` ` ; " 2 _-1:nuuNn`7syALxnR-?.6..L.n;n.4 nnmnmmmn. Qen'ertl..Mun'aIer'-_ JOHN PRIZE IET ScOtt--A man `may be 5.. 03115- .1Y91Y`ple'asa11t' with V"1`_\'1m]_\' that `Il'-;". " urn -n 1 [;f.' "' a uuxamwu. >M_Ftf-.True. But :1 mam who p9nd9av9rs wI1abjt11ally to um him- ?_3_,1f- j,{3*_,1}1l.iSance never I~`ll(`t`L' by in being ph`:1.~'21I1t." '1 .- `V V-`ft ' ' .:- ` - I . Il3e`fe1lOW'Wh0 is afml-;1 In talk? has no l)1l.~`i[w>_< {It 3 4. , `_ Eidingf a n `REVERSE NOT ']`RI'l~I led on- best .uinnple:~: rules governing S. `Orillia Water and Light Com- mission have refused the request of the Retail Merchants e Association `for a reduction in rates. . ~ , A 'of Motherlm $2.00 $1.00 2.0 2.00 2.01 D 1st 1 2nd 1. t News Notes of Intefest For, Busy "Renders," - I -1.50 1.00 1.1 M v 1.0( 5 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 35 of THE WEEK IN REVIEW] 1.00 1.00 568 500 500 50c 500 500 ,1. Yesterday was Ash `Wed-nesday,T; the -commencement of Lent.` ` luted: - install the 1( ; 'I`}:<;~: (- Vyet <' fmlrto (`(1 ft)! CIIAI _ Serge: dun. he m ` Inxglnt Ila- hmul. 13' til the g: ML 1| trmli hilns strut There were 97 ass for hearing` at `the `last sitting of the_ Orillia Division Court. . ' Rm] _ u-u cur} iii! U11` ept-(J 'l%he Canadian Bani: of Connnerce extends." i Farnfiers; every T facility for the transaction of [their banking `b. 'ness, inclu`di`ngl the discount and collection of sales notes. Bl ik sales notes-. are supplied free of charge on application. ` J 825 . BAHIAL s15,nuu,omI~ nEsEnvErurQ.%s13.50ti.000 , ot-paint. They la; a lifetime; ind-fa _ -which makes them the .chegpgst.ta;|kf` THE most practipal tank}, I ether for watr or rot, an out or leak; Th'ey_ne _ uirefrepairing, 'e__ built. A_ V . %Th`eyg`_1Acv _er rust, need new hoops `A farmer's best interests are being served A . sured a plentiful. supply. q_f_ clear, cleap ,,__--_' -v -autu- are just as necessary as the aimala that that is per anent and`stnitary.`= . i What the'Farr'ner V "do with Cone.` e"_ i.jf:1;e`%nar::*,oes Z_. a handsome free boo thug, tells al;l_;1_a ut',on9rt.~t%|!gl$,j watering trough: and qthe'r. _uIe' ;-A-of {`cq' every fatmer_many for; ,;t ` WConcrete Tanks V Never `Rot o Leak e LFARMERS BUs11~\1:ss_ Clean, Sanitary: . -2.~*.:.--.~..:*;.;.~.-awsw |\ C \w|v\\ \\ \ BARRVIE BRANCH -- Q Did`: QIBVIVH I. J. 'E;iiAE1`T. znagey. . [During 1914' "there will be four eclipses, two of the moon and two of the. sun, and a;transit of Mer- cury over the sun s` disk. The an- nual eclipse of - the sun," February 24, 25. .is not visible "here. A partial eclipe of the moon on March 11th -and 12th wi11Wbe seen {here between 9 'p.m. on March 11th land 2 p.m. on March 12th. `A total ieclipse of the sun occurs on August ~ 21st, partially visible here; ;On September 4th a partial eclipse of lthe moon occurs between 4 and 5 "Tiny lest a1iother".bf her Oldnciti`-_ azens on ISux'1day, Feb. 15, when Mr. Louis Gignac passed away at his home at Lafontaine. ..The deceased was one of the pioneer settlers of the, Lafontaine, district. He leaves quite a large family. ta