1' ' V WE` IIEPIIESENT:-- A. imlanblne 08111 ,.W I S - I 1 ' ..;=.. *,_.P"' 5.2.: .....`:.";:"' V _ & A Vd-America _ " T-w_nr_ra;%on-c_:u%.LT-ran sumnc L.-gs-r Steam Boat A gen cyl ratemeither in small orin large farm mort- MURCHISON. UNWIN, MURi91Ymiu7Es :3~?,`_""6i~i- _ _t81'i0 Land Survevm-_ `l3'.--~----- ;i}.RN0LD Jury Glillg tanti A ndon: OFFICE---78 DUN ` `Phone 51. ` 8` ng spent 4 years Post ah Hospitals and h Assis Hospital. Lo Hospital (Mooreld Surgeon in Royalithlindon O 8- p thalmollggxoal Society. Royal Lond s) ; for a ter uare Ear. Th hthalmic Bristo : and gham : former M LOP STREET. BARBIE. . P. 0. Box. 96. Graduate work in aving served as Clinical mac 8: Nose on Ophthalmic m as Resident Hospital; _ Birmingham ember of . ' f--`---'-V -`V-ruin; L.R.C.P. & s. Edinburgh: M.F.P. scs. Glasgow --.sURGEoN._ Eye. Ear, Nose 6 Throat. ; Wnvina an;-.4 I ...._.__ -n_,. . ....._.__._j_ I R. 0. C. ALEXANDER, graduate! `of Toronto University, Member of! H the.College of Physiciggns and Sur-'A V geons of Ontario; Former Senior I eH,ouse Surgeon Toledo General Hospital, -Toledo, Ohio;'3 Late Res- ident Physician Muskoka Cottage Sa.n.atorium,. Gravenhurst, Ont. Successor to`Dr. J. A. 0.` Evans. Oice opp. Presbyterian Church, V 'AlIa_ndale, om. Tel. 269. 23ly _______________________ _W:_s%@es*hvvu%yi!s*i -An_- can -.n___ `DB. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON ` St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y,), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be V at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- urday. Dieeases---Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 117 I a._m_ 5 11?!) nn kw nvsv-an:-.6---.....L 2 DR._.H. % A. DUGLAY. OSTEO- PATHIC Physician, `Ross Block, li Barrie, Ont. (Ofce -Hour-s---9 to 5;- other hours by appointment. . Phone 565. ' - 45-ly Du; H. T. ARNALL. OFFICE A`ND' Residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Eliza- both Street Methodist Church), Tele- I. phone 167. ma. W. A. Boss, PHYSICIAN, sun-I - ieon, ete., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R-.C.P., ~ ondon. Omce and residence, Dun-' ' xlop street, Barrie. Telephone 7 7. l me. A. '1'. % LITTLE, LATE 0:`! Churchill, Ont; ' Omce and residence, John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone" 213. T DONALD mas; I)L:n., Bnxiiiisrnn, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto T Building, Barrie. Money to loan. 0RES.WICKE.- &; BELL, BAR - jristers, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario,_ I .Proctors, _ Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. `Moneyito loan. Oica, Ross v_bl_ock, Barrie. A, E. H. Ores.- T7 IV 111' 15-11 1'7 /1 STRATHY do ES -TEN,` BABRIBTERS, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries` Public, Convoyancers. Of- . 613: over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. Money to loan {at lowest cur- rent rates. VG. H.- Eaten. V G. ,,.-.. RADENHURST, BARRIGTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, lac. Olce, ; lat` oor Bank -of "1'o`routo`Bnilding. `Money to loan at lowest~`rates. %mr.w. H. ocns (SUOOESSOR TO- DR. PALLING), Phyaicia Q--_...-.. -...I A .