en`.'?:""cum. '.`.':`.?'..{`y". a:.c..u`.`*'.:`:.ax ...'!`i'.': . canon. who are lailuru` in lito-yon are the onuwo can testoro to mnnhood and revive the spank at energy and vitality. Don`t. gin u in-despair beeouso on but treated with o:nr.docto11. used ecu-lc belts and tried vulonndrugltoronostmms. 0111' Nut Method Treason! bu Inntchod hundred: from the brink of den 11-. has to- scored hspplneu to hundreds o homei and huxnado nuccelltul men 02 than who were "downnnd out." We run specic rena- odlelfor each lndlvid case according to tho. nuvnnhnnl nml nmnnIhmtlnnn-wa hnva no $18 fol` eacn lldlull CIIO incoming to BBC- eymptoml and com tione-we have no patent medicines, Th in one of the secrets 0! our success an our treatment cen- wonderful mhttalaltorweprclibe remedlee adapted to ma. W hevedee f=`;..a.:..:...m..:. vldueleeee. _Onl curable` euee ee- I`.'..a.... cineehoee who _. lnn 01011 qvictlm! Hue you lost . 1 Are on intending to marry! your, bun. ?_l_l{uo you :1: otirtybil. ` Iithu doho for others It will dO..t_of.yoII. conclude: n. No mutu- tIutpd- you. In-lb ta ta honest . has whdI. r nood."="' "('muamn' - ulnlnnnnum 7 * makes it gnly '3 question of chaos? ing" which you would prefer rtfb ' Theyare all of choice gradeandp the most inexperienced house` keeper cgn purchase in perfect condence that no one could make awiser selection or buy her meats cheaper. oUR1Nv1'nNc DISPLAY CUIAILB CASE! GUARAN'l'1 ` OR NO PAY To achieve that grace of contour which is the key of the successful I 9 13 costume, get the D. 8: A. or La Diva Corset best suited for your gure. Our illustrated catalpgue will help you choose. Write for it today. We send it free. ms IIOIIINION cousn co.. - Will -SC. The Invitation `Wedding Stationery should be correct as to form, style `and printing. Our work equals in every respect the production of the city houses, but with prices greatly in your favor. Prices on application." THE ADVANCE Job Printing Dept. - Equipped with Latest Type and Machinery MLINR WOMEN L% M MIDDLE AGE ' 3353 I n XVIUE X 3010': Dunn? Ml'0.Doucette Ten. of her lfeuing Symptoms During Change of Life and How She Found Relief. _ - 1 ,`.'-HIII in - `Pf . in. qmetude, and diz . ;an..n'i3." d by intent:-cw? L "9 Wproaching t.he_p`cV V" ,/2'1 ais- .. - . am and build: u r` , llrvous system. It bl! ' "W! Woman ufely through [W .Mo.. t L 1 % `"iVll.ih8pOdl. I . (3II.U"I`El{ \'__(cominued.)` .Bmie Branch. Five Poiim Bank of 1.-.- -_.-_--A.>-.AI go give your the most careful. 7 ` For eighty yeuiewe Vorganizatio1.1,'our`on` perfect service he 4 A took Incorporated V 7 UIUTUQ -- .........'...;__,...;.A _ ._ ,. _ _ ' coavnuw 14911}? A.:c.lOc|_u@.. ` ' your gun talk! i -.4 I ~ - -- ` ---v t The assaila$1ts_ can-me `creeping on, `makes rather than men, anpearing less and less human in the increas- ing shadows. Twice "the Sergeant `lifted his} Henry, sighting along` the I brown barrel, .lowering the weapon again in doubt of the distance._ AH,e` was eonscions of exnltation,, of a ~swifter pulse of the heart, yet his nerves were like steel, ' hie grip steady. Only a dim eeting `mem- ory of the girl, half hidden in the darkness behind, gave" him` uneasi-. ness---`he could not turn and look` into her, eyes, Roman Nose `was advancing now at the `center of that creeping` half circle, a hulking gure perched on his p0ny s back, yet well out of.