. The South Simcoe Union Sunday School Association .will hold their annual Convention in Alliston on Oct. 9th and 10th. A number of prominent Sunday School workers will take part in the programme, `including Rev, E. W. I-Ialpenny, _B;D., -- General -Secretary of the Ontario` Sunday School Association, John A. Patterson, Esq., K.C., To- ronto, Mrs. Marion W. Fox, - and Miss Connell; lately returned Mis- Midland A1-gus--The hockey sea- son is approaching and it looks as though Midland" will be to the front with better teams than ever. In the senior class most of last years players are available and other good material is in sight. for the next three years. $7,000 was raised in three days and this amount will nance the institution _for three years, ITHE WEEK%lN&%REVlEWI hf Interest For V L _ Busy. Readers`, VThere are 168 appeals against the Orillia town voters list. Of these 113 are of names to be struck o , 43. of them names to be inserted, and the remainder are changes. The, Judge has not yet set a date for the court. . R. W. Brett, `She1bu1"ne,"so1d over 50 Ford autos, since Arpil 1st last, and` won- the `cash bonus` of $300, which the company oered to the agent making the largest -number of sales. " . . * - 1 The Orivlflia Turf Club will hold! races on Thanksgiving Day, Oct.l 20th. There will `Be six classes. in- cluding two named races, 2.22 pace or trot, and gentlemen and lady driver classes, and $250 in prizes will be given. ' Oriia ne_xt year collect taxes in two instalments, the same system as is in vogue in Barrie. QoT;;,_.,:T3i;e;l:;;1- w7i'11 Eve 75 hold a b"ye-e1ection to ll the_ va- cancy in the counciL A ._-`having their annual exhibition on "that day. Crowds came. from ` all . directions and it was estimated that L on the grounds, among whom were of the Shelburne Free Press; VHis ` Wednesday of last weekllwas an ideal, day for a country .fair,". and Cookstown .was very fortunate in. nearly three thousand people were noticed the following who `were greeted with many handshakes: Mr. W. `A. Boys, M.P., of Barrie; Mr. Alex. Ferguson, M.P.P.; `Mr. Best, M.P., and His Honor _' Judge Vance, of Shelburne; Mr. Mortimer,` Honor Judge Fisher, of ; A1list`o n; Dr. Buchanan, D; K. Ross and Dr. Mackay of Toronto, and many others froml the neighboring towns. The exhibits in the `hall were ` not numerous, but the ladies work, cooking, fruits, vegetables, . etc., were of a very high quality. .The7 chief attraction in the outside ex-` hibits was the horses. Some very ne heavy horses .were shown, and there were also ' some , exceedingly ne light horses. In the single driv- ing class there were about fteen entries. So close was the compet- ition that the judges had difficulty in making their decisions. Owing to the heavy track," the speeding events were not very attractive. There were good exhibits of 'cattle, sheep," swine and poultry. One of the chief attractions at the fair .was the midway. . TL ,Nine stitches were necessary to chose the wound received at Colling- wood _ Fair when a horse kicked Davidv Harrison, -a 14-year-oll boy, on the forehead; ` . South bye-election has been I xed for October 30, nominations on Qctober_23. Chateauguay election _ l\_A_-I_-, 11 _._,'l 17.