` ,;__;`:: .1`!1eas1y;f ' T-h' . ;5xi>xie iji,tiuy_-ciaizs 16$-Dgv` ",`_.i on Monday` ;a.ftemdbnV gt ' Keep your eye on this Store olbgizes totthe hundreds it?5fct1{st,0mers and friends for the dinr appt)inj:jn`enta Acajijsed by. the` non-fuI1I- fmn't";b'fThe advertising of a Grand =R21ll`y~.of.B_;2trgtins" T to have taken plats: T135:.`Asaturtiayjnorning, and we trust the '=pplgl_ifc willfatilqept this apology for what ;niat7y--';.seen1;ta cxtravagent use of space: `and printers ink` to attract large numbers. V .';`i rO`_t1';~I'STo\'ember x~*5th a-shipinent of gopds personally selected in Montreal "Was'shipped_,_per G.T.R. and under the 'oifditjra_;ry `course of ieveriits should have arrived in Barrie on the 19th or 20th. -Theydid {not reach Barrie, repeated in- -quiriesj were made but of no avail, and rat the time 0f'wri1_ing this there is not .the"slighest. hint. to us of pheir where- `-':\.bOlitS'. ; I i T Hu:ndrds`aAre diszippointed and we have-.to pay. .\-Ve have no iedress_. A L; ' we` simply me t0_watEh and pray. -and our customers have'to_Qw'ait. `Q-`[5.WIX";_eondsiderable amount of money was Axvsted in the advertisement and we aie.4sori'y that _thIe great numbers who -cameo-"in cr'es_ponse "to the announcement were . disappointed. W are also sorry We had not in stock goods that we `_cou'_I_d offer,` as a. substitute for those -n`1eIitione;d in te advertgsemexjt. `AT- Sweater Cogts ~9"% 859` `_ V Knitted Neckwear % V . Suspenders 1 Initial H.:ndk fs Top Shirts A _. Yeats. Glovgs '_The facts are these : A FEW% SUGGESTIONS: -T-he La;di[es qAAi;1(of.`S't. Anarm ' (`vhu.rch, intend: giving -a Scotch -So- `eia-1 on Thu.rsda.y evenipg, Nov. 28th. Admission, 15 cents. _. MAILING County and Gem-ml '.\Ui~1l0ll.~H)f OF the Peace and (`mlmy ('0urtin MSIMCOE, and for County of Sim('nu'-. will ' `_- be Held in `the (`mxrr Hu':.sv. m T0 Wu` _ the Town of Barrie. on 1:UBSDAY,v the 10th day of December, Next, COUNTY 1 Notice is hereby rziwn :h-.mheZ at-"one o'clock in the afternuozn. of wi--in -I `Justices; Coroners. CODSKRMVS. Lhml:-:`.+. MN` pthers are` . nested to take n0l`m- `and :|":v:I1vl .-'an'tIto.q0in perform all dutic< mm +:H.l zappejjtgm to them'. . 11- `I vvx'rs1vv:~\' ..~ ;_Ban-i'e,`1\'ov-. 28:11, 191-2. Smoking Jackets Robes . Night Gowns Neckwear -V HAP. V E Y. Sheriffof brunt. " The rst cxvxtter of `the. season ca.me into Tcrwn . .. yesterday afternoon. There. is said.` to be good sleighing at Ora -Station and other points ,I'_1orth`.I -a_ nd. disorderly. V Kenneth Macdonnelll :(noIl_:' the Town Engineer), was sent; up on .'Frid1a.y for 14 days for being drunk Mrs. \Ga.r'ner `ackuorwl (with: g1'abef11l .upprecia.tion. t many! kindnesses and help `received during her recent sorrow" and berea.-verlnelit. U ~-Toil~et Brushes of all kinds-- Tooth, I-Izmir, Nail, omh and sham. ing Brushes, -at; C1-os's1and s Drug: Store. 3 ` . F [ ogognouoonouobobgofov . _ yyyg,yvQy!vOQ90_O9O!O}OQ90,f O`, ~-If you want, to -rent ybur" propel erty, p1aoe it with the Real! Estate mati, - tA._f;-I j ' There :will be `a meeting of the| WA. to when. V. Hospital in the, ` Police Court Chamber next Tuesday,; Dec. 3rd; at the usual` hour. .. I I` I Ff` .a'~iu..