. To ,New $1.00 .We will send The Advance from `now un- ltill. 1st of January, 1914. v Reduced ` e1Vu`bbing.I_rates all _ dlaily. -and _weekJy"p&prs %. ~ 'I"rt'\'IT7l!'I~ 0` - WeA - oe::-y'(`)`n`"" Dol 1ars ~ Rewards for. _ guy case` of . Catarrh ,-,th_a.t . L= ggnnoti curqpf _by. Hallfsj C-ataxfrh` We the `|1I1d!Ol`8ig'~`ll48'd-`, hayb fknown F.-4 J.`-W Cheneygfol` : the V 15` ?yearS gand lielieve him h'<`mforaLBl' V4a1I ,b..\1Sin8$ __i-svmsactious` '* .;an n.- Latwially ` 1.9 to `carry ?ou*t?ai1yL%0b1i- %8ti?T1i?F3 by hi3": m 1;4`r.+`>* ` ~; 2 J. G~1_1__1:i~IEf` : 0; V" (I6 Vlie-cot1,t_iVI1ud) 1 Ay $iwTES?%: fW_Iu. .T:AKEP1_!0MlNEN'r VPARTV IN__] 1 CHURCH` Smfvxcns oN fl.`U1mac.u- - `.:'.;.-jv-`j'I_;_(,)SI_..'SUNDAX. _ ` _ _. 1 . BOY'.fSOOUTS To HELP %% . T j:`m1;;go'rHER FELLOW ` I:i;,,"*; g.:m:;u, obsewea; [as Tuberculoszis : Sunday thx-ough:o:ut %t_he_p1"Iovinee. ` Members qf each lbcal --.___ '-_._:n"..u.-..A 4.1.- .......,.-..-. ,.1.....,,I.._ V 1.1 1'10`; gas \-I EON {and gut. $cof_n1_i: or %.o.mso~:[m+ bdn enlisted: , L`.:-L .. in LVJJU 1 ;-I\;I_\-h Jznvupuvsv vs. \.IA\.As :|gJ\,`,;..|, Vatfend the various` ch1u'ch~ ' ._es.1n Iuniform_a11di dist.ri.bute 1it:ea'a- ` .-`tur the care and: Cure of ` Aconstnnptivesr,-T and reviewing the 13:11)- in the ght against. Tu- .tbe1'otrlosis. Each` boy will Wear a special badge beafring the legend: Help the other` fel-low, the prin- -ciple of helping the other fel-low. ' being one of the chief ' obligations `laid upon the members of the-. or- ga;niza.tio11s.V T/he of Tuber- culosis `Sunday {is purely edu-eat-ivo, '.`_Lan{d..it is`1_1ot p1~opo_.=g:}_ to take up _, [special oqrings, for At_he, work. 'Acc_oirdi1_1g to the record of ind*uS-} Ntrial a.g'3cid maintained by the `Depa.rtmen't of Labour, there Tfvere 104 workmen killed and; 324 injured during the` month of October. Com-1 `wit-h the record for September, I this is an. ixicrease _of fteen in the] number killed an-rl a decrease of `ninety-te in the number injured. Trhe, greatest numben_a_, of ` fatal? ac<'2i- de1'1'ts`ooourred in steam railway ;*rar- ` " vice, there "being 28 einployees killed-. 1 The building trades come next with i `18tfa.ta:litiAes. Of the r1on-fa.ta=1 acci-` dents`, the "greatest number occurred 1 - in the metal trades-, the number rc-~ ti, corded 85, followed second` by '5 building trades 40 injured, and .-third` by steam" r'sLiJway service with . 37 injured. : 4 4 ' T I 1 E 'I~-his a. '}1a.rdTworI-:1. eke - John Shackleton woum` still be enijqying the `delights of city life in_ Torronto, I gays The Orililia `News-Letto`r. J ohm.` _-.. _..--. ;. `L24. -1} - L12-..]. '..i... . 'VII1:I.AN1) BLIND PIG PROP Vl * . Now IN BARRIE JAIL] :_azIga Lurc vlxula `ix/vv-1 JlLI.v\.Ao uun;;u 3you see. ran :1. bit of a. blind (pig up [in .M~i(}`:la.n"d ` and last Febrm-y In.- spector Fisher, taking time by the; foxzli-ck to speak, s-urpriseal. J 011.11 ` `in the act. _An m1syn1pa.thetic bench` John $400 ctr three months in V-ja1'l.:JoIin, also taking time by the` fQ2`e:1~L )}3kz. took to his he-eL., and the` ~ya.-srfe. 1:-1a.i>s of %Mida]and knew" him E `:10 more. ' Swaowed up in the whir1- 3 pool of _.-c.`1t;y=~?life ,Mr. Shackleton felt safe band` Tgraglually came, out of his 7shell. 