` rie -range. _He spread his hands`, apart, ellasping a lblanket, looking like a great bird apping` its Wings, and ground" in front .a,med, the are, split- ting the gray gloom; The speeding bulletsl crashed `throng the leather l of the coach, splintering the wood; the Mexican rolled to the orr, ut- tering oneainhuman cry, and lay- motionllese; a great volume` of black `smoke _-wavered in the still air. Wait! `Wait until they get to their feet! Hamlin cried eagerly.- Ahl there they come--now unlim- .! A : 1~Ianilin crushed ' his arm betwen iron ngers. ! Kep scum, yu. fool 1*: he mu tter- ed, never glancing `around-. Let your talk! " barf) I.Ie saw only tlfoe ' black, _ in- ' distinct figures, leaping out of"the smoke, converging on the coach, their naked arms uplifted, their voices" `mingling. in -savage" yells. Like `lightning he worked his rie, heart throb'bingt-to the exeitement,_[ ohlivions al13else;'-3.-lmost without realization he heard Ithejdeeper bel- low" of Moylanls ;Winchester, the sharp barkof it A revolver at his very ear. _ Gonzalest was a.1'lli2*ig-ht," then! V Good! j iHe never thought` of the -girl, never saw pistol from i the? `M,exi`ea_n a7`_ dead hand, and .craw1__,-white-lfaAced, over his body_,_ to that front. `seAiat.i__ 5 he `really knew was` that those 'dev-, ilg were coining, k._,..1els1)"i.ng'; cmdsng .through "the ;`. he *`aV"_' 1 AL A... mama I-IIUIII V,4UII|_.l\llllJ'l\J, sunny: _,r- on`. ,- saw one leap info jthe-`fair, and,then. crash faoe ;e1own; _he_ yaw". gxein bfeak, .cir'1Ting right` :and7 f`1eft,L croudhing as they ;`a11.*r f1`wo regclg-. d the zxe :% one pitch`- ed fbrwart ingifolvrr '_ '.?l51;lleti77 twen hi%i`eyes; the sp6k"'s"7I-`of tlav [tho foth ff: { H100 V I` !-II > Vfuv" -. _'_I my > _ i of a I Vinihut.-7%%>an4%V aT"w$",fn'B j ihiztg `91 H? -`W3. |%%edi Ltpf f7-i;ixit::1egsf iiodxi `o1:tsi'ethd*" on {the - grass sprinfg _u_p, 'yel.li_ng._dean'de. ' 'fBn he gripv` himself" rinlly, realizing " the ' 34.. '_ , `$1-.h9' .nsgm; f:He htiiiri `=hvr.ehen . set` that ;ith.*T:;saa;%A;m t11f%'g.;ond%ae- twk ` It fwas. ,I:ik] a _ de-1 V}.iri:1zxr;T fexzei4;_ 11 g1_11'ij1oet_ expect-| ',,,.'l ;,; .."."=..-1.1. t. K as ttthei. A i:hiI!1 inf i lmere - . 5 wailing` tligou ./ :zi`s1!t~.t i ?J :ae.tt;;tin "front; rormles;-. had fallen,` vge;'._ `gthe dad and dying Smit- rgten pdriiefs-; lam: halfmaked`. meii. _,`d_rew_ ad deegi. breath `through Mitch- -teeth, end_:eav_0ring' to distin- -giiish. his 'coii1ra_des.- * l A. T -llfhev intle;r_ior of the` coach was black," and, sdundles, texcept ' for some uo_Ine s `swift excited breathing. As be extended` his cramped l gs,`to ' the. oo_r he. touched a. {notion-lss_ ~ dyf Not until then -had` he real- within.` He felt dolwnward with one handv,` his `nerves suddenly throb- Vbing, and his finger touched a cold face--the Mexican. It must have been that. last vollley, for he could distinctly recall the Sharp "bark 01 Gonzales revolver between his own ' shots. _ . I I 5 Wrhe `little, devil, he muttmd is-olberly, It was a squarer d'eath `than he` deserved_. He was a game little dock. % or spfak. That was not like May- _Ian. He bent forward, half maid in. the stillness, 1 endeavoring to dis- Vchver space; on the og; for both his feet. He could perceive now! adistant star showitng clearthrough .the ragged opening jabbed in the Vb:&1`ck_ of the coach, b_ut no outline of the -sut1er s burly `shoulders. V 1 . Moylan ! he called, liard13y above .-a.` win-isper. _What is" the trou-b1'e? .Ha\fe_ you been hit, man? .Then he knew, and felt la shudlder` run lfotigll him from head to foot. Bent. double over the iron" back `of the middle; seat, with =l1ands_`; still igripping his hot rie, the. njan` Vhung, limp and lifeless. Alfmost iwithout lealizing the act, 11a m1m| ;lifted.