or Valuble Stor'e`1 ;op;.;';}:-i; the ~ I Town of Barrie wheat, but -'I ll tell you the yield of Iny Marquis wheat, which was looked upon a-s a. rattling good crop. After the birds had all they could eat; "and the gophers had destroyed about two` rods round the outside, and the threshers had wasted what thesnfwanted to _on_ the _ ground and had "fed the engine with as mrihy stocks as they; liked (being handier: 4l....;.....a......... ..;. `I..'.....n-x n___- _ uuvvuo an vuc_J_11ACu \UC1u5 uauulcx" thanvstraw to handle there was. left , as 0 the measurement, 3,153` bsuhels" o 120 acres, according to! seed drill measurement. That means 26%; "bushels to the acre. After` seeing it" growing I would like very much to see the 83-acre ,_e1d~'that yielded over 5,000 bushels, or 60:} bushels , to the acre. No, "my friends, do not go West` in ex- pectation of A601: bushels to the ! acre ; go, if `you at all, `hopingl lyouigmay getfasrmany as, I got." I I You are"in; luck if you do; Goph- -birds,_ will eat some of . - _ v-vw- ` l.N'1_1,b,Je .Ollov'ing prozpex-ty ; , 7 "Thirteen" (-15) on the -Nprgh slde of Dunlop Street in %Isaid`I:Town?`-*%`_;'1. Plan No. 2 4-31rnn>.&` " A`.-`LA. fand%i_*;; as. g .de_scri_bed "in Instrument Alflujiber -2583for Barrie; _ The "part -_of.:;so;i3;_lot soldi having a L ? Iwentxttwo ; `~-feet eight ,9 9ft`;8in.).f`1on5Dmi10p street` ` % jg; -~VV<;s1!. `ofl . ~ j said to be "":1iIi?5!<;'1._8ft0';Njeg . b;ti.ck store, 1 'i*<% ?one-`Vi"`thfL A 1 Pursuant to the powers vested in. -her the Executrix of the Estate of the late Edward Graver will offer for "sa1e`by Public . Auction by W. A. Mt.-Conke , -~ Esq., Auctioneer, at: the ,Queen s Hotel`, in the Town of '.Ba;f1`f'1,.7on the Tenth day _.ipf"fJ_anuar{9; 1914,; at_Twelve omocki N001;-,1the .f911owmsh property h_ |-4-...-.'h[`~n}4 jm',.,,,`,,;`,`,__'.1n}_.:__.___ .. 1...` M1"'._Geo. G. J ohnstoti wishes to} thank all those who so` willingly` and fearlessly `worked and saved his house` from burning ` on _Monday.' night, Dec`. 131;. He also appreciates; the sympathy extended to- him through the loseof his factory. . DELIGHTED T0 SUPPLY YOU Twn-`HYOUR C,I-IRISTMAS GIFT or A _:)_q=._cqroR's SALE A PLAYER} PIANO Corditme; 1. ~r`F-1:ank f";Rih - =._ . ;Rob.t,{ iBlacl'; J as. Booth, Robt. "Neely End -Ed. Webb. ; ' Dec; 4A8th,`v---z`&mtV:" '.t1V1 regu1ar' meeting of Prince of Wales L.0.L., No.1. "605, the `following oicers were elected for, 1914: I.P.M;, J. S Leonard; W.M., W. Lennox B1ack;z D.M., Jas. -Latimer; Cha.'p.,. A;;;TW. Greer}; Rec. Sec y. . Geo. -'A .;.Neej,1y; Fin`. 5;: Sec y, Edwin 'Joh_nst-ohe; Trea Saxrgiiglw '.;'.ReyI_1o_lds;` T Lect;, Chas; LNee1y;` I)."'of 0., Alex. Black ; Ly0`i11`S'; thfeshers will Waste smnc of j,yo`urs; some of yours will shell out; ; stock men Will let their h0I`s(`.~` tear gjyouer sheaves apart;`just as tnoy do others. Forget that you ever heard 9; 60} bushels of wheat to the acre. I-3-`-I1`.`may be necessary to uxplaixl ephgt` the `editor of me (`xz1'/.r-tr.- has `a 5'-Ifarm in the Northwest, znnl :.ws lap _egrch autumn to see to Ihv har- :ve.sting. A `It is" hard to appreciate _:mn1 ml- Ylce that fails to coincide with HUI` `own, desires. wasting your ' II\IlIlraw 9 Real Estate and surance % an M99 5:: ." -J74 .. Dec. 8th.