mourn _his_ _loss. . Another ~.insta.nceV of the differ? ence in the cost of food these days is" the case of a [farmer in York who recently sold a. hog which, although only three years. -old, sold for 5361,50. Fancy a herd of a half hundred porkers bringing as much as. a hundred acres of. wheat. Is`it any wonder the average householder nds living higher thatit was in the _old days of long ago." The Braxoebr`idge Gazette thsays that registering" ' thermometers in` that town showed the temperature to be 50 degrees below zero on the |ni_ght of February 11-12. If -that is correct, Bracebridge shared the honors of being in the same class as White River, the coldest place in -Canada`- Believe me, 32 below is_goi11g- some, but 50--no thank you !--Parry -Sound Star. - ` ' .Bradford,' which has a 32-min tax rate and a'scho,ol decit "of $359.00, has `ask'ed.AWest Gw_i11im- bury council to" contribute $500.00 {or $1000.00 towards the support of {the high school. A `Bradford depu- tation _pointed' out" .to_ the'township council that the high` schQo1' must receive a grant" from West Gwilli1n- bury or cease to be. ` I0 Rev. G. W. Tebbs, rector of St. Marks Church, Orangeville, has received word from Andrew Carne- gie that a gift of $1000 is forthcom- ing; for the purchase of "a `new organ [for the church. ` ` v 0 ` The` ea.rth:qua-ke jwhioh eoecufred at Walkerton a "few days, ago pr ev_ented the `C`.P.R. ftrains! f_ron_1V =-entering.` the town for. twenty-Vfour hours. Earth slipped down from the hill- side, _north .of the etoW_n,_ T covering 100 feet of the track ,to `a_,` depth of six feet. ' ' ` x . VL Shaw, 90f "the )1 !/Iva;t`t11ews'4 goes _to thM ,0s'lc_a r. ' . . ' '. as T.r%oII1_` uu. u.u\vL11lC`X ' Capt. s. Hill, of Craighurst, who} 1 saileclf the Do-ric last year, has been! appointed master of the steameri Matthews. - Capt. Williams, of the Osler, will take the new boa! now under construction, and i Capt Cremore =Sta`rA--A: `V "resper'2tfu11yV connected` "y ( farme;?'::of Tos- sorof;1ti'o: came, -to` `-~to_w1i ,on Monday} and Va-fter] attex1dip,g' M to" ' ._b1_1s_i_ness` he came. 1}-O L tI;@lBct;.' Lgisgragegz =hin 1+* s91f.7_i by bu'yi11g.j ;> thjfee& #6. }.i>u[nce,V i bots; . . tles: sms: whiskey;md: getting%VAstupie1;1$?4<.. 7 :vT~he* ..%oristab1`e%A`r T % _ _._ -`.--. gave the name ef {Ronald : MePh"ail, to Constable ' Markle of V Parry .Sound, and . was allowed to i go on_ his undert.aki:ng. to proceed. '31; `once to work, 'whioh he alleged Jwas . promised him by a_ gentleman at Orillia. Itis stated that he did Tnot report for. work, and the con- `,stab1e'no_w `has a. warrant for his _arrest for (vagramcy. g '_ 1' 1 "Rev. Dr. and ,Mrs.{ Porter -of Stella, xUnt., were given a purse of- gold on celebrating` their golden; Iwgdding. -.Fift5_'. . years ago ` they"! wegre married in Bradford; where} Mr. Porter, was then `teacher of the viI1_a-ge: 's`hodl.` _-Af, aerwards' `he ga.ve 11'p%`.tea_i211'i'11g"E}tc'> - enter the r mixiistry , off _. the" Metlioarst [,Church;.v.;in1 whi_h~- has `ben emi1'1<;;nt.l7y _:j8livc(SSf'i1T!',`_ `Portr: Whose? 