' ---- -/uu a`&ZZ u L.R.O.P. &*S'. Edinburgh; M.F.P. h S. Glugow ---SURGEON_-- Eye. Ea:-,`N_seA Throat. '3-aha... ...._A A A- DB. IIORTDIZER LYON, 31 CARLTON Bt., Toronto, loto of Brooklyn (N. Y.), Eye and Eu Hospital, will be T at ` 67 Owen Bt., Barrio, ovary Sot- urdoy. Disossos-Eye, Est, Nooo _ sud _'1`htost . Consultation hours, 11 ` on. to 5 p.m., nd by oppoi_ntmon_t. 33. H. '1`. ARNALL. OFFICE AND luiionco corn: at Toronto and Kabuki Streets. ( `to Flin- , bath Strut Mothodiqt arch), Tole-' . o.I.._- 1&3 For both these reasons, the total` vote polled `was much lighter than two- years ago. In 1911, Mr. Elson had 2,477 votes, and" Mr. Routledge 41,816. This, year, Mr. Gwlaes. had 2,047, and Mr. Fisher 1,679. `It is- evident that hundreds of ,voters' stayed at home-rand naturally more "Conservatives than . Liberals--be-r causepverybody _kIiew Mr. Glass has g9i_ng,,.to,.}ae elected, and because, unlike, the uncertainty of two yeara ago, it was . known `that the} con? stituency wouldsbe in harmony with the existing government_.i 4 cowm-` 1. `BROWN, BAR- volieiiora for obtaining pro- !` }bato7'o wins; guardianship and ad- Vn_iniItr:tion,g and general Solicitors, .. Notavrion, Oonveyancors, etc. Omcos, fHind's _ block, No. 6 Dunlap street, ' 'n;.'.;.':- 11..--.. 5.. 1..-... ..a. AIL .....1 G.` ` A. BABBNEUBST, BAREISTEB, Solicitor, ;Not__a,ry Public, lie. Oco, _ T-1s`t-A300": Bunk 61 Toronto Building. `Many to Ion at lowest rates. sunny 5- Iwmn, unnwrnns, in 11535 cm: or Jtutieo wA`na3AA 15.1.18- mjj x a1i62itALb LL.n., unnwrnn, Idlaitor, _otq.' Bank of Toronto I Building, trio. Money to loan. WV. A. LEWIS, M.D.c.1k., Surge;,-y and Diseases of Women especial- ly.` Oce 58 C011-ier St. Phone- T 61. , ' 35-- nnw. H. was % (suoomsson TO ; DR. PALLING), and Acooudaour. Spec- ial attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and 2 Thmot. Glasses Adjusted. Office, I\._._ `G4 131.... an an `I__ 3.` G; surrn a 00., PHONE 32. E8- tabliI_hod_`18C9./. Undertaken. Opon day and night. Morgue and chapel in Aoongetiu. .3au'io, Ontario. } wuasuuvuuws slug Luz 5U LLIGJUJII by"- Another element was. the bad wea- ther. This deterred` hundreds of_ people from gravitating to the polls, as it turned from a pleasure to a" penance the long drive on a country `road. This, drawback aected both parties; but -it aected the Conser-` vatives more thin the Liberals, be- cause they had no special incentive. to brave the mud, `the: gales and the premature .winter. " >11 o. 0. ALEXANDER gmaifite of Toronto University, Member of theColIege of Phyiciand and Syr- lrnnna A: t'\..4.-_.:- - 1" _- .,......,v v;. A uJuu;1u.uU uuu DUI` geons of Ontario; Former Senior House Surgeon Toledo General Hospital-, Toledo, Ohio; Late Res- ident. Physician Muskoka` Cottage Sanatorium, Gravenhurst, V Ont. Successor to Dr. "J. A. 0. Evans. Oice opp. Presbyterian. Church, Allandale, Ont. Tel. 269. 23ly .-,-uuuw-2 wulvwiio \U I5U lull` beth photo 167.` . .W.A. n,ote.,L. ' 0:. hp Q5009, Barrio. sou PIYIIGIAN, 3303., us In .,, Glen and residence, `Dun- Tolinhono 77. ?I'E."cx.f '.A'f'rt'I-3'1 ; AiZ'xa3?I n-- 9- be 1.15:. sub, JJJLLJI VJ Cnnhlll, Ont. Oloo and. residence T Joh ' lt., nut cont: Elizabeth: Ah; `I. a amxmn mn- Bolicitm of the promo Govt of fudieuturo c (/htario, _` ` otu-ion, voyaneon -may to loan. - 0509, Bus; >AA` Cans`; A `D `E u.