7- [He drove his` carriage `and pai.r'>L(}-~ the, public" streets, being. in enipolby of the Masaey-Hamris peopk _aSl teammr. `The little birds` brought w~i;1d'cf thigs to I11s:3-:=..ct.or} F~isoh'er, who with C-onsta-ble Coixxsa of, Midland visited` the ` Massey-Har-! I-is stab1es_-a.tAnoou Monday (Nomi .18th) and 'a.rrested John. By four o c1i`o_c.k he was in Baiirie jail do-inst` thenree mouths. Now, who` says` it- . _is'n t"a.' world? . Jaw `UL WI` ` _movi`ment to have` the t-st; ' .5 'I\ - C , I1 I _ I ` "I'NI,JUsTRIAL ACCIDENTS 997- :m.'."'S"3 V5 ` .1 . I _.'x ` V I ' * ---).' ..;-....-`.-1'1a..` -5 Ann. M DID): ` ?vAnIcnss% VEINS cunlsn Ivu Kltw Ill \vn|-l.VI W110; , _ Du} V7116`? uuvlu of Men. p consam-. prsgm N6 m... on V list Cost as `Imam: or ghe.v1:Btman%tugess entire; eradicated tx-om we system wm cans? mnoy `od em" = my "."'S" '4 """"` E is YOUNG`-OR MIDDLE AGED MEN.--TImprudent acts or later-`excesses have broken _V downyoursystem. You geelthesymptomssteun ovegvyou. Mentally, hysically and , i1lyou]1eed the gersignals? _ ~ '1 _ '1_}Vicf_.im2-Bane losthopet Amyou intendln to mar ? Has _ - _ Have you uny'*weaI:ness! ur NEW mnon " _ , u. hnt1t'ha.d`done'torothersitwil! do for you. comluuon '- tx-gated - write tor an honest c inion Free ofclnrn. V (Illu:trued)on V iseasesotmen. _ _a.___..:.._- :_.-an n a-- no 7;": ?evvalent`a_nd most seouedlseases. They sap the blood of thevictimand an ementirel eradicated "from the system will cause . ..... nnnunllnnflnnl - mmgm at `nnnnrv; I mav snnnress the svmntoms-our NEW ` 'w.;*-f`,""" " V - V . I #111-letters from Canada inust be addressed . Cf ' to our Canadian Correspondence `Depart- .;x'ne31tin Windsor, Out. If you d_esxre to L ~`a$1e9n;e.Mdica_1rInstitnte in Detroit as we see and treat; which-are for Correspondence and _; ` ` all lewex-e,a.~_3~fol1ows:. `Inning - 0.}. N4 uafioug `moon seen nusasr-.-m. l`'A~,n?`,*A`.f_A-T.,'- __ ,V, ~. 4_ L ; %la lT-D_c l'yoil. Mich. ;. . .. \- _4 ; L. -4__ 4.4 -- w1:ru6u'r WRITTEN` CONSENT. I.'.`.;_>%nfIrAi'e;d% to? His Home for Jweeks. '4 O [ICES \"Heavy work, severe stralnln and evilhabits In youth brought on `Varicose Veinm When I wor ed hard the aching` would become severe and I was often laidnp tor a week at as t me. -My family hysiclan told mean operation was my only he but I dreaded it. tried several specialists, but soon found out a they wanted was my V. money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as llttle better than ~' rogues. Qne day In boss asked me why I was off work so much and Itoldhlm in com! don. Headvlsed me to consult Drs. Kennedy 85 -,Kennedy,as ehadtaken treatment; from them himself and knew ,='they.were square and skillful. I wrote them and got Tun New M1=:raonTau-mmrr. Mypmgress was somewhat slow and during ' the rst month s-treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However Jcontlnued treatment for three months longer and was rewarded I wlthacompletecure. Ieould only earn $12 a week in a. machine ' sho before treatment, now I am earning $21 and never loose a day. Iwgh allsulrerera knew or your valuable treatment. ' I . " HENRY C. LOOUST. V QRGANIzamo;~'s Am-: END\\'Ixc Cows * _Fon.CHu.1mEN"s FREE. Hos1>rr.u. Imperial Order_ of King s `the Nat.io11a;l Sanitariuin Association.