' nun Y, n_e cu1~ vv V9`! 1.. 5:. V va- , Uulvh IJ_5&UUlL5ULlUv . The town, has _zgevr'_ been worsf jghted :1;-1_1`a'n,: i1;3'i`s- ngw,':% head Aldi -,-'I`yrer.A L`fI%t, sf aj shan&'e` :;`:why :2_ 340:`): " . = -nn\1\l- u `___`--f1`1'4jE! Ma:<$r as:k`eci- if`-`the >agree`- Amen-.t as` to Back stzjeet wa.sf 'ad-- ;jus_ted. T` V -Thompson v jsated.-'.. he. V believed MA;-.% _McLea;n.:.wouId`do the work iigiVn&n azrmnts.% T \(tr"l1L:." ;-,.."___ L`; _- _ ,_ .1 v-vv--,--vvlav-v.7 INJIJI-\lVUu `f`WV-e` are lociking far nen' eAvery `day and we are w"il_ling.to'pay them the highest [Wages but _ We .an t1 `get. >_t._he1n:;[ V explained the. '5 ` r V ' ` y`-`~L___ 1" __ 21' .n, we... a gvv U110 1uULl - WG5 IJll_U explanationu T. - We have ,.constant applications; from` men, said Ald. Fisher. 1 .rBut<.thLey v on t -dig or shovel, sa;id_D'eputy _Sprott. V ` l'IIT_" - ___ v._ .- nabcnv JIAJIV I` ' It s in the Enterests of` this `town to get men, but I can t get them. If any of you can, why'don t -you do it.,v concluded His Wor-_ ship. I didn t say $1.25, protested the Reeve, and I don t want that, -to gohabroad. I did say'-that one white man was worth two Italians. If they had let me,` go; ahead with Dunlap .St., I could have "had it nishedoa block farther by, 'now." i ~_ \Vlnu :..... + 41.`. .J..'-:.. -L uuxaucu. u mocx Iarnner. by now.j ` Why 7 isn t the drain at .the% Gas Works nishe` , . asked some: one. - ~ ' " .t --- ----,, .... ..._, . A The Mayor stated that the Reeve said a few weeks ago he would sack every. dago as he could} get. all the men he Wanted at $1.25 a day, but when` I put it up to him he hasn t been able to do , it. If the work is to be -done with the County money, and is `not done this fall, the blame is on the Reeve and no one else.` If he can get plenty of men `he should do it right now.-` (IT; 9 _- ,._, .,...;u;u5 w-x.u\I 3 day to roll Dunlop street, uinteered the Reeve. ' ``It s ` wasting money. TL- 'Il'-__-._ _; , 1 1 .1 H. ;i`j;I`Ai1`z1:t `all depends `upon . the ?work on Bradford street, said Deputy Sprott, `(TA ' - .41.... ---A lecting Eur _ -..-. ` V _ v . - I He is a new man'_ and I certain4 My don t think he wastes e his t'irrie, said the Engineer. `Hnn-._; -_.- L1 ' .-4 .,--__, ..,...-_... y.;v aausxxxucsu . Q -:..``What are the prospects of n-| yishing it this.yea1`, asked the * Mayor.` ` - llffl . no 1 - _. _._---..-, _..;_u.;\4 yum: ,LUl.151l1.UUl.'o _ '.~.`4`\V%hy should the man on the engine stop [to gossip with all his i friends, `enquired Ald. Thomp-.| I '(\h , s`-on. -,_-.. v\r\/ .uu.ug;, ucyuuuxuueu. ` . Why is` the roller " not keptj going, asked Ald; Lowe. Iti moves ve minutes,_ then` rests1 fteen, and so on all day. V ; "You can't re a roller while in` umotion, said the Engineer.` ,, : tun... ..L--_I_1 .1, -- .-r..- .. -.\1uu\l. .|..uULU /buuu DWLUB. The Engineer ewas ._asked to -express an opinion on the matter. Thereare `few people who real-. ize the advantage of rolli'ng, n 7he said. It adds greatly to the permanency of a road. The whole thing is rolling; it can t be rolled. too much. Letlthe traffic in to overcome the. w_aving, then turn the roller `back. It can t be rolled ' too much, he_ concluded. "II`L__ 3 --_.