. . . V u V - - . u navy`. ` . . I ' 8. In czsey of dispute; a statutory declaration that the above rules. have been;-omplied with may be re-' quifed from each or any'exhiBit'or of seqd_._ T v 9 nus urasr _L\ __ -rHE RE'FOR'ErTRA-TION ..--uu-.u-o I '4. ; One bushel sample of wheatyl oats; barley vand= peas, or {one bushel `of beans, corn and potatoes, and` grass clover seed shall be exhibited l E! `KT. _.__-___.'---,.'_. ,1, 11 1 '1 1l ,D-..,..u uavvvl uuwsuvuuall. U6 CALIIUIIEU. 5. No premiu-ms._shal1-be awarded on exhibits that contain` weed- seeds which in v the opinion of the judge are `of a ~noxious character. ' g -I 3. 1| `- [3 IT. , _J " 3. No seed shall be admitted _for! competition for prizes unless the quantities of seed ,for sale, as per example vexh.ibi'ted, are at least ten bushels of _ wheat, oats , barley, potatoes andf pe`as, ove_ bushels of beans and corn in ear, " or_ three bushels of ` grass, clover ` seed or Oalfalfa; ` _.LL\.IlIl. uuv acpxv ua uug v4:xu.uc_uua. LJVUJUUJ I V 2. _All seeds entered`- for. compe- tition` must have` been grown by the `exhibitors - wthin one -year -previous to the exhibition. Al-l- ex- hibits of seeds shall be held to be! `representagive of the total quantity. [of such seed offered for .!sale by `the exhibitor. The `-Secretary T of ,t1;e `Society may "take and: p-erserve lsamples from each exhibit for re- ference in case of disputes arising` from the sale by any exhibitor. 0 `M- --....1 ,.L-H L- ...J...24.4....J tn... }",[`,h-"7' following `_ are the `_ .13rogfran1me- fahdi` rules 5311 -the`; annuat Seed Fair. ` `of; the -Barrio. Azricu1tura1`Soigty "on! Satufqay _of_ next` `week , March 7th,;-Vvih the,Poli Court,:,Barrie:'- V " V ' " fP'rog'Ifamm_e ' ` a ; 1o[ % a.1rAx.-J- AlL~ exhibits must` ' be p1axkf6r`judging. i V 11% .m.--Judging to commence. f p.m_.--Doors open td pbli. 2. p.n1'.-A~ -Addres` by _exper- Judge. Discussion by those present. - -IV 1'1`... , E%'LTIf;6fosJ.$?1i}. T Exhibits [may be removed-`.' I ~ V C` ' I ` A ' I 1 ---"g ' -1-v -.~---- V ._ e ~M_embers of the 2 Barrie Agricul- tural` Sopiegy may Bring samples of Seai Grain they. have for sale, even` though they dd not cbmpete. _ ' _ Rules E . . 1. All. exhibitors must be: mem- bers of the Barrie VAgricu1tural Society; -' - A 11 _-4.1;.. L...._L.._.\.-I 4'..- nAuu}uv\n_ T-he C.P.R. vtuudltmen held a ball and box .soca7.l on Monday night. in- the Public Hall and everybody re- ports it g"c)od time. L ' In . `D "r.;_-...._;.L -1` 41-, xI'1'_-,., -3- Margaret Warnica, I.--Al 'Ir;ing, Bob `Whit- 75 15 311 oo . L 18 13 . 14 JIOBOOI , 1VolO&|\.4b4 V! I" Mr Ll.lJ\a.l\-l ` -Q UUUWDI Mr. Rovbtt. :Jary4 aofwrtrdbury` `spent last week with his .i'a oh~er,` Mr. A. Jamv. . . rm-.." 11 n In ..L.._ _n_______' 1, _-1 1 _ 1-11 Teacher. % I ` 512', ;. vv_ 12 o(_) 1 i3 3 75 31% 75 ' 60 .1. 4 mp; 55 3; ESTEN, sam 5ff*r+.% ~Admi;2i!trator.' B ` *I`F V`?l %``V`E?. '`L?1` 1 -`_a_._ """ r'he. Ladies" Aid of Est. Andrew -s Church held =a social ton . Friday night, wlh Was` a deided. success. "If... Ti_.L..L T ____ ` \Q__`_'IL___.__ V; and that the . _ 511; -not be " 7 V ; tg or any q->wooC5\l `LIV "U1-`(I'll I-Vg2`eivv.ecI;=LV`V;1.ot/ice. _ - ., n.-uy gxven pur-l r suant t The Trustee Act RSO 1897, c. 29 that all creditors hav- ing clai agamst the estate of John1 W1 s, late of the Townsh `of Sunmd e m the County of S1m- ;;18thI day of J uly, 1913, are requi 3 on or -before the 15th V day` of Marc V, 1914, to send` by --post or deliver `to the undersigned Sol-ici- tors _for.