` the heavy `body, laicl it down fupon the cushion, _ and unclasped `the; dead ngers, gripping the in- chestr stock. L _ I Thgn he thought -of Moylan, won- *derin_g'~why the man did not move, Every shot g'01ie,' he. Whispered {to himself vdazedJy,, ``_every shot isorie! 'Ain t that hell! There was no anssviet-, no respond- :ing sound, `and he stood-. up, reach- Ving- kindly over across \tne stleat.` u D`. l,,I.I-__` A % Thn it came to him in a sudden] ; flash of intellL*ige*n_ce-'-he_ was alone;! galonqexeept the girl. They kiv_ere out there yet-, skxdking in the lmght, planning l'eVl18 0, those sav- _ -._ -.. A .........L...... '{n):nu1nnoa. uxguu, puuuuug -v'v--av!`---Vvvv W" ,age foeme7n--gAra_pa,h0e8. 05839111193 ;]U`gallas. They . hgd beaten back,` diefeated, smxtten with deatha I, . A.l.___ ----..- 'I'n.I:n'....-. nflll 'I H917 (lawn buey wvuun. vv----w -.~~~~, leaping -to` the coiach s wh_ee1s, yea- li-_n g,). _triumphant,W mad wlth new 1eA1'bi`ty -`---a nd he. was along except, m,2_thegirl; V - -~ - ".AiId,,-Y?here"W88 sha?- He fe.!t for }1fe1- o1`rx"A At_._h` "por, ~}bu.t. .0I1_ly' touched the Mxicasf feet. He `had .tfoj !e_anA ' L where Moy1a`n s. `t>o V `hrudekl . in ~da rk1 1ese{., r~bI~o_'r~ "1"$:;. :5!.h- in contact .1 ism .f;"Are .you, V wanxiously. Lord abut,`-,, ygugave me TaV.`eca`re! - -L ' % She, seemed us hear big. voice, yet caroely tof..~`understand', like , 9ne' ,`aroused suddenly from sleep. V ' his` breath Aswittlywettinjg his 13...- `T-Not if you eounf me, he` sa: a trace oi recklessness ; in Lille T_ a Jewel`. ' I? havV en {-, even a. scratch` -fat as I [k_n o'w.' .Did they toil- !.you _ T - - `fwitiui ;1:sp<;l};:the;thn_- ;`th_Cl`e are Others I~'--I. am notehere all valone - " W-hew`::;"a;.igV}.1.bned up, T seemed 1 to` notice the heavy` rvolver in her} I. ngers, and let. it fa1I!Vto_ the 1100 . I\L' 3; 9 1'! R I \ ; `.`-N0: that is, iiotj, quite Sure; _1t--it was all so no1'ri.tA}leT 1 cannot ~.remember. Who gate you ` "Are.you' the--t.he s9*lidier` ._ . V ' { "`Yes--mi Pin H'am1ii1., Wbid.- `you, mind telling me how you ever got y over there? - I ] lI\I 110 7 She oered no resistance; `but sat _motionIess, her head turned away. Yet she knew -she trembled from `head to foot, the reaction mastering` her. A red tongue of ame --seemed` to slit "the outside -blackness; there -_wi1s'a single sha1`p'report, echoing `hack from the `bluff, but no sound _<'if the striking bullet. J ust an in- `st_an't" he caught a, glimpse of her face, a"s ehe drew `back startled. l((\'I- _ _ __._ _ _____ _ I ; Oh, it is: like adream-ean awful Idzream. I couldnt help " -.m`yse1;f. When the; Mexican rolled` off _on 7to the oor, I knew he was dead, and --and there was his revokyer held" `right out to me` in his hands Be-' fare I realized I had it, and was up here-.-I--I killled one--`he--he fell in`t.he wheel; I4-I can never forget that! .3. ....... ..... ...,..... .......,.... - V m , `JV keep cool, for .we~sha1l need, all our wits, to get. away. An Indian never risks a night assault, unless it is a surprise. He .wants to see what. he] is up against. Those bucks shave got all they want of this outt; they have no reason to suppose any of ._us were hit. They are asmuch afraid as we are,w, b_ut when it gets daylight, and they can see the shape we re `in. 1 then they ll come yelling. . ' But they can lie out there in the dark and shoot, she protested. Tha.t,shot was aime at us, wasn t' it? ` ' I A '1 , ._ ; '``Don t t'ry, f broke in Hamlin ;earn$tly. You re all right, he `added, admiratiun in. his voice. And; so it was you there with the small gun. I heart! it `bat-k,7 but never knew Gonzales. was hit. When did; it happen? - T (c1171.... __.1. --- .1. '___ 2..