-...., uuL7LbVJ_\-A zxxu. .I._yl.!$l It will not be mtich 1oge_r',3 Lsaid the.Reeve,[ though I consid-f er it s"on1y- wasting" moiney/to `roll a `road more than twice. - VP]... 1-`... ` _- -v -va. UU Bay. , ` _ HowJ1nuch longer is. the steam roller to be on parade on Dunlop street, asked Ald. Tyrer. T4 ..::n ..-.L In I. ? .wa`.'sA `the! _-- ._-.. U... |.q,.|.;\.|.G]. UcI.l\.[.I.I. g - ?_'rIf you abcept his tender, he ll doubtless get the [necessary eqguipment, said the Mayor, but it s for yen to say-. HA... ......1. :-~ - -- Sprott accepting th-at of W. B. `Guest, was presented, Ald.Hors-V eld said -that for thesake of 325 it wouldbe better to pay t'h'a_t`ad- ditional sum to Scott -Bros.` who? had -better facilities. and the work was never done as Well aslwhen it was in the "hands of that rm. AId./ Lowe wanted to know if [Mr. Guest's tender included shove elling. Hevmight not be able t_o handle the undertaking. U1; ,,,,, _ ;- - .4 L 1 - ` -Jr --arr-ntuuo It is costing $4.00 o_r.$5_()0 ..-- L- _- 11 'I'\ `I counts W `A long list of s'a`larie's ere passed. I!!! and ac- V i ' - 5 $4%5, . Faddnnffor 6th Ward 0 . Wham 4L.` ......__.1. L, The ~~Deput y LRegistra r Arepottked for ' quarter ending 30th= Septem- ber, 1913. BirthS,A36 ; marriages, 34; deaths, 31. ~ -. . H The Bell. `Phone Co. asked for permission to trim trees on Bay-_ eld ` street f_,rom_ Dunlop to the Corporati'o.ne ' limits. ;ausai%st:%] f<%iiP1Ye `at. `38LhY; Atim` L ~ him? 1 in his?` duties. ~Th*= mu1jigipality' is V authorized pto `charge a sn}all fee for iglspecting? riewwork, thus_gre-T 'duci_n"g the. coS,t _o'f, m ai1_1taining thelnspectnr. ~ 7 ' Statisfics, %;r.,1`; I inst . ii`ight 61' "any ender not .!?=ees8,r ily: accePted- V `-`fp_a.r'ti_' may` be had ! a1>:sI;icati>1i1* t :+%' Harcmsrt. . 0 :`;?.%.!ii`*1w;"3`:9??di,a*2;`.'%Wf`iifvnw,v .511 CBESW Fteel, h tacks. % T `- PARCl_EL`_,4--A_ Bush lot consist- in ~_o 100 `acres, being `the West ha_ 5-f. IabtVx~N0`.'..1_9,` in "the`, '2nd' Con_cession of . the Township of Essa L$mh` ':i.i;5%'-iAnbth-` h 'B.ushV...'?']ot -igdfiiig "Pare1" 4' -"cont'aininfg about .3O`Va.e1:eis, . _and being. the South-East "th'.,said_. N9. 19, in the 2;`_i1d ` czzxcseioixgof ,- jthe; Township - acres of land` whereon there is. said to be a farm `house and `a frame. barn, being the Eit }iiIf`df.T13d `24 i1i'the.` 2nd-Con- `esig `_,Of_':i';TOW1iBhip "of ~Es`sa._ 'I\KI'hlV'!'I- .. ' I-vvucxcvu were 13 sala [to-be a nouse,] a" log barn and a lframe stabllg mg being ;the East ha-f of Lot 0. 3 in the 2nd Concession of the Town- {a11ip_o Essa. % I" i-V-A-1v(l)V(;wz\at.<:.'res of land` whereon_ there is said to be a farm house and a barn being the East half` of Lot 23 in the 3rd Con. of the Township of Essa. _ . i PARCEL 2-100 . acres `, of land. `lwhereon there is said s;L`house_,l ..~1..... 1.-.... -_J - ~----- 1 TENDERS. ARE `INVITED for the sale . of K the undermentioned farms to be sent. to Creswicke & 00., Barristers, Barrie, Ont., not-I later than 10'a.m., on the 17th day 'of November,_ 1913, . when the g`tenders].wil1 be opened. 1')A1'1lV1-3-`r 4 4-- ` | ....