THE QUINN Eniv#h1~'52%iierI . `.`.Ho1y_ `Name: Society, of ` 'h`icli.9rguni_zation bhemis a. strong ,connectidn.~ with ' St. = ' V _ f;_a` :'Ohurch`, Iigrrie, has black- number of . worth _ in the I which do 3.. gregt ' i to the moral odmmixnity; ` I_ that " . humanity shold -- ne 3laiI8_ _...-...., ....--, ....uvu., .;; , _ Mrs.` E. Whjbebread, Mrs. A". Patterson, Mrs. J. Elliot. Misses Gi1ch;n's_t.F_lorri_e Wioe,Bessie Evans, _Gwraydon,, Cowpeu-thwaite. 1 "Tenop--`Messrs,_ To'oke, W. Blogg, .Youn`g,Q 0.` `Ferguson, T. Pearce, Prince. Alvin wice, , Cliu-ance Mit- 'c1xbll,`,-O?C(>nno t.' ~ ' ' A _```a Arnall, Messrs. _ G. Law- :_,ixde, ` Whiggbred, -W. O`ullan, A. f, ,7; %W.~"`Ba'rnard_,, ]E. Smith, G. a-Iv`, hiii. Miss ox. Spearin,` the vocalist of the evening, has a good voice of con.- side1:a;ble range -and_ power. Her best Voermg was. B`mga. s_e Serenade, `with violin orbligato by Mrs. Wilson. .._.v.. _--v A VILAJ. ' concerts an annual event, under the leadership of Mr. Norman, who "with the chair, is to be congrat- ulated upon the artistic success they achieved-' ' j '- Those taking part wereias follows: - Soprano--Mesdames O. . Spearin, W. Park, A.R. Walker,. A.V. ' Brown, `C-. Edwards, Reynolds, Archie Mar- shall, T. Pearce, ' Kearns, W. Blogg. _, Misses Taylor, F. Hamlin, Reta` O Connor, J... Brown, Doris `Fletcher, Beatrice J ohnstc, Beatrice Brx_m_ton,_ Gertrude` Kearns, J eeries, -Pearl Garrett, Sylvia McM_on-an, B. :Fi};jmah, Helen `Cub-oes, Rlxinehart, .1>TiLVair. ,Allen,..Lonshurst- L ' -.`.`A'.I{-n` ._' 1'.` Tl'r'L:4.'.1_..--.1 11""; V V "Laura . Nicqlfe Aconfributed two" piano` solos,Gantique D Amour (Listz); and `Camival (Greig), and considering `the disadvantage of hav- mg: to play upon an _upr1g'h't p1ano,' `winch by some overmght, remamed unopened, made .an excelem; Impres- | siom. . . T Tm; thanki1;o:_.;:__:_a1;1 ui ;;i; `bf accompanist was performed by Edith Whitebread- 1.-U the entire i_sa1;isfaction- of all. . T E It'is to be `hoped that the ch`oi1~wiI_1 W. M A- No smtdl masuig of; 1` 's_n31% -of the tperformanace F w`aa..due. Atb tVi1i!i-.9 -M!`-. L.11i99.N*3!'I9%n..,Wi.1t. "soxi;"Av?'H5?a!o"1`i*isTi artistig pTay- ing` -did. _not fail to delghtt her aud- ie'nce. He; numbers were: DeBer- 'iovt?s' Fb;nta sia , TSn'd. BaIlt, and Weim'awaski s "`Legende, . and` her encore_ to the latter, Humor- eske (Dvorak) was played with rare piquancy-t V` 1' ' uw .au..y JJ1.5uU_ \J. `l1l.'hU1'], SUUWCQ `He choir at_ its best in poiilt of sonority, doubtless due to their greater .fa,m- iliarity with sacred works and"the ntivuntsnuc-n..&L -x`__..J-4_ A-- _. The careful training of the choir was exhibited in the precision of at- `tacn, excellent ba1_a_nee dclear en- ,unciation, the latter being so rarely `found in amateur, and, `indeed, many professional, organizations, ,- and the interpretation of the various` num~ bets, diverse in character as they we're,showed an intelligence and ver- satility frequently found.