801': 'de - vol :1.- % A. SUTHERLAND, 1 Post Oice Inspector.; Post Oce Inspector s Oice, ` 1 _T9rontp, 27th Oct., 1913. 44-46! JJAVJJJJLIKJ, (I\.luL UC\J to the 'LPostm`_aster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, `the 12th December, 1913. for-the conveyance of His Majesty s Mails, Voiiga proposed Contract for .our,.yea`1-s, ix times. per `week each. }.way,`-1 . over Q01-aigvale (via_ Stroud) Mail _-Route, from the 332-:ti9%8ct9r 99nem1 so `.P!e%sure-; 9 Newbro s Herpicide in 50c and `$1.00 sizes is sold and guaranteed to do all that isclaimed. If you are not satised yor money..,wi1l be re-1 funded. All rst-class barbers and [hair dressers -.use and recommend lxt. ' V ..__.______ .7. ~* -7 l m'i-iarg`)-i ;.c1e hair scintillates with health` and vigor, and luster, `produced "only by the well-known scalp and hair dressing, Newbro s- Herpicide. "KT, I _, 9 .-rjr u -1 o ...n, 1 r-vvunavu uuu .uu.1L .I.L_ULLl .Lau.u15. The prophylactic action of Her- picide keeps the hair free from diseasg, and .with the scalp sweet and clean a natural hair growth is I ingzitalgle.` ,..--v uuu u; J-VUVYLILUD .L.LI:Ly1c1uC. This remarkable preparation ab- solutely eradicates dandru;"."" and prevents the hair from failing. TLA ...-...-....L..'l..,.J...'.. ...-A.---_ 1` TT {There is one sure and certain way for. every woman` to have beautiful hair, and that is to give it, intelligent _care, which includes `the use of Newbro s Herpicide. 'f`L:- ..,..........1-..L1.. '_-_-_-__-i:- 1 {THE GIRL WITH If I `BEAUTIFUL HAIR, "LINDSAY-.-MORREN--In Toron- : I . to, on Tuesday, Oct. 28th, Lillian] `I -v.- g1\;Ianse, Wyevale, ' '2;.-Von7Thursday,.Oct. 16th, . to Rev. and Mrs, A. 1,33.) Hubley, a- son. , I HURST-?In -Barrie, ' don. ` Saturday, ` `a daughter. , October 25th, 1913, ` to Mr. and `Mrs. Nixon" Hurst, Innisl St., `a. 'O N.EIL-\-'In Barrie, \"on October 22nd, 1913, to Mr.` and `Mrs. ` James O Nei1,. a daughter. PHIP13S--In` Aflandale, on Mon- fday, October" 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phipps, Allandale, a 8011. . SMITHSON--In ' Allandale, on Wednesday, October 28th, 1913, to Mr. -and Mrs. Geo. Smithson, Essa '1 St., a daughter. MARRIED APPLETON---.LAWRENCE-- On October 22nd, 1913, at the resi- dence of the Rev. Mr. Pickett, Lansing, Ont., Annie Lawrence, eldest daughter of Stephen Lawr- ence, North Toronto, to Edward \ Appleton, of Beeton, Ont. J_OHNSON-NIXON--4In Port Arthur, on` Oct. 14th,1913_, Wil- liam Oliver Johnston, son of TIT...-. T..L......... -E T3--,-~"- " 1" ~ L -.44-46' SEALED. TENDERS, add;-gssed} _ 3.1.; 11--;___-_-L_ ,r1 V, ta1ii,>;nt:~. h`_v4e_.'yars_after be- .. ai l;'.M,a.S6n;. and have been. 9I1;l3e1te`n`i9 t1:he_ Grand 7 . of . ., " .f1`0II1?-ifthat. f tilfil I`rec.e`i\'7ed r`fth'e ft y_a1;_ fC`hapt i? De`grees" in St. .John s .. Chapter '3, `Toronto , aboi1t fo`rty"'yea`rs ago, anti .Was Ex. Z of the Chapter very soon after". `In my early days` `I attended both -the Grand Lodge and the Grand Chapter annual meetings. I had the honor of initiating the late Sir John A. Macdonald, in London, at the meeting of the Grand Lodge there. ' l ' l Uses N ewbro s Herpiide :. HERBERT ROBERTSON, L Special Agent, --....... \J -4- v ya u u1.u.Lu uvxx, BULL `U1. Wm. Johnson of Barrie, and Miss Florence Maude Dixon "of 'Port` Arthur. f Mail Contract Mail Contract BORN CATTLE" ESTRAY * Strayed onto the premises of E. Shanacy, lot 5, Con. 4, Vespra, four head of yearling cattle, three red `and one White. Owner may have same by proving property and pay- ing expehses. 