Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Dec 1912, p. 5

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Novelty Gifts for young Men and Children, such-as Handkerchief Boxes, Tie Racks, Purses, Eat Pinolders, Needle Cases. . . \ This is the btisysectioxl for Christ- mas we are` ready for the rush hem with a" ioirely range; of novelty Linens for alli pumpose: " ' Cold Qeather demands .warn1 i;,1othe s nfoth-ii`1g_gives more com.- fort than-F`11'rs. V We. have 5. splendid 1ot9d`f.neck pieces, -pil1'oV\`\" muffs an-:1 Men s Fufr Caps- ' ` Fancy Linens i The. picture, ~Mo_ther s T1~easures, -.will be a surprise "to you. It is `worthy a. pllce in the best homes-. I`y Herald and Weekly Star is known to everyone as the greatest znewspasper on. the Continent. One ` dollar canno`t:be better spent. Try it - and be `convinced. ` I / 1 [th`3__best_c1o.11ar?Jvq1;"`be had. `WINTER TOURS TO THE LAND` OF. SUN`-SHINE AND SUM- ' a MER DAYS. At this season of the year a great many are -plannin V` gtheir Winter Tour, some to the `Sunny Soruth, oth- I ers to California, while 21 _consider- `able number prefer the owers and 5 `sunshine of Florida, together with 3 the _ very V erven- climate. 7 - i [ Owing 7to modern rai1way_facili- ..ties; an extensive trip, both interest- " ing and educational, can now be] made in speed and comfort at com- ` para.tively,srg1.11 expense. rm.-. n. _ _ . . __. n--:c- b_:1 __;_ -x ` I < 1 I &U-PIII-IUI--CV5-av _ It -will afford the: _ you could `give, and -ber`:et`to them th` For the` yoilngst 7` BAug'lesV, W_histles, '1 x For-the o1dct.hj1dr_ ; "A .. 1" Violin, Banjos, Acc `offV_l`)and instrument`: vavnd _9chA-.rAish_ed 'gxit;-`';\:hav` : been; In -_..... ......_...'__`...._.._.__...._.a. ......x......__ gaaaggangaagga ; virus I \Il~ . Lnnvr \;a-'l(\.rA4\J\/Q The-V o3{;diI1 Pacific Railway o*f- III EMUSIC s'r0RE % A % Bljoha izgs . % Q FURS Children a Musical _ ' Instrument. A ` V n Jfvill` aH'ord thm as much pleasure as anything could and at the same time be of more :bpnet_=to5then1_' than almost any other"gift. yoilngstrs we have Ha;'monicas,"Brigde Toy 'PianQs, Music Boxes, etc. ._1`or- the o1dct.(_;hi1d1_'en_ we, Mando1ins, Guitars, ',Violin, Accordcgns, Flutes, and `all rrianner iqf_band instrnmer:1s_.- , . V" _A Musical instrument will be appreci- ated and cherished long aft er other pres- `_.g:n'tds {have been forgotrtcn. 1-WILLIAMS ;~M:us1c'AL' IxsrRqM1=.; N1's; ` V or: ' 'QUAL1ry" ;_.r :; _ By I __u$,`- undf ap iron -V cI`ad' .u;tja;1nte_{A-thaTt; faitisfaction. ' vvuvonv- w- v v `cw Ask to see our showing of Ladies ;Lc-ather Hand Bags, the designs are so new and the qualities so good that they me superb for use- ful gifts. ' Chritma;s" Parasols Very handsome but n. for the whole 1 year round, pllrdlasenl especially one in a box for holidav season at $2.00, $2.50, $3.50, $4.00 z_md.$5.00. Santalaus says: Let me bring Your Children LMusiLcal_ 7 Instrument. [ k.-.tQii;e.:1-v, 1. Our Chrisiirxas Stock is Navy Most Complete ' fers "particularly good service to Detroit where direct connection is for Florida, .. via. Cincinnati, Ohio, and Atlanta, G. Jackson, `Florida, is reached second morning iafter leaving Detroit. Excellent con- nection can also`- be made to Florida via Buffalo. ' The Canadian iPacic-Wabash' Route will, be fouild the ideal line i to Chicago, where direct connection iis made for the Southern States. ,New Orleans, La., is reached second `morning after leaving Toronto. \_: Direcvt connection is also made at Chipagor `for points in California`, i Mexico, Texas, Arizona, etc. ` Dining `Cams. The Dining, Parlor and Sleeping Car. service between Toronto. troit and Chicago, is ups-e!