` wanting in `more. ambitious societies. . Of the numbers given by the choir, special commendation might be made of O Moonlight` Deep and Tender (Carl Busch), given a capella,-in which the yadmirably sus- tained the pitch throughout, also The Broken . Pitcher, (Pontet), in which each section of the choir met . the -demands made upon it excellent- ly. The closing number, `5The_ Lord is My Li"ght _ (Parker), showed the] n1-In:-nu 414- 34-.` Loss` 3.. _..!.LL 7 _.....- --., V! as val. vuvnyu V1110 DIJU consequent abandon-_ resulting there- `F1-urn ` yvaauusy vvwvvLL UL |gJ~}V LV%JUlULl GLIIUI" ft-' the holiday,-gbut it is to be regret- ted that the concert given Lift` the Opera House last _Wednesd.-ay even- ing,by the massed chairs of Allan- dale under the able conductorship of Mr. F.J .D.Norman, 7 should hav ere- eeived- such spare patronage, when the `obvious merits of the perforri1-- `ance are` considered. ' Allandnle Singers Hav"eL Two ., ` Excellent_ Pe;-forrn;ancs'.-- | V Hoped Tliat'Will Be Anhugl H Perhppg it wa's. the ldteess. of the concert; season or the reaction after` -',- `L- L.-.1:.1-.. 1.--; 1.-:, .- 1 , ,, cnom. concms UNDER %.MR.NORMAN. ormucn MERIT BARBIE AT IVY. ON FRIDAY Next Friday night, June h`rie _ is. scheduled. to meet Ivy on the Iatter s grounds, -and they expect to have a battle royal, as some of the `fans pick these two teams as the best in the league. There will be a" num- ber _of supporters go to 'Ivy to see the game. ' ' On [Saturday at Ivy` defeated the home team by a. Boom of 14 to 2. At no stage of the game was the result in doubt. ARCHITECT Plans prared, Estimates given with or with` out personal supervision. _ Ph-o'ne 350. . Thornton---M6Quay p, Banting c, Sutherland 1st b, Hindle 2nd 1), Fletcher 3rd 1), Broley as, F. Feltis rf, Nixon If, E. Feltis cf. . . , .The score by Vinnings was: 1CIOA!nhnnA nu---D. nowe p, J. -b`m1tJ1 c, A. V lin 131: b, F. Smith 2nd -1), V. Lynch 3rd b, H. C. Riclga-by ss, J. Coffey rf, J . Bi-bby If, A. Dyer cf. - _ -4- _E`_H|LlPC. PALIN,O.A A. , Th line -u; v;-a;;a:-f<;1.1.ov`v::-Baf- rie-S. Rowe J. -Smith A. H.a11- 14.". 1-4 1. D o_.:n- mi - Suthe land on let were the pick of the tegm, while the stars of the Bar- rie team were Rowe, Frank Smith on 2nd and A. Hamlin on 1st. . .-----~-- ~-v v v 5- Sib. Rowe was in the pitcher's box for. Ba;-rie,and he kept the Thornton boys busy getting next to his nifty twirling. McQuay handled the sphere for Thornton and his eectivowork for` the home team was one of the features of the game. For Thornton Hm m.+..1..... I:r:...n- --- -1 pr. Bosanko RINc%%: on '*-- 1-} Opened last Friday evg., with 9. well- -11t3t9d# game between Thornton and Barrie on the former s gtrounds tha SG(')1'A `R1 . the and nut 4-1..` _:_L`_ ..__ .-.r.~--as VAL `BBC .LUl.ll.IU1-'3 the score hat. the end of the ninth standing 4--4. Barrie`. succeedeti in squeezing out two in the extra in- ings, and thus established the first win of the season in the league games. The 5 game, throughout, was one of -the best` ever seen in Thorn- ton, and there was a large crowd on hand to witnes the opening. GIL `l'.D_,, - VIII: PCIOUIIGI DUPCI V lDlUlJ- `lead 0&8. cotmmcwooli. OITZ` LA-.. ogn in Nosed Qut " Victory F ram Thornton Ten Innings.