- the ` ` ` -ney~G_e'n`era'l~ t Ontario,. the`. * 591% ' Provillce of `d-mii1 istrat0r,of the _her na`mes,.,address- ` a_rti__cu1ars of their r Dated 23rd dag of ' _ And take notice hat after such last mentioned da the executors will proceed to dis ' of the saidh djeceah (1 among the parties enutitled th to, having re- gard only to the ' ' they shall. then -11 e h'ad notice and, that they will ' the said assets, or to any person ;or ' claims notice shay]-1 `I I \Notice' is he to the Trus_teef.' or others havin `estate of the sai -W110 died on or ` {of August, 1912 Thomas W. Webb, out the sixth day igned Solicirtor of the said de- and addresses "and" the nature I)` 1 the securlty, if of their claims; g In the est lwebb, late 'Vespra., in t} Farmer, Dece ..., ...-,.u uvuv (4 cunupuauc Blllple OIICB `a month. Then there will be credlt given`where it is rezilly` due, not " necessarily -to the one that.is ,sup-. Ipsed "to be a high tester, because] ivshe, is of fancy name" or fancy `price, b1'1tVf1`.equentlyf to some tacit- ing~ cows not simply -once in a while, but at regular intervals, is found .in the fact that they are known to vary so greatly and often so inexf>licably., Apart` altogether` from what are termed normal vari- ations from milking` to milking, be- sides the variations between morn- ging, and the variations between the fore milk and the strippings, care- f_ul observers have noticed in two days a variation in the test of al- most two per cent. of fat in the milk `of individual cows, for which [no reason can -be assigned. ' Obviously then it would be quite unfair to judge any cow on any I -u\_()n_e' of,` the chief .reasons for test- `one isolated test when it might be ` .3.0"_one day and 4.8 another day. i {just way is to. take samples regular- 'Which.c,ould you take{.- A fair and ` lily and test a compostie sample once i :9 mnnfl-u 'l`lan.. 4.1. A _ . . ...'.11 I THORNTON - V Feb. 23rd.--Mr. and Mrs. _ I. : Stewart of Seum'}e.,_ who hav. j visiting the forme'r s mother, Mrs. ,;J. zstevwart. have gone to `Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. Power" mild, % daughter, ms. wanma Hill,'9a1ye:ntt _ Monday with friends in Cookstown. "I.-- r I)..- .L.A:I" (`gin-.1-1:11 I\I" l\ El VII}. NOTICE f county cbulicils ~&I1& _11Se` it ~ so `far: `Hastings Lthe only? 9116. which 11.83 l - y such a lines WW . _s ' Tpeeded is the pressing - to',_ th'ej farmers. of a clearer `conception of the*'val`ue`; -of ' tree- j'plai'1ting".o`n the Talfeas `funt for the -`plow:.or .for.. -pasture. The trouble 'is~`that .wood- lot s `have Been so plentiful in the lifetime of the hpresent generation of '. farmers that they do not appreciate how fast the lots are dwindling. They also nd their" tilling,i_dairying,' reaping and marketing takes` up all their time, and ~yields: -a much ' higher im- imediatee return than looking after _tree-plots. But the economic value '-of reforestration even for the in- dividual, will increase remarkably in the` next -thirty years Having icleared away or wasted most of ;* jtheirv standing timbr, -the people * of older Ontario will begin to see i the need -of reclamation of the - waste areas. ,The annual ooding-_ 4 of` river courses in the spring is a 1 warning. ' REG.ULAR TIf3S__TI1\*G. AIIV/KIKJ, Solicitor_ or Executors, 1 .2-.- Raw (L. :...: _ `of Thbmas W. ,5 ; the Township of tli CQunt;y- of_ Simc0e,` A . I111... __ y given` ptgrsuant .1: that all creditors daims against the ---\/ -.r-anldll um`) ' are required on Iity-rst day of nd by post or de- -1 '1`. CREDITORS `IL I3 VIUJIIIIIE `NU -JJUL tlOllv\JI`V` OIVVIII The Wo'm6n s` Institute Will hold their regular monthly meeting` at" the home `oi the presiden1:,:Mr8. Blueman, on Wadi, March. 