'tT'he Orange Grand: Lodge of` Canada in` swsion at Guellph last week decided to hold "their next. Grand Lodge Session at North Bay, in March,- 1915. LT-he attend 4...... ..E .1.1..._;_._` _.-__, ,._ `I ML H H ;_The_Deuhle-wrap Lock (4 ii: :_the tightest,_ most 73' % Ftfbst Fencinggis made f m hard steel wire with; unVif.orm- wave that ovides fer contraction and expansion and `gives ev wire the same tightness- That s why F rost F enc g alway stays tight. ' ' No. Stays to 0d Height - Price t 1055 i 55 45c rod 95? ` I 52 40c rod Special Lock Fencing C UIIII D $\ :\ddress_.: `Cioncrete roads w` benefit any they have benefited ayne'Cou1 Thcffuest detailed information be sent to anyone terested. w m I":- .-van A; U115 uuIl(11' Roads have bee report of the oard of missloncrs of AYNECOU TY, MI`CHIGAN, WHERE ' - nearly on humh-.-A man A` r~,\.m-..... T\I\u nearly one I ' - Double-wrp Lock \I 155 \|\I&\/8 UV 366 and 1000; 3 ( Vf"jm;a!i`on %cot_ncrete roads will LW.lh_<>,|lt or obligation. Superi in quality and as low in- pri as any mail order fence offered 105` V Wfres High per rod 6 40 22c 7 44 25c 9 48 30c IO 50 , 32c t. told in the followying para- 3t.-bcn _taken from the latest A newborn infant, -abamioned underneath a freight car in the C.P.R. yards at North Bay, was rescued by Chief o_f,P~o1i>ce Rayner. builf: in the past six years, c nearly every method of as been tested, now comes (1 adopts concrete as the road _- , uuuruuz-uV, WHILKIL hLundrcd mxles of Concrete ' __!I. I ,1 Morjgrie-'-But it didn t. `He just Ipuned It up.-Judge. THURSDAY, -Madge--In knew, if you wore a ? veil, as I_ told you, it would keep him` from kissing you while on the 1 sleighride. Public Works and his Ministerial colleagues at Ottawa. The deputa- tion will .also_ interview the G.'1`.R and. C.P.R. officials at Montreal re ` (vnju-];nn. .....!.._LL -.- A V I-.. \/AL .z.u. uuxux-tub zu, `garding freight 1-ates. PROPRIETY S REWARD carbon spring steel . Orillia, Town Counlcil will be ask- ed to provide a grand. stand, sheds and stalbles, and enlarge the fair grounds, so that `a. fall fa.ir~ may be held annually. ' ....,,$2.5O . . . . . . . 2.40 Nc. 7 steel stays Tm fr_imu it \\ 1 nske Th 1119011 1` [>100 girl. fave, she HMO T1 T1 silvn quiv V i \'i1 dt-zn` this . - `Fern -Cotztage, a. summerixig place near`-Orillia, has -been sold by Mr. John M'eBain to Mr; J. M.` Kenneyl of Tbronto. ` v - . r-Ht` mu} mm ms.1 (!(.*\'( thv wh .~`;1\\ North Bay "now has - central energy in the Bell Te1ep'honesys-- .' Collingzwbod. `School Board 0 esti- mates that $36,000 will be required- for this year. 0 TOo11=ing1w.ood School ABoa'1?cl* may` appoint a school nurse. and, perha; is her strengtl ,_u3'~;:d.by The eC_an`adia'n Bank of Co. ind inexpensive method of remitting Orders, payable without charge at 9, the Yukon Territory) and in; the princ are issued at the followingerates : ` F 4 . $5 and under ' . . "..~ Over . 5 and not exceeding 3! H 60 IO V 3.` M CI 66 , I , `Mr. and Mrs. Norman Applegatp, FA-lliston-, announce the engagement of the Iatter s sister, Miss Celia 'M<:I0arty of Beeton, to Jas. Cecil `Arnold of Cookstown, the "marriage vuto take. place the latter part. of this month. * &\L-ULVLI I `&`l&Vl-"III \\IdulpIJ ' ' should be made 3 meansof our srncmn} Efenj puns and nag? ORDERS. Issu without dclny htmeasona 1-ates. V % s glut: , . are nervous and . y fatigued prompt- and nat_I3ral_ en-_. _L-l_ ..QAlI -vvv-aiit r. &IOIrU` natural en- after mealsbe I use it is essehtially nourishment at a druggthat stupees or alc 01 that stimulates ~--there is ' p e, ' rich I nouri4shment.V-iI_I 'very drop_ which _ fie more popular just such con-, lslom T T P$i:'t;1"n'ot % ,fWi,th physicians - ~ ,ditio'ns thgn Sco.tt',sA CAPIT4 Aluulvas, .l.U.l.Uc JHCIV lIl4Ull`\I" I delegates` nunibers betwee -.._I 1I\l\I| . 