- _ % Ivy Walloped Cook . o o % town_ 14 to~2-. 14--~COOKSTOWN; ja to, the boy `tof .bting baxck-a_ loaf k;r_so of >o'u`r bright, golden` `crust-' ed~- `5bread."`- " ~ ~ NO meal ' is . complete `without .4 it. If ,yon_ ?have tried it your 4 _kn'o_i1.v1 how`; it-j`_s.~ _.If' f you havcot you have a j; regt ipj stb'fe._-T ' ' ` DON T L V FORGET S. {s1.oo Pi:n muuu IN ADVANCE BUGLE COPIIC Thilll CIIYI ;-:1-----------'------ Enizzmeth st; and ;:)/:_.p1e.`,;f.;ye,_, Phone y 18. voi.. ex 7' 20 per cent on thisg month. Comparison ofj1 Good Furs `at Stiy Home Prices; is our motto for the Coming; Season . SIMMONS & C0. 50 acres, mofc or half mile from town#%1,i`t1'1Ii.ft.3'.;'.: the Sunnidale Road} $1500 cash. Quinn, Dinotwic; 1 8; Stcwart.- Barrie. -4 M * ,Up to Qu`ality Lamb Coats, Seal Coats, Nl`uskrit". Coats, Mink Setts, F02` and Wolf Setts. 7 VA or % Mn! Roam-we lhnndi h d Furriers F. 1'. SHORT. - - T = 69.000;0Q_0; when rip.} 855%] IIILIIIIII ' Information" was hem elicitedithat the - landlord of the house was raisy ing thererut to $12, as he was_.~n'6vt enamored with his forigm tenant8 ." AM pno ' labon man was being `down `ha was willing tdlwork,` a'1id'he Vthought -the Italians; .W91`_B~. 1ielp`inga t.h`e:`f1fown'i over o;~diicu},ty._V `A . , ' ' Q.-IVIQ -I-I- \I'lI-I\"\I' V5lV`\5a||lV VI-IOVII I V 9!! 'much`attention would be -paid. 1:; thel comfort of" Canadian workmen as. fum-ishing theui a house and! waiter. told that `I -1.. 1...! "EH; "vsfo'.id_ `the: Awrpomtion yvgs mighty` glad - . Italians ` hen the sewer vs9ork'he had 60 men and he could get 60- more. Eorseld; had also {bold -that `the Town: was as much to the foreignere as; to Ggnadian Commi ttee'wRports.__ A When Ohai.m_im- Sa.rieant s Fin`:- ance -Report. was read, an Bpecting payment for `a. pump for a house occupiev -byja gang of Ital- ian Iubbrers wc_n'ki.-ng.Lfo1- the C'0I`p01': 4. ation, was` questioned -by the Reeve, ` 13--_- D. `H; mum, i,Mrs. Should}ia,. Chas. Berry and Vowhers petitioned for. 9. `sewer on Du _ V-St.,` from Louisa` ti) Duckworth te., ` on local improvement plan. . V he msignlein `of mi. W._ E. Beatty. as town.` was re- ceived. . V ex'v;ctf'e1eatric "signs in`. -fx"ont `bf `theiij %b8,inf9S places. % % ` Sib. ._d ;respeqtf1ly'al;a Council to inc:-_e' -her salary from 81-7 V to_ $20 per mouth-. ` , -guaussvvu 4JUuLLl'.\I.l. LTIKIU OIL .].u'* `day audit evening. Mayor . Oowan. accepted` the ' invitation with the thanks ~of- the Oouncil,`- and de- pute Reeve." Caldwell to act .' as head" of the Council, V - I The Mail Bag. ~Secretary D. TH; MacLaren, of the Parks Commission, asked for $600 on account of their portion of the general levy.. ` AL petition-, containing the -names of .A. J. Leadloy ,J.v 0. Lung, F.A.. Graham and WJ. Equi, requested; "1: 1-4.-an l\....... D--1' EL. ._ `IV-vvv_ av gwvgvvuvllvv` UL, `HIV -UV$]-", ing, the dealing ~witha(the resignation of Driver `E. was` laid axiom until next Monday :n.ight e -special meeting, at `the er`eqqu_es_t. of f.Chie Smith` and Aother members , of the Fire Brigade. V ' _ _ --Mr. F. T.