-.-pa .`. . 'meet3:f\ ex: .j Mon.;` ' 7 --T-Fire escapes are ti) he instilled Qn `Barrie ,Busines / vvooxapvs vast-I 4|`-I\l.L I55 VIII; JVJTWLC II], JJal L IC is. ready ` for your __inapctio'n at Moore s. , -Mom & Armstrong's" olmstmaa Preparation Week Sale `will begin. on Langman ofutbra opened? an eliactmic. supply store in the prom- --ises. formerly occupied. by W.` 1ITL2A.L_ 'l1`1__L -A.L Q1. `-Mr. Harry B ag, has been inspecting sital`-l.ion.s for the '0nta-.rio Govea-'nme'nt fox; ithe past weeks` returned home on` Monday, L 3 - 301:-he;TTIadieTs" or lie*~ s} guga W. `im `of Trim/church will .ho1d"a.-Sale of Work onmwedmeeday evening,_"_De- camber 17th. _ '..- 3 Mr. Jos.- White` `osf>Kinca1-(line, has. 'ing_ Tuesday, Dec.v 3rd, at 8 pm. . Athe King -`Ed'ward"Hotcl`anVd 1:ll,ent,_ire]y ret it for `up-to-. ' ta boardinghouse; ` v `I -411 Sale of Work will be held in; the -Salvation Army Hall; commence ` `5-`-Don"t, buy Second Quality Rush,-i bars when you get. Firs-t Quality g _'_G'ooEl*s at. Moore _.for -less money. ` 1 ` :--T-T-The. monthly -suoci-al r-unipns Poi .: . students, parents and friends of Bar- rie Business College begin in Decem-I . 1 VI ILIDI OJ `vv1 it UI4\a` ll!-fl by, `Elizabeth St. --v:----' --- r - - . . . 1 `- P.C. Sweeney }-ecegivd a 't_e.1e.gra1n i from Parry Sound at-112.15 op Fri-s -day _ to arrest ,Rich.ardx A1l=m`ond.` ac- cused. -of stealing [$82, and by 12.50 the man was behind: the..b'a.rs. _It is. allegfed that Alrnond, who` is :1 1101281 porter- in `Depot Harbb!r, , took. nwney a.ndthatA -he was g'_I'>ix_'1g'_.to `go to `Ene~1and}- i`C*lti,f FoIv1.en"of Parry | Sound: took Alhnond on Satur-A ldayi The man `b`ut"$32 onhim I ...'I...L.. -___.`L-.Ja Ltmrlveliae Muilne, -Ca: yo1in.ig'i- bi'ak'e- man -on the G.T.-R., had his hand- crushed. while coupling cars..'_ at `Cooksbown yes__tei~d_ay morniiigr Dr.i| Ross. found .it necessary to amputai7e.. small nger of ' his right hand; "--=-The biggest andf -best assortment", `of Ohristmas.S1i.ppers ever brought h under one roof in the Town of "Barrie- f-__ ,, ' A V ' - _... _.-- J__ i In the `GoIi.g.rga.t.iona.1-`.Churli last- -Sunday special appesils were made on behalf _ of, the Congregational M.is`sion.a.ry V ;Societ-y, in the ` morning by -the pastor, Rev; W. Hipkin, and in the evening by 'H. ~Ba.rker, Esq.. of Toronto, the-.t<!'eas'urP1"of the ;So- _ciety.. -Mr. Barker gave .a. most} in? ter.et.ing address on -tho ago-1'k of foreign missions in genie-ral. aiid the Congregat/ionalists work at. Chis.- Bspmba in parti~c1i1a.r. ~ vonssa vow`; out i `The prelimil I the injured .;. vb nu 1;-yuvu I ll|.Il.l.ADiV nary investiga.tio1i .Vvas: held yesterday `at Victoria `Harbor, man s` ` evidence being in his bedroom at.Ys_V `` A --'-A real e. bony -Hziirv `Brush maks an a"C-.ce1)`tal)1e 4'C*fi*ristmas` Gift. Splen- dil.,1s:o:1` tme Store. "5 mg` -alt. Cro-ss1a,rid"s.. "Drug V s9'bv\J - \JI VUIA IV .151, -l.'\Ib pays.