- ` 4`So'ns/_` and Da:uightersv have notiegl :that they will _furnish a cot at the o Hospital for : Consumptive Ohildmen, ;- which is now nearing completion at u.\VeSt0ll; iiear Toyonto. Several b'ran`(,-.hes of the .Women s Institutes have also signied that 'it. is their purpose. to have a share in the equip- ping of this hospital, which is being` ` established to bring hope and health ' to. many little om-.s who without its , benecent inunece woulxl be <.lest.iu- * ed to an early g ra.ve. 3 . ' DEATH OF 0RILLlA S '0].-DEST . 4 q CITIZEN. The death of -Ori.1'lia s oldest cit-i- zeir on. Sunday evening, Nov. 17th, at the` hospital, where Mr. J,ohn-Young ])aSs_e(l avvay in his year. He was` born in Novrt-h Gwillimbury in 1813, Inakiiig his age -just twdmonths short. of the century. He" was married in Nonth- Gwilf1+im- , btiry. in 1835 to Mis.s*Cliai"l0ttc. (iod- `|'frey and with his family moved` fmin there to Orillia 38 years ago and has. lsiuce resided here. His wife prede- -cease(l him ve years ago. lie is ;~r.ui"v1ved by four 5011.3` and six laugh- `ters: Art-liur and 'l`h:.r:nas of. Oril-. llia; John of Bu.rk'.s Falls, and Rod Iof Da,_uphin. 11311.; Mrs. Rachel |Glassford of Orilllia; M1243. (T-atharine Kent of Lindsay; `Mrs. Charlotte _ Padget and Mrs. Martha I-Ia.rt.w`ick Eof Toronto"; Mrs. Ellen Leak of |`.Qhic:_5ig.'o, and M13. Alia} Davis-_ of go --- ` -L\llIU lll\|OJ\a"] , gun..- image: Martha {of `Chicago, Mrs. Alice Davis `Brooklyn, N._Y. He is also survived by 55 g'randchildre.11 and 25 great- gliandchild-1-'e.11. -- O1-illia VNews-Let- ter. ' I - " ' ' i1fEIP1NQ WORTHY CAUSE. 1 SYNOPSIS or DSMINION LAND S. RE`:ULz_&TIOI_\IS. - . `NY person who is the sore head of 9. family V or any in ale over 18 {ears old. may home- stead a nutter section 0 avafabie Dominion_ Hand in . anitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. `The _applicant must appear in person at the ' Homtnion Lands Agency or Sub agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency. on certain conditions by father, n mother son, dau hter. bgother or sister of in- nhuiinnv Imnnanntnn or GBCIIDJ. uu vynnu-u \4\lln\-ll V -mother brother sfster in- tending homest er. ' Duties -5ix months residence upon amt pcultivation of the land in each of three years. 1 A homesteader may 1 ve within nine nnlcs of this homestead on afarm of at least 80 acres: `solely owned and occupied bv. him or by his father, mother. son. daughter. brother or sister. In muimin rlinlrinin a hnmnlender in stood mo_thcr._son, daughter. brother o_1-suster. In certam dnslqicts a. homsteader an good ' standin may pre-emgt a. quarter-section along- ; s1d_e his omestead. rice $5.00 per acre. llniina _._ Ilnnf 1-neirln nnnn thp. hnnu-stead or ' side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties.-- Muat reside upon the homestead or ore-em tion six months in each of six yea_rs from isle of hon'1est_ead entry (including the [time required to earn homestead puu,-nt) and | :ulli\'a_te fty acres extra. _ . A hnmnqtpndnr who has exhausted b1s`home- nrrl_e ' cultivate titty extra. A homesteader who has exhausted {stead right and cannot obtain a pre-cmption may enter for a. purchased homestead in cer- ltnin` districts. Price per acre. Duties.