--). `Il'3.JJ1- ` At the "Mennonite Conference in: Berlin, the following ministers were ` stationed on circuits -in this section: 1 Collingwood, `J. Bolwell; Stayner,y S. `S. Shantz; Sunnidale, A A. Rim- ington; Shrigley, ,N. H. Schwalin. ' Five thousand. dollars '.worth of" new sidewalks a laid in Newmarket this year, is, given as the cause of "e -33-mill rate there. A \.I\.:VIIIJ\rj. >. Anunuvvvua yoga`, u vvvvvvv IL l is on Q;3ie3_ I1 and East Middle-1 Hugh erow, of the Midlandi Cadet Corps,` was presented with 4a` .Humane -Society life saving medal in `recognition of his bravery in rescuing James Jennett from drawning Alast J une, bunavuv 1195 feet` depth ojwing `tome death of Jas H.} :_1-_-l._. ,m-u-..L..... _:11 1...... ;..n HOTEL CLERK GETS TWO YEARS FOR mm `Gravenhurst Banner--John Man- _sen was up for `trial in Bmcebridyze `on Tuesday of this week. mu] was sentenced to two years in Iiiuzston. by `his Honour, J udge .\I:1haffy. `Last summer Mansen was employ- `ed at the Albion H<)t9i as nigzht `clerk and disappeared with the con- tents of the till. and :1 revolver. The othexj charge again.~*r him W-.19 forgeg, be having si__r1io.i :1 postal ioirder for $10.00. His. \\`0r.~`11ipaai- vised the prisoner to -wider `hi5 conductyduring his ii1c;i1'*0rat10n, `anditry to do better aftc`: his liber- "ation; Prize Winners at Cpokstown ,:\,;:-'_`:.>_ `E M . . ;Unhl October T M Etticulars, Rates, Etc" from = - M. " *1 . R. A ent, or W T\3%h-|'rf' ---v vqzv `The readers of 11>-aper will be `pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that . has been able to cure in ail its stages, and that is Catarrh. 11-nix Cat-arrh Cure is the only positive cure now known `to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitnti:uia1 dis. ease, requires a constitutional treat- ment. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken jintemally acting directly up on the blood and mucous surIa<:-es of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease. and giving the patient strength by building up `the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they oer One Hundred _D_o1~1ar's,for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list uf testimon- ia1s..' Address .L KJLCLLU, U Sold by all Druggists 7.-.0. Take Ha11 s-Family Pills for con- ` stipation. - - To certain ponmsu. iglbeyta British gglgayig Taher from F "invitation is ext: School workers 8i_meo0;' to attend. 