W. G. Fisher. of the legal rm of` Bell` and Fisher ,of Alliston, has been appointed County` ` `Judge ofu Duerin. Na appointment been, made `for_ Simcoe County yet, . it; is uriderstood that the appointi1ieiit`.v of .a suocesson to `Judge; .;> *9nn"nd s L `Cease wasting your money "'FHoiaX `map A iT :N'f 265% 3-:35`. A La Grace Corsets Nemo and EIES Three local butchers ,were ned $5 and costs for alleged feeding of" blood and oal to pigs in contra- vention of the health by-`laws. There iseome talk-`0Af_ an .appeal._ ,_ , ` the 'sr. iu *--For real A good" owers-w.edd.in.g or, table Bouquets, Funeral Desig'ns,'. or- Floral.-T effects, put; up` in thejmost artistic} man_ner, s_`e~ TAYLOR, --75' pairs of Men s Box .Ca1f Blucher Bals, leather lined, double sole and shank, solid `throughout. A shoe most dealers get from $3.75 to $4.00 a pair, -but C'arey s- C`ut-Rate. Shoe Store offers them for $2.89 _a pair. 4 ` ` T ' e Vof R. V. Hospital .for the*'election The annal ?1i1eetif1g of 'thevW.A . of officers will be hld in the` Hospi-` tal on Tuesday, Sept. 30,- at 3` o clock. , ' Vat Stayner' last Sunday. R/e{v. W. Cfarpeter, of Horn- ingfs Mills, .andAformer: rector at-3 Ivy, `preached thanksgiving services % Dr. MitcI1e1l,'._ -.fo1-`thiyrty years :.:| practising physio-i_an of Harrisville, Mich., died-.011 August ,29th. He, ,was a native of the township of .Ess a. --Buy Nemo. and A 1 La. Grace Corsets at Vickers. Jack Burridrge `and Sam: Fagan are 'out on. suspended sentence, with `the warning to keep sober` 'or- say- good-bye to Barrie. V 0.0090500nooooooooogooooog ..9.E9PAE.L"BFI. L, i-- ve you S3011 ..`theV _spIendid sliowin _~'o `1`ndies _ new-"full shoes rat . 8 >`!t`R_*-..`!'? 9.!+" C _ LA .- - .; H I .....D: __-___ - `X? 3` IX, .DI'_ CIXDIZY C I O.'.""" 00000o9oooo6obo6oooo6ooo V L-`-VTickers for Corsets; ' --e-Night School reopens Oct." 1st. Barrie Business College. . I Jones & Wolfenden have the con- tract for installing. two new boilers in the Post Ufcq. *_ --Buy`; Neri1o' ind Corsets at _Vi-ckers. . ~ ' t `- _ ..`1yea:new iiililr 73! ._ V set ~ -of douhle'harness,~. .;8Qt Kof single - harness; ` else ' ve`om,e- ` ' "plyT__-Ad`vance- 0io.a ~ :33-4op iron M-SA-LE--T.v[vd Di-waving View Apparatus or Stereopticans; with :' over 300_ photographic slides, also` - lumber for inside wrk. '-Ab-`. _, fx mechanical slides; (mostly :co1oned)f? " . witli,;A\deecriptiye . lecture bookssa one Tteretsptican. amiable for.`;larg'e[.i' _chu_r_c_h. or theatre, and smaller one L- for school or parlor entertain- ments. All the standard slides, A in `as good order as -new, -emade by `Mc`Al'liter of New York." No- thing better can be had. Must be A v sold, cheap. Apply Box 8, Pains-, . wick P.O., or Advance . Oice, Barrie. , _ 39-41` - L When .3 .fr'at ious ,;_l;1o_1,'a_je,b.`o11eJof a team being [driven by M1`... Sa-n 1'.J;-._J Stphetga along _Thompa;6n St.:; on. Al Monsiay a,fter1.oon,1 bol-ted and fell X in : th d__ . g'p1;1;"::__`ut 1;-1 `Isaac Woolman,-. .who was stricken with heart trouble while attending to his work on the Bradford St. -roadway, on Tuesday morning and removed to his. home `on Owen St., where he died inpthe afternoon. Mr. Woolman was engaged" inlthe carting business" .in Barrie "for a number of years, -and owned. gravel p`its.'