- - I Must reside six months in each of three years, 1 cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth . crmnnn - - ` .$3(lJ.00 w. w. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the `Interior N.B..-~Una.1.thorized ptxblicaon of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for.--26686. 45-18 ICOI _ I dmff mnuler Sir tostay mu." hv muttered; `T 9m|'t-hB ?_ same I dmft .~`<`(- why I (should: :'out of the plame. longwe-1' than-. need be. . '1 d like tn lmw the run of it 1:9-dlay; It s fine. and thv old ]l0`l1S0_.j1lSt.aaftl_."-.= my own lmnrt. a pictulze a~11d.yet a.f" }ealit_\'. mu] minv.-.-tvhat s,the 5:, Well. I .~'uppo.se my c.o~usin*>-Wi}1!_" lake mu tlmruzll it and then we shaJil A`. __-_J_ _..-A..L -2. gee. v .-(~e111e.d`, thouglm, mthei` een on my not di.sturbi,ng Vthe_.fel`-' working fur there. `dmve off 1':-mn the inn.__ It se'e-ms_ ix} -emry xvay a desirable prorp`er.ty. W-M} UH` |.u|\'I|-'.Il IV uuu Luann; VV\4 uunslv-5': _ bw. I .\\'>m]<'r \"11OSe% intene'st;" was, j l h:m- In`-#11 looking I-1'ouud fhe 011d... plan! so far as I couykdi get a g`limp's_e; of it." hv szlitl to Archer as they. j The nt.h<*1' 110-ddedj. It has the inak-.` ings of :1 ne litt-lee estate, 'he repli_ed_` -dup1'w.ltiny.:']y. But, of courses, `hftef Ffyeals of .-nmparat-ive: ueg:Ie('3t,': which xms im-\'iIuMe-, it llee-dis ya deal of f-`jEte`.uL\' mn`~in,<.;' to bring` it ,uj), to its fproper .-tam-_ It s a tl1i11g i`11 that nan--I that You have Va.-"'pay!_i1'1g'-7 tenant at 1114- II-al-1. His rent wmxust be Zgac011si he "does-11 t? 130 E; l1'il\',(e tho HM hmlse 1-edeeora,-_tedI and V",-Dllt ill m` :15` 11108/t Vaml-.1.~: hi~ interest. in `jhet land is mv1'c1_\' :1 ~p one `you have a 1.IY*(-llaml tn improve `it-:-pllvtg T116, far1n.< in 1'!`-]Hlil'. and SO ~ ~ ` All 'I'\u'1 1_t..w`as'an. _u tirnibered farm` rened ti-llv no extzezxsive 1fa11g`< gestezly its `orig coI1if0rta;ble__bQi as `they.-dur0vV m.iring'- remark (I have; lived) : `twelity 'Y3i1`SI! venieusxt; .fo_r . m `, Ysou * I - He1ie11"did;so& an-dJ_ 11ovv,Ha;ri hoyse fc ~.I'n the.haJ1; - . dd? I; l"khJ .af ForYears, RestoredTo Health } by Lydia E.Pinkham s vegg g .4 etable Compound. _ `V 1 F: A B- houfrg I or t t 5 *z1sh.;.a; }.{- L}ii;}"} 13$ ii;e2*3Ai,R:he%; an] :L~'l<<- L P Ac 7otl1erwi.~u yum will have `thbm bl; $'0u'l`* I ,; A ;:`1':-at .1:-:11. I am. suor'1'y;T170 Ellzllltla" \\';1< 1114: ratzher 0hilIliAn`g'v.an4'..' Lgswvr. Ynu ~1',=. du.1'ir1g-7po0i' E\u1rd .~' u1i<-tiun, we were: a:h1ve` L. 'tha.t. \\'< *l`<- ;zl..<<]utely ' iI_I1pel'5V8}: % . t0 :11`! funzl~ M1` 1'opai1.s iilnad ?i?c11A1>'I` 191: IV.---(Coritinuda_:) SUFFERED Canadian women are continually w V, _, h`_1l8 such lettvrs as the two-f0lloWin'g; 5 Which are heartfelt expressions of tilde for I`StU1 cd health: * ` III..- " ""V`~'l nu IJCIJI LII. ikeglnfqrd St2}ti0n, Ont ;-I have I ydla E. Pmkham s Vegetable Com- f pound and nevei'_ found any medicine to compare with it-_" I had ulcers and Via}!-., :3 ing of womb and doctors did in; -no.1 good._ I suffered` dreadfully for, years until I began t_a.ki_nE-3' your medicine. 4Ifnl.-`.'i'f. so recomm*e z1d.itL 9102.` nerousness and `in an SIR WM. MQGNAY. Burt. V Author of. . 4 . .o1`he Red Chance|lor. _' ,`-l,`lI,ev Master Spirit." Etc."