----- -`L -___. CL- - _ The ' Toronto `Star "copyrights Gadsby s letter. But ev en this! in- hibition is` not . likely to make other newspapers envious. ' ._-. "nu, nuunrnl U l`JUTE1`T, `ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Oce, Medical Building, B. E. corner `Rich- mond and Bay streets, Toronto. _'I'elephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & Esten, Solici- ~-tors, `Bank .of Toronto Building, iZBarrie;- will be promptly ajztended to. W. A . LEWIS, M.D.C.1sE:- Surgery and Diseases of Women |especia1- ly. ' Oce 58 Collier St._ Phone 61. , 35- 5&4 f'8'1`EW 1331`, L" BARBIE- tprs; Solieitars, ,Nota1_'1es `Public, and Oonypfyancers. V Money to loan in (my aim: at 5_'.per cent. Oice, 13 |.'A]).E?AX A*JD1ER`_,_C9+W+$N o H81? .. u. u.u.n..L.|..u. OF UU., 1".l1Ul` tablished 1869. Undertai day and night. Morgue in connection. Barrie, O D.-. J. ARTH (VI) o_c 13.1-, ._v' Ilrllvlu vvuwc vunvv, 4.1.: /Owen. St.,gBa.rr1e. H. D. Stewart, D. " Ma - Colliugwood ` Bu1letin--Fomty-one young `sons of fanmers attend- ed the short course in agxic.u1ture on,ducted' rat `Barrie by Mr. J. Laughland, .distri-ct representative of ag'riculture. 'I.`hi_s "is -in marked contrast wifh the two who attende here last year. L I '- J-llnll L l\JI LL` .I.Iq ul- K;o.,_ W. A. J. Beii, " -Iaiu 1~1;-goon an?! A%; u wS~1`);:`: ialattention to Eye, Ear, Nose and` fl'\`I_;-.--;.. r1'I___-_ 3-` J Am Jj.ICVU`ll-AIICIIQD U\I I4J', JJIDI, &` \I\I Elli hivoat. Glas 5 Adjusted. Oioe, Owen St, Phpne 95. 14-Jy ,-`ssq1ft'5to' Lennox,`-Cowan ,& Brown, `fBarri;ster,% -Solicitor for obtaining }.prOB9.'te"-pf wills, guardianship and `administration, and General Soli- 1 citor, Notary, :C`onveyancer, etc. iOioes: Hinds Block,. No. 8 4DunIop Money tn `loan. ......uuu. VUHDUIUGDLUU noun}, .1]. E. to 5 p.m.', and by appointmentj UNDBRTAKBR8. ~ an 0 . mo 0. PHONE 82. TTo.J....A._1__ __., 4 fP|b1uh`cr1'mmtho omnc.` L -8u;ooTt.Tf Bwm.h$a t',a``:&Pm g V M00 _ Wvm . _ Thursday _ mine. .. _ n _--u cg uu ULVI-I utliy E "Eaton, Solicif of Toronto -ttended _.-.---....__..__._._.. us, .nLI.\J.LVl'J D4 Undertakers. `IA ----4 - - ~ " -xnw'.'BARR1E. Pg` 0. v- -1.939 I30 \I U gue and chapel 0, Ontario. 'v-..v A 343313. I | cnAIcHURsT, om. ) `LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. { Most reasonable `terms given on all } Stock Sales JOHN J EN1El -37 "'7 -jmw commzncxu. msuy `Bites will begiven on application, CONTRACT CHANG Es, "`Adv5%ex-tigers wm ple b - notice of intention to `ZBfan F331,, " i.'1. must be handed mto the omce not 1. Saturdsy at 10 o clock, and th WM `change must be in THE AnvX3i ..?'N week, otherwise the sq lalerthan 12 o'clock noon `on M A coxmcxsrcn Anvnmxssnzx-;:g_ Conienaed a.. vertisements on rstpq, a_s.wa.nt.sot all kinds, lost and found I) N for sale orto rent, specic articles, ""3 must beoccomnanicd wim the cash. "*\ Cuts `for advartisements must In . . Cw, case be mounzed on solnd mu... GI OPUCIHIIU Contracting and Building Es 0l"FICE-BAYl-`IELD S'l".. $1 .50 IN ADVANCE at-N . nampwu1bemdtoui?`s b ohlptiog Fgxunm the money land. a u n..u._.....n.._.. ..--.- 2.. _.__--.... J... `Lu. .....n.oI.- Manutaet tern of and Dealer ; Faxugh and Dressc Dom-s.8ash. Blinds. Inter columns, Tanks and W Planing, Mtcginlg. 0 a a Specialty `Cnnh-or-_n'na mm n..:IA=--A _ st Drying Kiin. Laying and Polishing Hard in wood Fl 13,.- ll ' I1 Lumbzr kind. [or Flnls Jargeot circulation ofls prov Egglt hgnlso by far the la - 1'5"l`n'l: . Anuxcz "1-"own. V ' any pap" Hfact demons: you b pxaceu with the paper` fmy d I. A nrn ..l... , - 9`1ta?