-.) 12..-. 1.. \IaI.n. sq nnurryvnso , When--when they red first. It --it was all smoke out there .when' I got to the window; they--they looked like-'like wild -beasts, ` and it did11 t*seem tome I was `myself at all. . ` - 1 No, he. insisted, still` 1`etaining . her hand; G0'Ildel1t in his judgment }Those fellows will not attempt to Lrush us.`aain fonig'-ht. You must ___~ .-L-I`I _._-_1 _'II -__.. The man laughed lightly. - V V You did the right. thing, that s all, he consoled, anxious. to control her excitement. N ow you and I must decide what to _do next-we are all alone. T A - Alone! Has Mr. -Moylaln been "Lg... -1__ ms `Jul-VIll\z a , I hit-3 also ? //-Irv In 1 I Ya, he answered,fee1ing it was better `to tell her frankly. He -wa "shot, and is; -beyond our help; But come, and be reached over and` took her ban "` you must not give up ! now. A IIII 10- - 48-1! `, Aut/V, uv aunts: \.n-A uvv llwsvus savvy: vnvxgnu f Oh, ; What s!1a_l1 wg d.o`?` 1:`-9 I . :19 . . I 0 they are coming againli UlU_UyIll6 Ill`-Ills `It: vulv a_n.uAvu .u\.vp. . No, hysterlcally, 1t j1s Just black to me. Q ' - - ' I , I: II? A A`- - `,,`I-!'____.__-_?- I reckon it .Was,- but it never got here. Don t, let that worry you; if an Indian ever hits anything wlth a gun it s going to be by pure acci- dent. He stared out of the win-_. dow. They xfe liable to bang mva y V_o'cicasional`ly, and I it is up to us to make` some response just to tell them'- we :-e awake and ready. But they ain t ring expecting to do dam_ag.-only to attractt attent- ion .while they haul O . their There s _a red snake ~.yond ei' -V now creeping `along in the g`ffass'-'-'=see! uxvgn 1'._.-.-..:-..n-- . - .:_A :....g. V Lila`:-l\ I/U IIIUA . ' . You haven t got the Lp1ainsman sf eyes yet. -Watch, now; Pm going !to_ stir the fellow up. -I ` 1 4--___-;..I `L- ..A.....1-; *.. |W_ Dblf bllV IUI-l'V'VV U I ' He leaned forwagtv-. the stock of` ` the I'Ienry helklr tojhis -houldetf, find she clutched the window-casmg. An instant the muzzle of- the gie Iwavered` slightly, then ~st;eadi ed mtoi` position. - ` A `V - L` (l`'`'._._ A...` .....-;.,~,. `Ln Ln pubxuvuo `- > _ . ~ { Have to! guess the .--di'stance, he muttered `in e.xpla.natipn`, and `-pulld the trigger._ % " ' % w ' " 1- 1,; `n-VV.L> -.- uu: u 1$5cL. ' There .was; if light ash,` 5.` shainp ;jing`lng'report._a- ye11 in ? the Ed-is-_ tauce,` followed` by the?) soundw of scnaiiiblizxg; . Hamlin laughed, _as' be lowered his gun. u-nr 1, 1-9.-- 'L_____- ................99 LA- usxeu .1-Rm, uu 3-aux: I . j .-Somihow she! was not as frighten- ed as--she~ had _been_. '1`A_he -calm. steady iooolness of the,` man wfa hairing it_.s1natu`ra,lL effect, was. help-r `irig t_:`oi her own`-inerves. She felt his) `strexigtth, his eond:;ce; W69 b9 $i"i`18` "E0 198?` ?:1!v9!1i . A :.;o_xactly: IIU IUWUICU. 1111: gu- Made him hump`, anyway . he` comes next" 2 icommentedv cheerfully. Now what Ii-V--I\'do` niovt `know? s -`answer? ;ke<;lj. .vher,_ yew. ,: ;as itlxgihgh, thd question had Ina-u |`}uuu.A . L_ _ _' , ?f3;Ve11% 119 V h9n.-%t1y_ j_d0 !fI t ha 335 '.?'9"`-`3".."