- % zen: Barrie Branch. Fiv e4 F613;;-__E` s-um>LUs" ` )2 ' $3900 -Q':: $7,500,009 EVERYTH|Nl`aM But, as 'I_ say, u; st5.te3h.as.' ii ` 'sibiu1viti_es`, - and vi-tn shpul". be? 41'; con-gems`; . ial occupation for ._su pe;~inte1}d` the. improveme.nts. . :No4: , : Ardher 5 Jobjecti-W` ged`. .-You jeut down` a, big Expense by; Jyttixlg-iit, ~aJ1d_`.f0r.t:he next 95?` ya;r,s_ . r you will want all the :Vinc,6me`.?y01`1`: Vca11VC~om-1i1and. to spend on -`the. place}, But `we can discuss that lafar on when you have -seen the .co11ditio11of__ t-hingvs. .For the presient, and! as`-lqylgji I as you like, the" `Grange is "sit yopr J2 .-- ;._ _`I 99 sauna. .n. \F C II\l' IL'av\/ (Irv VAL` Ricl}an'd su-ggjsrzdi pointedly. . I>{V`i;`2ilia-:`k1A._tl12ia1I'ed `him.,` "few; minutes tht3y'* turned_ Grange d-give. > :vVasH\aJV1 i11ter timbered fa.r!nhouse, converted: gafndv rened` till uoflling but tube-\u11_us;ually' extensive rangke of `ou-tbuildinlgwsa .sug-_ gee-bet} original puarposj.` Yang, a comfo-rtazb_lee11011.g'-h,V Arehersziid '. 't.hey.d1r0v up, %in_..re1')1y to `an Vd-b Am-iring remark .of_ his -cton`1panioa1 s_; I ha.ve`1`ivedi her;e_ a11d`'('y_.f6i{;' twenty `4yea`.rs ,' and `found: `it jve;y. oon' ~.` veniesnt .for man _ i_I_1vgv_}b:ey p1'<;pe19ty. -. '17 --- 1-..`..._ T _ .01` `pxu'Iw\`QI- ugndn VUISLUHIUV `JAIL m`I.n--\:1:_\a- van on know I `am a wxdowexf-; _ poor He1)en'd'id` soon-(after we came here, and) now Ma-rio-n, my .- on-ly. vehildl, kese.ps- for _me.L ` : ._ ed` birdie. and: .sh`;` st-ruck xi. .note_. of` I acteristio, and "held! out -hex` Qhand. A137 ' t-heT_h-a111,` who're, an array of gsthuh-V _A , . Ah, here ;sheVAi'_s,f Archer'7.'exq1:ii1n- . ed, h-IS. mthor hard: ma-nnear, sohfvte-ui11g witll paternal sa.ti_sfactionj._ _. Mm-ion, . dear, _this- is; your` con-gin h The girl camg .for.wamd:;*wit1_1- Vaadig4, nied` composuure wh.i`c'h-"s'ce,n"iedl chair-1 Richard `took `hit .his `eyes \.;-1_A0,o3ked straight at* hers, which: met A the_' glance` steaduially enou"g"h..h They were deep blue, in harmony with her dark` ? complexion and black 'ha_i1'-.` 'S`he.v,ae_ ' tall, and her?-gure, as ~sho_wn- by a. dreseJ`orf.d`ark _twee&, was. `goo-d; alto- gether a handsome girl , st-ri1_ so he thought. -- ' . n 11 . ` `I __ _~_k__. ' they st1?0ll`e;i'[intoq', .'a) f,It')w h .pitched__ `fl wi.ng;ggo;m ;-v`eriu_a; ble-% I O\; Ull\.I'l..IBJUvI AIS! Richah s 1001: `fell on -her it caught. the sparkle of a. ne single; ` diamond: at her -th-1%:-`at, the only. for- na-ment she wore. The stone was of such p ure` lustre that it" raAth'e'r_ aumesnt-= -' ed` the gtlancei; its contrast with the 2 simple country mom1__in.g gown 3 provocative`; ahaJslen_ging;_ obvio`us.l~y'ya` } gwmn -of `value, it srqemed to give pow- or and d.ig`1iity 1;q.gt.hew1e:i1'5er,_'j(;c>1ift = her abqverher ja'g'r;Ai?$u1tu,ra'.'1'fVsu4'i"(>`- '-- A ing~s,. _Befoj'.ev:itts,i ._inoor;g'r,ui_t3i _"(:Q`i} F _ take hold! of the ;ohs'erve1 sxhm_in<,ii,,_hTef: fotund himself coii_fe,s~i1i`g.-tha,t. . - was non`_ that Ma, ion :Candoi1>Fc'ar- _ _: .ried oot ` _..t.h4g '-;sftrikihg_ `.~jew: e1 V. . _oo11Inbry`gi:1~ls Gould: hmfe" dipne. V V All this passedan iaL"ash4.th1t{)i1_gihf. his mind` as,` `milking Lgaommonplaoesvs: coA1_mt ryV - its fashioned haa;lSi;).c!bs;; <>`fjhA`<;iur1hf9,ua:;~ ";~_.oh1-my ~ . -`a .;'s1_~.:... .:s-. .