$2m.em;:3: ' P"`=3- W ypnuvuwlcntne a " ` ` `*1 got afrajd ta pay hexr}c'_` eacheau,, `- .4.dVel1'gisments are charged pgcg._ . a ' inch . "33 n0DDarexl measu cc re h 4' W` Tlulnnvn. nus am mmm; MTuTa Llmlte d mlted Manufaelrers Dealer; mm}: and nrnnc...l 1 .. cai `nun-II Druggist. Entirely from the Fines! . I Mal! and Hops. VUII'!vIv's IJODU Havoc ugoy noovuili III ywitu aoribers now in am 0 for three months I ova: will be churned 1.60 para.unu1`n. '51.` J_olInF "8: Groolml Has a .marvellous eect on `rough skin. One or two applica- tion: will remove the rougnness, and by its occasional use the skin acquirss the smoothness and softness of a baby s. Gl_v` `donia is not sticky, and gloves may be Wdm Q, fenf moments after usiul it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after. shaving. PUNLOP STREET EAST TheNewFouny BARBIE snewmc BIIMPANY 5`P,lend|dAALE and PORTER `The Best_and Brightest 4 `In Cask and Bottle ' Co11i11g'wood- Bulletin -2 A Actions have been entered ;here and there: attacking the - qiua1`~i"catio11s' of : members of muniic-`ipa1 councils. If qualications are necessary for the! council, `and we believe ; they are`, why not for. the school `board ? IT;Beecroft specie GEO. MBNKMAN moist .. .'_. ,____ __..--V, swu- Boilers. Engines and all kindao! farm and stationary much inery made `and repairegi onsholtcst notxcc and - moderate pnces. ,_.__ r_-v`r\r' Al work done by expert machin- `ist and guaranteed first class. :.BAN KERS av: Iauvr.-'Ub'CIl1[S mu mounted` solid WI N V0 UNITED STATES SUB%RIBER8 ' ` $1.50 IN ADVANCE A MANUFACTURERs_ 35:3 R I E Expert Machinists * P-H(O-NVE` 1- 3'6 ' 5:. CO. Barr 19: NOTE AND CO,)[llENT_ giizztinnates given i'l`.. BARRIEOII Ban-ie. Tunas or '.-Jungoxulmom A nunundun int A 13 The 1}Iur1tsv'i11eV Forester says; Enquiry as to the whereabouts. of Harry `V 'Linne`,'y. I `whose-' -;bea_n1ing countcn_anee' used to be seen at not infrequent _ir;terva1s -about Hunts-' ville. .e1icite(_1=%'t1ita information that I-Iarrty has 7 tewnponafily s'1ac'ke_nede pace on the insu.rance`7buS_iness`and is preparing plans to give. the Con-' .sc31"vatives of ,M1iskoka that deeent- for yvltfc-h The vHera1d of u' `DusnnL. `J..- cdstly` `V jour_11eys- to _V;dis1:ii1`;t_ cliines _,,,, ....,.._. u\4\/u1J(l_l.IlUll, .l.l'Ul'3UUIn the worries `an-d perp1exities of housekee'tpi11g, "business 1 -or`, .ofc'e, x'at`her_ than from an 37 itn"pr9"vementT in the composi~tion .of. A1:he.__. airjve breath.= A Many ; `long, ` Atedioiis, and may l_ be awideci:'_. .;, a=`j~.jud=ii91i$1; I*%89i:tin'%:of %.,%h996:A%;`~ %%*f395entia1Is:%. esta=b1 ehea isr-mwI:~ ` What then, it may v.er.yj-pr<')per1_y. be.f.asl<-e'd, fare `the benecial ; resujts ' of avc11a11i;..`of air due` to? `_ Thaf such resulfts -"occur - jsj ` V_ 1I11deniable,; but t};o~- eecit `f`ar'ises~ v.fror_n,' ~the change of '.euviron'mex_1t,`f_ i%mogie; life, diet, ojccupatiq ,_.freedom-v"3.fr0fr1, the wnmvioa- -'c':n.A1 - .......-._'L1-__;:.T,~v` `....-. \/o-o\JAA\av'\`I\J 4AaItI;\.~.1>J4UJ.l. uuuw u_uUuJ [is a specific curative virtue in cllangc of air, and in many in- stances for this reason exile them- selves from home and friends in the effort to regain lost health. `Under all conditions of `tempera- ture, cloud formation, wind and weather, 1 this investigator V tested sainplesof ;air. from therocean, from ' the slullllli-t` of -Pike/ s. Peak, from .ccn r.ag'o of oxygen, which is known _sli_g`htest -loss of_oxygen and `cor? ' carbon dioxide, - the ; commonly .-ac-_ ` cepted atmospheric poison. A. Even . ways "the air was _vitiated.