.,{i15 ."a ot.`::":.`.`u'.f; at "Al N: n more isIn,_~ Trinity DOG TAx'}" fenders 11 your naxl us your gi . special a.tt g::ntion-`L:* .t; :~s`lmd1ed; _iu this 'vvay;AA';Va;:;'3_;`; -ad to have you` make ._jug*e" `vice. _ . . > if. Barrie `Branch. Phone No. 290 (wne sgnu " D r1\I:\1`2r\in" vWHO`L N6:7;ssj.,} Pulull-In : _ max DONNELL & v A 3 INVESTIGATION} `V An`,'cl1`o_ of" the-Local Option of J anuar'.Y',.l'o.et,`.-_;A_.:vvas the? .hearing linvth_`e Police g.Co'urt-- one iMonday`V morning o,f:_;ai -ch,rgev- th-alt, Retixrnrxc ing Oicer E.` Donnell i'_ di'g1vi8i.':Vie =a` certicate or letter; of Vauthbrityv to one A. TM. (sinceg de-J ceased) to obtain ballots, contrary. to the prov-isions of the revised Municipal Act of 1913. The prose-A cution! fai-led entirely to . show any wvrongidfoing on __the part of Mr. Don- n_`e`l-IT, `and? Mr.` Creswicke who was prosecuting, `admirttedr that there was no evidence against him,` with- ` out ca_1lin'g..-rthe defence at `all. The investigation _proved to be 9. -mistake so "far as the prosecution was con- cerned and was a complete v- justi- fication of Mr. Donnell. s action in the matter. ' ' ' . -\.-; 5 1 1 -pvuvvvnu V ' 'd .~y. "~.\-' Q; " j :wh__ole. case [seems __to have arreen out: of . a mis-ta}k"en notion" that the late A. `M. 'Jamieson'?? was given `a `local option 1 ballot on the T certicate of Mr. Donnell, although his name was `struck .. oil the local option` list passed and signed ` by Judge Vance at the Court of Re- vision ve. days previous to the ta'kiT1-g of the vote.` It was shown by the poll book and` `admitted by De- puty-Returning` Oflicer Clayton and Poll Clerk S. Sherlock that he" had not been given a local `option, ballot, and when the certicate of Mr. Donne'l1,', which was unearthed "from - the ballot box , was Produced it showed that hetliadr sent word to Dep.-Return.in'-g Oicer Clayton to give _Mr. J amieeon ballots as non- resident orwner, -which would not in- clude the local option ballot. ' I `S UNI UKIU -JUUQL UFUIUIJ UCIILUUO - _ Police . VMagistrate _ - Radenhurst heard the case -and Crown Attorney Cotter was present. Mr. Donnell was represented by Mr. W.. A-. Boys, K.C., and Mr. A; E. H. Qreswicke, 190,, conducted the prosecution. '" In opening,` the magitsrate re- marked that he -`had been, % puzzled as to his jurisdiction to try .the Anna tun` `L31: `A I -Vii! \. uvu, : evxdence. CVlL|Cll'L'Co - - ` . Mr. Cotter said the information had `been laid under Section A 138, sub, see. b., of the Municipal Act of 1913,` which says: Every person who without` due aunthority supplies a ballot paper to any person! if a returning \oi:cer, V deputy-return-ing oicer or orth_er'o`1cer' -engaged in the election; Ash-all , be liable to im- pzfisonment for any term not ex~ Aceeding two years. TL- u-....- -uvn.n 1;sumn`vv r1nn n I! lcbcuuzg ywu ycluuu _ The case was largely due to a pn,ter s error, which made the name. `.`Ann J amieson in the voters - list, instead of A. M. `Jgamieson, and the address was given"`as Hamilton.% He was `marked as owner of ..parts' 14 and 15, south Dunlop St. _When Mr. AJa-mieson` applied for ballots at Polling Booth 2a `in the . Market B1dg., he was refused by Dep.- Re- turning V. Oicer Clayton and told `to ' "see Mr. Donnell; as the only name there was Ann Jamieson, and as at was in Pt.