-.._... uus.u.unu1.n LAIEJLD ant`! `two bush lots in the fertile Township of Essa,tparts of the prop- erty of the late Stewart McOracken,; deceased; with the approval of thel Oicial Guardian. I . . 1 B9 Dlrecon 0f8l_I Order made In the; Matter of Mccracken Infants, , STRATHY & ESTE;\T\, I V Solicitors for the Executors,: . I _ Barrie. D?ate_d[1st November, 1913. 45-48 I I I 11. can`); AJCIU. Uy, LIJCIII. ~-~.r \ { And further take notice that af- 'ter such last mentioned date the Executoi's- .will proceed to distribute` the `assets `of the said deceased! among the parties entitled thereto,[ having regard only to the claims} ofidwhichv` they shall then have had notice. - ' . . \ . ---v _.~.-v-1; v1. J__Ia.11.1C, .L\RL'L1l'U(.l I arm` er, deceased, whQ__.died on or `about. the 8th day of October, 1913, are required on or before "the 10th day "of December, 1913, to send by post or deliver to" ' the ' undersignedl Solicitors for the Executors of the' saiddeceas-ed their names, address- es and full particulars of their claims and" the nature of the secur-. ityA (`if any) held by them. `VIA -1`-II`-]nA-A J--`-A l .'I . I` NOTICE is hereby given pur-l suant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors having claims against the- estate of the late Harry Marr of the Town of Barrie, Retired Farm- NOTICE fro CREDITORS I N I number` of `minor matters `were considered, including the` Water service to the property of `the Reeve. This will be replaced . I ` Then you" had better `stop `au-! tos coming in, advised some one.` - . T V_ T I The by-laW carried. ; The market hall was. granted_ `for thehospital bazaar. The Bell? Phone _Co. was given the -required I permission v`vith referenceto trim`- `ming trees. ' * ` I t_ .`-`A big auto dos moredlamage` to our. streets than an engine,i gsaid Ald. "Davis. I Th.eV~je1figinesT cannot be taken onl the` Essa Road from the Town} Line to BqthwelI s _corners, on Bradford, `Elizabeth, Small to ,Dunlop, and continuing on Dun-l lop to Berczy. I l FOR SALE BYTTENDER THREE DESIRABLE FAR)_I`S rut] '+II'?(\ L`-'-n1~ 1A*~ 3 Some; hobjection was made to the route. Deputy -McLean claimed theetfaic in traction engines was very light. Protect our streets trsti"-:a1_1d thereby the pockets of 7 the 15eop1e, he advised- Deptity Sgarott p'resented `a by- `law prohibiting the use of traction engines/01,1 certain streets within the town limits. I 1->100. `-:V Ihe Kenny contract; has. not `yet (been settled, said his Wor- ship; T.as M12`. Kenny _has. been away, but` is here now and it will be taken up` without delay. `I3 dan t all` these enquiries ' be ,nib. de in C`ommitteef?..' asked the ;M-ayor. "`I ve no Wish to scold the Council but .this.bicker- ing is sehseless. ; A `_`_A".[`f }1@~b1AA'e: c;1t<} 1 j basin on] 1;-Elizabeth street requiring atten- tion,` said the, Reeve. . v- A H.adnTt'~the lights, ;;tIfy;';ha\5en t.`~the* inen, ` nir- ,;s:w'ei:'ed tli Mayor-, `who _ added that `the work dfi wiring` the` Collegiate -would . not be: iindertliken until `the other work. was done. ' Lagos} L 4. -v\, J._I.(LL 1.] .J.U.H.1`].' UL ...L- J1, 1 *- V , J W m.t..e ;..Tq.;,..*,.*...;~:v .%il l.