'is ust as trying and i rtant as your an ap more tedious-but ;AL . , , 1 Wile ; {Work BARRIE BRMCH . Mr. Digby Harrell has been elected president.. of the Tiny and Tay Agricultural Society and Mr. D. L. McKea.n-d: was gppoinwd secretary-treasurer to. replace Mr.. `E. -C. Goulci, who` has moved: from `Midland to Branbford. _R_1\11'r'rANc@s BROAD --_ -5 --_._ cu-w-Lnv A nu1n\1, nu A `I! iQN!1*3.T)1 '.ooo" --II'VTVi-w H. J. vcmasmr. u.n.`m. v"""_ "V" PVWM vavsub HIIVU BBIVGQ any town for that length of time, apd none hate dong _.it more 95;. cxeptly than Mr. Stevwq1~t,,4 whoa . re1gnat1o;; can (_m1y am __ wxth regret. Owlng tobpom-V - 15, I M . Inun-L`- L- ` ..-, _ ,'# _, vvuvbl avgtcln \[W'lU.g U0 p001 BGOIED, Mr. Stewart feels unable to longer ll the posit'ion,`=.,mo1:e especially its ` his residence is on the outskirts of the town and ...the ' evening sessions of the "council are` consequently too great a tax on him. Ihei A- a-ppointed Mr. G. G. .Gieeh_`. ii `successor, and ~_also,.mm;de _ }. 1ow,i_ng other ?appoinments:- T. -W._ .W; .Evan-.s;-._i;.e,aIeasor, S. Ma V tin; market _ ` Coonibs;-1. " 2 . iohief; " ; A i` A _ " l vvA31t5l ;9_t5 1`t'7- V . J J ; sion reports. that 26 services with 184; light had been connected? and 32 services with 234 lights had been cut off, a net loss of 50 1ig'1Lts.'The Commission thawed 3'2 frozen water services by electricity and will pur- chase special apparatue for the pyr- ise before another winter. ' stuff I have :here.--.-Exchange . Midlsand Free Press+--Ohief Cocwan had John Kinnee, of `the Hewis House, up before Police: Mlagistrate J a-ckel on Tuesday for `keeping liquor for sale. V-`He paid $50 into LL- ;.-_.. A.....:....-.... ........J- .QA 1...-4'4-g.-. A farmer carrying an express package from a mail order house `was_ accosted by a local merchant. Why didn t you buy" that bill of goods from me? could havesaved you -the express. and besides you would have been patronizing a home store which helps- pay the taxes and build up this locality. The farmer looked: at the merchant a moment and then Why don t` you patronize your --home pa- 'per and atlvertisel I readi `it, and I didn t know that you -had the 'All`iston Herald-T-he townshipgof Essa has lodged a complaint against -the abuse of privileges of... - which some persons are guilty in con- nection vyith deposriting garbage at age have_ been depoited on the side lof the road` and` lately oeneive matter as well as unsightly 5: debris ;has been placed there. - The ' -'1`.ow'n the gullyeast of thertown `usedasj a dumping ground`. _ Loads of garb- of Alliston entered into an agrees A ment with the township of to v eep- the ,ro-adwayclean and-' it. will now be necessary to,pro,eecu'te`-Taome |_ nuisance. '. toendersz in .1;o ` jthiig} -Beeton .Wo'rld-Mry Stw- % art has resigned his o`me' as-' town clerk, aft?-L`r._ filling the `position*"for' fty-three yea,rs.~ It ,is..sa$e tofaay _that-- few [town clerks have `sex -._v'ed nnv '.fn.1xn\ `A. 61.44. I-....LL -0 -' THE WEEK IN REVIEW} The ordination and induction of G. `A. Macdon-ald~ "-into the pastoral charge of Goldwater, Wau'baus-hene and Moonstone will take `place in the Presbyterian Ghu-rch-, Cold- water, on Tuesday, "March 24th, in the evening. It is expected that the Rev. Mr. Anderson` of Orillia will preside; Prof. Davidson of Knox College, Toronto, will conduct the ordination service; ` Rev. Mr. Smith of.~Jarra=tt, -preach; Rev. -J. J. Elliott of Midland, address-' the "minister and `W; -J. Christie of Victoria Harbor, the people. . = News of the departure of that welil-known thesp'ia.n, Harry Lind- !1ey, which occurred" about the 16th |` of December last, is still being sent ` on the rounds L of the weekly. press. _The .G:raven'hurst - Banner" recently woke up to the -fact and tells. its readers wof the news. Some of these days news of the death` of the late lamented Julius Caesar will be publsiehecl in some dead-alive news- .._..A.. J udgement was given in the division court for twenty-ve dollars and costs against a North Bayber- ber who was sued in connection with the treatment for bringing the hair back to na.tura~1 `color-the plainti `being -a Grand Trunk rail- way `conductor A who alleged that the preparation` applied to his -head -by the barber caused` him considerasble pain and inconvenience and thavhe was obliged in consequence to cease `work for a, time ' A LIHLIUL LU]. cusvo ' .l.