--Service next Sunday at` St. Paul s at 3"p.m. V Rev. W. Dean; M.A., will oiciate. The members of the W'.A. have respond-` ed to. an appeal. from ` Toronto on Miss ` Fanny Jones, "the retiring Diocesan Corresponding _- Secretary, as aislight token of appreciation of her faithful and loving ' service. dur- behalf of the suitable "present for` 1 ing the past ten years. (Jhoir _pr_actice at the homeiof Mr. W. J. "Leonard on Friday. evening at 8 o cIok. . T " rie; `ant. \.I.LU Special Christmas price $375.00 Or you may choosge from or large stock of` * Violins > Accordions A ' Concertinas and everything in * Music iN%I: `Any one in the home could play this piano. I313. , , '-:_ sh pa >L~.n.m5- BM Ifarms (or Sale. '~ `~ -c'I 1 I1 --, wfnf %oTcowN h1LlI(JW_`. `Dec. 8th.--.Mr. Albert 'S_arjeant and Mr. Armstrong of Barrie con- ducted, a missionary service in the Methodist Church on Sunday after- noon....`...A social .;evening was held in the basement of the Method- ist. Church on .Wednesday evening, Dec. 3rd. A program of music, recitations and a debate was jgiven. `The debate on Woman s Surage was spoken on `by Mr. E. G. Drury, Miss Taylor and Mr. Ira Partridge for; the afrmative, and Mr. A. W. Partridge, Miss Chappell and Mr. eided` woman s suffrage -_-would "not .1 Avisou for the negative. It was de-` I ?_________a _ RENT--Seventy . ___M] Q .- Vespra; N. e1, all cleared, outbuildings. --In Allandale .` h, i9if7 iu cati 3 me: tak- 2211 "7 he most `X ;t'he Stage has; BvrV`AKn ~ V ht Bte a1 is con9.del1 Tby..e?6 17'&uthorit ,==o'n -I -Qiilrooan moderr1x1:taze' reductions to be ho sreoxgat reEf1oua.d(::-amagf ti . N rbafore a. noteof such univ_ersa.1ap o and nualggr bag: has a. play been sovlavishly pxfesent .L 1~oweeru .been gounde_d;_ V ` 9 `W 4 sefiz` =%rti17inJ?:h% A Two Useful Christmas Gifts mm ugh: Eternal" willbe `given 1.er.by:n. only fanny presenting the play; jnothaj N m'pbet2k-%or an% '~fEstern .91` Western :m_;cou_!1_3any:.b_I_1tV . th_ gtiginal. n-n2-g1:"" A` A; 2 IIevg `rugs. P. I;-n;s.~ n.n.. I1.I. cbninqggunatofnvihe? ' _ J ._ 1::-try 1%}l`e:`r si.M agn-icfzgnt -`Sp}e1cvta:;u]%ar ,DtfIma%:rf:`1Ea}r`I; 1 JJGIIUIII rvl -vv wutvau yvllllll -_ .ug_naI.- sll Ulla] * pnnctsl-$1.00; 75, soc.%Lc.1Ier.y[ 25;: Plan at A. F. A, I\ IalcQmsbn sf .5oic. ' 1 Phone .. CRKIGVALE M 1N_E_sINq WAMED -A-U%iver_sa1Bread ~ Maks'Bread Jhlaksi Sizes fgooa {lining for .c6uhtry. ._After. the` fpr_ogramme ' refreshments -Wge served. Voo`ncer_t~ will _be` given by the_ teachers and= = scho1- 'ars and friends in thexpublia s`choo`1 onTthe evning of Dec, 19th. A good program of chorus_es;'.. recita-- tions,"drills, etc.,T will be `given. ,Pro- Iceeds of concert "to. buy a library. . '4 Dec- 9tAl_1_.'-'T-A.feelin.'g7 _of sadness 'preveded the:[.loc_l_ge rooms of . L'.U.L. No; 16, at their annual meeting "last `Friday ,eveni118`.. the lodge hav- ing suered the loss of three of its members, Bro. Jae. Crossle , P.M., Bro. .. Melville ._Corbet-t, P. ., he `and BrO.:'lE1mere.Speers, in ' the recent lakes disaster. The `altar was drap-V ed in black, the ag remained. at half mast and_ feeling references were made to the loss `the lodge and the community had suiferedln the "tragic death of these three `ne ' young men. The following oii cers were elected `for the "ensuing year: WM., R. W. Stewart; D.M;, J. W. Stewart; Ohap., L. Beelhy; Rec.-Sec., J .. A-. Corbett, P.M.; Fin- lec;1,` F`. Tomlinson, P_.\M.; L1`reas_., A.u`r'--~ .f5var1; " 9-?.n._ ,,..1I.k..v ., - \=-zvh-mH ` % ~1=V.M.;[ Izii-l;;s,4`.'LStwart and A.