-date in every particular. Connecting lines alsoooperrate 1211-rough Sleeping and Thoge {>onbem;1aiting 9. trip of any` znatulre will receive full information ` from any C.P.R. Agent. 4.9-51 Lea._he;' Goods us. will ` use. in` tlmt the ions of ourt in nn, xv"! : azftelr 3 A-cuuvvw. 3a.r1`ey . - - L at 'av1& gnlqyd ember, [ . their Bt1I'ti.-- Iich all - In I: an` e1iera*l' _ vdging; ___ LL ,- ' , id whit! MARRIED; I % SPR1Nl(`;T1-'1{lI}{G-At Tthe Pamo - nhA.L `.1. .. ABBO'l"J`--LEPARD--'A,t-L the par? sonugro; (`ollier St., on `Dec. 4th,`by Rev. I. (}_.b Bowles, Wa1`ter.Abbotjat , 1- /\..:1f:-I Awvoo J1 1u.LV\ l -.LL.LL\ u--uu uu_ V age, (`o1lier~%bt., 011 Nov: - 2;17vlv1- ,' by I 1` T)-..-1_....` T.-J. A `I-uinn { t'u1I1e1"-UL, 011 nuv.- zacuu, 0,) Rev. 1. (3. Bow.1nes', John. -Albert Sp1'i11g' to Cl1ar1ot.te Kin-g, `both Nz111ty1'. .1 |Toilet Goodsl JULY: I JJUVVLVD, v_I vvavvp . oowuyvyu to ;\lz11 ;yu1".e1)avd, both of riuia; In buying Toilet Goods .f or_ ift` purposes one wants to make Sure of `the latest styles._ ` ' -`V 4 .| ?:_ - W, --_.._ Ou1'stc;cl< is full of new Vthi`ng"Ss n_\any of them just out._ Our lme includes: - Bristle Good`:-_ *` I ` Hair Brushes _ You are sure to 50` 'f;f:ga thing in this line atj3"Y 1" wishto pay. [ ' lueivb. Robertson : 1 Door East 0! Binjrxe jil LII KCIIVC i\;l'iTi`tary Brushes Cloth Brushei `I CI 3 I Nail Brushes Comb and Brush Sets}. Mirrors I Travelling C'ases_ V " bnuc STORE; snop EARLY Ft" an" Ana - `-Q vsgvj in sa'tis~`f a. year ,Geo1-g9 Towuis HELTH coop . SAYS M. 0. or HEATH citizenso Ba.rrie_ is good is evi- denced by the rrport of. M.O.H. Dr. |Little as read at the Council meet- I ing on Monday evening. ' | .J.&l(l`Us_ Vllv e\4*&U\-I`!-(UL alivvvavuo vi. v-v ll , ,,`_A_ `JAB Tron o-uuvoouuvv v--_.._.. [There were but 32 cases of scarlet _fever' since October, 1911, and .none since June, 1912. The* list by months. shows-that there was 1 case .in November 1911515 in D_ecembetr, ['6 in Jan-uar'y,v`5 `in Feb_m1m'y,.3 in `March, 4 in April, 3 in;May, 5. in June. No deaths were reported `from `scarlet fever. - ` . 1 ` .I . 1-1 V Typhoid fever is mostly treated in the R. V. Hospital now. There were 50 cases in 1910, 26 in 1911, and only 9 in 1912, and. the most of [these ' were out.-of-tom/m .pat;_ients. `There were but .2 deaths from ty- lphoid in 1912. * ` b ,' Twberoulosis has not been >1-eporw ed, but registmtions show 6 deaxs from the White Plhgue. l J _. I _ There were three fatal casaesr of cerebro spinal fever treated in the` IR. V. I1-ospital, and twouof these l were "from,.ou.tside points_. ; Regitra-- tion shows 2 -deaths from whooping cough` 1 The report sayga: A greatganivancel `has been ~ made frosm a sanitary point` of view by . tho abolition of ,_t4l1elpriviy- pits, and` in their` the" Ains~tal:l!ing' of ,,the-_dry=' system Ic1o_eets_. I By b1xe"da_.`ina`gfe of,f<:JOK,l- taminationjrf -'.1,1l,vrai7'we"llsV iin. gout-, ' Zing diejgriots will. be greqtly ~ aim l'1`Ajhe._.,f1`~t>wn.A,;i:a`l;ffo-;,A`be oongrathlswd` lqwhillm .c 399?? UXXUIIQL Ull qwu: In-ma grounds and on the V r9commen_da.