--l`L4 0 I? ICZCO $1 . k, nu-no A. 11' H. cruwiz I I! ' A 9:in- ` `genuin- -4v-9 . "' Moneyi-'t.o-'lqI'IIf-I;t'v41;;;:l '-Bppor` `cont. Branch ocoa` gt Cru- Ilort "and Allioton.-' Eaughton Lon- Anair. Kc.` _A1ax.i roowsn, G. 1-2. J. t W '1. . i'z'JK}": " 132','6.3Z'y2a2`.xZ."" 5Z3 gs: over he `Bank. of Toronto, Bu- rio. Monty? `to -loan at lowest emf- ront ntoil 0- E-. Eaton. Ia There are elements oonisid-l ered which cannot pass without notice. `One is the every `general tendency of the voters on the .win-` ning sidetostay at home when they think the result is a xforegone` con`-f clusion. A man wi1l.take a good deal of trouble to. deposit his vote A--if she thinks the contest gis _c_lose and the result doubtful; he will not care so much about it if he thinks the only question is that of the size of his party s majority. Nobody for a moment supposed it was possible for Mr. Fisher to win; hence only the more ardent politicans` thought it worth ,while to go very much out - of their" way to bury him deeper, or roll up for their own candidate an unnecessarily large majority. Au\A`LA- A14`.-A-`L 1-- 4.1;- 1.- ,1. ,,,A_ """?'" .`-"""""`. _ NotsrIu=:Public, and j,-*Monoy` to loan in per cent. Omen, 13 St, `H. D. Stewart, `D ._ M." -Stewart.` Owan St. "rhon.`5i" `Dr; J. AIIITI`-lg! Ross ('01! A_(I 1.1: A. '1'. LITTLE, LATE or nh` MA` -4-` '-Q-`---- will 1:93:10 SUI IIIKIII, pptb attajod to. ".$'a'. uxmnnxns. Ancurncg .~r `up:-. ',._ . . present occasion is the fourth" time In 1904- Mr. Peter'_ Elson ,.(Co`nse-r. _ vative). had a majority of 219.` In. 21911, that majority -rose to ,:661. "Now it is. 368.. If the rst twoi/of `these elections be taken as .; "the an increase of 138. In` the other ` Bntvlwhat are "the .fact&? the constituency of East ~Middle,se'X_ has voted,` as at present constituted. 1908, his majority was -249 In criterion, the normal Conservative. majority in_ the constituency is` 234. In the one` case, Mr. .Glass scores he suers a decline "of 8. `In. the. latter there is very little for the Liberals to crow about; in I the former there `is great cause for. Conservative congratulation. V___._, --c-v-lIU FOR THE COUNTY or SIMCOE. Most reasonable terms given on all Stock Sales % CRAIGHURST, om`.- LICENSED AUCTIONEER TI-If MIIA'P\t 4- _.--- ts `mg;-(ion; Soonts per line rorpc f 5': burden of the same matter. 0bi]:1;:b,"I rgo lino. PW! .. oonnnmcun mam: _. 7 _ ' CONTRACT CHANGES, will nlmn *---- ' ensure mm 4: ,_ . `V _ TRANSIENT` 1'15"` 4 I ' 1 Notices. Auctmn bu] insertlon 10 cen es n1`h:'0lh in W uontinsertlon 5oents per ' ,_ ' Nb :1 g notices, 10 cen K3651-`UV -uyny. I-an In Tjmvjuion A .mUNI'l'ED STATES SUBSCRIBERS L V. ` 3,1.-so uN.Apv4mjc_a: . 4. _ 1 Mondny in :::*.;:.*':'."?.*::.`:',:.m:`:~.:':::""-*--'~'3 1lr- , ` mung, um . Muldi . """'. V ' Hot"BnstDr;ingra]n,R'&"~ """" """ "`. ."s':!'. .!.':`{."` "'~ Coqtracting and Building Estimate: glvm Ol`l`lcB-BAYl lELD 8 l'.. BARIIIEON1 nus mg Plllm Llmlte d uuugu mm uresseq Lamb.` 0III-um`, :nrx1`?.u';"1"W:{'9 "I'- HIM Hot 3 n...;--'.