42-44p \I\Ir~ 816 Z `7 Rail Estate nd Ijfaizrnnce - ` I-gn9n:9'aao._ _ - my Dunlap 8t._ Balance: _ 4. FaArms'-lot: `Sale-_. V STRAYED--Onto the premises of the undersigned, lot 26, con. 10, Essa, a red heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. George Wiley; Holly P.O. 44-46p. _STRAYED-On Oct. 11th, from the premises of the undersigned one two-year-old. white and red pure-bred Ayrshire heifer, .with- out horns. Any person giving information will be rewarded. . David Wice (Tollendale) Allan- , dale P.O. ` 44:-44p. WANTED-Some intelligent lab- ` orers wanted for all year work, in our different departments, men who may grow into better than common laborers pay. Enquire for particulars and send quali- cations to the Collingwood Ship- building Co., VCollingwood, On- tario. ] 43-46 i ` . `wvi have $200,000.00 worth of houses and property in Barrie 03 A1!-ndaIe- 00 ~ own Y0lIR own HOME ~ Cease wasting your money l e_!1t.V. _ Q ' be*en' cicishio ' `aid . iiiiitseii, and Toronto and other principal cities in Canada. Also Double Track and Solid Trains between Montreal and Chicago; also be-; tween Ontario Points, New York ` and Philadelphia, via. Niagara Falls. V Full Particulars, berth reservations etc.. from Grand Trunk `Agents, or write C. E_ Honing. Dlltrict Passenger Agent, Tor onto. Ontario. \ ' ~ 3. E. BILLIN GSLEY. sudon 'mckotAgent A Phone 6-B LOST-BetWeen Shanty Bay and "Barrie, or in Barrie, a gun metal purse, f containing about $16. Finder kindly advise Robt. Rob- ertson, Shanty Bay, and receive 3- reward. - ' 44-44 "Only Double Track Railway HOUSE TO RENT-Furnished or unfurnished, with modern con- veniences; bam and one acre of ground. ' Rent reasonable. Apply E at this ofce. 44-46p. BOY WANTED-Te deliver par- cels and learn the dry goods busi- ness. Apply Sarjeant & King, Limited, Barrie, 44- * _` North Bay Times--Captain and vMrs. Elrick,. of the`Sa'lvat.ion Army `local corps .(forme_rly - `of Barrie) have` received Inarching orders and will farewell at a special meeting on Sunday, afternoon`. and evening, while they "expect to" leave town Tueday. During their stay i11 town they have made many .warm friends attracted by their kindly Christian dispositions and helpful- ness. They will be followed to their new eld by the `warmest of sympathy and good wishes. Drfosanko '* (supcnssox T0 MRS. L0 vmru NG Phone 91 ' .Oi'ce, Maple Ave_ NIXON--On V ' Monday ` morning, , L 0ctober'27th, -at Barclay, at the -rs-idence of _ his daughter, Mrs. John Barlay, Christoplier Nixon, late of Elmvale. ;Funeral at Central Church, Innisl, L `October 28th. N QA_lM &CM5 Nut, Stove 8: Furnace Coal Hard & Soft Wood.-Cut and Vsplit as desired. Prompt DeIivery- Prices Right A 1-am. onnsn soucn-an LEVVIS 81 Co. lfar Kingston, was a passenger '-on "gmounting to $195 Whichhhe took ~_Dl'esence of Taylor. 