_ He lied contracts, for eiivpply-V ing the 7gro.ve1' for the -- jnew. f have-. ment `on Bradford St. W` He :w's` a successful business.` man", `gnd was in his 43rd ~yeb.r.. The "` `funeral :,-fcakes I Sudden was tlie summons to Mr. iplace to-day` 'at.`2*.-~p.;m.\"`-` fromgi`. hie li7res'id'ence,' esg;;};t_o the.'_Un-' V g ion >Ce`r_n"etery.-3 `* %~..'. ... The` new `Bradford -St. ppajvement `will be opened for" traic froi'n_`Essa St. to Brock St. by Su"rf1day,.[ `and it is expected that it will be'~opened as far` as `John 81:. by the following Sunday and "to IVespra St. by a week later. uGood progress has been lmade on the work and the pavement [is now all laid to Vespra St.,` with about 76 "feet at Bradford St. also completed, leaving about .1800"feet to nish, which .will be completed within two weeks; They are laying` about 270 feet agdiiy when._conditions are favorable. It is hoped to have `the whole roadway opened by; Octo- |'ber 24 th, three .weeks_ ahead of the time specied in " the contractor- s; a`greemen`t..~` There will be -a.`sm al1 portion. over Bunker s Creek which will not be laid this year, on I "ac-. count of trouble _caused by the filled portion sinking and .-allowing the . culvert to become disjointed. . It .has__ been thought better. -to. leave this part `until next*"$'ear when the lled earth has settled sufficiently. 'l`l.`.. ......I. ...:i.L M... `...;...4.:--.. ..-1- ` \/vlv A-UIOIIV K! `I ;vearipg qua1'ies and styles, vv uqvuxuo" .-1`i 3'ht_'up"_t0 the.min1'1te and _ than; ma you eaygv fr_o1x_1 _40c to .01; gveryf . ...- ... , ,. . 4W _x,` _ "V-1; nonavu V000, C1566 53UUll`V\J Dill-IIUIGIL UIJ The cu;l;, with the exception I 300 feet over Bunker s Greek, is- nished. ` . , PAVEMENLI`; orgy I ` Clut of jail one -day` and back again `the next was the fate `of Minnie ' Albrecco and: APatrick~ O_fShea, ' who when released on Monday morning said good-bye i to the qwater-wagon and proceeded to celebrate their freedom by getting drunk. At` 10.30 p._m. P.C. Lambie gathered Minnie in, taking he_r.to the lock-up in a" passing wagon. She sang and screamed "nearly all Mon-t day` night, and next morning was sent back to jail for ten days more, in lieu of a $3.00 ne,` -0 Shea got. 11 days. ' ~ r T_".I61gn%.siu11y of Midhurst` traded .`hdres' li:11:*_Fr_iday, and then , gave 'at1"e_`xhi_bition'-of furious driving Egldng . f;Elig_abh and Dunlap` Sts., and Micaster St.` tc}_th'market s`fqua're, where P.C`. Lambie stopped h`im.___ . In`. ' _Saturday s police ' court the "ii11g"istrate' gured _that_ John had-fiin enough. to cash up $6.75, being $1 V and` costs. ` _ loently -took: a teacher s . . training course at Barrie Bus. `College has accepted a .positiOn J as principal of the `Shorthand and_ Typewriting de- palitments of Brantford v Bus. - Col- lege. *` " ` --Miss Agnies, sevigziy, who ere; " ."`." <'" "'7"? so 2 ` I . 