|v,I_I,I,_.t ., 8,3,3.T 3' no Dunlap st. av:-cg _I`_ have $200,000.00 worth of .houses.. and property in Barrie A!!=*"!49'=- 0 i Q [ Il\l. L IlI3Il\JaI%g ' . Small cash payments. Balance ` as rent-. Farms for Sale. in--__- ._ ___- ._T Cease wasting your money gent ' V ' A OWN YOUR OWN HOME ' The coffee pot should be cleaned lonce a Week in the following way: Put a tablcpoonful of washing soda into ghe pot, ll it nearly full of Wateif let boil for a litle whi1e,'.then`1'i!'inse thoroughly with hot water. _......g -uuuuucuu auyu: _ `The rst presentation of the gen- ; uine Edison talking-moving-pictures at! the Grand Opera House last ' night, drew a large, appreciative - audience, and if applause and enthus- iasm are evidences of satisfaction then the crowd Was most certainly the best satised that has ever at- tended Kingstonfs. Opera House. `The program last evening was a `(most varied one beginning with the "(production of the silent picture ,with its meaningless motions and aording a contrast with the speak- ing lm of the Edison company. This was followed by a lecture lm in which was introduced singing, -the playing of musical instruments, blowing of horns and the barking of a ne pair of Scotch collies. Then came comedy, drama, and tragedy, in quick succession, .withont an in- termission for nearly two hours, - and then the grand nale `from the Edison Minstrels, ending with the singing of God Save Our King and a oating of `the Union Jack which sent the audience into ecstacies. 3. E. BIi.I;I-l;"GSLE}'. Station Ticket Agent % .. - _ Phone 6-B Fin Particulars, berth reeervetions etc., I1-om_Grand Trunk Agents. or write C. E Hornint. Dletrlct Passenger Agent, Tor: onto, Ontario. ___i j w uuuwct Q - Ilb CUE!` " '5 between Toronto and Montreal, and Toronto and other principal `cities in Canada. Also Double .Track and Solid Trains betweenl Montreal and Chicago; also be- tween.Ontario Points, New York and Philadelphia, via Niagara `Falls. _`- .. tsuocnssoa T6 MRS._LOVERING Phone 91 Oce, Maple Ave 81 Co. TALKING `PICTURES MADE N . 1BIGNHIT.AT KINGSTON Refrring tb `Edison s wonderful {talking-`singing pictures which .will `be seen" at the Grand Opera House I Dailj Stndard says :. 'rFLA 2-.-.1. _.----- `fonly Double Track liailwa hnfltrnnn Pl\n_.....L.. ...._.J 1.r-._L, ,- I ' }iAn;'?'5i mm` the` 0.: Nut. Stove '8: Furnace Co al`A% "'~- Hard & Soft Wood.-Cut and _ split as desired. Prompt Delivery- Prices Right \ AA _T[ll_Ab orgnga somcrrzn -1`P&(L`15 45-4613. V Drfhosankn SMOOTH FROADBED FINEST EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC LIGHTED LPULLMAN SLEEPERS 1ZH0M35&VViiiii .vv..- orers wanted ' 1'1? ..4DvE1msEMENT ronj RING 263 nd uv\.l Cliurchwardns, Painswick. F5 Ll. ;1r;;,, Eg ;1- - `int: A % Storg A wer passed} utment an! AA.- 9 Ealiis *1` :1 he *iiev hUL6d\aO-ow .... .. $75 LCK, Olgrl ead from:--I? urer, that 73 T less than,` -or .befo_re. wed at ai-4 ank B&Pb,9I,% ineering tee; Line A11. 5 cu 13th iuat E6: % D 13 `O7 T.U{IN(i THE Hanlutm. v % human life ..9, ' <.~1:~'o, the Grind vi; 8) 1121.; circu1ated_.a-" . E6" is 110-atly printed 131'`;0- card, and is __rst cmupaign, `-IIOXW 'ez1ds,as f0110W V and u c ' ' ' ' x1\'et j uI1z1I':H`-~` . Balaxm? Can. .