&.\4 trio UV onantv the town treasury and -$4 costs: The liqggr was f pnd in `his wife s trunk upstairs. Kinnee settled the` matter out" f court, and said he procured `the liquor at Barrie. erce,'are a- safe, conveiiient mall sums of money. These bank in Canada (except in al cities of the United States,- i)ERS V r, $13,500,000 P a-Stephen `Cook, who in the recent round-uap of blind pigs in Collingtwood, was again` nedi for keeping liquor for sale in his --resta-ur'ant without a license}. $250 and . costs or three months In Bar- rie jail was the penalty. V -.y-v-`:-u- 10 15 ,---~ -,v-- -(ya uw: un_.x\uuug`.u_:|:: Wt Give `fiver `\a..f'ti1#E;=' 6` 1 ; .n.v.LLI '\JIIrl 1`lU\.Io Moved and`seconded--That Henry `Cousa be paid $5.40 for our sup- pl-ied 5 to Mary Taylor, indigent.-- Garried . . _ - __ . `Moved; and seconded`--T-hat the Oolleotor s Roll -`be received _ as ac- _count"etl for. - Total amount. on roll, $25,654.57 ; amount collected, $24,720.36`; d'efa_ulter s lis4:, 4 $934.21`; ccntage collected, $75.00;` percent - agecon xdefaultm- s 1ist,".$46.71; per- {centage not `collected; $24-.78 ; ` also that amount of not C . . , r....._2.-.:n~' --__1 ` u total percentage due,` $146.49; per-` ollectekl: be i`x~emitted-_to collector, by --_-- vv vIo'\rJl. Maovear arid 's"Z$3Iiea~i1iat this gcouncil do now adjourn. to meet. at_ A $ti`_*_o_u on Monday. '.Ma,;; 30th, at :11 -( c1ock_.'.--0-a_r`ied. ' T` ` 1] L ;-.c.;; jed ghacj-old % % -uyo.l.. _u 1.uJ.uu'a1lUy ugorgzgnnlent. I _ - `Police reporter-Coiagxole7rourse_1f, km! *>;L;':by? xmeditatins ,omthv*`Aim+% . nuvyvvvsvv uuxuxuualvca. ; . No action was take in regard to -Woman s Franchise, also _to the communication -from the executive committee of the Great Waterways Un-in of Canada. ` ml; f`l. 0;; ' 1-5 I I \J(l~IlI-`J-at U713 ); gommimee on Roads and Bridges recommended payment of the following. accounts: F. 0. Rob-_ ~inson, for work on 8th Con., A $1.75; Alex. Stewart, refund `statute labor, 8229- tn 1.. C-5 W-;f`i'1.e Committee on` V, Finance `re-V commended payment `of the follow- ing: `Northern Advance, Assessment -Rolls-, O<'>1'_1ector s'_ Roll, Auditor a; Reports, stati'onai'y,, etc., $55.50 ; D `II ' ' 'If.uI L-.....1-..... ..-----L--A-3- . In Oril-lila during; Fdbrury the` Water, Light and Power Commis-I ..-yr`... ya, vvU|vl\ILl(l|J , I cutie, qIU')oUU R. M. Mconkey, T registration births, marriages and deaths, $4.80; J no. .A.` Stewart, rent of room for council meeting, $2.00; Wm. Lati- mer, liralanee `of sa1ai'y_ as collector, 875,00, PSt~980 $10.00 j'-...-J .._._` ..--_, 1-: II`! . on -'-- V I vyvv, yuuvuav V.l.VoVVn Moved; and . seconded-That4 David Mld,(}u`1`l`ou;g-h_ be`. apnpointed; ~do1lgector fox; ` ~ The third meeting of Innisl Council was held at Thornton on March 9th, all members _ being present and the Reeve in the chair. . '-The following communications and! accounts were received: from The Great Waterway Union of Canada, _ Judge Vance,` A. E. H. Orestwicke, K.O., Municipal Fran- chise.` _ Referendum Qommittee, LF. 0. Rdbinson, Northern -Advance and; Heffry Couse; V TL- .... ....`I` :l-.-_.__--._;__ 1 0, , IIIogI\u ALULLIJ \JV|AUVc '1`-he several documents before the eounnoi-1 were referred : to their 've committees. . `T; ..A._'._. __ ALLA` ' " F. J. CHENEY & 00;, N Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney 'for the last 15 years and believe 'him perfectly" honorable in all business transactions and nancially able to carry out .any obligations made by his rm. . ` ' -W-alding, Kinnan & Ma-rvin,i Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0; Hal1 s Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acting` directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent; free. Price 75 cents per` bottle. Sold by all Druggists. ' ' .rn-1;. 