- tion `of the of Health. In all TF-our permits granter} for sap-H.` ~ticta`ulcs. ` " " Ins)peotpr. :79r_ sewer connections were .made, 27' cesspools wereicloaed and 116 new ones were {to be oonst&rfucted..~ A aenig %t;..1;e;;] Vnec-tions, L ._ a _A . V 3 Our sa11itai'y%.i11spg`tJ<)_r;`V Mr; -G_ejo_;_ `i Q2895`-iA 5.11; 1 his -` ,endeuY9lf8 ? 1; gijtej 0:7 :o]ea1_1-_~ " hatthe general '.heal'oh of . th.e' . -1 1)'-_...:- __ ._.......l :... ..-. _ J`i's'}`icr;3asej'_-de1and,this sea s0n for TN eck`w`e%adr,` a.n`d_ w`reivl1`21v.<`: all the latest fads iall th -[Jr0_[?AU1`ar pr;xc es5---*RobesphierreV Collars, Fancy jabots} Fancy Stocks-, Rosebud Ties, New Frillings-Crocheted . `"185,-[ * % % ' * T ' I ' I witho utf Ll1owse9, l str9;1g1y._ _ `yea.i"sA accumulation of dirt 0'11 the streets, there_ to await, for, days V and even weeks, its removal by the Town teams `cannot be conc`Ienmed too 1 ` :v(;ekly.c0]:1Ection ovf _suchA1natter `A wotild involve only-_ a smalll addi- {tional expense to. our people, "and .\vou:1ld give us a clean town through- out the year. ' , I11 brir-xging my report. to a; clash! I have to thank the chairman and the Board for` the great: assistance they have given me in trying to pro- mote Ythe*best iritetrs-ts of the Toewn on sanitary matters. Our In.sp'ector has assumed the full res'pon sibilit.y- of hisoice, and! has dirme his work .in af-most satisfactory manner. ~ I IDEAFNESS CANNOT BE oURED' by local axpplications, as they. cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There, is only one way to cure deaf-g ness, and. that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is VCBIISOCT by an i inamed condition of the mucous lin- -ing of the Eustachian \'.Bube_. eW'hen this tube is inameci you have a rumbliing sound. or imperfect hear-` ._-ing, and when it is`: entifely closed, ` Deafness isgthe .reen,1.}t,A andvunlesiebthez in_ammation `can be taken out and-` `this tube restored} to its normal-"con-. dition,_. hearing" -will be destroyed `for-f even. nine'oase_s out of ten a,1'e'c-atusbf ed V by `.Coi.'targh,V Whig-h`is~ nothing -but} - -ai'1~ .iVnamed" ndition of the muoo _ .- 4|--u '-rsil . We will! give One Hundred Dol- ; lars for any case of Deaifness (ca_uscd:.|}' `by catarrh) that -cannot be cured` by` H'aJ1 s Cata._rrh,Cure. Send for 'cir`-, E. Vcu1a'r.S.*fl'66-* . _ ' " . ` I . G. -CHAENEYE 00., Toledo, Q, % `S01ii`,b5T`D1'.\I88i8i~9: 75c 1 V `j Family Pills for con- '...-~`~.;.41} . and 1; out this:-. A______ 91`z!%:-evantiuz and QIIJEQWTWE '09? 9!.` lnouern llfllluuw unwou- ~od' tor preventing mastering most all .,~aumeut9; raga:-dies: of kind.` cause. sever- `%2;~..e.,~:*::; :',:~*::*;`.:,%=~r.:~a~% , 9, n, D, .3 . Vllls ickl_l`688. _I_l_Il % ,n2.;eln.ngh- 4 surgery Just two small }IoY_glurn'dLo.e_s the rest. Eur I .u.nmMn amnntio!N!ee:or%wx'ite'-.; ' -whvj b!otBusaNeckwear- ,\V "ave n.1aking a big dis- --play of Excnelda Handker- ch_iefs`foq; "Men" and Boys. Vlandk-orchiefs For All , . We prophesy that; llamlkei-clii el's will more tlmu ever be the rigl_1 thing this year , gas the Value .un_d novelty ( esigns are so new and pleasing, and p.ices range to suit all buyers l,'i'om . . . . . . . . . .. . . .._ .. . ..`2c each to $3.00 Buy at Barrie s Best Glove Store VVn nnf null! lH)I'I`lY Ivnl;n'llln nrnslifina Mn.` 1: vnntr- U IIQILIU . IJUHU \-l'L.