11th, at 2.30"p.'I!l. Mrs. .308. C}nckbim1 will `speak on `Dut'ies of Chiliiweu f the Home? `Visitors and .._new., niembea-s wwilll be made wlcome. ,' 5::i3".W % 1914. 9-11 l$71`if9rsJ ' 931 j :1' `itake ' notice ~ that l `i mentioned date th b to dlstrxbutd A _".-. v-- - V \al\LuJ1 a v--' :.:A~ i7 {J_;_N9t19 is hereby given pursu:u1t f0 Act, that all creditors MYSDE claims 'aga-in`st the estate 1ateJames Clayton. of the `Innislyin the Count) La-borer, decezwod, Who ~ 01'? about the 11th day Of ..bI%t,xj[;,f%~T ,%19%13, are required on or post or dehvor t0 z Solicitor for the said - deceased ., sjfaddresses, and fun X.fbf;`{._the1r' ciaims and the - hecurity (-if any) held ~1(\ .- u - LLn`` _ To CREDITORSI [ - ` barrxe, U1 Dagpdj February 7th, 1914. as \I \al\l.'4l.JI I UIW Notice is hereby given p111-. to the Trustee Act, that all -mhtors` 1 havmg claims agamst the c.~mte 01 L the late Neil Henderson. uf the L Township of Innisl in the (`MIIILV : Of` Simcoe, Farmer, deooznml. 'h'3_ ~ died _on or about the 18th lay of 1 Jiuluary, 1914, ' are requiml >110! * the 231211 day of FvbI`l1:11'}'- V1914, to'send by post 01' d<`}i\'t*1' 1*` the undersigned Solicitor for the v'Admin`istratrix O_f the said (1<`(`Cz1:`fd- their names, `_add1`eSSS 211111 NH jiarticulars of their claim.` and the . htu`m_'of the security (if 2111)`) 119 by-;ethem- ' ~ - 7 ', Alidfftirther take notice that ft snc'h Just mentioned date tire`,-W` jninistratrix will proceed to dlsmi _-`bate ethgxassets of the said mcasa .;,ainOtig.ftlie. parties entitled t}1cr : 'h"a3,v]ingAreghrd "only to the -Izmns 01 ,_ w`hieh..;shee.VshalI then `lmvo haul 110` tits}; _ "' :3-`la. ' NOTICE TO cmsnnonsl Feb; :>3ra.-Mr. Josepii Casey of Unity, ?Sas'k., ' lis . xenewiing wold acquainximnces in this locality. 1!. `ET. "B 7I`......._- ....L.-........,J 1.- L-.. . 25th Februzngv. 1914. ill not be paid of Railways - `IA. ll-IJK4 The] 3 necessari I The beque thus sent in v.'11l'r: lreturn_ `to [the respective: <~m1tr;1r:~ Itors wh e tenders are nut zloooyztel. The eque' of the sxm--.:.~'~fnl ten- -lderers` ill be held as . part sec rity, forthe duo fnIh_ner.: of- e - The l V__ V .... .u, 1- : my guy] _.00 made pa)'aHe to the the Minister of Railways er.e-cf bu I? ` of $36 .00 ordgr/_ _the m.m1nd at tenders will 1101. kg considere unless made .-n-i(_.t]y:Q accordan With the printed form and in e case of rm-', unles there at attached the zlvtuzll Sigma. ture, th nature of the uzupatiog and pla of residence uf z.-;u'h n1ey_.. ber of e rm. An. a pted bank c}1cq110rnn<:hart- ered b of Canada. for :1 1C` SUD -0" YYWQIJQ I\.\Iv-\]-]A I >` ,Part'ie sTt derin .g' will be requ `to accept e falr wagc-.5 ;,-(.},.L, prepared 0 to be prepared bv Dpartmen of Labour, ;\-] schedule 1 form part of the. tract. - ' form contract to be e ercrl into can been _on or af this` date at oice of the C f Engineer of Department of ways and ( 818, ,Ottawa; a office of Superinfendin Engzim-er, T] Canal, _Peter rough, Qnt.; and the ofce of he D13trl(,`t Engin .1. LUIIII Ont. TRENT CA L 8B1`l0N2. seven mm . NOTICE TO con cm, -.-SEALED TEND to the undersigne ```Tender for Section Division,` Trent C2 ceived at this ofc I-I\4\.1\||4OIOCuJ3| 6L\_\_,u mg; `y;s;u ;\I\4y|;;vJ . Mr. V`. D, Teeny returned to .her home wt; TKem1edy,~ .`Saak., on Mon- day. - rnL- 'r _ $11.. 