'I,',heT1att,er .Bed1`d. fm-t_\' dollars was miig- NEWSY IN TROUBLE North Bay Times--Char1es. Tay- lor .Ws 11mm agent" on Grand Trunk exprvas 61, -.Saturday, [and- his per:ulim' :l('ti()1'lS led to h1'sxa1".; rest -when the train arrived at North 335'. Eli Bud-.1rd, a farmer from rom his pocket and` counted "in the the bills frmn Bedard s hand, 0!! Dretence of il1g` the- W11 :1 slip he had 111 h-ls 1303335" 81011 and when 6 train, and had a roll 0f`bfi11B' the roll returnd" 170... 0 ?01n'1'v1:1i11Aml to the` coilductlk but f51..\'101' dc-uie(1 all kno.wledge: -Di the Inissingr money. However, .4 alrl 919 tmlll \V11.~ ; lmnrinm 1\TnI*`I' ' "`n"'* SMOOTH ROADBED FINEST EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC LIGHT ED `PULLMAN SLEEPERS land` Mrs. Morren `of Barrie, to. A1-thr Victor, son of Mr. and Mgsi , _,K. Lindsay, of Toronto. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS `IHOMAS WARD FOR; RING 263 - V u no any "Y",-,' bedard, missing}- H0 C` n'1>1ni11ml cOndu0t?v ` "a_\'lm' all kI1O.W1d8`9 1111551113` 355' ' "as nearing` North B.9'}'=" the Ini.~3:s.`i11;,' lllOl1Cy was found in`-the; We of the car near the i1BW 3gGl1t r5 kit al S, which he returned, upo "`DDa1 being made to the oOnd_li01' i. Another 9 wqucxusively esttii 01' had converted the four styles" c0mprisiii`g%i_ the Brantford line. Brant-_ ford is especially." for " jobs_ that call for extreme `(1t1I':1-9 ' bility. recommcmlcd Five Points Hardware .` are very moderate,-Vcom sidering the superior qilal-' ity of the goods. ' Brant; ford Asghalt--BrantfO_`rd Rubber--Brantford t2i_---1\Io1m,wk---the.se arg_f wuu. J-Q\AV iss Ethel bell, Miss. adie - Mo-a . McKay.` iss Mabel ; nica, LMise.}4 Amy isTLa};'ra.,? for the styles of The}: you will have proof that the prices we` ask Bran tfo rd Roofing Prices -- 15c, 25c and T _ Sip e.cia1 Sdturnyy Matinee prices-r10c an_dg20c- % % f W1eneZ1 Veludevgne Specialtives`betw; -Qt;/t}" th .'AEs,~ Th5ef3n1y Company Presentmg Royalty zV_\tA1tract1on_ gt VPo;,~u1a;` .13.;-.iTJ3V.: All Royalty Pr'dducticfns", "`C. on1'_%p,_l et_e ._';Vn_'.LEye, -y p,;a:;m-`A Saturday Night '7' THE V. ' ThtirsdaY nit L L Get Samples and Prices iss M on, .3 A1139. 1 '.l`HE w}r:ATHEii};: HURS., oc fc>_u_1_"' different T NIGHTS erry' PeerlQS[s% LL, ..- Nettie I ers, 1'.` L`- _` `(wow .-vvwvu vwv--- .---_- A runaway caused `considerable commotion around the Market while the square was crowded" .with people ,on Saturday .morn`ing.. Some `dam- `age was done to the buggy befozje the horse fell on, the pavement angl was caught. I in ,,,_,,____;_ ---You can get the Engagement and Wedding Ring ;and!- the Mar~ riage License at E. `H. Williams Jewelry Store, and feel `thoroughly satised that you havethe best val - ue obtainable. 4 _ tf Chesley Roberts, who stole a bi- cycle from in front `of. at _ church in Strqud, on October 12th; .was. on Tuesdgy given- 9. term ` in _ the Industrial School.-_ `He. sold the wheel,which_` `""be1on'ged to Harold: Irvine, for7$5` at Oreo .S'tatidn. " E0; Sweeney apprehended .. T we '* and . reeojrered`_the_"{wheel;`; fr} _ _ . -" . "n` A .a_'@ The Bank pf Montreal is plaintiff in _an action against Alfred Defriez and J. H. Pugh of Toronto,` F. .B. Woodman` of Alliston`, and Gegrgo Horn` of,, Oa1ga`_ry`,. . tof .