= topbwt .a the most populous streets of Bos- ton, New York and: other` cities, and in the subways. , He discovered no material di erence in the per- to be the chief vitalizing element of -the -at1noep'here.l ";'l`-he air" of Pike s Peak and" that ov_er the At- lantic Ocean were found; of almost. exactly the same compos_ition, Even the air of street cars _ in a crowded city, where the dominating in1p_ur-' ities might be expected `to. be large-_ ly inuential, .presented only the irespondingly, minute V increase ' of ' dur'i_n'g_bethe-'rt1hc hours in . the jsu=b-V small extent; The reasomxor this` j little known fact may found `in; j the laws of`i liifusion. of_ gases, .;w-hichf operates -'w.ithjrapidity' a_nd'f _c-eenc y~ -if theiicurrent of air` .is` not. decidedly e 1 i.nt6r.fered ` with .;as., ii: ` tun11 e1_s,~min'es~ 7 and some?.'=`3oi1sj`s ;: .whi'clr. `are almost; . :; f-ln`1'.innL .3, u JUL 'yv1uL`u .l.l1l7 .LLC1'tl.1(L OI _j'B`ra'ceb1-idge iyearns so earnestly. r""Harry}-_ 1ived,iu Barrie ~q_nc~e upon a` `time ; 11VdVif the nerve-~of a. canal ,1i?11orse wi11'1a1;d.a seat in p'ar'l?iament,. ` "I-Tixrry 'w'i1'1 qua1ify. In the _li11ig'u- agp, -of the str.eet--Wovu_1d11 -t fit` .ja.r `your sla.t_s. . - W We hear of `salt air of the sea- side,` mountain air, A the air of the plains, &c., ea,ch commnading speci- ' c` claim to c.urati`v_e property. The truth is that -there is little if any real difference in the composition of the air in diifereiit` localities or climates, if the air be ~1`111c.onneiI" or open; and this diifereilce is; of no? signicaiice ina curative sense, Mr. Benedict of the Carnegie ;In- stitution in `Washington -has up] i I rived_ at some interest~ing .but defin- ite cpnclusioxis on this point, that may e11lig'hten those who are u'nde1t the erroneous impression that there is a" -curative" [cliange of many "In- :-n1m}x.\.-1 -I-`nu J-`.:. ...\.....A-_ ..__3'I V .L`L-,,, % (The. `Sun, New York.)` Among` the .popular A` fallacies that have" resisted the mgslaught` of enlightenment is thew. idea that `change of tai_1$ recommended by physicians audsome` friends] who consider `themselves wiser than the doctors is an important factor in the re s`to`ration of `health. ' 7'1 L` 'cqltfutx.__,p'i""3e. d'on t -J"il>$t>i__f.y"V.~.k,"`.e@rt'.':'_ '- -ing the `a1_t!`1e~`- this year, nd%.t_l_: Caigadian consumer, he claims, w1ll__ .reap the benet. V V _ V ' Th-e Par.ry Sound Star lisaiys ; discussion" is being carried.` 011 7311 the District - press at the present never- enter a place. of worship ex- chu-rch parade _of. their ,secret so- ciety, or when they are carried in feet first on that journey" from which there is no return`. It "is a: lamentable fact that in all parts of Canada the number who do not at- tend church is greater than `those _who do. Take Parry Sound as an example. - Here we `have four Protestant and one Catholic Church, one Salvation Army and one Pentecostal -Mission, and . the numbers who ..attend all these ser- Vices could easily" find a place in at most two of the churches.` If all the people in` town should take it into their. heads `to attend church at the same time there wouldnot be half enough room in all the places` of. worship to accommodate them. time about the cause of the. poor at-` tendance at church, and it is a mat-' ter of regret that too many people. cept when they attend the anvnualp * Yolifj may-'be able to;`%geTt e.