1 A horse "being driven across Mul-'1 caster. St. -`at. 7 McDonald_ St. on 1 Monday _fell and broke` a its ` thigh. ` It was necessary ,to shoot -the poor beast to relieve its `suerings. Q Mrs. Margaret Cangill, relict. of` Henry Carg-ill, 5M.1_ ., _ for East] Bruce, an_d mother of Mrs. W. `H. Bennetteof Midland, died at Cargill; 0nt., _on.A HSund,ay.. .aft_er a two.- .week s' -illness.-. She leaves, also, one 'son, W. I D.- Gargill, Conservative candidate in _the South Bruce. `bye?- election for the -Com m'ons'.v " . W m'o:R;foW} ism defeated` Mr. A. 1 Brownlee by" 2'3,--13 in the " osemi- 1 "nal" forthe'- B:ar'rie"`Bow1in`g` Club 3 championship, and :- -will have . -to`! play `off this .week with Mr; Gem! `Vickers for the premier. honors. The Barrie" Club will, send*);wo, rinks % to_ 0rillia next week. ' ' ` % , `A A serious <%:*11argeAa"gai;z:ist' 90:+year:- Old "iyibrth Orilliti 'ymj;h, viias with-_ drawn `at the As_sizes,. when a Iriage `certicate was produced i1__1 co'urt - on Tuesday. ~ Thewgirl is not |.gave `vV"the_i1f V_<'-,ons,exit.' - Iyet .15 years old, but -the p9_.1jnts` ` (58893... '5W8'5 f J:h1'07Wnf ,~ Oii;ti :05`-"I5 an -,r '-t.I!9i"f1:!`9i7i9..ti`511',Waflidggy -Inspect-: or `-D.`-.1'.`a 'nd W; A.`- /- There. are ` 17 Lpzitients in jail, two) of whom are females, A Three of this-. number are mentally defective. uvvou INJURED. BY,_ FRA07 IQIIS * :~I:ORSE" --You can get. the - Engagement and Wedding Ring and` -the Mar- riage License at E. E. Williams J awelry Store, and feel thoroughly` satised that.~yo,u-%'hav"e the best va_1- ue vobtainable. - T ` _- ti] -:See_ the New *C`orsts at Vick- is; -A; 16o:-set; % mg; STRIOKEN WITH" HEART 4 TROUBLE . .. -FOR Nyxr SfIfN D'AY Among other numbers, the follow- ing will be included in r the .pro- gramme :_ Choruses--F,1eeting Days (Bailey), Indian Lullaby. (Vogt), The Angelus (Maoey). Woodlandi Oroon Song (-Clutsalm) `; vquartettee-4 A Dream. (Haw1ey), ' Rose in the Bud; T (Forster), and a trio, 9, Dry those Tears `(Del Riego). Vocal Solos _ will` be given `by -Miss_es Ada Otton,` F; Wismer, Margaret Henry; F. Axmstrong, -..Gertr.ude` Reeve; and Solo by Miss `Cou tits,V'aI,1'd insetru-V gentgl duet by " Miss - M. .O'outt.s and ,9116tin` to` deiraya aikpenesi Miss -Guis'eBaglfey, ' - instrumental 4 ins fsharpe.` f_T;her'ef will be, a`. ' .-we ` - S 1`ON,I.`.b---`In ti;-e V}AC-I.{)Aspi1`ia1, ~ .,,'r1`\I'rWi1-n'~ Z An Qin.A.-nu" 4"~Q.. ...4.. n-1_L I The Ladies? t Choir Concert, to be held in St- Andrew s Church, on" the 9th `of October, will be a musical treat. Amongst the numbers `to be given .will `be ~_ Dr. Vogt s ~ Indian Lullaby, a` beautiful chorus~ which j does great credit to" the _pop`ul-l_ar conductor,-2 of the Mendelssohn Choir of Toronto. ` - V A ' j .