1-: ,1 _ n Um. .\ ,,1-_--___9_ -n-_-> I Deariment of Railway banal- Ast.j iAIiE}'tNDER (.v();\\".~\..\'. 1 _Q`..l:..:;'.~s._~' .- "`-O ,S0llQit"0`r1`4f"0`;1\1'& L'U~ H .'l .\ . ~ (lnxxnlstrntx V .... 1% _(_)ntzu'1o_ F n;;4` 0 Ev order, I eputy Mjx1istor .-m.I 90 apartment _ _.-.. .\,x1u\.-7l.l.'ll U) De tenders printed rms, m-r'1I1)3ti0P, ,; c___- * uusau . um: uvu -ow V Frazzk Trar.-5; , Saskatoqn. '_ _ing among his friends in this vicinity. ' \-cop _ vv-v.-I ......\.-u u.\`.. est" or any 10111101` na: aqoepted. _ >T%`i`lll`"V ram ah sum will be forfeited Y tendering rl<*<-lims en -contract. for the work, stated in the nff-9:` sub 'L.' K. .r0\ 1; . will require} Wage.,' Schedul` Prepared by Lhnnr ...L 1 1.` GI IIIIIU, wu 'kTVu"] IOU; "J\J\J\4lUUYJ v ' Miss lwgry Mornihgstar of" Tdron-r. to is vusntirrg :at ?her 1)aren`t s here. mL- n`n-'_...._7.; 'r__...4.'.'u..4... -..':1I 1..-.12.! 1, F Whu 19 (N33. wan . b0 B111` the was outs The hou . wit} end rehe Mr. _,VV~at:3r"'\`?J5;;1esr and Mr. `Herb- ert- Shelswrl spent .a wek with- the forme1"s- sisten, Mrs. IF. Farlane, am Stayner r'ecen1:13'.` 11.-__ 1r-.__ 'l.lZ.._.;.-;-......J..... ..1.'~'I`;.......-. ay 211`! T [ft I1 (`ii 11 w u .~ he H4 !\\'| m 21* "iii. U:nd "A. A Harbotle pf Dummer, Sas'k., `visiteii `fhir uncle `and a.untt,. `M11?-`and Mrs. B. `Cars- -ctiddeu, last wek. 1:- 111-1;-___ wt7-__-.._. .....:J 'l`,l'.. "r_'r....1.._ JIBII WVICJS Wulu 4-Iuzuua uu 4.!-N.Uu.v\-In Mrs. A. K. Aildison Ea`-nd: little daugiu`1er `left [for their home" `in the West on '1`uesEltt~y. - 1r_. __ :1 'u'._... A 1!I....L...q..L"l.. ml. - VV=VVV;VV!vV_vv v'.'~v_g 'E5IIP0mENc . ~ odooooooqohooubbfiobo `5:-:oboooo3oo6~g: F315. Izaauknv pelltl last week @1111 i".1`ie'nds 3i-n '1`-aronto.' `A `.1 1:- - A__ .1. 1:4..n.. " ~MINESINGj V " 4 Mr. Jdseph -Orchard, sh. ,s96ht an 5:_few days `in Meafoxjd with Mr. and -Mrs. -Burdge. -u--- 13 1'r..._r-..; :_. .1.........,.....:I.:'.n$- tnuuuug WIND XIV; ,-suuvuus cnuvuwln 1 Mrs. H-wb 'Wal1ace and .sbn, Max, visitaed her 1mother., Mm. -Um. Boake, 1:31; wek. . , IKSIILIUU vuaw flu!`-Jun IIUIQU nun`-n Miss Hill, who has. been" visiting `her cousin, Mrs. Dunlap, has re- turned to home in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. J 333. 'Carr l l_v-_ai he3 the '1atter"s `parerbs, Mr. J. S. Oorbe17t.'~1`8g0'ent1y. A Miss Maude Simpson spent over_ Sunday with hear another ham. " ~ 1'..- 'Tn11nnn nna cl-I1 ' avw suvuvuao , Mr. Peters, Weyburn, vh was `fill at his cousin's. home {(MriI . F.- S. Priest) `is now. convalescent; and v has returned .to Vhisfhome. .in:"-`the ~West'. In. will be: and honue"com- -ing for him, as his mother j`d'ied_ `during: `his stay among us. I `l:V_.__-L 7|`..- I.-. an-:n`r-A"l\I\f`I `:a 11:01.`; -Aura. zuuvrugv. .~ A M189 E. Kerfoot is home,` Ipects to remain in Minesing, for "a ifeg months. 'I`\_L-..'..'_ TIT-..j---...... .~ ...L'- ensign an is ; aiidngig `fol; 9 in *h%nm'%f\%tvr9e%f**Vd JIUUUII WJIJU J.l.'1\7uut3 ;u. v-uvnnyuvvvuu -Mr. Rm`-r'se.="l'l Orussley him: me- turned to] Tomato, after an `ex- tended visit am his home here. 1.-o `I"l"0'I'I ,,_v1, '.1___ 1_____ -o_'_-,,_'_o___ 'C_RAf_G1TURST IVY EDGAR is `visit- nelatwes -_ ......... vuut uuu ommny, the ` ts ma nd Q`'1` 59.W sociation and /Salvation Armyvboth asked donation_s\-for their `work; On: motion of Cockburn and. Smith % no aqtion was `taken `in either "case. 7 Auditors `Bell "and Love ` reported; having: ?examin`ed? land. auditedr` boaks ; and , accounts ,, bf jibe -.T;eajsn_V1"e.r` V `fag . 