-\t. IN"- Su1'plu.< .- P1'(-\:irru;s' Sm`. Total .~'1I1'p]\l~` yx.-\ftox' JMH rem].-`. mII.~W'-4` __ T].) `W ` u > A u rm] .~~u1p1us of .$1.,997,696y . 1 IC\lIf \vv?_Ig-x ._,_. _. C . . - - ,," "" Sm`-I\~t' "@866 2565.08 P1'<:\'i`r`n1:' ]`9?g,(()}84 1 .895 V88.6. T ;1 i t 14 8304sL (i$m;,." }` `="`?6 1923984%: mmh . :.l11u'tl11_L',' 311come ., HllI.-H:'.- ()] )g1'at10113/IA 3.; will '- ~. A. full `'1 .` `` payment` the 4 `MM MP the ha1f"37931';7 . W3 l`ll:1I`:]11teerT Rtorlr and-7' if Jllld SC;':0I14. 311- balzlmu? of -.. `forward. I 1`; ..\ -n :4. VO0\J '_'$V" tin`: }I`iH::' .`\l<-~.~i1'.~'. Litt1(3 ,.-7 \\`i11m.\+.:.. 1, grcnougall, John Brunt-m. .T;n1n*~~' B1'1111t011"ahdf J.;D-. \w...m. .\h-. '1>.,_v1e, a brothe`r,-*a`nd hi< mi 1".-wnn ..Vtr\\'1m1rket, came up, on 'I'l1u1~r1:'y\' tn attend the .`funers ."` Bcm1ti1'x:l Hmml h'ilmte;=. coveredihei m-kvr. IL-~iI.~s her 1`111Sb511d{_ Mrs, Putt-n L -;x`w~ two sons allldi t,W0' (lam.-lxt:-r.~. .\Ir.-. Nevill of` Owen Sotunl z_ml .\[1'.s'. Sibbald Of C QIfff-' EX1-.c~11.j~,g.,.' ' KT . vu:A-.; Ne\'ii1 v_Vv V of Owen zml .\[1'.s'.VSibba1d 6f[VC'9I1? `-r ne:1ut. (mi... and Thomas of No`rAt11 Bay mu] .I'n}111 of A11anda.1_e."" (?I`{.\NI) 'I`IU'.\YI\: FINANCES; The (imml Trunk Ra"-ilway C01ii- 11ml." Hf (':I!I:H]zl has iSS`l16(1 .a111mz111"*!"'l`I fur the six months" ended Jllllv 234), 1913, which DI`P< .1. !'..H..u.,_ .annu:1l M-3n .en(}(-d Jun` pare.-: us `It Aft:-1' u }iug:'eri11g` . inne,.SS, th` C..aH'. .r-.-111*! of T Mrs. ` James `Pat-_ trm at t]1<- humo of her `son, M1`- Julm I ;m..n, \\'i11ia1n ~StV., o.n Wed- 11'~eI:V1.\' nf LN week;_' in her, 71st _\'<~m'. Tliv '1`.11 was ,h_e1d v_0n' .\'.z1t`.11'1n,\' m .2'ni11_2`,_ `the rerx1a_i11:s` be- i11_!`T:l]U'H In '['l1o1'nhi11 f0r int81'f nu-mt in II. (". vometery, ,_ che% pall- 1':(-;1:':-:'< t':'.:m the home Ltd `the A , I `...1f:: `um-11 at -John Path. Hf B['I{'_I`O.\' AVE. METHODIST T110 JCp\\'m't'h League isvpreparing: for n }.11n1}>l pie social a nd_'pr`oV-V grannno in the basement of`the[ church next Tuesday. eVe11i11g. ` V 7 Th-3 } z:.~`ln",.v subje-cts -for Lnext Stlndny will he as follows: I'n-Ornin1g`,* "J6-`u.<. u (Lroat Misund;erstood.;A eve21i11_:, "l[imh'a11ces to the accept- IIHCC Hf ('ll1`i.~'T.' ' - > V Every I nHma11 car in use on .]ino;< of the New Haven Railway `will he of all-stee1,1 steel un d__er;-AL. fralne. m- .~'I'!`C1'Cl1L1 c011str1ic'ti0IL-by Dece1111w1- :31. uee01c1i11g"to an an`-L n011m`~(-Inclxt 1:)` President.` _E11iott.`- At ])1`0>'c!1t about 80 per cent,. of the PuN1n:111.~' are of steel constfuci` tion. it \\'-as stzlted. V ' ` V. `The 1\i1;d.s'z1\' Warder ~ . ., ` says: -V G2T.R. are -ldding 7 0 `- . `S A` t0 their 1'uHi11n~ ~ . - , _ :5 btOC`k `V11-,1 clty of s0(m0 pounds 1. a capa. - ' Tfafc WIS exceeclihgly l;ri;~:1v '7' and lust .`\'1111du3: .E:,t1?(1r:13:_ mR&hy.f' passed th1'0ug'l1 Linds , 1 Qf cars empty for their di: Oaded 9-lid ations. rent . destjm I)F..\'l`lI ()1? MRS. P1_X_T2TQN. ' LUH \\UI1\-I `-'WJ"._' _""_`_v"",v'*.' j,.",7-`I ??w1e leaving here dnle where he haS 5 zmlnager of 1.3113] 8'1'0<.331'y_4 ;a's'-We at the G. T_. Ra11way _M r- - .Bmw1ey has been 111 Bradfqr [quite a few years, rst _as` groggy.