- LJL\JLV.f`1I1 U10 WBSUBPII _.U.0Splt81,l Toroto; on Sunday, JSept, 21st, J.V913;?i*to.V-AVMr.' and M13;-'?R6y5Stone, _ Little Daijy Stdkingo for % ~ % Children 4 .. Sizes 4 to 8; in Cardinal , Tan, Sky Blue. Cream. Pink and black. Special Concessionmade for dozens made up _of assorted sizes. A 256510 ` --A. large assortment of boys , gir1 e and ohildren e school shoes at a saving of from 500-. to 65 a pair, only ' at C'arey s Out`-Rate Shoe. Store. - go: --Vickers for Corsets. _ , Mr. W. A. Boys, M.P., -is endeav- oring to have the lobby of the Post` Oice enlarged by removing the letter boxes back, to the second row of pillars, also to- have they oor: tiled. `The Ball Planing Mill Co. will shortly commence the'"erecti5i1`{ of the new clock tower. . e . ~ E;tra. Fine 4 ply easlliefar, ply heel and toe, seamless foot; sizes 8;, 9, 9% and 10. _ ` y Pure Wool Lldma plain seamless foot, each _ pair `embroidered Lla.m'a., sizes 9 amf 9%. L ,~Fine Pure Llaxhe (3-`sslinlerev, soft yarn, fashioned, seamless foot,very serviceable, siz.es`8, 9, 9; and 10. T Nowhere else in Barrie can you enioi Ho_siery"service as offered by thisstore. L ' 25. ` Pure Wool. nd Union 4C;z:a_,sh.tnere Hose, plain with seamless foot, sizes 9, 95 and -_ 10. T - E " Dom: MISS TEES Pictorial ; Review Patterns BORN HOSIERY _35c._-_--3 fgr __$l.0O { ?N`O$iT}1~ERN% anvAmcn 50. AAT_S_EPTI431&i_B:3_EI%. BRIDE, 1 % *Ab1i1t te.rty.;iguests %assemaog1c:1g%av *i1.1:9V,'5 i`9iF1$!19%".-{` " M-1.?-5 pad V . M115-..%. Miss Lily Galbraith of Toronto was the guest -of Mrs. W. J. `Joh n_-. ston; and. othe1_-Barrie friends for .3, .. . I T Mr. and Mrs; G. VB. Ryan, of `Guelph, apnounoe the ,engagem'ent` of their eldrj daughter; Pea:-13 I`rene, to} Mr; Williams. Middlebro , K.C.,| M.P., of Owen %S`ound,' % the_ wedding to ta1;e"p1aco;"O_ctober the 22nd. ,. %| Miss Susie -Olinkuhbroomer, of. Toronto, has been the guest; of her au1_1t, Mrs. A..__McNei-1, for the past `week. `. _ "T j 7 Mi. 0-. { Morgan of .0akvi1le (spent th*"`week+end ' in T town. Mr_vs. and` Miss Thornley -have` been _the guests - of Aurora friends. , I Mr.. Laurie Smith and his bride,: of Milton, have. been- spending their honeymoon` inbtown. - ' ' vvvvvvv990099000OO9OO '6EIAL AND mason. ; AAAAAAAAAAA;A-AA------_-- .lish' at the 0n'tario School_ for the e John 1%. Ronan bf Simcoe County` has been appointed teacher of Eng- Blind at Brantford, _in succession to his brother, P. R. Roam, who has; gone into the insurance business. 3650009900090090000900990:i 3000ooqoooooooooooooooooog XL:-Q- n--: __:--- GEQVICKERS Wespecialize in l: ooys - Suits and th;t s the 1-easoinvthht has become known as the "Boys Shop for Clothes. As a. little diversion from the strict Pay for what you get we have procured 600 Buttons to-be distributed among the Boys of this district,`--ea.ch button bears 9. numberand there. are 22 alike, the boy nding theibeerer of the duplicate of his "number will, on presenting his button at our oioe getan order for one of our $550 suits. Each boy calling for a button must .tBe~eccompanied by one of his parents or a gusiu-dia.n., Suits __Are Given Free; It's A `Present For The Boys From - V i e A ` 'Barrie s- Best Boy : Suit Store. B.