=re`co've_r $15,313.15; alleged =.dn . ymder la guarantee ..of. idebtqdness t_>"f_f- .friez Sand 1` ' ."_A;11i*9!.`_ I Be1iever s Baptism wi1,be admin- istered in the Baptist Church next Sunday evening, Nov. 2nd, "at 7 o clock. . The pastor, the Rev. [Andrew Smith, wil "preach_at 11 and '7. Visitors cordially invited. -120 pairs of women s felt con- -gress _or laced boots. . Heavy soles, annel lined, 99c pair at Carey s Cut Rate Shoe Store. ' --Mn s ne calf b1uo1ier' _ba1s,V Goodyear welted soles, A/CAIiShi0'Il in- soles. Worth $6.00 a pair at C`arey s Cu_t Rat Shoe Store for $4.69 ai pair. up` on I H Th'eW;1;xv:n vliineer _ is nding. diiculty in getting sufficient labor-T ers to complete _work on hand-. Many laboringmen ock to the cities at-this season in the hopes of securing winter employment, ` ll`; Judge Vance heard a case from Orillia yesterday, it beinga dispute over a `boundry 1i11e, between two properties,` one of which was pur- chased by one Rainey from one Smith._ V ' --AIf Vyolulwanlt to buy la home folk yourself on easy terms, call on W. C. Thompson, `ofce .15 "Owen St., Phone 288a, Barrie. 44~tf. T Special. constables had to be- en- gaged to look afterkeeping trziic off of that `portion of Bradford St. from Elizabeth St. ' to Bunker s Creek, which "has not been opened yet: T colfier St. Mc;thodist' `Church Choir will furnfshn the musical /pro- gram at the Stroud Methodist .Church anniversary 4 entertainment Ion November 10th. Mr. A. B; Thomas has a new launch in course `of construction. It is 33 feet long and 8 feet wide and is the largest one he has built. T- -F4.)-r real { V o'w'ers--wedding or table Bouquets, Funeral Designs, lor Floral effects; put upin the most ; artistic manner, see WM. TAYLOR, 1 Dunlop St., Barrie. D V` L.O.L No. 452 will hold "an open meeting on November 5th (Guy Fawkes? Day), when addresses and a musical programme .wil1.be given] `I r__ A Tr. nu - _ , _ -__ ___ v--v vv.-. uvoggvvggg Dog poisohers are. again at work. Mr. T. _Metcalf,f east end-, lost a valuable Austrian poodle :1ast .we_ek. l 'rr\'-r -1"-r -- -1-- -- zgooboooooooopoooobooooo E OF %I.0CAL~INTEREST ALQLAAAAAAA-AAAAA4 4 A - - A - U` 0' O O O _ ~ ------- v- I--~"-7'-"'4 "B"' i The W.C_.T;U. will "meet in -their parlors on Monday, Nov. -3rd, at lthree o clock_ in `the afternoon. zgoobooooooooopoooobooooog :-- Ii`- . 300090oooooooooooogooooooo iss Mar- aud True L l'_',_,_ WLLJ `St. ' Andrew`s choir gave a .~c'on'-' |c_ert in Midland on Tuesday night. YIVL- T|'7hIrn'r'r -11' - AND HAZEL CORINNE Wm! % DAN ' Mmjnov Il\l.] Qaoa vvv `.r-v- - There is genvervel regret through; *out Innisl that ,Mr.. J. Wilson Black, the popular clerk, has decided toiplaee his resignation in the hands of the "council at their next meet-. ing. Mr; Black has been a` most efficient servant of the township, but -._the press -of work on his own - farm -and the diiculty of -securing neometent "L he1p`, V forced hi_m_ to retire from 7 the, ~ municipal service. It is'fthought probeble ` thgt Mi:-. ' ` M_cOonk__ey, the `present as's_e`s`- ? gar, ;_1nay':_;be.:choSe_n ;to tqucceed n B1%9ki " : the excavation for the Dunlop St-. sewers last Thin-sday morning, had his leg broken by a cave-in ofearth. The `excavation was not more than three feet deep and it is` rather sur- prising _that such a small quantity of earth should have caused the ac-V cideI_1_i_:_._ V` _ ' '.