` clerk for W. D. Watson and latter- . f J, (L. 3;-oV'(:=.I1`1 himself a- most -energetic}. Gray; and he has ,V and poplllur salesman and will 11o_. doubt make -.1 success of hls new.- position. 1 di\'il1('H'l` ~ ,a`u:n':111t0edV stock I _Q-`I. -null -x -- the chair, and the. *"e much e.n1ig'htened on 9:13;: this excellent society 7h.mbem1e11 of the north.` '_ ~ .. .- The B1'adfo1'(1 The Beeton Wod 53378.3 `M1 -H, "'1'-" F-7` 1nnn~n1n~ 110190 '. reless telegraphy/Q 'ed`on the 1inesVof; ay in England to en` to qo1nmuni`Ja"`te"-w ' BYSY AT LINDSAY '0 meet Nov.` 24 .~\1`.L-STEEL CARS """:~-\-\-H-t uv\`l\-r'l\ .uuu &llz9.I_l,'_` } pro 1 (3 1` red stock, '1 -`lm.721 to` be`carr1T_odj 1913 1912_2_ .321.'173,339 $18,634,698, `15,554,493 13,575,438; 5,018,846 6 5,059,260`; < 2,952,670 2,660,360 . 2,666,176 2,398,896 353,866 , 256.308` 1,035,084, 1,395,886 6. 62,014 33,6423- 1,097,090` 1,923,934. I . . . . L . . . . - J.I!\l,liI Jlbpwo .uu.o.~ as -7,_-, 3'r`. %1`.war3ioa;..John,MinT.Geo< .C3\ B :."l,,,` V; `v=;8 `ll `*3 " . W-ard 4--A. F. Hunter, Janet; Campbell, Mrs. C_la.rk spn, Mrs`. Hunter, `A. E. VWh_itby,f J. Some :- vjlle,. Mrp. _Garher;_ grtha` A,.,. Hunter, Geo. .T Camerdn, ,D a'._vil. Brown,` _A. Carpn`; T. *Fia_har, F. Mar_tin,. B.wMya_r_s, _A. } E-< Raman, C.` Ll od; Q.v_Switze!:,`,;J~.: Switzer, *Clnrb. 7*;bWn*,_` ?W.L;.I'.' ` _ M: ,1; `I .` `B . ,_ ,,> xx; ,` . ' H.` 4' Ward 3.---J as. Allan, M. Warner, H. Warner, J . W. Merrick, Ches. S. May, Jack Armstrong, J. "E. Billingsley,` R. Beaten, J.` 'D. Rodgers, Clara Rodgers, W.. B. Mar- shall, Wm. Hipkin, C}. Faux, A. Ballantyne, Chas. Reynolds, W. 0. {Andrew 0. B. Patterson, Mrs. A S. C. .Sproule, Mrs. M. R. Bertram, W.. L. Reeve, Mary Robertson, Wm. Armstrong, Alex. Sinclair, Andrew Smith, J. B. Gill, J. Stephens. Wm. Elliott, JuliaA.,,'Mull1olla'nd, Wm. West, Ellen, McKnight, Lillie ` Deegan, R." W.` Rowell, `Jae. Evans, Neil McLean, Ca.th.ari_ne. `Lynn , Wm. Tillett, .v ,0.` McMillan, ._Jojh11;- Nicholson; D. D.*fMcLeod, R. ..Hurst,.,Jas. '.Ch'oes,+ Mrs. WT; .Pearc;7,:,`, ;Walt`er Sarjeant,'.`7A.o Fr. Dobson, A-,4 r lwalter Richardson, T-hos. Douglass, I *Spi1lett, H. Otton, John Smith,` G. R. Turk, W. A." I.ewis, Mrs. E. Wittendale, D. Gauley, C._. M. G. Smith, W. Richardson, Robt. Black, W. 0. Richardson, 0. _M. Doane, John Mick, Frank.Hur1r burt, R. A- Thomas, - V.'. A. Hart`, A. S. Monkman, `E. L. DeGeer, A. Hunter,` T. Elliott, Irene `Le 'Quyere_, `B. Patterson, B. Graham, L. Graham, J. A. Aridagh, N. Mc- Eachern, J. Herbert Morgan, E. L. Brereton, M. J. -Frawley, Francis McMu1kin,- M1-s.`Jas. Hunt, "Ge ;`f [Maneer._ ` - ' V ontract for Greek pre-3 plained that; point _ olfg as acceptettj ioners asked}: 0.00 or betorta orrosmcroacns ENTER CAMPAIGN, ._- ..-- `gr vaau nyuvu UL W18 I-JUL 5`-3-I-U- Complaint was received that drift wood, etc., wascstoppingpthe flow of water in creek from lot? 14,Lcon. 9vto bridge on cross road 15 and 16. _On motion'of Cock- ' burn and McKinley, Deputy Reeve Campbell and` Councillor Smith were appointed to examine, and that theyhave full power to act` if necessary. a - fV_ H}: II 11- T7: 1 rvqovov Tm;1:ith---Campbell -- Couhcil ' `ad- journed to meet in the Town Hall onthe 24th\November'next at 10 ----.....