`Short, of the entertainment committee of the Board` of Trade, ,invifedJ the Con! : oil to -assist in .emte'rbain.img ' the Hamilton Board .of . Trade on "ues- ' Allyn--A`- ---'-'- Ar" -w lav-. v_vs_u:-u` Y9 UMUDIVVI pile gfussion. 1i_ke?the , vetaeran that he is,` and-, `although: the.,sepsionV lasted 0 I . a little? over twd -home, things ;i:vere; fkept at a. lively ` What. w. to 'b'e_ piece; do --nesistan<.:g I of hp_ .ey_en-. 3.... 4.1.- .I--|!-- ' jlll D I}!!! awn um. ugu,uuu_ gt Ashdgera, vgggshlne and. `Wad- dlngs. Men's Goat J uno I-log; 07.98,` l:Ien'_s` 012.00 j Ruin, out value 9.98, Mex; s,., 020.00 colored suit v_$lug.)'uno" vrl0A!14+93:.. ~!1!!Z9 $15-09 'nlue:_..Juno= price `81.';198,_ .Men. e . . 115-00: 31110 Sggmgvnlno .1une=;pric,e` ,. :xlon s; ;I7.`00"B:;1oO:If4v3b I1. `. 1x_o_;;.s s~~? Mws .`o'1.l$)1%,*'I.'4.v7v`\"0(1..; uitv `Inc J A 1.4 1 0 I3` week, or month, or s.i.soi):;'A[ir;,%. L` Union Bank of makes one nancially`. ihdpxiijt;f The money `accumulate! more rapidly, too,_ begusef interest which is 333003 months. Try it. ` - `D ([19 EIUIIE DUU VKV '.`"'I" >3/gun b V 'V?L:A:I;! %ithe " L an % r's, ~ uushln sgpdfe `mil. J une h}th.Monh37 ml. at the Men : Store.) W ...n-.. |.l.i..>Ivl-clinic`-`.fnu>- OJ1n . , Ivayg` `*`F!*.`.!I;~.I-wraimrsetse-v.r a=-.--..--=v-w.=---_v-as '5MI3330W..'wW9nh-`1:2?53`? .:`a12"~98c; i.Matk ;Y., Gross; ~8ai; mnsli`. . mk `V 'Ald. Horseld thosugh that Anqt so .--.L'-J.LA-$3-1 --A--`pl ILA `A `LA Wm. omaslanqyngx Hu:1gr_B9s.- *nn;n;`. -ngung '--..._-..,`.-n.`-_..'.`_..;.-.__ L- '(%oo:anueg1io:.%1?az%V II I JJ|`IIi, I dgen tq j_*H`i:__%I;IL`o,1%'T;I=ii;Jg'ri'I *9 ; .mup`n_n:.- fruit I`-. . H an-ms:-r1`r\'rn1=-L n`n1ronu'vL - SYD1,NHA1`7EUTUALFIB.E~ .. utrswr svuma cues ' 0QmP'03Y 13.1~;, . " ia: equal w: L am at. ,s1gx;xa*v:; the vTho_r;1.;nr._gq"r%tbcE' h_g}de_1-9 -to "PF'9"'P"':`7"?5V'.~ tr: V % ' - at 1'96! `<}{f.T;5!7J. .,*!'!!!i & % 93:2`? ` any .g.:\ad-j-sua.-'.n..-vac INSU on UQMPANY o .2 -priniqiples zmwn to;be"'th9 .*Five Insur- 'n...;...-.%_. .'. 14. (55.1. , DIV '!LllLlllUhl Q51. ltbl vvgrvvsucg an .% the'1..s ervioee inr the` Bia`ho'p.'15vn1'i 'to' Shanty` .1 `V-Bay East Ofo, "who:-e been V, ___ A tore-` , -g. 11. .1 .1 .._'.1``';:;. . ` `The Bishop, in a brief, but telling address, directed the candidates to the words. of The Master: Whose shall confess Me before men, `him will I. confess before My Father which is in Heaven, and by illusw `tgations from the lives of the anci- ent fathers, who were ready to die vshewed' L. ._j-that,,_thi,e' meant not only Standing; itythe Faith, `but doing so open-1y.f '~He -upon theinjhe "value . of: the rite of Don: rmatiOi!1}_ `and ,.the real strength ing of`~I;.1711`fl1.:;51S"S1?i1 iF$ who j to ?eon1`_idQwng..dhup9n; ;t_hO0, W110. V9.4 3*`; m'`"' .'1LL_, . --___-_._ -94. '.L'_'2_._';.__ for'the"faith; notably` St. Basil,` `they must. xpeet fnoin indswell-' '1 Oire `ya. -v-.u.a-v_uIs4-aqa.A\J.A.V_. Q41. `..I.LU+JVJ..I.