-'-Hunting season is here. Are you prepared for it? Oarey e Cut Rate Shoe Store has the best assort- ment `of hunters `footwear `ever be- fore shown in Barrie, comprising, . shoe packs (8 different 'sty1es),~Rub-Z ber*boots,.gu1_n rubbers, long lace boots, leggins,, moc_cassins,.. etc., and then you save. at least 25 per_ cent. -buying at `Oarey s. ._ . T ' ' W. 1'. ;1-__-;; L RQBBERS! RUBBERS! "T `, RUBBERS! T _ ._Oarey s' have `made a [recent pur- fof bver 110,000.00 worth =_1qf _._",T:hei1_'% . Barrie .. Vgtore yua- .V*eiYI9I:i `;FbOii'5=-2313000-(`~WT1 0.1 -this , `&r9;:t11>&5633: rub- aa V Penetang `Curling Club has de- 'cided to hold their fourth annual bonspiel commencing on January 13th, 1914. A special eort will be made to uphold the record of form- er years, and if this is maintained there will, undoubtedly be" a great. gathering of -devdtees. of the roariri game. Barrie curlers always have a good time "at Penetang. N.S. ` The oiciating clergymen were the"Rev._.W.--T. G. Brown, of` the Sherburne street V Methedist Church, Toronto, and the Rev. Mr. Fitzpatrick, of Guelph- Mr. and Mrs. Middlebro left for the United States, and on their return will re-| side in Owen `Sound. I . On Wednesday, October 22, at Park View, Guelph, the handsome residence of the bride s parents, the marriage took place of Pearl Irene, elder daughter of Mr. and `Mrs. George B. Ryan, formerly. of Bar- rie, to William Sora Middlehro, K.C.,M.P., of Owen Sound . V j.To the strain of the "Wedding match the bride entered the drawing-room with her`, father, and precededa by two_ little. ower. girls, "Katharine Crowe` and C1l_811lS Hamilton, and her only bridesmaid, her sister, Miss Joy Ryan. The best man 'was' Mr. '01-arence Jameson,e,M.P., of Digby, )N.S. oiciating ,were Brown, 1r'.1,1 l _ _,.L,___, _ our, hyl . ' Mr. -HenryPenton, who spent th past Week .with` his` daughter "in `town, returned on Tuesday to Owen Sound, Where he has been living with. his son. _ Mr. Penton contem- lpletes returning `to Barr-ie shortly. \ Dr. and Mrs. Morren, Barrie, an`- nounce the marriage of their only daughter, Lillian Ferguson, -to Arthur Victor, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. _R. Lindsay, of 104- Albany Ave., Toronto. '_ ~ Mr." Tmke. J Q Early, of Barrie, an-I nounces the engagement of his daughter, Irene Francis, to Mr. George H. Meagher,` formerly of Kingston. The marriage .will take `place in November. ' `Mr. L. F. Addison has taken the house formerly occupied by Mr. Chas Devlin on Mulcaster St., and .win` move there about _ the first of the monthe._ _ '5 Mns. (Rev.) Hlipkin `sustained :a paralytic stroke on Friday night,' and since her condition has been such as to cause her relatives much alar1_n.- ~ V ` - Collingwod " Saturday News-Rev.