~---J . % T Ca1np{be1l-:McKinley -'-. Acouht to the amount 'of-$171.76 were or- dered paid. T T ps- ---v voooovui `In- v_iew._ of th"sale' of `Drury ` Mill Road, on motion -of` McKin- ley. and Smith that the saletprice be set at the rate of $12 -per acre. r`_,\.,...-.1..!'...J. -__-_ ,,_ -_- 1 .1 1 .. ...v.. 555' sun; vvI_:1.1'_u Ul. .`1lUuV`y rusnti of -- Water -would probably cause damage to bdge. The: Clerk was `instruct d to. notify` Mr. W. A. Luck {remove said logs. The Reeve" reported that Mr. Bessie asked that road.be'improv- ed on line between con. 1 and 2, cons.` 2 and >3, and crossiroad_ 35 and 36, con. 2; -Deputy Reeves Campbell to seeto the first men -.{ jtioned `place, the Reeve to. the second, -and Councillor Cockburn to the third. _ A V ' ;Cl,ai`k: 2 `H 1 rr ' .. Delg7ates"toa league `iireeti11"g`i-.-Jasli l Clark and C. Marshall. I ` ~ Manag e1*._--Mr. Carll Marshall. I The captain will be -seleeted"latef. The "seam. will practice every Wednesday night at the rink. as "soon as ice is available. a L l .vv--9- vuncvl. nJ1_$llIJLIz W-0&1 V. 'uuL'Luuu3' a Complaint having been made that two -logs had been placed against cement wail: "of `bridge, `cross road `15 and 16, con. 2, which in"`the event" of 3. heavy rush, (If ' IITRf.D`I' -.I'l7rx11`4'-J u\_-L-L`__ -----A ' `minutes T cf. .las,t" ineetfng were read and` on motion of Cock`-` burn and Smith ` were` onnrmed-.._ (`-___..1_S_,n `I 1'-ion: /'I3L{d ` and T: -"*'V`.' on- eiits-V-Dr'; Barbara; 3- shear. -u-vvv-vva u plan and`; at `Finlay 3 . S. Dunlopgf The` Couneil I` met jnersuantv 0 1 adjo1_1rnment.. with all the emeni-"L 1 bars present, '1andthe\1 _eeve in the ` chair. T At _a` .we=i1 ;i1tteded_;`neti_11_ of tfi! V_Y.M.C.A._f, hockey __ club last fWe'dn- jdvay e,ven;ing,-; the `f;oll`owi`ng ` qfce]rs* ,wer.'eele_cted:` ' A . " - 9 (Colltfnued frc $m Page 1) '7?` '71` H. J TUDHOPE, Clerk}; 0130 _(`.OUVNC`I_L. .1` (aontinued from .Page 1) th,_Vo .t% the V petitibn` had 49 qver the ` , . . ;m: ssd `z_.;4VV_c >iVr;t..,`\Ir`1:s;v>'19ct`_;oi.-.:V N won wouu) rAnoo % MANY QUERIES t3e}. ld ` ard, W. A. Anderson, E- H. Fir- Ward 6-J. E. Morrison, Eliza Lyons, W. H. Humphrey, Margar- et Holmes, Jno. Brunton, `J. S. Humphreys, J. Archer, J. C. Ser- vice, J.. Patton, L. E. Brunton, J. Davidson, W. Culross, M. Walker, 0. W. Poucher, D. Melson, J. W. Munro, J : Trask, H. J. Hill, A. Wilkinson, J. H.` Knapp, By- ron Hill, W. Hill, J. E. Harris, D. Waglouba, A.R. Walker, W. D. Little, W. James, S. J. Coult- er, Margaret Ross, A. E. Leon- m-an, R. R. McBride, T. J. Edge, - eMrs/. E. Dixon, Mrs. McMillan, C. `C. Alexander, `Mrs. J as. McPher- son, C. F. Parker, R. Couch, Wm. Park, R_. H. Hodgson, C". Fletch- er, W.'J`. Earley, J. H. Wisdom, - C. L._lBurton, Geo. E. Farrow, W. Tanner, `A. W arnica,' C. Tomp- kins, M - D. Tyndall, T. A. Bish- op, Mary Arinstron-g", Mrs. ,' E. ` Carson, ..G. A Smith, Elizabeth f .Gatch'er, J. j Catcher, Catherine Q Cameron,"J as. Clark`e.G. H. Cur- tis, _ E. `Sh_'ea"r, " ' Dawson, S. . `Cork, -W. F. ~Mooi'e, Mrs. C. Tay- lor," A. Y.