` Tovey; Oomm`ittee,` R. "Al-' ,1ingha'm, J. ..A._ .I?a1_nigson,~ J?:.M;, A`; W. Fletcher, P.M., `Jae. Ferrier, . R. Livingston; I. Tyler, - J. Lucas, P.M.; O. Tyl`er,W. Wright; District Visitors, E. E. Wonqh, -Stroud, and 117.... .'lI....;L...-v '('T..'.. Sec;, F. P.M.; _'];1:eas., ..SteyevaArt;""'P.MQ ; T I;f`ture_;s, "IQ:.`Stwart -`m-'_V___. , -`n I vo-uovwou, .-.4: undo I iWm. M rtin; vixie." i Dc. 9th.1*:J#T35g`e Coinpbll lof Toronto is spending a few _d_9_.ys with ~h`erV friend, Mfs. J ohn` Ru'sell.` 1 The Mirrsing Basket Fectoryt was burned on the night of Dec. 1st. The close `proximity of other buildings rendered" it necessary that very.stren_uo.1_1s eorts should be made in order to ' save; the other covered-, "had made such .progress in the contents of the factory `building that to save the " factory was out of the question. ' The -building, used as a basket A factory , for about '-fteen, years, yes erected over twenty-ve. years ago, "and the change " in the.` I buildings, for "\.`the re, whens die- I appearance of the village is,.estrik-no `I A nqunn`uA.. _-A `-41- --Q _ Mrs.` RonaT1d,T'rs}If is i{c}}}ae again, yafter spending some time in T05 route` and elsewhere. 1 ` ' ` Harry,` ' i of Lefroy is renewing old~ acquaintances in thi burg. ' T ` V T .. uuuv v.1. vuv V amsugo 15` V nuns" D A number of -men` are out of to V4 l`oav_es ;_<. f 10. '3 ?1?53`. QS 5 THORN_TON % % _MINE_SIN.G. 'Phone'442a% '.;. `-2 %%4s.;ana::jcammg ery E`%;.tQ;i.the saying Of" the vlage fflil :i1f_1`=V-the .co1iagrati0n. . ~address to the `Burton Ave.` E. L. nvnvuu IIIIJ IIIII 3 U 3cbtoooooooooooooooo6oooo_ "` Mr. `Frd Bristo is visiting in To-ff ronto. ` ' _ 3 Mr. Glennie .of Barrie gave an`: \[ on Monday evening. _._Mr. Joe Gilchrist _1eft"o-n Siatur-:5 day to accept a position in Toron. ' 130. 7 , .V . 3 .varv:g- Va. ` { ;;,_%,Gr'tfu1 relief from `various [foi"r_ns _:. of hair and scalp disorders may-V invariably be found in New- gbrofs` Herpicide. _Buy it and see. .- \1'...;'.L...;9_ .......-,.:.3.. 1... . 1...... 1... ... &`J `V V` 9' 3 1LQL yJ\l`\`9I &QVt'C\fI\Ir\JO JJ IV I&\I V'\J\lO . '- Nnecotsnized as [the most reliable, har reme(_ly by the market; `backed up ' thing; Newmfs Herpicii t has, long been` by it gua: rantee "that means some- [";:-yis used by" begtifulz wesmn everywhexfe who -wish beautifgh` Asnappyhair. By saving ..the hatirv '_ar,_1d increasing its beauty, -~] :Ierpi- cide; helps to Ape:-serve. -`one"s youth- fui) appea.ran_,ce.V - % . --........-._`.l-.J -...`l .......1!,.-J..'........ VICVJTYCVT .--;}Jewbr_o bs _Herpicide T in 500 and $1.00 sizes .;is guaranteed to` do all tha1;`i's claimed. If you are not satised y9u__r money will b be re- .fu_]nded. _ ` :99ooo9Qoo9oo9oooqdgoggg} ;f:"jh.ir, itching scalp, d_a1id- ,;'1"u V and '*otherfor;ns of hair trouble ia1jways.ica'u~se one to think instinc- 1-tivelyi` of Newbro sT I-Ierpi.cide.' f IV....L`.;...1 ` ' _.-12-. 13..---- __-.._' -___ . `and appligaiivioils made by ? the best barbers and hair drgseps.r ' 9" 11- :01 c an 1 7L.o;L No. 432 will hold then? annual. meeting "and electir_m- of Joigerg `to-night, fr `u .n.t . vooovwq we now -o-3-a vi - Dec. 19th- open Jor medai contest` .in ' Allandale Presbyterian} Chugch, Fuller axinogncement next} wee .4 ' - 5 .1Sunda3r next in "the hop` of ake1i-- .ing jgreat,er_ ~interes_t. in tg,;;9}I1P?:, 'an'ce moifeinenkt. ` Amen. s Missionary Movement egenderalldeecretary of the Ley- ., .. _ 1501` the `Church of England-fin? Canada will give an address at:"'fS1:_. George s Church at `the morning `and evening services` on" Sunday. ` ' _ -1-A union seini-socia-1` meeting in] the interests of local option will `be held by the 1 W.C. .l.