\IVU QUVLW We not only carry reliable qualltles but a mag- "u-iticient assortment for MM) and `Women, and every pair from $l_.O0 up -boxacl fmvconven lcnce in mailing. "Our range of Mn s Ties in separate f:v.'11c.yL boxes, at 25 each" is superb. ' SABJEAEI & KING, '5' of A Maky e gifts andithefe i_snLotl1-I ing more appreciated by,-the 11:0-uese-., wife; and you will! nd? the right kind have _with uapkii1s. to matc1_1. Tabie Damask t'or?an e e be the `best gifts this year, } em, makee k_j(ii'eail Christmas Gifts to ' every ofthe.-i,,famiIy:--no im`a_t.tePf`What their age or position in ijife-Land at this store with our immense stock you are sure to -~':,::.`m.-x,'g=i.-, . ...'~? r.-`I `:+Iea~.'. . choose jus/t whatyvill please. 1 .-_-- tr-`--:--` j . You _ng people` `like Sweate-r `There _is scarcely anything` that prOve`s'-more useful or that` is worn 'of1Je11er-.-an'd 11o,t-hing Vmore season-" able than a` Sweater C0-at for C'hri.sgt- YOUNG pnoruz LIKE 9 SW%EA _I`!}_l_l QOATSN % -other; `to the Sarnia, branch. ' of the Bank of! Toroilto sta, been transferred! I 1\ 011 .111`. , H can gm Tuesday. . IV - f ie, utors `I Mr. Cha. Musgrave the noted musician, was, in Town_ 011-_-Monday furnishing music for Mia-. Dy-t me11t s. at home. A F Dr. Grahaxh Chambers, specialist of Toronto Twas (rallied to" Town on Monday to attend ,Mrs. Joe: Seeley,_, in consultation withW,D-r.` W. A`. Ro_s.' 1: Victoria, Harbor Era-:-Miss Gr-ace Lile was called: home from Barrie ion Saturday (Nov; 23)-olwing to the serious islslnessi. of her father; Mr._ CE_noch Lille, sr. ' ' 1`? Mr; Geo; P. .S'hrubso1e,`.w'ho has i 41-een visiting his brother, Mr. James -{>'_Sh1"ubso1e~, for-a few weeks, has" gone .;on a month s`..visit `to his;o1d~ home _ 511` Oxford . Count_.y L before: returning Vi4tO Calgary; 1 Vi ` - fa` -. .( Mr. Mont. Henry pf Beamsv-illei "S visiting ,u11c.lIe,.'Dep911ty-Reeve: Wes1ey,4f()r a few V -. - ' T1 `Mrs. J$,Dyment. left .it}l_1is week for ; a short visit _with her. sister ini .3_Nort:h Bay. Sh will spend the win- ter in '1:gl'0I}f0.` V ` " " - f .V `:1 L, `I __' The marriage was solemnized,at ' the .130-me: of - the bride s parents, ,AHensall, Ont, ' at high noon on * : `Wednesday, November 27th, of Max- %l'g4afret. Jane, _da-ughter of Mr, and Mrs-. Robert Bonthron, and Mr. Stephen J amnes, son of Mr; .a.nd Mrs.-g ,'James Vair, Barrie. Theceremony` I `wvnsu performed " by Rev. Mr. Smith," ;_ of Hensali. -The bride wore her 'trs;veIling costume, 3; ta.ilormad'e of navy` blue. lady s cloth, wi`t.h- had; to match. Aftei- the, _oeremony.ja. ddurti ' ~dim1e_r was set-Veda, only the immeci-`_ fat 1'eh1.ti'_ves.bei4ng-` preselih T Mr." and Mrs. Va;ir >l'e`ft` the same a-fterL-J "for 9. .honeymoon_ {ja.t7 _ D_etroviti and ` Ame1%icanV : *i_citie_s5.' * They -. 1`esLide"_fon.. Worsley ;St.; V Bar`:-ief.i* `o'n ,_M1:.~ ; Mrs. -`Jas; -v:Vai1;.-;g_>`f: ;Ban:-iq; -.x.. ' I" L , DO IT. Now- . , V If you `want to treat yourself fo a genuine bargain that will ~P19339:` 5'9`! %dm~ing L-1913`-*ands_ or*+ all yea;-s '` ._;co1;t'1e. .a oiollar '- to The Family :Star of `M`<'>nt\1-wealg Dr. _West of Ang' in Town! % YAIR-BOUTI{RON. __Sil`k Hose "for'Mcn, dian wea>V," with T 1' ,-_ _L`_`_ ' , -n...n .Men s Pume_Li11e11_.Hand-|$1.OO, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 Christmas Novelties Are Here I'D. 0111" `at: nd. {sho Id

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