1913. j'a_ ffd` :_1uAi 2 man Municipail Franchise Referen- .a you In `Margaret Gordon; v.M'.D'., Chair- .d`um -Committee, asked that - `a re- 'soIutio'n- be passed in favor of '.';'ranj;ing' - municipal franchise -to married women ta yers on Ithef same basis) as. is`no ggranteci, un- ~ married `women and `Widows, V (1.; .......A..'_; ,0 11- 170- 1 paw basid is'n>`rv.i 7g:ianted. un-- women widows. 3 5 On motion _ of MoKin1ay. a;1d-_J'Mc- Arthur, no action ,wt_1VsA\tg3.k_en,__(,3V`o11`11.`. -uu1wm.l:1UIl\ OI we IUIIIBS.` . The `beginners class numbering. 15, in the Ivy` Band. "is 'maki1; good progress under` * `M-r. Le11n6x s: 1`-llition. V and , mw. _re.? ppactisixggv.` ,~their.~.?rstf ' ` . , 1' just. " .'Il' , mu, yavyulujo , -I-$111,]: 03191`, .Wm.` Quail .'oer_ re timber was left with Conn. Cockburnv ;to ad- 1'.'m+ - in. tile for cu.lvert at emfaramce .to his, property. Laid over. ` n....: ` -11- - 117...: L. `- .5. Packard -.applied' for refund of $3100 S.t9.tute~._Lab0r 1913, _and for :81! order or 20 ft. 20 in; -le for culvert at entrance English . Church, Shanty Buy. .`'On motion of Mc-Arthur [and McKin1a.v, Trees-_ urer topay refund. - The mile -mat? tar was left i-n `the .Beeve s hands. - _ Thos, mkeni tom: 18 ft. `:11 `An -.n..1-`L-L qu-can vuuuub IIUW De consmered. . I T Oerticates from Registrar`-Geller-, -a`l_` tthat Div. Registrar, O_ro,. had *-fox` '1913 d'u'ly registered: '.Bir.ths` :69, marriages `10, :and deaths 44.- 117 rm.............. 4`. J m*4 A ~uu, .u1au'mgus .1U, zuua aeacns 44:. W. Forrester, .-Secfy-Treas. Oro Ayguicultural Society, conveying ap- preciation and thanks of the `So- afn eiety for rtownsh,1p -grant .for` V1913, ---v--0 etc. .1`? new vwul-L U1. (LB LUIIUWUE -'I1Jruste es U.S.S.- 19 asking certain `lots from :S.S.1. ~'Under 'is*ti'ngV ir'cu1nstamces according `the Public Schodls Act, 1909, . The Clerk presented ah1.e11.ded plan of . Hawkestone, w-h-ich h - been sent him from Registry ofce. Communications were read_ and disposed -of as follows: ' 7_.___1.___ T? (V (1 . nu; uuuusuvuuutug yuan lb 15. LU be -expended by `the Township oh `the roads adjacent -to the property as proposed `to you, and that `tho order amending th plan` by closing` `:the two streets is allowed to go "without opposition. ' ' 'T'\I 1 -`general storekeeper there, when Mr. --gfrom the eects of inhaling ~ disoevred `in time. .bI'.it Feb. 24th.---A narrovi escapei . from death `by axphyxiation occur- red at Ivy on Tuesday of last week at the home of ` Mr. Wesley Martin, _.and5 -`Mrs. "Martin and their infant .ch:i1d, Mrs. AW.` ~J. Lennox and-. fdaug`hter,_ Amy, and Miss Gertrugle . _'i'Ba.nting (all, suered more or` less poisonous gases. Mr. `Mhrtim had -f. `xed the furnace for the night and` `e miter retiring he was 2 awakened; during the night by V1_{he'realiz"a'tiony that the house was "ful1"of yc_o`a_1i gas. The windows and doors Twerej hastily opened and medical `assist; , agree procuredg Happily _. `the. pres-,. ence of the gas in` the ;;h01.`;s'e-__,.wasv .-cupatits were gill: sfor s`ev,e 1 `ti1'_:%f:'. ` and ;6V_h`Q . yet;-,feel _yeeeygs:; '4.-inhaxletxonjofi `jthej A A V ;.m1.~. -. ~.1.;:.g...