13-11).` 1.1-__,2L_ -nun, .- was 4;; u `Take `i{1 s Family Pills Cbnstipation. ` Drbve Copi who his srbeueea ta one `of `the "midnight j ` of booze was _.within an of being. erenmeshecr-bye the E strong of: the: The ensaturday `New ' law_; yesterday - ,mornin.g`,. : -but `by V driving over 1?ol*i`eeI_nan` I_ j1an.t e and : A `him out.` and- leaving- him, on thev-,road. . g_ In the bjrightlv moonlight the dashing team, ca":me etrortfting down: I-Inrontario ` street-7 when Plant, who was on the lookout,` spied his quarry and grab- bed -the horses by the bridle. At the`same moment the driver, . who was _.apparently surprised by the sudden appearance of the policeman, whipped his horses and drove them over" the constable, knocking him down and: injuring him. Picking himself up and h-ailing a passing cutter whieh be impressed into ser- ' vice, `Policeman Plant followed the team `and sleigh until they were located in - a yard near . the town park. When he caught up with it the driver "had vanished; as had: the! :supposed supply of wet goods. Plant summoned , Chief Johns-toni from his home 'and- he in turn got 7) Mr. Walkinshaw on: duty. Together the latter two watched the` sleigh and in the morning Chief Johnston searched the -premises , but -nothing was found, not even the driver, '-who left his .tea-m as he did Constable V Plan-t, td the mercy of others-. 131---; ..--E........1. .. .....--.......`|__ L.._;!_-.II We offer One Hundred Dollarsl Reward" for any case of Catarrh that `cannot -be cured T by Ha1l s Catarrh Cure. V ` T T ` `1'5"1&iu""su1%"neIi`"l{ se;r.}""1E}11aged shoulder-. and was T obliged to go o dufty yesterday. . rm.- _._1:_- 1.____` _ 1_`:_,' 2.1... -_c News Notes of Interest For` Busy Readers. ` fighea V1)-f<)vIvi+c`e;};ax}e4 a fair. idea of ` who the driver was` and they are w-orl~:'i_`n-g on the. clues picked up. SH_A1)ING IN-NISFIL COUNGIL HOW S -THIS 2. B. it.` "Meconkey, c1erk.] Aovmc A for -._.-- an `I T1101; me to allocate 9 A private poem, just for thee; My rhymes are 1111 too shallow,` Kate- s . .. ' _My_ love is depr -than the` seal. My celb must aI1~` lie fa1low;'K9.te,` `Ere th0y ve_ enough L fertility` And; , so; _dediaafe- `sum ;that1ou:I,a'rt :To- [thee a 61` grsi5ndom .To ..mam_:- mu 1......., :.. A..- M .1 Oriliia School Beam are consid- ering`. the` inauguration of the Penny Bank system. Telephones in the schools are another innov- ation being` discussed . ,. -----vv -to-vu: V950 MW; To -meet my heart m [tune and tune.- 7 , _` '_ - > % rmy %numers`.fcanntAJ be%ttb1ime! Let} me more 'jprev"u_ric nt`e]; ~ Thou 3[1wo_ ti1d uepartment or A-gr-u_3v_.lture, Uttawe, free through; the mail, and have his work done free of charge, and learn just what `he has. ` If he examines the -bags from which the seed is taken he will usually nd the test number put on by the wholesale house who furnished that seed to_ the dealer. If he .would send that it would? be a great help in deter- mining the identity `of his However, some dealers. dump the seed into barrels, eons, tuebs, etc., then look for the labels - and the :information that should `be there. _ _ Ifyou_-know any of the weed. seeds, `take a small sample, spread it out on a white piece of paper, and look for them. -If you nd any you don t know look at/the dea`ler s_ reference collection r of , seeds, if he `has one; -if not, take it to `your "District ._fRepresentetiv_e_` for e identication. _ jThe"re a of ve"}`y'ne,=pure~ seed" `on the. m_in_~ket_ this year, "and red_ clover .is 1n priee, :Vl11Ch- IS_ `a great boon to the coun- wv Lvauluvu vvuzu aunpunuu. Even then the -purchaser might ask: What assurance have I that the seed represented as No. 1 is not No. 2? Well, .inspeotors are com- ing and going quite frequently" who examine the seed to see that it isn t misrepresented. Then the dealers themselves, as a. rule, are anxious to supply their customers with good seed, which is another safeguard. If, however, the purchaser is still in- doubt and he -wants to make as- surance doubly "sure, he can send a representative sample of the seed in question to -the oseedi Brant.