1; _mi_1e to the west of W * "`" W-"V umw buumxcnxllg about V V, _' _ zL=.l1ago,and cut across to a polnt. below Se`-em The Wa;~;hago p(}r_)I)]e Want _t,l_1e canal to leave the lake near that Lvlllage, and have Sllggestetl an alter- ndtive route. Unf0I'tu11utn:~ly, whe there is scarcely any xm-k cutting on the `first route, Wlllwll fo1lr,w,~ a `depression lled with e;u't}1. the al. ternative involves rock r-utillg near. ly all "the way. nruur `animal Uillila n-y- . -- t _u L: r'_{.`:?}-`ia'u`.'n'. :..`... .m`2.`."8. .?.``rn`; g & 0.` lda`l)Io.ghlonlI'aeI:'1:..J\:9, I`.:x_ W OX 00 Oll. usuuu. wannfaegton and wyomii `II!..\I`.__`_4x--_I-_._ x.-_.u_ -.......u-ntinns. 3` -uguuuug UII3Ill|'E`V" `"` " """ - t ~ Fullblrticulars. berth reservanon. ` from my Grand Trunk Agent- . J.l.B_illin8iley. Sulicn Ticket mu` Phone 6 h {J SAVINGS BANK order to save the iadmlsslon a boy clinxbc-:1 _.:fence at the Collinp One of the horses bec- `ed, and kicked, st:-ikin f1n7`the, face, causing 1} now from his nose in .w'as; probably too close jto, receive the full fox-(_-9 price of \\`n 1 lrgfr the . . 2 -`N. `a1 dropped. down behind some hgrigi ame frighten, .`.the boy 18 blood to 21 stream He to the horse kick of the v'-'----~-v. -`om:-wu ssconn-cuss -ncx- tjg gm. -n `nun. - I-or IcIlRn_ 01111 `H. Cameron an fC_'ainr_O_n, of Sutton, ask um from the corporation awed =y`lllage,of Sutton and the We the '_York for inuries rec-eived bnty f -ifameron at the Black River yb Mrs` ~i_n`the_yi1Tage of Sutton" th"g ;th_e' approaches to the brae rgnfgh pint; of "repair. ewe d Mrs. Edna VCR , IUW IILCD LU. Vilcouver. BC. Los Aneles. Cal Vlctorla 3.0 San Diego Cal. He! 6. ' ' I. H1333` an O r . a.c. sn7I':fi'c'3"::': u`3 $1 '"'8||d. re. - Seattle. Wash. kane. Wash. V v ` According to the plans preparedb ;_.t_he engineers, the Trent Valley (jay at will leave Lake co.M.11ig1,i,, ab "` a mile the West nf \\'...;1.nM _u$ II:-VIA!" alsuunu-punao --v- ITS ONLY WILL BEISSUBU ..___.g_ , _.|..... .-mun?! ` -I Vvuvnuu 1 nu . .... ~ Ole bwau - Second class) v on: all Sunlons In Ontario ~ 4- Tocertaln points In - `l A I Ffom all stations in Ontario at very low rates to: -- _ .,--..t` 0!-9N13_T W..'?. $100 REWARD, $100 Account: my be oponea `in tire names `pi tvifo A>r.'n1 ovreL withdrawal: to be much by any one'of 1_:hem pfby bt%he s'urv_ivor. . A ' I , _.._ F. J. CHENEY pg. 9th. 1., 1913; E0153: 0. Iii--~ H oxnts in I'npn|- we M, the . Interest at the current rate ispallowed on udepoeits and upwards. Careful attention is given` to every account, Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by rhai}. _wen thei also, ing. the re .ca1`l- i0_n. % .had; nowv fore of h tol ant" I19 ' neve dear out pos neve CAPITAL. $15.ooo.ooo HORSES. BARRIE JBRANCH 4 ` H. J. Manager. [(it11_1'gsho_.n,- V A.'V., Cdck-- B1?ol`ey_ , `and Webb, `l and 2. `Hen-L-Btdle`$' and iwebb,` 1 % and %2.