1xr-;m'..- r.....- `-1;_=:r ~ 1 ~ - - -- ,.,.-::,y, .. v vvlg vvuupwzu {IINIUBII wag`; Walker. "Was also`-_a_.`~ resldent _of I _B'radfofrd~ priorfto `h_e;.*ma1'1?1a8`e.. % J C .3 _. -'; j._:.~_ 1 ;u John Link of Edgar, Oro' Town- ship,. Sim-coe County, reports _that A I ;a.m., and ;on November ' 7th,` the transit of -`Mercury. ` V ~ I I-._. Lake Joseph. . ` _CPoint Ideal, [Musk-okia, Feb,-20-9 The mysterious individual. who has travelled. extensively in ' Muskoka `for some time, boarding with `farm- ers, giving the names of various prominent men, but` paying`no one," has been arrested at the `farmfof a! man named, Wright, near` Glen Orchard; tin the "neighborhood . of HE DID -NOT R`EI_ ORT4 F-OR j 1 " WORK AWAITING HIM, curacy- Mrs. PS. Mrs.` . `A Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss --- The following benets are M. Bollen, Collillgivood, $500; ] Henry. Walford, Toronto; M Priscella Banting). Thornton; A. Boutilir, oSeabrig'ht, N.S-. ; I ard Boyd , Wai1Iba1is11en'e, and I receive $200 each,_. making a t All-lston Agricultural Society pro- pose erecti'ng".a. ne large building in their park this year. It will be 100 ft. long by `48 ft. wide," oon`a foundation 0 ft. high, and will cost about $2000. " ` `Ion uo Mrs. Mrs.` Mrs. Mrs. "Mrs. _,Charles _ F. Balgr, ,C0ll_ingwood. I. . '. . . . ` James.` Scott, ollingvwood . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs.-. George` M-c_Gillivary, g.Co1lingwo_od` . Wm. R. Sheield,` Co1lingwood--.'-- - - - Mrs; E. B. Garneron, Collingwood. . .- .. .- - . Mrs. Annie 'Brooks,"Co'l1ingwood. .. . . . - - - - - -` Mrs. Mary; E. '.Gordon, )'Collingwood. . . . , . _. it Mrs. -Sarah L. Barrtt, Collingwood,:. . . . .Mrs. W-hitelaw, Falkirk, Scotland`. . -SJ - - - - i Mrs. Jane Munro,` Collingwootl . . . . . . . . .. - - - Mrs. Margaret _ Bowie, Collingwood... . . Sarah Kerr, -Cogllingvwood . . . . - L. . - - -- Mrs. Carrie. Dobson, Northumberland, E118- _ .Mary Jane Johnson, Toronto. . . . . . . . Mrs. David` Lawson, .Chath'am, N.B.. . . .' . . . . `H. Wright, Toronto . . . . `. . . . . . . `Mrs. Matild_a Wright, Toronto. . . . . ,. . _. . . .' Mary Evans, Toronto; . .' . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Christina Clark, Thorold . . . ;. . . . - . . - Mrs. Elizabeth` Waites, Dixie T . . . . . . . . . . ..; "Mrs. Elizabeth O Dell,- Thornton . . . . . . .* . .. . Mrs. Marcia Crossley, Thornton g . . . . . . . . . James Melvin -Speers, Thornton .- . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Agnes, Gray, Hamilton . . . . . . . . . .1. Mrs. Betsy Robertson, Parry Sound. . . . . . . . Mrs. Mary Lediard. Midland . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Emma McMillan, Midland . . . A. . . . . . . Mrs. .Margaret McConkey, Barrie . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Janet Stalker, Penetangr . . . .. . . . . . . . ,Mrs. Emmeline Lougheed, . .. . .` . . . . . . . . ,. . Mrs. Ellen` Buckley, Owen Sound . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Margaret Ellen Stead, Owen ' `Sound . . Mrs. Oliristina McDonald, Goderich. .. . . . . . Mrs._ Annie McDonald, Goderich. . . . . . . . .. . Mrs. Amanda Harris, `Wharnclie. . . . .. . . . Sam. Walker, Sarnia . . . .. . .. . . . . . .Mrs. Josiah -Williams, Sarni Mrs. Jane - Zinc, Corunna . . . . . . .- . . . . . . - , Mrs. Dorothy ,Cattanach,' Sombra. .. . . . . . Mrs. Annie Piteau,` Cornwall . .. . . . .. . ._ . .. . Mary Coumans, Chepstowe . . . . . . . . Isabella McInnis, Johnston, Grey Co. Teresa McSorley, Kingston. .; . . . . . . . . `Miranda Tait, Kingston ., . . . . . . . . .. Mrs. _Mary Woodbnrn, Srnethwigk, England .. Largest` Beneficiaries Wln Great Lakes Disaster pnd AIS-.~ w `L '/ >A` I `A ` ' - O . '4 I Hawkgsgnf, bgnd `midllid gtvivof Who Share in Grants Which` ` % J; % A % 1;'-Will% `Be I Paid `* Monthly For `:Fiv_re Years, , J % I Exept 7a Few Cakes . .11 SBHLCHICIIL 0j_[ [LI._ p'l'Up'U58u ulbulluuulvu. U1. vuu \/Uttluugflpaa 4;-.-vs eD_is aster =Re1ief"iFund`: . was lastlweek made iiwblic `-by: , the vtr__ust_ees-`off the fund,,shovving that the sum` of contributions available is "$110,834; 0ut_;of which; grants to survivors o.f',Canadians drowned ..in? the '_ great ,*s_t orm` on the Upper Lakes last November. have "been approved` amount. to date 7to "$77,690. After setting aside an allowance : for ten` ' cases 4 not. yet `fully sinvestigated, the, trustees report a probable"- balance` of $13,861. 1. In all, there are 55 approved .:beneciar`ies,.V of whom 45' will be "paid their grants` in monthly instalments sprad over a `_ period of veyears, the others receiving smaller amounts in lump sums. 1 The largest single grant is for $4,180, but this is exceeded by the combined grant to- be -paid to two survivors of Capt. W. H. Wright of the steamer J amesy C_arruthers,a.mounting -A to $5,570. The smallest `grant spread over ve years will; amount to, $994. The 1ump-sum grants are for $200 each, with one exception o-f $500.` The average value of the 45 ve-`year -grants is $1,721. '5 4 0 antique-41 Mrs.` qr Totals A list follows/of `the beneciaries and A. statement of the proposed d1stnbut1on of the ~Canad1a.n Lakes _.._A.--_ 'I)_.12-.B- T.1-__'__`l. _.__.. .I....1.__-.J- -rvlnlltx ;-"1-H11]-:n `kw +110 +1v11q1'pn4:L.n`fl' `To all old and new subscribers to The Advance who receive their {paper by rural mail delivery, we offer The Daily Mail & Empire for $2.25 per year, .or $3.25 for'bot1'1 papers. - T ' - re to be paid i11 lump su'm.s; Mrs. Ethln ; Mus. Jordan, Collingwood; William Mrs. Margaret Adams, Haw gstone; Mrs. n--.J...-.... Q1.-- G...J`.;..-- 'n- - -n-r:n:_-__ _u;; .7. 4vLuL5uL u u Lluulll .l-J.vVVl`\I3 IIUIIC , .Lu.l'3o . Andrew Shea, Sydney, _C'.~B.; Williamn Mrs.Elizabeth Thomson, Toronto; Rich- Paul Dusome; Spanish` Mills, Ont.,- will total of $2,300. ; _ -Some canndidates ought go tak the rest cure for their {[in'g1owi ng politics. V ~ j -u.-.-. .uuu.uuV:a,-.I.a_y11Lb" IaUl`Ug'l'upIl 111: and maklng Govern_ment_. surveys. _ - I ' H.R.H. the Prince of Wales Willl wbe invited to be present at {the opening of the Champlain Ter- centenary celebration in I0ri11ia next -summer. . - '_ ' ...