`._l.. `PARISH A.) V h On sun y last the snap of_ Toronto was our midst _ho1di`ng conrmation services, large con- gregationsan sweeten! him wherever, he perfomfmed the sacred ceremony. In the morning he la_.i3._ hands on eleven cand1ide;es' it -St. George s, Allan;-, _da__le. o clock, in the. nfteg`-` A noon ` was . the ~time appointed at Trinity Ohu-rch,/ Barrie. There wereytwenty-four cand~idates,and~ the church was well lled, the children of the Sunday. School being present as` an `object.-'lesson to those who, in `II 4-Ln-o- oqauucnr -_L`l Lg, A...`_...... __-,---- - vwJyvv.- I on UV VIOVDV YVLIU, Ill themselves their `baptismal vows. The - service was -9, most impressive -one. The processiomwl hymn. select- `: upon? ed` was, Who L is on -the .Lord*s wered: by. the volume and intensity the We are. omthe )Side,. and if the question were Ians-. I Lord eUSide-! it speaks well_for the Bar_1ji_e congregation. V .- """""""'a. -"I-'N-A Vmyauyxuuu; uuulw if persistent rumor that an Vndavtfr 1.5. 9s\'nAn, 6- _......_.. AL; ___-_'1_I-,, 6f the" site and that members n'F .i1nl"lr ..}{1I:L1r:nm..nn .. -....._. . ' - lryawauvvllv suxuux uuuv (H1 uuuuuvor . ` 1!19*i<$%= is '/being , made to reopen are in favor of a di_s6ontii1uunna" .the}`.4preaent;pI_ans Vanrl the ooq-id- f It is rumored that -a; local.-V_o_oi1-. tractor 8 t8.l1ds the best chance " landing 4;he c< >n.tract*,r as his gures are the most.._satisfaotory. ` . Secretary iiiphatichllyjfenigs namiatnnt nvninnu QHAL ..'... . _ . . _ _.. ".O0NFIIMATIOfI`I;: `A.T a -"l)A nrn ` ~; W L suderahly below -fyyhatfgis ` for r the wowk %sinei*ch.eftenpdgrs A ed. Howmuch ` g has not `yet_be_n_ `givm 'ojgg_ > - -aim rumors,that_che. : N190 ilet for `less *`065.0O0:1::Lor $70,000, and that;it}.wi1Y, 15,\i";'f ,__ . : for the ak- 816.000 0520.000, either ' presenting the proposii:ipn 't-d. Q. iota of thqpeople. - `was nothing: to `report at' .;. ` 7 Last :I`_h;;';cluy' night Edu<:at,in;111da4 a aI>0i%1't..m6ti8 `and on Monday`; nignt mt;L$g43,i;1,;;zut when the 1`0pOl'1_8l'S\j.C8n9`i.' they .i1iformed' .t1yit thel Boazjxm in niitteb-of-the- whole, and that `I'7'L-_. 13!. _ V r "17: ...w. ~:fv;T . C ital R aorvoluhd zadsmzedoa P2... .0... ., go'nQe_"Ov`1"by the Board, it was found that .'n_o provision had! bn for the wiifixfg and` gas piping of .5 the re- modelled` school, and` this "will have" go_ be -`added. The "general, plan .93, scribed in 'I'he'1AdvanceV some weeks 8,80 is L the one Blecteai s * Tim--is a mnor-- %voted- by the peopletior " tli3; elliris of the. . gjldafitute ($5 ) . n<:AAwnL1a`. 1...`... ___L L _ U L 515.000 % V9*d-`39'?"f ...1}. . `f ` may get Contract. 4 giuqbgg `ANO71'Hf 'A_p9ll6i.0F qguaoai oun ,cnrri:Iuou.J \a\aO\O\IlV`ll _ ll-I\I9L\J&GI-I5 ' Mr:- T::ho1esa1eV grocer, ' owho~`~gr`t'tcefully 'di.rectedi' ' `the tempo of the Ihiisic from deck of the Asteainer. * It" was "a,7. `real olsd,-fashion? ed picnic` party, where ' everybody was supposed to know his neighbor, and -*the trip "was most.'thor_ovugh1y enjoyed by all. Mr. mp. Garden, `...'I....' L_`- ;L- __'-__ __-.