% vCo"olte'r al-_hf* Bro1ey;.am i `Webb. _~%1.%.aqd ; : .` `U-...La-.;~ <~' D 0F COM _..y -- Y,` o than __-- v- `-.o J.4l.vUlll:`->IU`o__ R. .RoWe,~ I 1 V and 2v.,fVGockiel~7` 4'Ryusse_lI Vlblatjifxig, E. Ldndf} H _ l V F R; Pallet-:I-f4-R: .%Maun 2; '<~ * `_ I:;g`h<;1:n,V White, B_. Barnes. Hen- Geo`.` Dam V1` `and 2. -Cockerel`--_J`.` V. f" ,Childs, ] and: A12, Raye. % 1>u11e;-.r.; A v._ .Y.{;i:3,_A'.fE ..,(3:l; e;;i+F; on, I and 2 `Pullet---F.;jNixo1jn_, 11` and 0 ' -,,_--`, .-..-u u - a. .I'MlJ\al `lo, fnamburx. :"X:Y:. R- Ro"fw"e.. fl `and .2.fHe;n-v--E` " 'I)__L.'- --- - u an_d 2. w\.roQ Wygndottev, `Buff, Cock...Broley5 `and Webb, 1 and 2. Hen-Broley and` Webb. Cockerel-Broley and Webb. Pullet-Broley, and Webb. Leghorns, `Bu, `Cock--H. B. Barnes, Broley and `Webb. `Hen,- Broley and Webb, H. B. Barges. Cockerel--BioVley. and Webb, 1~ and 2. Pullet--Broley aqd Webb, 1 {and 2. A, b ' _ Leghorn; . Brown, V Cok- --1pI . Barnes. ._Hen-H.- ,B. Barnes, 1 and 2- Gockerely E.;an.s.1_ RR.oW fl and -2. _:fP_u.l1et-.-.-E. arid?` R. ROW}` W_anq".2. : ""\y{:I1'St, `Cock-E.` and R. Rowe, C. Lawton. V Hen--F. Robinson, C. Lawton. _Cockerel- C. Lawton, 1" and 2. Pullet-C.' ;Lawton, 1 and 2._ L Plymouth Rock, White, cock- Childs. He_n-Childs. Cockre`l'-- F. Nixon. Pullet-'-If`._Ni_on._V_ _-J yuoovo vvvn Iu_ J. Qllltl. BI V; yandot,te, 8:" G.., Cock-V- Broley and Webb. Hen-Broley and Webb,` 1 and_2. ~ V ~ In I ` *" 'mBe-z-'l:';l1.i.1:<;s"l.- S. _, Lemon was awarded all the prizes. POULTRY ~ _ Cochin, A.V., Cock--J._ V. Childs. Hen-J.- V.lChilds. ' Plymouth Rock, Barred, Cock-.- E. and R. Rowe. Hen--_-Epand R Rowe. Co'cke1_'el`---J. V. Clgilds;-E, and R.'Rowe_. Pullet-'--E. 6nd R, Rowe, J. V. Childs. ' " 'pi3?.1B{{uf 1i'Sk,f 1{:?i,w7nen+ Broley and Webb`, 1 and 2. `ly__ _ H _1 1 4 --o.. in III . - ` ~ SWINE. . - ` Improved Large `Yorkshire--All the tickets " (10) went to J. A. Cerswell. ' , ` T ' Tamworths-W. D. Hawkins took everything except lat hi Ag-A ed Boar, which was awarded." toi A._M_ate1_1etjt. ' v--v `--n-v-a \o-, Oxford Downs-J. A. Cerswell took all the p'rizesw(l4), except 2nd for Shearling Ram which went to S; Lemon. - ' Southdov:vns-S. Lemon took 9.11: the prizes (12). ` ` `I A L" 'S_-l;r<;`1;s}:is'fe;-U-A`i'lmthe prizes (12) went to T. M.*Blacburn. Cotswold-A1_l prizes (13) in this. class were taken by F. J. Sander- son. . ` ` - ' Leiceter _Linco1ns-`A11 prizes* (13) in this class "were takeh. by E. N. Fennell, except V the ` sv`v"eep-" stakes for best pen which went" to J ._ A. Cerqwell. ' _ A f Valid 2." Heifer,_ two yegfsde o1d`-.: Jae. Riddell, el and 2. Bul_l'calf,i }l2 months and under-Jas. _Rid- I dell, 1 and 2; Ferg. Kidd. Heifero calf, 12 months and vunder--Jae`. i Riddell, 1 and 2. Bull over one year-Ferg. Kidd, J as. Hughes. Best hefd Shorthorns, 4 females 1 and one male--_I_as._ Rid'de1l.d . Grades-.