` Brown,_'E. Robins, A.` Berry, _` ,_McL:ennan,- J. Hedger , "C. [S-l"ow;leilgh, -Jvas. _C1_'awford, . (Wm;-.'ifQrm%'vdrd,,;C.. A. 'pTay1or.~..A~ ;.-B;.. Brunt9h}_`W- W ~;Cutt.9n. `.0has+i' g g.s.i;__,.G"llOhr,i8it, 3 5 , -~~. --~ --v.--: -~- --~v-W-".7: Wm. W~ise1nan, Wm. Burtch, W. E. Scott, J.,_'__Lambi_e, Mrs. F. E. Watt, Wm."Do.bson,. J. S. Carley, Mrs. R. R`ey,nolds,' Mrs. E. Win- gate, iG.*L. Miles, A..`F. Garrett, T.. Cavana, A. S. `St. John, E. v Smith, Jessie Bell, "AW. Mclnnis, B. W. Rhinehart, J. F.~Cornis'h,i Margaret "Webb, A. Paddison, W. J. Paddison, T. Sibbald, W. Pratt, -W. McKinley, F. J.` Norman, W. Hunter, H. Hamilton, E. Ay-`V ers,_ S. Allward, "Geo. Theakston, L. Spearn, R.` Wilson, E. Kearns, Gertrude Kearns, T. Me-ggison, S. Garside, W. Berry, A`. -Bartlett, M. Baker,-A. B. Carley, Jas. Salsu bury, J. Pullbrook, Hy. Arm- strong, T. Sinclair, K. -C. Dreyer, Almeida Lewis, C. Lewis, R. H. Whiteside, J. T. Arnold, S. A.: DeGeer, A. M. Quantz, R. Camp-l bell, H. Hirlehey, C. Etherington, ,0; W. Holdsworth, J. Flaherty, '.[`_. Henson`, M. Alexander M. H- Bowen, W. Metcalfe, Averill, Robinson, M.'O .Connor, Mrs. AH. Smith, Jos. Howcroft, Jack Archibald, .D. Bauldry. ,,,-----.,, -._. '4..LU\.ILa1U.y, u`.v nnuxguy, jS. N. Hurst, C.'I-I. Carruthers, J. Patterson, Mrs. E. Mansbridge, I Wm..,Bo'gar_dis, E'....L. . Cross, -T. 1 Ford, R. W. Atkinson, -A. Pringle,` G. Partridge, W. J.- `Nelson, Mrs. -E. Burton, G} How, P. M.cL~art W111 anvnn on an )m--- n----L ' ` "7 7" `__-`v ...- u, 9-I.p_uvIJVU," `.1-Ibo .lo "jw. ; ..;_I.5l1antyhb,ejWm.__"_ Burtch, . Ang':elin;e_` J gfjlmston,-R.~ F. Corb[ett,, `Jos._'f`]:I-a';i`t_1y, G. A. ,Hopki n;s, .W. . B._.,j?Boo_th,-f V. -B1"own;,.S . ` Rey- I4 Tnolds, .W'.]G. `Warren, G. R. Rod- g"e_r_s,A.:'Shepa11i, T. Rogers, `.3-.~`3.:fa"11,'.. Lucindae and Georgina _Bell`,'o G`.',_ .Ra*ymes, Robt. Miller, . Margaret j-Thornley, Annie Thorn- , ley',.]Hy'._'.--B1all, M." , Leadiey, - Libbie "Canningt;on,' F . 3. -Redditt, C. A. Perkins, W. "C. Walls, H.-' H-ayes, `Wm. Smith, Jean,TJ'a1;e and Jes- sie McMillan, Jas. Dglziel, J as. ,McDoug-all," Mrs. Hlrdy, R. J.. Guthrie, H. Ellis, 0. "=Forster; Ward 5--W. P. Corbett? W. D. Cl'ifton,, W. S. M cCullou'-gh, Churchill, G. Cuth-b_ert.,-' W. R;.'f;MiI- es, H. Bogardis, Mrs. RofbtinsoI'_1,. E. "Thompson, H. Cole, W. D`.-_ yMinniken, J. H- Steblivn-gs,,Ma.1_~ garet Elliott, G. B. Simmons, N. B. TJohns`ton,[P.' Scanlon, S. G. Buchanan, H. Armitage, .A. E. Aconley, J, Aconley, J . Mingay, J R N 1:l'nm.'+ (` IT I` - ..-;-- - - ._.,,..u. : ua.;z;e:u;;,_;a`a.s._ Auougau; T W. ~a . Scanl'on ,...Mrs; Dempster`, Angs Mofiregor, AM-argI;erite .T.1ujner, M. * -} -`Ca1dWel`l, s; Ma-bee, M. A.` Murphy, . A Hi11'.esf,`i1J;-Mariin;j[ Geo; Ball, 'Si1n1 1i c;jir_,1s', .v Janet ` _ 1,1 "Ethel .G1_1nri, Agnes, Gunil, .Qa?01i8 H-~Qa.C1`&`ig; Jase -jCor_bett.;" 'A'.:V v;.'0; Fisher, Christiria -Usher`,T/Ella M.:.Usher', `Ida Ushe1j,- 1 no, Camero_n,_;~J`as.. .Douga.11',' W.` . V v ,n A ' _.__L _, vas. yglzlel, Jas. 3. Hjdy, J .. s_., C. If; ";Forster; . . Corbetff; D. McCulloiig'h, thbert; R; MiI-, uigkly fa po8ibie-i%%% If? ` Q