*'d=.:: 1..1.."4e`,T>:* 1.8"'-.f"L'1i8'.13|3`. `.3 4 `11.):' 'l"l1c mxtiro eld stretching to the_'` river was clean 1' to the view,` the: short, dry lmlfalo-grass offering7"n0'i concealment. To the right, ofithe couch, smnc fifty feet aWay;__\Y1i$_ the; only (l0])l'0s:i(m. :1 Tsl1a1low*"u1lly' leading down frmn the blli`, blit- tliis sliglit aulvmntuge was .uhavail- able.` The sun had already dropped from view.` and the gath_}`ix;g1Wt_V5Vi?f` light the g'u7res,. makixuf" them u.lm0.~t grotesque in their savagmgv. Yet they could be` cleafly. (llStllIg'lllSll(_`(l. stealing silenlly. ,wanl. g'un.< in hand, sprea.dingVoufti in a wide lnallf-circle,` obedient the gl`.~`tlll'(`.~s of _Roman Nose, who; still inountod upon his pony, 'was_ traversing the river -bank, This evei':y;: motion 0lltllllG(l agaillst-` thefdull gleam of \\'utor l.)(:l1ll1(.l liim. the lilaurk loptlls of the coach the three. men \v-:1t<-liml in alxn-ioist breath,-, less` .~'ll(`ll(.'('. grippiiig their weapons,- lilS('lllilt(`(l. not to waste a sllot. (lo117.;1lv..~', under the straixi, 11tteI'ed_u m-<-o Spanish curse, but said,- about twenty `cdrtridge `left; but you andf_ I aloha never could do it. I ve got to think it out, I reckon; this has been a bliixid ght so far; nothing to it bufblazing away as} fast as I could pull the .t-riggwer.| vN_ow, maybe, I can use my brains a bit. " Well, . still half questioning, `fyou see I m only an enlisted man, ? `and-* sometimes olcers? ladies think; we are mostly pretty poor stu,; just food for powder. ; L` . - 4 f " She could not`see him, but some; I instinct lecl her to put" out her hand and ` touch the rough sleeve of his shirt. It made her sure of his presence, -his protection. The man . felt the movement, and under-stood; -its . meaning, his `heart throbbingh etranely. I '1 You are gng to trust me V 9-Of-of course; how could you doubt. that ?,_. 77 i --`She tightenedher grip- on his] sleeve, drawing ` a quick breath of surprise. , v 1 How still ' the night was, and dark; although the sky was cloud- .less, the stars shone clearly away l'up"i1'1 the blhck vault. "Not even the howl of a_ distant coyote brokel 'the silence. -To the left, seemingly a full half-mile distant, was the red icker of a re, barely visible behind a projection. of bank. But in front not even` the keen eyes of the `Sergeant could distinguish any sign of movement. Apparently the Indians had abandoned their attempt so recover the bodies of their ead. V _ W6h, but I am not like that; `I am not. I-saw you face Vafternoon, and`-ands I liked `then. I will` do whatever you Thank you,_ he said simplly. To know that makes everything so much easier -for me. We shall have i to work together from now on. You eep sharp watch at the xvindowl there, -whi1e,._I think a. 'bit-t.here s ordinarily a. chance somewhere. you know, if one is` only bright enough to uncover it. i Aw. andriswold St. omit. Mich. ' J *0 gnlmmmmunmamuatumdgzafta . ourckncdinn Om-reopen ence - 5` F Lmenmgwxnam, Ont; 1: you desire to 1 " ' Inltitutbeinbetroit-uweoeean_dh-eat He t(+.s't0d his rie, .1'esting_ _oi10`fl knee on the .~'ou~t; Moylan pushed the barrel of his Winchester thr0ug'h the rz1g'g'e(l' hole iii the back` of the coach. aml the little Mexican lay at, his eyes on the level the wimlow-cz1siug'. The gi1"l| alon remained Inotionless, crouched, 611 the oor, her white face uplifted; i '31- : AL}. Most P#<>puI1_--Wh Most Nsnvaxznusnv R.` How MEAT MARKET -__4- 133-31.. __'-__ __.. uenvuus, I.IrELss~`*` DaBn.rrA'rao MEN % iX`i'ii': (To Oontinuod). :%"7fa......""""'u.....c....:.:.....:'.==saa'