-Cow with calf`-'-Jas. Ri-ddell, 1, 2 and: 3. One year old heifer-Ja`s. Riddell. Two year old heifer--John' Lombard, -Jas. Riddell, John Lombard. Fat heif-" er or fat steer-Jas. Riddell. SHEEP. Holsteins-Pure' - bred cdw, reg. ; pedigree-4~Joh.n Hill," 1,72 and 3. } Heifer, year o_ld--John. Hill, W. 1 Hussey,` J. Hill. _Heifer, 2 years` old-W. Hussey, John Hill, 2 and 3.. Bull calf, 12 months and un- der-W. Hussey, John Hill, 2 aiidg 3. Heifer ca.lf,7 12 months or un- der- -John Hill, I and 2._ . -- V-can uuvu `yon? OOQICOV `' K3. I-U`Z\C`3IIO. / Herefords--Bull, (`over one year->- I ' 'l?:.J.:I . - .;.......... fa. ..._vv. an-a_u11Uu, UHVIS. _ Fi'\:e ' y'ari`_ties- I export fapples, "ccf$t.1`e'$t ly'_' I_1;aI11d-s-E; `N_.. ,Fe1me1l, me " Fall `Apples--V-Wielthigs -5: Wm. Sutherland, N. F_`enne1l..-Sno`ws_= `--.-E'._ ._N. iFenne1l, W. Hou1`some.% St.: Lavwrencey---W1`n'._ Sutherland, `E. N Fennel}, 20-oz..: ..P.ip_pins.---E. N Fenell; N-V. Thompaqn. Any ?"!r, -]1$.in.di7;'_0r&9t1g5c*`?df'A- .%1.ifv;t01iT.. {sew %%Dtivis. L:}&:`Fi{v:Yr-` r -. x.'. J, ' 'S\;e'e`t:,mt:.pri1 .for table `use, any -va rie_ty--John Hill, A_. Matchett. ` (N411- -42 -;. \ C "A(_.-3;)"1. i;.c;.tiv()"z'_;f.`:qf;':g'e`t"L $b`1;:-: . 13.3.!-'i|eL8._ .- j ' ' A ' -` Citro-1;s--Cha,s,. Lawton, Chas.` `I-Iounsome. Celery.--Geo.' Du. Red"onions--Geo". Duff. White o'ni9ns---Chas. ,Hounsom' e. Potato onions-A-A. * Matchett, _ J. Flynn.- A " Tops-onions--A. `Mamhett. V_ 1'-I-`abl`eL beets-II; _B.- Barnes, John Vfvs --5 _. - v-.-- E. Tqbl A ,..c`arrots--H. B. Barnes, J H__ill.j~. ' ; ' _ _, L Roadsters-Brood mate with spring colt--L. Stewart, J amss Spears. Spring oolt--A. Erwin-, J as. Spears, J as. Bruce. oYes.rl- ing-A. Erwin, J as, Bruce. Two- year-old-W. Stoddart`,. Geo ; Keast, .Js.s. sughes. Span rod?!- hssters-S. Hastings, W. ' [ Hu's`sfsy'L ` -;Single horse in ha_rnsss-J. Bun-_ i1y.,iS. Hastings, _J. fCobou1'ne.;~ _ingIe horse in; -h1amess,zl5sjh snds"i "{?1i ofv'.ehr-S_.` Hastings, ` l_ j 2"? :.:}J;-*,`%j1h?.'l>'nns. G6ntlem:afn s i-}s'.:>-`I-.LHa'-gt`: szs,oJ;;Bund_y.h ' , -'.D......1 L._.. 11. ."I: '.w'i`;)vr-x;"a..'t.'<;ess.-Geo. Du, Mrs. J . Eldridge. ' ` ' ru 1-r VV v-.- o _ Pumpk_ins-J, W. McLean, T. _J McBride. ' I Cabbage-`-`J`ohn Hill. ' ` _ ' Cabbage, red-T. J. McBride, A. Matchett.. % - - ' "3.21;-lif'i'c;Avver--H. .B,- Bafnes} A- %Mx_a._tchett. _ A V ` ' __-__-,.a-. ` Watermelons-Chas. I-Iou`nsome,i I Egd 2. - M V J. V. Childs, F. Nixon. Hen-F. `Nixon, 1 and 2. Cockere1--F. Nix- ,on, 1 and 2. Pul1_etF. Nixon, 1; land-2. T ~ A 7 . 5 3' 'S:1-ll8Sh, ny other kind-V-B.` Cowan; 1 and 2. 1' CC `Iv -n -DI 5 "pa?nf;sf";"v2}t-3iai. BU ?Barnes, Geo. Du. . j GARDEN VEGETABLES. v-_-- -. .. .