`5'.., R i` Druggist. St -'3!!! .0rokeJ .. __._J -- `an; vv-uvnuu i8'not stfcky, and gloves may bl worn a few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. " 'a`dAeV to show that [tl'1e!1irM'es'11flt foff. oE9t Middlesex bar-e1et`i0n`t W38?` "r6b1i] . to _the _- Oomiervativeo, and tom` the Liberals a mora1- victory. V Thiio curioins theory" is -liased; on tho .a;lloged big cut in the .Go:oserv.? tive majority. In 1911 `Mr. Elso_n".'s _ majority over Mr. Routledgo was 661. ` Now the majority `V of Mr. Glass `over Mr. Fisher is only. 368. There is, ` therefore, a loss "of 293 votes. Consequently the f result "oi the latest `contest is" as-great Liberal success. . MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET- _Monkman's Glycedonia. .- Brewed Entirely from the I-`Ines! Malt and ops. 1 4 j, 1 N_x'r noon TO THE 1'ANN:ny II II! rall rd i CA I mm namas,z: ST W- Bouern. Engines :1 :1 Ida farm and stationary 3.'i.c:3mm1 , nd repairegl on shoxtest notice and moderate pnces. Al work doneb ex et h {It agd guarantee an Jag In. Has a. marvelloos effect on V rough skin. One or two 8P?CIw nous will remove the magnum. -and by its occasional use the _-skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Glycedonia :. .....A. -A.2_L, I DUNLOP s'rnu1' EAST B_AiB_R TILE V- `Truman! a General BanN||I_.,_ Lf|!!"!Icc:. . . ; . Nam D{eWW" fl` l_. reasonable ram. CW` and Acoouiil-'9"" : BARBIE BREWING ` BIIMPANY "' `?*%l "now in I @ grtlnroqmotitlic 3 ;cver he charged 1,. puuunuun. \3lIleIIdld ALB and POITII A The lost and Irlllltoot In cask and lame T.BeecroHj.] ggo. MbNKMAl\_I_L BANKERS MANUFACTURERs_ Expert Machinists Barrie, Ont. mPil~lO7NE ma 5:. CO. Flo ......_ .-mg--nnn-"A:-1 w-5"] - V9n:m.sA - ~ Mr. "R. W. 1?ishr,`the' %aeeateai _Ljiberal candidate _i;1._iEast_ Middle.-. sex, has a more correct _view offthe K j assoqiates. . thq elction. ire;-` %tugp%.,were.jopa1p g w'xx; `on situation`-, than` ` some. _ of jhis political I `is eager for. Hydro power and a .*by'- Lla.w will be submitted veryv.so_o'n` for 'the people, tovote on. '1 Othep town-~ ships in: that? county _\_v_v.i1l a follow suit, and . fL'in_coln y.*'O_o.u1'1ty will . he the. "pioneer , in ha1r_in- e1e_tric" light?-., `Gd. farm Ahouses'=`ar;1;d?.:elctric ;1i`ghted': .vcou,&ntry Vroad,8.;. "T j . The Ontario Hydro Goznmission has made an estimate for the Grant- ham` Council `to supply power` in 'Gran_than1 Township , in Lincoln County. The total cost of instal- ling the sytem .wi1l`-be. $38,745, of which- amount the`. townhip ~must raise 813,000, ' the 5 HYCIPO raising the balance. of. $25,`745%."- `Farmers. will be` charged` Va.-`xed-' rate of. $2 .mo1?1thly _forf_'servioe andna _;g1i; > per kilo watt `hour, ' [ Thren township `gs eag_e_1j for. Hydro `powe1`..and.nan.'b.v`- The Allistonv Herald reporter must have been aeein things when he wrote this paragraph: The cold dip of the past few days has been but a gentle reminder that Olkl Boreas in all his fury will be due shortly. Alliston and district, a,l- though favored with a light snow- fall Sunday night, did not receive the white covering that `the. country to the north did. On. Tuesday Bar- rie got six` inches of__ snqw and ,sIeighing was excellent: _. . But this inni anon Vinita` -u-'A--`- _ __ O ....__ .,--.~.