-'on'"`n1;S.Jv- Rogues CA ""l`h::lIlIn` stir; of l;{)ve`hng Intrlisle In B_` a"|:-`oitAl6l`l!all.s %then ``- , WUIIIIQIQ` U`.L \; Lu aysnu van..." and -antique silvelrits m1ng~1tl!_pIdk)r8 of fresh _owe1'as AaAnd1.__pot-a1)our1f1;_ its. stiff fu-rnit}n`e_; isuj_:91}trastf, av` Then I ought to live at the Ha1l, ?I' 2 |:..L`...'-.J\ ..-- ........,4A.....]: .....-2-..J....II1v.- - i all it; ration? A1911 % Wm lilr a,nd7g i'11ra _'iI1 at -t-h'eL . ; - i L ma=rk-A gd~,,{j_;whi*1e. the:-eyes themselves hadai. kind? \":r7i13d-`b0ld193$s a restlessness, 534:5~h3.5Tf0;w5ii$$9i$fati0n. :Wl1i0h` ' ;[1e face "enough"; urnwunting `t.l}[jg;1re. '-w1'th its f of easy digmtg; strikingly; :50, most /men woualdi _ L 0 V _ 7, Y`ou have um, abgan; to the Han T.-yet 3_-she_f9bsei'Vei_1. - Her jy6ice' ;f?88heI- quietly, mdulatedz 7of her `whole yet; 1T[m:w a pei T `Ii at his7a?gernesg "to View ` his Ashe V 5Li1:ew"`possessionI AL;3, my old % in Y0ltVh.ave1 ;._y.gu3r 1ife ou?t'the,re? asibl?ii - { j _'%AAs- I ha.v_., `most/of in s A elovix_r1s"of impatient re- At least 3Voi1rs `1`3Ss_ humdrnm -life than V 1*-Seed -hm- r : " _ '_hrg'ued, o1 xe .must have 2 on :`s_~: "s_<>mevw11ge;fe, _am1l this ,st}e!_I1"'a de.1i`g1;t.fuLp1` `of the coun- :1ti`y.;j I supposei|`?yogq-h go_ `away some- t'rmes Z ? ii. Va-y;; age mbr attractive `to as being" so very unlike qnythin'g v 191.-..-- 1. -T-_. -.--.~1.` n...` 99 ` I T ' .ye$`, - \s_1_1e~- inswc(red' ind.iex'.~.,' "<'ai_1tl3";. `. ~for vii Tfwek` to,'town "or "for -. a fortnight Tto .f(h `sea . It; is a hang," I` suppose` L, fbut" "' shfpattse-d `t_md % 7t_h_en,`-'lighte1ji`ng ~Iiea- . tone, I added . with Q, hugh, * You; no ldosubt, are think- `Mg of life at Gresford Hall-, with an. `itbf a,-Enact-iomis, It. is very dierent ` .v~ -a-vs- V` 5`Afe1'.some {sti_tio1xs_ _I` have` been;,in abroad; ~t~h_is {Seems quite -__a` hei'e ? he`-A added - aI'}gla`n_ of ~syx}1patheti- cmfiosuity at the girl ` strong", resogrcfu.1 f`ace.j ` f ,,`__`j'. "IYVI A, ..I- J.._. .pqpu1lio1is_ -iplaac, /1 -:. can ;t,eL_l :-you, _` he ,. said lightly; Ai1d-,you1are: very dull 3" {It I Vi's4(i!11ll, C'l1- you ;II\./l\J1 . iio _-, imagine ` it 2 _ ~ A _. Richigl .~r`ef1-hainqd fromfqsaying so'.=_ ~ ` .. I AL", . .1 '1-_1___I 5! ;Slv1c-, lti:1xgIied. `heir Pug on the subject was, she-.w0 uld: not tout? f at, tlieif stage of . to '-be divided- into two `pm-ts'for me, - t,hei1' a.cqu7aintance.- The worlld seems Long`. Gresfond and all rest; `ra.the}- djsprgpbrtiomatej -,aI_nd it .ic__s_. "scarcely to be xvonjdeited: at-if `oxr ` ggoiiietgimes-` wishesf `to ~k11,owAa little "mime "of '-the; other sidse, say Qne ten- tho`usa1id-thrf. degree of on_?2 familiar-_. ity V,_wIith:.t`ha:_t"-sxnaller Hiart, bf. which you arelt-he -'ov'v,Tner. - ' . ' There seemed _a 1urking" 4 .c-halJ_enge. in'j tlne- gir1 s _.;expres3io`rr `. as_ .she spoke _the *.-las-t'wo1 Rich- aivd, .m.6re ,usescL t1o elemntal direct- ness, felt _uji1certain whether -it; was ` . . .1. - p,` ,4 `l"_.,... ,_,,'._.._, ,- _ A_S_- _. Ielt. , ujncertaxn Wfnewer -n. wwa .G~resfo rd~shou1d-` be so lacking in iri- =:-ft}eres't', , Lhe`rep1ied,, trying to catch l1'eir-`tone; ce:rta.in1 `, if it were." in. my .wou1d;a;dd, t_o its `attractive-. n`e`ssa. `But; {I gfancyi .it wiJ{l- suit me Tve;~y.v~e11.?