-nu, vu nau---~v-1u- Sof-tw _ovrw sjvixite e-slrd turnips, any vai:iety-A. Matchett, N, .Tho1_npson. V T,-,~, -,,1 I "to1 }e'.;cEI{E"1E,'}uI'?aIi-3;: `ty-.`W. Hounsome, Chas. Houn- isonie. ` Tv-1?l'(;l`iV . white carrots, any Vatic- %ty--H. B. Barnes, Geo} `Du. T`. __.-------aw V0, AJIQJJIJJ, `W0. .l:_luV,:"j Road horse, 1513'-hands oi. un-: -rde_r-J. ` Bandy, S, IIavs tV._i__n;gsh;[ [HQ :1 sqEZf{EihbLZ1:AT"ZtZhett, Jghn H.ll. ; . --i.'<;1_1`gw;';c'1 ma_ng_els,A any variety ; ;-H. B. Barnes, W. Eounsome. 1 T I 17{te'-ne?1E;I'n g2i ,'2Iy"$;ra. ety-W. J ._McMaste1f, A. Matchett u--v.-Q ,vv- -V `of `bari-e`y, whet and oats--Robt. fMo {)ney, A. Matchett. V POTATOES AND ROOTS. Potatoes, early, can-ect.1,v nam- ed-Geo. Duff. Potatoes,-~ea1"ly*, any: varieniy-+ I13. 'n__m T -,T1'1;'.x~1'i"1$s",-"T-.z'a.'z;3`r'-"\_'atiety-`- 3Chas.` Hounsome, W. Hounsome. ~ i"<;t. ;t:.(>-e's`, 1at,* any va.riety-- `Geo. =Du, Chas. Lawton. 5 V Bla;:k_;1AS_p;;tqNisI1,`I'Iex1.-1E.` and I. R. L'Ro we, l -and 2. ' . - |7, Ho1_-1dan, Heb-H. B. Bams, 1 an_d 2. Cockerel-H. B. Barnes. lP1.1Kllet-<-H. "B. Barhes, 1_ and -2. ` A Fiint Corn-any variety-A-Chas. L`awton, 1 and 2; W. J. Mcllaster; ` 4_Alsike ? clover, half bushel-J .M9_L99n- 1 -'jWl1i_t".`e,V Hn&-"-`--H`'.: ` B:-... .1 mad _ `J A : Andalusian, _ C`ocko_r_ e1-H. 3 B. `Barnes, Broley~" and Webb. ' ~ Hen--. H. B. Bgrnes. %-Pulilet--Brole'ysand Webb, 1 3.nd2'. ' ' ` T Carriage Horses-A-Brood mare with spring colt-Geo. Stewart,` Albert Irwin. Spring colt-Geo.. `Stewart, John Spears, Chas. Blackstock. Yearling -- Chas. Bluckstock, L. Baker. -Two-year old-Chas, Blackstock, R. _'J. Mc-, Conkey. Span carr.i_a.ge horses -- T. A.` Jebb, John Spears. ..Sing_1 e` carriage horses in harness-N; Walker, SJ. Barton, gun. I ..0rp11'g`tdn,, A.V..,.:` C.o_ckerel---H`. 3 -B.` -Barnes, . Nixon. Pu1 Iet=-1_I`. !vNixon,,H.V B. Barnes. 1 DorldIig', Co ck--Brgley ,4 find} "Webb. Hen--Broley and Webb, 1 I and "2. Cockezfqal-`-Bnoley and` "Webb, . 1" and 2. Pullet -,-Broley and Webb ; 5 V" L" jSi2 :-1;owed_ barley, any variety, I lgbus.-A. Matchett,` R. Mooney, Wm. Sutherland. "1 ' - Smail. white peas, any variety- VA. Matchett; ` . Field beans, any _variety--Chas. -Lawton. ` V L`. Fall wvjvheat, any A kind-A. Mat- ,chett, W." J. McMas.ter.,. . I`! II D1'ic`k,j Pkin, Male-`-.-E. and ;R.I |Rowe, baknd 2. Female-- -E. 31334 |:R.f Rowe, 1 gnd 2. - :-V 1 :.- `Bant'ams:` A.O.V., Cock---T. % `Sharp. Hen--T. W. Sharp, ' I W %%%% SEEDS. 1 `White fall wheat, _Da.wson s .G_rolden Chaff--_-A. \Matchett, Wm. Sutherland. `- p;1.m. 1,n.al ! Gese, Toulbse, Male--C. Hahn-V? 3some,' A. Matchett. Fema1e-C_.? Lounsome, A. Matchett. General Purpose--Brood mare `With spring colt-W. H. Kell, R.` G. Reeves, Geo. Keast. Spring Co1t--W. H. Kell, R. G. Reeves, T. 'J. McBride. Yearling ,.