-_' -_ 1:0`;-Jubav VAIL7 l._UCV(4' Ill IIIIU `Cull . z-Renewal receipt .Treasurer s bond '].st -Feb., .1914, to 181; Feb., 1915, I was ipreseuted, and reeve instructed .tO place same with the bond in Union Bank, Barrie, Reeve: ye- ported'11a\'7ing` interviewed Solicitor ;Creswicke re plan of Hawkestone, as requested at` .last meeting. He had also interviewed Messrs._ `Stvathy & VEsten `pnd presented written sitatement as` 'to result, [which readsin part. as follows: We 7 have sul_mi~itte'd your proposal to our ; clients,` who have agreed to pay the ` "1`o wn'sIiipofOro $50 by June next on the understanding ; that it" is t L-- I-Ll-A "`----- ~`~~"' " present, themfeeve in `the cair. The I;1_;1;AV.a;i;"A/1-.;i1e ,' `Town `Hall, Feb. 18th, all the members .`D..... ....-_` 1 1r I, V A 'very sociah`Ie `eveiiinig was -I-`spent last Wednesday ` a.t'.the :h0m6` df --r.. and Mrs. M. A Desjjardine, ~" vs'v,h'en ' 'there `-were some 60` guests who spent the iiight. in id`ni1oi11;g,._ c`a-rd` playing `and singing. The `ten-ded tothe bride and groom, Mr ; 'and,.Mrs. - Joseph Desjardine, " `of L i .'honors and good Wishes _were ex-* 'Port Arthur. The ' bride. received- some very expensive and -- useful- presents, amongst themi beings , cheques, ~ from the` .'fam1ly. I The , quests from a distance. were as fol- lows: `Mr. Joseph Osier of .iHamil-A `ton, Mr. W. A. 'Bonrdon r'of'Toron- ~Yto,`.Mr. and Mrs. H. Desjardi11e_ of V Barrie;/Messrs. H. andxJ. Desjarr dine of Barrie, Mr. W. Sharpe /of Allandale, and Mr. and MA. Mc- .Celligan of Creemore. Refresh- ments were served atxmidnight, and= ` [everyone seemed `hale is and hearty ,at that hour, and continued on un- j "til about? 3 o clock, when all 'de- Night, 'La'dies. ,Al1 report a jolly [good `time. parted for home, `singing Goods A1Um`ilyj"re'union' was lwezhwsday at the home wof" Mr. -son, -Joseph, ,ai1du his young '-bride by C.P._R. train {Pent :Amf.hur. The [family greeted t-hem `heaty good "wishes and gave; 't'hem a very . warm, welcome back Ihome. -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Des- 0 `and Mrs. M. -Desjardiue, w'xhem fthim Ymdthe-`r, Mrs; Blias, `at A:Che`luso- {ma *then will viit the` la:t:ter s `ifor'd, `thence to their home at Port .L/kfhur. ' L darine `will remain one monthhre > Man]? Ivy people abtended%.i; big ,.ba;t ghin,;sale- in Barriegon- day a1\d_ff Sii1;1rday,~:f`; an_d; -were pleased with`? t e. 4exqopt_iona`lly,' values offered " _ the County; Town '1 es:t*% 2 -1:62 for ``~*`h?i ``1V 1.96 anitmi.e % % . X - Ivy people 1 att;ex1ded, ;ti-t`iqn 8.`i8'11 anl -4 ~b91`E*li11. Sales F5"+.-.3 5`*othe1fs<>:as'kins for" mmiij "8ra*1?$`.' day and" Siitzrday. ans! were \z{'ell=' etc.,.; `to i1p'pr6vfe 1ine `be1f,v!I .Cox.; pleased with the exoeptiolmlly "gQod 13~.._a'nd :14 County % Road; nort_hf.3zo' values oered the Coun_ty_ Town Bass `Lake., "Enid `over 'iZuiti1-- rogfig merchants; V - ` . '_grants'aare`made.` y` ' ' '- fr I -A ' . n =1)! Feb}. 9415;?-i~After \ spending'%""`vVbiie" "n3ont=h~_- with many _ff1`i.e.nds' jihj oixr burs. `Mr. J osph Osier ahas [rev .turn_ed.- ta his `hqme, 48- `Liberty Av.- Hamilton. ` ` 7 .q.'.'n:.' 1-\.....:......::"..v,.'1...T... .:,......;....:.-u..= " "ii; f -v'c<;'{'l[ Eaburaon 10:5 Imam; talked Ion `his many ` friends `X last. ....__'I.. TS?11`fDeagamYw`}f1ii1e'_h-is murned.~t<' her schoo1'~_at-Utop1a. _~ \r._ "rx__!m rv-.._-_`..n.:__ -__-'_-L ---_'.`_`._"1 uv. B'\:Iyt\,tU~L_uv.uv.r ' ~ (1, _ Mr. .F:_e&` Comarfmn spent several; weeks in Toronto with his ~b_tother,_ Frank ;Gq1ma,rtin. L" . ` T . V - JUll'L"-VJ. lI,1_ll7 IIIUIBIKZ. * . `the surmundng country amended the carnival held -`here on Tuesday night. ' Quite a number of people tf:'roVmL Mr. ; Erin: Shefelci `is an `the Royal Victoria vospital, B-artie,` undergoing an operatieit on `one of . his feet. A _ A meeting. for ~`the purpose ioxf organizing a band will be held -in the e0rang`e Hall on Saturday` night. -`Every person `interested will kindly` attend V "III--. (`!.....3.. .L-.... -.. - 4L_,_-'L--I QRO COUNCI_. 