` `Father Kelly of New York and Rev. Dean Moyna of Barrie visited Rev;_. Dr. O I.eary on Tuesday and Wed-: nesday. _ I ` , ` ' ` ' The n1arri"age' of Miss Lavina E. Hudson to Mr. T. R. Miller Qf Moose J a"w,' will `take place early in" .No\{e_;_I1ber; _ Miss Eileen Clayton` has -`returned _;to't1"1 e parental roof, after living at Revelstoke,efB.C.e, for the last` three 7994"? A` T ' " - T ' - .. Dr. W. - A`. Boss` and Superiiitend-__ ent: Miss McLenn_an attended the annual-:.. provincial hospital. ' associa- tion gneting at Toronto last week. % -Mi-.: ma ms. '1`*.% Metcaif visited _--.the" 3 fo1frg_1'er s `brother, Mr. .G. Met- vca1f,.`in__`Qro.,_ V ' * ' I Mr. W. V. J . :Ness?f1'as rtmed from Torontofand has resumed his` posi- tion in Beeroft s. _B_a'nk. e -312 -.v ' %.: $'a'. ? -*!"9. .9".""9 .9` ~ Nwtqii .`J of:Npigdh "wig 'town;'5for`i"_ f`vv days. 3 I . -M1- s., Pa11in`g7wil1`'be at home on` the *~rs't and second Monday bf each month. ; .v!9O9OQOfOOQOQQ`OO`'~ A .AA`A--- .Eothergill, of Whitby. At that Dr. Patterson .was .married at! Whitby on October 21st, 1863, his wife being Miss Frances Bryan of -Whitby. The groomsman was Mr. John Fletcher, lawyer, of Bowman-I ville, and the bridesmaid .was Miss time he was practising at Bowman- lville, where he remained for twenty] years. From there he went to Markham, and after practising therelfor four years, he came` to Barrie, but being unable to nd a `house that suited him, he decided to `go to Collingwood, .where he remain- ed for fouryears. Coming back to Barrie in 1888,` Dr. and Mrs. Pat- terson settled here, and since have `been most esteemed citizens of the town. For twenty-ve years the `medicine here, until he retired from active work some few years ago. altogether. Dr. , - Patterson practised his chosen profession. for. glmost sixty years, and at. the time of. his. retirement, was possibly the oldest medical practitioner in Canada. He built` the brick .residence,\\.where~ `he now resides, about the year? 1888. doctor continued the practice of- .vI;i ii`ttl; oime: of` r;miiscn- ces_ `of his life, Published in 1903, Dr. _Patterson says: i`tI have always taken a keenr de-' light in hunting, and for 50 years in succession never missed - spend- ing` a few` days in the woods during the hunting season, and never re-J turned without my fu_1l share. V of deer, except on one or two occas- ions. ' V IVJLLUO , Some of the older residents .with `whom I have beer; acquainted are Thomas Fox Davies, who was the first printer `in Barrie, -and who is now` 85 years of. age and still set- ting type. The rst physician in Barrie was Dr. Pass, and ` the sec- ond .was Dr..Crookshanks, both. of whom are dead; ' and false John -Laird, . who arrived there in 1840, and who is now dead; V` and" -Win. .Hewson,.- also - de'ceased,,- who arrived here, in 1820.. `and. resided in, this locality} until.-itho: b.egiz;ning_,p the fpresentw" yearn-.5 V" ridge ` came to? hoiighlgof `if `,1:819,`Jand{ settled ~,6i__,q1%1 gin ; :th`e. trst-.~ aft gangs "S;'_nith is; ~t1i6' `After light refreshments a most pleasant evening closed" with the : .singing of God Be WithVYou4Ti11 e_We "T Meet Again, -followed by a `few .words of prayer.. . Mr. W; H. Smith was called upon `to extend the colxgriitulations and good wishes of the guests, and Ald. Sarjeant, on behalf of the guests, presented the doctor ,with _a- gold "pin, and Mrs. Smith presented Mrs._~ tP.atterson with'a ring. .Mrs. Pat- terson `expressed her thanks by giv- ing a `very ne piano solo, Whieh was much appreciated.