-ya-_n_ ..uuu `uua [cola snap must ncede ,for"a time. before -winter sets in and gives Indian summer `an, innings of _ 9. week or more. ` ' ` 7 ` ,` The Collingwood Saturilay News prints the ` handsome features of those two good sports, 0. T. `Step; hens and' Norman Rule, both minus any facial hairsute adornment--and underneath is the following para-` graph: After shaving use Rexall Shaving Lotion--it takes the "sting out. Wonder ho much the com- pany pays for t e use ` of the photos. . V ...noW nme does y, says an ex- change. Here. it isponly twenty-two years since `Sir John AMacdonald passed oifvthe scene, and yet Sir John never. dodged an automobile, never heard` the stuttering `of a motorcycle, never held a strap in a trolley car, never posed for a motion picture, never mailed a letter regu- larly for less than three cents, never saw an aviator capering around in- the atmosphere with`a heavier than ' 15' D11` YYIOII Ivnn -an---- -.-V sqvoadvv uu4v vvsuu G IIUEVI-er WI air machme, j never dispatched; message by wireless. " ' Sir` Henry. Pellatt," Tor6nto s multi-millionaire, occupies a. eu'n_ique_ position._ `Queried as to -the outlay on some huge barns connected with his model farm, he is` credited with replying: I never take notice of what things cost. `Quite evident he has never. had to hesitate be- tween the price of steak and rorterhouse. t 1; e When the hugenes of the` under- taking is , con_'_idered, it is not sur-T prising .1_:h at Sir Thomas Shangh- nessy; gives prox_npt denial to - the prospective._ electrification-. of "tho whole *o,1>.R. "system. -conning thef liroposition} to the . Mount- ain setion is in itself sucienti to tax materially the- resources of this gizet corporation.` - A. . TW9 dbars arid iA>1e for a * y'oung_ girl in~ Owen sound} `police couift '-for~7hitti1i}* hrt frieiifd J .with "a -'twea pVot. `Some .Owen.>$i73i1`i1d'i people` have 1 j queer ide_a_ .o1f_ Vfriend-. ship; _ V .. b % _. % l V"?! ;rth'r`ee meglg. jaf day.-_ and contemplating`-~rura1" scenery , across the ` "steam ' . of -. a = ._ 'washt.u o.~. And in nearly all r'ura1_ Acomn_1_un'- ities, at*a11_ _se'as_ons;- `it E is .r~f_ar , easier to* hire; hands for the eld than for `the; kitchen. ` ' . T ` Ozi__tario apples j `won and sec- 9nd place` at? VWiVnnipeg ,_in<;o1ij1-g petition _.with' B. apples. The` bes_t{xhiBit of apples at, the Ls h ow...- was sent by W. L. Hamilton, 001-` lingwood,' "V 7 1 V ' . " : Sfqxjce `has -jidbnog 1.:hei 7farme_rf Ath.an, *;f<`>_1"' wife.:-.:._ 1 *' HW time (1595 y Hanan "nun :&-:n ...1_. .J.._-_A_- L %No%T'E ' AMND i __ - .7_..... -.-.-ac ;.|..I.JJ.IubJ! I _AnL Eastern" -Ontario man asks this question: An ~ apple tree stands vso` clo_a_'e ' to; a .divi'siqn "fence that 435. wl-1s`.i_i':O`i..'\a. ..'.-U._;;,1 , ab_qu.t..