`Ia;1:8* city weekly}, ` i lled-. .,with murdm: scandal f cases, chicken "_g'hts,`*= , etc_f-,j for less money. than" you` `my fofi your local paper, bu-ti these `Wcli-ty Weeklies never; advertisefyour. coun-f ty_eud enyekeoyour property valuasble; They `do not. help along` your s,choo_1_s. and churches. , they do not p'ubli_sjhj; your county news, they say. nothing; of your town, andu haveno _interest. in you. A good newspziper "is as much advantage to a town or; coun- try as are `good schools. If one of! our farmer friends `ehould happen into one of these city oices he would nd out `in two minutes that he had no welcome there such as he would receive in `a printing oice at V home. .=S!tand- by your home paper; it stands by you and ;is ever on the lookout for your interest. CHA` NGEv or AIR Onillia I aeket.---Electricity was ag'ui11 used with good .e'ect in thmving out frozen water pipes in several. eases during the c Id snap of last. week. 4 After spe ding `an hour or two _with torches and res in his cellar. Without getting the . `frost out O_ the pipes in hispbarber shop last Thursday morning,` Mr. 1{._ Lloyd appealed to the electriqal i'depart1ne11t, and within a minute after tliey turned outhe current the xvater \va.~`r-run1ii11g'. It is like- ]y tllathis znethod o~fs{ thawing will come vlnto Inor gexxer-._11se, par- ticularly in cases w11eiy_e`-`-tlie freeze- up is under g;1'o:u11d,"`}or.otherwise _ hard` to get at. r V_3?f 98$;; nuuleswn mapeccor on application for patent. . A homesteadcr who has exhausged his home- ,stea.d right and cannot. obtain. a are-Qmption may take a ._ urehaaed homestead in ear- *;`!.';:`,*::zf.`;a4,A.';`::..*: `.',.,I%.: ..*..*~.~:.r`=.~...E;=*.2;-2-.;~ mocs.` Pr! e Ooper acre. Duti `.7- luletgxfgsl e uix~m:n?in each of. three yggas, gggaiovbe nr:_y1a<;res,ana eredt aheuse worth.` .~ . 2 . `wrwl Tcomr.` e r eDepu`*-y of the Minister of the Interio '. N.B...t1n..'s..1.m-am:=....-.m.:...:-_ `_~. .. . . . .-.- ` _..,... 7 an my AI-l.lIlll-4101',`-ll. L118 1Il60i`l0l_.' .. N.B.--Unuu orized` publication of this ad` -vertiaement wt L nqt be paid tor.-437986 1518 c. uuu ms nomesteaa. P1-1oe_$3.09 per acre. , Dut:lea.-Six pIont.ha' resxdence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (incluxdin `ting time required `to earn homestead patent an_ _60 acres extra cultivation. The In-an mp : puuumneu m we vxclmuy. . ' . . In certain districts :5. homeateader in ood standiuglmay pre-emgt a. quarter-section u ong- ude his omestead. rloe_$3.09 Duties.--Six months` 1-nmdennn in can}; no air uu uxuu rcqulreu to earn nomestead patent) `an `50 acres extra cultivation. The area. of cultivation is subject. to reduction in case of rough. shrubby orgatony land after report by Homestead Inspector application _A lgomgswader has. exhausted his hnmn. or gun-Agency !0l' me district. `Entry by proxy me be made at the oice of any local Agent oi. cminion,Lands (notaub-agent), on certain conditions. _. ~ _ 4 ~- '_ Duties.-Six months -residence upon and cultivation. of the land in each. of three years.` A homesteader may live within nine miles or his homestead-on a-farm of at least 80 acres on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- quired in ever case except when residence i_s performed int e vicinity. . | l`*It"il" A hnvnhlnalnu 3-. ...-.