__.,- - --4 905' V. vu unto .Ll.I..L 1 LL \Jo K193 UCLL, .._, . who, by the way, never loses an op- portunity to say a good word "for Barrie, was busy all th etrip get-_. ting the \ excursionists acqquainted and pointing out fatniliar points of __inte1:est `to the visitors`. , Fine Band Concert ~Queen. s Park, resplendent, in all its glory of spring foliage and -green, was the scene of the early evenings` fwtivities, when the. 91st High-. landers Bandi and the Barrie ,Citi-`E zens Band gave a combretin concert was thronged with several thousand people and as the weather was ex- cellent the en~terta.inmen_twas most thoroughly` appreciated. Bandmheters Addison and -Stares alternately con- ducted the different numbers`, with the exception-fof athreg; numbers ren- deredv by the `91st`_ Band alone. V _ ' ` ` A `- `Informal Reception." ` , ' lAte'r thefband`.c oncert'a shoxt Vin`- reeeption held in Trinity Parish. Hall, about" 250 being pr-me ;ent;`*`.ineludingK:th?e ,-Haini1l75n`.Board of unusual excellence. The park are Tr&d0.Brrie `of jTE_rax}'e,and'-' `Con-noil. ; 'pj1-ominentoitigb LLAIIIIJ HIV Just -=a t\l 1`<;J.boat'left the dock,- lthe band played _. popular airs, -and .' .` . `.1 Baxidmastei States.` turned` over the -conductors-_. of ` mhsicians to .`. 1'1".-I` -`nun v.u. u\_nv u, -uuqg vxunauu. qxuuuu the `bay; `Jviewing with unconcealed delightthe ,b_eauties` of Kelmpnfeldt -jagnd. the `maghicifen-t. Vi,eW af ihe town 'fr6ih, _'the water `left ; an .-L. -.'La_-Ls. . ..o___~ .._._ -_ . Total Assets tovoi-)3 [Won Irov WI \a$iUy|& ' 1551.15 `I v gn'e*-ggaiptain `of Ambltious City. `l'__.;'-_- AA 1`, A 1,1-. .1 '1 1 c e -The`? Hamilton "trade represent- atives `caime. in on their .awn"speeial train of ullma`i1,eleepers and dinere about 4.204 p.m., `exactly ._o_rn ..time, and after an informal reception on the depot ~ple.tform '- by President! Vickers, Chairman -Short and other e oicers. of the Board of Trade and Town` Oouncil,` they were escorted to Bayeld St, dock, where the Str. Monarch; aweited to `give them a. sail on bay.57 They were accompan- ied` by the excellent _ band of the 91st High1andem,pu_nderi the direc- tion of Bandmaster `Harry `States. For an. l1o'v'u.r the visitors, aecom-_ panied by '3, "number of - members `of the `Board of Trade, including many of: the most` prqminent `business men of town -they cruised around '4l.... .L.`..~. r -_:__.... _. ._2n_ -__ _-_ ---1 - 1 -g Let's. use ._Aoqquxiinted.. % Such E as Lth ef n'1otto_~ of -_th;e_eAighty -mem- *` 13; of ;- that: w1'dVe_-uiake p_1jog-1`-essive nstitution known as""tl_1e ,,Hs.mi1t'o_n ., bf Tr9:d.9, Who! visited Barrie Tuesday `afterixoon and` evenin mi :'.|:'....... :. ;.;. :...J... 1_'_ 4.1.. _..:_:..l* - avvu aw-.-v."V`l.-' ' ""9-V '.l'*"V.' . ..th_e.*. (591-dia1_ -handshakes ` with _ romises-"of. future visits, they were. at onlywell acquainted with Beam- tiful and her citizens, 5.-but most "hig_hlyv'pleaee& with their reception `while here and the beauty. of this~Venice of America ras one of the delegates-was pleasedi to term B_ri.' _; _V , `VI I > of; Tjgadefhost Favoinl:}y`l::ipressJ amass cm ON JAUNT ".. `DYNIIJTJ `UYC'3'.& `IN nd` if 'one-,is`_t6 judge by the spirit Ev -good-`fellowship that -prevailed n'-:4-I. LL42 _'-....'L'_I L-_;.`I_L-I_-;. , ..-:'1.L `V W e:supply _all sty)es of . j.. ; _ad . ` _;`V.ictor- GLra%m6phohes`A% and the FOR-