`.U. in the Meth-' '0dist Church, Allanaale, on . Dec. 10th, at 8 p.m. Brief addresses `will. be 'given by MrsL".N. B. Johnston,I the. local `clergy. and others; T A special jmusic'a1`~`- program will ,be furni.sl1e_d__.by. Mrs. eLaidman, .._ Miss Marion Dru"ry,. The .Mis_segs_ Wil- Vliams, and Mr. Arthur Monkmanq Refreshments will ,'be served`. The! - ublic cordially invited. x` The concert held, last Thursday` "-toassist in .the organization of the Lady Firmens" Auxiliary was a great success. ` `Everybody and his neighbor was there, the hall: being `so densely v crowded] that ggenial Sandy j .Osborne had to _climb through the window to render his number. The program was well` balanced, the following taking part: Mesdames Boone, Pratt, Spearn "and .Mi1son, and[_,Mi_sses Brooks, Johnston and O Connor;. Messrs. Case, Lawrence, Detriek; Osborne, Bernard .`and Arnau. Dr._ Arnall and Mr. Norman were the` a "ccom-i `panists. Each J artist _ received 5 a very warm). reception.' - 4Ret'?;`7A.. V. ._Brown -and. Rev. J ; fHi1mph`re`y*.~and' ithe chairman delivered, brief ad- dresses 'beari1_1gi . on, `the; occasion, `A presentation of a. elub` bag. was}. made to f _Moore, ,Gran`dL" President` of . ;,1 }He [j Eiremeng of ,_Canada and ` ..'the.~~"~..Ui1i.t9di,.` `States, Mrs: 1? Moore, `ed, "3th0'.7T.""rm.91`1i ,gna-r ;r.a;1ixi,lia`ry . 9.. %%`o511ingwoa 1.a; ,3 mi: _Mei- r'fcha;1teL Asfdci1tion which is-'provin g' 13 Fthe i:'t!.`i.i1..'i .1inefic.a.I1 ti1`: <. _a . #9 755 013.: {gr 11". their _-,E,n,1etinl`gf_ 1 '.I1ERBERT G. ROBERTSON, and gf f%1:.Clen`n scald-, % VACR'0's'SVTHEV VBAY Special up usvi g o n `o 9 0} . N lgiglgans, young ;. 0.. cities in securing the Radial Rail-. libanquet at Guelph on Tuesday to ':co-operate with the Town Author- |:way for Collingwood. (3). The members pledged themselves to -as- the improvement of the Lake Shore Road and the inauguration of `a Hpus line to Washaga < Beach `next [summer and (4) The decisio-n of the members to refuse all requests to purchase tickets` for charities, vvithp which they have been hitherto inundated, and their further decis- __ion to make grants to those` chare psist` by every means in their power ities,.. etc.,` that they "consider worthy at stated intervals. v - K % arrett s i Musicl Store LATEST MARKETS Ih\4& `av CAL I~J\~tJA|5l aw IV till 4.` U V! I I:."d0 not think the prmting ma.- chine made a mistake: the gures jgiven me were-5`over ve thousand `bushels ,of5 Marquis wheat from {Eighty}-thrt`ee acre_s. . Isn t that a ;t11_nn_e,1t? _ATh;e- goodj `lady; may fb _: `fight, or` it -mgy have been} miracle i , Bracebridge Gazette-_A` -good lady __who honestly believed what she wa's_ saying assured- me that a -friend of` hers had over 5,000 bushels of whati o - 83 acres in Sask sZa{:-._l.1e'\2w{:.=.n. Now` :31` run` u\unuu~`uunnn .-2; V ` Barrie, Dec. 10, 19i3 Pia:ns .Tuned befor_eChristmas pleasetleave orders now A .`.l'A `A vvl 7'0] 5 60 Live voorresigioiitient W V to -liejsieseht The Advance in .all` -unjrepresenteidv combmunities in -the vicinity. 7W6 - have. an attractive proposition *`to.' offer gooci cor`respond ents- who` will send us the news form the following places: Painswick, Strand. Craig- vale, _ Gilford, Newton Robinson, Midhurst, Guthrie, Mitchell Square, Cookstown, Angus anc 1_B1fadford;