` LL Jun _ In urn. ; -I Hermlin, I} . Miss Sam, I p'.7D0h61'-ty . - nkl 1Lv1u_U nun ELLE. UUU. -rurms. I eMrs. --Brooks and Mrs. Patter- son, both accomplished musicians, furnished ` some excellent piano duetts, and Miss Graham and` Mr. Jones con- tributed some musical selections. Mr. -Marr .was asked to `take the chair. Dr. Patterson . in Welcoming" his: guests, _ gave some interesting, reminiscences of their wedding day 01' half a\century ago and of the fty years of happy companion-ship with his estimable wife. a Among-( those who.` ,were_ _present_| on Tuesday -evening of last week to offer their congratulations, were: Ald. and Mrs. A. J. Sarjeant, Capt. and Mrs. O. H. Lyon, Mr. Geo. Ball, Mrs. Hambly, ' the Misses Graham, Mrs. J os. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, Mrs. and Miss Thornley, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Nash (Toron- . to), Mis-s Martyn (Bowmanville), Mrs. Blackwell (Toronto); Mr. and Mrs. W. _H. Piggott, Mr.` and, Mrs. Fred Marr, Mr. A Jones, Mrs. Dan- ford Roche (Newmarket), Miss` `Irvine and Mrs. Geo. -Parks. . Tuesday,. October 2`1st,3;`L'913',v.. was i a memorable day in the Iii`./es_ of"Ir.- ' and Mrs. Bradford Patterson, fwho, on that day, attheir home on Dun- lop St., `celebrated the_ ftieth an- niversary ~of thleir wedding ' day. The event is unique in `some re-> spects, for the worthy doctor is one of the oldest men living in_ Barrie to.-day, `having passed his ninety- second milestone on'Ju11e 10th, last, and is "yet in the full possession of all his faculties, after a most act- ive professional career. A number of friends assembled . to do honor to_ the venerable couple, and a, pleas- ant .i,ocial evening was spent. I .1 1 *_Dr.. end Mrs.A B.` Peltlersnl l Celebiat Gollen 1AIinivfers- ary.-Frie1ds Assemble ,'_ and lieept Gifts to ` Venerable Couple * T MARRIED 50 YEARS -suntan: VVL \vLL\JC-Ill D J. JVOIDLIL Us ,Printd notices containing furth- er information i as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank, forms of Tender may be ob- tained at the Post Oices oft Gil- ford and Fennells, and at the oice of . the -Post Oice Inspector, To- ronto. - A 4 - .-.--n.-g...-.______ . ___ an vuvuaaunvuvb uanu/1:5; D .l. A\1&DI.lL\.u ._ Printed notices containing furth- er information as to _conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and `blank, forms of Tepder may be ob- tained :-at vtlie-: Post` Oiceis of Craig- A.`va;le;8;iidf.:,`So,1itoift}"' an I at `the? office `:_.n-.`AtL:."-'1'lL_; `:1l\1`L;.`I"__...-...'n___ fl ! ., [I'll IIO,v|AsI 344`; [III ULLLI \J14.|\,\ _ _v .'- ~ I > _'Of Post = : Irx_1spector., IBor9n- 1 ~";_'E{ }1C2 ~`..=g= .z_M.f. ::/-. `~';[(r;`,-_~r -'2" f *1. 1. ' AP0`st' .Oice- `Inspector. 0 % =I|13P8ctor s.` omce, - :iEsh;Lv1`.-than ` A74. .41.`! SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 12th December, 1913, for. the conveyance of His Majesty s Mails, on .a. proposed Contract for four-oye_ars, six times per week each! way, over .Gilford (via Fennells) Rural Mail Route from the Post- master : Qe'nera1 s Plea`su_re_.L L111! JIIIV Jacksoll _ 'I"nn