-J svnorsxs or cANADiAN 1533-.1-H A wzszr LAND REGULAT-IONS ?IK.I'I`, god. 1......) -1 _ 1_._.n_ -_ , ,7 Orillia News-Letter---This -is not an advertisement, `but is a plain statement of `-fact `that certain Orillians seeing` meat ._eheap1y ad- vertised at Longford ordered their Sunday dinner sent in by the new `parcel post and received same in good condition. There was some saving; it is understood, but the purchaser had to "come to the post oiee and carry his meat ho-me. _If' by any chance it had remained in the post oiee over Sunday it-would doubtless -have been spoiled. But "the incident opens the door as an ..sample of what the new . postage, _rate's- `on parcels might accomplish. nu ---v- --an-n-Ia: usvaavluvaldi-Jul-Vlul-V9 IPHE sole head of a family. or an ymaleovcr 18 years old. may homestead a quarter- section of available Dominion landin Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The Afplicant must appearin person at the Dominion ands Agency or Sub-Agency for thovdistrlct. `Entry b looa ominion Lands (nnt.`nnh.mrnnh An n-..o..a.. . vuyyxauv uu uxlu null In at.) DUA. "`YasSah, thge woman replied: yassaih, dat s_ a, girl, too.-E:L- '.change.' ! S6 this is the little girl, eh) [Mark said to her as she` glisplnyed. `her children.` And this sturdy Vlittle `urchin; in the bib_ belongs, I suppose to the contrary `sex. I `'v.., ._'..1.. 77 LL- ..--..-.-A- 1' `- Mqrk- Twai~n,`so the tQry v goe, ,was walking` on Hannibal street `when he met a woman with her VA yollthful family. 1 I 1 very, prominently to` their 5 notice- dniiingtfvthe past` two -years, the-new 0.1 -.'R... terminale-Port McNichol. The real estate. sub-`d~ivisi0I1 artist has exploited Port McNichol in `glaring ` advertisements _in_ news- pape_rs..and magazines until the I name, of .the new so-called town site has been on everybody s .-;lips. It is quite* true the C.P.R. `have large elevators and package freight sheds at that point and, their pas- senger yeet makes this their port `on Georgian `eBay. V-The company` as .a consequence does- a tremendous! business -there, The town` site as we see -it, however, promises very largely to remain a site, and even those on the V ground` cannot see that there are prospects of the place -- becoming any more than. a village---and a, very small village at that. The real estate visionary, however; has seen a large city Lin" the making, and has sub-divided farms for` mile;-:`around 1n~to` village lots, and it is _some of these'lots we are asked about. Lots.in these sub- divisions have been sold to eager buyers `at frdm 150 to $300 per lot and l1l1l'l(ll`edS of persons have sunk good money in the purchase -. of.this property, for excepting the close. in lots there will probably never . a any clemaiid for building purposes. Our advice would `be-'-Do11 t `buy, at all `events tilli.>_vo_u. have seen, and ' then the probabilities are you won t want to. 7 4 T -i I ; II-is oI-'TRNTO' V ways I Burk s Falls Arm-xv--'-Tl1e Mus~`._ koka Herald (?l1I'Ol'l~iC-l_S an extraor- little la dinary case of bigamy, in` which law the marr-iag'e of the couple` "was. Operate witnessed by the lawful hus'ba11d of _C"ency~ -the bride. 7 The. incident occurred decided at Gravenhurst, sa. eman named tunnels `Peter Stark being the" brideg'roo"m;.ewl1i`ch-f A Mrs. _Geo. Draper the. -b1-`idle. a-ndnilzition. Geo. "Draper, the `real lxusbhnd off .W11a`1 _t.he latter, Signing`. as_ :a{- wit'nes_s3' be .aQk,, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Draper `were 6f1a._`] married eight years ago and `l_.1ajv7e' `slichlln _three 'chi1dren.T `?Stark andj ._f&D1frs.~=.