~one-quarter of the apples fall on_2{the:adjQi1ii'ng` lot. ,Gz%_1n the ow_n- ' "i'i p--'Dav 4_ ye no see, ye gawk? Ye ding yer stane cannily, but nae sae ne as tae hog it. tNae halfin eg, nor jinkin turn, ye ken, but tentiely, that it aye. gangs . enoovin . and,` straucht as an e1der s. .walk, hog -anduthedinf amang` the iguairdis, till ye fa on this vezra tee. When Aye ve` dune thet, laddie; ye. 1f'e made a_ po._1_:_-`Hd,` anf ye may bear th_ ? gree. `.....Av ` "PASSENGER IS NERVY Guelph Mercury--Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, , head. of thee C.P.R., has been served with a writ because" a trunk was` smashed o_n his'1'98,d. Well, the nerve of it! "Just `as though the baggag jammers hidn t a perfect right" to smash _ all the trunks they wgnt to! I no YENOKEN-, N002: 3 . Inexperienced Member to Vener- able Skip-'--What s a- .pot-lid, Mr. Macpherson? - T V ` l 61.3.. `r\ Port Arthur News---A year ago] an Oklahoma girl advertised, at a cost of $11.25, for a husband; S}1e_l Inna ouu;n...-u.n.C._1 __ J A-- 5` -' .... .. y......u u.n u uuauuuu. D116! was successful: and on Saturday he" _died, leaving her $19,000, or at net prot of $18,989.75. We 9 simply can t refrain from remarking again that` it pays td advertise- Collingwood Messenger--The Or- ' illia . Packet has secured an antidote for. the,high cost of living. Re- cently `a subscriber sent the editor of- that paper a cauliower, and the editor promptly wrote an article descriptive of its beauties. The re- sult is that the editorial sanctum is _now- ooded with cauliower-s, which means. a big` saving inthe cost rof; vegetables for the household. It pays to advertise... ` ned $509, has had hisT`:111:>otin `rvunO\IlA uvuvu _vv.hlL6Q J5llJ.l. |IlLI5 `Jill 8 1ice',nse:.'cance1Ied ? and is debarred from -hunting for ten years. vO,ri.llia Pa< 3ket--A" Princ Albert. man who accidentally shot his com- -panion dead; _"whi'1a`hunting- has been Rana Qgnn 1...... 1...: 1..-_ _L_,.- . d How TIMES CHANGE Detroit L News--Thef "bld-fashioned girl, when `she -came down town to do some shaping, was afraid some one `would see hgr ankle, but her daughter, nowadays, is afraid that some one won t.' MAKE HUNTERS MORE L CARE- ` {HE'S A % DAISY ` ., Petrborough-- \I\Review_-+fAocording~ "to certain of the" Liberal `press a man nar'ned`?Rogers is fooling" thee ',who1e'fcjountry. , What` a wonerdful man this Rogers Lmust be! T < )wNs: LT-BE APPLES? A_. 'I.`--;-,,, ' mom mm EXCHANGES How ADVERTISING PAYS nusmsss jaarrie rand A11anaa1e%Bran"cm"s CHEAPER LIVING, .1y.%D-`5?9"5`T5:9r- -` -- r - -- - H.` A. SIMS. Aanyitcllf. ' The (if Torvc>nTt6,: with 57 i/qars`of success-i~ ful Banking Experierme, -with ample resources, with large reserve funds, and with Vwidely-ex ; fended. banking facilities, -ders to _Mrchants, Manufacturers and other Business Men` an un-_ excc1led`Bar`1king Srvic e; _ 5t.1`8 WPHOJW-; of `-2 thebehuneifvf drmer_ s wifg -- the to "males is`. in fact` V.kjapi5allin,;`;*"v ?Mi.!1Ti.. 98 F 3DP1:id d.oneJ1 . parativlr ;little `?3;??9:1:t9**` !3?1t5 99 *5 tar` a13':'i't " :=;;""'.': 3`. ""`$ `:.:`` 11 r o 3. . sure. u .- - Must reside `six mocgtha in 3'5: of three 1 cultivate fty acres and crew: choose worth. $360.00. _ - . ' V . _ "w. W; "COR-Y.` . . Djputy of the Minhtdrbt the Inca-tar . N.B;-L-'-'U bit M bf t-hi ad ! _9tti'B0![IO::='H'l;l|0t 'e nuu1dL.Ql'g_-_-37086 fl-I4 n:llielt'Q.1IlpO0t0l' on'applicu!6f{fo_:7 omeateade: who has exhausted inhomo- ateul right and cannot obtain 3 pro-ompuon (-_., ..-- up-----vi ltIIUI\3U "3 III onavation ot the land in each of A mesteulor may lives within nineln at his homeowul an aura of at but I sores on certain condition. A hubigabio hum in M- quirod in` av , cum except when residence is performed in vicinity. I I ` .h:aco1-tain iota a onutouer in ; u; uounmon undo (not nub-agent}. voondmou. VDutiu.