` II, this .was.c. -onstrued, to mean a woman. Mr. Ja-mieson on",ap- plioatioryto ?Mr; Donnell ,was afurn- . ished with `a certi_gate," which `read asvfollowsz"; H . . H . unwI,!,, '2'- `L- _....L:&F-pl 6-1141? ' VIM- as Iouowa : This. `is to certify that A. M.` Jami-esoxi is entitled A to _ vote` as owner (Non-Resident) `Of Pts. 14 and '15,./S. Dunlop7St.,~. his _naimeV h.avin `fnegn wrongly. vprintedwin the Voters :L19t..ae JJzmieson.- (Si"gne_d_) ._ Donnell, 5'.T-own I01r'k`. % [.. -~ Po,i_1;tsr.in regard to! the ? p1f_pj'ara- 'on- (if. the ' lists` 7: for .-'bhe 91B. also in to f1_9 ~1i&y .scti refezence.i1>t">`. tlhjetznva-I` revision `_ of 1. .the&.Iie=%:*b`>% W `Judii previous to me 91`.*.`.`.i .W9`3 11-13. and we: as J*W +5? Mr. Bjoyag-g theJh;earit:A.p I . 1-1.. 1)...-`...:.l- nA.sn ussuuauuxuu {had ecide 01:0 5;; Ii'\ i5I% iiu-;:,,1 -o51.jcouNA'i*.vILhr Emcz my THE oomuudu or GA'NA hA qua cnrrzmon. S%I_M`C.OE, ONTAAR IO` 30%. -I914" A ~ * 19,14;r--Ase * mam Also 3,g;s7,4s4..;.A Record Year For Barrie. HAS %1NcREAsJ:D Y M 752; YYYY 1' W233 Ward Wami ' Ward Ward ALARM svsuam . IN 0000 sums} [$1000 10 PUT 0 !- 4Whe'n once the seriousness of the re alarm system was brought tothe attention of the Council, that body acted with commend- able promptitude and` held a special meeting on Friday evening to. deal `with the matter. It was decided to -have the system thor- oughly renovated; this v_vil'l",~~in-..j .VolVe. anexpenditureof about." a thousand dollars, but it is _,,abso- lutly necessary and cannot be avoided. l T 1|-r 11 , 1 1lfdl_I_ V \.u.\.uuI-_Ao t.gAld. Taylor, Wallace and Wbb were not` present . . : A11 1- I -____..; .......1 5|...-I-< 1 Viuhv savvy any-av-nu: I Ald. Lowe's report read that having considered the electric `fire alarm system and investigat- ed as to thexrequired "repairs, , it -was necessary to put the system in proper -working. order`, he! therefore presented - the following estimates as prepared by Supt. Hare of the W. ;and L. Dep_ts.i-- Z1} 5 tons of W No. 8 .Weatherp`roof copper wire at;_18c lTJ.;' brackets; .insulators,` etc.;cart.age, $60; 3 men, , '11}; mon_ths' each "atse-$50.00 V per month. Total, $1;000." ; ' . 4 -.rI"lL_ _1- _-;-. .1--- ..n+ sunlnn nnmzl 1'6]. llluuuxao J.\JuI.I:;, ~,,...,...,.,. . | The above` does not include cost. of ~put_ti_ng ;=-the boxes in repair. The Committee `advised that the wdrk be Commenced without de-. lay by the W. and L. Dept.-"` - Deputy` McLean wanted to `know if; anyeesthnates were available as- `to the` cgst `oi the \_1p-keep, or if the ;_gui"e_s_ bf a telephone alarm` `sys'_tem'. "had. been `secured. _ '1 ` #1:; `Ir-..-..1.:."..J-.-. l-gul {kn}. tllh SyS13B!Il_ nuu. ucuu Buvutoun I - His Worshipstated that the Bel_l* Telephone Co, `asked $500 a" year for, a,`_re`~a1arm system. V _ A-l. Lowe said the `up-keep of the new system shouldlie small un1es"s:* '$t61_'mS interfered, `The `W . a,nd'.LL Dept. would look `after "the. s:9$tm 9`~\9* Price. t.hus"remo`V-V Iigw gthe neegssityb; of. `bringing, in %0utssiders%`1;`cK)(_dcg the T`, . ; A 1i.4 Dy;&e'! w h-ad` jheard the sys- f.e;1_._1 'co_i1f1dn .t,. `* be - ts`,'ati s_f%a%(:;1i`%<>1`i1y.V-;1`9- `,~;l"7_ 2 f\7T V g Reeve Qe;1dwe_l l; if?` r it j ..w_gis [to :. spend , this , men- -'=7t1`:?Q-T;`:1gd_ eeputgonee the becauses.a:t~-was; V aieslectssse in tesarede the F We # `Dean 7 `l""'7.V',."."'.""."'.r. g. }Ir...; AndersV . V. Total Gran-d Trunk` `Ry. F`1xe&~Assessment .. ".