5ounc i1 met at th for ex- Ire-] \ "fLIE'3E"'zm`dEND!':. A Tegtcher-_T`ommy`; ~S lir;`14s6I`x',-` -? hav_9,_ _;?_ou;_; -'gqot{{'v_ez11se fgir beii1g;1ate?\ = ..T0!m1. Y, vh&;din81y);?'-%Y8;:`.~1a;?im V... ; uuuu. UALV`.L`JU'.l.' BE UURED with local applications, as they can-* dlsease. al disease, and 1n order to cure it you must take internal remed-ies. Hall ` Catavrrh Cmye is taken inter- ` nally, and acts directly.` on the ' blood and mucou su`rfaees.. Ha1l s . Catar1_'h We Cure is not '9. quack medicme. It was preserihed? _by one` `best `tomes known}-` combined with . the best blood .p1;1-`iers, .acting:Tdi- : ` _re'c-tlyv one the ;1nucou's`*_;s`u1f1jaces. :,._T_he eperfeict; oonrbinatiofq. pf` two7v,i-1_1`+'- A 1_`gre`_dients; is; 1 lvv-ha t`f `- gueh owondef1tfu1d;re$h;1ts Iin.curii1`z~Catarrh `_.S31.1.?-"f<>."_.1`?.d?`-thlbiali L CATARRH C-AN-N.0"1` BE CURE-D n'$`\]I.ll0":r1s\n A- LL- ` J -.`.`-vv.-uvu.n :,nAuv\JI-thin - l `The following payments were ordered, as follows: Thos. L. Webb,` repair. to grader, -~$1.1f0; Thos. .Cousins, rep. culvert on 8 _Con., $1.50; Wm. Pearce, lling hole on 30 s.r., 75c.; `Wm. '.Maberry, work on 3rd line, $2.00 ;. Municipall World, supplies and expre6`s,.. $15.90; '.I`h.os. McBride, gravel and_ work on" " 8th Co`n., $21.25; S. Gilroy, care of Cookstown lockup, -$5.00; D. Shaw,` on account 5th line bridge, $500.-_" 00; `W. .McCann, 20 `rods _of wirel fence bonus 150. per rod, $3.00; ' Harry Cripps, n.e. :} lot 26,` Con. 2, 60 rods, $9.00. ` ' 2 . , 1`-he council adjourned . to meet at . Thornton on March 23rd, at 10 .o clok. . e; 0 J. V (Old J\I&5'\bI %'U V\a'Il\II ' Miss `(}1" aig, teache1{Vof the school here, was called home to Brantford, owing to the serious illneha _0E_".he1:n aunt 1; 1s A117 ! ..--V uvo I `A ' Asjaph---Lowrie--Tvhat the byslaw appointing Jon. Bush as pound- keeper, Vbe frescinded,` _ and, J as. Foster be appointed -instead." Lowrie---Bantin'g-'-eT'hat the audie tors? report as `read be adopted and the clerk have two hundred copies printed and the auditors - be paid $10.00 eac for their services. I vBa`x_1Vt`i11- g'--`-Lowrie-'-Tl1at the clerk be instructed. to prepare a by-law to empower" the reeve, treasurer and clerk `to_L-borrow enough money _fro_m time.- to time to meet the current `expenses of the township for the year ._ 1914, or until sufficient taxes: are collected. ' uuasa U1. l} .lUuUU Wu 'f`;&saph--.-Adams-ThAat the apli- cation of Mr. Bush for` poo l%":t$1ble be laid ovel` until next meeting "of the council fqr further consider-_ at i`on_. T " Sf.oddart s: tender for 1_;dwn. Ship prnmtmg for the year 1914: for the sum of $125.00 was accepted ' A.Qnn]1._..}\r1an}m_'I`I...4. 1.1.- _-:J_.1- Banti11g'--Asapl1-{I I1at ` the. < g"_1_o1n-.f municatiou from -S. J. Gzauley re the opening of '15th sideroad, west, .be laid over `for further consider- ation. ` - 1 Agranpted to" introduce a by -`law for` _B,ztntizV1g'--ho'v;'r'ie;-h-`Thsaal; I leave vbe the purpose of appointing sheep. evaluators! for the Township of"; _Div., Win. Edgar;"N0. 2 Div., Herb`. E'ssa.f for the year 1914. By-law: given the necessary` reading, and valuat_o1fs`_. are as `follows; No. 1 Graham; No. -3 Div., F._ A. Arnold`;-; Nov. -4 Div., John Miller; no. 5_ Div., Chas. Blackstock; No. 6 Div., Jas. A. Leuuox; No. 7 Div., John Elliott. A Asaphl-Iia}1{i:That '1;o`menA1- ber of the` Council spend more "than -$100.00, without appealing to _ the Council for any extra that he `may deem necessary. _ ..