-.,.... \,|\.t\.aL\ ;u55x.u5a,` W_1b1L -. UVBI" lshoes, size (No. 6, and. had-a dark gray. 'overcoa't. Among the` latest places `he visited: were `B-ardville, Bewtrive, Windermere -`ands U11es- water, and his declared business has included` buying tmber limits and minerals; laying telegraph lines Qn TYIl. ;`l1(l' l1t\tvt\nusvmn..L ~---4-A--~ la man of similar description was in -that neighborhood ,about the 11th or_12th, expressi-ng_ the intention of building a tower, I-Iis height is given as ve, feet `~ ve inches", with a,` tattoo mark,` ring and _anchor, on the arm, and with a heavy black moustache. He wore brown duck leggings, with/,_0Ve1`-. I `1 I.l\hL1 (I:I1l\ Q - -_ J 1 ` V -03 o-o 0101010 101032 101030 0, thir appropriations : . . $1,291%oo $77,46o;oo ........ -..-..._,.. 1:..- 1n.L_1 "Per "M0nt}_1 _ . ...$05.00 $3,900.00 Total -.. .. 55.83 - 3,349.80 . 17.60 32.50 . . . 65.00 . .../25.00 , ...110.57 10.57 '. .. 16.57 10,00 0. 32.50 51.00 ; . . . . 16.57 . . . 19.50 . 2 . 18.51 . . . 67.83 . . . 25.00 . 18.66 ' . 22.00 " . . . 16.57 . .2 69.71 ., .. 20.83 . . . 20.83 . . . 24.33 . . . 18.83 I\l\I\ 1,056.00 . 1,950.00 3,900.00 1. 1,500.00 994,20 994.20 994.20 1,119.00 1,950.00 3,000.00 994.20 1,170.00 1,110.00 4,009.30 1,500.00 1,119.00 1,359.00 994.20 ` 4,102.00 1,249.90 1 1,249.80 j ' 1,459.80 ` 1,129.80 I\ mnn 11/1 .n.v-vu -Newmarket Town Council de- cided to -send a deputat1on'to Ottawa to petition the Govrnme.ntT '-to complete th Newmarket Canal. 1,249.80 ' 2,700.60 ` 1,056.00 4,179.60 1,056.00 ' 1,809.60 2,790.00 A 1,249.80 994.20 994.20 994.20 994.20 994.20 1,050.00 1,056.00 ' ~ 994.20 994.20 994.20 3,199.80 1,879.80 1,056.00 vyvvvv nxi z'II\ ` uI\II2I\Jm psmp\ That Itch} -thorough s`at u vvnsu llollullo ' I that I have ever. sold vsorias is,and all other skin has given more action than the { OJ .2,,1 .|lS hqell !`i8'htly- I am usd to it. I got mt many 9. ci rcus.yand mnagerie when I was 3 b0y by carrving water to the elephavnt. I I-t o1/Ight not to -be very difcult to elevate the stage. It has Wings and ie- ristian Register. V _.__ .._--v 4J.I.II4.LLIl.L1 I .-v44I-hQbJ.ULI. T e- V ~- ~- I Mrs. F atleigh, a lady who did not belie her name, got thirsty during a social entertainment, and smiling mentioned the fact to a group or -young men standing near her chair. There was a rush to supply her` want, and the young man who reach- ' ed her first with a glass of water I she complimented on his quickness. A . nil +110-I-7n Ir-uxl-I-\:w.n., `L- _,_,,1-'- J -Newmarket has decided to sell` `water to `business places only on the metr .system, the cost of" the meter to be borne by the consumer. m-mm:-:91` nonmrrson Druggx t, Barrie No.` 1-On % % BARKQE AunucuL1uuAL aucwn ` sprang Seed air UPLIF-TING DRAMA- TAO-TFUL REMARK L Bard,\Samrdayw;rch 7th T be here, and if Vffitltefrdrdef for Menu Y . V will be sure A ~ 5 A as the fine mung: AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY; zWarden Wood entertained` [ the` `West Gwillimbury Council at an oyster supper on Feb. 14th.- _ . `_ |