-- George .Keast, W. Hussey, T. J. McBride; Two-year-ol'd-J. Robins, R; `J Bartan. Span to wagon'-W. Cope- land, W. Cooper, T. J. McBride. Best commercial. horse" attached to vehicle-T. A. Jebb, T. J.'.Mc- Bride, 2 and 3.` ` j Geese, A._O.`V., Male-E, and R. Rowe; Female-E. and R. Rowe. ] Turkeys, A.V., F-_emal&-`-E. and `ER. Rowe. <' .e A White, olits", ;n`y variety-Wm. 3..Spindloe, J. W. McLe'an, Robt; Mooney, " ' Rhode Island Red, A.v., -Cock- `? I'M 0! I 11 `LY- FRUIT; T. N. Lowe. oronation braid work-Miss` Fisher; Mrs. Pugsley. Braid_ing`-Miss Fisher, Miss P-ae. Drawn work--Mivss Fisher, Miss -Smythe. Battenburg lace--Miss Fisher, Miss B. Cowan. Point lace -e-Miss Fisher, .Miss Forbesp Ceny i,re- piecg embroidered--Miss Fis._h_- er, Miss, Strangway. `Five o 9lock .1389` .c1oth; any, kid.iI`Ni38*'Fi81.\ta Mrs; , Lowe; Ti'ay?:?.-'?c_11<)lv11-1:M`r,.fs.,~; .P11g's1sy , x.-s:'a;,'_sm`Ythe. ' Sofaf Vcuslgj`-" ion. ,tl0P1f~-%, 8 i,lki9.r.s% s-at,i,n-h-Mi Fae; `Miss , stranswayy , Ta, sosy-tiss .__...~_ vu vvirv as nvvvvh -II-I-ADD S1011` er. ool shawl or cape crochet- Miss Fisher, Miss Smythe. Ladies wool` ~gloves-Miss Fisher, ' Miss Smythe. Gents wool` gloves- Miss Fisher. `Mittens wool---Mrs. T. N. Lowe, Miss Smythe. `Mite tens silk-Miss Fisher.` Collection of embroidery-Miss Fisher, `Mrs. rp Kr _ .. .' -. 1 T -..-- I`! `-- , ,_ Slippers knitted-Mis_s Fisher. Slippers crochet-Miss A. Match- ettg Miss Fishii Button holes--' Miss sFisher,"`Miss Smythe. Dam- ing on socks or _stockings-Miss` `Forbes, Miss Smythe. Ladies un- derwear-Miss Strangway, Miss -Smythe. Cotton shirt,, men s.-- Miss Smythe-,5 Miss Fisher; "Wool mat--Miss _A. Matchett. Counter- pane crochet-'-Mrs. N. Thompson._ Quilt f.ncy-Miss B. Cowan, 1 and 2. Sofa Afghan- -Mrs". Scott 7 Sharp, Miss-Ethna Wright. Wool shawl _or, cape knitted-Miss ' Fish- Painting on China_-Mrs. T. N. Lowe. Collection of photos-Miss E. Forbes. -. ' Crayon drawing- Miss Strangway, Miss Forbes. Oil painting, V1andsca.pe-Miss Strang- ',w'ay, Miss Forbes. Oil painting, any subject-Miss' Strangway, Miss Forbes. Painting, water col or%-Miss Strangway, Miss Forbes. Pen and ink sketch-Miss Forbes, Pencil clrawing-Miss Forbes, Miss Strangway. Hand painted panel -Miss -Forbes, Miss Strangway. Painting on silk or satin in oil- Mrs. Smythe, Miss Forbes. Paint- ing on velvet or V plush-Mrs. Smythe. Largest and _ best ex- hibit of pictures, any kind-Miss Forbes. Map drawings-Miss Forbes. Burnt wood work-Mrs. T. N. Lowe. Handwriting-ladies any age-Mrs. T. N. Lowe; Hand- writing-Bo'ysg under Al5-Ralpli Davidson. Handwriting-Boys un der 12-Donald Barnes. Best map" drawing of Simcoe County--Don- ald Barnes. . Agricultural-v-Brood maro with spring. colt-Chas. Henry, R. G. . Reebe, W. Copeland. Spring colt -W. Copeland, L. Jebb,AC. Hen-' ry. Yearling--R. Robinson, J as. Bruce, R. VMooney. Tworyear-old -W. Kneshaw, G. Sawyer. Best span to wagon-Herman Lennox, -D. Wilson, R.