-A. 114 \l __pl`ietlDlI of ' the "Ola kson .Hous3, has purchased the ,hote-Ii license `of th %New No1't'herI,1` Hotel, at 817 _ Yonge St., just abovge` B1001` St," Toronto. It `issaid* Mm Good-`win gpdid Arthur J. ,Ha_rk_>y, the vformer owner, $26,- _O0O ew the 1)rivileg\e,...subject to the ratication of = the. 1'-icierise commis- sioners. L ` " ! _ Crown .Atbor1'1ey Cotter was in ' Victoria Hzirbor yesterday investi- gating a Stabbing affvay which place at. Vasey on Sunday; The-_"in- jured man still in his bed am} his lcondition is regazrdedg as" ippeoatjiomsg V 'l`I...J .....1:....:..;...-. :...--.~..1.:...-4.:...; ._._- I A_hou'se_and. all its~conte11ts' be-. |,long'ing to `Mr. Woodrow. -was de- ,stroyed by re ' early. last` `Friday morningat Cundales; Mrs. Woodrow and; `her three daughters '.wvre alone iin the house, jWoodrow~; being gaway at the time. There was - some finsuralice but their loss Will be con- ]siderable. " ' ' - : ' %': j 1' I .N_\* " An ` '1l.**.Ll.i'X;;.i..;~ 'i'..iI-. .'. "---.:_--.l..`L '4- a ` W I F 7 -Christmas-`` joy a11._ -year joy: ,whe'n the gift a Kodak.j`Zl\fake a se1ie.ct.i_o11 early t" _C1_'oss121nd s Drug LV'4......- ' Agiiliaff ` of -` ~tH l._l}arrie Baptist Church intend hold- -ing a `Sale of W ork on Tuesdiay,-` De-T ! cembe1"-`_3rd,% in-~ ihe Baptist parsonage, I Clapperton Street; Usefu-1 and ' fancy iartiom suitable for Christmas pres.- ` ents will be solid`. ' The proceeds `Will: go towards a_.new organ for |'~` `;`_` ` _h ; ` vvyxz WY?-` `adv i A.nd_revW_ s Guild on Monday evening that .immig1~a.tion is not benecial - to Canada as _a.t present. an. The 1 negative side nwhich.iwt_)n was-_ repre- `sented~by_ Chas. "B911 and H. -Lennbvx, [and 1>he'airma;tive'..by J. H. Mosgan i`and_L._ VJ. ' w T At t?}1eye ve11song` service `in Triniflyo Church on Sunday next, the Vicar. the Rev. E. :R. J. Biggs,` will speak on M,gan s Apprehension .of `Jesus; the t-it.l(`.-r o-f his discourse. being .`4`WLhat. Thin`k Y.E of Chrisf? I ' e ~ j {to-ni`ght,> Thxirsday, NovI- 28`t;h. =Pi'o'- ' gmutiondl Ohutch will .a social` gram and 'Ad1_yision,l -tn- ....._I, 11,. fag; fgjom :9. vefandah on; ;Wors1e`y_.St., `3.mI> broke` arm in` I 1% 8*` 59 Pm`. I . -For reai. _bwe'rAs-'-_-we_dHAing [pr .ta`ble_ ' Bouquets, Fuz'1eralT `Designs, -eects, put up.,in the most! ar_tistic_ -m'annr, see - .Wm."".Pa,yloi-,' `Florist; D}1n10P.St."Bar1jie. * I tf.s `Mr? F.` vanrmer. ~of0wen} Sound ' was in TQWI} last w_9k -Iodkinglfor a- `site for an Vup-to,+daLte ..._ . and auto! supply store 0ii};%~Dun1op St. He `has rented Mr. W, `C; -Thompsotfs `large house, next. to Joe"; `Man-in s9.! Ipolder St`, and will move here short-I `an}f?'e`&d3 ig Z33 ~..tf1:?hE:;`r1";i lgicense atdE 1:1, hWil1ial13.s -. Jewtggg . tore, an ee .1; oroug y `satis ` t tlzlag you have the best value 'obtai1;_- a. - I It was tiiwecidefin ay deba-te-9`..t7St. I I 1,, L1,_-,,,,9 ,,21j __, Il`-._J__; -__.._:__ B`-I Ivuoon `conga u 101: and: 15c. vsoqvnfuuoonwuovvu gown...-u-.--w-I. Birie-_-drove out dance ms` hlad %a fvry `etijdyaZhle timewashad by a rqw.d.A new `school is; a credit to the `section. L5 4A~ nu_1i1bei- of ~ ydulqgl ' L evening.`-' ' ftlie` opeizirrg` ..-of :,new A" Jame .G53\vi11, former ... ' LL- 'l`tI...._`.._-._ 'I'J -___~. L-r_ v--YOu can get _` the` `Esisementq .4 nr-.u:.... 