|.w:u.1. 5 5 1 Lands`,-B`ldgs. =:: Property 1W9rd,`I `f-T .$145,_50o, $242,375, 3 3 387,875, Ward 11 215,960 516,525; 732,485 Ward III` 1. 197,100 1463,0005, 660,100 Ward IV 197,790 692,900;, 890,690 `Ward V 93,430 . 374,520 407,950 Ward VI 93,700 335,700; 429,400 Total, A Total, V ~ 1450' Popu1a`tion~, 1914` 943,480 2,627,020 2,025,020 1913, 915,570 9,573,720; 2,573,720 1_3ehveer'1 5 21 176 ? T.. 259 191 ` wav 266 221 1310 f 1913 . . 58:16` 143- , 191 ' J 127 307 - 2'88 254 ` T POPULATION v]?0p. -9338 v1141 V859 1637 _13o9 1371 7215 6463` 7 52; pf 3,508,500 r; 3,489,290 ifotal Incrase `V . . . . . `. sent wiring _was down in stretches for 200 or 300 feet; the new wires would be placed below the electric ones. - Mr. Hare s departlnent will `be in charge of the eystem andit will not be allowed to fall into disrepair. ;The ' Committee -was unaninious on the question and while $1000 was` only an estimate it might really not cost L that _..:._`l_A. ....L .' 1:441... .4- __ -1- _. irvluch; ` more. M A1d- % A1d.. Sarjeant advised waiting until the estimates were present- rAs chairman of Finance he Has a watchful eyp on -the expend- and . as the `rates had; ' ---:.-mam: Anni ' `\| I.M,I.V uuu us: vnv -w - ~ ~ - --~ been-` rai'sed for` "the last` eigh-te'en months, -no "_ser_- ions reiults might.`follow'by wait- ing. a` little longer. ` Ill .1 --__ _..-_--'...-- :.. &.......-. ` 1.515 - In gavvnv L\IBQ\r- . ' Is there an emergency in`to_wn politics too?' 'enqui),'ed A the Reeve. ;. .auvv v Hisw'Worship---It s an ixhpoggant part of our re equipment and should be attended to', b,ut thefe can be no objection to delayi it for a weekor two`. _ . 118' , ` vv:;r`;s'1iot in pg} session. of sufcient details .to warrant him voting intelligently. `IT I , - -L__.. `V (Ill-(Alli! 555:0; v `Irons: -..--__ The Mayor--We have the cheap- est and due of.t-he beet brigades_ in the Province,/But we must fur- nish; _the`m ' with the necessary equipment; ' ` \` ` ` ' ~ A1,- .. _ . _ . ..._.:I ..-...a....;... A.-um "J\.lll-ltllllcllll 0' l As the, proposed_ system _does not include a bell . in every. re- :man s house, Deputy` Sprott `did- An .t see that the town_.was "much better off, `if the men had to still `rely upon t11e.,town bell. T V AI,`I-- 3 ,A_-`A .`___...l.'.'..J 1.1.1` -.:v\_ 1.0:. ..,.u.. ....,.A..,.... .,.,.-. A1d; ;Sarjea.nt wantd a bell. 1- in every remn s house and asked $51` delay to see if some "system could` not be securedwhich would !.fu1:_1}-i_sh_;_`beV11's in_a.11 the homes.- j % ' .LL -.. ` DIIUIK UXPUIIUIIUU WIUII alalzauyo '-_1`h:e~Mayor-*-WVe `had 'Feams I of 'cQrr9,s_pondef1ce' T when. 'introduci11g the present system; some foi the towns "f_`- -'clai`Ined_ ' :_-Ande1son~ s 91;` was . the best on- eart.h; _b_ut our. e.:;peg:` : iepde. had "not been satifactdryggj ` ,, L~ LI. _" J.-.` rnuxxuau. Jusuo Lu cu; u. ........ _- AFI-d. Dyment wanted semeether towns communicated _w;h as to their experience with a.1a`1_jm_'s. 7I l1I`_ `ll , -_'-_`_` `If- AL..,l- "AAnuv|lIl` A: xcuuc uau uuu Ilvv .....----..-.---., Ald. Rusk st1;te:i gm -the` to,"p,; Hydro, wires had'.haViei' iioltage and ...e1Ye`ct'ed .the- alarm '\`ire_s mogfe ivhe p1c'e_d '\ "TL ----12-` -'_.L --....`:...-T .4.-H>`1h\`1i'. 218: 60 Births}: Deaths `Dogs ` .176 -5 3 528` 15 245. 12 5 50` -5 188 11 8 - 17 5- 367 5 . as ,5 2 239 1. 5 50551 356 5 35% -1 5 46 1 F. I $HRT~ - -%