%~};;u1; t}, _*Dra,per were laotli committed 7-, .- A-foi?-l h,;jgg' tri,a1_at. the next. assiezels, it; .`1if;-Ldi -Sems. 3` pity that-.a Similar _could=? not*hjave been ;,exte_n%1ed ~;,A:,~`;tc5f A GIRL ALL RIGHT AINCORTPORATED X1355 % . ` Barrie and Allandale Branches unts" of merch nts manufacturers; rms, corpor- $tti`:us??)%`leties` and `ind vidals a.re_in`vi ted. _Al1customers of Tm, Bank 0; Toronto are assured every` courtesy and at- tention, `and. the service, which .9; Bank with: ample re- . sources, wide` connections" and extensive faoi11ties_is" well qualied` to give. __ * , ~ ' > . T 'n..:.a .... n.....:a...1 :.mn mn '/ Cominelfial . SIMS, Manager. ` mu up vnywcu.- eserved Punds.. L. --'.L.. Paidup oaxiitu ...... .. ...... Dnaaa-ngal 'I`11n , , , , . . , , , , , , A i A` dspatch oxn IIt1;Ii1ii_t0l1,' `sttes `t11_a:t meat prices, espgially _~"be'ef; are, due for "a .;big* fumble` `about: Max 1-A acr to;{`%%jIi%i1ii`r .~ a.`.....tc'$u1*A__i mportaqt~. f ' J - . .'Au`a'cfHn1'I-.'E_`I` . _` ` - Plans prepared. Estimates given with or ~ ' out nerponal superyiaibn. _ 5 | . . ., . K Il;....I 15.1-`. --- - -~ , _. -__y...u -unpvn V IHIUII ' ' A Head coq.L1-Nowodn.'loiw. Phone 360.A .- , ' _ ' `.3 .- . - Annu--i--\_' , __ __----w1 T V` _ _ Mxurgomunm or Buggies, Carriages. Wagons Srnlcr Pnmnm. . .. . - - leighs and Cuttexi-s. k ' , s P `" ' -- ; A`;'mn;:`m Horseshoemg 'n._` (if gnu-ullli-n - V ' INNIKIN - - _._.__. .513 I10 IVIIIVI i ` -vhuinlder and Owrier. Eligabefh St. `. gPhc av \llI\4\7 `Also "brand new brick ' house on Toronto St., a few steps north of Ross. St.. 7 rooms, every conven- ience, pres-sed. brick re place, oak oors, 1 pair sliding doors, pantry and `attic. ` Will be completed by. end of '_March. ----v`. nu. 4.LAull U1. .L` CW Lcul`. A1130. new _7-roamed brick - house on Elizabeth St., with every con- venience, oak oors, 1 pai; sliding doors, pantry andoattic. Possession at `once: ` - ' ' ' % 10 rooms, ne reception hall with A beautiful home, Isit_u'ated' Lml Mary St., brand new , brick hosue, seat, vestiblue, trunk" room , cloak -room, plastered sun room, 2 pijessed brick replaces for coal or ~ wood, linen chute, linen and clothes clos- ets,, broom closet olfkitchen,` china` cabinet in dining room, large pan-l try with cabinet and `roll rim sink,| best oak oors and trim down: `stairs, 3 piece bath, also toilet and! sink in basement, wired for electric light with every..light on switch, hot air heating, __`front and back verandah, front` balcony, twill be completed by rstv of New iYear. Q A $ n -- '7----- -` UB1 .I`JB|olI|.U IIIIQ IUIUUWHCQ I Photie 53. _ 188 Dunlap 83. Barrie % Mi" have $2m,dw. worth of houses and property in Barrie I ang Aandgle. ' Ir` a ` `palms tannin:-\.pIll\ug 1 x as rent. Farms for Sale; Small cash payments. Balance L. own YOUR own HOME Ceasewasting your money" reqt. _ . . ' A ' - |l%r.Bosa%nko s;L3s` u'ii'e'[ii""`sif Obbncl 1-I: amass. l__ FOR SALE ` - - --I I I I 1 opsaosurs R055 `'57. JCIIN BARR $`('H4D r;uo_msi Ej0R_ Real Estate and Insuxiance 2 . RING 263 Phebe? 431. ll Collingwood Bul'le tin---Tl1c Bar- rie Advance suggests that the ad- visability of approaching Mr. Au- drcw Ca.megie for .a.\(:1onation for a public lilbrary `be seriously consid- ered. Col1ing'wood has had the good f01!t11u to have one of these buildings for some years and the `library as a resultshas proven a popular and` useful addition to the town s educational institutions. I