1):-.. -....I 51.- `ll-...'.:..`...;.? '%`;:};.`;t `l i<.;iV;e;(l:-SdmsV of the late ' est n0'Ve1\`tinS in Suitings `and Over-'_. coatings for ,Christmas ,t1`adq`. B. D. Q Neil1, Tailor toMer_1 Who? Know.; ~ % - . ` i 48"-5_0i %, ' am? is M38; 4 -V; -`j W6,.'can WP % 9- - .` ...\ Of `a. (if Silyr 0; C_. _ Ti.`-`S1 ` '. WESTMINSTER vro-` Sn- After viewing the Abbey from -`West, north, s_.ouAt-`I1 and east, the a.ud- 4 ience was '.tak'en' to the interior --throug'hj't4he porch of the Twester11jen- trance and cond-ucted ~_t11rough . the `nave, _-where` tlie ` monnmeng to the Right I:I0n J; Fox. and the pulpit were noticed. - Passing` into the n`o1't.l1ern transept the`*mo1;ume11ts _andz menwrials on both sides .were I viewed, inluding that of Wi_1ber- \foroe-the pioqeer of freedom _for 1 .I._... 1.1.. .L.;-_. ..._........ ...\';..-.v.:.`.`. -ii-L } `T. Z`? `T slaves. From William I`-`-t-he Coni1ueror-4 to " George V.,` every sovereign "has been crowned" in the Abbey except iEdwa1'd. _V.. Westminster Abbey is cruciform in shape,` *consist_ing..of nave with aisles, trainsepts with aisl- fes (th westerix . ais1le,`o1f the .so-i_ 1th _ ftransespt dcacupiecl by'the easfr] `A ern- cloister .Wt1=k)".a choir of p o1,v'- ` gonaal u_psdia1,s'haP9 With six chapels _(four' ;p_oiygo1_al`) opening north _and south of `it; qnd an `or, Lazdy Chapl, known :15` King Henry VII ihupel. {The ` total) length of ``the` `Abbey is 531 ft. cam and xvest, `and 1 `of, the Atraxispts 203_ft., the Width of rnave-being 38 ft., 7_ins., and; heiglit } 102 feet. 1 --it,\v.i1l..pMay spcil oe1'in.gs. -at ` .Mc0rc. & `Armst.1~Ong~`s; during their Christmas Preparation Week Sale, b_egin.ningNcSv. 23_tYI. _ ` (V3AhurIc-hf east of `the. naa was! `:.;re`_-built by Hem-y{I11 in 1215, {mdl "was furtvhengenldrged by Henfy VIII.` l udixe or nawa.ra~]_ me uonxessor. J, = __ In 1050 Ed"w.ardI tok `up the ergo- tion `of :1 m-ag11iicent'~new -ohm-.cl1, erucifogin, `with a central two western towers. Its . building .< 0011- tinuedfafte'r his death, but-fit was } consecrated on Ohildermas Day (Holy }_ Innocents) 28th Dec., _.1065, and `Q11 i the: fbllowing TwelR;hmas~ Eve `(J-kin. . 5) the King died, being buried next day "in Tthe church. 1 Vicar p19rf1cad{"-I `lecfixre by ex- pla`-iruxing the` objects and` .Work of -the ..A.Y.P.A`.._ `and also those dfyhe Girls 5 Auxi-l_i_ary'.'of `the M.S.C.C.; to. whose Huilds p`i~oceed_s .of the [lecture 'we-r ytol-be devoted. ~ - ,_ `By the aid of a sketch plan d.rax\tn on a '-huge blackboa'rd'j-the_ Vicar ex- `plained the cmicifoym sh-apna of the `Abbey and the situation of the nave, t-ransepfsz, choir, jLa;dy Chapel (Kingl Henry.VII. Chhpel) and the nu~mer- % ous~ s`nrmu3ud:ing_ chapels, ere'pa.ss_ing' on to the`.Ictuj'e."' .% .- A splendid] legend relates the c_om-` .ing _of S. Peter in person ~tb halllow his new church. _'.,l`he Song of Sebrt. l'aps`ing into idolatry, `left. the Church to the` mercy of the Dapes, '_.and though. partially restored by` " Oifi1.,, [King pf Mexjcih, and King E-dg:2g.r,`o 1119 ' great development` took %place,._.t1,1 of Ed'w_ a.rd~r the Confessor. ' J . \(icgg of Irgghy cive..1-: a'uaL tive qndighly Interest-' ` _,. ipg;Kddres_s f` `Ia.