` Ramsay. a L. :a=Ba1dwin-i-AEJ `ViN;-:../Fenuellg dhn N. gweunen, p12; = l;[oaney`. Tdlgnah L_ Sweet! -L-' E} Fen- ne`ll,'-- R. Nay. _' 6thr_ " Mxann-.`.E- `-correctlyv named-p-T-E, EN,` ~F'nne__ll,T 1. and 2. 5 Best barrel N91`-_thern _Spie_s; --4,;`Matchett. `.._ V _ , Game Black, `Red,Cock--F. Nit- PEARS, PEAQHESAND GRAP- * . . Es; T ' Bartlets'--.M__iss E. 'Forbes.~. (Pears, fall, acortectly naz_ned-A. Match- ett; .. Pears, winter, correctly` nam- ed-A. Matchett, Miss E- Forbes. MZIS.CELLANEOUS.' Maple syrup---T: ,J. McBride, A. Matchett. Quart ' hom~made pickles-A. M-atchett, Geo. Du. Bottle catsup--Geo. Duff, A. Mat- chett. `Collection of canned `fruit 10 lbs. butter` pi'ints-J_ohn Hill, John `Flynn, B. Cowan.` 10 Ibs. crock butter-_-Mrs. J. Eldridge, A. Matchett, Mrs. Geo. `Sterwartp 9 lbs. butter in 3 rolls-John Flynn. Best 8 one-Ib. prints gzrapped in butter paper-_R. Mooney. Dress- ed spring chicken, ready-. for mar- ket-Chas. Lawton`, John Hill. One dozen eggs--Geo. D113, Mrs. Geo. Stewart`. `Home (made bread -Mrs_. J. Eldridge, Uohn Flymi, `-_"_"'$" ' """' ~"" '1 I J 51;" Iitll. Loaf of_ bread-John Flynn. Collection of baking-,_ Mrs. Elridge. 50Ib. tu-b{Ibutter- A. Matchett. ' Pair dressed chick- ens-Chas. Lawton, John Hill. Cake and pan `biscuits--M-rs. Geo. Du,-.Mr_s. J. Elridge. Best 10 -lbs. butter in "blocks-John Flynn. Best 10,1-Ib. prints, specia1-Mrs.` Geo. Stewart. Q --`H. B. Barnes. Ten Ibs. honey. ,in comb-H.' Couse, Chas; Law- ton. Six sections comb honey, and 10 lbs. extracted honey- H. Couse. Best exhibit of h'oney--H. Couse. DAIRY PRODUCE. LADIES % WORK. FINE ARTS. ......vu all 0110 111.1163 ` j Harness, Bootsand Shoes--Har ness prizes went . izo T. McKnight. Non. bobts or shoes wage shown. " M-i5cellaA1;eou,s--Best sewing ma- Dunning.- Best pair Horse .`Blanket;` 80 x 80-T. this year s' work of exhibitor, op- _ en to lady amateurs, in South Simcoe--Miss Strangway. Toilet -mats-,-Miss'Fisher, Miss Smythe Tatting-Miss Fisher, Miss ` $mythe. -- Outline vgork-Miss Forbes, Miss Fisher. Easel scarf- Miss Fisher, Miss Smythe. Doilies embroidered--Miss Pae, Miss i.Smythei.-fDoi_li'es,' any other kind- Miss Fisher, Miss Wright.-.uckar back xdarning- -,Miss Fisher, Miss Pae. Sideboard scarf any kind-- Miss ..F-isher, Miss . Wright. Toilet set-Miss Fisher, Miss Smythe. Eyelet. `embroidered-5-Miss Fisher, Miss Strjangway.` Draft-Brood mare with spring colt by side or evidence-R. J .. Barton, _W. J. Faris, John Lom- bard. Spring Colt-.-John Spears, 1 and 2; `W. 'J. Faris. `I`wo-year- hold gelding or lly-`-G. Sawyer, W.` J. Faris, 2 and 3. Best draft team over 2800 lbs._, hitched to wagon-F. Bartaln. Best Pearl Finder spring colt.-,-L. Jebb, W.` Copeland, F. Ross. Best spring colt, "sired by Pitcraigie Stand"- ard-R. G. Reeve, l and 2; `J. Hughes. ` .