-_.v.. 4, .a.vwo .|.'xuu,*- IVV-lull! all 0110 `members present and-the reeve-`in t_h chair. Minutes of last` meeting read and -conrmed; _ \ - vuuuaug. .uu-v .uvvvuuo., .a.u:s_-u -uuaw \.IuavVuu The young people of the. village gave a dance in the.1"u'bli I`Iai1=l on Wednesday rg`lmt. Mess . {Robin- son and Crawford} of `Barrie furn- ishIgd_ the music." _ .1: I . I0 V ' The VC<)`}111`(V3i l" ,1.I'1ev1;fa:1:i;"Kn.g'u.s _on_ Monday. `Feb . 14th, a with all tI}e ....._..-..L -__ `I 41- , . ; `*On`motion of *Mo_K-ii:1ay_ aiid ,Smith - $100 V was `granted on; con- dition `i .t'na1:' the -Society e 1__'ec_t-`a j buildiiig of -sufficient size, f`nis=hed in a substantial manner and of gdod -appearance, at a cost `when complete of not less than/--, $225; ' n u 1. I L. Council djou1V'ne<'imt<;mi`11"et. at the Town~- Ha Oro, at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 'March 11th, -_ I Itural So cie'ty,_ foo-1aisistin`g..;r of P~'res`ig_ienc, D. 1`;i Str_athearn,. aga `Messrs. 'G.. Campbell, * J $5 A. Mc- Luaas, and G. Rouse, waited" on the V Co`unv,:'$,l and urgd ft_hh;t` the_ Wor1d, s "Fair, O-ro; ' had .inc{rea-Sdk `sbf that" `T present buildings `-2 did? not aogd L Esixfcient accommodation for the ex- hibaits Ami T asking ;assistanc Ito erect 9. ngwubu.ild+i.n:g. f " ` 4 ' -u~' 17': ~. 1 i_By-l5;v"v No.` ' V `I conrming .. appointment and pr_ov?i_ding for "t_he remuneration `of _ce_rta1~n Township oicers ;for 1914 was passed. won motion ~o Smith and Mc- Kinlay aqoounts to the amount of- $133.l9 were ordered-. paiil. _ ESSA % C~OUNdIIj J. ~- Tudilope, Clerk. J. coxvironh, Clerk] [ vi{i.;':wi3er VCas'tor1 Q of Toronftd is I` visiti11'g.h'1s "fLl.1`!, Mr. Jasuv Gaston`. , VI... __- -.... _-.._.1_ .'l' L: __!11'- 7-, I Nev? .._....-v- wayside ..I.ll. I1 lian forestry problems issued ,re- tcently by the `Commission. of Gen-` 'servation `Mr. Clyde ` Leavittg chief forester, says that there` are 8,000 -. .-.v\J.LJ.|J.IJJll. ! `Speaking at Gueiph recently, the [Provincial Forester, E; J. Zavik, (said that only nine: per cent. of the land _in older Ontario` was wooded/' u and he lamented the luck of pn-`t_>l1c_ - `* 4' `:`~ ' ' I Jr. :II.---Ceci1 Fell, Irene Pratt, Henry % Dawsop. ` ` . 6 L . Primary---Lena 5 Irving, Melfville Ferrier, Maurice BoOth,~ Gracie` Wice. ` `- ing. 1 , >- `Jr, IIVI'.--D1it",(;rv1". Ferrier, Frank! Fell, Dorothy` Whiting. i . - ` I Q IQ-4 71' ` k` SCHOOL REPORT 's.s. NO. 17, INNISFIL. O [-_Sr. IV.--Lloyd; Booth, Victor lP53.tt,` Edson .\_?VicO. ` . O '9. All exhibits for competition` nu`/\d\.I. ` for -prizes must be delivered at the Town 11all,_Barrie, not later than 10 a.m. Saturday, March 1st, and! `shall not be. removed` until. the} close of. the air.` `, . A _ ' Remember the Field Crop Com-' petition, .under. the auspices of the` Barrie Agricultural `Society for` which,_ the following prizes are, offered: 1st'$20, 2nd $15, '3rd $12,! 4th $10, 5th $8, 6th $6`, _7tht$4.-A T ."'y\.uV any `V; a '1lU\.[UU U1lal UIIAUl'n ' 6. No exhibitor shall receive! more than one" prize ineone class. I 7. After-being judged, all samples of seed must be correctly labelled` "with the name and address -of the` exhibitior, _the name of the variety-5 ~the amount `of seed` fox; sale, .and,3 the Selling" price. ` I Q T U.-- _-9 1' ' ' Jeuuett. % `I-I-0 V\J I- M'\-'\-_|- WOIIIVI . Mr. Jemnett. of-the West `is the guest;`pf11'is ma-c`1e,. `John. . VA ` .414. .` 4.111