%i>!13i?ifian s7>Historic F " V . _Cr6wnin_g; Place Westminster; _'Abbey--the Abbey of S`. Pe,t_er--is the most _ wide1y`c - brated C.`-ltuirchi in _` the Britih Em- Vpire, and stands on what "was `once a_ smart} islet in `the? Thames, Bramble qr Thou-ney islet. Tradition .places .on_ this islantl the Temple of Apollo,_i de-T stroyed by an ear_t___hqi1ak_circa A.D. On tliersite King Lttciuisi ; said to have . founded a Christian Church, AD.` 17 0, destroyed by the Sax<'>ns.v . Restoration took place in the days of Sebert, Ki\ng`. of the East Saxons, who. restored or refoundd the .Church a.t Thbriieyj to the ' honor of God and" S.'Peter. . `V , One of `s1_1ccssfu:1 `jugs pf tlie Tri'p,iify. `7B1vanc ' 71; of `ih pljzglican Young`. ____=P_'op1e $ `Associg:-T lion wa`s~he1dr1in the Parish Hei-I11'1`n_1- Mpndaf last, when the; .(the` Ei'ne\_st R, J '. . Bigg),V.,g'ave in ture _L oh` Westminster Abbe3_r,f iH5us- frafIe`c3:`by- negi-rly fort-y slides; the lap.-Q ter'n opefated by Dr.` Crease. . _ `Ti1e- hall wag; packed `when .the WP]. VI. V1.55 -1. r" screen,.~chov1r,' _w`1t.h% = --Do you .w-ant to sell yor _p'1-op.-I mty, if so, place it. with W. .Th.ompspn, the -hlan who sells. tsf;~l '9 Sr `II II n , IS -smug pruwctea by Her I1us'D3.n.{ _ in .,xvhose`a1'.ms she died, of S. Pauli wit'h:=.,monume.n't 't0'_ Watt the En- gineer, of Edward the Confassor-,-I with `Co-ronaition chairs anci , the! sword and shield of- lEd;wa{rdA III, the former 7 "ft-. long,-`of S. ._Ed'vm.r_d j and of S. Edmnndj. Were. ` in turn I Lvisited: ~Pass`in.g' A into _`the_ "'south' tmnsept, 1 oets"Cor'ne1'.Wa's an ob`- ojctof inliarest, the graves of Oharl-` es vDieke'ns and `Livingstone ' each markied wi12h_a plain wrath of laurel l-were contrased .wi.t~h the_.n%on1nh1ts { 'eI!?.cted_totememory oh e; l5 spa.?r'e,. Mirftonn, _Butle-r,. Ben Jonson; `and Dryden, `and after viewing the` monument to `Major Andre, which] bears a b as-relief above, upon which Washington is seenyleceiving` {Andre A from his caapto1~s4-th(_, of Was-hinghon is Tlmxrth, .p1ievio1is - ones having been. .knocke21~ o: by _Unitd States relic hunters--a1 yisit. ' to the cloisters led ` once_ more to 1` -P~a1jliame;nt square and: brought -a[ most, interesting lecture to a close at`, 10 p.m. _ `f. ` , L Ito do plain cooking and general fWANTED-.-Man and wife without` family. Man to look"a_fte.r'h_crsee,,l V sheep. and cows:-4;; attend to furnace. and do other outside .work.' Wife housework. . .'Boa1d and -lodging _= furnished with wages for the` Winter months, and "if found satis-' factory would engagafor a year from the spring. Apply to Gemge. D Raikes,`Ba.1-rie P.O., Residence} Ridge, Road, Oro. 45-tf` u ; the stallsfof uhel nan. ,Sub-dean,-` Canons, & c;,` the Reredos were shown` and then the.