__UY___Y(_)UAR BOYS suns HERE WHEN YOUFARE IN NEED OF BEAUTIFUL . MILLINERY COME To VICKERS llnitial Opening which, so plea's"ed the hun dredsroft our Patrons, some exquisitet Shapes and Trim mings have arrived, -. taking the place of thosecho.sen by early Buyers, and for egg iclusiveness and individual smartness the MILLINERY shown here this season is not excelled. Popular shapes, Rich Trimmings and really artistic Trimming make our 1 showing the best in this dis trict. ` .' I o/ { - This is The Store For % :Mr.`_"' hhd Mrs. _. starteid for `New `Brunswick on the 5.15 `_:..,_-v._-v-v-vy--- 1.19, vngv pill ggmingiers of the happy _ ocvcasi-on; 3 1 ,_,_.. ,' I . . ..1 I"i,`1l'..` -~*z.{.'-'.l" '~'.:r.;; Riki`.-_ 4.. . _ L, "A7 -.`5gM1`eat: 1;1any,frie'nds sent useful ; J town at $1.50, and "$2.00. a pair, but --`If. your. feet \are ti"r'ed- and wary try a pair of foot arches. Made from best German silver. Sold in C`arey s `Out-Rate Shoe Store is sell- ing-` th/em for 99 a_ pair. ` -I ...._ .. ..,.,...,....... 5...... ..,......m... '.'_A'1_nong. the guests. were 'Miss Pinkey and Mrs; Taylor of Tor- rQn.o;..`Mis s, Alice Hill of Foxmead, i'Mi3 ,'Lydia' mold of` Alliston, ;_a.nd `Mrj. `arid, Mrs. Alfred Rouse of lf.M__i-t_c]1_ll,',Squar. ~ - '7?Ea:'f f8 fba;Iitiful gold `bracelet. " The~.._g":;(_;c'>!m s V gift fo Bride ' 'A"u.'....'....~. 1.1.- __--_A_ -4- T Miss VE1si`e Rayner played the wedding .._.march and also sang "`Be9ause,. `She wore an attract- .`6f jvory satin charm- 1 6ue'.f V S_hIj" received as -a. giit ':i;f6m'~ `th groom a pendant. brooch :_se`t-A}.V`Vi`1_t..= 1);'ea'i'l`sI and -turquoise. Mr; Douglas of Scarboro, -an old pastor of the bride, assisted `by Rev. Dr. Booth, in the drawing room which had been prettily dec- orated wvithse owers. _ I l The bride was attired in a. be- coming -.gown of ivory satin char- meuse, trimmed with pearls and rhine stones, wearing an embroid- `ered veil and orange `blossoms. ,She ~ carried a bouquet of roses a_n.dV lilies. ofieethe valley, L There's a reason for the increa._sed selling in our Ready-to-Wear Department ;-In our col- lection oflovely Coats the value is a little better than is generally found--the qualities are good und the prices are marked very close with a. view to increased `selling. A V Ladies Coets $10.00 up to $26.50. Child:-evn s Coats $2 50 to $9 00. Owing to having only 1 of any one `Style We stronglybadvise an early choice. FOR LADIES AND cmumEN% ! 38-4 / A local option petition has been in circulation during the past week, and it is now almost certain that the question will be -submitted to the ratepoyers on January 5th, 1914. iarii leaI;:o\x'11 for Kt4r_A`earIier than expected; 0" `.10th. Come. at once and Gifder. or perhaps I C stock on hand- Bggroom at to let- _. Tffkni TCDI. I have $200,000.00 worth 9` `houses and property in 133" ,ang Agandgle. Dalanf -Bllu nllalluiflc. . -Small cash payments. Balance rent. > Farms for Sale. __,_ _ __-.u\I'\ _ ` Real Estatowgnd Insurance .- _Phone 330. as Dunlop St. E own YOUR own noun] rent. IIEBUA I In be about one and 9. half years. V ' It` is stated at Trenton that Roger- _Miller & Sons 00. have taken a con- tract for putting` in `forty pairs of gates between Trenton `and ' Rice Lake on the` Trent Canal. The time required to complete the. work will