%`T; lapeb: into her om1er.tone `of sbme- VI'VL... -;. 1.. A.;nn1]nnl> `:a1\:r\n- aha: riot rather` `fascinating. I am sorry. ' V o y .qm:,:,%e,jo.a..e.1 with am: _j%%ghiug:1ike. boigdom, it ought to suit. '{7o'u. f There, i_ exoelclent shing at} liitnting `and shooting, besides, ._1n your cam, `the . __freedom of away .from it all when you are tlred of it. "'1`hen a -swift ,.to > an o 1-d-vmary ' commonplace enqun-y, shle added, your present stay to, Va:o"n,'g, one . ' j ' - ' _--_, K7,... '.L'.-.4-L1... 3`!-111118` 1-nxe. DU'!'Q.lU'.lu, In Uu5.u.u uu nvuup `ll '1UlI6i vuvo , r .. I can?t quite say. Your `futhqr_ :V the .pmperty,;- he isfgaingv to take me V1-_ou_n:d;,_'and_-point out -my duty. Of "course, "I of taking up -my Lresidence in `the Hell, even should belllb me there is much to be done on _ ;`I_;de__cide'_ bo_,do something ,- .;'L'L.' , i.._ ` pn'a_henion.` %_I know` A.faohe1'~-hupesf _;jygb? ..:will" make, ,t1iis ynn-`;home `til-1` ;yo1;-_do_; "came to get _ into _residience It Wpuld: be vgry nice if you i'7`T-he lasut sentence` was spoken .wit'.h. /`:1: -slight dmopping of the voice aiid a touchwof ` deiidenoa in? her manner. `(J`o'11ve:yh1g;as*it(1idthe expi;'essio11 of ~-"-1`- -A.<`..~ L-.14. ..m`..'lA Jm. nn 14:-:;a.-zrtlian ,_ _.M;a.l'1*_0II1 gave it llu.-xv uvu: xu. yvu. % \_IUA1 V \4-J Lana `__....... . her` wish, too, j attering, ~ " \na`mg,.l_15, `. L is he} I%s-muwbsd ha M I said ` Blt-.13; W011` % hn , - be. fair uotrespass um ml? ;._fa1> if? ` '. k >* ~ ,` P. ,,; { ",_. `- .. ~ = . ::...-:.: ;..c.+1.~.a+ 2 .K1.'S9?- . 3- . _ V j not be .afra_id of-..that, Sh ;1~ep1iedV~i1uie4lb'~ r [ "1 knw `father is $31.5 ailiious 9'60 svett1e% ~you ?p1a_a.ntI`%i_n* ytiur 11ev(.;suvrounding~s. ` `I139. .W.'0\.ild1` b'eifnioe gas lived, in LawurA ` 1 i;;:?Wr?y:t}ta11;ms. 35.. uuuuuuv. ' " V ve ii little nod of (10111? a1" 1;..,.;.. 4!a +]-inn. .}mmn'n `I UIIC CU\kI'_L\.Jpz\_y;.. \,rg. :3t.,co1;1;d. `be _ 9. less-tlian v_- 3.173?` v-at _C_,:_V'\r-I rJ,~f`.?`?l?laank; you; '1: caxjra Essay, SW1 % have 6? I -`b`e_fbmer:m 1r fpartiy 9:1-rivss, he gxclaiin- . `as forwandffto shzike~hansds_- \y1t.h_j: lfaltion ` and` % `with? .Richimi, whom Arc'e__=r, witlmtut ooxnmrent, ;i'_n-_ him. V , `VI just looked in} `ht-aripg` that "My. _Oa!'dO11 stay-. ins: With` you. to say.tha.}'0f{cUm`e; Ll,_ . you "are dining withjs to-/night, We hopew .1.. iP1 9"- f. ,. - ' - | f;I,Cf|S1_lIlg}I, . (_ma.r nu-'. uuau.gyu_, _y6_ui~-j must' not refuse on that MyL:p_i:ty is not made up';1on\ the. V-tra1"yL,\`vue want anotbeftnan. -,I"have ~ he iiurmeid A_rclier, L f`A {friend of` F~l~`ordsonfs.wh:oni he di`s';oov-51 Iered staying at,$.1 `Drag`on"Sl To 'proyide\ himjviith ii P8-ft." i1er'I have to gtnne of"the_l_Be_ct.0ry`; girls, and .we wiould r'a'.t.11e1`{.not to be }_1vidi_osr,- (ask `sisters than ZY4`>_u' win come 1 ~_ _`vv -v ~-,-. ', 'V.D.i11 8'. '1 h0P. *'.:h;_,91i M_"ihh"*1F'1 iiigratiating smile; ""It. will give [us cgquaintaxioe wi't,h .y6tii~ house) thi] I "great: by you %at`tbe T.1 _'II -99 .I$ik!hard ..~h,esitat4'r1;__x .-You -_i1' rirry .ki:I"i&gi -Sit Pe;ncy, answwered; but gI"a,6.ot1?t_,th_i:11\li_<. I will!