-h,`l Department of Agriculture, 0ttawa,| `FEAR ff1'|`lIA111u1-at #1-in. ouun:1 ....'I' 1-----V 3 3~ vvvuu uuuu WALL uvu gtauc JJU. 0. -When_ a farmer goes to-buy seed of the retailer he should look around to see if the information is on the seed he wants to. buy,- and which the law `requires shall be them, v`i`z., the kind of seed, and in letters not less than haltf an inch in length the grade of the seed , on the `bag, or on a label securely at- tached to the bag. If this informa- tion isn t there. such should be regarded with suspicion. Devlin-\ I-tuna. LL- ._----`------ l 9 -` ` There are hundreds of farmers! who have done this in` _ the past} They have done it with `ribgrass, or buckhorn and foxtail in red clover, with catc-hy or sticky cockle in alsike, and firith false ax and! ox- eye daisy ' in _ timothy. There are some who are doing it yet,and will do it this spring. `Sometimes farm-._ ers have left just such seed at their grocers. for sale. An` inspector has come along and discovered the seed, taken a sample, and has had to proseucte the grocer, and in some cases the farmer as well. They are both liable under the seed control act for selling for seeding purposes seeds that will not grade No. 3. .TIT:L.`.... - ........-._ ..--, L- `L ,- `l I -A `farmer in the "eastern part of the Province of Ontario V was dis- covered ` who had 'been sowing" '10 per cent. of false-ax in -his timothy seed, which he lbought off his neighbor -for 7a. trifle. less ._per bushel than he would have -paid had he bought good, `recleaned seed at. the store where" he bought his clover seed, which "was a good lot of seed. We will assume that he sorwedE ve -pou-nds of this timothy seed to an acre, s-ays T. G. Raynor, in Farm and Dairy. How many weed seeds would this mean per acre? - There are 82,200" average- sized seeds of timothy in an ounce; 10 per cent. would mean '8,220 an ounce, or 131,520ia pound`, or in six pounds, 789,120. And: then the farmer often wonders where in the world all the weeds have come from. i When : You Go to I Buy Your Seed APOE-.M.'_TO The Dy:-. ::l:xat cars I ` of Cloth Perfectly `The News, a third paper estab-9 -lished in North Bay in July lvwst, -has suspended, pulblioation", another evidence that three or more papers` cannot exist in a town of this size. ` :ju---` - -` . No Chance of Mistakes. Cl: Ask your Dru at or Dulet. S Thelohnsom 'chn_tdnon Co. I L A Milton: I Ind Simple. d for Booklet. Montreal In response to a telegram from Mr. W .S. Middlebro, M.P., asking for a deputation to strengihen his hands in seeking to get a public building and soliciting` additional aid for -the -harbor, Meaford -town coun- cil appointed Ma-yor Kent, ' Reeve Sing and Messrs. Oarnahan and `Moore to wait on the Minister of Meaford Wants New Post Office up We.h`ave 0 cars of wire fencing andcoiled wire on order and can ll orde as low in price as any mail order fence offered and you ca se_e the goods before handing out your cash. `Call and ave your orders for fencing and coiled wire, and if you wimt ything in hardwarevwe have it at - wuss`: I Iv In \.v\JlblII\uU\ 'nci' iiacks. No. 9 prace re and staples Gates in all 5 cs Poultry and awn Fencing. ' Our Coiled `Sp: Wireis made of high ca T` galvanized w Gauge 9. ice per 100 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . .. % tonlot r over, per 100 lbs . . . . . . . . . ., We `will also ve acomplete stock of Frost .. n.-l I.-J-.. The order has gone forth from the district -irmspector s oice for the closing of the Thompsonville post office. The mail for the district now goes out by rural delivery and goes to Aliston and C'ooksto!wn;