`f`vjsitor_s passed into King Henry _VII Chapel; noting the , tomb of. King Henry and his Queen, I the stalls A with- banners of ;the .:Knights of the Bad}, the seats of the Squires, and e the. `tombs of Queen ._E1izabe_th `and M=ary'Q11een of S'ccfts. -x The chapels of.,S. `John, the Evan- geli`_st,' with" the weird Nightingale` monument, gdeputijng Death. ~'ooIning out of a toinb and threatening Lady Nig-ht.in8'%le witnh `a da.1t,-whi'leAshe is -being` protected `lgy her husband 1 -l`C`I TI 1. _-_ _L -.... -_...__, _ ' =ae `Rm`5f'i*IouE..".1!.gB'---"` SERVANT WANT"- ,3.` ED-.-_-Af` oizcb; `575App]yT _1tThe Ad -3 *-- - AQ__ FQR 3SA1.E,-f-A:p.inviJid s -Wheeled. ._'-~Gh.a.i1'-,' ,in .fg"_0_8: -condit Mrs. .S.'?F`E*?-` 131*`-'3' 11: 3? 3* `QJQ\ :osr_,L;,ng Yorkslxh-` White sow. + L... :_z._._. .L..:_._ -__:-1.1 L- A....`,.a.,.:..n..i Lpsr--Tw`o ' Cait1eFroi1:" iot.` 25, I _`f `.12, Inn`isl.. * and white' -and imarked .wit-h` hqle ` in` each ear. .,:_A H.` -G. A;jm.s,twng', Rn.-M.D. Stroud. Capt; and Mrs. J. M. Syme of` Dalston will take possession`. Christmas of ' t:he.resid ence of Mrs. R. L. Barwick, Owen St., which they. reoent.1y_ purchased. V ` L .. '- ru - Q.C-. ' of -.yow hamber` Bads, 'bfw:if5Bayeld .S,t;, and; ; East leave at I- f Advance- Oice... ` " V . 48-48p`L --.-__. ..-_ WANTED-A sitttatioix as House-*5 f-`T keeper or any V-position of trus.t by `ii. respectable. iniddile-aged widow. _ .' in house-lgeeping. cquld furnish references if requirv A 11,, 11, Dr A :l_-__-- t\J." --:`:` TEACHER % WANTED-For s. s.` ._ No. 15, 01-0 Township, du1;ies `to ' commence first of January, .1913. ' Light -school; avero.ge_ at.tend_iu1ce "9;No*.,o11~ro1l 13; close to .schoul ~and_ mu-al maim .eve1-_yV.d_.aT C Apply stating salary and e_ V ienoe_ to `Geo. Healey, Sha_nty_ _ y In R.M.D. No. 2. T 47-59} .UL7-L-,'uuu..:_5 . A`uy_informa;i;;;1n::`i;lcb<;:;I:;UtefJ1;Ili'y. ~ received. Pratt, Phone 17,] _Stroud, Ont. ` A ' ___-.____._.___l . Barrie.` `.i"A3d`7rL7s`Z"1$V}3`,fCd$n2 3%i . I ' v 35 `,1. mm Idaa -vv- .*4 3-L431; Sggme twenty men anda ha-1-`f dozen teams are at work on the Mineltl Point property. which is `tp be. sub-`; divided% and put on the market aifterf Churs-tanas. - - v " . rvv- --v.-~v\. . -uyv a..n.\rA.I.uu ac yatyxllg` lgizests. The; cold` Weather usually Ic`aaJses quite a..-]1a.rg1e.increase in-f.ho._.J pbpuelation of the vvnvupv wyuwvvv uv anu. Du.uu.u.I.71. Luna 1.8 lwhy it` was nse`cessa.ry.for the County! _C_ou`ncil torefuse 12h_e`_applicatio11 of . rthe County Duerin to have their ,`poor housed 1n the Home as paying n;nadf'.q Tho and.) _..'Z.. LL-.. __ _,_ _ 11-- Notwithstanding the prosxperous condition of Simcoe County, the `House of Refuge at. Bee.ton'has eighty-three inmates a.t the present ltime, according` to Warden J. A. S_w_tan,"who .wusw in Town last week. The population of the T Home never {wen below 80 all 811r1 1me`1"."h:is'is' _1 .';_ :1.` _- _ HOUSE OF REFUGE NEARLY V 17 . -.1 -.' G50. vlcnens *"KhlI "Eric 6. f:.pOSiti0`n. in which one is _gi,`1f_ftIit6lJ'h `the : errors of_ others, gnt`:`of;hi,s, Stpre `feels thlS humi-- Immediately the goods arrive they will be plaed on sale _;f1_';g'_j:;I_`Vanx1oux1cec1 in our .-s.h'ow vindows, kinid" we promise cVven_gr.t_3zIte1f oBa;rgaips than those adver- tised. Two weeks ixig mus/t be done in `one. % -+m- omcizaoa` % ' I A ` Bloom ? S1106 Talk on Pege 55 x