` `come this even- 1i_n_g;f *Y_ou1f is _no,dpubtH_1na.de'[ : '"jr1;er-np.1de;d, but his mmnei `did not sqaxgln res?1 2 ()nsiv.L `fY;ou mean Captain 'son__ ` ` `11" 1' '- 1,3"- OQTI 4xL\/V. II J .54 und__s. 3' ho Iv cw]: vial: . . .....----_._ , V I V` 1 . -``That s` the map. You kuow~h1m? . uMet.. hixh easmg1Iy.{Otx1t; " w_itl1: the. 1 1,99. E'v':-ail ` I Chl- A_n011uu;s."` . - I _\ 3 K j-_ `.You1 didn t `te1!' ine _.b._wir.a"sMat tlie` `D.ra:gon s- ._ - " v".n-.,o 1 `Q! ` -`'.-7',---`*'`-.'. V V . ~ 1 Quite so; b'ut-`avman of elass--we catzch [them in these. out-of-the-way "regions. .WelJ,- gbod-bye for the pres- ent. you _,W.ithout` fail to-nigjht, Mr. Cardor}.. . V Q ..... ..-L__._ a have to `make the -m5Lst- of it .when we gar. y--c,vv-. .. _... av.-._- I didn t know he was ab; f`rie1_1dI,of. _'.Maior F1omdon `-qr -an5rtih11g' else about ' him, - ~ :J\'vass} Ar;;he'r s rather . tVa'm?t mjoinderr, -' - ` . I ' -"3:--'9 ---- V----.--M" 7 . I And, with agsmiling, comprehen- l_sive nod, lie hurrxed out. - - Q m 1;: o man \J' --v --v ...__..- I 3. I hdpe yIc)_1.1-._ .4r1on f:' yourself in `any way yconstramed, Rich-aV1_'d5. ..Aroher said rather pointed-1y as_ they I down. `A {Yoi1. must do exactly as! you like in every way while you are ` .wit_.h_ "us. There is not` the slightest neoessi_ty'fo_r' you to go. this evening if you dn6n {: care hpt `u.-`c -u-`r 1 11- .' .1 ~ `I'l._ EL 7, I you umn. cum um I _ V , . Oh'I,_ Ir`-Ashouldi `rather like it, ARichaa;d `rep1?ied,"`s`o-V Ioiig -as sir' Plarcy` _doesn t feel Abound {Io ask me. He was very friendllty, :.am -I" don could well refuesef ` `It is ju.s mg you,_-1ivlf d'ed:x3 `boy,"" Arher ,sa,id, _ qnd subject I .1--_-;_; _ `nu IA. f;But -Ric,ha.rd.1n'%re tlnan 901103 foixx himself wlondaering. _why `his cousin, `had: so evidently been a.ga.inst__ his` dining at, Hall that. ev'_e>ning.-_ I "STRIKE. RECORD DURING. 1 ' - OCTOBER` ` According to the` Fstatistical ree- "1 ord; maintained _from -- month Vto 1 mont.h_by the Departmentof Labour,'i . and published in theL9.-bour; Gazette, 0' the nmrgber of` disputes. in existence `I t.h1-oughout` Ca.1iadga; ` 'during_ the` f month `of October" was `twentyone. ` This ecmpares with ten 'd:iaputIes- elm 1 ing October, 1911, '_ag1id"twenty4Qne_d.ur- " ing the -month of September. `From the 1 st-a-ndpoaint of the number of work-" ing days lost, Oc " `her oflathe ivreseut year shows a great improvement over t11ec0r17es.p011dsi11g' _,-period Of .~k191_1. _ This year the Jose in working days - was about 98,000 whereas a year ago ` - it was 191,200.. The great majority, of the disputes of the ?paSt. month in-- - volved only comparatively small -bodies of -workmen `at K scattered ,0 . points. The number oi dimrutes (hom- .ing/wigtliin the S:00De._.rof the Indus- . trignl Disputes Investigation "Act was - .. two, affecting ,i3,300- '_as- `_ compare? with disputes. aect-, _ ' ing 7,500e`empl:otyees`in;Oetob_er,- 1911. * :The most serioi1_s-" di`sjp 1tte was V. - invol-v_ing` ;00:i;1_u1i11_ers. 011`f_,VaIi_oO nvei'._` J Tslalldg virhich. 1 in ? '.On` the {W-hnol,e,5, in my of * the indusr-" _ .tria7.1- activity which `the TV summer ; `October ma,`y;}b~ regard- L ed, as .e]aosing- ~;un(ter, e2eeptim1a1ily_ ~'fa:vo.ra:be ?'oo1 id:itions?Vas ,_,d:isputes'. V _ }. `L 0 V 0 I 11) his Aprbi-I __..:.._.1_.-' 4:11.. .1--- 1n. l'V~...`L-Inn` .9 .-u SW5; Pl` III