-8x months ujtduco cultivation t homeuua gr may Ho. -..nLc- .`.a .. _.-- uagvu an-uUuA..l.1UJ._II THE oole hood or .o tonnor ony noloovcr l8"yooro old. may honootood o quot-to:~ `ooctien of avoilovo Dominion land In Ilooitobo, lookotciiowu or `11: Aapgigoit nuot o 1- no :11 n o oi`- (1:1.lrAgl:.nre`y0 for the district. Int:-yb `"0 be ad ti 3 `of oooi I gt` l3o.i`do (=o.to1`1,:-oo`IInt . on no.5}? l`2u!10|- , smord or 0A;l'AJ:I.;1f|' 1;.)Rr'.l'H- wnsr LAND nlauuuolgs IA'A `Incl -0 - 0..-.-ll- -- -~ Toronto; August Q ' ;913. JILIIIU J.wvuw, August 2328111, 1913. ' N.B.-No' unauthorized publi- cation of this notice will be . paid for." W V. V [3544 Notice is hereby given that tend- ers will be received by the under- signed up to and inc1u_dingThurs- day the `30th day of. October, 1913, for the right to obtain licenses to "cut the `Red and White Pine timber on timber births in the Townships of Thistle and McWi11iams,' in the `District of Nipissing, `IPA- angina ..._JI __.__I_'A.2-,, D - 1 3 ~ .nJuvL&\aIl V1. nu xyxaulug, I For maps and conditions of sale` apply to the undersigned or to the Orbwn Timber Agents at Sudbury and North Bay. ` W.H. HEARST. Minister -of Lands, Forests Vanid Mines ', ilI`........'_L." A--.n:-n --~-- ' \ isms or mi AND wiima I P|.NE_"MBER_ the man on whose eld they drop. The: answer given . by a lawyer is as follows: A man may go upon a the. lands of another to V jre_cover his`- _-property, but `if he `does any darn- age he .wil1.he liable therefor. If , the children do no damage, and '`merely pick up the fallen -apples and carry them to the owner of the tree, the action for damages would a fail? The apples do not belong to the man on Whose lot they. fall; they belong to the owner ._ of the I 4-nu. l?`37I'i:.!YfJ.t E 5?? Buuie: we: {Vanna Slcigh sul_ _ `IIDI1 mgnn -w_ tut &CIOClUl .A_I19l!`lO`l! um 19 H"h`;_i_3_Cl _ It may be `that womendislike `ci- gurs because they `are arrayed in common, everyday wrappers. . O|;I;OSITl stats 31.` max units as III-Ann THE SCIENTIFIC 'VFARMERfS- A WIFE A There will be more` or less `trouble about keeping the girls_ o 1'1 tl1 e farm until somebody invents a` _1_' `siello--a` capacious receptab1e~ of crate` into wh_i_ch- on `cool vgvintervdaysft few :f1`.ied .pork, hot` biScuit%8", ; 'p9tatoes; corned` beef,` `chbbagwg; `.65 *in8 and apple iPii;:,At@f1i1;5f ,(diluted with A some , , Ii I . vgiavy and ` coe`'.`7 ; ~.oQurse,. be_7 .a -t;_'o.p-d`o_or_ a.tj_j; xp1;at_ , of , whiph` ithe " `BI/ao'_vi_eled= .when as nu ~t_UrAO1'Unh II: 9-$s8.m.ou; ' ` 0d;6bb iNbRPOMTEo%L rsss%% , . ' 5 .V V steam Asencvl 1 If `the battleground had b__een! another Chateauguay--if the elect! ion had been likely "to be close; with} I chance of winning a seat for the governme'nt--there would have been a great difference. both in the- total vote` and in the Conservative major- ity. As at Chateauguay, I the total vote .would have come very near the maximum; . as at Ohateaugu'a'y,`th"e voters would have _ock'ed- `to V ed-f minister a memorable rebuke , to the irrational and unpatriotie eourse of > the opposition.